From [email protected] Tue Sep 14 17:40:23 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.arabic
Subject: RFD: soc.culture.palestinian
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 14 Sep 1993 17:16:23 -0400
Organization: Queen's University at Kingston
Lines: 28
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4047 news.groups:81878 soc.culture.arabic:24894

This is a formal Request for Discussion for the creation of
newsgroup for the discussion of issues regarding palestinian people,
culture and politics

Proposed Name:

Moderation Status:
open to discussion


There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Palestinian
politics, culture and society. Also the Gaza-Jericho First Agreement
leads to the creation of at least limited Palestinian autonomy the success
of failure of in the next few years creates plenty of room for discussion and


Discussion is to be held *only* in news.groups.

After 30 days, it shall be determined whether there is sufficient demand
for a Call for Votes.

From [email protected] Fri Sep 24 18:01:16 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.arabic
Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.palestine
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 24 Sep 1993 10:08:53 -0400
Organization: Queen's University at Kingston
Lines: 10
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4080 news.groups:82809 soc.culture.arabic:25087

Due to widespread demand, and after consulting David Lawrence on the
proprierty of changing a proposed group name in mid-stream, I have decided
to rename the proposed newsgroup soc.culture.palestine instead of

Proposed charter:
The purpose of soc.culture.palestine will be to discuss Palestinian society,
politics and culture throughout the world and specifically to discuss the
emerging Palestinian administration in the West Bank and Gaza strip, its
challenges, successes, failures etc.

From [email protected] Wed Oct 20 15:13:49 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.arabic,soc.culture.iranian,soc.culture.pakistan
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.palestine
Followup-To: poster
Date: 20 Oct 1993 15:07:55 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 88
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 11 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected] (Usenet Votes)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4181 news.groups:85259 soc.culture.arabic:25455 soc.culture.iranian:30948 soc.culture.pakistan:48674

                  FIRST (of 2) CALL FOR VOTES
This is the first of two Call For Votes regarding the proposed
creation of an unmoderated newsgroup, soc.culture.palestine.

soc.culture.palestine	Palestinian people, culture and politics.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 10 Nov 1993.
Instructions for voting are given below.

An unmoderated forum open to all those interested in discussing
Palestinian culture, politics, economics etc; the condition of
Palestinians living under Israeli administration and the progress
of and challenges facing the emerging Palestinian administration
in the West Bank and Gaza.

There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Palestinian
politics, culture and society.  Also the Gaza-Jericho First Agreement
leads to the creation of at least limited Palestinian autonomy.  The
success or failure of this in the next few years creates plenty of
room for discussion and debate.

Contact Information
This vote is being conducted by Jan Isley as a neutral third party.
All questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems
should be mailed to [email protected].

Votes should be mailed to [email protected].

All questions regarding the proposed new group should be mailed to
the proposer, A. R. Bratu <[email protected]>.

Voting Instructions
Use the ballot below.  Failure to follow the instructions exactly
will probably result in your vote not being counted.

Votes should be mailed to [email protected].

(R)eplying to this message should address your vote correctly if
you are replying to this message in its originally posted form in
a newsgroup, and your news reader honors the Reply-To: header.

The only valid votes are YES, NO or ABSTAIN.  Case is not important.
If your mail software does not add your name you must include it in
the ballot.  Votes from system accounts are not valid.

If you change your mind, revote.  Only the last vote will count.

You should receive a personal acknowledgment of your vote by email
within a few days.  Invalid votes and bounced acknowledgments will
be identified in the second (the last) call for votes.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person, no more
than one vote per account.  If you vote from several accounts in an
attempt at fraud all of your votes may be rejected.

100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are
the requirements for group creation.  Read news.announce.newusers
and news.groups for more information on the group creation process.

Follow these instructions EXACTLY
* Use the ballot.
* Include your name if your mail software does not.
* Replace ??? with either YES, NO or ABSTAIN.
* Do not add, delete or change anything else on the ballot.
* Check the address again 
* Please, mail only the ballot and delete all other included text.

