From [email protected] Fri Feb 4 16:09:07 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mike Levis)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.announce,
Subject: RFD: comp.os.os2.* new groups
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 1 Feb 1994 15:36:36 -0500
Organization: University of Texas at San Antonio
Lines: 134
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4535 news.groups:93781 comp.os.os2.announce:396
Request For Discussion
This is the formal Request For Discussion for the creation of four
newsgroups, the renaming of one newsgroup, and the removal of one
newsgroup. Please do not vote now. As soon at this RFD is posted,
I will post an RFD pointer to:
Summary of proposals (all unmoderated):
a) Create
b) Create
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
The popularity of 32-bit OS/2 2.1 is growing, thanks to a combination
of lower hardware prices, low-cost availability of OS/2 2.1, and an
attractive feature set of OS/2 2.1. One of the great strengths of OS/2
2.1 is to run DOS and Windows programs, such as games.
Games are among the most picky programs to configure, many requiring
DOS users to have different CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to play.
OS/2 2.1 makes it easier because it allows many DOS games to run without
having to reboot the computer. Under OS/2 2.1, each DOS or Windows game
(or non- game program, for that matter) can have its very own environment,
such as its own AUTOEXEC.BAT file, its own CONFIG.SYS lines, memory setup,
and so forth. OS/2 2.1 also makes an excellent platform for its own games
as well. With features such as multi- threading and multi-media, there
are freeware, shareware, and commercial OS/2 games that are already here
or are being developed. But OS/2 is not just for playing around.
There is a slew of OS/2 2.1 programming tools -- each having advantages
and disadvantages over another. Since OS/2 2.1 can be likened to a bridge
between UNIX, OS/2 1.3, DOS, and Windows, there have been many OS/2 2.1
compilers and assemblers ported or derived from these platforms (e.g.
emx/gcc, gcc/2, Borland C++/2, There are also visual programming
tools such as VisPro/Rexx and VX-Rexx that offer the programmer more
choice in development environments.
Programmers can write programs that interface with OS/2 2.1's object-
oriented subsystem called System Object Model (SOM). SOM is a language-
independent specification for object-oriented programming. Programmers
can enhance system-provided objects by overriding the desired methods, for
instance, or change the behaviour of the Workplace Shell (WPS) -- OS/2
2.1's object- oriented shell based on SOM -- such as changing the
behaviour of a "folder" (an object) by modifying a method or two without
having to rewrite a "folder" from scratch. IBM is working on enhancing
SOM's object-oriented specification by means of Distributed SOM (DSOM)
to allow such actions across a network, OpenDoc, and Taligent Frameworks
as part of IBM's cross-platform strategy with its future Workplace OS and
Pink operating systems.
OS/2 can be connected to other platforms, or to other OS/2 machines,
through networking. TCP/IP is a popular networking package for OS/2
machines. This will be more so since a free TCP/IP package is being
worked on right now.
OS/2 1.3 has long been popular in networking environments, although there
is less need for regular people to run OS/2 1.3 due to the popularity of
OS/2 2.1 (lower hardware prices, low-cost availability, and attractive
feature set).
Proposed charters or reasons:
a) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of OS/2-specific games (e.g.
pricing, availability, features, reviews, previews, surveys,
etc.), and discussion of running DOS and Windows games under
OS/2 (e.g. compatibility, settings, etc.).
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows games not related
to OS/2 belongs in the proper games newsgroup.
b) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming tools (compilers,
interpreters, assemblers) that generates or executes OS/2
code, and discussion of running DOS and Windows programming
tools under OS/2.
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows programming tools
not related to OS/2 (e.g. how much does ` for DOS'
cost) belongs in the proper programming newsgroup.
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming for OS/2's object-
oriented subsystem, including SOM, DSOM, OpenDoc, and
Taligent Frameworks.
Note that discussion of object-oriented languages (e.g.
C++, Smalltalk) belongs in the proper language newsgroup.
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of TCP/IP (e.g. hardware, drivers,
setup, problems, bugs, etc.) under all versions of OS/2.
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
Reason: The standard practice of Usenet is usually to rename a
split newsgroup as .misc.
Charter: comp.os.os2.networking.misc will continue to be the
newsgroup to discuss miscellaneous OS/2-related networking
issues in an unmoderated setting.
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
Reason: OS/2 1.3 is now used mostly by companies (such as in
networking environments or ATMs) managed by long-time
experts rather than by regular people (i.e. Usenet
These proposals have been informally discussed in several comp.os.os2.*
newsgroups throughout January. Some other proposals that were discussed
informally did not make it in this RFD, but may be included in a future
RFD. Minor changes were made to the names of some of these proposals
to match existing newsgroup names (i.e. comp.os.os2.programmer.oop rather
than *.oo -- cf. comp.sys.mac.oop; comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip rather
than *.tcpip -- cf. comp.protocols.tcp-ip).
The posting of this RFD begins the formal discussion period, and will
last for 21 days. Discussion is to take place in news.groups. Please
do not vote now.
If there are no unresolvable objections, a formal Call For Votes (CFV)
will be posted when the formal discussion period is over.
Mike Levis
[email protected]
From [email protected] Thu Feb 24 17:55:07 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jay Maynard)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.announce,
Subject: CFV: comp.os.os2 reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 24 Feb 1994 16:00:50 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers...the knights who say ACK!
Lines: 190
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 18 Mar 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4679 news.groups:96500 comp.os.os2.announce:430
Reorganization of comp.os.os2
Summary of proposals (all unmoderated):
a) Create
b) Create
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
Newsgroups lines: Running games under OS/2 Compilers, assemblers, interpreters under OS/2
comp.os.os2.programmer.oop Programming system objects (SOM, WPS, etc)
comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip TCP/IP under OS/2
comp.os.os2.networking.misc Miscellaneous networking issues of OS/2
Votes must be recieved by 23:59:59 GMT, 17 March 1994.
This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions
only, contact Jay Maynard ([email protected]). For questions about
the proposed groups, contact the proposer, Mike Levis, at
[email protected].
A pointer to this Call for Votes is being posted to the following groups:
comp.os.os2.apps, comp.os.os2.programmer.misc, comp.os.os2.networking, and
a) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of OS/2-specific games (e.g.
pricing, availability, features, reviews, previews, surveys,
etc.), and discussion of running DOS and Windows games under
OS/2 (e.g. compatibility, settings, etc.).
