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Announcements ( rec.arts.comics.alternative )
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From [email protected] Thu Oct 27 15:12:19 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Glenn Carnagey <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.comics.alternative,rec.arts.comics.misc,,alt.comics.elfquest,,,alt.zines Subject: RFD: rec.arts.comics.alternative Followup-To: news.groups Date: 27 Oct 1994 15:05:56 -0400 Organization: Lines: 77 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5853 news.groups:121790 alt.comics.alternative:4651 rec.arts.comics.misc:107922 alt.comics.elfquest:4257 alt.zines:6402  		     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) 		     rec.arts.comics.alternative   Purpose:	For the discussion of alternative (non-mainstream, --------	non-superhero) comic books.  Status: 	Unmoderated. ------  Rationale:	The group rec.arts.comics.alternative is proposed to ----------	replace the group alt.comics.alternative, due to the 		propogation problems of that group: many people would like to read the group and cannot, but do have access to the rec heirarchy.  The group rec.arts.comics.misc is heavy-traffic, and is overwhelmingly dominated by the discussion of color superhero comic books not ordinarily of interest to many readers of alternative comic books.  In addition, creation of rec.arts.comics.alternative would considerably boost the visibility of the discussion of alternative comic books.  Charter:	The purpose of rec.arts.comics.alternative is to --------	provide a forum for the discussion of alternative 		comic books, which follow in the footsteps of the 1960s' underground comics, in that they defy the common perceptions that all comics are for children, and that almost all feature four-color super-heroes.  Comics which easily fall into those genres well-represented by the comic book industry's mainstream (such as superheroes, science fiction/fantasy/horror, comics for kids and teens, and comics based on popular movies or bestsellers) are rarely considered "alternative."  Alternative comic books treat subjects unusual for comic books, or sometimes common subjects in unusual ways. They're most often published in black and white, in much smaller numbers, and by smaller presses.  They're normally owned by their creators, and many times even published by them.  Comic books that you could buy at a convenience store or a newstand are highly unlikely to be considered alternative.  RFD:	Discussion will last 21 days.  If appropriate, a revised RFD  ----	will be posted after 14 days, reflecting suggestions and  	opinions provided by the discussion.  After 21 days, or a period of days suggested by the moderator of the group news.announce.newgroups, or after an extension of 7 days, a Call For Votes (CFV) will be issued.    Distribution:	This RFD is being cross-posted to the following groups: -------------  The moderated news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, the moderated, rec.arts.comics.misc, alt.comics.alternative, rec.arts.comics.x-books, rec.arts.comics.strips, rec.arts.comics.marketplace, rec.arts.comics.creative, alt.comics.lnh, alt.comics.superman, alt.comics.batman, alt.comics.elfquest,,,,, alt.punk, alt.zines, rec.arts.books, alt.soc.generation-x, alt.postmodern.  It will also be sent to the Comix mailing list ([email protected]), the cerebus mailing list ([email protected]), the 2000AD mailing list ([email protected]), the Bone mailing list ([email protected]), the Poison Elves mailing list ([email protected]), the Elfquest mailing list ([email protected]), and the Small Press mailing list ([email protected]).  	All follow-ups go to news.groups.  Please direct e-mail correspondence to [email protected], who will forward it to all the authors listed below.  Please relay this proposal to anyone you feel may be interested.  written by: Bart Beaty, Glenn Carnagey, Michael Chary, Jim Drew, Ennead, Lazlo Nibble, Tonio Roque, Francis Uy, and Todd VerBeek --  		 Glenn Carnagey, Data Systems Manager 		   Center for Population Economics 	      1101 E. 58th St., Chicago, IL, 60637-1511        EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Nov 22 10:59:58 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Glenn Carnagey <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.comics.alternative,rec.arts.comics.misc,,alt.comics.elfquest,,,alt.zines Subject: 2nd RFD: rec.arts.comics.alternative Followup-To: news.groups Date: 22 Nov 1994 10:46:16 -0500 Organization: uchicago Lines: 97 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5983 news.groups:124233 alt.comics.alternative:5448 rec.arts.comics.misc:114658 alt.comics.elfquest:4610 alt.zines:6956  		   2nd REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) 		     rec.arts.comics.alternative  Changes to the 1st RFD for this group include: 	1) "non-superhero" was deleted from the "Purpose:" line 	2)  Several changes were made to the charter that involved making 		the descriptions of alternative comic books and 		mainstream comic books more explicit and somewhat 		more quantifiable, to wit: 	    - Delineation of the chief mainstream publishers 	    - Quantifier added to the term "smaller circulation" 	    - General structure of description of alternative comics 		changed 	3) Statement on what to do in case of confusion and the relationship 		of the new group to rec.arts.comics.misc added 	4) A few more minor language and punctuation changes to 		the charter in the interest of clarity 	5) Other sections remain intact and identical to corresponding 		sections in the 1st RFD  Purpose:	For the discussion of alternative (non-mainstream) --------	comic books.  