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Disney ( rec.arts.disney )
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From [email protected] Tue Feb 22 16:15:44 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (obiwan) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney Subject: RFD: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 21 Feb 1994 19:34:48 -0500 Organization: tom sawyer's island Lines: 15 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4652 news.groups:96158 rec.arts.disney:32595  The traffic on rec.arts.disney seems heavily loaded in two main directions: towards the Disney Parks and the Disney movies.  Thus, perhaps a split is in order along the following lines:  rec.arts.disney.parks   For the discussion of Disneyworld, Disneyland,                          Eurodisney, and Tokyo Disney. rec.arts.disney.movies  For the discussion of Disney animated and live                          action films. rec.arts.disney.misc    For the discussion of things which don't fall                           into the first two groups. --  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +                        [email protected]                        + +   THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE... but only Tonya and Michael know it  + + ET: DS Bd+W G/Y 7.3 X L W C+++ I++ T E+++ H+ S++ V+ F- Q+ P+ B+ +  From [email protected] Wed Sep 21 18:34:13 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Stephanie da Silva <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,rec.parks.theme,rec.arts.animation Subject: RFD: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 21 Sep 1994 18:13:27 -0400 Organization: Lines: 78 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5654 news.groups:117089 rec.arts.disney:57198 rec.parks.theme:1382 rec.arts.animation:24723  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the reorganization of  the unmoderated newsgroup, rec.arts.disney.  This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.arts.disney,, rec.parks.theme, and rec.arts.animation with follow-ups set to news.groups.  All discussion  regarding this proposal should take place in news.groups.   Rationale: Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running 700 to 1000 articles per week (according to July arbitron, traffic for that month was 3651 articles).  There are a number of frequently discussed topics that are of particular interest to distinct groups of  people that are largely unrelated to each other.  Signal to noise ratio is probably pretty good, if you happen to be one of the few people who are interested in all of them.  Otherwise, the noise level is very high.  The topic of splitting the newsgroup comes up often, always accompanied by complaints from users about the high volume and the noise.   Proposal: rec.arts.disney be split into 5 unmoderated groups:  rec.arts.disney.roleplaying  rec.arts.disney.television  rec.arts.disney.animation rec.arts.disney.parks  rec.arts.disney.misc    Charters:  rec.arts.disney.roleplaying (unmoderated)   For role-playing, primarily the role-playing carried out by the Future   Disney Cabinet (FDC). The Future Disney Cabinet is a game played by    a small fraction of the readers of this group (about 250 out of a    projected readership of 80,000 according the July arbitron).  Each has    adopted an alias of a popular Disney character, and they engage in    extensive discussions that ignore most of the readers of the newsgroup.    They do use keywords, but still their chatter generates many complaints,   since just these messages add up to between 15 to 20 percent of the   traffic, or roughly 130 articles per week -- plenty to support a group    of their own!  From the perspective of someone who has read rec.arts.disney    long before the advent of the FDC, I believe the newsgroup would benefit    the most from this subgroup being split out, since it is a clearly defined    subset of the traffic.  rec.arts.disney.television (unmoderated)   The Disney Channel, Disney Television animation, and related topics.  rec.arts.disney.animation (unmoderated)   The feature animations, trivia lists, merchandise, video releases,   animation errors, etc.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   When rec.parks.theme was created, it was assumed that park discussion   on rec.arts.disney would split out.  This has not been the case, as   readers of both r.p.t and r.a.d feel that disney theme-park talk belongs    in r.a.d, indicated by continued theme-park-related threads in r.a.d.     This group would be for discussion of all the parks (DisneyLand, Disney    World, EuroDisney, Epcot, etc) and related matters.  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of the    other catagories.  FAQs, Disney Stores, corporate rumours, collectables,    conventions, etc.     This newsgroup would replace the existing rec.arts.disney newsgroup.   Discussion will run for a minumum of 21 days.  The newsgroups in this  proposal are subject to change, and if major changes are necessary, the  discussion period may be extended an additional 7 days.  A Call for Votes (CFV) will be posted after the end of the discussion period.   The vote will be run by a neutral third party.  This RFD attempts to fully comply with Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines  set in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup".  Please refer to this document  if you have questions about the process.  From [email protected] Thu Sep 29 13:09:59 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Stephanie da Silva <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,rec.parks.theme,rec.arts.animation Subject: 2nd RFD: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 29 Sep 1994 13:02:10 -0400 Organization: Taronga Park BBS Lines: 83 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5691 news.groups:118202 rec.arts.disney:58139 rec.parks.theme:1420 rec.arts.animation:25059  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the reorganization of  the unmoderated newsgroup, rec.arts.disney.  This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.arts.disney,, rec.parks.theme, and rec.arts.animation with follow-ups set to news.groups.  All discussion  regarding this proposal should take place in news.groups.   Rationale: Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running 700 to 900 articles per week (according to July arbitron, traffic for that month was 3651 articles).  There are a number of frequently discussed topics that are of particular interest to separate groups of  people that are largely unrelated to each other.  Signal to noise ratio is probably pretty good, if you happen to be one of the few people who are interested in all of them.  Otherwise, the noise level is very high.  The topic of splitting the newsgroup comes up often, always accompanied by complaints from users about the high volume and the noise.  >From an informal sampling of all articles posted during a two-week period,  it appears that approximately 50 percent of the traffic can be attributed to  two distinct subjects of interest.  The first and largest of these, adding up to 30 to 35 percent of the traffic, is discussion about the theme parks. It has been suggested that rec.parks.theme might be an appropriate place to  move this discussion, though it appears that people interested in Disney  theme parks will naturally migrate to rec.arts.disney and educating them  about a related newsgroup in a different hierarchy might not be an easy task.  The second subject, adding up to 15 to 20 percent of the traffic, is a game played by the Future Disney Cabinet (FDC).  The FDC originally started as  an in-joke among a small fraction of the readers, but has blossomed into  long running threads that have little to do with the charter of the newsgroup  as a whole.  Their antics, while harmless, annoy other users, generating complaints which often turn into flame wars.  Their dedicated use of keywords  has not appeared to have improved the situation noticeably.   Proposal: rec.arts.disney be split into 5 unmoderated groups:  rec.arts.disney.fandom  rec.arts.disney.television  rec.arts.disney.movies rec.arts.disney.parks  rec.arts.disney.misc    Charters:  rec.arts.disney.fandom (unmoderated)   A place where any and all fans of Disney may meet to share their enthusiasm    with other fans.  For role-playing, including the role-playing carried out    by the Future Disney Cabinet (FDC).  For discussion of FDC get-togethers at    theme parks, on IRC, etc.  For stories, poems, and songs written by fans.  rec.arts.disney.television (unmoderated)   The Disney Channel, Disney Television animation, and related topics.  rec.arts.disney.movies (unmoderated)   The feature movies (both animated and live-action), trivia lists, video   releases, merchandise, animation errors, etc.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   For discussion of all the parks (Disneyland, Disney World, EuroDisney,    Epcot, etc) and related matters including (but not limited to) the    resorts.  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of the    other catagories.  This includes FAQs, Disney Stores, corporate rumours,    collectables, conventions, music, comics/books, etc.  This newsgroup    would replace the existing rec.arts.disney newsgroup.   Discussion will run for a minumum of 21 days.  The newsgroups in this  proposal are subject to change, and if major changes are necessary, the  discussion period may be extended an additional 7 days.  A Call for Votes (CFV) will be posted after the end of the discussion period.   The vote will be run by a neutral third party.  This RFD attempts to fully comply with Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines  set in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup".  