From [email protected] Mon Sep 14 17:03:29 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2716 news.groups:56498 sci.chem:8290 sci.engr.chem:763 sci.misc:7290
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.engr.chem,sci.misc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
Subject: RFD: sci.chem.organomet
Followup-To: news.groups
Keywords: chemistry,organic,inorganic,organometallic,science
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Comp. Center (ZDV) U of Tuebingen, FRG
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1992 20:22:56 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 40

Dear netters!

As most of you'll know there is a substantial lack of science newsgroups,
especially related to chemistry. To my knowledge there are only the

Also there are some mailing-lists related to chemistry as, for example

         orgche    (seems to be NOT active)

It's a pity that normally these lists and groups didn't support special
parts of chemistry, such as organic-, inorganic- or physical-chemistry.

Another major part of todays chemistry is held by organometallic chemistry.
A subject which seems to be totally unknown to the net. Therefore I want
to initiate the discussion about a new newsgroup called


This newsgroup could be a home for all chemists who work on organometallic
chemistry, but also for all people who work on organic chemistry, because
an organometallic chemist is always an organic chemist too!

This newsgroup should be unmoderated. That's my opinion, but surely that's
something to clear in this discussion.

So please, all you chemists out there, help me in getting this newsgroup

           Hartwig Kuehbauch
= Hartwig Kuehbauch - University of Tuebingen - Dep. of Inorg. Chemistry II =
= ([email protected])     - Germany -                   =

From [email protected] Mon Sep 21 10:53:02 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2750 news.groups:56825 sci.chem:8391 sci.engr.chem:785 sci.misc:7300
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.engr.chem,sci.misc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
Subject: 2nd RFD: sci.chem.organomet
Followup-To: news.groups
Keywords: organometallic, chemistry, organic
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Comp. Center (ZDV) U of Tuebingen, FRG
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 14:29:20 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 55

Dear netters!

This is the second request for discussion regarding creation of the newsgroup


A summary of arguments after the first RFD:

Most people who e-mailed me appreciated the idea of creating a new newsgroup
for organometallic chemistry very much!

Those who did not, normally didn't have objections on the newsgroup itself,
but they said, that it would be better, if there was a newsgroup called with a subsection for organometallic chemistry, and that,
if I raise up a sci.chem.organomet newsgroup I also have to raise up other
newsgroups like, sci.chem.inorganic, and so on...

Well that's easy to answer.

Organometallic chemistry uses some tools of the organic chemists, but it is
something completely different. Chemistry is such a widespread area, that
nobody can really feel comfortable in only one newsgroup.
It's true, there should be newsgroups like, and I know a
lot of people who would appreciate the creation of such newsgroups very much
(me too !!!), but I'm a little bit oldfashioned. One after the other! I am 
working on organometallics, not on organic chemistry. :-)

There also was the objection, that normally a new newsgroup only makes sense,
if the "mother-newsgroup" (here sci.chem) is inundated with articles (which
sci.chem is not!).

Well, to say it in economic terms: if there is a demand, there will be a 
supply for that demand --- and vice versa!
Most of the chemists, that e-mailed me after the first RFD, told me, that
they rarely read sci.chem, because they don't want to waste too much time
browsing through articles which are of no interest for them. But they would
read regularly a newsgroup called sci.chem.organomet!!! It's true diversifica-
tion doesn't always make sense, but sometimes it's unavoidable!
And I'm sure here it is necessary! Sci.chem is too common and unattractive
for most people.

After all, creating a new newsgroup sci.chem.organomet wouldn't bring up a
single disadvantage --- so why shouldn't we try it?

Ok, that's all for today. 

Greetings from Germany.

Hartwig Kuehbauch
= Hartwig Kuehbauch - University of Tuebingen - Dep. of Inorg. Chemistry II =
= ([email protected])     - Germany -                   =

From [email protected] Mon Nov  2 15:41:32 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2881 news.groups:58612 sci.chem:9109 sci.engr.chem:831 sci.misc:7409
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.engr.chem,sci.misc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
Subject: CFV: sci.chem.organomet
Followup-To: poster
Approved: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1992 23:53:54 GMT
Lines: 61

Dear netters!

This is a Call For Votes for : "sci.chem.organomet"

The proposed newsgroup would support all kind of discussion related to
organometallic chemistry.

The voting period will be from the 11/02/1992 to 12/02/1992.

Only votes received during this period will be counted.


To vote for or against this newsgroup, you must send an e-mail-message to

         [email protected]

Posted votes will not be counted.

