From [email protected] Mon May  1 18:21:19 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Lee Raesly)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.models.rc
Subject: RFD: rec.models.rc reorganization
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 1 May 1995 16:07:55 -0400
Organization: Northern Virginia Apple Users Group, Falls Church, VA
Lines: 150
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6713 news.groups:147041 rec.models.rc:51350

                        REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION
                 unmoderated group rec.models.rc.air
                 unmoderated group
                unmoderated group rec.models.rc.water
      unmoderated group rec.models.rc.misc renamcs rec.models.rc

Proposer:      [email protected] (Lee Raesly)

This RFD is being posted in accordance with the Guidelines for
Newsgroup Creation. This RFD is being issued in concordance with the
guidelines set in the "How to create a new usenet newsgroup" FAQ
regularly posted to news.announce.newgroups. Please refer to this
article if you have any questions about the newsgroup creation.

Its language is based on previously submitted RFDs. The RFD
will be cross-posted to the following relevant news groups:

news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.models.rc

In this context, it is proposed that the parent newsgroup --
rec.models.rc -- be renamed rec/models.rc.misc, and that this item
be voted on as a separate issue, independently of creation of the
individual groups proposed. Voters will be allowed to Abstain or vote No
on some parts of the proposal while supporting others.

Further, in this context, and to avoid repetition of the following
proposals mentioned recently in rec.models.rc, it is proposed that
three new RC Model newsgroups be considered during this
process, to wit:


The unmoderated newsgroup rec.models.rc has been the paramount forum
for news and discussion related to the Radio Control models. Further, the
FCC requires different frequencies be used for surface (75 MgHrtz) and air
(72 MgHrtz).

Status: unmoderated
Distribution: world-wide
Proposer:     [email protected] (Lee Raesly)

Purpose:  postings of questions and reports and other related information
concerning any radio control items operated on land. This includes cars
(both off road and on road) car racing, car clubs and other activities,
tanks, and related radio control devices intended to operate on land.
including related items for individual sale. This category accounts for
approximately one-third of the 300 messages a day on the parent newsgroup.


The rec, newsgroup will provide a place to
disseminate reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information
related to radio control of land based items including related items for
individual sale.

Status: unmoderated
Distribution: world-wide
Proposer:     [email protected] (Lee Raesly)
Purpose: Postings of questions and info on radio controlled vehicles to
operate on or in water. This includes all surface vehicles (powered and
wind driven), submarines, hydrofoil vehicles and information of clubs,
events, and other related activities, including related items for
individual sale. This category accounts for approximately one-third of the
300 messages a day on the parent newsgroup.


The rec,models.rc.water newsgroup will provide a place to
disseminate reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information
related to radio control of water based items including related items for
individual sale.

Group Name : rec.models.rc.air
Status: unmoderated:
Distribution:   world-wide
Proposer:       [email protected] (Lee Raesly)

Purpose:        Postings of questions and information on radio controlled
air vehicles. This includes air related vehicles such as gliders, electric
and wet (gas) powered planes, blimps, etc. as well as discussion and
listing about related clubs, contests and other events. and other related
activities, including related items for individual sale. This category
accounts for approximately one-third of the 300 messages a day on the
parent newsgroup.


The rec,models.rc.air newsgroup will provide a place to
disseminate reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information
related to radio control of air based items including related items for
individual sale.

Rename rec.models.rc -> rec.models.rc.misc

The renaming of the base group follows modern usenet convention.  It does
not indicate the relative importance of the various groups; it only servers
as a marker that more specialized groups do exist.

The charter will remain as it is, with the exception that postings
more relevant to subgroups should now be posted there, rather than
to the main group.


We calculate that in an average month, we're looking at about 9000-10000
messages. With the traffic growth normally expected on the internet, we
estimate that number will grow to between 12,000 and 15,000 by late summer.
I also think that a lot of players feel less reluctant to post email
related radio controlled stuff if there is a dedicated Usenet newsgroup for
each type.


This RFD is being posted to rec.models.rc and, news.announce. When Call For
Votes (CFV) are issued, it can also be cross-posted in these groups.


