From [email protected] Thu Mar 11 11:31:01 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (William Oliver)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.cad.cadence,comp.lsi.cad,alt.cad,alt.cad.autocad,,,,,sci.engr
Subject: RFD: comp.cad.proe
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 11 Mar 1993 00:49:56 -0500
Organization: Texas Instruments, Temple Texas
Lines: 37
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3327 news.groups:67863 comp.cad.cadence:729 comp.lsi.cad:2826 alt.cad:648 alt.cad.autocad:2319 sci.engr:4649

As this is a request for discussion, all items are open to change.

Newsgroup Name:


This newsgroup is intended as a forum for the exchange of informaton and
experience dealing with Parametric Technology Corporation's Pro/Engineer
software package.

This type of exchange is currently being conducted through a mail
exploder run by Don Patterson ([email protected]).  The newsgroup
will hopefully broaden the target audience, and eventually supercede
the mail exploder.

This RFD was issued on 5 March 1993 and will last for 30 days.  If a
consensus is reached by the end of the RFD period, a Call for Votes
(CFV) will be issued within 5 days.  The voting period will continue
for a period of 4 work weeks, and will end at 11:59PM (CST) on the
28th day.

Thank you,
       Bill Oliver E.I.T. * Internet: [email protected]
Texas Instruments * Peripheral Products Div * Information Tech. Group 	
 5701 Airport Road * P.O. 6102 * MS 3237 * Temple, Texas 76503-6102
       Phone: 817.774.6120 * FAX: 817.774.6662 * MSGID: BILO

From [email protected] Tue May 18 15:53:48 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (William Oliver)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.cad,comp.cad.cadence,comp.lsi.cad,alt.cad.autocad,sci.engr.mech
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 13 May 1993 18:13:23 -0400
Organization: Texas Instruments
Lines: 37
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3592 news.groups:71992 alt.cad:808 comp.cad.cadence:866 comp.lsi.cad:3049 alt.cad.autocad:2852 sci.engr.mech:1446

As this is a request for discussion, all items are open to change.

Newsgroup Name:


This newsgroup is intended as a forum for the exchange of informaton and
experience dealing with Parametric Technology Corporation's Pro/Engineer
software package.

This type of exchange is currently being conducted through a mail
exploder run by Don Patterson ([email protected]).  The newsgroup
will hopefully broaden the target audience, and work with the mail

This RFD was issued on 13 May 1993 and will last for 30 days.  If a
consensus is reached by the end of the RFD period, a Call for Votes
(CFV) will be issued within 5 days.  The voting period will continue
for a period of 4 work weeks, and will end at 11:59PM (CST) on the
28th day.

Thank you,
       Bill Oliver P.E. * Internet: [email protected]
Texas Instruments * Peripheral Products Div * Information Tech. Group 	
 5701 Airport Road * P.O. 6102 * MS 3237 * Temple, Texas 76503-6102
       Phone: 817.774.6120 * FAX: 817.774.6662 * MSGID: BILO

From [email protected] Wed Jun 23 21:12:31 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (William Oliver)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.cad,alt.cad.autocad,comp.cad.cadence
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 21 Jun 1993 11:28:27 -0400
Organization: Texas Instruments
Lines: 42
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3713 news.groups:74650 alt.cad:894 alt.cad.autocad:3196 comp.cad.cadence:1018


Newsgroup Name:


This newsgroup is intended as a forum for the exchange of information
and experience dealing with Parametric Technology Corporation's
Pro/Engineer software package.

This type of exchange is currently being conducted through a mail
exploder run by Don Patterson ([email protected]).  The newsgroup will
hopefully broaden the target audience, and work with the mail exploder.

This CFV was submitted on 21 June 1993 and will end on 19 July 1993 at
23:59 (CST).

How to vote:
Send a message to [email protected] with the subject:

In the first line of the body put 
YES to indicate that the news group should be created.
NO to indicate that the news group should not be created.