Status: 	Unmoderated. ------  Rationale:	The group rec.arts.comics.alternative is proposed to ----------	replace the group alt.comics.alternative due to the 		propogation problems of that group: many people would like to read the group and cannot, but do have access to the rec hierarchy.  The group rec.arts.comics.misc is heavy-traffic, and is overwhelmingly dominated by the discussion of mainstream comic books not ordinarily of interest to many readers of alternative comic books. In addition, creation of rec.arts.comics.alternative would considerably boost the visibility of the discussion of alternative comic books.  Charter:	The purpose of rec.arts.comics.alternative is to --------	provide a forum for the discussion of alternative 		comic books, which follow in the footsteps of the 1960s' underground comics in that they defy the common perceptions that all comics are for children and that almost all feature four-color superheroes.  Comics which easily fall into genres well-represented by the comic book industry's mainstream (such as superheroes, science fiction/fantasy/horror, comics for kids and teens, and comics based on popular movies or bestsellers) are not considered "alternative" unless they fit the following description of alternative comic books: 	In contrast to over 80% of comic books today, they are not published by the chief imprint of the biggest mainstream companies (DC, Marvel, Image, Valiant, Archie and Disney); comic books that you could buy at a convenience store or a newsstand would not be considered alternative.	Alternative comic books focus on subjects not typically found in comic books or focus on typical subjects in atypical and innovative ways.  These two qualities are essential. They are additionally most often published in black and white, in small circulations (roughly less than 10 of the index currently used by the major distributors), and are published by the smaller publishers (i.e. are not delineated above).  They are normally owned by their creators and many times even published by them.  A majority of these qualities should be present. 	If a comic doesn't obviously belong in any other group, including rec.arts.comics.alternative, it should be discussed in the RAC.misc group.  If you can't tell if a comic belongs in RAC.alternative, then don't discuss it there; if you can tell, then discuss away.  RFD:	Discussion will last 22 days from the time of the 1st RFD. ----    After 22 days, or a period of days suggested by the moderator 	of news.announce.newgroups, a Call For Votes (CFV) will be issued.  Distribution:	This RFD is being cross-posted to the following groups: -------------  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, alt.comics.alternative, rec.arts.comics.misc,, alt.comics.elfquest,,,, alt.zines  It will also be sent to the Comix mailing list ([email protected]), the cerebus mailing list ([email protected]), the 2000AD mailing list ([email protected]), the Bone mailing list ([email protected]), the Poison Elves mailing list ([email protected]), and the Small Press mailing list ([email protected]).  	All follow-ups go to news.groups.  Please direct e-mail correspondence to [email protected], who will forward it to all the authors listed below.  Please relay this proposal to anyone you feel may be interested.  written by: Bart Beaty, Glenn Carnagey, Michael Chary, Jim Drew, Ennead, Lazlo Nibble, Tonio Roque, Francis Uy, and Todd VerBeek --  		 Glenn Carnagey, Data Systems Manager 		   Center for Population Economics 	      1101 E. 58th St., Chicago, IL, 60637-1511        EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected]  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Dec  1 15:36:12 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.comics.alternative,rec.arts.comics.misc,,alt.comics.elfquest,,,alt.zines Subject: CFV: rec.arts.comics.alternative Followup-To: poster Date: 1 Dec 1994 15:07:01 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 87 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Expires: 23 Dec 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6019 news.groups:125370 alt.comics.alternative:5647 rec.arts.comics.misc:116277 alt.comics.elfquest:4696 alt.zines:7212                             FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                 unmoderated group rec.arts.comics.alternative  Newsgroups line: rec.arts.comics.alternative	alternative (non-mainstream) comic books.   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 22 December 1994.  After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to the mailing lists the Comix mailing list <[email protected]>, COMICS-L Digest <[email protected]>, the cerebus mailing list <[email protected]>, the 2000AD mailing list <[email protected]>, the Bone mailing list <[email protected]>, the Otis mailing list <[email protected]>, the Poison Elves mailing list <[email protected]>, the Small Press mailing list <[email protected]>.   This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Glenn Carnagey <[email protected]>   Charter:	The purpose of rec.arts.comics.alternative is to --------	provide a forum for the discussion of alternative 		comic books, which follow in the footsteps of the 1960s' underground comics in that they defy the common perceptions that all comics are for children and that almost all feature four-color superheroes.  