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows games not related
to OS/2 belongs in the proper games newsgroup.
b) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming tools (compilers,
interpreters, assemblers) that generates or executes OS/2
code, and discussion of running DOS and Windows programming
tools under OS/2.
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows programming tools
not related to OS/2 (e.g. how much does ` for DOS'
cost) belongs in the proper programming newsgroup.
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming for OS/2's object-
oriented subsystem, including SOM, DSOM, OpenDoc, and
Taligent Frameworks.
Note that discussion of object-oriented languages (e.g.
C++, Smalltalk) belongs in the proper language newsgroup.
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of TCP/IP (e.g. hardware, drivers,
setup, problems, bugs, etc.) under all versions of OS/2.
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
Reason: The standard practice of Usenet is usually to rename a
split newsgroup as .misc.
Charter: comp.os.os2.networking.misc will continue to be the
newsgroup to discuss miscellaneous OS/2-related networking
issues in an unmoderated setting.
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
Reason: OS/2 1.3 is now used mostly by companies (such as in
networking environments or ATMs) managed by long-time
experts rather than by regular people (i.e. Usenet
The popularity of 32-bit OS/2 2.1 is growing, thanks to a combination
of lower hardware prices, low-cost availability of OS/2 2.1, and an
attractive feature set of OS/2 2.1. One of the great strengths of OS/2
2.1 is to run DOS and Windows programs, such as games.
Games are among the most picky programs to configure, many requiring
DOS users to have different CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to play.
OS/2 2.1 makes it easier because it allows many DOS games to run without
having to reboot the computer. Under OS/2 2.1, each DOS or Windows game
(or non- game program, for that matter) can have its very own environment,
such as its own AUTOEXEC.BAT file, its own CONFIG.SYS lines, memory setup,
and so forth. OS/2 2.1 also makes an excellent platform for its own games
as well. With features such as multi- threading and multi-media, there
are freeware, shareware, and commercial OS/2 games that are already here
or are being developed. But OS/2 is not just for playing around.
There is a slew of OS/2 2.1 programming tools -- each having advantages
and disadvantages over another. Since OS/2 2.1 can be likened to a bridge
between UNIX, OS/2 1.3, DOS, and Windows, there have been many OS/2 2.1
compilers and assemblers ported or derived from these platforms (e.g.
emx/gcc, gcc/2, Borland C++/2, There are also visual programming
tools such as VisPro/Rexx and VX-Rexx that offer the programmer more
choice in development environments.
Programmers can write programs that interface with OS/2 2.1's object-
oriented subsystem called System Object Model (SOM). SOM is a language-
independent specification for object-oriented programming. Programmers
can enhance system-provided objects by overriding the desired methods, for
instance, or change the behaviour of the Workplace Shell (WPS) -- OS/2
2.1's object-oriented shell based on SOM -- such as changing the
behaviour of a "folder" (an object) by modifying a method or two without
having to rewrite a "folder" from scratch. IBM is working on enhancing
SOM's object-oriented specification by means of Distributed SOM (DSOM)
to allow such actions across a network, OpenDoc, and Taligent Frameworks
as part of IBM's cross-platform strategy with its future Workplace OS and
Pink operating systems.
OS/2 can be connected to other platforms, or to other OS/2 machines,
through networking. TCP/IP is a popular networking package for OS/2
machines. This will be more so since a free TCP/IP package is being
worked on right now.
OS/2 1.3 has long been popular in networking environments, although there
is less need for regular people to run OS/2 1.3 due to the popularity of
OS/2 2.1 (lower hardware prices, low-cost availability, and attractive
feature set).
You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to
[email protected]
(just replying by MAIL to this message should work, if you're not reading this
as part of a mailing list). I will send mail acknowledgements for votes that
I receive. If you receive a correct ack, your vote has been received. If you
do not receive an ack after several days, you need to vote again. It is your
responsibility to see that your vote is recorded correctly.
USE THE FORM AS IT IS. Otherwise your vote may be rejected. Do not delete
anything between the "-=-=-=-=-" lines - and most certainly do not monkey with
the group names. Please delete everything but the ballot itself, though; I
don't need another copy of the full CFV. You may _NOT_ do a combined vote -
i.e., "I vote for all of them" or "I vote against all of them."
For each group, simply add your vote between the brackets on the same line.
Recognized votes are Yes and No. Capitalization is not important. If you
don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank. Don't
worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters ">" that your reply
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. ABSTAINs
do not affect the vote outcome. You may change your vote later by voting
again. The votetaker will respond to received ballots with mail acks.
Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the vote results. If
you wish to remove your vote and all indication that you have voted from the
final list, send a vote with CANCEL in each voting position.
Standard Guidelines for voting apply. Only one vote per person, and only one
vote per account, will be counted. For each proposal to pass, 100 more YES
votes than NO votes and twice as many YES votes as NO votes must be received.
Simple instructions: Delete everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line, delete
everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line. Give your real name on the line
that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to
it to vote for or against it.
[[ news.announce.newgroups moderator's note: IMPORTANT! A vote of "YES" for
comp.os.os2.ver1x means you agree it should be deleted; one of "NO" means it
should be retained. This is exactly opposite the meanings of YES/NO votes
for the other groups in the proposal. -- tale ]]
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
comp.os.os2 reorganization Ballot (Don't remove this marker)
Give your real name here:
[Your Vote] Group
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
[ ] comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
[ ] comp.os.os2.networking.misc
[ ] comp.os.os2.ver1x
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
[email protected] | adequately be explained by stupidity.
"The difference between baseball and politics is that, in baseball, if you
get caught stealing, you're out!" -- Ed Shanks
From [email protected] Thu Mar 10 15:13:20 1994
Sender: [email protected]
Date: 9 Mar 1994 18:06:30 -0500
Lines: 222
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jay Maynard)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Followup-To: poster
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.announce,
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.os.os2 reorganization
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers...the knights who say ACK!
