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From [email protected] Mon Apr 20 12:46:33 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2240 news.groups:49274 rec.arts.comics:71636 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1304 rec.arts.comics.strips:1126 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Hades) Subject: RFD:  rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1992 14:52:56 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 51      Well, the discussion has reached news.groups, and probably a litte sooner than we would have liked. But since the discussion has already started we will need to put a time limit on it. So hear it is, and if we are lucky we might actually get something out of all of this besides a 6 month wait period.     The proposal is to reorg rec.arts.comics and change it into a more mainstream UseNet hierarchy. This hierarchy was started when the group r.a.c.marketplace was created last year, and has continued with r.a.c.strips. It has also gotten a lot of attention during the recent rec.arts.manga debate, but I won't go into that here, except to mention that there will not be a manga group proposed in this reorg because the Straw Poll results have come back and rec.arts.manga got more votes. Consideration for a manga group will of course be given if the proposed rec.arts.manga fails it's CFV. Now, on to the groups...  [-----------------------]  Name: rec.arts.comics.superhero Status: unmoderated Draft Charter:     This group will be for the discussion of comic books whose main focus are Super Heros. A Super Hero (or Super Villain)can best be described as a person with greatly enhanced abilities that sets him or her apart from normal society (many think above said society). Examples of a Super Hero comic book are: X-Men, Avengers, Spiderman, Justice League of America, Superman, Batman, Younblood, and John Byrne's Next Men.  Name: Status: moderated? Draft Charter:     This group is basically modeled after the newsgroup. It is for posts of an informative nature. Reviews, convention announcements, and other information from the comic book world would find their home in this group. It is intended to be a non-discussion, all signal informative group. One of the questions to be answered for this group is whether or not it should be moderated.  Name: rec.arts.comics.misc Status: unmoderated Draft Charter:     This group is basically the group that is currently known as rec.arts.comics. The idea being that the group will be renamed to r.a.c.misc and handle comic book discussions that aren't covered by the charters of the other groups in the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy.  -- -Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   |   [email protected]   | "DON'T TOUCH IT!! It's the History Eraser  Mac Database Developer     |  Button, you fool!"  -- Ren  Dartmouth Medical School   |   From [email protected] Tue Apr 28 12:12:11 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2275 news.groups:49943 rec.arts.comics:72715 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1386 rec.arts.comics.strips:1445 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Hades) Subject: 2nd RFD:  rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1992 15:41:00 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 58      This is the second version of the proposal to reorg rec.arts.comics and change it into a more mainstream UseNet hierarchy. This hierarchy was started when the group r.a.c.marketplace was created last year, and has continued with r.a.c.strips. It has also gotten a lot of attention during the recent rec.arts.manga debate.     Discussion for this RFD will last until May 15th 1992, at which time there should be a CFV ballot posted for voting on the proposed groups.  [-----------------------]  Name: rec.arts.comics.superhero Status: unmoderated Draft Charter:     This group will be for the discussion of comic books whose main focus is on Super Heros and Super Heroic themes. A Super Hero (or Villain) is best described as someone who's talents and abilites are seen as being outside the norm and is thus set apart from society because of those abilites. The main characters of these book usually lead double lives in an attempt to keep some semblance of normality, and often wear costumes to hide their true identities. Super Hero books are also seen has having a larger than life feel to them. The themes within the books often deal with saving a country, planet, solar system, and sometimes the universe itself.  Examples of a Super Hero comic book are: X-Men, Avengers, Spiderman, Justice League of America, Superman, Batman, Younblood, and John Byrne's Next Men.  Name: Status: Moderated - proposed moderator (subject to change) 		    [email protected]  Draft Charter:     This group is basically modeled after the newsgroup. It is for posts of an informative nature. Reviews, convention announcements, and other information from the comic book world would find their home in this group. It is intended to be a non-discussion, all signal informative group. One of the questions to be answered for this group is whether or not it should be moderated. Reviews submitted to can be from any of the r.a.c.* discussion groups, but it is asked of the poster that s/he split up the review into articles that pertain to only one of the discussion groups so that followups can be correctly set. Reviews or opinions of a single title should be seriously considered before posting, unless said single review is from a larger review that was split into parts.      Some consideration might also be given to effect some kind of standard grading scale, but this probably isn't really necessary.  Name: rec.arts.comics.misc Status: unmoderated Draft Charter:     This group is basically the group that is currently known as rec.arts.comics. The idea being that the group will be renamed to r.a.c.misc and handle comic book discussions that aren't covered by the charters of the other groups in the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy. --  -Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Professional Assasination: It is the highest  [email protected]   |  form of public service." -Chiun  Mac Database Developer     |   Dartmouth Medical School   |   From [email protected] Mon May 11 17:52:51 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2319 news.groups:50658 rec.arts.comics:74209 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1539 rec.arts.comics.strips:1733 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Hades) Subject: 3rd RFD:  rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Mon, 11 May 1992 15:54:22 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 74      This is the thrid version of the proposal to reorg rec.arts.comics and change it into a more mainstream UseNet hierarchy. This hierarchy was started when the group r.a.c.marketplace was created last year, and has continued with r.a.c.strips.     Discussion for this RFD is to take place in news.groups (as per the Guidelines), and will last until May 15th 1992, at which time there should be a CFV ballot posted for voting on the proposed groups.  [-----------------------]   Name: rec.arts.comics.misc  Status: unmoderated  Draft Charter:     This group is basically the group that is currently known as rec.arts.comics. The idea being that the group will be renamed to r.a.c.misc and handle comic book discussions that aren't covered by the charters of the other groups in the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy.  Name: Status: Moderated - proposed moderator (subject to change) 		    [email protected]  Draft Charter:     This group is basically modeled after the newsgroup. It is for posts of an informative nature. Reviews, convention announcements, and other information from the comic book world would find their home in this group. It is intended to be a non-discussion, all signal informative group. Reviews submitted to can be >from any of the r.a.c.* discussion groups, but it is asked of the poster that s/he split up the review into articles that pertain to only one of the discussion groups so that followups can be correctly directed. Reviews or opinions of a single title should be seriously considered before posting, unless said single review is from a larger review that was split into parts.      Some consideration might also be given to effect some kind of standard grading scale, but this probably isn't really necessary.  Name: rec.arts.comics.superhero Status: unmoderated Draft Charter:     This group will be for the discussion of comic books and characters whose main focus are Super Heros and Super Heroic themes. A Super Hero (or Villain) is best described as an entity who's talents and abilites are seen as being outside the norm and is thus set apart from normal society because of them. The main characters of these book usually lead double lives in an attempt to keep some semblance of normality, and often wear costumes to hide their true identities. Super Hero books are also seen has having a 'larger than life' feel to them. The themes within these books usually revolve around the Heros saving the world (and somtimes the Universe) from Evil (Super Villains) many times ending in large scale battles. Examples of a Super Hero comic book are: Avengers, Spiderman, Justice League of America, Superman, Batman, Younblood, and John Byrne's Next Men.  