Please refer to this document  if you have questions about the process.  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Oct 20 13:43:55 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,rec.parks.theme,rec.arts.animation Subject: CFV: rec.arts.disney.{misc,parks,movies,social,television} Followup-To: poster Date: 19 Oct 1994 17:19:40 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 115 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 10 Nov 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5794 news.groups:121081 rec.arts.disney:60415 rec.parks.theme:1506 rec.arts.animation:25986  		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) 		unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc 	       unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks 	       unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.movies 	       unmoderated group 	     unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.television  Newsgroups lines: rec.arts.disney.misc	Disney-related topics not covered by the other groups. rec.arts.disney.parks 	Disney theme parks and resorts. rec.arts.disney.movies	Disney feature films, both animated and live-action.	Fandom, chatting, role-playing, get-togethers, stories. rec.arts.disney.television 	Programs marketed by Disney for home viewing.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 9 November 1994.  After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to the mailing lists The Disney Afternoon Mailing List <[email protected]> and disney-comics <[email protected]>  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Stephanie da Silva <[email protected]>   CHARTER  rec.arts.disney.misc    For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of the    other categories.  This includes FAQs, Disney Stores, corporate rumours,    collectables, conventions, music, comics/books, etc.  This newsgroup    would replace the existing rec.arts.disney newsgroup, which will be   removed after three months to allow time for traffic to migrate.  rec.arts.disney.parks    For discussion of all the parks (Disneyland, Epcot, Magic Kingdom,   MGM Studios, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, etc) and related    matters including (but not limited to) the resorts.  rec.arts.disney.movies    The feature movies released to theaters (both animated and live-action),    trivia lists, mass-market merchandising, animation errors, etc.    Where any and all fans of Disney may meet to share their enthusiasm with    other fans.  For all role-playing activities and long-running scenarios.     For discussion of gatherings at the theme parks, on IRC, etc.  For stories,    poems, parodies, and songs written by fans.  rec.arts.disney.television    The Disney Channel, and Monday through Friday daytime and   Saturday/Sunday morning television cartoons and animation.  Anything   currently or previously broadcast on television by Disney.  Products   marketed by Disney for home viewing on television, including anything   produced by Disney Television Animation or Buena Vista, and Home Video   releases.   Rationale: Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running 700 to 900 articles per week (according to the July arbitron,  traffic for that month was 3651 articles).  There are a number of  frequently discussed topics that are of particular interest to distinct  groups of people that are largely unrelated to each other.  Signal to  noise ratio is probably pretty good, if you happen to be one of the few  people who are interested in all of them.  Otherwise, the noise level is  very high.  The topic of splitting the newsgroup comes up often, always  accompanied by complaints from users about the high volume and the noise.  An informal sampling of all articles posted to rec.arts.disney during a  two-week period in September showed that approximately 30 to 35 percent  of the traffic can be attributed to discussion about the theme parks.  It  has been suggested that rec.parks.theme might be an appropriate place to  move this discussion, though it appears that people interested in Disney  theme parks will naturally migrate to rec.arts.disney and educating them  about a related newsgroup in a different hierarchy might not be an easy  task.   HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group names.  Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- rec.arts.disney reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ]  rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney) [         ]  rec.arts.disney.parks [         ]  rec.arts.disney.movies [         ] [         ]  rec.arts.disney.television -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue Nov  1 18:32:35 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,rec.parks.theme,rec.arts.animation Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.arts.disney.{misc,parks,movies,social,television} Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 1 Nov 1994 17:56:07 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 129 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 10 Nov 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5868 news.groups:122130 rec.arts.disney:62295 rec.parks.theme:1575 rec.arts.animation:26643                       LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                 unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc                unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks                unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.movies                unmoderated group              unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.television  Newsgroups lines: rec.arts.disney.misc    Disney-related topics not covered by the other groups. rec.arts.disney.parks   Disney theme parks and resorts. rec.arts.disney.movies  Disney feature films, both animated and live-action.  Fandom, chatting, role-playing, get-togethers, stories. rec.arts.disney.television      Programs marketed by Disney for home viewing.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 9 November 1994.  After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to the mailing lists The Disney Afternoon Mailing List <[email protected]> and disney-comics <[email protected]>  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Stephanie da Silva <[email protected]>   CHARTER  rec.arts.disney.misc    For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of the    other categories.  This includes FAQs, Disney Stores, corporate rumours,    collectables, conventions, music, comics/books, etc.  This newsgroup    would replace the existing rec.arts.disney newsgroup, which will be   removed after three months to allow time for traffic to migrate.  rec.arts.disney.parks    For discussion of all the parks (Disneyland, Epcot, Magic Kingdom,   MGM Studios, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, etc) and related    matters including (but not limited to) the resorts.  rec.arts.disney.movies    The feature movies released to theaters (both animated and live-action),    trivia lists, mass-market merchandising, animation errors, etc.    Where any and all fans of Disney may meet to share their enthusiasm with    other fans.  For all role-playing activities and long-running scenarios.     For discussion of gatherings at the theme parks, on IRC, etc.  For stories,    poems, parodies, and songs written by fans.  rec.arts.disney.television    The Disney Channel, and Monday through Friday daytime and   Saturday/Sunday morning television cartoons and animation.  Anything   currently or previously broadcast on television by Disney.  Products   marketed by Disney for home viewing on television, including anything   produced by Disney Television Animation or Buena Vista, and Home Video   releases.   Rationale: Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running 700 to 900 articles per week (according to the July arbitron,  traffic for that month was 3651 articles).  There are a number of  frequently discussed topics that are of particular interest to distinct  groups of people that are largely unrelated to each other.  Signal to  noise ratio is probably pretty good, if you happen to be one of the few  people who are interested in all of them.  Otherwise, the noise level is  very high.  The topic of splitting the newsgroup comes up often, always  accompanied by complaints from users about the high volume and the noise.  An informal sampling of all articles posted to rec.arts.disney during a  two-week period in September showed that approximately 30 to 35 percent  of the traffic can be attributed to discussion about the theme parks.  It  has been suggested that rec.parks.theme might be an appropriate place to  move this discussion, though it appears that people interested in Disney  theme parks will naturally migrate to rec.arts.disney and educating them  about a related newsgroup in a different hierarchy might not be an easy  task.   HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group names.  Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- rec.arts.disney reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ]  rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney) [         ]  rec.arts.disney.parks [         ]  rec.arts.disney.movies [         ] [         ]  rec.arts.disney.television -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.    rec.arts.disney reorg Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                        Emmanuel J. Agon [email protected]                                 Bill Stewart-Cole [email protected]                                                  john hascall [email protected]                                            John Pimentel [email protected]                                      Richard M. Tarabour [email protected]                                             Celia H. Modell [email protected]                                                Richard Miller [email protected]                                             Lou Dickens [email protected]                                                 Melissa Gaul  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Fri Nov 11 09:01:42 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,rec.parks.theme,rec.arts.animation Subject: RESULT: rec.arts.disney.