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 18 Mar 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4755 news.groups:97755 comp.os.os2.announce:464
Reorganization of comp.os.os2
Summary of proposals (all unmoderated):
a) Create
b) Create
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
Newsgroups lines: Running games under OS/2 Compilers, assemblers, interpreters under OS/2
comp.os.os2.programmer.oop Programming system objects (SOM, WPS, etc)
comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip TCP/IP under OS/2
comp.os.os2.networking.misc Miscellaneous networking issues of OS/2
Votes must be recieved by 23:59:59 GMT, 17 March 1994.
This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions
only, contact Jay Maynard ([email protected]). For questions about
the proposed groups, contact the proposer, Mike Levis, at
[email protected].
A pointer to this Call for Votes is being posted to the following groups:
comp.os.os2.apps, comp.os.os2.programmer.misc, comp.os.os2.networking, and
a) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of OS/2-specific games (e.g.
pricing, availability, features, reviews, previews, surveys,
etc.), and discussion of running DOS and Windows games under
OS/2 (e.g. compatibility, settings, etc.).
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows games not related
to OS/2 belongs in the proper games newsgroup.
b) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming tools (compilers,
interpreters, assemblers) that generates or executes OS/2
code, and discussion of running DOS and Windows programming
tools under OS/2.
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows programming tools
not related to OS/2 (e.g. how much does ` for DOS'
cost) belongs in the proper programming newsgroup.
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming for OS/2's object-
oriented subsystem, including SOM, DSOM, OpenDoc, and
Taligent Frameworks.
Note that discussion of object-oriented languages (e.g.
C++, Smalltalk) belongs in the proper language newsgroup.
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of TCP/IP (e.g. hardware, drivers,
setup, problems, bugs, etc.) under all versions of OS/2.
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
Reason: The standard practice of Usenet is usually to rename a
split newsgroup as .misc.
Charter: comp.os.os2.networking.misc will continue to be the
newsgroup to discuss miscellaneous OS/2-related networking
issues in an unmoderated setting.
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
Reason: OS/2 1.3 is now used mostly by companies (such as in
networking environments or ATMs) managed by long-time
experts rather than by regular people (i.e. Usenet
The popularity of 32-bit OS/2 2.1 is growing, thanks to a combination
of lower hardware prices, low-cost availability of OS/2 2.1, and an
attractive feature set of OS/2 2.1. One of the great strengths of OS/2
2.1 is to run DOS and Windows programs, such as games.
Games are among the most picky programs to configure, many requiring
DOS users to have different CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to play.
OS/2 2.1 makes it easier because it allows many DOS games to run without
having to reboot the computer. Under OS/2 2.1, each DOS or Windows game
(or non- game program, for that matter) can have its very own environment,
such as its own AUTOEXEC.BAT file, its own CONFIG.SYS lines, memory setup,
and so forth. OS/2 2.1 also makes an excellent platform for its own games
as well. With features such as multi- threading and multi-media, there
are freeware, shareware, and commercial OS/2 games that are already here
or are being developed. But OS/2 is not just for playing around.
There is a slew of OS/2 2.1 programming tools -- each having advantages
and disadvantages over another. Since OS/2 2.1 can be likened to a bridge
between UNIX, OS/2 1.3, DOS, and Windows, there have been many OS/2 2.1
compilers and assemblers ported or derived from these platforms (e.g.
emx/gcc, gcc/2, Borland C++/2, There are also visual programming
tools such as VisPro/Rexx and VX-Rexx that offer the programmer more
choice in development environments.
Programmers can write programs that interface with OS/2 2.1's object-
oriented subsystem called System Object Model (SOM). SOM is a language-
independent specification for object-oriented programming. Programmers
can enhance system-provided objects by overriding the desired methods, for
instance, or change the behaviour of the Workplace Shell (WPS) -- OS/2
2.1's object-oriented shell based on SOM -- such as changing the
behaviour of a "folder" (an object) by modifying a method or two without
having to rewrite a "folder" from scratch. IBM is working on enhancing
SOM's object-oriented specification by means of Distributed SOM (DSOM)
to allow such actions across a network, OpenDoc, and Taligent Frameworks
as part of IBM's cross-platform strategy with its future Workplace OS and
Pink operating systems.
OS/2 can be connected to other platforms, or to other OS/2 machines,
through networking. TCP/IP is a popular networking package for OS/2
machines. This will be more so since a free TCP/IP package is being
worked on right now.
OS/2 1.3 has long been popular in networking environments, although there
is less need for regular people to run OS/2 1.3 due to the popularity of
OS/2 2.1 (lower hardware prices, low-cost availability, and attractive
feature set).
Due to a clerical error, my account on this machine was deleted on 1 March.
Some ballots in the ongoing vote have been lost, as the files in my account
were restored from a backup taken the evening of 28 February. It was restored
the afternoon of 1 March.
If you have not received an acknowledgement for your vote, or if your
acknowledgement was sent between noon US Central Time (1800 GMT) on 28
February and 2 PM US Central Time (2000 GMT) on 1 March, and you have not
received another acknowledgement from me since then, you need to vote again,
as your vote has been lost. If your acknowledgement was sent outside that
time, you should be OK. If you're not sure, please feel free to vote again;
duplicate votes will be weeded out during the counting process.
This note was posted to the same groups as the original Call for Votes; it is
being repeated here to ensure that interested people see it.
You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to
[email protected]
(just replying by MAIL to this message should work, if you're not reading this
as part of a mailing list). I will send mail acknowledgements for votes that
I receive. If you receive a correct ack, your vote has been received. If you
do not receive an ack after several days, you need to vote again. It is your
responsibility to see that your vote is recorded correctly.
USE THE FORM AS IT IS. Otherwise your vote may be rejected. Do not delete
anything between the "-=-=-=-=-" lines - and most certainly do not monkey with
the group names. Please delete everything but the ballot itself, though; I
don't need another copy of the full CFV. You may _NOT_ do a combined vote -
i.e., "I vote for all of them" or "I vote against all of them."
For each group, simply add your vote between the brackets on the same line.
Recognized votes are Yes and No. Capitalization is not important. If you
don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank. Don't
worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters ">" that your reply
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. ABSTAINs
do not affect the vote outcome. You may change your vote later by voting
again. The votetaker will respond to received ballots with mail acks.
Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the vote results. If
you wish to remove your vote and all indication that you have voted from the
final list, send a vote with CANCEL in each voting position.
Standard Guidelines for voting apply. Only one vote per person, and only one
vote per account, will be counted. For each proposal to pass, 100 more YES
votes than NO votes and twice as many YES votes as NO votes must be received.