After a discussion period of 7-21 days, if there are no overwhelming
objections to the proposed groups, there will be a Call For Votes (CFV)
posted to the same groups as this RFD.  The voting period will be at least
21 days.  If the group passes by receiving 100 more YES votes than NO
votes, and (at least) twice as many YES votes as NO votes, it will be

Take Care, Now!  Lee...
Proline:  lee@pro-novapple                    Leon H. Raesly, LCSW-C
Internet: [email protected]          7900 Old Branch Ave #208
UUCP:     clarknet!pro-novapple!lee           Clinton, MD 20735
                                              Voice  301+868-9554

From [email protected] Mon Jun 12 13:33:49 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Misti Jordan)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.models.rc
Subject: CFV: rec.models.rc reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 12 Jun 1995 13:05:46 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 107
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 4 Jul 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7042 news.groups:153334 rec.models.rc:55962

                     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                 unmoderated group rec.models.rc.air
                 unmoderated group
                unmoderated group rec.models.rc.water
    unmoderated group rec.models.rc.misc (replaces rec.models.rc)

Newsgroups lines:	RC controlled land models.
rec.models.rc.air	RC controlled air models.
rec.models.rc.water	RC controlled water models.
rec.models.rc.misc	RC controlled miscellaneous items.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 3 July 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact .  For questions about the
proposed groups contact Lee Raesly .


This is basically a re-organization of rec.models.rc based on 300 articles
a day (9000-10,000 per month), thus making it very difficult for readers to
find information. Also, FCC requires different frequencies for land and
air, thus making the split more important and natural, as the radio
frequencies are already quite separate and different. There is NO
commonality between radios for these different radio control transmitters
and receivers.

In addition, the commonality of users is by form of rc, in other words,
that which is control (such as cars, planes, etc.), NOT in the method of
controlling (i.e. radio controlled).


BACKGROUND: This is basically a re-organization of rec.models.rc based on
300 articles a day (9000-10,000 per month), thus making it very difficult
for readers to find information. Also, FCC requires different frequencies
for land and air, thus making the split more important and natural, as the
radio frequencies are already quite separate and different. There is NO
commonality between radios for these different radio control transmitters
and receivers. -
The rec, newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of land based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.air -
The rec,models.rc.air newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of air based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.water -
The rec.models.rc.water newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of water based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.misc -
This is the renaming of the parent newsgroup, (which I have been told is
mandatory under the current rules), whose charter will remain as it is,
with the exception that postings more relevant to subgroups should now be
posted there, rather than to the main group.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Then mail the ballot to:    [email protected]
Just Replying to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Rec.models.rc Reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  rec.models.rc.air
[         ]
[         ]  rec.models.rc.water
[         ]  rec.models.rc.misc
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.
   Misti Jordan  ||    Info about the UVV or about the Guidelines can be
[email protected] ||      found at:

From [email protected] Fri Jul 14 11:19:21 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Misti Jordan)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.models.rc
Subject: CFV CANCELLED: rec.models.rc reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 13 Jul 1995 20:25:36 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 16
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7154 news.groups:159391 rec.models.rc:59036

Due to a software problem, the second Call for Votes (CFV) for the
reorganization of rec.models.rc was never published.  The only thing I
can think of to remedy this situation is to reissue the CFV and start
the whole process over.  For that reason, I am posting this message.

A new CFV will be posted at the same time as this message in
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups and rec.models.rc.  If you voted
in the original CFV, I will be sending you a copy of the CFV,
including a ballot. Please fill it out and return it to me to have
your vote counted.  I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you,
but I can see no other way to correct this problem.
   Misti Jordan  ||    Info about the UVV or about the Guidelines can be
[email protected] ||      found at:

From [email protected] Fri Jul 14 11:19:24 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Misti Jordan)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.models.rc
Subject: CFV: rec.models.rc reorganization (revote)
Followup-To: poster
Date: 14 Jul 1995 00:23:18 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 110
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 5 Aug 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7149 news.groups:159386 rec.models.rc:59035

		      FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                 unmoderated group
                 unmoderated group rec.models.rc.air
                unmoderated group rec.models.rc.water
    unmoderated group rec.models.rc.misc (replaces rec.models.rc)

Newsgroups lines:      RC controlled land models.
rec.models.rc.air       RC controlled air models.
rec.models.rc.water     RC controlled water models.
rec.models.rc.misc      RC controlled miscellaneous items.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Aug 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact .  For questions about the
proposed groups contact Lee Raesly .