{misc,parks,movies,social,television} all fail Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 10 Nov 1994 23:04:15 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 631 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5934 news.groups:123022 rec.arts.disney:63601 rec.parks.theme:1664 rec.arts.animation:27149                                 RESULT 	   rec.arts.disney reorg results - 546 valid votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  289  246 :   No    No :    No : rec.arts.disney.misc  290  245 :   No    No :    No : rec.arts.disney.parks  289  244 :   No    No :    No : rec.arts.disney.movies  263  265 :   No    No :    No :  261  261 :   No    No :    No : rec.arts.disney.television  Newsgroups lines: rec.arts.disney.misc    Disney-related topics not covered by the other groups. rec.arts.disney.parks   Disney theme parks and resorts. rec.arts.disney.movies  Disney feature films, both animated and live-action.  Fandom, chatting, role-playing, get-togethers, stories. rec.arts.disney.television      Programs marketed by Disney for home viewing.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Stephanie da Silva <[email protected]>   CHARTER  rec.arts.disney.misc    For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of the    other categories.  This includes FAQs, Disney Stores, corporate rumours,    collectables, conventions, music, comics/books, etc.  This newsgroup    would replace the existing rec.arts.disney newsgroup, which will be   removed after three months to allow time for traffic to migrate.  rec.arts.disney.parks    For discussion of all the parks (Disneyland, Epcot, Magic Kingdom,   MGM Studios, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, etc) and related    matters including (but not limited to) the resorts.  rec.arts.disney.movies    The feature movies released to theaters (both animated and live-action),    trivia lists, mass-market merchandising, animation errors, etc.    Where any and all fans of Disney may meet to share their enthusiasm with    other fans.  For all role-playing activities and long-running scenarios.     For discussion of gatherings at the theme parks, on IRC, etc.  For stories,    poems, parodies, and songs written by fans.  rec.arts.disney.television    The Disney Channel, and Monday through Friday daytime and   Saturday/Sunday morning television cartoons and animation.  Anything   currently or previously broadcast on television by Disney.  Products   marketed by Disney for home viewing on television, including anything   produced by Disney Television Animation or Buena Vista, and Home Video   releases.   Rationale: Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running 700 to 900 articles per week (according to the July arbitron,  traffic for that month was 3651 articles).  There are a number of  frequently discussed topics that are of particular interest to distinct  groups of people that are largely unrelated to each other.  Signal to  noise ratio is probably pretty good, if you happen to be one of the few  people who are interested in all of them.  Otherwise, the noise level is  very high.  The topic of splitting the newsgroup comes up often, always  accompanied by complaints from users about the high volume and the noise.  An informal sampling of all articles posted to rec.arts.disney during a  two-week period in September showed that approximately 30 to 35 percent  of the traffic can be attributed to discussion about the theme parks.  It  has been suggested that rec.parks.theme might be an appropriate place to  move this discussion, though it appears that people interested in Disney  theme parks will naturally migrate to rec.arts.disney and educating them  about a related newsgroup in a different hierarchy might not be an easy  task.   rec.arts.disney reorg Final Vote Ack                                              rec.arts.disney.television -------+                                       ------+|                                                rec.arts.disney.movies -----+||                                                 rec.arts.disney.parks ----+|||                                                  rec.arts.disney.misc ---+||||                                                                          ||||| [email protected]                                      David Knight NNNNN [email protected]                                    Karen Smiley YYYYY [email protected]                          Michael P. Dalidowicz NNNNN [email protected]                                           Terence Heng Y-Y-- [email protected]                                 Joe Navratil NNNNN [email protected]                                                Albert Lin NNNNN [email protected]                                      John McGinn ----- [email protected]                             Douglas A. Shirton YYYYY [email protected]                                            Steven Kusnitz YYYYY [email protected]                                   Amanda Corradino NNNNN [email protected]                                         Adarsh Daswani NNNNN [email protected]     Steve C. Liu <[email protected]> NNNNN [email protected]                                  Emmanuel J. Agon YYYY- [email protected]                                   Juliette Webb NNNNN [email protected]                                   Denis Menard YYYYY [email protected]                                       AJGLUECKMAN YYYYY [email protected]                            Mr AJ Humphrey NNNNN [email protected]                                    Anita Kilgour NNNNN [email protected]                                  John Heiden NNNYN [email protected]                                Sean Michael Rabbitt NNNNN [email protected]                                  Alan Cartledge YYYYY [email protected]                                         Alan Hamilton YYYYY [email protected]                                           Allyn Fratkin YYYYY [email protected]                            Austin George Loomis YYYYY [email protected]                                      Amanda Bischoff NNNNN [email protected]                                Amberle S Ferrian NNNNN [email protected]                            Anders Engwall YYYYY [email protected]                                    Judy Anders NNNNN [email protected]       Andre Willey ([email protected]) YYYYY [email protected]                                   Karla K. Knight NNNNN [email protected]                                              Jeff Koch YYYYY [email protected]                          Stephanie da Silva YYYYY [email protected]                                  Ada Aruffo Bottaro YYYYY [email protected]                                       Paul Asente YYYYY [email protected]                                               Alan S. Fink YYYYY [email protected]                                              Jim Ault YYYYY [email protected]                                        Anton Mitsyn NNNNN [email protected]                     Andrew Hamilton NNNNN [email protected]                               Jennifer Reall NYNNN [email protected]             Aylon Engler ([email protected]) -YY-- [email protected]                                       Phillip Hume YYYYY [email protected]                                               Bill Ballew YYYYY [email protected]                                    Ron Bauerle YYYYY [email protected]                                       Brad Bishop YYYYY [email protected]                                          Chris Bednara  YYYYY [email protected]                                        John Bennett YYYYY [email protected]                                     Donald J. Bertino YYYYY [email protected]                           Jennifer Sommerville NNNNN [email protected]                                             Bill Ellett NYYYY [email protected]                           Bill Stewart-Cole YYYYY [email protected]                                     Dan Birchall YNYNY [email protected]                                           B.J. Herbison YYYYY [email protected]                                           Bob Laurent NNNNN [email protected]                                     Becky Murphy NNNNN [email protected]                                         Beth N. Moll NNNNN [email protected]                                                 Bob Allison YYYYY [email protected]                                   Robert A. Yetman YYYYY [email protected]                                           Ricky Asper YYYYY [email protected]                                    Scott Pfeuffer NNNNN [email protected]                                        Carol Boudreau YYYYY [email protected]                                    Niels Olof Bouvin YYYYY [email protected]                                        Bryan Howard YYYYY [email protected]                                       Brian Pollock NNNNN [email protected]                               Brenda Bowden YYYYY [email protected]                                         Bret Indrelee YYYYY [email protected]                                Brian Charles Kohn NYYYY Brian_Bailie.AMRB#u#[email protected]              Brian H. Bailie YYYYY [email protected]                               Brian C. Stormont YYYYY [email protected]                              Bruce Edwards NNNNN [email protected]                                         Trevor Bruss YYYYY [email protected]                      William J. Buckley, Jr. YYYYY Bud=Hayes%Sales%[email protected]    Bud Hayes,[email protected] NNNNN [email protected]                                               Burt Holzman NNNNN [email protected]                                       Paolo Buscaglia * YYYYY [email protected]                                            Ben Wern NNNNN [email protected]                                               Barnaby Zall NNNNN [email protected]                                     Todd Masco NNNNN [email protected]                                                        YY-Y- [email protected]                                      Eric C. Carlson YYY-- [email protected]                            Carl Aude ---NN [email protected]                               Carol Koster NNNNN [email protected]                                        Mark Kupferman YNYNN [email protected]                                  Charles M. Cilek NNNNN [email protected]                           Cameron Ryan NNNNN [email protected]                           Harpal Chohan NNNNN [email protected]                                  Chris Courtois YYNNN [email protected]                                    Chris Hodge YYYYY [email protected]                                  Christopher D. Mihaly YYYYY [email protected]                                       Charles C. Bohl YYYYY [email protected]                Chuck McCormick ([email protected]) YYYYY [email protected]                                              Betty Boop NYNNN [email protected]                                   Cynthia Phillips NNNNN [email protected]                               Carrie-Lynn Bowie Y-Y-- [email protected]                                              Cindy Lee NNNNN [email protected]                                   Cynthia Odiorne NNNNN [email protected]                           Christopher Leavy (AOL: Cosmik) NNNNN [email protected]                                             Janet Davis YYYYY [email protected]                                CHARLES P. BUCHANAN NNNNN [email protected]                Craig Westbrook NNNNN [email protected]                                    Chip Reeves NNNNN [email protected]                                          Hans Crezee YNNNN [email protected]                             K.P. Crouch NNNNN [email protected]                                    Craig Smith NNNNN [email protected]                                        carl e snook NNNNN [email protected]                                             Cheri Stine YYYYY [email protected]                                        Chris YYYYY [email protected]                                     Charles V N Dunton NNNNN [email protected]                               Collin Wahlund YYYYY [email protected]                                         Christopher Ward YYYYY [email protected]                                                   C. Fabik NNNNN [email protected]                                       Dave Beckett YYYNY [email protected]                                             Peter Campbell YYYYY [email protected]                                  David A. Cuthbert NNNNN [email protected]                                          YYYYY [email protected]                                        Dave O'Shea YYYYY [email protected]                                  Dave Reynolds NNNNN DAVID%[email protected]                                  David Pochron YYYYY [email protected]                        David Hollinden YYYYY [email protected]                                   David Woo YYYYY [email protected]    David Tomita ([email protected] NNNNN [email protected]                                           David Pascoe YYYYY [email protected]                                              David Uy NNNNN DAVISJG96%[email protected]                  Jonathan G. Davis NNNNN [email protected]                                             Dawn Weaver YYYYY [email protected]                                              David Crawford YYYYY [email protected]                                  Danny Cron NNNNN [email protected]                                 Douglas E. Sherry NNYYY [email protected]                                        Dave Furstenau NNNNN [email protected]                              Doug Farquharson NNNNN [email protected]                                      David Griffiths YNYNY [email protected]                                            Eric Mueller YYYYY [email protected]                                         Eric Patterson NNNNN [email protected]                                Craig Doerrmann YYYYY [email protected]                        Deeran Peethamparam NNNNN ds[email protected]                                 Anthony A. Vila YYYYY [email protected]                                 David Strauss YYYYY [email protected]                                               Dan Stine YYYYY [email protected]                                         Duane Day YYYNN [email protected]                                  Dana Uehara -Y--Y [email protected]                                          DIANA WHITE YYYNY [email protected]                                      Elise Rothfeld YYYYY [email protected]                                          Johan Urbanyik YYYYY [email protected]                                               Edward Bertsch NNNNN [email protected]                         Eric Bergstrom YY-YN [email protected]                               Ed Berndt YNYYY [email protected]                                                   Ed Casas NNNNN [email protected]                         Edward Ronquillo <[email protected]> YYYYY [email protected]                                        Edward J. Vawter YYYYY [email protected]                                      Eric L. Gross NNNNN [email protected]                                 Ed Habertroh NNNYN [email protected]                                            Eiji Hirai YYYYY [email protected]                                 Eileen Murray YYYYY [email protected]                                             Earl S. Jones -Y--- [email protected]                                               Ed Goo YYYYY [email protected]                                       Fredrik Ekman YYYYY [email protected]                           Erin B. Lindsay NNNNN [email protected]                                      David Ellsworth YYYYY [email protected]                                          Robert Smits YYYYY [email protected]                                     ERIK MEINTSER YYYYY [email protected]                                       Ed Rudnicki NNNNN [email protected]                                     Ed Sterrett NNNNN [email protected]                                     Ethan Solomita YYYYY [email protected]                               Suzanne Ferree NYYNY [email protected]                                             Emery Lapinski YNYNN [email protected]                                        Ford Prefect NNNNN [email protected]                                   Timothy Fay YYYYY [email protected]                                Fernando F. Felixberto NNNNN [email protected]             Jeffrey A. Fielding NNNNN [email protected]                                                YYYYY [email protected]                                Greg Franklin YYYNN [email protected]                                              John Frost NNNNN [email protected]                            Sean P. Ryan YYYNY [email protected]                                              Francis Uy YYYNN [email protected]                                             Glen Allen YYNNN [email protected]                                        Gautam Guliani NNNNN [email protected]                               Gayle Harrison YYYYY [email protected]                                      Andy Cohen YYYYY [email protected]                                           Geoff Allen YY--Y [email protected]                           Geoffrey Thomas NNNNN [email protected]                                   Gregory Epp YYYYY [email protected]                                     Gabriela Femenia NNNNN [email protected]                                     Gregory G. Woodbury NNNNN [email protected]                                          Geoffrey Spear NNNNN [email protected]                                           Glenn Wallace YYYYY [email protected]                                     Kathy Glennan NNNNN [email protected]                                      Randy Gobbel NNNNN [email protected]                                  Chris Goedde YYYYY [email protected]                                        Graham Allan NNNNN [email protected]                                        David Grayless YYYYY [email protected]                                                  Greg Marr YYYYY [email protected]                                         Greg Knightes YYYYY [email protected]                                               Greg Loe YYYY- [email protected]                                    Eric Griswold NNNNN [email protected]                             G. Sean Brandenburg YYYYY [email protected]                                Brennan T. Price YYYYY [email protected]                                      Malvin Lim NNNNN [email protected]                                 Peter L. Thomas NNNNN [email protected]                                   Scott Sherris NNNNN [email protected]                                    Greg Taylor YYYYY [email protected]                                         Gustav Almstrom NNNNN [email protected]                                             Scott Hagie YYYYY [email protected]                                        Humberto Kam NNNNN [email protected]                                             Joy N.M. Hale NNNNN [email