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Cinema (M) ( rec.arts.cinema )
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From [email protected] Mon Feb 17 23:49:26 1992 Flags: 000000000201 To: [email protected] Path: bbn!!levin From: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups Subject: CALL FOR VOTES - rec.arts.cinema Date: 22 Jan 90 20:14:16 GMT Sender: [email protected] Reply-To: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Organization: BBN Communications Corporation Lines: 91 Keywords: posted   More than sufficient time for discussion having elapsed, the official CALL FOR VOTES for rec.arts.cinema is being issued.  After full consideration of all opinions received, we have decided to put the proposal under this name, with moderation, up for a vote.  If you vote for or against this proposal specifically because of one of these issues, I'd be interested to know this; I'll attempt to summarize such additional information after the vote.  VOTING INSTRUCTIONS:  Please send your vote to     [email protected] (Internet or uucp; old style {backbone}!bbn!levin 		 should work, too).   or reply to this article.  Conditional or ambiguous votes will not be counted; please state clearly whether you are voting FOR or AGAINST rec.arts.cinema as proposed.  Votes must be received by noon (EST) on Tuesday, 13 February, 1990.  	/JBL (official vote taker; Rich Shapiro has moved and his net 		access appears to be spotty.  =====================================  CHARTER: REC.ARTS.CINEMA  This is a moderated group intended for serious articles addressing any and all aspects of cinema.  Topics appropriate for discussion include (BUT ARE BY NO MEANS LIMITED TO) the following:  -- cinematic techniques -- comparative analysis between cinema and other mediums of artistic    expression  -- film history -- cinema as an entertainment medium -- cinema as popular culture -- interpretation or analysis of a particular film or set of films -- financial, social, or legal issues that affect filmmaking (and vice versa) -- the quality and/or success of film festivals and other film-related    events -- and any other topic related to film that people want to discuss in    a serious way.  The following criteria shall be among those used by the moderator to decide whether an article is acceptable or not:  	-- Is the article making a sincere argument?  A more precise 	   way to phrase this might be: does the author truly 	   expect the readers to believe the points being made?  Or 	   a third way: is the article intellectually honest?  	-- Are the points being made in the article cogent and 	   consistent?  Have any important facts or data relevant to 	   the issues being discussed been left out?  Are there any 	   gaping holes in the fundamental assumptions or the logic 	   being professed?   	-- Is the article likely to be correctly understood?            If the moderator determines that an article is likely to be            misunderstood, it will be returned to the author for            clarification. The moderator will not alter an            article in any way unless the author indicates that this is            acceptable. The moderator will not reject an article solely            on the basis of minor spelling or grammatical errors.  Items that are specifically excluded from rec.arts.cinema:  --  Any kind of trivia questions/answers/games: use r.a.m instead  --  Simple lists (eg, movies made by director X): use r.a.m instead  --  Simple factual queries (eg "Who starred in x"): use r.a.m instead  --  Movie reviews (as opposed to analysis): use instead  --  Queries/Reports of video availability: use if it passes  --  Flames:  If you are genuinely outraged by an article, count to 10,     collect your thoughts, and write another article in response.     Otherwise, the moderator will feel free to hose you to help you     cool off.  Moderator: Manavendra Thakur  ===================================== Nets: [email protected]  |  "There were sweetheart roses on Yancey Wilmerding's  or {...}!bbn!levin  |  bureau that morning.  Wide-eyed and distraught, she POTS: (617)873-3463  |  stood with all her faculties rooted to the floor."   From [email protected] Mon Feb 17 23:54:04 1992 Flags: 000000000201 To: [email protected] Path: bbn!!levin From: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,rec.arts.movies,news.groups,,rec.arts.sf-lovers,rec.arts.anime,rec.arts.misc Subject: rec.arts.cinema SECOND CALL FOR VOTES Date: 31 Jan 90 12:47:20 GMT Sender: [email protected] Reply-To: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Organization: BBN Communications Corporation Lines: 97 Keywords: posted   The vote is in progress and going well.  