Your vote has to be clear. Something like:

         I vote for sci.chem.organomet
         I vote against sci.chem.organomet
         sci.chem.organomet yes
         sci.chem.organomet no

will do it. 


The newsgroup sci.chem.organomet would be unmoderated.

The main purpose of this newsgroup would be to give organometallic chemists
all over the world the chance to communicate with each other about everything
related to organometallic chemistry.

That means  no chatter about irrelevant (to a scientist doing research in
organometallic chemistry) things i.e. "smoke-bombs", or questions like "what
happens if I mix Domestos with HCl", but serious discussion with people of the
same interest. 

Everything that has to do with organometallic chemistry in a wide range
would be welcome. That would also include analytical methods like NMR, IR and
so on, computational problems, or things like postdoc positions.

This newsgroup would be one more source of information for the researcher
--- and possibly one of the best.

Thank you for reading.

Hartwig Kuehbauch
= Hartwig Kuehbauch - University of Tuebingen - Dep. of Inorg. Chemistry II =
= ([email protected])     - Germany -                   =

From [email protected] Sun Nov 15 15:56:08 1992
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.engr.chem,sci.misc
Path: uunet!uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: sci.chem.organomet
Followup-To: poster
Approved: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1992 12:59:40 GMT
Lines: 166
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2954 news.groups:60370 sci.chem:9406 sci.engr.chem:869 sci.misc:7511

Dear netters!

This is the SECOND CALL FOR VOTES for : "sci.chem.organomet"

The proposed newsgroup would support all kind of discussion related to
organometallic chemistry.

The voting period will be from 2-NOV-1992 to 2-DEC-1992.

Only votes received during this period will be counted.


To vote for or against this newsgroup, you must send an e-mail-message to

         [email protected]

Posted votes will not be counted.

Your vote has to be clear. Something like:

         I vote for sci.chem.organomet
         I vote against sci.chem.organomet
         sci.chem.organomet yes
         sci.chem.organomet no

will do it. 


The newsgroup sci.chem.organomet would be unmoderated.

The main purpose of this newsgroup would be to give organometallic chemists
all over the world the chance to communicate with each other about everything
related to organometallic chemistry.

That means  no chatter about irrelevant (to a scientist doing research in
organometallic chemistry) things i.e. "smoke-bombs", or questions like "what
happens if I mix Domestos with HCl", but serious discussion with people of the
same interest. 

Everything that has to do with organometallic chemistry in a wide range
would be welcome. That would also include analytical methods like NMR, IR and
so on, computational problems, or things like postdoc positions.

This newsgroup would be one more source of information for the researcher
--- and possibly one of the best.

Thank you for reading.

Hartwig Kuehbauch

Votes received so far:

 Toshi Takeuchi 
 [email protected] (Donald R. Newcomb)
 David Knapp 
 [email protected] (Kimo B. Yap)
 [email protected] (Mark Atwood)
 A. Bailey 
 Brian Connell 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Pat McManus)
 [email protected]
 jqdoumen%[email protected] (Doumen Jan)
 Galen Gawboy 
 Moris Eisen 
 Olivier PLAUT 
 heniff michael j jr 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Paul Fisahn)
 [email protected] (Masahiko Tachibana)
 KP Sudlow 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Tilman Schlenker)
 Frits Daalmans 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (David Stewart)
 [email protected]
 "P.C. Yates" 
 [email protected] (Michael Wrinn)
 [email protected] (Cornelius Haase)
 Thompson Doman 
 Michael Knee 
 [email protected] (Jan W. Andzelm )
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Pat Hogue 1-2183)
 [email protected] (Milan Hodoscek)
 Erik P. Lessmann 
 Kimberly S. Bradley 
 [email protected] (Jim Briggs, Ph.D., U of Houston, Chem. (713)743-3315)
 Detlef Stoeckigt 
 Waldi Power 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (curtis wahlgren)
  (Tim Burrow)
 David Maxwell 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mark C Favas)
 [email protected] (Penny O'Connor)
 Henryette Roth 
 Martin Braendle 
 [email protected] (Qinyan Wang)
 Bruce Bursten 
 Javier Modrego 
 Harald Lanig 
 Rainer Fuhler 
 41SEG%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 Steven G. Smith 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ilmari Krebs)
 [email protected] (Oliver Seeger)
 [email protected]
 Brian Teppen 
 6500keil%[email protected] (Robert N Keil)
 [email protected]
 Bernadette Donovan 
 [email protected] (Rock-et Scientist)
 "[email protected] (Rainer Stumpe)" <[email protected]>
 Nigel Allen 
 STCH8002%[email protected]
 Michael Quinn 
 [email protected] (H. Schenk)
 [email protected] (Martin Jaeger)
 [email protected] (M. Hofmann)
 [email protected] (Alexander Schmidt)
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 Tim Pierce 
 [email protected] (Brian Duke)
 [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)
 [email protected] (Barry Ornitz)
 Eric Edward Moore 
 [email protected]
 ryan%[email protected] (Dominic Ryan)
 Kenneth Seddon 
 " (Konrad Haedener)" 
 [email protected] (Chinhui Yu ext 3411)
 [email protected]
 "Dr Jeff Hoyle" 
 [email protected]
 Tom Fitzgerald	
 [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
 [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
 [email protected]
= Hartwig Kuehbauch - University of Tuebingen - Dep. of Inorg. Chemistry II =
= ([email protected])     - Germany -                   =