Name: rec.arts.comics.xbooks Status: unmoderated Draft Charter:     This group is for the discussion of those characters, and books that are part of Marvel Comics' Mutant Universe. Currently the regular Marvel titles that are part of this Universe are Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Wolverine, and Excaliber. Discussions on stories pertaining to the Mutant Universe that appear in anthology titles, such as Marvel Comics presents, should also be posted in this group. It should be noted that all of the books mentioned above are Super Hero books, but comprise their own self-contained discussions that have been a large part of rec.arts.comics since its creation. These books are also responsible for a consistent level posting that indicates a need for a separate discussion group within the hierarchy. --  -Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Professional Assasination: It is the highest  [email protected]   |  form of public service." -Chiun  Mac Database Developer     |   Dartmouth Medical School   |   From [email protected] Tue May 19 16:44:16 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2364 news.groups:51243 rec.arts.comics:74915 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1615 rec.arts.comics.strips:1780 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Hades) Subject: CFV:  rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Tue, 19 May 1992 17:24:01 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 97      This is the Call For Votes for the rec.arts.comics.* reorganization. The pupose of this vote is to chage rec.arts.comics into a hierarchy that more closely follows the current UseNet trends, and to also split off a couple of self-contained topics into their own groups. This hierarchy was first started with the addition of r.a.comics.marketplace, and has since been joined by r.a.comics.strips. The groups listed below are intended to round out the hierarchy.     The vote for this reorg will last until 00:01 EST Friday, June 19. Please remember that ONLY VOTES MAILED TO THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND WHICH FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE BALLOT WILL BE COUNTED. All votes mailed to me that do not follow the ballot will have the ballot mailed back to the sender.      To vote, you need to mail a ballot to [email protected], or reply to this message, and then change the ? on the ballot to either Y, N or A to indicate either a Yes, No or Abstain on each of the 4 separate votes.      As a means of refreshing everyone's memory on the vote, all of the group names and their charters are included after the ballot. All that is needed for the vote is the text that is within the CUT lines. If you cannot use the ballot as it is included here, please make sure that you at least follow the format of the ballot, and you must have "Vote #1", "Vote #2", "Vote #3", and "Vote #4" appearing on separate lines and the first letter in each line must be either a Y, N or A in order for the vote counting scripts to work correctly.  -- Cut Here -- Rec.Arts.Comics.* Ballot ------------------------ ? Vote #1: Rename rec.arts.comics to rec.arts.comics.misc ? Vote #2: Create, moderated ? Vote #3: Create rec.arts.comics.superhero ? Vote #4: Create rec.arts.comics.xbooks  -- End Ballot --   Name: rec.arts.comics.misc  Status: unmoderated  Charter:     This group is basically the group that is currently known as rec.arts.comics. The idea being that the group will be renamed to r.a.c.misc and handle comic book discussions that aren't covered by the charters of the other groups in the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy.  Name: Status: Moderated - moderated by [email protected]  Charter:     This group is basically modeled after the newsgroup. It is for posts of an informative nature. Reviews, convention announcements, and other information from the comic book world would find their home in this group. It is intended to be a non-discussion, all signal informative group. Reviews submitted to can be >from any of the r.a.c.* discussion groups, but it is asked of the poster that s/he split up the review into articles that pertain to only one of the discussion groups so that followups can be correctly directed. Reviews or opinions of a single title should be seriously considered before posting, unless said single review is from a larger review that was split into parts.  Name: rec.arts.comics.superhero Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group will be for the discussion of comic books and characters whose main focus are Super Heros and Super Heroic themes. A Super Hero (or Villain) is best described as an entity who's talents and abilites are seen as being outside the norm and is thus set apart from normal society because of them. The main characters of these book usually lead double lives in an attempt to keep some semblance of normality, and often wear costumes to hide their true identities. Super Hero books are also seen has having a 'larger than life' feel to them. The themes within these books usually revolve around the Heros saving the world (and somtimes the Universe) from Evil (Super Villains) many times ending in large scale battles. Examples of a Super Hero comic book are: Avengers, Spiderman, Justice League of America, Superman, Batman, Younblood, and John Byrne's Next Men.  Name: rec.arts.comics.xbooks Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group is for the discussion of those characters, and books that are part of Marvel Comics' Mutant Universe. Currently the regular Marvel titles that are part of this Universe are Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Wolverine, and Excaliber. Discussions on stories pertaining to the Mutant Universe that appear in anthology titles, such as Marvel Comics presents, should also be posted in this group. It should be noted that all of the books mentioned above are Super Hero books, but comprise their own self-contained discussions that have been a large part of rec.arts.comics since its creation. These books are also responsible for a consistent level posting that indicates a need for a separate discussion group within the hierarchy. --  -Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Fortunately, I always keep my feathers  [email protected]   |  numbered for just such an emergency."  Mac Database Developer     | 		-Foghorn Leghorn  Dartmouth Medical School   |   From [email protected] Tue May 26 11:48:08 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2381 news.groups:51701 rec.arts.comics:75286 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1644 rec.arts.comics.strips:1822 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Hades) Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:  rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Tue, 26 May 1992 15:18:33 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 280      This is the second Call For Votes for the rec.arts.comics.* reorg. The pupose of this vote is to change rec.arts.comics into a hierarchy that more closely follows the current UseNet trends, and to also split off a couple of self-contained topics into their own group.      The vote for this reorg will last until 00:01 EST Friday, June 19. Please remember that ONLY VOTES MAILED TO THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND WHICH FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE BALLOT WILL BE COUNTED. All votes mailed to me that do not follow the ballot will have the ballot mailed back to the sender.      To vote, you need to mail a ballot to [email protected], or reply to this message, and then change the ?'s on the ballot to either Y, N or A to indicate either a Yes, No or Abstain on each of the 4 separate votes.      Currently there have been 174 votes tallied by me as of the posting of this article, the names of these voters will appear at the end of this post, following the charters. If you do not see your name in the ACK list, please send me mail and I will let you know if you have a recorded vote. If you do not, then I will e-mail the ballot to you so that you can vote. I apologize for not having the software currently to do automatic vote ack's, please do not send in multiple votes, unless of course you have changed your mind on how you are voting. Only the last ballot mailed to me will be counted.   -- Cut Here -- Rec.Arts.Comics.* Ballot ------------------------ ? Vote #1: Rename rec.arts.comics to rec.arts.comics.misc ? Vote #2: Create, moderated ? Vote #3: Create rec.arts.comics.superhero ? Vote #4: Create rec.arts.comics.xbooks  -- End Ballot --      All that is needed for the vote is the text that is within the CUT lines. If you cannot use the ballot as it is included here, please make sure that you at least follow the format of the ballot, and you must have "Vote #1", "Vote #2", "Vote #3", and "Vote #4" appearing on separate lines (REMEBER THAT MY SOFTWARE IS CASE SENSITIVE) and the first letter in each line must be either a Y, N or A in order for the vote counting scripts to work correctly.  --------------------------------------- Name: rec.arts.comics.misc  Status: unmoderated  Charter:     This group is basically the group that is currently known as rec.arts.comics. The idea being that the group will be renamed to r.a.c.misc and handle comic book discussions that aren't covered by the charters of the other groups in the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy.  Name: Status: Moderated - moderated by [email protected]  Charter:     This group is basically modeled after the newsgroup. It is for posts of an informative nature. Reviews, convention announcements, and other information from the comic book world would find their home in this group. It is intended to be a non-discussion, all signal informative group. Reviews submitted to can be >from any of the r.a.c.* discussion groups, but it is asked of the poster that s/he split up the review into articles that pertain to only one of the discussion groups so that followups can be correctly directed. Reviews or opinions of a single title should be seriously considered before posting, unless said single review is from a larger review that was split into parts.  Name: rec.arts.comics.superhero Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group will be for the discussion of comic books and characters whose main focus are Super Heros and Super Heroic themes. A Super Hero (or Villain) is best described as an entity who's talents and abilites are seen as being outside the norm and is thus set apart from normal society because of them. The main characters of these book usually lead double lives in an attempt to keep some semblance of normality, and often wear costumes to hide their true identities. Super Hero books are also seen has having a 'larger than life' feel to them. The themes within these books usually revolve around the Heros saving the world (and somtimes the Universe) from Evil (Super Villains) many times ending in large scale battles. Examples of a Super Hero comic book are: Avengers, Spiderman, Justice League of America, Superman, Batman, Younblood, and John Byrne's Next Men.  Name: rec.arts.comics.xbooks Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group is for the discussion of those characters, and books that are part of Marvel Comics' Mutant Universe. Currently the regular Marvel titles that are part of this Universe are Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Wolverine, and Excaliber. Discussions on stories pertaining to the Mutant Universe that appear in anthology titles, such as Marvel Comics presents, should also be posted in this group. It should be noted that all of the books mentioned above are Super Hero books, but comprise their own self-contained discussions that have been a large part of rec.arts.comics since its creation. These books are also responsible for a consistent level posting that indicates a need for a separate discussion group within the hierarchy.  --------------------------------------- "Amy L. Szuchmacher" <[email protected]> "Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH 45387" <[email protected]> "Brian Vickers" <[email protected]> "David M. Pahnos" <[email protected]> "Donald W. Brinker" <[email protected]> "Elisabeth Riba" <[email protected]> "Her lips spoke tender words... `Hey Joe, you got gum?'" "Hit me, you can't hurt me - suck my kiss" <[email protected]> "James D. Zelenka" <[email protected]> "Jonathan R. Ferro" <[email protected]> "Loren J. Miller" <[email protected]> "Richard L. Butler" <[email protected]> "Shokk, the Electric (Ernie Oporto)" <[email protected]> "Toby R. Elliott" <[email protected]> "\ystein Tvedten" <[email protected]> "glenn alan carnagey jr" <[email protected]> [email protected] Adina Adler <[email protected]> [email protected] (Allyn Polk) Andrew David Weiland <[email protected]> Andy Young <[email protected]> Arne Henrik Juul <[email protected]> [email protected] Bernt Oedegaard <[email protected]> Damian Cugley <[email protected]> David Goldfarb <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ron Graham) GARROUST Vincent <[email protected]> Glenn Host <[email protected]> HSIED  LI MING <[email protected]> Harold Pritchett <[email protected]> It's the REAL Prince K! <[email protected]> Jan van 't Ent <[email protected]> Jay Laefer <[email protected]> Jonathan M Lennox <[email protected]> Just another theatre geek..... <[email protected]> K R Maxson <[email protected]> Kenneth A Graves <[email protected]> Lazlo Nibble <[email protected]> [email protected] MIAOW <[email protected]> [email protected] (Greg Morrow) MSKALA%[email protected] Marc Moorcroft <[email protected]> Mark Krukar <[email protected]> Matt Downer <[email protected]> Matt Hucke <[email protected]> Michael Bowman <[email protected]> Michael Scott Shappe <[email protected]> Mike Fessler <[email protected]> Mutant for Hire <[email protected]> Patrick M. Ryan <[email protected]> Per Abrahamsen <[email protected]> RD Francis <[email protected]> Ray J Cornwall <[email protected]> Rick Jones <[email protected]> Rob McMahon <[email protected]> [email protected] Samuel Edward Greenfield <[email protected]> Scotty B <[email protected]> She moos in mysterious ways...  19-May-1992 1541 <[email protected]> Steve Aronson <[email protected]> Steven Michael Maser <[email protected]> The Man in Black <[email protected]> Tim Hagman (lbs) <[email protected]> [email protected] William Kaufman <[email protected]> William Shih <[email protected]> Windsor A. Morgan <[email protected]> [email protected] (Andrew Scott Beals -- KC6SSS) [email protected] (Arthur Adams) adam huby <[email protected]> [email protected] (David C. Tuttle) [email protected] (Andy Finkenstadt) [email protected] (Jackie Byrd) [email protected] (Ed Bailey) [email protected] (Berzola Frederic) [email protected] (Maurice Beyke) [email protected] (Dominic Macika) [email protected] (Bill Marcum) [email protected] (Ruth White) [email protected] (Brett D. Watson) [email protected] (Brian Troxell) [email protected] [email protected] (Robert Carlin) [email protected] (Topher) [email protected] (Charles E Jones) [email protected] (Craig Garnett) [email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up) [email protected] [email protected] (Dani Zweig) [email protected] (David Stumme - "Grenadier") [email protected] (David Adrien Tanguay) [email protected] (Doug Moran) [email protected] (Devin Ben-Hur) [email protected] (James P. Dusek) [email protected] (Francis A. Uy) [email protected] (Dave Flowers) [email protected] (Michael S Forbes) [email protected] (Katie Fritz) [email protected] (Peter Faill) [email protected] (Geoff Bronner) [email protected] [email protected] (Ian Lance Taylor) [email protected] [email protected] (James A. Perreault) [email protected] (Jim  Cowling) [email protected] (Jeff Williamson) [email protected] (Enrique Conty) [email protected] [email protected] (Jacob Lesgold) [email protected] [email protected] (Monnier Jean-Michel) [email protected] (Jim Ogle (Ks. Jim)) [email protected] (James Drew) [email protected] (Jonny Ray Purvis) [email protected] (Jeffrey C Spencer) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Zippy the Punhead) [email protected] (Lloyd Chalfant) [email protected] (Larry W. Virden) [email protected] [email protected] (HELD HOSTAGE -- YEAR ONE) [email protected] [email protected] (Mark Sicignano) matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood) [email protected] (Killans - First And Last And Always) [email protected] (Michael G McKellar) michael kelly <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael Edwards) [email protected] (Mike Kienenberger) [email protected] (Michael Minnotte) [email protected] [email protected] (Beatrice Muller) [email protected] (Michael J. Winston) [email protected] [email protected] (Otto Heuer #3) [email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516)) [email protected] [email protected] (Perbellini Stephane) [email protected] (Na Choon Piaw) [email protected] (Jeffrey  Porten) [email protected] (Rami Ahonen) [email protected] [email protected] (Michael Rawdon) rich%[email protected] (Richard Hempsey) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) rlcarr%[email protected] (Rich Carreiro) [email protected] (Roger S Tait, Jr) [email protected] (Ronald LIGTERINGEN) [email protected] (R M Price) [email protected] (R. P. White) [email protected] (Mike Arms) [email protected] (mark schlatter) [email protected] (Steve Simmons) [email protected] [email protected] (Subrata Sircar) [email protected] (Mike Stailey) [email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan) [email protected] (Timothy W Tjarks) [email protected] (Tom Barrett) [email protected] (Timothy W. Lynch) [email protected] [email protected] (Tom Haapanen) [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord) [email protected] (The Napoleon of Crime) [email protected] (Lance Visser) [email protected] (David Wald) [email protected] (Winter Michel) [email protected] (Christopher M. Conway) --  -Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Fortunately, I always keep my feathers  [email protected]   |  numbered for just such an emergency."  