I have attempted to acknowledge each vote; to date I have received only two bounces, one of which I think was successfully resolved, so I'm not including a list of voters in this call.  Many voters are indicating what in particular has induced them to vote for or against the group.  I will tally what these after completion of the vote.  VOTING INSTRUCTIONS:  Please send your vote to     [email protected] (Internet or uucp; old style {backbone}!bbn!levin 		 should work, too).   or reply to this article.  Conditional or ambiguous votes will not be counted; please state clearly whether you are voting FOR or AGAINST rec.arts.cinema as proposed.  Votes must be received by noon (EST) on Tuesday, 13 February, 1990.  	/JBL (official vote taker; Rich Shapiro has moved and his net 		access appears to be spotty.  =====================================  CHARTER: REC.ARTS.CINEMA  This is a moderated group intended for serious articles addressing any and all aspects of cinema.  Topics appropriate for discussion include (BUT ARE BY NO MEANS LIMITED TO) the following:  -- cinematic techniques -- comparative analysis between cinema and other mediums of artistic    expression  -- film history -- cinema as an entertainment medium -- cinema as popular culture -- interpretation or analysis of a particular film or set of films -- financial, social, or legal issues that affect filmmaking (and vice versa) -- the quality and/or success of film festivals and other film-related    events -- and any other topic related to film that people want to discuss in    a serious way.  The following criteria shall be among those used by the moderator to decide whether an article is acceptable or not:  	-- Is the article making a sincere argument?  A more precise 	   way to phrase this might be: does the author truly 	   expect the readers to believe the points being made?  Or 	   a third way: is the article intellectually honest?  	-- Are the points being made in the article cogent and 	   consistent?  Have any important facts or data relevant to 	   the issues being discussed been left out?  Are there any 	   gaping holes in the fundamental assumptions or the logic 	   being professed?   	-- Is the article likely to be correctly understood?            If the moderator determines that an article is likely to be            misunderstood, it will be returned to the author for            clarification. The moderator will not alter an            article in any way unless the author indicates that this is            acceptable. The moderator will not reject an article solely            on the basis of minor spelling or grammatical errors.  Items that are specifically excluded from rec.arts.cinema:  --  Any kind of trivia questions/answers/games: use r.a.m instead  --  Simple lists (eg, movies made by director X): use r.a.m instead  --  Simple factual queries (eg "Who starred in x"): use r.a.m instead  --  Movie reviews (as opposed to analysis): use instead  --  Queries/Reports of video availability: use if it passes  --  Flames:  If you are genuinely outraged by an article, count to 10,     collect your thoughts, and write another article in response.     Otherwise, the moderator will feel free to hose you to help you     cool off.  Moderator: Manavendra Thakur  ===================================== Nets: [email protected]  |  "There were sweetheart roses on Yancey Wilmerding's  or {...}!bbn!levin  |  bureau that morning.  Wide-eyed and distraught, she POTS: (617)873-3463  |  stood with all her faculties rooted to the floor."   Nets: [email protected]  |  "There were sweetheart roses on Yancey Wilmerding's  or {...}!bbn!levin  |  bureau that morning.  Wide-eyed and distraught, she POTS: (617)873-3463  |  stood with all her faculties rooted to the floor."   From [email protected] Tue Feb 18 00:05:54 1992 Flags: 000000000201 To: [email protected] Path: bbn!!levin From: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.movies Subject: rec.arts.cinema FINAL Call For Votes Summary: Deadline is Tuesday February 13 at NOON EST Date: 8 Feb 90 20:53:22 GMT Sender: [email protected] Reply-To: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Organization: BBN Communications Corporation Lines: 282 Keywords: posted   This is the final call for votes for rec.arts.cinema.  The charter is repeated below, followed by the unaudited list of 189 voters we have heard from.  The list is sorted in "random dictionary" order, meaning that the alphabetic key might be your user name, your first name, your host's name, or the name of some gatebway.  VOTING INSTRUCTIONS:  Please send your vote to     [email protected] (Internet or uucp; old style {backbone}!bbn!levin 		 should work, too).   or reply to this article.  