-=-=-=-=-=- Do not Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-

Palestine group vote ballot    [soc.culture.palestine-1]

If your mail software does not add your name to your user ID give
your name here (on this line):

??? vote on soc.culture.palestine

-=-=-=-=-=- Do not Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-
Jan Isley, the Knight who says ACK, can be reached at
[email protected]  or!bagend!jan

From [email protected] Fri Nov  5 22:10:54 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.arabic,soc.culture.iranian,soc.culture.pakistan
Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.palestine
Followup-To: poster
Date: 5 Nov 1993 20:19:20 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 178
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]> 
Reply-To: [email protected] (Usenet Votes)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4244 news.groups:86875 soc.culture.arabic:25760 soc.culture.iranian:31607 soc.culture.pakistan:49514

                       LAST CALL FOR VOTES
This is the last of two Call For Votes regarding the proposed
creation of an unmoderated newsgroup, soc.culture.palestine.

soc.culture.palestine	Palestinian people, culture and politics.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 10 Nov 1993.
Instructions for voting are given below.  READ THEM!

An unmoderated forum open to all those interested in discussing
Palestinian culture, politics, economics etc; the condition of
Palestinians living under Israeli administration and the progress
of and challenges facing the emerging Palestinian administration
in the West Bank and Gaza.

There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Palestinian
politics, culture and society.  Also the Gaza-Jericho First Agreement
leads to the creation of at least limited Palestinian autonomy.  The
success or failure of this in the next few years creates plenty of
room for discussion and debate.

Contact Information
This vote is being conducted by Jan Isley as a neutral third party.
All questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems
should be mailed to [email protected].

Votes should be mailed to [email protected].

All questions regarding the proposed new group should be mailed to
the proposer, A. R. Bratu <[email protected]>.

Voting Instructions
Use the ballot below.  Failure to follow the instructions exactly
will probably result in your vote not being counted.

Votes should be mailed to [email protected].

(R)eplying to this message should address your vote correctly if
you are replying to this message in its originally posted form in
a newsgroup, and your news reader honors the Reply-To: header.

The only valid votes are YES, NO or ABSTAIN.  Case is not important.
If your mail software does not add your name you must include it in
the ballot.  Votes from system accounts are not valid.

If you change your mind, revote.  Only the last vote will count.

You should receive a personal acknowledgment of your vote by email
within a few days.  Invalid votes and bounced acknowledgments will
be identified in the second (the last) call for votes.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person, no more
than one vote per account.  If you vote from several accounts in an
attempt at fraud all of your votes may be rejected.

100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are
the requirements for group creation.  Read news.announce.newusers
and news.groups for more information on the group creation process.

Follow these instructions EXACTLY
* Use the ballot.
* Include your name if your mail software does not.
* Replace ??? with either YES, NO or ABSTAIN.
* Do not add, delete or change anything else on the ballot.
* Check the address again 
* Please, mail only the ballot and delete all other included text.

-=-=-=-=-=- Do not Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-

Palestine group vote ballot    [soc.culture.palestine-1]

If your mail software does not add your name to your user ID give
your name here (on this line):

??? vote on soc.culture.palestine

-=-=-=-=-=- Do not Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-

Palestine group vote Bounce Ack List.  If your name is in this list
your vote has been counted but the ack bounced.
[email protected]

Palestine group Votes In Error List.  If your name is in this list
your vote was not counted.  Read and Follow the voting instructions
and try again.
[email protected]                                 Majd Abbar (Rho)
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                               Rajai Tirhi (Rho)
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                 Wyle Kalil (Rho)
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                          A. Qadir
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                            
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                
   ! No name given
[email protected]                                       Wassim Alami
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                     
   ! No name given
[email protected]                                     Azfar Moazzam
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                     Bassel Ojjeh
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                          Seth Corey
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                    Doug Davis
   ! No votes
[email protected]                                Elaine Clark
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                     Jamil Rahman
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                        FAHS Samir
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                            Mohammad Salim Olime
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                   
   ! No name given
[email protected]                                              
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                 
   ! No name given
[email protected]                            Joseph Roberts
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                           David L. Kaminsky
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                    
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                lisakam
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                  Daniel M Metz
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                     Michael Jaber
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                               
   ! No name given
[email protected]                                                   
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                       nassir navab
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                              Robertc. Moldenhauer
   ! No votes
[email protected]                                              
   ! No votes
[email protected]                                           Samer Faraj
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                
   ! No name given
[email protected]                                      Tina Femea
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                
   ! No name given
[email protected]                                   Walid Almuti
   ! No ballot
[email protected]!DIALOGVM                                     YOUNGS
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                    
   ! No name given
[email protected]                            Lawrence Oxenberg
   ! No ballot
[email protected]                                                 
   ! No ballot
Jan Isley, the Knight who says ACK, can be reached at
[email protected]  or!bagend!jan