        Bill Oliver P.E. * Internet: [email protected]
Texas Instruments * Peripheral Products Div * Information Tech. Group 	
 5701 Airport Road * P.O. 6102 * MS 3237 * Temple, Texas 76503-6102
       Phone: 817.774.6120 * FAX: 817.774.6662 * MSGID: BILO

From [email protected] Tue Jul 13 09:25:07 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (William Oliver)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.cad,alt.cad.autocad,comp.cad.cadence
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 12 Jul 1993 20:33:31 -0400
Organization: Texas Instruments
Lines: 152
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3787 news.groups:76092 alt.cad:947 alt.cad.autocad:3361 comp.cad.cadence:1113


Newsgroup Name:


This newsgroup is intended as a forum for the exchange of information
and experience dealing with Parametric Technology Corporation's
Pro/Engineer software package.

This type of exchange is currently being conducted through a mail
exploder run by Don Patterson ([email protected]).  The newsgroup will
hopefully broaden the target audience, and work with the mail exploder.

This CFV was submitted on 21 June 1993 and will end on 19 July 1993 at
23:59 (CST).

How to vote:
Send a message to [email protected] with the subject:

In the first line of the body put 
YES to indicate that the news group should be created.
NO to indicate that the news group should not be created.

[email protected] 
Georg Schwarz  
Georg Strobl  
"Eric J. Olson"  
"Dr. Laurence Leff"  
[email protected] 
Simon Peter Gatrall  
[email protected] (Jason Williams) 
[email protected] (Mike Wierec) 
[email protected] (Michael Wolf) 
[email protected] (Carlo Sgro) 
"Charlton Barreto @3-6605"  
[email protected] (Viji Maini) 
"Myron Koehn"  
[email protected] (Brian Redman) 
[email protected] (Scott Milton) 
[email protected] (Pc Low) 
MJones%StrEng%[email protected] 
[email protected] (Kaye Trimbath) 
[email protected] (Jon Carey x4350) 
[email protected] (Julian Macassey) 
[email protected] (Igor Grekin) 
[email protected] (Thomas Arneberg {x66642 CF/DEV}) 
[email protected] (Brian Aikins) 
Jim Dobbins  
[email protected] (Kelly Kodama) 
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller) 
Ron Fridell  
[email protected] (Stephen Thompson) 
Roger Caffin  
[email protected] (Nick Fkiaras) 
[email protected] (Ed Lynch (Mcad)) 
"Dale Alexander"  
[email protected] (Seijiro Moriyama) 
[email protected] 
Richard Hubbell  
[email protected] (Mark Perry) 
Ed Moore  
[email protected] 
[email protected] (ken owens) 
Juha Uusi-Hallila  
Vesa Vainionp{{  
[email protected] (Neil Temperley) 
decwrl!uunet.UU.NET!pilchuck!phred!eric (eric hassenzahl) 
[email protected] (olaf corten) 
Graham Bell  
[email protected] (a.e.mossberg) 
[email protected] 
Patrick Campbell-Preston  
sakewitz@cad2 (Clay Sakewitz) 
[email protected] (Bryan Hockman) 
[email protected] (Darin R Miller) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
al-From:!gard (131N20000-GardnerBW(DR8570)38) 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Carl McKnight) 
"Mark Rief (Caco Pacific)."  
[email protected] 
Steve Brice  
[email protected] (bob gibbons) 
[email protected] (Dale Brandenstein) 
[email protected] (J. G. Gregory) 
"Bill Lloyd"  
lmesnard@mars (Lee Mesnard) 
[email protected] (Mark Gydesen) 
"Bob Rhodes"  
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Bob Weissman) 
Mark Harrop  
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Randy Beck) 
Peter Edwards  
[email protected] (Peter Barbee) 
Aditya Nath -- Automated Analysis Corporation  
[email protected] (Richard Fernholz) 
[email protected] (Keith Fulton (Dark Cloud)) 
Shane Hartman  
[email protected] (Steve D. Jacobson) 
[email protected] (Fritz Schabus) 
"Ulf Hordvik"  
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Jonathan Katz) 
"John A. Ceccoli"  
[email protected] (Runnn to You...ho ho) 
[email protected] (Guenter Waibel) 
[email protected] (forrest d whitcher) 
Eric Segerstrom  
[email protected] (PAUL CALMES [email protected]) 
[email protected] (Stu Labovitz) 
[email protected] 
Stefan Freitag  
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Larry Kerila) 
[email protected] (Terry Pea x6016) 
[email protected] (Todd Gregersen) 
[email protected] (Hans Marggraff) 
[email protected] (J. Daniel Smith) 
[email protected] (Dave Chapdelaine) 
boliver (William Oliver) 
[email protected] (Jeff Strain) 
[email protected] (Roger Corron) 
[email protected] (Bruce Schwager (15231)) 
svinson@tsun1 (Sam Vinson) 
lroessle@cad1 (Larry Roessler) 
        Bill Oliver P.E. * Internet: [email protected]
Texas Instruments * Peripheral Products Div * Information Tech. Group 	
 5701 Airport Road * P.O. 6102 * MS 3237 * Temple, Texas 76503-6102
       Phone: 817.774.6120 * FAX: 817.774.6662 * MSGID: BILO