Conditional or ambiguous votes will not be counted; please state clearly whether you are voting FOR or AGAINST rec.arts.cinema as proposed.  Votes must be received by noon (EST) on Tuesday, 13 February, 1990.  	/JBL  =====================================  CHARTER: REC.ARTS.CINEMA  This is a moderated group intended for serious articles addressing any and all aspects of cinema.  Topics appropriate for discussion include (BUT ARE BY NO MEANS LIMITED TO) the following:  -- cinematic techniques -- comparative analysis between cinema and other mediums of artistic    expression  -- film history -- cinema as an entertainment medium -- cinema as popular culture -- interpretation or analysis of a particular film or set of films -- financial, social, or legal issues that affect filmmaking (and vice versa) -- the quality and/or success of film festivals and other film-related    events -- and any other topic related to film that people want to discuss in    a serious way.  The following criteria shall be among those used by the moderator to decide whether an article is acceptable or not:  	-- Is the article making a sincere argument?  A more precise 	   way to phrase this might be: does the author truly 	   expect the readers to believe the points being made?  Or 	   a third way: is the article intellectually honest?  	-- Are the points being made in the article cogent and 	   consistent?  Have any important facts or data relevant to 	   the issues being discussed been left out?  Are there any 	   gaping holes in the fundamental assumptions or the logic 	   being professed?   	-- Is the article likely to be correctly understood?            If the moderator determines that an article is likely to be            misunderstood, it will be returned to the author for            clarification. The moderator will not alter an            article in any way unless the author indicates that this is            acceptable. The moderator will not reject an article solely            on the basis of minor spelling or grammatical errors.  Items that are specifically excluded from rec.arts.cinema:  --  Any kind of trivia questions/answers/games: use r.a.m instead  --  Simple lists (eg, movies made by director X): use r.a.m instead  --  Simple factual queries (eg "Who starred in x"): use r.a.m instead  --  Movie reviews (as opposed to analysis): use instead  --  Queries/Reports of video availability: use if it passes  --  Flames:  If you are genuinely outraged by an article, count to 10,     collect your thoughts, and write another article in response.     Otherwise, the moderator will feel free to hose you to help you     cool off.  Moderator: Manavendra Thakur  =====================================  Here follows the list of voters heard from so far:  [email protected] (Alan L. Brushaber) [email protected] Andrei State <[email protected]> [email protected] (robert john connor) [email protected] (Michael T. Sullivan) [email protected] (Richard Shapiro) [email protected] (Alan Char) [email protected] (Matthew Austern) bam%[email protected] (Brian McClendon) Bengt Larsson <[email protected]> Betsy Perry <[email protected]> [email protected] (Bruce Cohen) [email protected] (Bill Kennedy) [email protected] Blair A. Seidler <[email protected]> [email protected] (Rich Skrenta) [email protected] (Brian Matthews) [email protected] (Bobby Bodenheimer) [email protected] (Bob Lindabury) [email protected] [email protected] (Blair P. Houghton) [email protected] (Chris Brougham) Bruce Hamilton <[email protected]> Bruce Schatz <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Carlo Sgro) Cathleen Reiher <[email protected]> cchin%[email protected] (Chet Chin) [email protected] (Craig E. Ward) cirrusl!carey (Mike Carey) cj%[email protected] (C J Silverio) [email protected] (Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt) Colin Needham <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] D Neilson [email protected]> Dale C. Cook <[email protected]> Dan Schlitt <[email protected]> [email protected] Darin McGrew <[email protected]> David Chalmers <[email protected]> David Yang <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Kuder) dhanna%[email protected] (Sioux Hanna) [email protected] (Dian De Sha) [email protected] ( Marylynn Orzeckowski,STDA,x6210) Dorai Sitaram <[email protected]> [email protected] (Doug Grant) [email protected] (David I Seah) [email protected] (Mail login) [email protected] Ed Hall [email protected]> Ed Parlette <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ed Bailey) [email protected] (Elizabeth Lear) [email protected] Eric Dashman <[email protected]> Eric J Peterson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Eric Majani) [email protected] Frank W. Peters <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Garret Toomey) George Drettakis <[email protected]> [email protected]  (Gil [email protected]@Banyan) gore%[email protected] (Nancy Gore) Graeme Mullin [email protected]> [email protected] (Greg Barnes) Gunnar Ekolin <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Christopher Hassell) [email protected] [email protected] (Howard Gayle) HOWELLS @ KRYPTON.ARC.NASA.GOV (John Howells) [email protected] (Harv Laser) [email protected] J.Bryce Rumbles [email protected]> [email protected] (Jan Frelin) [email protected] (Jean Kim) Jeff Dalton [email protected]> [email protected] (Jeff Leyser) [email protected] (John F. Haugh II) [email protected] (Joe Keane) [email protected] (Jeremy Grodberg) [email protected] (Jim Horne) Jim Roche <[email protected]> JMIvler = uunet!!jmi <[email protected]> [email protected] Jo Ellen McCoy <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Jon Corelis) [email protected] (JIM PICKERING) [email protected] (J. S. B'ach) [email protected] (James Preston) [email protected] (James Wilbur Lewis) [email protected] (Keeper of the Flame) [email protected] (Jim Kan) [email protected] (Kevin Rushforth) [email protected] (Krishna E. Bera) Ken Whang 2-4154 Box 8108 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jyrki Kimmel) [email protected] (J. Kivi Shapiro) [email protected] (John Martin) [email protected] (Kurt) [email protected] (Paul Martenis) Louis Blair <[email protected]> Lyle A. Brenner <[email protected]> Manavendra K. Thakur <[email protected]> Maria D. Maggio <[email protected]> Mark Brader <[email protected]> Mark Laventhal <[email protected]> [email protected] Metafont Consultant Account <[email protected]> Michael Kaye <[email protected]> [email protected] Mitchell F. Wyle <[email protected]> Mitchell Marks <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael J Weber) [email protected] (Mark Mitchell) Monique Benarrosh <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jeff Meyer) morrison%[email protected] (Brad Morrison) moss%[email protected] (Eliot Moss) [email protected] (Michael P. Campbell) [email protected] (Nick Sayer) munnari!!felix%[email protected] [email protected] (MAJOR) [email protected] (Benjamin G. Golding) [email protected] [email protected] (Myra VanInwegen) [email protected] (Nimal Ratnayake) [email protected] (Peter Mutsaers) [email protected] [email protected] (Olof Bj|rner) [email protected] (B. S. Oplinger) Patricia O Tuama <[email protected]> Patrick Catapano <[email protected]> Patrick Chaney <[email protected]> Paul Maclauchlan <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Michael Macmillan) Pete Harlan <[email protected]> [email protected] (Bill Carson) [email protected] (Paul Hilcoff) [email protected] [email protected] (Robert Dorsett) [email protected] (Peter Reiher) [email protected] (Reid Ellis) [email protected] Richard White [email protected]> [email protected] (Richard Sexton) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] Robert Mollitor <[email protected]> Ron Buckmire <[email protected]> [email protected] (Rick Gillespie) [email protected] (Steve Jacquot) [email protected] sboyce%[email protected] (Steven Boyce) sboztas%[email protected] (Serdar Boztas) [email protected] (mark schlatter) [email protected] (Chris Andersen ("The Dangerous Guy")) [email protected] (Ken Shirriff) [email protected] (Subrata Sircar) [email protected] Stanier A [email protected]> Steve Baumgarten <[email protected]> Steve Crooks <[email protected]> Steve Fagg <[email protected]> Steve Kaminski <[email protected]> Steve Scher <[email protected]> Stewart M. Clamen <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Are there any questions?) [email protected] (Terry Gaasterland) Thomas Krueger <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tom Jaskiewicz) Tom Markson <[email protected]> Ulf Dahlen <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ulf Lagerstedt) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] William Tsun-Yuk Hsu <[email protected]> [email protected] yoda%[email protected] (Sean Yoda Rouse) [email protected] (Alexios Zavras) ===================================== Nets: [email protected]  |  "There were sweetheart roses on Yancey Wilmerding's  or {...}!bbn!levin  |  bureau that morning.  Wide-eyed and distraught, she POTS: (617)873-3463  |  stood with all her faculties rooted to the floor."   From [email protected] Tue Feb 18 00:10:52 1992 Flags: 000000000201 From: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups Subject: REC.ARTS.CINEMA: results and voter lists Date: 13 Feb 90 21:36:35 GMT Reply-To: Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Organization: BBN Communications Corporation Followup-to: news.groups Keywords: posted  The voting deadline was noon today (EST).  