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Message-ID: [email protected]> X-Last-Updated: 2004/03/07 From: [email protected] (Kate the Short) Newsgroups: alt.comics.fandom, rec.arts.comics.misc, Subject: [alt.comics] Fandom FAQ: Welcome to alt.comics.fandom! Summary: A welcome and information post for alt.comics.fandom Date: 11 May 2004 10:50:58 GMT  Archive-name: comics/fandom/welcome Posting-frequency: biweekly URL:  -= WELCOME TO ALT.COMICS.FANDOM! =-     Version 2004.01, last updated March 2004    URL:     Subject: Table of Contents    Introduction   Convention Listings   Other Resources   Purpose / Charter   Credits     Subject: Introduction  Welcome to alt.comics.fandom!  This is an unmoderated newsgroup. Basically, we're here to talk about comics fans and fandom.  This includes going to conventions, meeting other fans, meeting creators,  and the like.  So please, join in the discussion!     Subject: Convention Listings  ***  COMIC BOOK CONVENTIONS (listed by month from January to December)       Con:    Festival International de la Bande Dessinee                 (Angouleme, FRANCE)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    ?, 2005       Con:    VeriCon  (Cambridge, MA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    January 30 - February 1, 2004;  ?, 2005       Con:    Alternative Press Expo  (San Francisco, CA, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    February 21-22, 2004;  ?, 2005       Con:    Toronto ComiCON  (Toronto, Ontario, CANADA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    February 29, 2004;  ?, 2005       Con:    MegaCon  (Orlando, FL, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    March 5-7, 2004;  ?, 2005       Con:    Austin Collectors Exposition  (Austin, TX, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    March 6-7, 2004;  ?, 2005       Con:    Chicago Comic Fest  (Chicago, IL, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    March 13-14, 2004       Con:    WizardWorld Los Angeles  (Los Angeles, CA, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    March 19-21, 2004       Con:    AggieCon  (College Station, TX, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    March 26-28, 2004       Con:    Planet Comicon  (Overland Park, KS, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    March 27-28, 2004       Con:    CoastCon  (Biloxi, MI, USA)      URL:      URL:    [email protected]      Day:    April 2-4, 2004       Con:    Small Press & Alternative Comics Expo  (Columbus, OH, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    April 3, 2004       Con:    The Big Apple Comic Book, Art, & Toy Show  (New York, NY, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    April 3-4, 2004       Con:    Atlanta ComiCon  (Atlanta, GA, USA)      URL:      URL:    [email protected]      Day:    April 16-18, 2004       Con:    Pittsburgh Comicon  (Monroeville, PA, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    April 30 - May 2, 2004       Con:    WonderCon  (San Francisco, CA, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    April 30 - May 2, 2004       Con:    Toronto ComiCON  (Toronto, Ontario, CANADA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    May 2, 2004       Con:    The Big Apple Comic Book, Art, & Toy Show  (New York, NY, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    May 2-3, 2003 ;  ?, 2004       Con:    Motor City Comic Con  (Novi, MI, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    May 14-16, 2004       Con:    WizardWorld Philly (East)  (Philadelphia, PA, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    May 21-23, 2004       Con:    Comics Festival  (Bristol, UK)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    May 29-30, 2004       Con:    Canadian Anthro and Cartooning Expo  (Ottowa, Ontario, CANADA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    June 4-6, 2004        Con:    Adventure Con  (Knoxville, TN, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    June 5-6, 2004       Con:    Kansas City Comicon  (Kansas City, KS, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    June 5-6, 2004       Con:    Heroes Con  (Charlotte, NC, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    June 11-13, 2004       Con:    Toronto Comicon  (Toronto, ON, CANADA)        URL:        URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    June 18-20, 2004       Con:    MOCCA Art Festival  (New York, NY, USA)      URL:      URL:    [email protected]      Day:    June 26-27, 2004       Con:    Comic-Con International  (San Diego, CA, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    July 22-25, 2004       Con:    Austin Collectors Exposition  (Austin, TX, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    July 24-25, 2004       Con:    The Big Apple Comic Book, Art, & Toy Show  (New York, NY, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    August 8, 2004       Con:    Wizard World Chicago  (Rosemont, IL, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    August 13-15, 2004       Con:    Canadian National Comic Book Expo  (Montreal, Quebec, CANADA)      Con:    Canadian National Science Fiction Expo      Con:    Canadian National Anime Expo      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    August 27-29, 2004       Con:    Dragon*Con  (Atlanta, GA, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    September 3-6, 2004       Con:    Baltimore Comic-Con  (Baltimore, MD, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    September 11-12, 2004       Con:    The Big Apple Comic Book, Art, & Toy Show  (New York, NY, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    September 18-19, 