Simple instructions: Delete everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line, delete
everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line. Give your real name on the line
that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to
it to vote for or against it.
[[ news.announce.newgroups moderator's note: IMPORTANT! A vote of "YES" for
comp.os.os2.ver1x means you agree it should be deleted; one of "NO" means it
should be retained. This is exactly opposite the meanings of YES/NO votes
for the other groups in the proposal. -- tale ]]
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
comp.os.os2 reorganization Ballot (Don't remove this marker)
Give your real name here:
[Your Vote] Group
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
[ ] comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
[ ] comp.os.os2.networking.misc
[ ] comp.os.os2.ver1x
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The voters in the following list may not have received mail acknowledgements
due to one problem or another. If you appear in this list, your vote has been
received and recorded; you don't need to do anything else (except, possibly,
check out any problems you may be having receiving mail.)
comp.os.os2 reorganization Bounce Ack List
chorn%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
[email protected] | adequately be explained by stupidity.
"The difference between baseball and politics is that, in baseball, if you
get caught stealing, you're out!" -- Ed Shanks
From [email protected] Thu Mar 24 18:07:22 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jay Maynard)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.announce,
Subject: RESULT: comp.os.os2 reorganization: all proposals pass
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 22 Mar 1994 20:15:18 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers...the knights who say ACK!
Lines: 678
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4815 news.groups:98770 comp.os.os2.announce:477
Reorganization of comp.os.os2
Summary of proposals (all unmoderated):
a) Create
b) Create
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
comp.os.os2 reorganization results - 486 valid votes
Yes No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
440 32 : Yes Yes : Yes :
432 31 : Yes Yes : Yes :
412 47 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
428 37 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
421 38 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.os.os2.networking.misc
322 106 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.os.os2.ver1x
12 invalid votes
Newsgroups lines: Running games under OS/2 Compilers, assemblers, interpreters under OS/2
comp.os.os2.programmer.oop Programming system objects (SOM, WPS, etc)
comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip TCP/IP under OS/2
comp.os.os2.networking.misc Miscellaneous networking issues of OS/2
Voting ended at 00:00:00 GMT, 18 March 1994.
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions only,
contact Jay Maynard ([email protected]). For questions about the
proposed groups, contact the proposer, Mike Levis, at
[email protected].
a) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of OS/2-specific games (e.g.
pricing, availability, features, reviews, previews, surveys,
etc.), and discussion of running DOS and Windows games under
OS/2 (e.g. compatibility, settings, etc.).
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows games not related
to OS/2 belongs in the proper games newsgroup.
b) Create
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming tools (compilers,
interpreters, assemblers) that generates or executes OS/2
code, and discussion of running DOS and Windows programming
tools under OS/2.
Note that discussion of DOS and Windows programming tools
not related to OS/2 (e.g. how much does ` for DOS'
cost) belongs in the proper programming newsgroup.
c) Create comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of programming for OS/2's object-
oriented subsystem, including SOM, DSOM, OpenDoc, and
Taligent Frameworks.
Note that discussion of object-oriented languages (e.g.
C++, Smalltalk) belongs in the proper language newsgroup.
d) Create comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
Charter: Unmoderated discussion of TCP/IP (e.g. hardware, drivers,
setup, problems, bugs, etc.) under all versions of OS/2.
e) Rename comp.os.os2.networking to comp.os.os2.networking.misc
Reason: The standard practice of Usenet is usually to rename a
split newsgroup as .misc.
Charter: comp.os.os2.networking.misc will continue to be the
newsgroup to discuss miscellaneous OS/2-related networking
issues in an unmoderated setting.
f) Remove comp.os.os2.ver1x
Reason: OS/2 1.3 is now used mostly by companies (such as in
networking environments or ATMs) managed by long-time
experts rather than by regular people (i.e. Usenet
The popularity of 32-bit OS/2 2.1 is growing, thanks to a combination
of lower hardware prices, low-cost availability of OS/2 2.1, and an
attractive feature set of OS/2 2.1. One of the great strengths of OS/2
2.1 is to run DOS and Windows programs, such as games.
Games are among the most picky programs to configure, many requiring
DOS users to have different CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to play.
OS/2 2.1 makes it easier because it allows many DOS games to run without
having to reboot the computer. Under OS/2 2.1, each DOS or Windows game
(or non- game program, for that matter) can have its very own environment,
such as its own AUTOEXEC.BAT file, its own CONFIG.SYS lines, memory setup,
and so forth. OS/2 2.1 also makes an excellent platform for its own games
as well. With features such as multi- threading and multi-media, there
are freeware, shareware, and commercial OS/2 games that are already here
or are being developed. But OS/2 is not just for playing around.
There is a slew of OS/2 2.1 programming tools -- each having advantages
and disadvantages over another. Since OS/2 2.1 can be likened to a bridge
between UNIX, OS/2 1.3, DOS, and Windows, there have been many OS/2 2.1
compilers and assemblers ported or derived from these platforms (e.g.
emx/gcc, gcc/2, Borland C++/2, There are also visual programming
tools such as VisPro/Rexx and VX-Rexx that offer the programmer more
choice in development environments.
Programmers can write programs that interface with OS/2 2.1's object-
oriented subsystem called System Object Model (SOM). SOM is a language-
independent specification for object-oriented programming. Programmers
can enhance system-provided objects by overriding the desired methods, for
instance, or change the behaviour of the Workplace Shell (WPS) -- OS/2
2.1's object-oriented shell based on SOM -- such as changing the
behaviour of a "folder" (an object) by modifying a method or two without
having to rewrite a "folder" from scratch. IBM is working on enhancing
SOM's object-oriented specification by means of Distributed SOM (DSOM)
to allow such actions across a network, OpenDoc, and Taligent Frameworks
as part of IBM's cross-platform strategy with its future Workplace OS and
Pink operating systems.
OS/2 can be connected to other platforms, or to other OS/2 machines,
through networking. TCP/IP is a popular networking package for OS/2
machines. This will be more so since a free TCP/IP package is being
worked on right now.
OS/2 1.3 has long been popular in networking environments, although there
is less need for regular people to run OS/2 1.3 due to the popularity of
OS/2 2.1 (lower hardware prices, low-cost availability, and attractive
feature set).
