From [email protected] Fri Oct 14 15:55:19 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Yat Siu)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.atari.8bit,
Subject: RFD: comp.sys.atari.programmer
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 14 Oct 1994 15:44:58 -0400
Organization: Lexicor Software Corporation
Lines: 50
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5782 news.groups:120611 comp.sys.atari.8bit:22175

Proposal for a new newsgroup
Request for Discussion: comp.sys.atari.programmer

by: Yat Siu ([email protected])

Group name:	comp.sys.atari.programmer
Status:		unmoderated
Distribution:	world-wide
Summary:	a newsgroup for the discussion of programming on the atari
		TOS or 8bit computer and any clones or otherwise


	There are currently several comp.sys.atari.* newsgroups, however
none cover the aspect of programming questions. Atari Computer systems
(8bit, 16 or 32bit and clones) have various development tools from other
third party developers, some of which are very good. Atari Users require
a forum where they can ask questions about programming in any language. 

	This new newsgroup is also meant to encourage programming on the
atari and asking questions regarding programming. Very often programming
questions are asked in other forums, but they either don't get a reply or
ignored because it is not related to the topic. Atari Computers have got
a user base of programmers who need to support each other on the usenet on
a more global scale, and it should also help third party developers for
atari development tools read and see what programmers use/require/want.


	The proposed group will provide a forum for the discussion of
programming queries, discussions of techniques or anything else that is
related to programming on the atari for any language that exist on the
atari (scheme, gcc, c, basic, pascal, assembler etc.)


This RFD is being issued in concordance with the guidelines set in the
"How to create a new usenet newsgroup" FAQ regularly posted to 
news.announce.newgroups. Please refer to this article if you have any 
questions about the newsgroup creation.

Unless the discussion indicated a need to resubmit a new RFD, the CFV will
be posted approximately three to four weeks after the posting of this RFD.

This RFD was (cross)-posted to the following groups:

news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,,
comp.sys.atari.8bit, comp.sys.atari.announce and mailed to the gem-list
and lexicor-list

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Mon Nov  7 18:17:24 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: CFV: comp.sys.atari.programmer
Followup-To: poster
Date: 7 Nov 1994 16:42:27 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 61
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 29 Nov 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5913 news.groups:122641

                          FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                 unmoderated group comp.sys.atari.programmer

Newsgroups line:
comp.sys.atari.programmer 	Programming on the Atari computer.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 28 November 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing lists lexicor-list, gem-list mailing list, gem-magazine.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Yat Siu	


Summary:	a newsgroup for the discussion of programming on the atari
		TOS or 8bit computer and any clones or otherwise

	The proposed group will provide a forum for the discussion of
programming queries, discussions of techniques or anything else that is
related to programming on the atari for any language that exist on the
atari (scheme, gcc, c, basic, pascal, assembler etc.)


	There are currently several comp.sys.atari.* newsgroups, however
none cover the aspect of programming questions. Atari Computer systems
(8bit, 16 or 32bit and clones) have various development tools from other
third party developers, some of which are very good. Atari Users require
a forum where they can ask questions about programming in any language. 

	This new newsgroup is also meant to encourage programming on the
atari and asking questions regarding programming. Very often programming
questions are asked in other forums, but they either don't get a reply or
ignored because it is not related to the topic. Atari Computers have got
a user base of programmers who need to support each other on the usenet on
a more global scale, and it should also help third party developers for
atari development tools read and see what programmers use/require/want.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on comp.sys.atari.programmer
      I vote NO on comp.sys.atari.programmer

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Mon Nov 21 12:47:44 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.sys.atari.programmer
Followup-To: poster
Date: 21 Nov 1994 11:11:43 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 61
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 29 Nov 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5948 news.groups:124030

                          LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                 unmoderated group comp.sys.atari.programmer

Newsgroups line:
comp.sys.atari.programmer       Programming on the Atari computer.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 28 November 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing lists lexicor-list, gem-list mailing list, gem-magazine.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Yat Siu  


Summary:        a newsgroup for the discussion of programming on the atari
                TOS or 8bit computer and any clones or otherwise

        The proposed group will provide a forum for the discussion of
programming queries, discussions of techniques or anything else that is
related to programming on the atari for any language that exist on the
atari (scheme, gcc, c, basic, pascal, assembler etc.)


        There are currently several comp.sys.atari.* newsgroups, however
none cover the aspect of programming questions. Atari Computer systems
(8bit, 16 or 32bit and clones) have various development tools from other
third party developers, some of which are very good. Atari Users require
a forum where they can ask questions about programming in any language. 

        This new newsgroup is also meant to encourage programming on the
atari and asking questions regarding programming. Very often programming
questions are asked in other forums, but they either don't get a reply or
ignored because it is not related to the topic. Atari Computers have got
a user base of programmers who need to support each other on the usenet on
a more global scale, and it should also help third party developers for
atari development tools read and see what programmers use/require/want.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on comp.sys.atari.programmer
      I vote NO on comp.sys.atari.programmer

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Dec  1 16:18:15 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.atari.programmer passes 193:35
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 1 Dec 1994 15:12:06 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 295
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6036 news.groups:125387

          unmoderated group comp.sys.atari.programmer passes 193:35

There were 193 YES votes and 35 NO votes, for a total of 228 valid votes. 
There was 1 abstain and 1 invalid ballot.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. 