Mac Database Developer     | 		-Foghorn Leghorn  Dartmouth Medical School   |   From [email protected] Wed Jun  3 09:54:34 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2398 news.groups:52040 rec.arts.comics:75736 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1699 rec.arts.comics.strips:1892 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Hades) Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK:  rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1992 19:33:13 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 349      This is the third Call For Votes for the rec.arts.comics.* reorg. The pupose of this vote is to change rec.arts.comics into a hierarchy that more closely follows the current UseNet trends, and to also split off a couple of self-contained topics into their own group.      The vote for this reorg will last until 00:01 EST Friday, June 19. Please remember that ONLY VOTES MAILED TO THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND WHICH FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE BALLOT WILL BE COUNTED. All votes mailed to me that do not follow the ballot will have the ballot mailed back to the sender.      To vote, you need to mail a ballot to [email protected], or reply to this message, and then change the ?'s on the ballot to either Y, N or A to indicate either a Yes, No or Abstain on each of the 4 separate votes.      Currently there have been 247 votes tallied by me as of the posting of this article, the names of these voters will appear at the end of this post, following the charters. All of the votes that I have received, minus a couple of duplicate votes, are shown below. If you sent in a vote, and you don't see your name, then you will need to send in another vote.  -- Cut Here -- Rec.Arts.Comics.* Ballot ------------------------ ? Vote #1: Rename rec.arts.comics to rec.arts.comics.misc ? Vote #2: Create, moderated ? Vote #3: Create rec.arts.comics.superhero ? Vote #4: Create rec.arts.comics.xbooks  -- End Ballot --      All that is needed for the vote is the text that is within the CUT lines. If you cannot use the ballot as it is included here, please make sure that you at least follow the format of the ballot, and you must have "Vote #1", "Vote #2", "Vote #3", and "Vote #4" appearing on separate lines (REMEBER THAT MY SOFTWARE IS CASE SENSITIVE) and the first letter in each line must be either a Y, N or A in order for the vote counting scripts to work correctly.  --------------------------------------- Name: rec.arts.comics.misc  Status: unmoderated  Charter:     This group is basically the group that is currently known as rec.arts.comics. The idea being that the group will be renamed to r.a.c.misc and handle comic book discussions that aren't covered by the charters of the other groups in the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy.  Name: Status: Moderated - moderated by [email protected]  Charter:     This group is basically modeled after the newsgroup. It is for posts of an informative nature. Reviews, convention announcements, and other information from the comic book world would find their home in this group. It is intended to be a non-discussion, all signal informative group. Reviews submitted to can be >from any of the r.a.c.* discussion groups, but it is asked of the poster that s/he split up the review into articles that pertain to only one of the discussion groups so that followups can be correctly directed. Reviews or opinions of a single title should be seriously considered before posting, unless said single review is from a larger review that was split into parts.  Name: rec.arts.comics.superhero Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group will be for the discussion of comic books and characters whose main focus are Super Heros and Super Heroic themes. A Super Hero (or Villain) is best described as an entity who's talents and abilites are seen as being outside the norm and is thus set apart from normal society because of them. The main characters of these book usually lead double lives in an attempt to keep some semblance of normality, and often wear costumes to hide their true identities. Super Hero books are also seen has having a 'larger than life' feel to them. The themes within these books usually revolve around the Heros saving the world (and somtimes the Universe) from Evil (Super Villains) many times ending in large scale battles. Examples of a Super Hero comic book are: Avengers, Spiderman, Justice League of America, Superman, Batman, Younblood, and John Byrne's Next Men.  Name: rec.arts.comics.xbooks Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group is for the discussion of those characters, and books that are part of Marvel Comics' Mutant Universe. Currently the regular Marvel titles that are part of this Universe are Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Wolverine, and Excaliber. Discussions on stories pertaining to the Mutant Universe that appear in anthology titles, such as Marvel Comics presents, should also be posted in this group. It should be noted that all of the books mentioned above are Super Hero books, but comprise their own self-contained discussions that have been a large part of rec.arts.comics since its creation. These books are also responsible for a consistent level posting that indicates a need for a separate discussion group within the hierarchy.  --------------------------------------- "A Knight in White Satin" <[email protected]> "Amy L. Szuchmacher" <[email protected]> "Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH 45387" <[email protected]> "Corey Liss" <[email protected]> "David M. Pahnos" <[email protected]> "Donald W. Brinker" <[email protected]> "Elisabeth Riba" <[email protected]> "Her lips spoke tender words..`Hey Joe, you got gum?'"<[email protected]> "Hit me, you can't hurt me - suck my kiss" <[email protected]> "James D. Zelenka" <[email protected]> "Jason L. Tibbitts III" <[email protected]> "Jonathan R. Ferro" <[email protected]> "Lance "Cogsworth" Smith" <[email protected]> "Loren J. Miller" <[email protected]> "Michael S. Schiffer" <[email protected]> "Richard L. Butler" <[email protected]> "Shokk, the Electric (Ernie Oporto)" <[email protected]> "Sue Clark" <[email protected]> "Toby R. Elliott" <[email protected]> "\ystein Tvedten" <[email protected]> "glenn alan carnagey jr" <[email protected]> [email protected] Adina Adler <[email protected]> Adrian Cox <[email protected]> [email protected] (Allyn Polk) Andrew David Weiland <[email protected]> Andy Malis <[email protected]> Andy Young <[email protected]> Arne Henrik Juul <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (She's the moron, I'm the twit.) Bear Bryant is God <[email protected]> Bernt Oedegaard <[email protected]> Damian Cugley <[email protected]> David Goldfarb <[email protected]> Derryl D. DePriest  <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ron Graham) Edward John Sabol <[email protected]> GARROUST Vincent <[email protected]> Glenn Host <[email protected]> HSIED  LI MING <[email protected]> Hannu Pajunen <[email protected]> Harold Pritchett <[email protected]> It's the REAL Prince K! <[email protected]> Jan van 't Ent <[email protected]> Jay Laefer <[email protected]> Jay Maynard <[email protected]> Jim (J.A.) Dean <[email protected]> John G Dobnick <[email protected]> Jon Gad <[email protected]> Jonathan M Lennox <[email protected]> Just Eddie [email protected]> Just another theatre geek..... <[email protected]> Jym Dyer <[email protected]> K R Maxson <[email protected]> Karl Tombre <[email protected]> Kenneth A Graves <[email protected]> Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <[email protected]> Lazlo Nibble <[email protected]> [email protected] MIAOW <[email protected]> [email protected] (Greg Morrow) MSKALA%[email protected] Marc Moorcroft <[email protected]> Mark (MacBear) McConnell <[email protected]> Mark Krukar <[email protected]> Matt Downer <[email protected]> Matt Hucke <[email protected]> Michael Bowman <[email protected]> Michael Scott Shappe <[email protected]> Mike Fessler <[email protected]> Mikko Lahti <[email protected]> Mutant for Hire <[email protected]> Northstar Ken <[email protected]> [email protected] Patrick M. Ryan <[email protected]> Per Abrahamsen <[email protected]> RD Francis <[email protected]> Ray J Cornwall <[email protected]> Rick Jones <[email protected]> Rob McMahon <[email protected]> Robert Kelly <[email protected]> Russ Random Smith <[email protected]> Ryan Campbell <[email protected]> [email protected] Samuel Edward Greenfield <[email protected]> Scotty B <[email protected]> She moos in mysterious ways...  19-May-1992 1541 <[email protected]> Steve Aronson <[email protected]> Steven Michael Maser <[email protected]> The Man in Black <[email protected]> Tim Hagman (lbs) <[email protected]> Tor Iver Wilhelmsen <[email protected]> [email protected] William Kaufman <[email protected]> William Shih <[email protected]> Windsor A. Morgan <[email protected]> [email protected] (Andrew Scott Beals -- KC6SSS) [email protected] (Joel Tscherne) [email protected] (Arthur Adams) adam huby <[email protected]> [email protected] (David C. Tuttle) [email protected] (Andy Finkenstadt) [email protected] (Jackie Byrd) [email protected] (Ed Bailey) [email protected] (Berzola Frederic) [email protected] (Maurice Beyke) [email protected] (Austin Phelps) [email protected] (Dominic Macika) [email protected] (Bill Marcum) [email protected] (Ruth White) [email protected] [email protected] (Brett D. Watson) [email protected] (Brian Troxell) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (byron c go) [email protected] (Robert Carlin) [email protected] (Topher) [email protected] (John A. Fritz) [email protected] (Charles E Jones) [email protected] (Craig Garnett) [email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Dani Zweig) [email protected] (David Stumme - "Grenadier") [email protected] (David Adrien Tanguay) [email protected] [email protected] (Doug Moran) [email protected] (Devin Ben-Hur) [email protected] (James P. Dusek) [email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.) [email protected] (Eric J. Austin) [email protected] (Eric Akawie) [email protected] [email protected] (Francis A. Uy) [email protected] (Dave Flowers) [email protected] (Michael S Forbes) [email protected] (Andrew "AJ" Foxx) [email protected] (Katie Fritz) [email protected] [email protected] (Peter Faill) [email protected] (Geoff Bronner) [email protected] (MARK VIGNATI) [email protected] [email protected] (Ian Lance Taylor) [email protected] [email protected] (James A. Perreault) [email protected] (James Bailey) [email protected] (Jim  Cowling) [email protected] (Jeff Williamson) [email protected] [email protected] (Enrique Conty) [email protected] [email protected] (Jacob Lesgold) [email protected] [email protected] (Monnier Jean-Michel) [email protected] (Joel Ness) [email protected] (Jim Ogle (Ks. Jim)) [email protected] (Chuck Jordan) [email protected] (James Drew) [email protected] (Jonny Ray Purvis) [email protected] (Robert L Mitchell) [email protected] (John S. Howard) [email protected] (Jeffrey C Spencer) [email protected] [email protected] (Brian Kenney) [email protected] kieran <[email protected]> [email protected] (Zippy the Punhead) [email protected] (Lloyd Chalfant) [email protected] (Grant A. Ladue) [email protected] [email protected] (Gary Lewandowski [TSoD]) [email protected] (Larry W. Virden) [email protected] [email protected] (Kevin Maguire) [email protected] (HELD HOSTAGE -- YEAR ONE) [email protected] [email protected] (Mark Sicignano) [email protected] (Mike Mathis) matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood) [email protected] (Killans - First And Last And Always) [email protected] (Michael G McKellar) michael kelly <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael Edwards) [email protected] (Mike Kienenberger) [email protected] (Michael Minnotte) [email protected] [email protected] (Matt Kappel) [email protected] (Beatrice Muller) [email protected] (Michael J. Winston) [email protected] [email protected] (Brad Jarvinen) [email protected] [email protected] (Otto Heuer #3) [email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516)) [email protected] (Mike Palmer) [email protected] [email protected] (Perbellini Stephane) [email protected] (Na Choon Piaw) [email protected] (The Voice of Conspiracy) [email protected] (Jeffrey  Porten) [email protected] (Rami Ahonen) [email protected] [email protected] (Michael Rawdon) rich%[email protected] (Richard Hempsey) [email protected] (Richard Rosenberger) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) rlcarr%[email protected] (Rich Carreiro) [email protected] [email protected] (Roger S Tait, Jr) [email protected] (Ronald LIGTERINGEN) [email protected] [email protected] (R M Price) [email protected] (R. P. White) [email protected] (Mike Arms) [email protected] (Dave V. Schaller) [email protected] (mark schlatter) [email protected] (Steve Simmons) [email protected] [email protected] (Sharon M. Tuttle) speterse%[email protected] (soren--Ms. Jackson if you're nasty) [email protected] (Subrata Sircar) [email protected] (Mike Stailey) [email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan) [email protected] (Timothy W Tjarks) [email protected] (Tom Barrett) [email protected] (T.D.H.) [email protected] (Timothy W. Lynch) [email protected] [email protected] (Tom Haapanen) [email protected] (Donald Tsang) [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord) [email protected] (The Napoleon of Crime) [email protected] (Lance Visser) [email protected] (David Wald) [email protected] (William G. Fuller) [email protected] (Winter Michel) [email protected] (Christopher M. Conway) [email protected] --  -Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Fortunately, I always keep my feathers  [email protected]   |  numbered for just such an emergency."  Mac Database Developer     | 		-Foghorn Leghorn  Dartmouth Medical School   |   From [email protected] Fri Jun 19 13:27:04 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2436 news.groups:52917 rec.arts.comics:76794 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1802 rec.arts.comics.strips:2050 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brian V. Hughes) Subject: 4th CFV and VOTE ACK: rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:08:23 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 386      This is the fourth and final Call For Votes for the rec.arts.comics.* reorg. The pupose of this vote is to change rec.arts.comics into a hierarchy that more closely follows the current UseNet trends, and to also split off a couple of self-contained topics into their own group.     The vote for this reorg will last until 00:01 EST Friday, June 19. Please remember that ONLY VOTES MAILED TO THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND WHICH FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE BALLOT WILL BE COUNTED. All votes mailed to me that do not follow the ballot will have the ballot mailed back to the sender.      To vote, you need to mail a ballot to [email protected], or reply to this message, and then change the ?'s on the ballot to either Y, N or A to indicate either a Yes, No or Abstain on each of the 4 separate votes.      Currently there have been 283 votes tallied by me as of the posting of this article, the names of these voters will appear at the end of this post, following the charters. All of the votes that I have received, minus a couple of duplicate votes, are shown below. If you sent in a vote, and you don't see your name, then you will need to send in another vote.  -- Cut Here -- Rec.Arts.Comics.* Ballot ------------------------ ? Vote #1: Rename rec.arts.comics to rec.arts.comics.misc ? Vote #2: Create, moderated ? Vote #3: Create rec.arts.comics.superhero ? Vote #4: Create rec.arts.comics.xbooks  -- End Ballot --      All that is needed for the vote is the text that is within the CUT lines. If you cannot use the ballot as it is included here, please make sure that you at least follow the format of the ballot, and you must have "Vote #1", "Vote #2", "Vote #3", and "Vote #4" appearing on separate lines (REMEBER THAT MY SOFTWARE IS CASE SENSITIVE) and the first letter in each line must be either a Y, N or A in order for the vote counting scripts to work correctly.  --------------------------------------- Name: rec.arts.comics.misc  Status: unmoderated  Charter:     This group is basically the group that is currently known as rec.arts.comics. The idea being that the group will be renamed to r.a.c.misc and handle comic book discussions that aren't covered by the charters of the other groups in the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy.  Name: Status: Moderated - moderated by [email protected]  Charter:     This group is basically modeled after the newsgroup. It is for posts of an informative nature. Reviews, convention announcements, and other information from the comic book world would find their home in this group. It is intended to be a non-discussion, all signal informative group. Reviews submitted to can be >from any of the r.a.c.* discussion groups, but it is asked of the poster that s/he split up the review into articles that pertain to only one of the discussion groups so that followups can be correctly directed. Reviews or opinions of a single title should be seriously considered before posting, unless said single review is from a larger review that was split into parts.  Name: rec.arts.comics.superhero Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group will be for the discussion of comic books and characters whose main focus are Super Heros and Super Heroic themes. A Super Hero (or Villain) is best described as an entity who's talents and abilites are seen as being outside the norm and is thus set apart from normal society because of them. The main characters of these book usually lead double lives in an attempt to keep some semblance of normality, and often wear costumes to hide their true identities. Super Hero books are also seen has having a 'larger than life' feel to them. The themes within these books usually revolve around the Heros saving the world (and somtimes the Universe) from Evil (Super Villains) many times ending in large scale battles. Examples of a Super Hero comic book are: Avengers, Spiderman, Justice League of America, Superman, Batman, Younblood, and John Byrne's Next Men.  