2004       Con:    SPX: The Expo  (Bethesda, MD, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    October 1-3, 2004       Con:    AdventureCon Toy/Comic Convention  (Gatlinburg, TN, USA)      URL:      URL:    no email listed      Day:    October 3-5, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    FallCon  (St. Paul, MN, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    October 4-5, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    Motor City Comic Con  (Novi, MI, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    October 18-19, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    Toronto ComiCON  (Toronto, Ontario, CANADA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    October 19, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    BatCon  (Plano, TX, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    October 23-24, 2004       Con:    Comic Festival London  (London, UK)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 1, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    Wizard World Texas  (Arlington, TX, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 5-7, 2004       Con:    Austin Collectors Exposition  (Austin, TX, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 6-7, 2004       Con:    Toronto Comicon  (Toronto, Ontario, CANADA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 7-9, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    Canadian National Comic Book Expo  (Montreal, Quebec, CANADA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 14-16, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    CoastCon Jr.  (Biloxi, MI, USA)      URL:      URL:    [email protected]      Day:    November 15-16, 2003;  ?, 2004       Con:    National Comic Book, Comic Art, and Fantasy Convention                 (New York, NY, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 19-21, 2004       Con:    Kansas City Comicon  (Kansas City, KS, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 20-21, 2004       Con:    Mid-Ohio-Con  (Columbus, OH, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    November 27-28, 2004       Con:    The Big Apple Comic Book, Art, & Toy Show  (New York, NY, USA)      URL:      URL:    mailto:[email protected]      Day:    December 6, 2003;  ?, 2004     Subject: Other Resources   ***  COMIC BOOK CONVENTIONS.COM  URL:  Brian Pate's site provides updates on major and local comic book  conventions, plus associated toy, science fiction, and pop culture  shows.  LOTS more links than what I've got here.   ***  ONLINE COMICON  URL:  This site, crafted by Rick Veitch and Steve Conley, approximates a real comics convention.  Visit small press areas, pro areas, and the like.   ***  COMIC CONVENTION SURVIVAL GUIDE  URL:  This guide is basically a few posts from a newsgroup thread, but the  information is still good.  If you've never been to a convention, it's  a must-read.  By Michael R. Grabois.   ***  COMIC BOOK PROFESSIONAL EMAIL ADDRESSES  URL:  A very complete list of email addresses (with a few links to web pages)  put together by the people at indy Magazine.  Includes a few titles with  which each creator is best associated.  By Jeff Mason.   ***  COMICS CREATORS ON THE NET  URL:  Actually a collection of pages.  Links to creators on the web, comics  companies on the web, and to reviews and interviews.  Nicely organized! By Jerry Stratton.   ***  COMICS PRO BIRTHDAYS  URL:  The folks at Digital Webbing post a list of pro birthdays every day. Pretty cool site overall.  Check it out!   ***  OTHER RAC.* COMICS FAQS (LIST)  URL:  The rac.* FAQs (posted to and rec.arts.comics.misc) have important information for any comics fan.  Checking them out is  never a bad idea.  (rac.* stands for rec.arts.comics.* -- the "big  sister" of the alt.comics.* hierarchy.)     Subject: Purpose / Charter  For your newsgroups file: alt.comics.fandom       Fans and fandom of comics and sequential art.  CHARTER: alt.comics.fandom  The following topics will be welcomed for discussion:          Conventions and special events         Pro appearances         Parties, meetings, dinners, and get-togethers         Fan clubs and organizations         Fan letters and letterhacks         Fan behavior         APAs and fanzines  In addition, alt.comics.fandom will provide a forum for discussion of material of general interest to fandom but not directly relevant to the comics field.  Milestones like births and weddings of pros and fans are appropriate.    The following topics/posts are generally not welcome on alt.comics.fandom:          Binary postings (use one of the alt.binaries.* groups)         Unrelated advertisements         Flames and insults  Material of interest only to the poster and/or another very small  group of specific posters should be left in e-mail and IRC.  Posts  which actually discuss comics or comic books should be crossposted to  the appropriate rec.arts.comics.* or alt.comics.* (or related)  newsgroup, with followups set out of alt.comics.fandom.   In addition to the above charter, it should be noted that this is NOT a place to sell comic books.  Please take those posts to the newsgroup rec.arts.comics.marketplace.     Subject: Credits  The Welcome Keeper would like to thank:  * Aardy R. DeVarque for critiquing everything under the sun for me, * and all the RAC'ers and AC'ers who make this a welcome place.      Copyright 1995-2004 by Katharine E. Hahn    SEND ADDITIONS / CHANGES / DEAD LINKS / MOVED LINKS / UPDATES TO:      Kate the Short,  [email protected]  (mailto:[email protected])   --  Kate the Short *
A person who reads/browses newsgroups but does not actively post.
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