BACKGROUND: This is basically a re-organization of rec.models.rc based on
300 articles a day (9000-10,000 per month), thus making it very difficult
for readers to find information. Also, FCC requires different frequencies
for land and air, thus making the split more important and natural, as the
radio frequencies are already quite separate and different. There is NO
commonality between radios for these different radio control transmitters
and receivers. -
The rec, newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of land based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.air -
The rec,models.rc.air newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of air based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.water -
The rec.models.rc.water newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of water based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.misc -
This is the renaming of the parent newsgroup, (which I have been told is
mandatory under the current rules), whose charter will remain as it is,
with the exception that postings more relevant to subgroups should now be
posted there, rather than to the main group.


This is basically a re-organization of rec.models.rc based on 300 articles
a day (9000-10,000 per month), thus making it very difficult for readers to
find information. Also, FCC requires different frequencies for land and
air, thus making the split more important and natural, as the radio
frequencies are already quite separate and different. There is NO
commonality between radios for these different radio control transmitters
and receivers.

In addition, the commonality of users is by form of rc, in other words,
that which is control (such as cars, planes, etc.), NOT in the method of
controlling (i.e. radio controlled).


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Then mail the ballot to:    [email protected]
Just Replying to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Rec.models.rc Reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  rec.models.rc.air
[         ]
[         ]  rec.models.rc.water
[         ]  rec.models.rc.misc (replaces rec.models.rc)
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.
   Misti Jordan  ||    Info about the UVV or about the Guidelines can be
[email protected] ||      found at:

From [email protected] Thu Jul 27 20:25:42 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Misti Jordan)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.models.rc
Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.models.rc reorganization (revote)
Followup-To: poster
Date: 28 Jul 1995 00:25:14 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 107
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 5 Aug 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Archive-Name: rec.models.rc-reorg
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7233 news.groups:161626 rec.models.rc:60428

		     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
		 unmoderated group rec.models.rc.air
		 unmoderated group
		unmoderated group rec.models.rc.water
    unmoderated group rec.models.rc.misc (replaces rec.models.rc)

Newsgroups lines:      RC controlled land models.
rec.models.rc.air       RC controlled air models.
rec.models.rc.water     RC controlled water models.
rec.models.rc.misc      RC controlled miscellaneous items.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 4 August 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact .  For questions about the
proposed groups contact Lee Raesly .


This is basically a re-organization of rec.models.rc based on 300 articles
a day (9000-10,000 per month), thus making it very difficult for readers to
find information. Also, FCC requires different frequencies for land and
air, thus making the split more important and natural, as the radio
frequencies are already quite separate and different. There is NO
commonality between radios for these different radio control transmitters
and receivers.

In addition, the commonality of users is by form of rc, in other words,
that which is control (such as cars, planes, etc.), NOT in the method of
controlling (i.e. radio controlled).


BACKGROUND: This is basically a re-organization of rec.models.rc based on
300 articles a day (9000-10,000 per month), thus making it very difficult
for readers to find information. Also, FCC requires different frequencies
for land and air, thus making the split more important and natural, as the
radio frequencies are already quite separate and different. There is NO
commonality between radios for these different radio control transmitters
and receivers. -
The rec, newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of land based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.air -
The rec,models.rc.air newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of air based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.water -
The rec.models.rc.water newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of water based items including related items for individual

rec.models.rc.misc -
This is the renaming of the parent newsgroup, (which I have been told is
mandatory under the current rules), whose charter will remain as it is,
with the exception that postings more relevant to subgroups should now be
posted there, rather than to the main group.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Then MAIL the ballot to:    [email protected]
Just Replying to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Rec.models.rc Reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  rec.models.rc.air
[         ]
[         ]  rec.models.rc.water
[         ]  rec.models.rc.misc
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.
   Misti Jordan  ||    Info about the UVV or about the Guidelines can be
[email protected] ||      found at:

From [email protected] Wed Aug 16 20:34:31 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Misti Jordan)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.models.rc
Subject: RESULT: rec.models.rc reorganization passes
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 17 Aug 1995 00:26:47 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 434
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: rec.models.rc-reorg
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7365 news.groups:164726 rec.models.rc:62581

          unmoderated group rec.models.rc.air passes 282:54
          unmoderated group passes 256:60
         unmoderated group rec.models.rc.water passes 251:63
          unmoderated group rec.models.rc.misc passes 260:76

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 282   54 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.models.rc.air
 256   60 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :
 251   63 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.models.rc.water
 260   76 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.models.rc.misc (renames rec.models.rc)
   3 invalid votes

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 4 August 1995.

Newsgroups line:      RC controlled land models.
rec.models.rc.air       RC controlled air models.
rec.models.rc.water     RC controlled water models.
rec.models.rc.misc      RC controlled miscellaneous items.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only, contact Misti Jordan .  For questions
about the proposed group, contact Lee Raesly .


The rec, newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of land based items including related items for
individual sale.

CHARTER: rec.models.rc.air

The rec,models.rc.air newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of air based items including related items for
individual sale.

CHARTER: rec.models.rc.water

The rec.models.rc.water newsgroup will provide a place to disseminate
reports, discussions, ask questions and provide information related to
radio control of water based items including related items for
individual sale.

CHARTER: rec.models.rc.misc

This is the renaming of the parent newsgroup, whose charter will
remain as it is, with the exception that postings more relevant to
subgroups should now be posted there, rather than to the main group.