Name: rec.arts.comics.xbooks Status: unmoderated Charter:     This group is for the discussion of those characters, and books that are part of Marvel Comics' Mutant Universe. Currently the regular Marvel titles that are part of this Universe are Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Wolverine, and Excaliber. Discussions on stories pertaining to the Mutant Universe that appear in anthology titles, such as Marvel Comics presents, should also be posted in this group. It should be noted that all of the books mentioned above are Super Hero books, but comprise their own self-contained discussions that have been a large part of rec.arts.comics since its creation. These books are also responsible for a consistent level posting that indicates a need for a separate discussion group within the hierarchy.  --------------------------------------- "A Knight in White Satin" <[email protected]> "Amy L. Szuchmacher" <[email protected]> "Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH 45387" <[email protected]> "Bao-Phac Do (doctor zero)" <[email protected]> "Corey Liss" <[email protected]> "David M. Pahnos" <[email protected]> "Donald W. Brinker" <[email protected]> "Elisabeth Riba" <[email protected]> "Her lips spoke tender words..`Hey Joe, you got gum?'"<[email protected]> "Hit me, you can't hurt me - suck my kiss" <[email protected]> "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine."<[email protected]> "James D. Zelenka" <[email protected]> "Jason L. Tibbitts III" <[email protected]> "Jonathan R. Ferro" <[email protected]> "Lance "Cogsworth" Smith" <[email protected]> "Loren J. Miller" <[email protected]> "Michael S. Schiffer" <[email protected]> "Richard L. Butler" <[email protected]> "Shokk, the Electric (Ernie Oporto)" <[email protected]> "Stu Labovitz" <[email protected]> "Sue Clark" <[email protected]> "Toby R. Elliott" <[email protected]> "\ystein Tvedten" <[email protected]> "glenn alan carnagey jr" <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] Adina Adler <[email protected]> Adrian Cox <[email protected]> [email protected] (Allyn Polk) Andrew David Weiland <[email protected]> Andrew H Krieg <[email protected]> Andy Malis <[email protected]> Andy Young <[email protected]> Arne Henrik Juul <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (She's the moron, I'm the twit.) Bear Bryant is God <[email protected]> Bernt Oedegaard <[email protected]> CHRISDA%[email protected] CMS <[email protected]> Chih-Ping Kuo <[email protected]> Damian Cugley <[email protected]> David Goldfarb <[email protected]> Derryl D. DePriest  <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ron Graham) Edward John Sabol <[email protected]> GARROUST Vincent <[email protected]> Glenn Host <[email protected]> HSIED  LI MING <[email protected]> Hannu Pajunen <[email protected]> Harold Pritchett <[email protected]> It's the REAL Prince K! <[email protected]> J Eric Townsend <[email protected]> Jan van 't Ent <[email protected]> Jay Laefer <[email protected]> Jay Maynard <[email protected]> Jesse Stricker <[email protected]> Jim (J.A.) Dean <[email protected]> John G Dobnick <[email protected]> Jon Gad <[email protected]> Jonathan M Lennox <[email protected]> Just Eddie [email protected]> Just another theatre geek..... <[email protected]> Jym Dyer <[email protected]> K R Maxson <[email protected]> Kari Sutela <[email protected]> Karl Tombre <[email protected]> Kenneth A Graves <[email protected]> Khanh Nguyen <[email protected]> Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <[email protected]> Lazlo Nibble <[email protected]> [email protected] MIAOW <[email protected]> [email protected] (Greg Morrow) MSKALA%[email protected] [email protected] (Michael E. Pouliot) Marc Moorcroft <[email protected]> Mark (MacBear) McConnell <[email protected]> Mark Krukar <[email protected]> Matt Downer <[email protected]> Matt Hucke <[email protected]> Michael Bowman <[email protected]> Michael Scott Shappe <[email protected]> Mike Fessler <[email protected]> Mikko Lahti <[email protected]> Mutant for Hire <[email protected]> Northstar Ken <[email protected]> [email protected] Patrick M. Ryan <[email protected]> Per Abrahamsen <[email protected]> Per Starb{ck  <[email protected]> Pete Boulay <[email protected]> RD Francis <[email protected]> Ray J Cornwall <[email protected]> Rick Jones <[email protected]> Rick Pim [email protected]> Rob McMahon <[email protected]> Robert Kelly <[email protected]> Russ Random Smith <[email protected]> Ryan Campbell <[email protected]> [email protected] Samuel Edward Greenfield <[email protected]> Scotty B <[email protected]> She moos in mysterious ways...  19-May-1992 1541 <[email protected]> Steve Aronson <[email protected]> Steven Michael Maser <[email protected]> Sven Heinicke <[email protected]> The Man in Black <[email protected]> Tim Hagman (lbs) <[email protected]> Tor Iver Wilhelmsen <[email protected]> [email protected] Ulf Goransson <[email protected]> White Wolf <[email protected]> William Kaufman <[email protected]> William Shih <[email protected]> Windsor A. Morgan <[email protected]> [email protected] (Andrew Scott Beals -- KC6SSS) [email protected] (Joel Tscherne) [email protected] (Arthur Adams) adam huby <[email protected]> [email protected] (David C. Tuttle) [email protected] (Andy Finkenstadt) [email protected] (Jackie Byrd) [email protected] (Ed Bailey) [email protected] (Berzola Frederic) [email protected] (Maurice Beyke) [email protected] (Austin Phelps) [email protected] (Dominic Macika) [email protected] (Bill Marcum) [email protected] (Ruth White) [email protected] (Ryan Mathews) [email protected] [email protected] (Brett D. Watson) [email protected] (Brian Troxell) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (byron c go) [email protected] (Robert Carlin) [email protected] (Topher) [email protected] (John A. Fritz) [email protected] (Charles E Jones) [email protected] (Craig Garnett) [email protected] (Carl Henderson) [email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Chad Freeman) [email protected] [email protected] (Dani Zweig) [email protected] (David Stumme - "Grenadier") [email protected] (David Adrien Tanguay) [email protected] [email protected] (Doug Moran) [email protected] (Devin Ben-Hur) [email protected] (James P. Dusek) [email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.) [email protected] (Eric J. Austin) [email protected] (Eric Akawie) [email protected] [email protected] (Francis A. Uy) [email protected] (Dave Flowers) [email protected] (Michael S Forbes) [email protected] (Andrew "AJ" Foxx) [email protected] (Katie Fritz) [email protected] [email protected] (Peter Faill) [email protected] (Geoff Bronner) [email protected] (Gregorio T. Gervasio, Jr.) [email protected] (Dave Gosselin) [email protected] (MARK VIGNATI) [email protected] [email protected] (Ian Lance Taylor) [email protected] [email protected] (James A. Perreault) [email protected] (James Bailey) [email protected] (Jim  Cowling) [email protected] (Jeff Williamson) [email protected] [email protected] (Enrique Conty) [email protected] [email protected] (Jhemon Lee) [email protected] (Jacob Lesgold) [email protected] [email protected] (Monnier Jean-Michel) [email protected] (Joel Ness) [email protected] (Jim Ogle (Ks. Jim)) [email protected] (Chuck Jordan) [email protected] (James Drew) [email protected] (Jonny Ray Purvis) [email protected] (Robert L Mitchell) [email protected] (John S. Howard) [email protected] (Jeffrey C Spencer) [email protected] (Jeffrey Reilly) [email protected] [email protected] (Kim DeVaughn) [email protected] (Brian Kenney) [email protected] kieran <[email protected]> [email protected] (Zippy the Punhead) [email protected] (Lloyd Chalfant) [email protected] (Grant A. Ladue) [email protected] [email protected] (Gary Lewandowski [TSoD]) [email protected] (Larry W. Virden) [email protected] [email protected] (Kevin Maguire) [email protected] (HELD HOSTAGE -- YEAR ONE) [email protected] [email protected] (Mark Sicignano) [email protected] (Mike Mathis) matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood) [email protected] (Killans - First And Last And Always) [email protected] (Michael G McKellar) michael kelly <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael Edwards) [email protected] (Mike Kienenberger) [email protected] (Michael Minnotte) [email protected] [email protected] (Matt Kappel) [email protected] (Beatrice Muller) [email protected] (Michael J. Winston) [email protected] [email protected] (Brad Jarvinen) [email protected] [email protected] (Otto Heuer #3) [email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516)) [email protected] (Mike Palmer) [email protected] (Patrick