Due to a clerical error, my account on this machine was deleted on 1 March.
Some ballots in the ongoing vote have been lost, as the files in my account
were restored from a backup taken the evening of 28 February. It was restored
the afternoon of 1 March.
All votes outside of that time frame have been counted and acknowledged. A
note about the problem was posted separately to the same groups as this
posting, as well as being included in the second Call for Votes.
Votes from the following people have been received:
comp.os.os2 reorganization Final Vote Ack
comp.os.os2.ver1x --------+
comp.os.os2.networking.misc -------+|
comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip ------+||
comp.os.os2.programmer.oop -----+||| ----+|||| ---+|||||
[email protected] Andrew Henry YY----
[email protected] Dave Ulrick YYYYYY
[email protected] YYYYYN
[email protected] Simon Fowler -----N
[email protected] Andrew Hatchell YYYYYY
[email protected] Andy Collins YYYYYY
[email protected] Aden Steinke Y----Y
[email protected] Alexis E Vassilakas YYYYYY
[email protected] Nicholas Mayo [email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Andrew Guy YYYYYY
[email protected] Alec Habig YYYYYY
[email protected] Art Hostmark YYYYYY
[email protected] Ari Huttunen YYYYYY
[email protected] Ann Vanderlaan YYYYYY
[email protected] Eugenio Sanchez NYYYYY
[email protected] Alec Flett YYYYYY
[email protected] Amberle S Ferrian YYYYYY
[email protected] Dave Anderson YYYYY-
[email protected] Sven Anders YYYYYN
[email protected] Andreas Almroth YYYNNN
[email protected] Andy Hartman YYYYYY
[email protected] Andy Latto YYYYYY
[email protected] Andre Asselin Y--YYN
[email protected] Mark S. Atkinson YYYYYY
[email protected] Bud Bach YNNYYY
[email protected] Bill Broadhurst YYYYYY
[email protected] Bruce Burch YYYYYY
[email protected] Alan Ballard YYYYYY
[email protected] Carsten Whimster YYY---
[email protected] BRIAN PETERSON YYYYYY
[email protected] Ben Coleman YYYYYN
[email protected] Robert F. Benningfield Jr. NNNNNN
[email protected] Bernd Driegert YYYYYY
[email protected] Bernie Thompson YYYYYY
[email protected] Brett D. Sherron-Ferrell YYYYYY
[email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Bob Dehnhardt YYYYYY
[email protected] John H. Boyd III YYYYYY
[email protected] Thomas B. Stanley YYYYYY
bradw@rams Brad Wright YYYYYY
[email protected] Brian Davis YYYYY-
[email protected] David Budworth YYYYYY
[email protected] Frank Burleigh YNNNYY
[email protected] Burt Holzman YYYYYY
[email protected] Benjamin Y. Lee YYYYYY
[email protected] Aurelio Caliaro YYYYY-
[email protected] Michael C. Cambria YYYYYN
[email protected] L L Campbell YYYYYY
[email protected] Caveman YYYYYY
[email protected] Christopher Chan YYYYYY
[email protected] Clement G. Taylor YYYYYY
[email protected] Christopher Horymski YYYYYY
[email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] John-Marc Chandonia YYYYYY
[email protected] Charles K.F. Wong YYYYYY
chip%[email protected] Chip Salzenberg YYYYYN
[email protected] Chip Davis YYYYYY
chorn%[email protected] Christopher Horn YYYYYN
[email protected] Chris Maltby YYYYYN
[email protected] Chua Hak Lien YYYYYY
[email protected] Colin Jensen YYY--Y
[email protected] Chris Linstruth Y--YYN
[email protected] Clark Gaylord YYYYN-
[email protected] Marc F. Clemente YNY--Y
[email protected] Don Hosek YYYYYN
[email protected] Clifford L. Pelletier -YYYY-
[email protected] Chris Miller Y-----
[email protected] Anthony Coates YYYYYY
[email protected] Leo Comitale YYYYYY
[email protected] YYYYYN
[email protected] Randy Coulman YYYYYY
[email protected] Carter Page ---YY-
[email protected] C. R. Oldham YYYYYY
[email protected] Kenneth P. Crouch, Jr. NNNNNN
[email protected] Chris Payne NNNNNN
[email protected] James Peterson YYYNYY
[email protected] Guy Roshto YYYYYY
[email protected] Carl Streeter YYYYYN
[email protected] Frederico Terenas YYYYYY
[email protected] NAME "Boulton A. Fernando" YYYYYY
[email protected] Chris Vale YYYYYY
[email protected] W. Charles Wiseley YYYYYY
[email protected] David Greenberger YYYYYN
[email protected] Dale DePriest YYYYYY
[email protected] Derek A. Longmuir YYYYYY
[email protected] Dan Best YYY--Y
[email protected] Dana P'Simer YYYYYN
[email protected] Dave Michelson YYYYYN
[email protected] David Charlap YYYYYY
[email protected] David E. Pedigo YYYYYY
[email protected] David B. Rein YYYYYY
[email protected] David BRAJORT YYNYYY
[email protected] Dan Bullock YYYYYY
[email protected] Richard A. De Castro YYYYYY
[email protected] Dennis Frost YYYY-N
[email protected] Damon Gallaty YYYYYY
[email protected] David H Detlefs YYYYYN
[email protected] David Scott YYYYYY
[email protected] Dick Whitehurst YYYYYY
[email protected] Eric Dittman YYYYYY
[email protected] Starlinger YYYYYY
[email protected] Doug Crozier YYYYYY
[email protected] Stephen Downes YYYYYY
[email protected] Deane Peterson ([email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Rebecca Drayer YYYYYY
[email protected] PowerSlave YYYYYN
[email protected] Patrick Duffy YYYYYY
[email protected] DAvid Weller YYYYYN
[email protected] David W. Levine YYYYYN
[email protected] Dmitry Zavalishin YYYYNY
[email protected] Jimmy Shaw YYYYYY
[email protected] Ed Blackman YYYYYN
[email protected] Terry Eck (@s704) YYYYYY