By that time, 226 votes had been received:      176 in favor,      50 opposed.  By the criteria established by the guidelines (Y > N + 100 and Y > 2*N), rec.arts.cinema is approved.  The five day waiting period will end on Sunday.  Monday is a holiday here (and I won't see my weekend mail till Tuesday), so I will wait till Tuesday February 20 to ask Chuq to create the group, assuming that correction of counting errors, lost votes, etc., does not change the result.  The list of voters follows, sorted mostly in alphabetical order by name (login or full) as extracted from the From: line where possible. I have spent some time with these lists and believe I have eliminated duplicate votes (at least the obvious ones!).  I will keep the actual votes on line for some period of time in case questions arise.  I have been putting aside comments on why people voted for or against the group.  I will do a little categorizing and counting, and in a day or so I'll post that information.  Finally, I would like to thank those who voted both for taking the trouble and for the manner in which they did so.  Those who judge the newsgroup creation process by articles posted to news.groups might be surprised at the nature of my mail the past three weeks or so, containing not one message which could even by a long stretch considered rude or inflamatory.  = = = = = = =    YES VOTES (176)  [email protected] (Alan L. Brushaber) [email protected] Andrei State <[email protected]> [email protected] (Matthew Austern) bam%[email protected] (Brian McClendon) bandy%[email protected] Bengt Larsson <[email protected]> Betsy Perry <[email protected]> bgg%[email protected] (Benjamin G. Golding) [email protected] (Bruce Cohen) Blair A. Seidler <[email protected]> bobal%[email protected] [email protected] (Bob Lindabury) [email protected] boyd%[email protected] brighton%[email protected] (Bill Carson) [email protected] (Chris Brougham) Bruce Hamilton <[email protected]> Bruce Schatz <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mike Carey) [email protected] (Carlo Sgro) Cathleen Reiher <[email protected]> cchin%[email protected] (Chet Chin) [email protected] (Craig E. Ward) chris%[email protected] (Chris Andersen (The Dangerous Guy)) cj%[email protected] (C J Silverio) [email protected] (Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt) Colin Needham <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] D Neilson [email protected]> Dale C. Cook <[email protected]> Dan Schlitt <[email protected]> [email protected] Darin McGrew <[email protected]> dasilva%[email protected] (Ruieta DaSilva) [email protected] (Dave Kraft) David Chalmers <[email protected]> David Yang <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Kuder) [email protected] (Dian De Sha) Dorai Sitaram <[email protected]> [email protected] (Doug Grant) dougm%[email protected] [email protected] (David I Seah) [email protected] (Alden Willis) [email protected] Ed Parlette <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ed Bailey) [email protected] Eric Dashman <[email protected]> Eric J Peterson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Eric Majani) [email protected] (of Dreams and Shadows) felix%[email protected] Frank W. Peters <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] George Drettakis <[email protected]> [email protected]  (Gil [email protected]@Banyan) good%[email protected] (Are there any questions?) gore%[email protected] (Nancy Gore) Graeme Mullin [email protected]> [email protected] (Greg Barnes) Gunnar Ekolin <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Christopher Hassell) [email protected] (Howard Gayle) HOWELLS @ KRYPTON.ARC.NASA.GOV (John Howells) [email protected] (Harv Laser) istda11%[email protected] ( Marylynn Orzeckowski,STDA,x6210) J.Bryce Rumbles [email protected]> [email protected] (Jan Frelin) Jeff Dalton [email protected]> [email protected] (Jeff Leyser) [email protected] (Joe Keane) [email protected] (Jeremy Grodberg) JHenderson [email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Horne) JMIvler = uunet!!jmi <[email protected]> [email protected] johnm%[email protected] (John Martin) [email protected] (Jon Corelis) Joseph Nave <[email protected]> [email protected] (JIM PICKERING) [email protected] (J. S. B'ach) [email protected] (Keeper of the Flame) [email protected] [email protected] (Jim Kan) karen%[email protected] Karl-Gunnar Hultland <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kevin Rushforth) [email protected] (Krishna E. Bera) keithd%[email protected] (Keith Duddy) Ken Whang 2-4154 Box 8108 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jyrki