From [email protected] Fri Nov 12 15:55:01 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.arabic,soc.culture.iranian,soc.culture.pakistan
Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.palestine passes 211:90
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 11 Nov 1993 13:38:55 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 367
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]> 
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4265 news.groups:87387 soc.culture.arabic:25854 soc.culture.iranian:31850 soc.culture.pakistan:49791

RESULTS on Palestine Group Voting

soc.culture.palestine group vote results - 303 valid votes

Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
--- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -----
211   90 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : soc.culture.palestine

  2 abstaining votes and 3 invalid votes

Therefore, barring any serious objections over the vote,
soc.culture.palestine should be created after 5 days.

Newsgroups line:
soc.culture.palestine	Palestinian people, culture and politics.

An unmoderated forum open to all those interested in discussing
Palestinian culture, politics, economics etc; the condition of
Palestinians living under Israeli administration and the progress
of and challenges facing the emerging Palestinian administration
in the West Bank and Gaza.

There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Palestinian
politics, culture and society.  Also the Gaza-Jericho First Agreement
leads to the creation of at least limited Palestinian autonomy.  The
success or failure of this in the next few years creates plenty of
room for discussion and debate.

Vote taker's notes
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.

Vote taker's address: Jan Isley 
Group proponent's address: A. R. Bratu <[email protected]>

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 10 Nov 1993.

360 votes were received.  45 duplicate votes were deleted from the
final count.  3 invalid votes were not updated after 3 attempts to
notify the voters.  2 votes, 1 abstain and 1 yes vote were received
after the poll closed.