From [email protected] Mon Nov 23 18:28:13 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.engr.chem,sci.misc
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: sci.chem.organomet
Followup-To: poster
Date: 23 Nov 1992 18:04:18 -0500
Lines: 224
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2986 news.groups:61633 sci.chem:9643 sci.engr.chem:882 sci.misc:7540

Dear netters!

This is the THIRD CALL FOR VOTES for : "sci.chem.organomet"

The proposed newsgroup would support all kind of discussion related to
organometallic chemistry.

The voting period will be from 2-NOV-1992 to 2-DEC-1992.

Only votes received during this period will be counted.


To vote for or against this newsgroup, you must send an e-mail-message to

         [email protected]

Posted votes will not be counted.

Your vote has to be clear. Something like:

         I vote for sci.chem.organomet
         I vote against sci.chem.organomet
         sci.chem.organomet yes
         sci.chem.organomet no

will do it. 


The newsgroup sci.chem.organomet would be unmoderated.

The main purpose of this newsgroup would be to give organometallic chemists
all over the world the chance to communicate with each other about everything
related to organometallic chemistry.

That means  no chatter about irrelevant (to a scientist doing research in
organometallic chemistry) things i.e. "smoke-bombs", or questions like "what
happens if I mix Domestos with HCl", but serious discussion with people of the
same interest. 

Everything that has to do with organometallic chemistry in a wide range
would be welcome. That would also include analytical methods like NMR, IR and
so on, computational problems, or things like postdoc positions.

This newsgroup would be one more source of information for the researcher
--- and possibly one of the best.

Thank you for reading.