Rec.models.rc Reorg Final Vote Ack

						    rec.models.rc.misc ------+
						   rec.models.rc.water -----+|
						     rec.models.rc.air ---+|||
[email protected]                                   Joakim Hjort YYYY
[email protected]                             KEREN LABUSCHAGNE YYYY
[email protected]                                      Herm Perez YYYY
[email protected]                                     Randall Preston YYYY
[email protected]                                         Andrew Smith YYYY
[email protected]                                      Jonathan Adair YYYY
[email protected]                                              Brian Adams YYYN
[email protected]                                          Adam Teague YYYY
[email protected]                                              Michel Adar YYYY
[email protected]                                    A. Dowhite YYYY
[email protected]                                           Adrian D. Shaw YYYY
[email protected]                                      Andrew Farrell ---N
[email protected]                                     Agust H. Bjarnason YYYY
[email protected]                                 Anthony Dorego YYYY
[email protected]                             Francis D.Agyare Y--Y
[email protected]                                   Clark Freeman NNNN
[email protected]                                Al Womelsdorf YYYY
[email protected]                                     Ales Jaklic YYYY
[email protected]                                           Ali Tajeldin YYYY
[email protected]                                         Brian G. Allan YYYN
[email protected]                                            Andy Latto YYYN
[email protected]                                 RICHARD CRAPP YYYY
[email protected]                               Art Reitsma YYYY
[email protected]                                 Adrian Richardson YYYY
[email protected]                                        Arnaud Weber YYYY
[email protected]                                          Andreas Stemmer NNNN
[email protected]                                         Matt Huang YYYY
[email protected]                                  rboy brings more. YYYY
[email protected]                                    Martin Behrendt NNNN
[email protected]                                            Ben Chiu NNNN
[email protected]                                              Bruce S. Haug --Y-
[email protected]                                            Brent Hutto NNNN
[email protected]                                          Bill Heishman YYYY
[email protected]                                             B.J. Herbison ---Y
[email protected]                                              Brian T. Jue YYYY
[email protected]                                     Bill Kournikakis Y---
[email protected]                                             YYYY
[email protected]                               Bo Samuelsson YYYY
[email protected]                                              Bob McCormick YYYY
[email protected]                                       Pasvorn Boonmark YYYY
[email protected]                                   Ben Parker YYYY
[email protected]                                      Blair Prescott YYYY
[email protected]                                  Brian Pettitt YYYY
[email protected]                                             Barrie Rody Y--Y
[email protected]                                     Richard Brown YYYY
[email protected]                                    Ken Browning YYYY
[email protected]                                           Bruce Brutt YYYY
[email protected]                            Bruce W. Curtis NNNN
[email protected]                                  D. L. Mosher ---N
[email protected]                                              Thom Byxbe YYYY
[email protected]                                      Caggiano Emilio Y--Y
[email protected]                          Carl P. Swensson YYYY
[email protected]                                            Carl Pederson YYYY
[email protected]                                           Cliff Leigh Y---
[email protected]                                Chuck Andraka YYYN
[email protected]                                      Charles Cox YYYY
[email protected]                                 Charles Williamson YYYY
[email protected]                                                  QiFan Chen YYYY
[email protected]                                           Chris Kaiser YYYN
[email protected]                                          Chris Gill ---N
[email protected]                                         Chuck Gillespie YNNY
[email protected]                                              Bill Calkins -YYY
[email protected]                                    Chris Stamper YYYY
[email protected]                                     Colin Law YYYY
[email protected]                                            Tim Strother YYYY
[email protected]                              Michael J. Comford YYYY
[email protected]                                K. crouch ----
[email protected]                                             Kevin Crozier YYYY
[email protected]                                          Michiel Wijers NNNN
[email protected]                                            Kevin Sullivan YYYY
[email protected]                                   Chris Svehlek YYYY
[email protected]                                         Robert Currey YYYY
[email protected]                                        BILL WATSON YYYY
[email protected]                         David E. Alexander YYYY
[email protected]                                         Dan Phillips Y---
[email protected]                                           Daryl Smith YYYY
[email protected]                                        Dave Green NNNN
[email protected]                                        Dave Carey YYYY
[email protected]                                       Dave Potter YYYY
[email protected]                              David A. Gell YYYY
[email protected]                                  Donald A. Wiebold YYYY
[email protected]                                  David Bailie YYYY
[email protected]                                              Dick Baker YYYY
[email protected]                                  David Dyer-Bennet ---N
[email protected]                                          Don Shugard YYYY
[email protected]                                         Dean Jamieson YYYY
[email protected]                                            Dean Roberts YYYY
[email protected]                             Dean L. Baerwald YYYY