Comics which easily fall into genres well-represented by the comic book industry's mainstream (such as superheroes, science fiction/fantasy/horror, comics for kids and teens, and comics based on popular movies or bestsellers) are not considered "alternative" unless they fit the following description of alternative comic books: 	In contrast to over 80% of comic books today, they are not published by the chief imprint of the biggest mainstream companies (DC, Marvel, Image, Valiant, Archie and Disney); comic books that you could buy at a convenience store or a newsstand would not be considered alternative.	Alternative comic books focus on subjects not typically found in comic books or focus on typical subjects in atypical and innovative ways.  These two qualities are essential. They are additionally most often published in black and white, in small circulations (roughly less than 10 of the index currently used by the major distributors), and are published by the smaller publishers (i.e. are not delineated above).  They are normally owned by their creators and many times even published by them.  A majority of these qualities should be present. 	If a comic doesn't obviously belong in any other group, including rec.arts.comics.alternative, it should be discussed in the RAC.misc group.  If you can't tell if a comic belongs in RAC.alternative, then don't discuss it there; if you can tell, then discuss away.   Rationale:	The group rec.arts.comics.alternative is proposed to ----------	replace the group alt.comics.alternative, due to the 		propogation problems of that group: many people would like to read the group and cannot, but do have access to the rec hierarchy.  The group rec.arts.comics.misc is heavy-traffic, and is overwhelmingly dominated by the discussion of mainstream comic books not ordinarily of interest to many readers of alternative comic books. In addition, creation of rec.arts.comics.alternative would considerably boost the visibility of the discussion of alternative comic books.   HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on rec.arts.comics.alternative       I vote NO on rec.arts.comics.alternative  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Dec 14 15:15:49 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.comics.alternative,rec.arts.comics.misc,,alt.comics.elfquest,,,alt.zines Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.arts.comics.alternative Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 14 Dec 1994 14:08:31 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 92 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Expires: 23 Dec 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6081 news.groups:126958 alt.comics.alternative:5928 rec.arts.comics.misc:119572 alt.comics.elfquest:4922 alt.zines:7511                            LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                 unmoderated group rec.arts.comics.alternative  Newsgroups line: rec.arts.comics.alternative     alternative (non-mainstream) comic books.   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 22 December 1994.  After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to the mailing lists the Comix mailing list <[email protected]>, COMICS-L Digest <[email protected]>, the cerebus mailing list <[email protected]>, the 2000AD mailing list <[email protected]>, the Bone mailing list <[email protected]>, the Otis mailing list <[email protected]>, the Poison Elves mailing list <[email protected]>, the Small Press mailing list <[email protected]>.   This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Glenn Carnagey <[email protected]>   Charter:        The purpose of rec.arts.comics.alternative is to --------        provide a forum for the discussion of alternative                 comic books, which follow in the footsteps of the 1960s' underground comics in that they defy the common perceptions that all comics are for children and that almost all feature four-color superheroes.  Comics which easily fall into genres well-represented by the comic book industry's mainstream (such as superheroes, science fiction/fantasy/horror, comics for kids and teens, and comics based on popular movies or bestsellers) are not considered "alternative" unless they fit the following description of alternative comic books:         In contrast to over 80% of comic books today, they are not published by the chief imprint of the biggest mainstream companies (DC, Marvel, Image, Valiant, Archie and Disney); comic books that you could buy at a convenience store or a newsstand would not be considered alternative. Alternative comic books focus on subjects not typically found in comic books or focus on typical subjects in atypical and innovative ways.  These two qualities are essential. They are additionally most often published in black and white, in small circulations (roughly less than 10 of the index currently used by the major distributors), and are published by the smaller publishers (i.e. are not delineated above).  They are normally owned by their creators and many times even published by them.  A majority of these qualities should be present.         If a comic doesn't obviously belong in any other group, including rec.arts.comics.alternative, it should be discussed in the RAC.misc group.  If you can't tell if a comic belongs in RAC.alternative, then don't discuss it there; if you can tell, then discuss away.   Rationale:      The group rec.arts.comics.alternative is proposed to ----------      replace the group alt.comics.alternative, due to the                 propogation problems of that group: many people would like to read the group and cannot, but do have access to the rec hierarchy.  