[email protected] Knut Eckstein YYYYYN
[email protected] Kon Katsaros YYYYYY
[email protected] Edward Feustel YYYYYN
[email protected] Frank Ch. Eigler YYNYYN
[email protected] Robert Smits YYYYYY
[email protected] David A. Guidry YYYYYY
[email protected] Ronald Enos YYYYYY
[email protected] Eric J. Bowersox YYYYYN
[email protected] Eric Logsdon YYYYYY
[email protected] Eric Vanden Heuvel YYYYYY
[email protected] Erik Mogensen YYYYYY
[email protected] David Barnsdale YYYYY-
[email protected] Robert A. Essig YYYYYY
[email protected] Michael Faklis YYYYYY
[email protected] Eric Tellefsen YYYYYY
[email protected] Jan Fagerstrom YYYYYY
[email protected] Jochen Friedrich YYYYYY
[email protected] Evan Champion YYYYYY
[email protected] Chris Fernandes YYYYYY
[email protected] Frank Kaefer NNNNNN
[email protected] Stephen Corbesero YYYYYY
[email protected] Toniolo Emanuele YYYYYY
[email protected] Francois Normant/16384 YYYYYN
[email protected] Tim Francis YYYYYY
[email protected] Frank Behrens YYYYY-
[email protected] Douglas Frank YYYYYN
[email protected] Fredrick R Homan YYYYYY
[email protected] Jerome Yuzyk YYYYYN
[email protected] Fredrik Kvamme YYYYYY
[email protected] Sean P. Ryan NYNYYY
fvck2412%[email protected] Martin Thierer YYYYYY
[email protected] Forrest D. Whitcher YYYYYY
[email protected] Gabriele Siegert YYYYYY
[email protected] Gaetano Liberatore YYYYYN
[email protected] Gareth Boulton YYYYYY
[email protected] Georg Brandal YYYYYY
[email protected] Gerhard Kociok YYYYYY
[email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Gisle J Torvetjoenn YYYYYY
[email protected] George Koehler
[email protected] Glen Graham YYYYYY
[email protected] Gary Greenberg YYYYYY
[email protected] Glen Little YYYYYN
[email protected] Glenn A. Larson, Jr. YYYYY-
[email protected] Hans-Juergen Godau YYYYYY
[email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Gordon Matheson YYYYYY
[email protected] Gordy Thompson YYYYYY
[email protected] Mohit Goyal YYYYYY
[email protected] Graeme Lindsell YYYYYY
[email protected] Greg Wright YYNYYY
[email protected] Thomas Greve YYNYYN
[email protected] Patrick J. P. Griffin YYYYYN
[email protected] [email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Geoffrey Spear NYYYNY
[email protected] Carlos YYYYYY
[email protected] Bradley D. Porter YYYYYN
[email protected] Gustav Morin YYYYYY
[email protected] Greg Kushmerek YYYYYY
[email protected] Horst Kiehl YYYYY-
[email protected] Henk de Haan YYYNNY
[email protected] Hans-Joachim Zierke -YYYYY
[email protected] Brian S. Hall YYYYY-
[email protected] George C. Hassa, Jr. YYYYYY
[email protected] Robert A. Hayden YYYYYY
HD0022%[email protected] Chip Dunham NNNNNY
[email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Bart Hermus ---YY-
[email protected] Paul Hethmon YYYYYY
[email protected] Ken Hildabolt YNYNNY
[email protected] Hans-Jochen Kirchhoff YYYYYY
[email protected] Matt Hucke YYYYYN
[email protected] Hyong Lee Y--YY-
[email protected] Ian Gibbons YYYYYY
[email protected] Ian Stirling YYYYYY
[email protected] Ian Staples YYYYY-
[email protected] Xu Chang Qing YYYYYY
[email protected] Kees van der Wal YYYYY-
[email protected] Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers YYYYY-
[email protected] Jack W. Sharer YYYYYY
[email protected] Jacob George YYYYYY
[email protected] Joseph A. Doeringer YYYYYY
[email protected] Justin B. Alcorn YYYYYY
[email protected] James Peroulas YYYYYY
[email protected] Jan Rune Andreassen YYYYYY
[email protected] Jari Lehtonen YYY---
[email protected] John D. Carmack YYNYYY
[email protected] John Collier YYYYYY
[email protected] John A. D'Errico YYYYYY
[email protected] John D. Palmer Y--YY-
[email protected] [email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] J. Beadles NNNNNY
[email protected] Jelle Jorritsma YYYYYY
[email protected] Jeff Garzik YYNYYY
[email protected] John De Armond NYYYYY
[email protected] Jonathan Hulley-Miller YYYYYN
[email protected] Jim Jaworski YYNYYY
[email protected] James L. Agin YYYYYY
[email protected] Dr J J Lambourne YYYY--
[email protected] Jens Kuespert -YYYY-
[email protected] Hardchargin Sanhedrin NNNNNY
[email protected] John K. Spitznagel, Jr. YYYYYY
[email protected] Juha Liukkonen YYYYY-
[email protected] John M. Martz YYYYYY
[email protected] John McGing YYYYYY
[email protected] James B. Mehl YYYYYY
[email protected] Peter Joachim YYYYYY
[email protected] Joe St Sauver YYYYYY
[email protected] Anders Johansson YYY--Y
[email protected] JOHN HEATER YYYYYN
[email protected] YY-NNN
[email protected] John Holt [email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] John Wu Y--YYY
[email protected] John Bodnar YYYYYY
[email protected] John Staahle YYYYY-
[email protected] J. Porter Clark YYYYYN
[email protected] John R. Link YYYNN-
[email protected] James S. Ruebel YYYYYY
[email protected] Todd Nagengast YYYYY-
[email protected] Jeffrey A. Stuart YYYYYY
[email protected] Jason B. Tiller YYYYYY
[email protected] Judd Rogers YYYYYY
[email protected] Julian Macassey NNNNNN
[email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Keith Dorken YYYYNY
[email protected] Steven J Kassarjian YYYYYY
[email protected] D. Scott Katzer YYYYYY
[email protected] Ken Bass YYYYYY
[email protected] Keith Junker YYYYYY