B. Hall) [email protected] [email protected] (Perbellini Stephane) [email protected] (Na Choon Piaw) [email protected] (The Voice of Conspiracy) [email protected] (Jeffrey  Porten) [email protected] (Rami Ahonen) [email protected] [email protected] (Michael Rawdon) rich%[email protected] (Richard Hempsey) [email protected] (Richard Rosenberger) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) rlcarr%[email protected] (Rich Carreiro) [email protected] [email protected] (Roger S Tait, Jr) [email protected] (Ronald LIGTERINGEN) [email protected] [email protected] (R M Price) [email protected] (R. P. White) [email protected] (Mike Arms) [email protected] (Dave V. Schaller) [email protected] (mark schlatter) [email protected] (Steve Simmons) [email protected] (869883 Leep) [email protected] [email protected] (Sharon M. Tuttle) speterse%[email protected] (soren--Ms. Jackson if you're nasty) [email protected] (Subrata Sircar) [email protected] (Mike Stailey) [email protected] (Stan Friesen) [email protected] (Sascha Wildner) [email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan) [email protected] (Terry Dawson) [email protected] (Timothy W Tjarks) [email protected] (Tom Barrett) [email protected] (T.D.H.) [email protected] (Timothy W. Lynch) [email protected] [email protected] (Tom Haapanen) [email protected] (Donald Tsang) [email protected] (Real life?  Ha!) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Don Marks) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord) [email protected] (The Napoleon of Crime) [email protected] (Taed Nelson) [email protected] (Lance Visser) [email protected] (David Wald) [email protected] (William G. Fuller) [email protected] (Winter Michel) [email protected] (Christopher M. Conway) [email protected] [email protected] (wayne wallace) --  -Hades  (Brian V. Hughes)   | "Dogs are so useful I'm surprised they're  [email protected]   |  not sold in vending machines. ('You got  Mac Database Developer     |  any change? I need a dog.')  Dartmouth Medical School   | 		-Dave Barry  From [email protected] Wed Jun 24 17:17:29 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2468 news.groups:53260 rec.arts.comics:77249 rec.arts.comics.marketplace:1851 rec.arts.comics.strips:2084 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.comics.marketplace,rec.arts.comics.strips Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brian V. Hughes) Subject: RESULT: rec.arts.comics reorganization Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1992 20:17:16 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 327      These are the results for the Rec.Arts.Comics.* reorg. This is going to be as short and to-the-point as I can make it....      The votes were for: 	Vote #1: Rename rec.arts.comics to rec.arts.comics.misc 	Vote #2: Create, moderated 	Vote #3: Create rec.arts.comics.superhero 	Vote #4: Create rec.arts.comics.xbooks       ... and the outcome of those votes are as follows: 	Vote 1: 193 to 92...margin 101, percent in favor 67.719298 	Vote 2: 223 to 65...margin 158, percent in favor 77.430556 	Vote 3: 148 to 123...margin 25, percent in favor 54.612546 	Vote 4: 196 to 81...margin 115, percent in favor 70.758123      From these results, you can see that the only vote that didn't pass was the creation of rec.arts.superhero, all of the other votes met the requirements of 100 more yes than no (represented my the margin) and at least 2/3 yes votes (represented by the % in favor).      The group will be a moderated group, and the moderator will be Brian Hughes ([email protected]).      The complete voter list is incuded below, it is alpha sorted by the From: header line, and the votes are represented by the first 4 letters, in order vote 1, vote 2, vote 3, vote 4. A=Abstain. There were a total of 293 ballots sent in, and due to various abstentions on the ballots, none of the votes above have this total for yes + no votes.  ------------------------------------- Y Y Y Y "A Knight in White Satin" <[email protected]> Y Y N Y "Amy L. Szuchmacher" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y "Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH 45387" <[email protected]> N Y A Y "Bao-Phac Do (doctor zero)" <[email protected]> N N N N "Corey Liss" <[email protected]> Y Y N Y "David M. Pahnos" <[email protected]> N Y N Y "Donald W. Brinker" <[email protected]> Y Y A Y "Elisabeth Riba" <[email protected]> Y A Y Y "Her lips spoke tender words..`Hey Joe, you got gum?'"<[email protected]> N N N N "Hit me, you can't hurt me - suck my kiss" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine."<[email protected]> Y Y N Y "James D. Zelenka" <[email protected]> Y Y A A "Jason L. Tibbitts III" <[email protected]> N Y N N "Jonathan R. Ferro" <[email protected]> N N N N "Lance "Cogsworth" Smith" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y "Loren J. Miller" <[email protected]> Y Y N Y "Michael S. Schiffer" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y "Richard L. Butler" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y "Shokk, the Electric (Ernie Oporto)" <[email protected]> Y Y N A "Stu Labovitz" <[email protected]> N Y N N "Sue Clark" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y "Toby R. Elliott" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y "glenn alan carnagey jr" <[email protected]> N N N N "ystein Tvedten" <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] N Y N Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y Adina Adler <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Adrian Cox <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Allyn Polk) Y Y N Y Andrew David Weiland <[email protected]> N N N Y Andrew H Krieg <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Andy Malis <[email protected]> N N N N Andy Young <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Arne Henrik Juul <[email protected]> N Y N N [email protected] Y Y N Y [email protected] (She's the moron, I'm the twit.) Y Y Y Y Bear Bryant is God <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Bernt Oedegaard <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y CHRISDA%[email protected] Y Y Y Y CMS <[email protected]> N N N N Chih-Ping Kuo <[email protected]> A Y Y A Damian Cugley <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y David Goldfarb <[email protected]> Y Y A Y Derryl D. DePriest <[email protected]> Y A N Y [email protected] (Ron Graham) N Y N N Edward John Sabol <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y GARROUST Vincent <[email protected]> N Y N Y Glenn Host <[email protected]> A Y A Y HSIED LI MING <[email protected]> N Y N N Hannu Pajunen <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Harold Pritchett <[email protected]> N Y N N It's the REAL Prince K! <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y J Eric Townsend <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Jacob Butcher <[email protected]>  Y Y Y N [email protected] (James Langdell) Y Y A A Jan van 't Ent <[email protected]> N Y Y Y Jay Laefer <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Jay Maynard <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Jesse Stricker <[email protected]> N Y N N Jim (J.A.) Dean <[email protected]> N N N N John G Dobnick <[email protected]> N Y N N Jon Gad <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Jonathan M Lennox <[email protected]> N N N N Just Eddie [email protected]> Y Y Y Y Just another theatre geek..... <[email protected]> A A Y Y Jym Dyer <[email protected]> Y Y Y N K R Maxson <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Kari Sutela <[email protected]> N N N N Karl Tombre <[email protected]> Y Y N Y Kenneth A Graves <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Khanh Nguyen <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Lazlo Nibble <[email protected]> N N N Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y MIAOW <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Greg Morrow) Y Y Y Y MSKALA%[email protected] N N N N [email protected] (Michael E. Pouliot) N A N N Marc Moorcroft <[email protected]> N Y N Y Mark (MacBear) McConnell <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Mark Krukar <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Matt Downer <[email protected]> N Y N Y Matt Hucke <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Michael Bowman <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Michael Scott Shappe <[email protected]> N N Y N Mike Fessler <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Mikko Lahti <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Mitchell E. Gold <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Mutant for Hire <[email protected]> Y Y A A Northstar Ken <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y Patrick M. Ryan <[email protected]> Y Y Y A Per Abrahamsen <[email protected]> N Y Y A Per Starb{ck <[email protected]> N N N N Pete Boulay <[email protected]> Y Y N Y RD Francis <[email protected]> N N N Y Ray J Cornwall <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Rick Jones <[email protected]> Y N A Y Rick Pim [email protected]> Y Y Y Y Rob McMahon <[email