From [email protected] Wed Jul 21 00:14:50 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (William Oliver)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.cad,alt.cad.autocad,comp.cad.cadence
Subject: RESULT: passes 148:18
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 20 Jul 1993 23:43:51 -0400
Organization: Texas Instruments
Lines: 185
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3824 news.groups:77007 alt.cad:959 alt.cad.autocad:3480 comp.cad.cadence:1147

Assuming all the current votes are vaild, the group SUCCEEDS.

The YES:NO ratio is at least two to one.
There were at least 100 more Yes votes than NO votes.

There are 148 "yes" votes for and 18 "no" votes.

The list of votes is appended below:

Yes votes:

[email protected]       
Georg Strobl      
"Dr. Laurence Leff"     
[email protected]       
Simon Peter Gatrall     
[email protected] (Jason Williams)     
[email protected] (Mike Wierec)     
[email protected] (Michael Wolf)     
[email protected] (Carlo Sgro)     
"Charlton Barreto @3-6605"     
[email protected] (Viji Maini)     
"Myron Koehn"      
[email protected] (Brian Redman)     
[email protected] (Scott Milton)     
[email protected] (Pc Low)     
MJones%StrEng%[email protected]       
[email protected] (Kaye Trimbath)     
[email protected] (Jon Carey x4350)    
[email protected] (Igor Grekin)     
[email protected] (Thomas Arneberg {x66642 CF/DEV})   
[email protected] (Brian Aikins)     
Jim Dobbins      
[email protected] (Kelly Kodama)     
Ron Fridell      
[email protected] (Stephen Thompson)     
Roger Caffin      
[email protected] (Nick Fkiaras)     
[email protected] (Ed Lynch (Mcad))    
"Dale Alexander"      
[email protected]       
Richard Hubbell      
[email protected] (Mark Perry)     
Ed Moore      
[email protected]       
[email protected] (ken owens)     
Juha Uusi-Hallila      
Vesa Vainionp{{      
[email protected] (Neil Temperley)     
decwrl!uunet.UU.NET!pilchuck!phred!eric (eric hassenzahl)     
[email protected] (olaf corten)     
Graham Bell      
[email protected] (a.e.mossberg)      
[email protected]       
Patrick Campbell-Preston      
sakewitz@cad2 (Clay Sakewitz)     
[email protected] (Bryan Hockman)     
[email protected] (Darin R Miller)    
[email protected]       
[email protected]       
al-From:!gard (131N20000-GardnerBW(DR8570)38)     
[email protected]       
[email protected] (Carl McKnight)     
"Mark Rief (Caco Pacific)."    
[email protected]       
Steve Brice      
[email protected] (bob gibbons)     
[email protected] (Dale Brandenstein)     
[email protected] (J. G. Gregory)    
"Bill Lloyd"      
lmesnard@mars (Lee Mesnard)     
[email protected] (Mark Gydesen)     
"Bob Rhodes"      
[email protected]       
Mark Harrop      
[email protected]       
[email protected]       
[email protected] (Randy Beck)     
Peter Edwards      
[email protected] (Peter Barbee)     
Aditya Nath -- Automated Analysis Corporation  
[email protected] (Richard Fernholz)     
[email protected] (Keith Fulton (Dark Cloud))   
[email protected] (Steve D. Jacobson)    
[email protected] (Fritz Schabus)     
"Ulf Hordvik"      
[email protected]       
[email protected] (Jonathan Katz)     
"John A. Ceccoli"     