[email protected] Kenton W Shaver YNY---
[email protected] Jason Neal YYYYYY
[email protected] Ken Brucker YYYYYN
[email protected] Klaus Kudielka ---YYY
[email protected] Klaus Guhr YYYYYN
[email protected] Noah Romer YYYYY-
[email protected] Kent Lundberg YYNYYN
[email protected] Kai M. Becker YYYYYY
[email protected] Bernhard Kohlhaas YYYYY-
[email protected] Christian Zabbal YYYYYY
[email protected] Kevin Lynch YYYYYY
[email protected] Brian R. Landy Y--YY-
[email protected] Bryan Larsen YYYYYY
[email protected] Larry A. Shurr YYYYYY
[email protected] Leland L. Day YYYYYN
[email protected] Lynn Dickison YYYYYY
[email protected] Lewis Jones YYYYYN
[email protected] Leo G. Chouinard II YYYYYY
[email protected] Johnnie Leung YYYYYY
[email protected] Kevin W Linfield YYYYYY
[email protected] Lachlan O'Dea YYYYYY
[email protected] Lou Sanchez-Chopitea YYYYYY
[email protected] Lance Parsons YYYYYY
[email protected] Lew Jansen YYYYYY
[email protected] Larry Rosenstein --Y---
[email protected] Larry Tubbs YYYYYY
[email protected] Joseph Lucas YYYYYN
[email protected] Lee Walton YYNYYN
[email protected] Marcus Bonse YYYYYN
[email protected] Markus Ruppel YYYYYY
[email protected] Mike Mahoney YYYYYN
[email protected] David L. Marable Y--YYY
[email protected] Marc E.E. van Woerkom YYYYYY
[email protected] Larry Margolis YYYYYN
[email protected] Mark Ruys YYYYYY
[email protected] Martin Lafaix YYYYYN
[email protected] Marvin Lichtenthal YYYYYN
[email protected] Faheem YYNNNN
[email protected] Mathieu Dupont YYYYYY
[email protected] Maurizio Codogno YNNNNY
[email protected] Max Kull YYYYYN
[email protected] Paul John Floyd YYYYYN
[email protected] Rob McArthur YYYYYY
[email protected] Michael A Dorman YYYYYY
[email protected] Michael D. Sullivan YYY---
[email protected] Michael Ernst YYYYY-
[email protected] Matt Messina YY-YY-
[email protected] Michael G. Phillips YYYYYY
[email protected] Michael Haggerty YYYYYY
[email protected] Mark Huth YYYYYY
[email protected] Michael Harris YYYYYY
[email protected] Michael Silverton YYYYYY
[email protected] Mike Lempriere YYYYYN
[email protected] Hung Michael Nguyen YYYYYY
[email protected] Mike Levis - OS/2 2.1 GA YYYYYY
[email protected] Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS NNNNNY
[email protected] Timothy M. Moloney YYYYYY
[email protected] Mike O'Reilly YYYYYY
[email protected] Michael J. Saletnik YYNYYN
msc%[email protected] Michael S. Cross YYYYYY
[email protected] Mark Silva YYYYYY
[email protected] Olaf Mittelstaedt YYYYYY
[email protected] Murali Chaparala NYYNNN
[email protected] Helge Nareid YYYYYN
[email protected] Nathan Hamblen Y-----
[email protected] Nathan C. Moore YY-YY-
[email protected] Allan Bailey YYYYYY
[email protected] Dick Tennent YYYYYY
[email protected] Nick Holford YYYYYY
[email protected] Nils Nieuwejaar NNNNYY
[email protected] Nick J Chalko -YYYYY
[email protected] Robert Dengler YYYYYN
[email protected] Norbert Duell YYYYYY
[email protected] Norman R. Drinkwater YYYYYY
[email protected] Keir Novik YYYYY-
[email protected] Neal Patrick YYYYYY
[email protected] Norm Ross YYYYYY
[email protected] Nicholas Waltham YYYYYY
[email protected] Fred Oberhauser YYYNYN
[email protected] Andreas Oeggerli, Chem. Eng. Dep., E YYYYYY
[email protected] Jim Offord YYYYYN
[email protected] Larry Salomon, Jr. YYYYYY
[email protected] Miles Oursler NNNNNN
[email protected] Owen Byrnes YYYYYN
[email protected] Patrick Raffin YYYYYN
[email protected] John Ebert YYYYYY
paulf%[email protected] Paul Francis YYYYYN
[email protected] Paul Gunderson YYYYYY
[email protected] Gregory Altman YYYYYN
[email protected] Paul Coen YYYYYN
[email protected] Peter Steenken YYYYYY
[email protected] Bob Pebly YYYYYN
[email protected] peter huang YYYYYY
[email protected] Peter Gahbler YYNYYY
[email protected] Peter Berger NYNNNY
[email protected] Gary Pfeifer Y--NN-
[email protected] Paul Filsinger YYYYYY
[email protected] Patrick Herring YYYYYY
[email protected] Paul John Gibbons YYYYYY
[email protected] Bud Marks [email protected] YYYY--
[email protected] Chris R. Powell YYYYYN
[email protected] Phil Parker YYYYYY
[email protected] Patrick Premont YYYYY-
[email protected] Ping Huang YNNYYN
[email protected] Tim Sneath YYYYYY
[email protected] Hans Beckirus YYYNNY
[email protected] Michael J. Quinn YYYYYY
[email protected] Rainer Wantosch YYYYYN
[email protected] Murali Raju YYYYYY
[email protected] Rick Barnett YYYYYN
[email protected] Ray French YYYYYY
[email protected] Richard Williams YYYYYN
[email protected] Ron Dippold YY-YY-
[email protected] Dan Reaume YYYYYY
[email protected] Reinhard Schuerer NYYYYY
[email protected] Rene Mueller YYYYYY
[email protected] Sendhil Revuluri NNNNNY
[email protected] Rich Derr YYYYNN
[email protected] Ross D. Hynes YYYYYY
[email protected] Richard Ashton YYYYYY
[email protected] Richard Miller NYNYNN
[email protected] Neil Rickert NNNNNY
[email protected] Randall Raemon YYYYYY
[email protected] Bob Geisel YYYYYY
[email protected] Robert L. Howard Y--YYY
[email protected] Robert Meunier YYYYYY
[email protected] James F Robertson YYYYYY
[email protected] Greg Roelofs YYYYYN Curtis Roelle YYYYYY
[email protected] Roman Fischer YYYYYY
[email protected] Roger D. Niclas YYYYYN
[email protected] Rolfe Tessem YYYYYY
[email protected] Kai Uwe Rommel NYYYYN