The group rec.arts.comics.misc is heavy-traffic, and is overwhelmingly dominated by the discussion of mainstream comic books not ordinarily of interest to many readers of alternative comic books. In addition, creation of rec.arts.comics.alternative would considerably boost the visibility of the discussion of alternative comic books.   HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on rec.arts.comics.alternative       I vote NO on rec.arts.comics.alternative  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.    rec.arts.comics.alternative Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No bounced votes at this time  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Jan  5 14:28:58 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.comics.alternative,rec.arts.comics.misc,,alt.comics.elfquest,,,alt.zines Subject: RESULT: rec.arts.comics.alternative passes 402:81 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 5 Jan 1995 14:15:33 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 562 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6158 news.groups:128355 alt.comics.alternative:6191 rec.arts.comics.misc:122557 alt.comics.elfquest:5234 alt.zines:7824                                       RESULT      unmoderated group rec.arts.comics.alternative passes 402:81  There were 402 YES votes and 81 NO votes, for a total of 483 valid votes.  There were 3 abstains.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.   Newsgroups line: rec.arts.comics.alternative     alternative (non-mainstream) comic books.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Glenn Carnagey <[email protected]>   Charter:        The purpose of rec.arts.comics.alternative is to --------        provide a forum for the discussion of alternative                 comic books, which follow in the footsteps of the 1960s' underground comics in that they defy the common perceptions that all comics are for children and that almost all feature four-color superheroes.  Comics which easily fall into genres well-represented by the comic book industry's mainstream (such as superheroes, science fiction/fantasy/horror, comics for kids and teens, and comics based on popular movies or bestsellers) are not considered "alternative" unless they fit the following description of alternative comic books:         In contrast to over 80% of comic books today, they are not published by the chief imprint of the biggest mainstream companies (DC, Marvel, Image, Valiant, Archie and Disney); comic books that you could buy at a convenience store or a newsstand would not be considered alternative. Alternative comic books focus on subjects not typically found in comic books or focus on typical subjects in atypical and innovative ways.  These two qualities are essential. They are additionally most often published in black and white, in small circulations (roughly less than 10 of the index currently used by the major distributors), and are published by the smaller publishers (i.e. are not delineated above).  They are normally owned by their creators and many times even published by them.  A majority of these qualities should be present.         If a comic doesn't obviously belong in any other group, including rec.arts.comics.alternative, it should be discussed in the RAC.misc group.  If you can't tell if a comic belongs in RAC.alternative, then don't discuss it there; if you can tell, then discuss away.   Rationale:      The group rec.arts.comics.alternative is proposed to ----------      replace the group alt.comics.alternative, due to the                 propogation problems of that group: many people would like to read the group and cannot, but do have access to the rec hierarchy.  The group rec.arts.comics.misc is heavy-traffic, and is overwhelmingly dominated by the discussion of mainstream comic books not ordinarily of interest to many readers of alternative comic books. In addition, creation of rec.arts.comics.alternative would considerably boost the visibility of the discussion of alternative comic books.   rec.arts.comics.alternative Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                          Iain Adams [email protected]                                         Steve Lieber [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                     Michael F. Rizzo [email protected]                                 Oliver Postlethwaite [email protected]                                           Peter Sfat [email protected]                                        cato art ( bse ceng) [email protected]                                Alejandros Diamandidis [email protected]                                             AJAY TALLAM [email protected]                                 Alan Brown [email protected]                                       Iain D. Bowen [email protected]                                                 Samuel Crider [email protected]                                       Suenteus Po [email protected]                                  Austin George Loomis [email protected]                                           Sargasso [email protected]                      Alain Tanguay - Sylvie Berube (depends...) [email protected]                                                            Azizi [email protected]                        Andreas Neubacher [email protected]                                       Andrew Dilley [email protected]                                Andrew W. Williams [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                      Glenn "Mr. X" Austin [email protected]                                      Andrew David Weiland [email protected]                                       Anthony John Bailey [email protected]                                                 