soc.culture.palestine group vote final vote ack

Yes Votes
[email protected] (A.R. Bratu)                                    
[email protected] (Emad Alsholi)                                  
[email protected] (Hesham Odeh)                                   
[email protected] (Kamil Amireh)                                 
[email protected] (Majd Abbar)                                    
[email protected] (Rajai Tirhi)                                  
[email protected] (Wyle Kalil)                                    
[email protected] (Michael J. Wilson)                         
[email protected] (Paul S. Wolf)                            
[email protected] (Abdullah Alhamdan)                
[email protected] (Abdul Hameed)                                
[email protected] (Mashhour Abudaka)                        
[email protected] (Adel Ben Mnaouer)                    
[email protected] (Adnan Mansour)                         
[email protected] (Adnan Husnein)                                
[email protected] (Nigel Allen)                               
[email protected] (Ammar Maraqa)                               
[email protected] (Ahmed.Hussein)                            
[email protected] (Ahmed Al-Ashaab)                              
[email protected] (Aatif I. Chaudhry)                                  
[email protected] (Alain E. Chenier)                          
[email protected] (Wassim Alami)                                    
[email protected] (Muhammad M Saggaf)                                  
[email protected] (Yahya Al-Salqan)                               
[email protected] (Amin Kassem)                            
[email protected] (Anne M. Larson)                             
[email protected] (Joseph F. Angel)                               
[email protected] (Anoosh Hosseini)                          
[email protected] (Yigal Arens)                                           
[email protected] (Arthur Chance)                        
[email protected] (Asif Amir)                                    
[email protected] (Atta Mohammad)                               
[email protected] (James Ault)                                       
[email protected] (Hassan Aurag)                                 
[email protected] (Andrew Vincent)                        
[email protected] (Adam V Reed)                                       
[email protected] (Axel Boldt)                                    
[email protected] (Aseem Mehta)                                     
[email protected] (Abdullah Zafar)                               
[email protected] (Ayeda Ayed)                                     
[email protected] (Ayman Aldahleh)                                 
[email protected] (Azfar Moazzam)                                  
[email protected] (Aziz Elkardoudi)                                    
[email protected] (Don Bashford)                                   
[email protected] (Noushin Bashir)                                
[email protected] (Bassel Ojjeh)                                  
[email protected] (Bassil Kublaoui)                                   
[email protected] (John Hollister)                   
[email protected] (Brenda E. Bickett)                 
[email protected] (Brian L Clouse)                    
[email protected] (Bruce Scott)                                 
[email protected] (M. BenMrad)                                   
[email protected] (Richard White)                                 
[email protected] (Basil Hamdan)                     
[email protected] (Shoshana Billik)                           
[email protected] (B.J. Herbison)                                       
[email protected] (David O Hunt)                                   
[email protected] (Brian Mansel Lewis)                        
[email protected] (Tariq Burki)                                    
[email protected] (Harris Caplan)                                      
[email protected] (Charles Nasser)                          
[email protected] (Nauman A. Chaudhry)                         
[email protected] (Chua Hak Lien)                           
[email protected] (Ciro Ribeiro)                                     
[email protected] (Christopher Reed)                     
[email protected] (Alaa Dakroub)                                     
[email protected] (Doug Davis)                                 
[email protected] (Dean Myerson)                                        
[email protected] (Dean Edwards)                                       
[email protected] (Dena Assaf)                                    
[email protected] (Yaser K. Doleh)                                   
[email protected] (Marc Donovan)                                         
[email protected] (Ramin Dowlati)                                
[email protected] (Mohammad Ebrahimi)                           
[email protected] (Elaine Clark)                             
[email protected] (M. Elammari)                         
[email protected] (Elie Azar)                                              
[email protected] (Majid Zolfaghari)                          
[email protected] (Jamil Rahman)                                  
[email protected] (E. Sabbah)                               
[email protected] (Franklin Davis)                                        
[email protected] (FAHS Samir)                                     
[email protected] (Farhad Shakeri)                           
[email protected] (Faruq abd ul-Rafi)                            
[email protected] (Fereydoun Tavangary)                                
[email protected] (Gabe Helou)                                   
[email protected] (Gil Neiger)                                        
[email protected] (Edward H. Gornish)                             
[email protected] (David Iain Greig)                          
[email protected] (Seth Grimes)                                 
[email protected] (David A. Guberman)                            
[email protected] (Eduardo Guerra)                                 
[email protected] (Hussain Al-Asaad)                           
[email protected] (Zeeshan Hasan)                                
[email protected] (David Hastings)                            
[email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr)                         
[email protected] (Mousa Hussein)                               
[email protected] (Ivan A Derzhanski)                        
[email protected] (AyudantesIIC2132)                              
[email protected] (Ilana Stern)                                
[email protected] (Iraj Mughal)                                     
[email protected] (Dima Tawakkol)                         
[email protected] (Alexandre Khalil)                          
[email protected] (Issam Rashid)                                   
[email protected] (Mark James)                                      