protected]       Hollis Ambrose ([email protected]) NNNNN [email protected]                          Mary Hamill YYYYY [email protected]                                    Mitch McGowan YYYYY [email protected]                                             Amy Chang NNNNN [email protected]                             Jimmy Leininger NNNNN [email protected]                         Robert A. Hayden YYYYY [email protected]                                       John M. Hayes NNNNN [email protected]                                   Henry DeVries YYYYY [email protected]                          Helmut Geyer NNNNN [email protected]                                         Mark A. Helotie YYYNY [email protected]                               kathleen henry NNNNN [email protected]                                      Hal Finney YYYYY [email protected]                                    Henning Holtschneider YYYYY [email protected]                                         harry mueller YYYYY [email protected]                            Darrell Holmquist YYYYY [email protected]                                        Henry T. Rand NNNNN [email protected]                                     BJ Hughes NNNNN [email protected]                                     Carl R. Huster NNNNN [email protected]                                           Buffy Hyler YYYYY [email protected]                                       Bob Ito NNNNN [email protected]                                          Ian Jackson NNNNN [email protected]                                    Dru Jacobs YYYYY [email protected]                                                Julie Johnson YYYYY [email protected]                                              Janet Kieser NYYYY [email protected]                                  Janet Kowalewski YYYY- [email protected]                                   Janet Miller NNNNN [email protected]                                           Jason Zdanowicz YYYYY [email protected]                                           Jason Kastner YYYYY [email protected]                         Francisco Javier Femenia NNNNN [email protected]                                                John Davis YYYYY [email protected]                                           J.D. Falk YYYNY [email protected]                                            John Dombeck YYYYY [email protected]                            Jeffrey David Wilson NNNNN [email protected]                                    Johann Beda YNYNY [email protected]                                      John Kraft YYYYY [email protected]                                      Juan F. Lara YYYYY [email protected]                                          Jim Goddard NNNNN [email protected]                                      Jeffrey Goldman NNNNN [email protected]                               James W. Gualtieri YYYYN [email protected]                                             Jens Hage NNNNN [email protected]                                     Jill Hobgood YYYYY [email protected]                                        Jim Graham YYYYY [email protected]                               Jim & Cynthia Holincheck NNNNN [email protected]                                           Jim Jewett Y-YYY [email protected]                                           Jim Mann YYYYY [email protected]                                   Jody Justin Morgan YYYYY [email protected]                                          Joel Swaan NNNNN [email protected]                                       Jason T. Kitch YYYYY [email protected]                                              Jeremy Lampo NNNNN [email protected]                                        Jason Luck YNYYY [email protected]                                       James McGarry YYYYY [email protected]                                Joanna L. Castillo -N--- [email protected]                                 Jody Sumrall NNNNN [email protected]                                          Joel Anderson YYYYY [email protected]    JOHN HOINACKI EMAIL:[email protected] NNNNN [email protected]                                            john hascall NNNNN [email protected]                                        Chris Johnson NNNNN [email protected]                              Jon Triesch NNNNN [email protected]                                         Jon D. Goldberg NNNNN [email protected]                                     Misti D. Jordan NNNNN [email protected]                                       Jacquie Parr NNNNN [email protected]                                         Jan Penovich NNNYN [email protected]                                      John Pimentel YYYNY [email protected]                                   Judy Priestley NNNNN [email protected]                                 Joshua Kreitzer NNNNN [email protected]                                           Jerry Smith YYNYN [email protected]                                       Judy Steward YYYYY [email protected]                                    Julian Macassey NNNNN [email protected]                                     Charles-Henry JURD YYY-- [email protected]                      Jeff DeHaan ([email protected]) NNNNN [email protected]                                Richard M. Tarabour YYYYY [email protected]                                    Jon Robertson YYYYY [email protected]                                   Jonathan Young YYYYY [email protected]                                 Jarkko Kniivila Y-Y-Y [email protected]                           Kevin A. Hogan YYYNN [email protected]                                   Karen Leeson NYNNN [email protected]                                         Karl Tombre NNNNN [email protected]                                            [email protected] NNNNN [email protected]                                [email protected] NNNNN [email protected]                                Kathleen Boaz YYYYY [email protected]                                 Kim Daugherty YYYYY [email protected]                               Robert R. Kessler NNNNN [email protected]                             Kevin Lentin NNNNN [email protected]                                           Kevin Fong YYYYY [email protected]                                         Hasnain Khan NNNNN [email protected]                                           Kurt Hunter YYYYY [email protected]                                 Colleen Esler  NNNNN [email protected]                                  Knut Hunstad NNNNN [email protected]                                   David Kossian NNNNN [email protected]                                                       YYYYY [email protected]                                           Ken Robinson YYYYY [email protected]                                  Andrew Krieg 5-5379 NNNYN [email protected]                                 Kal Steinhoff YYYYY [email protected]                                         Kim Ullmann NNNNN [email protected]                                         Ken Waters NNNNN [email protected]                                  Martin Schr"oder YYYYY [email protected]                                            Larry Gensch NNNNN [email protected]                                                Larry Smith NNNNN [email protected]                               Lars Jorgen Aas --N-N [email protected]                                             Larry Moore NNNNN [email protected]                              Robb Lassu YYYYY [email protected]                                          Laura Sterling Y--Y- [email protected]                                               Ernie Brown NNNNN [email protected]                                     Lisa Shoup Campbell NNNNN [email protected]                                     Lee Atchison YYYNY [email protected]                               Matt Leist YYYYY [email protected]                                   Leonard Bottleman YYYYY [email protected]                              Letha Burchard NNNNN [email protected]                                            Lewis Rose YYYYY [email protected]                                  Glenn Carnagey YYNYN [email protected]                                       Linda G. Brashear NNNNN [email protected]                                   Peter J. Lim NNNNN [email protected]                       Linda Heuman [CONTRACTOR] YYYYY [email protected]                                            Linda Hill NNNNN [email protected]                                    Linda M. John YYYYY [email protected]                                         Wendi Dunlap YYYYY [email protected]                                          Linda J. LeVan YYYYY [email protected]                                     Loren Heisey YYYNY [email protected]                                          Larry W. Virden YYYYY [email protected]                                   Megan Reilly YYYYY [email protected]                                        Michael A. Chary YYYYY [email protected]                                    Michael Connors NNNNN [email protected]                              Michael DeLong NNNNN [email protected]                                           Charles Kalter NNNNN [email protected]                                     Marc Moorcroft NNNNN [email protected]                                 Neil Collins NNNNN [email protected]                         M. Mitchell Marmel YYYYY [email protected]                                     Scott R. Marshall YYYYY [email protected]                                    Ric Marshall YYYYY [email protected]                                    Martin Hunt YYYNY [email protected]                               Mathias Koerber YYYYY matt%[email protected]                                        Matt Crandall NNNNN [email protected]                               Mattias Hallin