Hartwig Kuehbauch

Votes received so far (Mo 23-11-1992):
 [email protected] (Hartmut Stahl)
 Robson M Matos 
 [email protected] (Robert Toreki)
 Dongchul Lim 
 [email protected]
 Damir Kovacek 
 [email protected] (Dominic McGrath)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Seth L. Blumberg 
 [email protected] (Lothar of the Hill People)
 [email protected] (N. van Eikema Hommes)
 [email protected] (Steve W Chappelow)
 [email protected] (Michel Aubin)
 [email protected] (Matthew Rose)
 Mike Sewchok 
 CUNDARIT%[email protected]
 Moris Eisen 
 Frits Daalmans 
 Jan Lundell 
 [email protected] (Hanno Klomp)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Hermann A. Mayer)
 "Oliver Hill"  
 [email protected] (Milan Hodoscek)
 [email protected] (dariusz bogdal)
 [email protected] (Nick Gonzales)
 [email protected] (Wendy)
 [email protected]
 Cindy Jolly 
 PA13808%[email protected]
 "Anthony H. McDaniel" 
 Toomas Tamm 
 Alberto Gobbi 
 Bidard de la Noe Arnaud 
 41SEG%[email protected]
 [email protected] (Douglas Williams)
 BAYARD Francois URA805 LYON 72 44 82 79 
 Sarina Satya 
 Bob Morris 
 "W. Bruce Kover" 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Patrick Judeinstein)
 [email protected] (Susan Stoen)
 [email protected] (Antonio Zapata (USB))
 [email protected] (varveri effie)
 Shelly Sugimori 
 [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
 [email protected] (Paulo Correa de Mello)
 [email protected] (Rafael Garcia-Ramirez)
 David M Schut 
 Harald Lanig 
 [email protected]
 Toshi Takeuchi 
 [email protected] (Donald R. Newcomb)
 David Knapp 
 [email protected] (Kimo B. Yap)
 [email protected] (Mark Atwood)
 A. Bailey 
 Brian Connell 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Pat McManus)
 [email protected]
 jqdoumen%[email protected] (Doumen Jan)
 Galen Gawboy 
 Olivier PLAUT 
 heniff michael j jr 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Paul Fisahn)
 [email protected] (Masahiko Tachibana)
 KP Sudlow 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Tilman Schlenker)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (David Stewart)
 [email protected]
 "P.C. Yates" 
 [email protected] (Michael Wrinn)
 [email protected] (Cornelius Haase)
 Thompson Doman 
 Michael Knee 
 [email protected] (Jan W. Andzelm )
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Pat Hogue 1-2183)
 Erik P. Lessmann 
 Kimberly S. Bradley 
 [email protected] (Jim Briggs, Ph.D., U of Houston, Chem. (713)743-3315)
 Detlef Stoeckigt 
 Waldi Power 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (curtis wahlgren)
  (Tim Burrow)
 David Maxwell 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mark C Favas)
 [email protected] (Penny O'Connor)
 Henryette Roth 
 Martin Braendle 
 [email protected] (Qinyan Wang)
 Bruce Bursten 
 Javier Modrego 
 Rainer Fuhler 
 [email protected]
 Steven G. Smith 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ilmari Krebs)
 [email protected] (Oliver Seeger)
 [email protected]
 Brian Teppen 
 6500keil%[email protected] (Robert N Keil)
 [email protected]
 Bernadette Donovan 
 [email protected] (Rock-et Scientist)
 "[email protected] (Rainer Stumpe)" <[email protected]>
 Nigel Allen 
 STCH8002%[email protected]
 Michael Quinn 
 [email protected] (H. Schenk)
 [email protected] (Martin Jaeger)
 [email protected] (M. Hofmann)
 [email protected] (Alexander Schmidt)
 Charles Shub 
 "Eric J. Olson" 
 [email protected] ( Karl James Jalkanen)
 Greg Franklin 
 V. Nagarajan 
 "Matt T. Senft" 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 Tim Pierce 
 [email protected] (Brian Duke)
 [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)
 [email protected] (Barry Ornitz)
 Eric Edward Moore 
 [email protected]
 ryan%[email protected] (Dominic Ryan)
 Kenneth Seddon 
 " (Konrad Haedener)" 
 [email protected] (Chinhui Yu ext 3411)
 [email protected]
 "Dr Jeff Hoyle" 
 [email protected]
 Tom Fitzgerald	
 [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
 [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
 [email protected]
= Hartwig Kuehbauch - University of Tuebingen - Dep. of Inorg. Chemistry II =
= ([email protected])     - Germany -                   =

From [email protected] Fri Dec  4 16:16:12 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.engr.chem,sci.misc
Subject: RESULT: sci.chem.organomet passes 182:29
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 4 Dec 1992 15:52:53 -0500
Lines: 246
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3025 news.groups:62434 sci.chem:9882 sci.engr.chem:900 sci.misc:7563

Dear netters!

The voting period for SCI.CHEM.ORGANOMET is over now -- and we made it!

Here's the result of the vote:


YES - VOTES : 182  --- 86.3 %  (required are 66.7 %)

NO  - VOTES :  29  --- 13.7 %

The YES-VOTES exceed the NO-VOTES by 153 (required are 100).

That means, that regarding the laws of USENET, and if there won't be serious
objections in the next five days, this newsgroup will be created.

Thank you for reading.