[email protected]                                 Derek de Bastos YYYY
[email protected]                                                 Derek Ney YYYY
[email protected]                                           Don Griffes YYNY
[email protected]                                              Don Huff YYYY
[email protected]                                             Dean Jansa YYYY
[email protected]                                           Douglas R. Jones NNNN
[email protected]                                       David L. Steere YYYN
[email protected]                                      Dean Moskoff NNNN
[email protected]                                   Dave Matthews NNNN
[email protected]                                           Dan McLeod>  YYYY
[email protected]                                           Bob Dodgson YYYY
[email protected]                           Don Ayers ([email protected]) YYYY
[email protected]                                               Doug Ingraham YYYY
[email protected]                                                    Ryan YYYY
[email protected]                                                          NNNN
[email protected]                                            David Strout YYYY
[email protected]                                           Dominic Tuso YYYN
[email protected]                                                  Doug Valk YYY-
[email protected]                                        everet will YYYY
[email protected]                                                Edmund Hack YYYY
[email protected]                                          Don Edberg YYY-
[email protected]                                          Edward F. Newbold YYYY
[email protected]                              Eli Schlachet YYYY
[email protected]                                         Tim Elliott  YYYY
[email protected]                                            Ejnar Zacho Rath YYYY
[email protected]                               Javier Fernandez de la Mela YYYY
[email protected]                                           Francis Feeney NNNN
[email protected]                                       Frank Peale NNNN
[email protected]                                                    YYYY
[email protected]                           Beverley William Friend  NNNN
[email protected]                             Mark J. Gartner YYYY
[email protected]                                       Gary Howarth NNNN
[email protected]                                                  James Gell YYYY
[email protected]                          Gerardo I. Velazquez YYYY
[email protected]                                   Glenn Hansen YYYY
[email protected]                             Greg Marsden YYYY
[email protected]                                         Gordon Niessen YYYY
[email protected]                                          Gord Schindler YYYY
[email protected]                                     Tim Green YYYY
[email protected]                     Greg von dem Bach NNNN
[email protected]                                              Greg Tarcza YYNY
[email protected]                                        Gary Gray YYYY
[email protected]                                 Peter Hadfield YYYY
[email protected]                                                Kelly Hall YYYY
[email protected]                                          Hank Hagquist YYNN
[email protected]                                 Harold Kroeker NNNN
[email protected]                                       Brett Jaffee YYYY
[email protected]                                          Hans de Bruin YYYY
[email protected]                                        Helge Haugland YYYY
[email protected]                                       Barett McGavock NNNN
[email protected]                                     Harold L. Jones Y---
[email protected]                                         Howard Sullivan YYYY
[email protected]                                         Holger Bothmer YYYY
[email protected]                                               Andreas Hope YYYY
[email protected]                                           James Collins YYYY
[email protected]                                      Iain Pybus YYYY
[email protected]                                              Ian Maclaughlin YYYY
[email protected]                                        Gregory Alonso YYYY
[email protected]                                  Ilkka Mannelin YYYY
[email protected]                                Ian McNabb YYYY
[email protected]                             Buddy Ray Sessoms YYYY
[email protected]                                          Ivan Pla YYYN
[email protected]                             Lawrence James YYYY
[email protected]                        James Copeland YYYN
[email protected]                                              Jeff Tham YYYY
[email protected]                                               Jeff Ellis YYYY
[email protected]                                      Jeffrey A. Pleimling YYY-
[email protected]                                    Jeffrey A. Steinberg YYYY
[email protected]                                           Jens Ch. Gloede YYYY
[email protected]                                Jerry Budd YYYY
[email protected]                                                 Jim Ewing YYYY
[email protected]                              Jim Tremain NNNN
[email protected]                                               Jim Jhao YYYY
[email protected]                                           John Kauk NNNN
[email protected]                                     John Wheatley YYYY
[email protected]                                    John Stossel YYYY
[email protected]                                       John Huber YYYY
[email protected]                                   Jonathan Reese NNNN
[email protected]                                   Jonathan B. Siegel NNNN
[email protected]                                              Trevor Tymchuk YYYY
[email protected]                                      John Perkins Y--Y
[email protected]                                               John Rice YYYY
[email protected]                                    Jeffrey Rosen YYYY
[email protected]                                            Jeff Shimo YNNY
[email protected]                                    John L. Stephens YYYY
[email protected]                                     Juhani Kantell YYYY
[email protected]                                      Jason_Wei_Ming FOO YY-Y
[email protected]                                               Jerel Zarestky YYYY
[email protected]              Siegfried Kaltenbrunner YYYY