YYYYY [email protected]                                  Jack Maxfield NNNNN [email protected]                                    Malcolm Mladenovic NNNNN [email protected]                                  Marsh Burchell NNNNN [email protected]                                    Michael Butts NNNNN [email protected]                       Letitia Dorothea Taitte Minnotte NNNNN [email protected]                      Amy Elizabeth McMullen YYYYY [email protected]                                           -YY-- [email protected]                           Mary Elizabeth Earleywine NNNNN [email protected]                             Mike Meckler NNNNN [email protected]                              Michael E. Kotler --YY- [email protected]                          Marcelo Mercio Dandrea YYYYY [email protected]                                          Milana Homsi YYYYY [email protected]                           Mike Battersby NNNNN [email protected]                                          Mike Brooks YYYYN [email protected]                                Michael Miller NNNNN [email protected]                           Michael L. Kennedy, Jr. NNNNN [email protected]                                        Jim Van Leeuwen NNNNN [email protected]                                          Mike Wallis NNNNN [email protected]                            Michael T. Itamura -YYYY [email protected]                                Michael Spellman NNYYY [email protected]                             Meredith Anne Bailin NNNNN [email protected]                                         Mary J. Cole  YYYYY [email protected]                                     Marianne Lau NNNNN [email protected]                                          Melyssa Childs NNNNN [email protected]                                              Matt Russo NNNNN [email protected]                                           M Mike Taksar Y---N [email protected]                                       Celia H. Modell YYYYY [email protected]                                           Eric Walker NNNNN [email protected]                                                Alan Moffet NNNNN [email protected]                                 Monica D. Skidmore YYYYY [email protected]                                                    Mark Roh YYYYY [email protected]                          Michael Friedrich Murphy NNNNN [email protected]                                       Mike Yawn YYYYY [email protected]                                Robert Stephens NNNNN [email protected]                                          Nancy Connelly YYYYN [email protected]                                     Neil W. Aguiar YYYYY [email protected]                                      Rei Nakazawa NYNNN [email protected]                                         Nancy Robles YYYY- [email protected]                                        Nicole A Roberts NNNNN [email protected]                              Nathan Bailey NNNNN [email protected]                                    Neil Patterson YYYYY [email protected]                                                     NNNNN [email protected]                                       Bill Aten YYYYY [email protected]                             Peter Donald YYYYY [email protected]                                         Ruth H. Cross NNNNN [email protected]                                                Tim Norman NNNNN [email protected]                                 Nick Noble YYYYY [email protected]                                      Alan Char YYYYY [email protected]                                    Kat O'Steen NNNNN [email protected]                                            M. Otto -NNNN [email protected]                         Eric Overtoom NNNNN [email protected]                                    Mckenna Lee YYYYY [email protected]                                  Steve Pagano NNNNN [email protected]                                      Kipp Davis YYYYY [email protected]                            Patricia Lage YYYYY [email protected]                                     patricia d arguello YYYYY [email protected]                                   Paul W Philippi YYYYY [email protected]                                        John Pazder NNNNN [email protected]                                 Phillip Baraona YYYYY [email protected]                                 Peter da Silva YYYYY [email protected]                                   Peter G. Berger NNNNN [email protected]                                           Paul Navish YYYYY [email protected]                           Philip R. Obermarck YYY-- [email protected]                              Michelle Mader YYYNN [email protected]                                           Ray Alcazar NNNNN [email protected]                                                         YYY-- [email protected]                                          Dennis M. Falk YYYYY [email protected]                                               John Howard NNNNN [email protected]                                        Rebecca Drayer NNNNN [email protected]                       Rafael Castaneda, Jr. NNNNN [email protected]                                 Randy Freeman YYYYY [email protected]                                            Joel Raskin YY-Y- [email protected]                                 Robert Bradshaw YYYYY [email protected]               Bob Newell (The Last Wine Steward) YYYYY [email protected]                                  Russell I. Dyreng YYYYY [email protected]                                          Jeff Guarino NNNNN [email protected]                                        MARGARET GERBERI NNNNN [email protected]                                          Ronald Evry YYYYY [email protected]                                     Ryan Waldron YYYNN [email protected]                             Rich Koster NNNNN [email protected]                                          Richard Miller NNYYY [email protected]                                              Rick To NNNYN [email protected]                                      Wilmer Rivers YYYYY [email protected]                                 Roger B. Jones, Jr. NNNNN [email protected]                                     Rick Kunin YYYYY [email protected]                            Rose M. Delckum NNNNN [email protected]                                      Robert M. Harrold YYYYY [email protected]                                   Robbie Westmoreland YYYYY [email protected]                                           Robert Roth YYYYY [email protected]                        Robert Schooley YYYYY [email protected]                                    William Robison NNNNN [email protected]                                  Jean-Marc C Rocher YYYNY [email protected]                                Roger Schwentker YNYYY [email protected]                                Roger H. Kim NYNNN [email protected]                                              Ronnie Kon NNNNN [email protected]                                         Rod Shelton YYYYY [email protected]                                              Bill Rothe NNNNN [email protected]                              Robert B. Raymond II, Esq. YYYYN [email protected]                                          Randal McGlade YYYYY [email protected]                                          Bill Rubin YYYYY [email protected]                                          J. Rufinus YYYYY [email protected]                             Russell Warning NNNNN [email protected]    Russell Schulz, Former r.a.disney YYYYY [email protected]                                Ralph Waters YYYYY [email protected]                             Richard Lindstrom : NNNNN [email protected]                                            Ryan Liu YYYYY [email protected]                                 Matthew Garward NNNNN [email protected]                                Grant Chan YYYYY [email protected]                                                 Dan Rauzi YYYY- [email protected]                                     Donald Sanderson NNNNN [email protected]                                                 Andy Oakland YYYYY [email protected]                                              Pamela Shaw NNNNN [email protected]                                        Jeff McDermott YYYYY [email protected]                                   Suzan Brownlee Y--Y- SBWV%[email protected]                       FRANCISCO VENEGAS NYNNN [email protected]                                              Steve Fenwick YYYYY [email protected]                                            Steve Derby YYYYY [email protected]                                    Susan B. Farmer YYYYY [email protected]    Lou Radargun Cop Testicle Equalizer Scre NNNYN [email protected]                                              Shawn Connelly YYYYY [email protected]                                              NNNNN [email protected]                                                 NNNNN [email protected]                                           S Irvine NNNNN [email protected]                                       Lou Dickens YYYYY [email protected]                                  Thomas Bueschgens NNNNN [email protected]                                     Stacy McKenna NNNNN [email protected]                                     Richard Smith YYYNY [email protected]                                         Scott Nortonm YYYYY [email protected]                                     Dave Sommer YYYYY [email protected]                                        Michael J. Sperger YYYYN [email protected]                                   CHris Collett YNYYY [email protected]                                            Dwight Brown NNNNN [email protected]                                   Per Starback