Jeremy York [email protected]                                        Bruce Berger [email protected]                Ben C. O. Grimm - Praesidium Libertatis NL - [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                        Iain A. Bertram [email protected]                                    Robert J. Hartung [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                  Bill Field [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                                     David Smith [email protected]                                          Niels Olof Bouvin [email protected]                                Bram Buitendijk [email protected]                                          Marcus N Brazil [email protected]                                            SCOTT PAUL [email protected]                                        Bruce Richman [email protected]                                    Bruce Macintosh [email protected]                                                   John Bullough [email protected]                                Brent Veitch [email protected]                                             Bebe Williams [email protected]                                                   Byron C. Go [email protected]                                   Christopher Gibbs [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                              Mark Kupferman [email protected]                                 Kent Freeman [email protected]                                            Bazza [email protected]                            Horace 'The Eye' Buntley [email protected]                                       Craig E Warsaw [email protected]                                          Jen Doyle [email protected]                                             Charles Haine [email protected]                                         Jim Manchester [email protected]                                              Chris Conway [email protected]                                           Chris Hughes [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                             Heinrich Goetz [email protected]                                           Chris Baird [email protected]                             Christopher Jackson - Special Projects [email protected]                                         Cory L. Scott [email protected]                                       Chantinelle [email protected]                                                    Enrique Conty [email protected]                                                                  [email protected]                    Cristina =?iso-8859-1?Q?Myreb=F8e?= [email protected]                                        Greg Crockatt [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                             Keith Langdon [email protected]                                   Comp_Svcs Temp Account [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                            Craig W Naples [email protected]                                             Gary Kennedy [email protected]                                                  Rebecca [email protected]                                                Dave Bell [email protected]                                           Dave Knott [email protected]                                                Dave Sag [email protected]                                 DAVID LEBLANC [email protected]                                             Damon B. Crumpler [email protected]                                                  Brook Conner [email protected]                                                 Douglas Wolk [email protected]                                             DAVID BIGSBY [email protected]                                                Daniel Hartung [email protected]                                          Dianne T. DeSha [email protected]                              Dan Dragon Man Williams [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                                       Don Marks [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                            Dr. Genesis [email protected]                                                     Don Woods [email protected]                                                    don fox [email protected]                                         Doug Shaw [email protected]                                Sean Dougherty (CS) [email protected]                                              Damir Prcic [email protected]                                                 Derek Santos [email protected]                                          Darren Shrubsole [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                   Brian Eck [email protected]                                            Edmond Wolf [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                         Eric Garbos N29675 [email protected]                                   Eivind Gladheim \streng [email protected]                                                 Eric Akawie [email protected]                                    dr white timothy rey [email protected]                                                     Emru Townsend [email protected]                                                ENNEAD [email protected]                                             Jonathan Cooper [email protected]                                         Edward John Sabol [email protected]                                        Erica Sherman [email protected]                                   Joshua T. Duffin [email