[email protected]                                             Karen Isaacson ---N
[email protected]                                            Keith Miller YYYY
[email protected]                                          Hasnain Khan NNNN
[email protected]                                                      Kim Volz YYYY
[email protected]                             John A. Kirchstein YYYY
[email protected]                                     Kenneth L. Fong YYYY
[email protected]                                        Kerry N. David YYYY
[email protected]                           Kristofer Kreft YYYY
[email protected]                                         Keith Rogers YYYY
[email protected]                                                James LaLone YYYY
[email protected]                                             Lance K. Chun NNNN
[email protected]                                       David J. Langlois YYYY
[email protected]                                            Lloyd Bell  YYYY
[email protected]                           Leon H. Raesly, LCSW YYYN
[email protected]                                    Bill Lee YYYY
[email protected]                                              Lyle F Deckowitz YYYY
[email protected]                             Martin Schr"oder YYYY
[email protected]                                   Kenneth Litko YYYY
[email protected]                                      Aldo Toni YYYY
[email protected]                                  Larry Marshall NNNN
[email protected]                                           Lon Jones YYYY
[email protected]                                 Gerhard Ludwar YYYY
[email protected]                                               Lynn King YYYY
[email protected]                                      Marc Moorcroft NNNN
[email protected]                                     Mark Riddoch Y--Y
[email protected]                                       MARLOWE YYYY
[email protected]                              Dave Martin YYYY
[email protected]                                              Martin Gallant YYYY
[email protected]                                          Michael Banyai YNNY
[email protected]                                          Mark Driver YYYY
[email protected]                                  Mike Holden YYYY
[email protected]                                                         YYYY
[email protected]                             John S. Kallend YYYY
[email protected]                                              Mike Pearson YYYY
[email protected]                                      Attie Jonker YYYY
[email protected]                             Mike Hendricks YYYY
[email protected]                                       Michael H. Myers YYYY
[email protected]                                       Mark Hoy YYYY
[email protected]                                       Mike Heley YYYY
[email protected]                                    Mike Winslow NNNN
[email protected]                                       Michael Lachowski  NNNN
[email protected]                                           [email protected] Y--Y
[email protected]                                    Jim Shelton YYYY
[email protected]                                                Max Feil NNNN
[email protected]                                           Marc Lacroix YYYY
[email protected]                                              Michael Lance NNNN
[email protected]                                             Mike Botkin YYYY
[email protected]                                            M Mike Taksar ---Y
[email protected]                                           Jim Monaco YYYY
[email protected]                          Mark Morland, P.E. YYYY
[email protected]                            David Maurice YYYY
[email protected]                                        William Moxley YYYY
[email protected]                                        Mike Mossey YYYY
[email protected]                                              Erik Halberstadt YYYY
[email protected]                                Michael Shellim YYYY
[email protected]                                     Michael Fendley YYYY
[email protected]                            Mark William Poole YYYY
[email protected]                                           Paul A. Soucy YYYY
[email protected]                                         Itai Nahshon NNNN
[email protected]                                  Dvid Nasatir NNNN
[email protected]                                   Steven Gubala YYYY
[email protected]                                       Nicolas Mouly YYYY
[email protected]                            Ruhaltinger Norbert -NNY
[email protected]                                                  Mark Noyes YYYY
[email protected]                                Iskandar Taib NNNN
[email protected]                                   Ole Reiersen YYYY
[email protected]                                                david parsons YYYN
[email protected]                              G. Randall Oswald YYYY
[email protected]                                      Patrick J. LoPresti NNNN
[email protected]                                           Timothy Cava YY-Y
[email protected]                                 Pedro Quaresma de Almeida Y--Y
[email protected]                                     Peter Nyffeler Y--Y
[email protected]                             James Peterson YYYY
[email protected]                                          Pejman Fani Y---
[email protected]                                           Paul Ferguson YYYY
[email protected]                                   Pierre Uszynski YYYY
[email protected]                                          keith fagin YYYY
[email protected]                                            Kris Popat YYYY
[email protected]                                            Peter O'Shea YYYY
[email protected]                                           Pete Bastien ---N
[email protected]                                  Pete Loh YYYY
[email protected]                                           Robert Kidd YYYY
[email protected]                                             Robert King ---N
[email protected]                               Randolph A. Hoover YYYY
[email protected]                                        Ralf Keeler YYYY
[email protected]                                       Robert Altshuler YYYY
[email protected]                                         Ron Siegel YYYY
[email protected]                                            Ray Jones YYYY
[email protected]                                      Robert B. Smith YYYY
[email protected]                                              Chuck Baker YYYY