[email protected] Rob Prikanowski YYYYY-
[email protected] Ron Wail YYYYYY
[email protected] Robert Turner YYYYYN
[email protected] Anssi Saari YYYYYY
[email protected] Saluel H. White YYYYYY
[email protected] Sanjay Aiyagari YYYYYY
[email protected] Mark C. Burhans YYYYYY
[email protected] Sylvan Butler YYNYYN
[email protected] Christian Schaefer YNNYYY
[email protected] Oskar Schoepf YYYYYY
[email protected] YYNYYY
[email protected] Steve Darsey YYYYYY
[email protected] Steve Friedman NNNNNY
[email protected] Scott M. Ferris YYYYYY
[email protected] Shane Hartman NNNNNY
[email protected] Sheila Herndon Y-----
[email protected] NNNNNY
[email protected] Stephen F. Holford YYY--Y
[email protected] Dick Sidbury YYYYYY
[email protected] Marco Silvestri YYYYYY
[email protected] Steven Inglis YYYYYY
[email protected] Timothy F. Sipples YYYYY-
[email protected] Martin Spott ---Y--
[email protected] Raymond Bingham Y-----
[email protected] STEVE LUMOS YNYYYN
[email protected] Marc Moorcroft NNNNNY
smtplink%[email protected] Edouard Katz YYYYYY
[email protected] Shawn N. Miller YYYYYY
[email protected] Jeffrey Somerville YYYYYY
[email protected] YYYYYN
[email protected] Steve Rogers NNNNNN
[email protected] Scott Lett YYYYYN
[email protected] Dwight Brown NNNNNY
[email protected] Stephen Worthington YYYYYN
[email protected] Alan Stephens YYYYYY
[email protected] Steve King YYYYYY
[email protected] Stephen Marsh YYYYYY
[email protected] Steven A. Robenalt YYYYYY
[email protected] Raja Thiagarajan YYYYYY
[email protected] Timothy B. Bowser YYYYYY
[email protected] Stuart Smith YYYYYY
[email protected] Eberhard Sturm YYY--Y
[email protected] Stephen Stibler YYYYYN
[email protected] David Sward NNNNNY
[email protected] Alvin Tan YYYYYN
[email protected] Stephen W. Thomas YYYYYY
[email protected] Jim Herod YYYYYY
[email protected] Johannes Deisenhofer YYYYYN
[email protected] Timothy Allen Jones YYYYYN
[email protected] Terry Stockdale YYYYYY
[email protected] Todd Turnblom YYYYYY
[email protected] Tom Gambill YYYYYN
[email protected] Ted Chen YYYYYY
[email protected] Andy Tenne-Sens YYYYYY
[email protected] Richard Tennis YYYYYY
[email protected] Pornthep Narula YYYYYY
[email protected] Ernest J.W. ter Kuile YYYY--
[email protected] Terry McDill YYYNYY
[email protected] Torben Friis YYYYYY
[email protected] R Scott Williams YYYYY-
[email protected] Thomas Berge ([email protected] YYNYYY
[email protected] Thomas Beagle YYYYYN
[email protected] Thomas Lundquist YYYYYY
[email protected] T. Scott Thompson YYYYYY
[email protected] Tim Morley YYYYYY
[email protected] Tim Hayman YYYYY-
[email protected] Timur Tabi YYYYYN
[email protected] Peter Ting YYY--Y
[email protected] Anthony Meadow -YYY--
[email protected] Tilman Mueller-Gerbes YYYYYN
[email protected] Tom Aurand YYYYYN
[email protected] Dimitrios Tombros YYYYYY
[email protected] Tom Cross YYYYY-
[email protected] Tom Dunn YYYYYY
[email protected] Tom Rubinstein ---YYY
[email protected] Tony Rall YYYYYY
[email protected] Thomas Bogendoerfer YYYYYY
[email protected] Bruce R. Tyers YYYYYY
[email protected] Kenneth D. Merry YYYYYY
[email protected] Venky Veeraraghavan NYYYYY
[email protected] Pierre van Huyssteen YYYYYY
[email protected] Vivek Joshi YYYYYY
[email protected] William L. Chase YYYYYY
[email protected] Ralph W. Wallace YYYYYY
[email protected] Ewout Walraven NNNYYY
[email protected] Dennis Wang YYYYYY
[email protected] Ward F. Bush YYYYYY
[email protected] Bruce Ward -YYYY-
[email protected] Cedric Ware -YY---
[email protected] Ringo De Smet YYYYYN
[email protected] Herbert Baerten Y-----
[email protected] Christoph Weber-Fahr YYYYYY
[email protected] David Devereaux-Weber YYYYYY
[email protected] Wesley Boisvert YYYYYY
[email protected] Mike West YY-YY-
[email protected] William Herrera YYYYYN
[email protected] Scott A. Whitmire ([email protected]) YYYYYY
[email protected] Kenneth Chan YYNNNY
[email protected] Wade Hostler NNNNNN
[email protected] Shaun Burnett YYYYYY
[email protected] Will Fiveash YYYYYY
WINDISCH%[email protected] Eric R. Windisch YYYYYY
[email protected] William J. Gehrke, Jr. YYYYYY
[email protected] Wayne J. Hyde YYYYYY
[email protected] Willem Jan Withagen YYYYY-
[email protected] William Maton YYYYYN
[email protected] YYYYYY
[email protected] Brian Worsley Y-YYYN
[email protected] Dave Shariff Yadallee YYYYYY
[email protected] Zdenek Becka YYYYYY
Votes in error
[email protected] Mark McCullough
! No vote statement in message
[email protected] Wanne de Kler
! Invalid address
[email protected] Brian Button
! No vote statement in message
[email protected] Alex Choi
! No ballot
[email protected] Chris Marble
! No vote statement in message
[email protected]
! No vote statement in message
[email protected] Joseph Coughlan
! No ballot
[email protected] Lester Stephen Mah
! No ballot
[email protected]
! No ballot
[email protected] Michael King
! No ballot
[email protected] Gregory P. Smith ([email protected])
! No vote statement in message
U23783%[email protected] Daniel Sachs 708-833-3763
! No ballot
Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
[email protected] | adequately be explained by stupidity.
"The difference between baseball and politics is that, in baseball, if you
get caught stealing, you're out!" -- Ed Shanks