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:
comp.sys.atari.programmer       Programming on the Atari computer.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Yat Siu  


Summary:        a newsgroup for the discussion of programming on the atari
                TOS or 8bit computer and any clones or otherwise

        The proposed group will provide a forum for the discussion of
programming queries, discussions of techniques or anything else that is
related to programming on the atari for any language that exist on the
atari (scheme, gcc, c, basic, pascal, assembler etc.)


        There are currently several comp.sys.atari.* newsgroups, however
none cover the aspect of programming questions. Atari Computer systems
(8bit, 16 or 32bit and clones) have various development tools from other
third party developers, some of which are very good. Atari Users require
a forum where they can ask questions about programming in any language. 

        This new newsgroup is also meant to encourage programming on the
atari and asking questions regarding programming. Very often programming
questions are asked in other forums, but they either don't get a reply or
ignored because it is not related to the topic. Atari Computers have got
a user base of programmers who need to support each other on the usenet on
a more global scale, and it should also help third party developers for
atari development tools read and see what programmers use/require/want.

comp.sys.atari.programmer Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                               Jean-Philippe Guerard
[email protected]                                Keith Dennison
[email protected]                                          cs4es
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                         Mark Leair
[email protected]                                       Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                        Alexander Clauss
[email protected]                                  Anthony Green
[email protected]                                       Walter A. Cole
[email protected]                                                       Aidan Keady
[email protected]                                         Alexander Adolf
[email protected]                                                 
[email protected]                                                  JOHN AMSLER
[email protected]                                             Ananda M. Kar
[email protected]                                    Andreas Hoffmann
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                        Andre Leistner
[email protected]                                              Arto Jalkanen
[email protected]                                          Bob McVicar
[email protected]                                  Christopher Taylor Oates
[email protected]                                         Adam Tilghman
[email protected]                                                    Jim Ault
[email protected]                                           Philip Shore
[email protected]                                  Axel Kaiser
[email protected]                                                    BLAIR DEAN
[email protected]                                                    Ben Willcox
[email protected]                                           Beric Dunn
[email protected]                                     Bertil Jagard
[email protected]                                              GORDIE MEYER
[email protected]                                                Ben Bell
[email protected]                                              brian (b.j.) grier
[email protected]                                      Christian Bonkowski
[email protected]                                              BRARDA Loic
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                    
[email protected]                                    Barry Scott Munro
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                           Chris Herborth
[email protected]                          Chris Forker - Nav Arch-
[email protected]                                 Christian Nieber
[email protected]                                               Chris Giorgi
[email protected]                  Christian Andersson
[email protected]                                           Charles Briscoe-Smith
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                
[email protected]                                      Christer Gustavsson
[email protected]                                     Jan Anders Janson
[email protected]                                        Johan Klockars
[email protected]                                       Robert Krenn - HFB T d93
[email protected]                                         Hugosson Fredrik
[email protected]                                        Daron Brewood
[email protected]                                                      David Twist
[email protected]                                             Jean-Etienne Doucet
[email protected]                                       Darryl Piper
[email protected]                             david alan vasileff
[email protected]                                            David L Watson
[email protected]                                             Eick Wagner
[email protected]                                             Nils Ekholm
[email protected]                                                      Eric Hall
[email protected]                                            Erling Henanger
[email protected]                                           Mezei Attila
[email protected]                                                   Emery Lapinski
[email protected]                                                 Sven Karlsson
[email protected]                                       Dan Fain
[email protected]                           Nils Frielinghaus
[email protected]                                                Frederic STARK
[email protected]                                  Sean P. Ryan
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                      Mark-Oliver Wolter
[email protected]                                                GEORGE GAGHON
[email protected]                                          Gerrit Meyer
[email protected]                                              Geoffrey H Spear
[email protected]                                        Maarten Landzaat
[email protected]                                             Giovanni Ciampa
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                            Stephan Haslbeck
[email protected]                                             Sacha Hofer
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                         Hoshi Takanori
[email protected]                                                     Hutch
[email protected]                                               Ibrahim El-Mouelhy
[email protected]                                             Jabran Akhtar
[email protected]                                  Jean-Michel BLIN
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                             Tommy Jonaeson
[email protected]                                         Jon Ellis
[email protected]                                                 Jeric O Newby
[email protected]                                                    John Beranek
[email protected]                                      John Watkins
[email protected]                                            K.J.Rothwell
[email protected]                                    Karl A. Brokstad
[email protected]                                         Kerrin Pine
[email protected]                                           kevan winch
[email protected]                                                     Kevin Fason
[email protected]                                         Bradley King
[email protected]                      Patrick Koehne
[email protected]                                                 Viu-Long KONG
[email protected]                                   Kristian Walsh
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                           Leslie Hartmier
[email protected]                                         [email protected]
[email protected]                                         Lex Vanderwal
[email protected]                             Who Has the Reality Glenn