protected]                                                                  [email protected]                                       Dan Fain [email protected]                                     Steve Soenksen [email protected]                                fredrick b. chary [email protected]                                                Elissa Feit [email protected]                                     Andrew KUCHLING [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                             Jerry Franke [email protected]                                  francisco luis roque [email protected]                                      Frits Daalmans [email protected]                                                  Francis A Uy [email protected]                                    Arnoud Engelfriet [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                          David Garrett [email protected]                                                    Richard Gagnon [email protected]                                                       Guus Bosch [email protected]                                       EuGene epetai-Tramaglino [email protected]                                         George Turrittin [email protected]                                                 Gayle Gamble [email protected]                                              Senator Hung [email protected]                                            Craig M. Steele [email protected]                                      Gerson V Koenig [email protected]                                        Pat Gonzales [email protected]                                   Gabriel Piedrahita [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                    Kiran Wagle [email protected]                                 Mike 'Hrivy' Friedman [email protected]                                          Jon Hall (sar) [email protected]                                                Hollie Buchanan [email protected]                                         David P. McBride [email protected]                                      James S Ottaviani [email protected]                                          Henning Holtschneider [email protected]                                                 jb hiller [email protected]                                        Heather K Lien [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                          Aardvark Dreams [email protected]                                                  Ian Lance Taylor [email protected]                                Bananananafofanna [email protected]                                        Igor Goldkind [email protected]                                                   Claude West Jr. [email protected]                                       Brent Sutherland [email protected]                                             John Smith [email protected]                                          Jeff Curtis [email protected]                                  Jessica Ihimaera-Smiler [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                      James Langdell [email protected]                                       [email protected]                                          Jan-Oliver Neumann [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                   Jason Fliegel [email protected]                                       Jon Corbett [email protected]                                       Johann E. Beda [email protected]                                       Jeff Fabijanic [email protected]                                                  Jennifer Nolan [email protected]                                          James Eniti [email protected]                                                     Jen Rosen [email protected]                                            Jesse Reynolds [email protected]                                 fly the friendly sky [email protected]                                         Jody Justin Morgan [email protected]                                                  Joe Clark [email protected]                                        John Abbe aka Rademir [email protected]                John Devitofranceschi [email protected]                                             Jon Abbott [email protected]                                                   Jon A. Lovstad [email protected]                                                       James Drew [email protected]                                  Geoffrey Robert Mason [email protected]                                  Joel Isaac Singer [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                               Kim Justice [email protected]                                        Juan M. Triana [email protected]                                         Eric Tsai [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                 James W. Bailey [email protected]                                                John Locke [email protected]                                                   bopo [email protected]                                                Karen [email protected]                                             Kenneth A. Graves [email protected]                                  Dietrich J. Kappe [email protected]                                        Karoline Malmkj{r [email protected]                                       Katie Schwarz [email protected]                                              John Moravec [email protected]                                           K. 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