 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Genta Sakane)
 [email protected] (Homer Simpson)
 Arbeitsgruppe Prof.em. Bestmann 
 "Cory C. Pye" 
 Tom Limoncelli 
 [email protected] (Carl Pregozen 525/3670 3-7907)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] ([email protected] (Jim Corning))
 [email protected] (Stu Labovitz)
 Andreas Ehlers 
 [email protected] (Salahub Dennis)
 Pedro A.M. Vazquez 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Stephen Urquhart 
 "Nathan Otto Siemers" 
 [email protected] (Dilip Paithankar)
 [email protected] (Carol Botteron)
 Pravin K Muniyappa 
 [email protected] (Pat Hogue 1-2183)
 [email protected] (Nikita Matsunaga)
 [email protected]
 Warner Bruce Kover 
 41SEG%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Melinda Gugelchuk)
 [email protected] (Brian J Walter (Brewing Chemist))
 KONRATH%[email protected]
 Phil Shead 
 "Tom Hendrickson" 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Harry Forker)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Marie-Madeleine Rohmer 88-41-61-42 
 Mario Cesar Guerreiro 
 [email protected]
 TONEGUTI%[email protected]
 JRJSORENSON%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 SEFERIN%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 Ken Doxsee 
 ROLIM%[email protected]
 OLYR%[email protected]
 Toshi Takeuchi 
 [email protected] (Donald R. Newcomb)
 David Knapp 
 [email protected] (Kimo B. Yap)
 [email protected] (Mark Atwood)
 A. Bailey 
 Brian Connell 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Pat McManus)
 [email protected]
 jqdoumen%[email protected] (Doumen Jan)
 Galen Gawboy 
 Moris Eisen 
 Olivier PLAUT 
 heniff michael j jr 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Paul Fisahn)
 [email protected] (Masahiko Tachibana)
 KP Sudlow 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Tilman Schlenker)
 Frits Daalmans 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (David Stewart)
 [email protected]
 "P.C. Yates" 
 [email protected] (Michael Wrinn)
 [email protected] (Cornelius Haase)
 Thompson Doman 
 Michael Knee 
 [email protected] (Jan W. Andzelm )
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Milan Hodoscek)
 Erik P. Lessmann 
 Kimberly S. Bradley 
 [email protected] (Jim Briggs, Ph.D., U of Houston, Chem. (713)743-3315)
 Detlef Stoeckigt 
 Waldi Power 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (curtis wahlgren)
  (Tim Burrow)
 David Maxwell 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mark C Favas)
 [email protected] (Penny O'Connor)
 Henryette Roth 
 Martin Braendle 
 [email protected] (Qinyan Wang)
 Bruce Bursten 
 Javier Modrego 
 Harald Lanig 
 Rainer Fuhler 
 [email protected]
 Steven G. Smith 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ilmari Krebs)
 [email protected] (Oliver Seeger)
 [email protected]
 Brian Teppen 
 6500keil%[email protected] (Robert N Keil)
 [email protected]
 Bernadette Donovan 
 [email protected] (Rock-et Scientist)
 "[email protected] (Rainer Stumpe)" <[email protected]>
 Nigel Allen 
 STCH8002%[email protected]
 Michael Quinn 
 [email protected] (H. Schenk)
 [email protected] (Martin Jaeger)
 [email protected] (M. Hofmann)
 [email protected] (Alexander Schmidt)
 [email protected] (Hartmut Stahl)
 Robson M Matos 
 [email protected] (Robert Toreki)
 Dongchul Lim 
 [email protected]
 Damir Kovacek 
 [email protected] (Dominic McGrath)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Seth L. Blumberg 
 [email protected] (Lothar of the Hill People)
 [email protected] (N. van Eikema Hommes)
 [email protected] (Steve W Chappelow)
 [email protected] (Michel Aubin)
 [email protected] (Matthew Rose)
 Mike Sewchok 
 CUNDARIT%[email protected]
 Jan Lundell 
 [email protected] (Hanno Klomp)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Hermann A. Mayer)
 "Oliver Hill"  
 [email protected] (dariusz bogdal)
 [email protected] (Nick Gonzales)
 [email protected] (Wendy)
 [email protected]
 Cindy Jolly 
 PA13808%[email protected]
 "Anthony H. McDaniel" 
 Toomas Tamm 
 Alberto Gobbi 
 Bidard de la Noe Arnaud 
 [email protected] (Douglas Williams)
 BAYARD Francois URA805 LYON 72 44 82 79 
 Sarina Satya 
 Bob Morris 
 "W. Bruce Kover" 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Patrick Judeinstein)
 [email protected] (Susan Stoen)
 [email protected] (Antonio Zapata (USB))
 [email protected] (varveri effie)
 Shelly Sugimori 
 [email protected] (Hartwig Kuehbauch)
 [email protected] (Paulo Correa de Mello)
 [email protected] (Rafael Garcia-Ramirez)
 David M Schut 
 [email protected]


 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 Tim Pierce 
 [email protected] (Brian Duke)
 [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)
 [email protected] (Barry Ornitz)
 Eric Edward Moore 
 [email protected]
 ryan%[email protected] (Dominic Ryan)
 Kenneth Seddon 
 " (Konrad Haedener)" 
 [email protected] (Chinhui Yu ext 3411)
 [email protected]
 "Dr Jeff Hoyle" 
 [email protected]
 Tom Fitzgerald	
 [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
 [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
 [email protected]
 Charles Shub 
 "Eric J. Olson" 
 [email protected] ( Karl James Jalkanen)
 Greg Franklin 
 V. Nagarajan 
 "Matt T. Senft" 
 [email protected]
= Hartwig Kuehbauch - University of Tuebingen - Dep. of Inorg. Chemistry II =
= ([email protected])     - Germany -                   =

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