[email protected]                                            MUNIZ LUIS
[email protected]                                      Ludovic Rousseau
[email protected]                                   Eric G. Lundquist
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                               L J Greenhalgh
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                    M.Dekker
[email protected]                                                 Martin Griffiths
[email protected]                                                   Michael Grubb
[email protected]                   Michael Kugelmann
[email protected]                                        Michael May
[email protected]                                    Timothy Miller
[email protected]                                          
[email protected]                                           Martin Koehling
[email protected]                                                     Mark Baker
[email protected]                                            Peter Mogensen
[email protected]                                   Markus Peter
[email protected]                                          Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                             Michael Sattler, San Francisco
[email protected]                                       Mark Baines
[email protected]                             Markus Demleitner
[email protected]                                                Manfred Ssykor
[email protected]                                                Mel Walker
[email protected]                                           Hendrik Mylius
[email protected]                                   Niklas Hanberger
[email protected]                                                                 
NMPUK::GREATH"      PHILIP GREATHEAD, +44 (0)1276 419 522
[email protected]                                         Mark O'Bryan
[email protected]                          OdaMan the SUPER
[email protected]                                             Oregon Research
[email protected]                                                  M. Otto
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                              Paul Civati
[email protected]                                                Pete Baker
[email protected]                                            Stefan Berndtsson
[email protected]                             Per Christian Krabsetsve
[email protected]                                    PerOlof Bengtsson
[email protected]                                                Edwin P. Jacques
[email protected]                                           pitchfsj
[email protected]                                       Ian M Rae
[email protected]                                           Russell A Lunsford
[email protected]                                      Alan Richardson
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                  Michael Schwingen
[email protected]                                         Ralf Over
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                        Graeme Rutt
[email protected]                                                Sander Stoks
[email protected]                                      SANSON Jacques
[email protected]                                               Stuart Brown
[email protected]                                    Rick Schokman
[email protected]                         Andreas Schwab
[email protected]                                    Stanley Wayne Hall
[email protected]                                 The Great Pumpkin
[email protected]                                   ROGER SHEPPARD
[email protected]                                    Harry Sideras
[email protected]                                        Simon Kagedal
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                       Shawn Hargreaves
[email protected]                                                          slucks
[email protected]                        Spencer Davies
[email protected]                                       Simon Robins
[email protected]                                    Zachary Bortolot
[email protected]                                         Steven M Eker
[email protected]                                                   John Payson
[email protected]                                             Steven Whatley
[email protected]                                     T.J.Rickard
[email protected]                                         Tamminen Eero
[email protected]                                                Tryggve Johannesson
[email protected]                                      Tom Cook
[email protected]                                                Emile Talbot
[email protected]                                           John R. Tegtmeier
[email protected]                                              Thed Lyngmo
[email protected]                                            Thomas Much
[email protected]                                       Thorsten Boehm
[email protected]                                                Theo Janssen
[email protected]                              Jens Toerring
[email protected]                                       David Williams
[email protected]                                      Ton van Overbeek
[email protected]                                                      Dan Valega
[email protected]                                          Joost van der Leij
[email protected]                                        Volker A. Brandt
[email protected]                                          Waldi Ravens
[email protected]                                     BARRY WILSON
[email protected]                               Wolfgang Zweygart
[email protected]                                               Xopamondo
[email protected]                     Dave Shariff Yadallee

Voted No
[email protected]                                                  Bill Yeakel
[email protected]                                              Mark Kupferman
[email protected]                         dionisopoulos panagiotis
[email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                             David
[email protected]                                                Lawrence Bensinger
[email protected]                                                     Don Maple
[email protected]                                       William Affleck-Asch
[email protected]                                   Pete 'Happy' Thomas
[email protected]                                      David Stevenson
[email protected]                                       Brent Sutherland
[email protected]                                    Jeff Murphy
[email protected]                                                Jim Goddard
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                               Hasnain Khan
[email protected]                                                      Larry Smith
[email protected]                                          M Mike Taksar KC6ZPS
[email protected]                                                 Nick Waterman
[email protected]                                      John Pimentel
[email protected]                                                Pete Bastien
[email protected]                           Elmar Meyer zu Bexten
[email protected]                                           Ryan Waldron
[email protected]                                  Richard Hable
[email protected]                                         Smarasderagd
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                           Steve Rogers
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                                   Tony Basoglu
[email protected]                                            Todd M. Cocks
[email protected]                              Wayne A Booth +1 708 979 3304
[email protected]                                   Michael A. White
[email protected]                        Karl S Wilkinson
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                              Steven Woodford

[email protected]                                                   Scott Bigham

Votes in error
[email protected]                                               Antony Balcerzak
   ! No vote statement in message

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