[email protected] (Jawad Ali)                                   
[email protected] (Joshua Bleier)                              
[email protected] (Jeedella S. Jeedella)                      
[email protected] (John Jeries)                                  
[email protected] (Laurence Miller)                               
[email protected] (Joseph W. Roberts)                      
[email protected] (Joseph Mouhanna)                              
[email protected] (Jehanzeb Sikandar)                              
[email protected] (Jumana Muwafi)                                        
[email protected] (Jeff Schultz)                                        
[email protected] (David L. Kaminsky)                        
[email protected] (Katherine M Metres)               
[email protected] (Walid Keirouz)                           
[email protected] (Hasnain Khan)                                 
[email protected] (Akhlaq H. Khatri)                          
[email protected] (Siamak Khoubyari)                             
[email protected] (Evan Kirshenbaum)                      
[email protected] (Karen Kolling)                               
[email protected] (Kirk Wattles)                                 
[email protected] (Martin Schr"oder)                             
[email protected] (Michael Lax)                                      
[email protected] (Louis Alberto Bueno)                         
[email protected] (Lyle Lexier)                                           
[email protected] (Vincent Jennings)                          
[email protected] (Lisa Kamal)                                          
[email protected] (Larry Kolodney)                                        
[email protected] (Louay Gammo)                                
[email protected] (Luciano Mannucci)                             
[email protected] (Jun Hong)                                        
[email protected] (Marcy Behrmann)                        
[email protected] (Mona C. Marshy)                             
[email protected] (Bassem Medawar)                               
[email protected] (Daniel M Metz)                               
[email protected] (Miguel Farah)                                      
[email protected] (Michael G. Mattock)                         
[email protected] (Michael Jaber)                                  
[email protected] (Mohammed Kateeb)                               
[email protected] (Michael Katzman)             
[email protected] (Baruch Kimmerling)                    
[email protected] (A. M. Mughal)                          
[email protected] (Muzaffer Kal)                                    
[email protected] (Hazem Nashif)                                         
[email protected] (Nassir Navab)                                    
[email protected] (Muhammad Ahmed)                       
[email protected] (Oded Maler)                                       
[email protected] (Omar Farooq)                                  
[email protected] (Paul Gunderson)                               
[email protected] (Paul E. Hoffman)                                 
[email protected] (Pierre Uszynski)                             
[email protected] (Fouad Habboub)                              
[email protected] (Linda A. Habash)                              
[email protected] (Michael J. Quinn)                        
[email protected] (Raja Atallah)                  
[email protected] (Raul S. Zighelboim)                      
[email protected] (Ray Lampman)                                
[email protected] (Robertc. Moldenhauer)                           
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)                                  
[email protected] (Ruth M. Sylte)                                       
[email protected] (Ronnie B. Kon)                                      
[email protected] (Redouan Rousky)                           
[email protected] (Rudi Sahebi)                                      
[email protected] (M. Hesani)                                  
[email protected] (Russell A. Stone)                                
[email protected] (SAHS Shah)                                   
[email protected] (Ephraim Nimni)                       
[email protected] (S. Ajaz Asif)                                 
[email protected] (S. Ali Alavi)                                
[email protected] (Danny Sadinoff)                        
[email protected] (Lorenzo Sadun)                           
[email protected] (Mahmoud Saleh)                                
[email protected] (Habib Hachem)                                 
[email protected] (Salman Mughal)                                 
[email protected] (Samer Faraj)                                        
[email protected] (Samir Kasme)                                  
[email protected] (Sasha Darvelle)                            
[email protected] (Sassan Behzadi)                          
[email protected] (Seth Gordon)                                  
[email protected] (Hassan N Dajani)                       
[email protected] (Michael Shalev)                                
[email protected] (Sue Hodes)                                   
[email protected] (Syed Ismail Shah)                             
[email protected] (Samuel R. Kaplan)                     
[email protected] (Sultan Sial)                            
[email protected] (Rob Strom)                                      
[email protected] (Wael M. Suleiman)                        
[email protected] (Sved Z Haq)                                          
[email protected] (Syed Zafar Kazmi)                                
[email protected] (Stephan Schulz)                        
[email protected] (Sofiene Tahar)                                      
[email protected] (Wassim Tawbi)                                      
[email protected] (Timo J Rinne)                                      
[email protected] (Tina Femea)                                   
[email protected] (Tony de Nazareth)                           
[email protected] (Tony J. Kanawati)                                
[email protected] (Brian Totty)                                 
[email protected] (Rehan U. Haque)                                 
[email protected] (Ashraf Abousteit)                   
[email protected] (Mahmoud Habboub)                              
[email protected] (Walid Almuti)                                
[email protected] (Waheed A Ansari)                   
[email protected] (Waleed A Muhanna)                 
[email protected] (Christopher M. Conway)                    
[email protected] (Ian Woodrow)                                    
[email protected] (Dave Shariff Yadallee)          
[email protected] (Zair Abdelouahab)                                 
[email protected] (Zubair Ansari)                                 