YYYYY [email protected]                                 David Steers YNYNY [email protected]                                    Steve Petrie YYYYY [email protected]                                      Steven Duff NNNNN [email protected]                                                 steveZ NNNNN [email protected]                                               NYYYY [email protected]                                   Kelly G. Stewart NNNNN [email protected]                                    jack webb YYYYY [email protected]                                         Joshua D. Strom NNNNN [email protected]                                           Sue Jackson YYYYY [email protected]                                              Louis Allen NNNNN [email protected]                            Susan Plass NNNNN [email protected]                                         Rhonda Sutor NNNNN [email protected]                               Matthias Neu NNNNN [email protected]                                           Shane Castle YYYYY [email protected]                                 Richard Wiffen NNNNN [email protected]                                     Sandy Morton NNNNN [email protected]                                  Tad Stones YYNNY [email protected]                                          Mark Tatum YYYYY [email protected]                               Tim Pickett NNNNN [email protected]                                                  Ted Peters YYYYY [email protected]                                    Teresa A. King YYYYY terrda%[email protected]                  Dan S. Allex NNNNN terrgw%[email protected]               Greg Wasserbach NNNNN [email protected]                       Lani Teshima-Miller YYYY- [email protected]                                    Thomas Fenske YYYNY [email protected]                                           Melissa Gaul NNNNN [email protected]                                      Thomas G. McWilliams NNNNN [email protected]                                                         NNYNY [email protected]                                       Pennie Stringer YYYYY [email protected]                                             Ann Thyme NNNNN [email protected]                                               Dan Bejma YYNNN [email protected]                      M. Timothy Bono ([email protected]) YYNNN [email protected]                  Tisha Elizabeth Eleanor King NYNNN [email protected]                                    Thomas Moll NYYNN [email protected]                                          Gail MacLeish YYYYY [email protected]                                         Todd Cocks NYYNN [email protected]                           Tracy McDonnell YYYYY [email protected]                                William Tad Morgan YYYYY [email protected]                          Kevin Harkins NNNNN [email protected]                              Todd D. McCartney YYYYY [email protected]                                                   Tom Burke YYYYY [email protected]                             Traci Mitchell NNNNN [email protected]                                      Kristen Kohlbecker YYYYY [email protected]                           Beth Ustas Spellman NNYYY [email protected]                            Collin McCulley YYYYY [email protected]                              Jeri Vasquez NNNNN [email protected]                  Virgilio \"Dean\" B. Velasco Jr. NNNNN [email protected]                Vanessa Samuelson [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                                    VGR (Craig Pell) YYY-Y [email protected]              Stephen Worth ([email protected]) YYYYY [email protected]                 Vincent J. Pachiano Jr. NNNNN [email protected]                                             T. Vokus YYYYY [email protected]                             Jason D. Weiss YYYYY [email protected]                          Guy Umbright NNNNN [email protected]                                    Veronica Garcia NNNNN [email protected]                           Ron Vutpakdi YYYYY WA245%[email protected]                        Shane Hermann YYY-- [email protected]                                         Jason A. Badger YY-Y- [email protected]                                 Deward Walker NNNNN [email protected]                             Christian Wilson NNNNN [email protected]                                     Rasmus Hansen YYYNY [email protected]                            William Bishop YYYYY [email protected]                                                     NNNNN [email protected]                                      Wendy Lee YYYYY [email protected]                                           Louis Rubin YYYYY [email protected]                               Donald Williams YYYYY [email protected]                                            Patty Winter YYYYY [email protected]                                    William E. Newkirk YYYYY [email protected]                                      Wendy Ohnsman NNNNN [email protected]                                        Warren Owen YYYYY [email protected]                                      Regan B. Pederson YYYYY [email protected]               Dave Shariff Yadallee YYYYY [email protected]                                   Sean Yoda Rouse NNNNN [email protected]                      Joe Vecciarelli NNNNN [email protected]                                      Zach Baker YYYYY [email protected]                                       Judy Zeitler YYYYY [email protected]                                   Vladimir V. Zelevinsky NNNNN  From [email protected] Wed May  3 19:17:16 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,,rec.arts.animation,rec.parks.theme Subject: RFD: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 3 May 1995 15:28:44 -0400 Organization: Taronga Park BBS Lines: 107 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6753 news.groups:147423 rec.arts.disney:91449 rec.arts.animation:35112 rec.parks.theme:2641                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)             unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.marketplace                unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.movies                unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks              unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.television    unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc (renames rec.arts.disney)  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the reorganization of the unmoderated newsgroup, rec.arts.disney.  This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.arts.disney,,, rec.arts.animation and rec.parks.theme, with follow-ups set to news.groups. All discussion regarding this proposal should take place in news.groups.   RATIONALE  Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running approximately 200 articles per day.  Traffic on the newsgroup has shown a steady increase over the past year.  In April, there were approximately 5970 articles posted to the newsgroup for a total of about 11 megabytes.  According to Brian Reid's March 1995 arbitron, there were 6470 articles posted for a total of 11.7 megabytes.  According to the January 1995 arbitron, there were 4437 articles posted for a total of 8.1 megabytes.  The traffic for July 1994 was 3651 articles.  While the noise level tends to run high, there also tends to be a lot of useful information disseminated through the newsgroup.  Two topics in particular generate quite a bit of traffic on their own.  These two topics are discussion about the parks and the full length theatrically-released animated movies.  Just the traffic generated by these two topics alone would be enough to justify a split.  It has been suggested that rec.parks.theme might be an appropriate place to move the parks discussion.  Judging from the amount of parks talk on rec.arts.disney, it appears that people interested in Disney theme parks will naturally migrate to a newsgroup about Disney related matters. Educating them about a related newsgroup in a different hierarchy might not be an easy task.  Considerable Disney parks related traffic is posted to rec.arts.disney despite monthly pointers requesting users to cross-post parks related discussion to rec.parks.theme.  An informal grep of the Subject: lines of 6069 articles in my current rec.arts.disney newsfeed pulled up 606 articles tagged with the "wd(w)" keyword; 241 tagged with "dl"; 149 tagged with "park(s)"; and 195 tagged with "disneyland".  By contrast, the March arbitron indicates 206 articles were posted to rec.parks.theme during that month.  I feel that a smaller, more focused newsgroup such as rec.arts.disney.parks will be more conduicive to cross-posting by readers and will help to increase traffic on rec.parks.theme.  The creation of rec.arts.disney.television will make the corresponding newsgroup redundant, and I recommend that a.f.d.a be rmgrouped after the creation of r.a.d.television.   Proposal: rec.arts.disney be split into 5 unmoderated groups:  rec.arts.disney.misc rec.arts.disney.parks rec.arts.disney.movies rec.arts.disney.television rec.arts.disney.marketplace   CHARTERS  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of   the other categories.  This newsgroup would replace the existing   rec.arts.disney newsgroup.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   For discussion of all the parks (Disneyland, Epcot, Magic Kingdom,   MGM Studios, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, etc) and related   matters including (but not limited to) the resorts.  rec.arts.disney.movies (unmoderated)   The feature movies released to theaters, both animated and live-action   the creative and production personnel, actors, artists, composers, the   viewing audience and anything else related to these productions.  