Kimmel) [email protected] (J. Kivi Shapiro) kreme%[email protected] (Mail login) [email protected] (Kurt) Lawrence E. Evans <[email protected]> [email protected] (Paul Martenis) logan%[email protected] (Christy Logan) Lyle A. Brenner <[email protected]> major%[email protected] (MAJOR) Manavendra K. Thakur <[email protected]> Maria D. Maggio <[email protected]> Mark Boltz <[email protected]> Mark Brader <[email protected]> Mark Laventhal <[email protected]> Mark Reinhold <[email protected]> [email protected] Metafont Consultant Account <[email protected]> Michael Trogni <[email protected]> Mitchell E. Gold <[email protected]> Mitchell F. Wyle <[email protected]> Mitchell Marks <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mark Mitchell) mmac%[email protected] (Michael Macmillan) Monique Benarrosh <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jeff Meyer) morrison%[email protected] (Brad Morrison) moss%[email protected] (Eliot Moss) [email protected] (Michael P. Campbell) [email protected] [email protected] (Myra VanInwegen) [email protected] (Nimal Ratnayake) [email protected] (Olof Bj|rner) [email protected] (B. S. Oplinger) Patrick Catapano <[email protected]> Patrick Chaney <[email protected]> Paul Maclauchlan <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Paul Hilcoff) [email protected] rae%[email protected] (Reid Ellis) [email protected] (Robert Dorsett) [email protected] (Peter Reiher) [email protected] [email protected] Robert E. Raper <[email protected]> Robert Mollitor <[email protected]> Ron Buckmire <[email protected]> rshapiro%[email protected] (Richard Shapiro) [email protected] (Rick Gillespie) [email protected] sboyce%[email protected] (Steven Boyce) sboztas%[email protected] (Serdar Boztas) [email protected] (mark schlatter) [email protected] (Ken Shirriff) skrenta%[email protected] (Rich Skrenta) [email protected] (Subrata Sircar) [email protected] [email protected] Stanier A [email protected]> Stephen K Mulrine [email protected]> Steve Baumgarten <[email protected]> Steve Crooks <[email protected]> Steve Fagg <[email protected]> Steve Kaminski <[email protected]> Steve Scher <[email protected]> Stewart M. Clamen <[email protected]> [email protected] Tad Cook <[email protected]> Tak Ariga <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Terry Gaasterland) Thomas Krueger <[email protected]> Tom Jacob <[email protected]> Ulf Dahlen <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ulf Lagerstedt) [email protected] [email protected] whartonb%[email protected] William Tsun-Yuk Hsu <[email protected]> yoda%[email protected] (Sean Yoda Rouse) [email protected] (Alexios Zavras)  = = = = = = =    NO VOTES (50)  achar%[email protected] (Alan Char) ado%[email protected] (Arthur David Olson) [email protected] (robert john connor) Bill Wisner <[email protected]> [email protected] (Bill Kennedy) [email protected] [email protected] (Brian Matthews) [email protected] (Bobby Bodenheimer) [email protected] (Blair P. Houghton) Charleen Bunjiovianna <[email protected]> [email protected] ( Dave Hill) dewey%[email protected] (Dewey Henize) dhanna%[email protected] (Sioux Hanna) Ed Hall [email protected]> [email protected] (Elizabeth Lear) [email protected] (Garret Toomey) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jamie Andrews [email protected]> [email protected] (Jean Kim) [email protected] (John F. Haugh II) Jim Pryor <[email protected]> Jim Roche <[email protected]> Jo Ellen McCoy <[email protected]> [email protected] (James Preston) [email protected] (James Wilbur Lewis) [email protected] (Stephen King) Louis Blair <[email protected]> [email protected] (Thomas Maddox) Michael Kaye <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael J Weber) [email protected] (Nick Sayer) [email protected] (Peter Mutsaers) [email protected] Patricia O Tuama <[email protected]> Pete Harlan <[email protected]> Peter Schorn <[email protected]> [email protected] richard welty <[email protected]> Richard White [email protected]> [email protected] (Richard Sexton) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Steve Jacquot) Starcap'n Ra <[email protected]> STella%[email protected] sullivan%[email protected] (Michael T. Sullivan) [email protected] (Tom Jaskiewicz) Tom Markson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Sande Wallfesh)  = = = = = = =  	/JBL = Nets: [email protected]  |  "There were sweetheart roses on Yancey Wilmerding's  or {...}!bbn!levin  |  bureau that morning.  Wide-eyed and distraught, she POTS: (617)873-3463  |  stood with all her faculties rooted to the floor."   
A person who reads/browses newsgroups but does not actively post.
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