protected]> Y N Y Y Robert Kelly <[email protected]> Y Y A N Russ Random Smith <[email protected]> N Y A Y Ryan Campbell <[email protected]> N Y N Y [email protected] N Y N N Samuel Edward Greenfield <[email protected]> N N N N Scotty B <[email protected]> N N N N She moos in mysterious ways... 19-May-1992 1541 <[email protected]> Y Y N Y Steve Aronson <[email protected]> N N N N Steven Michael Maser <[email protected]> N N N N Sven Heinicke <[email protected]> Y Y Y N The Man in Black <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y Tim Hagman (lbs) <[email protected]> N Y A Y Tor Iver Wilhelmsen <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y Ulf Goransson <[email protected]> Y Y N Y White Wolf <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y William Kaufman <[email protected]> N Y N Y William Shih <[email protected]> N Y N N Windsor A. Morgan <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Andrew Scott Beals -- KC6SSS) N Y N N [email protected] (Joel Tscherne) N N Y Y [email protected] (Arthur Adams) N N N N adam huby <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] (David C. Tuttle) N Y N Y [email protected] (Andy Finkenstadt) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Jackie Byrd) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Berzola Frederic) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Maurice Beyke) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Austin Phelps) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Dominic Macika) Y Y Y N [email protected] (Bill Marcum) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Ruth White) N N N N [email protected] (Ryan Mathews) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Brett D. Watson) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Brian Troxell) A Y A A [email protected] Y Y N Y [email protected] Y Y N N [email protected] (byron c go) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Al Petterson) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Robert Carlin) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Topher) N N N N [email protected] (Carl Rigney) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (John A. Fritz) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Charles E Jones) N Y N N [email protected] (Craig Garnett) N N N N [email protected] (Carl Henderson) Y Y N Y [email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up) N N N Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y N Y [email protected] (Chad Freeman) Y Y Y Y [email protected] N N N Y [email protected] (Dani Zweig) Y Y N Y [email protected] (David Stumme - "Grenadier") Y Y Y A [email protected] (David Adrien Tanguay) Y N Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Doug Moran) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Devin Ben-Hur) N N N Y [email protected] (James P. Dusek) N N N N [email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Eric J. Austin) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Eric Akawie) Y Y N Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Francis A. Uy) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Dave Flowers) Y Y N N [email protected] (Michael S Forbes) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Andrew "AJ" Foxx) Y Y A Y [email protected] (Katie Fritz) Y Y Y Y [email protected] N N N N [email protected] (Peter Faill) Y Y Y N [email protected] (Geoff Bronner) Y Y Y N [email protected] (Gregorio T. Gervasio, Jr.) N Y N N [email protected] (Dave Gosselin) A A A Y [email protected] (MARK VIGNATI) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Hades) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Heiko Niemeier) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Ian Lance Taylor) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (James A. Perreault) Y Y Y A [email protected] (James Bailey) N N N N [email protected] (Jim Cowling) Y Y Y A [email protected] (Jeff Williamson) Y Y N Y [email protected] Y Y A N [email protected] (Enrique Conty) Y Y Y Y [email protected] N Y Y N [email protected] (Jhemon Lee) Y Y A Y [email protected] (Jacob Lesgold) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Monnier Jean-Michel) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Joel Ness) Y N Y N [email protected] (Jim Ogle (Ks. Jim)) N N N Y [email protected] (Chuck Jordan) Y N Y A [email protected] (James Drew) A N N N [email protected] (Jonny Ray Purvis) N N N N [email protected] (Robert L Mitchell) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (John S. Howard) Y Y Y A [email protected] (Jeffrey C Spencer) N N N N [email protected] (Jeffrey Reilly) N N N N [email protected] N N N N [email protected] (Kim DeVaughn) N N N N [email protected] (Brian Kenney) Y Y Y Y [email protected] N Y N Y kieran <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Zippy the Punhead) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Lloyd Chalfant) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Grant A. Ladue) N N N N [email protected] Y Y Y N [email protected] (Gary Lewandowski [TSoD]) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Larry W. Virden) N Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Kevin Maguire) N Y N N [email protected] (HELD HOSTAGE -- YEAR ONE) N Y Y Y [email protected] N N N N [email protected] (Mark Sicignano) N Y N N [email protected] (Mike Mathis) Y Y Y Y matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Killans - First And Last And Always) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Michael G McKellar) N Y N Y michael kelly <[email protected]> Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Michael Edwards) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Mike Kienenberger) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Michael Minnotte) Y Y A Y [email protected] N N N N [email protected] (Matt Kappel) Y N A A [email protected] (Beatrice Muller) N N N Y [email protected] (Michael J. Winston) Y Y N Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Brad Jarvinen) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y N N N [email protected] (Otto Heuer #3) Y Y Y Y [email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516)) N N N N [email protected] (Mike Palmer) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Patrick B. Hall) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Perbellini Stephane) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Na Choon Piaw) N N N Y [email protected] (The Voice of Conspiracy) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Jeffrey Porten) N N N N [email protected] (Tom Albrecht) N Y N N [email protected] (Rami Ahonen) N N N N [email protected] N N N N [email protected] (Michael Rawdon) Y Y Y Y rich%[email protected] (Richard Hempsey) Y Y A Y [email protected] (Richard Rosenberger) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Jean Richter) N Y Y Y [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) Y Y Y Y rlcarr%[email protected] (Rich Carreiro) A N N N [email protected] (Richard Mosher) N N N N [email protected] Y Y N Y [email protected] (Roger S Tait, Jr) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Ronald LIGTERINGEN) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y A Y [email protected] (R M Price) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (R. P. White) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Mike Arms) N N N N [email protected] (Dave V. Schaller) Y Y N Y [email protected] (mark schlatter) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Steve Simmons) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (869883 Leep) N N N N [email protected] A Y A A [email protected] (Sharon M. Tuttle) N N N N speterse%[email protected] (soren--Ms. Jackson if you're nasty) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Subrata Sircar) Y N N Y [email protected] (Mike Stailey) Y Y Y A [email protected] (Stan Friesen) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Sascha Wildner) Y Y Y N [email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Terry Dawson) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Timothy W Tjarks) N N N N [email protected] (Tom Barrett) N N N N [email protected] (T.D.H.) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Timothy W. Lynch) Y Y Y Y [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Tom Haapanen) N Y N Y [email protected] (Donald Tsang) Y Y Y N [email protected] (Real life? Ha!) Y Y N Y [email protected] N Y N Y [email protected] Y N Y Y [email protected] (Don Marks) N N N N [email protected] N N N N [email protected] Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord) Y Y Y N [email protected] (The Napoleon of Crime) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Taed Nelson) N N N Y [email protected] (Lance Visser) Y Y N Y [email protected] (David Wald) Y Y A Y [email protected] (William G. Fuller) Y Y Y Y [email protected] (Winter Michel) Y Y N Y [email protected] (Christopher M. Conway) Y Y N N [email protected] Y Y Y N [email protected] (wayne wallace) --                                  "Where's the scenery" -Daffy(Duck Amuck) -Hades (Brian V. Hughes)  
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