[email protected]                                             Rick Croote YYYY
[email protected]                             Rex Scates 415-855-5161 NNNN
[email protected]                                         Richard Shagam Y---
[email protected]                                           Richard Miller YNYY
[email protected]                                        Roger Melville Y--Y
[email protected]                                            Robert Kinder YYYY
[email protected]                                       Robert L. Edwards NNNN
[email protected]                       R lindberg + E Winnie YYYY
[email protected]                                 Ollivier Robert NNNN
[email protected]                                              Robert Parks Y-YY
[email protected]                                          Rob Thompson YY-Y
[email protected]                                           Rodney Armstead Y---
[email protected]                            Roger Wenklo YYYY
[email protected]                                Ross Klippert x2965 NNNN
[email protected]                   Richard Shelton YYYY
[email protected]                                        Robert Smits NNNN
[email protected]                                          Robert Voysey YYYY
[email protected]                        Richard W. (Chuck) Bartholomew NNNN
[email protected]                                     Matthew C. Sargent YYYY
SARGENT_IAN/[email protected]                             Ian Sargent YYYY
[email protected]                               Rheal Saulnier Y--Y
[email protected]                                             Edward Savage YYYY
[email protected]                                             Lau Pway Ee YNNY
[email protected]                                               Steven Bixby NNNN
[email protected]                                           Ken Scofield YYYY
[email protected]                                        Scot Brooksby YYYY
[email protected]                                          Sean B. McCaskey YYYY
[email protected]                                  Stephen Hinchliff YYYY
[email protected]                                            shapard wolf YYYY
[email protected]                        Bill Sherriffs YYYY
[email protected]                                       Steve Dietzel YYYY
[email protected]                                            Steve Harrington YYYY
[email protected]                                     PAUL SMIEDT Y--Y
[email protected]                              Marc Schafer Y--Y
[email protected]                                       Stephen P. Hill YYYY
[email protected]                                             Dwight Brown NNNN
[email protected]                                              Edward Haas YYYY
[email protected]                                    Steve Kerry Y---
[email protected]                                          Steve Haehnichen NNNN
[email protected]                                       Steve N Park NNNN
[email protected]                                         Chris Stoddart YYYY
[email protected]                                       John Sturdevant YYYN
[email protected]                            Everett Sturm YYYY
[email protected]                                       sung kyun kim YYYY
[email protected]                                         Steve Wells Y--Y
[email protected]                                             Paul Szarko YYYY
[email protected]                                    Tanvir Ahmed YYYY
[email protected]                                                 Ram Gura YY--
[email protected]                                  Ted Bicking YYYY
[email protected]                                   Thayer Syme YYYY
[email protected]                                                  Ted Hibbs YYYN
[email protected]                                     alan thimot YYYY
[email protected]                                        Tim McDonough YYYY
[email protected]                                             tinman1 YYYY
[email protected]                                     Tom Miller YYYY
[email protected]                                                Tom Cady NNNN
[email protected]                                             Tom Talbert NNNN
[email protected]                                          Tomas Lesik YYYY
[email protected]                                           Tom Elrod YYYN
[email protected]                                            thomas (t.) taylor NNNY
[email protected]                                         EDWARD S. TORDAHL YYYY
[email protected]                                            Alfred Torres YYYY
[email protected]                                                   Tom Barstow YYYY
[email protected]                                               Trent Hare YYYY
[email protected]                                       Tomas Lauridsen YYYY
[email protected]                                 Tom Schneider ~ YYNY
[email protected]                                     Tom DeWulf YYYY
[email protected]                                   Tim Pierce NNNY
[email protected]                                Roger Van Maren NNNN
[email protected]                                   Donnie Vazquez YYYY
[email protected]                                           Elgar Veldhuis YYYY
[email protected]                                     Vagelis Chalkiadakis NNNN
[email protected]                                               William Ogle YYYY
[email protected]                                    Risto Widenius NNNN
[email protected]                                        william homer  YYYY
[email protected]                             John Williams YYYY
[email protected]                                     David Galea YYYY
[email protected]                                        Wayne Powell YYYN
[email protected]                                      Bill Bardon YYYY
[email protected]                                        Billy Harris ---N
[email protected]                                              Bill Webster NNNN
[email protected]                                   Bill Welker YYYY
[email protected]                                     Kym Farnik NNNN

Votes in error
[email protected]                                              Daar Fisher
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                Paul Gendron
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                 Don Morrison
   ! No vote statement in message
   Misti Jordan  ||    Info about the UVV or about the Guidelines can be
[email protected] ||      found at:
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