[email protected] (Runnn to You...ho ho)   
[email protected] (Guenter Waibel)     
[email protected] (forrest d whitcher)    
Eric Segerstrom      
[email protected] (PAUL CALMES [email protected])    
[email protected]       
Stefan Freitag      
[email protected]       
[email protected] (Larry Kerila)     
[email protected] (Terry Pea x6016)    
[email protected] (Todd Gregersen)     
[email protected] (Hans Marggraff)     
[email protected] (J. Daniel Smith)    
[email protected] (Dave Chapdelaine)     
boliver (William Oliver)     
[email protected] (Jeff Strain)     
[email protected] (Roger Corron)     
[email protected] (Bruce Schwager (15231))    
svinson@tsun1 (Sam Vinson)     
lroessle@cad1 (Larry Roessler)     
Melinda F. Cagle     
[email protected] (Marc Weideman)     
DNicolella%StrEng%[email protected]       
[email protected] (John Tilden)     
[email protected] (Rian Schmidt #2)    
[email protected] (Todd L. Kindig)    
"Steve J. Gompertz"     
Mark Waite      
George Milner <[email protected]>     
"Brian W. Cranton"     
[email protected] (Marius Lupan x6203)    
Cosme Furlong      
[email protected] (Frank Labuski)     
[email protected] (Chip Cobb)     
[email protected]       
"James E.McKinney"     
Jasmit Singh Kochhar     
[email protected]       
[email protected] (Doug Boudon)     
[email protected] (Paul Wood)     
[email protected] (Eric Peterson)     
"Matthew S. Whiting, Advanced Manufacturing Systems"  
[email protected] (Lan Wang)     
Bill D. McAdams     
Michelle Chaulk      
[email protected] (Lynne Fetsko)     
[email protected] (mcohen)      
Ahmed Al-Ashaab      
Fred C Bliss     
Chris Signalness      
akyle@thor (Alan Kyle)     
[email protected] (Malcolm J. Panthaki)    
[email protected] (Dan Wolf)     
[email protected] (Greg J. Cuneo)    
[email protected] (Warwick Murray)     
Paige Painter      
[email protected] (H.J.A.Wientjes)      
[email protected] (Hallie H.)     
[email protected] ( Mary Fong x6527)   
[email protected] (Mirek Pyrzanowski)     
[email protected] (Alf Dal'Castel)     
[email protected] (Arthur Yee)     
[email protected] (Shamas Bokhari)     
[email protected] (Bob Cox x6647)    
[email protected] (C.Kempers)      

No votes:

Georg Schwarz      
"Eric J. Olson"     
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)     
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)    
[email protected] (Seijiro Moriyama)     
[email protected] (Bob Weissman)     
Shane Hartman      
[email protected] (Stu Labovitz)     
[email protected] (Jeff Beadles)     
Kevin Junck      
(Jeffrey D. Angus) [email protected]    
Murray Nesbitt      
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)     
Silvia Quijano Rivadeneyra     
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a   
[email protected] (Rick Clark)     
Hardcore Alaskan      
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a   
        Bill Oliver P.E. * Internet: [email protected]
Texas Instruments * Peripheral Products Div * Information Tech. Group 	
 5701 Airport Road * P.O. 6102 * MS 3237 * Temple, Texas 76503-6102
       Phone: 817.774.6120 * FAX: 817.774.6662 * MSGID: BILO

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