No Votes
[email protected] (Barry H. Rodin)                                    
[email protected] (Andy Goldfinger)                
[email protected] (Hillel Applebaum)                             
[email protected] (Ari Trachtenberg)                                       
[email protected] (Ken Arromdee)                              
[email protected] (Art Kamlet)                                        
[email protected] (Judith Blum)                                       
[email protected] (Bob Weissman)                                       
[email protected] (Roger David Carasso)                           
[email protected] (Po Shan Cheah)                                 
[email protected] (Seth Corey)                                       
[email protected] (Cristin M Quinn)                          
[email protected] (Charles Rosen)                                  
[email protected] (Paulo M. C. da Costa)                         
[email protected] (David R. Brill)                           
[email protected] (Dan Goldstein)                              
[email protected] (David Neal Miller)                
[email protected] (Donna Culver)                         
[email protected] (Daniel J. Thumim)                                    
[email protected] (Ely Ben-Naim)                                      
[email protected] (Herb Effron)                                        
[email protected] (Gideon Ehrlich)                          
[email protected] (Edward A. Shnekendorf)                          
[email protected] (Thomas Chung)                              
[email protected] (Andrew Fink)                                       
[email protected] (Gedaliah Friedenberg)                           
[email protected] (Sean P Ryan)                        
[email protected] (Gary Zimmerman)                                
[email protected] (Gennady Feygin)                             
[email protected] (Gary H Stitzmann)                                
[email protected] (Gilad Greenberg)                               
[email protected] (Ina L. Mehlman)                              
[email protected] (Herman Rubin)                             
[email protected] (Hillel Eli Markowitz)                            
[email protected] (Ira B. Taub)                                
[email protected] (Inna Shnitman)                                   
[email protected] (Israel Silverberg)                          
[email protected] (Jack Reiner)                                      
[email protected] (Jake Livni)                                      
[email protected] (Jeremy Caplan)                               
[email protected] (Jeffrey Falick)                             
[email protected] (John De Armond)                                        
[email protected] (Joe St Sauver)                              
[email protected] (Joe Slater)                                  
[email protected] (Jonathan Wreschner)                      
[email protected] (Joshua J Pollack)                             
[email protected] (Joseph P. Wetstein)                       
[email protected] (John MacWilliamson)                             
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)                               
[email protected] (Moti Babitz)                              
[email protected] (Rob Knauerhase)                               
[email protected] (Itzhak Kremer)                            
[email protected] (David E. Levin)                        
[email protected] (Victor E Aldridge III)                     
[email protected] (Ari Shapiro)                               
[email protected] (Shai Israel Mandel)                                   
[email protected] (Mark Steinberger)                                
[email protected] (Kenneth Menken)                                  
[email protected] (Martin I Lewison)                            
[email protected] (Maxime Taksar)                                      
[email protected] (Moshe Levy)                                      
[email protected] (Moti Huberman)                              
[email protected] (Michael B Rutner)                              
[email protected] (Seth Ness)                                         
[email protected] (Vitaly Shmatikov)                             
[email protected] (Norm Friedman)                                    
[email protected] (Marcia Rashelle Palace)                          
[email protected] (Eric S. Perlman)                        
[email protected] (Zev Raden)                                        
[email protected] (Sendhil Revuluri)                           
[email protected] (Rick Turkel)                                           
[email protected] (Danny Rothenberg)                       
[email protected] (Robert Werman)                                
[email protected] (Shane Hartman)                                         
[email protected] (Dan Shimoff)                                         
[email protected] (Stan Krieger)                                            
[email protected] (Sruli Federman)                                     
[email protected] (Peter Hopcroft)                        
[email protected] (Howard Wachtel)                                 
[email protected] (Guy Umbright)                                     
[email protected] (Victor Halperin)                             
[email protected] (Vitaly Vovnoboy)                                     
[email protected] (Waldi Ravens)                                   
[email protected] (Matthew P Wiener)                       
[email protected] (Asher Feldman)                                
[email protected] (Yehuda Poch)                                 
[email protected] (Yose)                                         
[email protected] (Seth Young)                              
[email protected] (Yaakov Kayman)                                 
[email protected] (Zara Haimo)                                  

Votes in error
[email protected]                                                
   ! No name given
[email protected] (Nael Mohammad)                                     
   ! No votes
[email protected] (Lawrence Oxenberg)                         
   ! No votes
Jan Isley, the Knight who says ACK, can be reached at
[email protected]  or!bagend!jan

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