rec.arts.disney.television (unmoderated)   The Disney Channel, and Monday through Friday daytime and Saturday and   Sunday morning television cartoons and animation.  Anything currently or   previously broadcast on television by Disney.  Any televised specials or   shows that involve Disney.  Products marketed by Disney for home viewing   on television, including anything produced by Disney Television Animation   or Buena Vista, and Home Video releases.  rec.arts.disney.marketplace (unmoderated)   For people wanting to sell or wanting to buy any Disney-related item,   including collectables and rare videos.  Also for discussion about   Disneyana, mass-market merchandising and the Disney Stores.   Discussion will run a minumum of 21 days.  The newsgroups in this proposal are subject to change, and if major changes are necessary, the discussion period may be extended an additional 7 days.  A Call for Votes (CFV) will be posted after the end of the discussion period. The vote will be run by a neutral third party.  From [email protected] Mon May 15 18:16:56 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,,rec.arts.animation,rec.parks.theme,alt.disney,alt.disney.collecting,alt.disney.disneyland Subject: 2nd RFD: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 May 1995 13:06:13 -0400 Organization: Taronga Park BBS Lines: 151 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6833 news.groups:149545 rec.arts.disney:93353 rec.arts.animation:35498 rec.parks.theme:2736 alt.disney:938 alt.disney.collecting:838 alt.disney.disneyland:931                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)                moderated group rec.arts.disney.announce               unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.products              unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.animation                unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks    unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc (renames rec.arts.disney)  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the reorganization of the unmoderated newsgroup, rec.arts.disney.  This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.arts.disney,,, rec.parks.theme, rec.arts.animation alt.disney.disneyland, alt.disney.collecting, and alt.disney with follow-ups set to news.groups.  All discussion regarding this proposal should take place in news.groups.  RATIONALE  Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running approximately 200 articles per day.  Traffic on the newsgroup has shown a steady increase over the past year.  In April, there were approximately 5970 articles posted to the newsgroup for a total of about 11 megabytes.  According to Brian Reid's March 1995 arbitron, there were 6470 articles posted for a total of 11.7 megabytes.  According to the January 1995 arbitron, there were 4437 articles posted for a total of 8.1 megabytes.  The traffic for July 1994 was 3651 articles.   While the noise level tends to run high, there also tends to be a lot of useful information disseminated through the newsgroup.  Two topics in particular generate quite a bit of traffic on their own.  These two topics are discussion about the parks and the full length theatrically-released animated movies.  Just the traffic generated by these two topics alone would be enough to justify a split.  It has been suggested that rec.parks.theme might be an appropriate place to move the parks discussion.  Judging from the amount of parks talk on rec.arts.disney, it appears that people interested in Disney theme parks will naturally migrate to a newsgroup about Disney related matters. Educating them about a related newsgroup in a different hierarchy might not be an easy task.  Considerable Disney parks related traffic is posted to rec.arts.disney despite monthly pointers requesting users to cross-post parks related discussion to rec.parks.theme.  An informal grep of the Subject: lines of 6069 articles in my current rec.arts.disney newsfeed pulled up 606 articles tagged with the "wd(w)" keyword; 241 tagged with "dl"; 149 tagged with "park(s)"; and 195 tagged with "disneyland".  By contrast, the March arbitron indicates 206 articles were posted to rec.parks.theme during that month.  I feel that a smaller, more focused newsgroup such as rec.arts.disney.parks will be conducive to cross-posting by readers and will help to increase traffic on rec.parks.theme.   Newsgroup proponents: Misti Jordan ([email protected]) 		      Stephen Worth ([email protected]) 		      Stephanie da Silva ([email protected])   Proposal: rec.arts.disney be split into 5 groups:  rec.arts.disney.misc rec.arts.disney.parks rec.arts.disney.products rec.arts.disney.animation rec.arts.disney.announce   CHARTERS  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of   the other categories.  This newsgroup would replace the existing   rec.arts.disney newsgroup.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   Discussion of all Disney parks, restaurants, attractions, and resorts   of the past, present and future, including, but not limited to, the   Walt Disney World property, Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland   Paris.  rec.arts.disney.products (unmoderated)   Discussion relating to merchandise sold by the Disney Company.  This   includes and is not limited to software, toys, commemorative items,   collectibles, music, books, and multimedia titles.  This group would   serve as an area for people wanting to sell or wanting to buy any   Disney-related item.  Also for discussion of Disneyana, mass-market   merchandising and the Disney Stores.  Blatant and/or off-topic   advertising is inappropriate and will be discouraged.  rec.arts.disney.animation (unmoderated)   All Disney animated movies and short subjects, past, present, and   future, whether released theatrically, televised or on video. This   includes discussion of studios, voice actors, animators, writers, and   any other matters relating to the animated works.  rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)   Frequently Asked Questions files, including newsgroup FAQs, theme park   FAQs, and Internet resource lists.  No discussion will be allowed.   Other articles may be posted at the moderator's discretion, providing   they are informational in nature, are publicly distributable and   have come from confirmed sources.    The following articles are typical of what would be acceptable for   posting to r.a.d.announce:  	FAQ/DIG: DL Info Guide 1 of 3 4/6/95 	Network Artist picture(s) have been posted 	FDCMuck:  how to obtain a guest passport 	r.a.d IRC meet, Wednesday 12 April 	rec.arts.disney List of Lists 	Welcome to RAD New Readers! - Please Read Before Posting 	R.A.D Meet in Boston, June 16th 	FAQ: Disney FTP and WWW sites 	rec.arts.disney Rate Poll Introduction 	FILM: Poca Premiere in NYC - Tickets 	Disney animation video availability list 	RAD Host List - For Help on rec.arts.disney 	Disney Stores List 	PARKS: DL Terrorism hoax 	DISNEYANA: Wash./Balt./No. VA Show 	Disney's B&B Stageshow celeb's to appear at TDS 	Mara Font Release 	Monthly reminder:  Please crosspost. 	5th Annual Gay & Lesbian Day at Disney World 	WDW Operating Hours: June 1995 	RECALL ALERT - Disney Play 'N Pop activity toy   MODERATOR INFORMATION      Group name:          rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)     Moderators:          Tim Pickett ([email protected]) 			 M. L. Grant ([email protected])     Backup Moderators:   Don Bertino ([email protected]) 			 Sean Rabbitt ([email protected]) 			 Melyssa Childs ([email protected])     Submission address:  [email protected]     Request address:     [email protected]   Discussion will run a minumum of 21 days.  The newsgroups in this proposal are subject to change, and if major changes are necessary, the discussion period may be extended an additional 7 days.  A Call for Votes (CFV) will be posted after the end of the discussion period. The vote will be run by a neutral third party.  From [email protected] Mon Jun 12 13:33:36 1995 Status: RO Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,,,rec.arts.animation,rec.parks.theme,alt.disney,alt.disney.collecting,alt.disney.disneyland Subject: 3rd RFD: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 12 Jun 1995 13:05:15 -0400 Organization: Taronga Park BBS Lines: 157 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7040 news.groups:153332 rec.arts.disney:97561 rec.arts.animation:36455 rec.parks.theme:2955 alt.disney:1224 alt.disney.collecting:1156 alt.disney.disneyland:1178                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)                moderated group rec.arts.disney.announce             unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.merchandise              unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.animation                unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks    unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc (renames rec.arts.disney)  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the reorganization of the unmoderated newsgroup, rec.arts.disney.  The only major change since the previous RFD is in the name of one group, from rec.arts.disney.products to rec.arts.disney.merchandise.  This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.arts.disney,,, rec.parks.theme, rec.arts.animation alt.disney.disneyland, alt.disney.collecting, and alt.disney with follow-ups set to news.groups.  All discussion regarding this proposal should take place in news.groups.  RATIONALE  Rec.arts.disney is a very high volume newsgroup, with traffic running approximately 200 articles per day.  Traffic on the newsgroup has shown a steady increase over the past year.  In April, there were approximately 5970 articles posted to the newsgroup for a total of about 11 megabytes.  According to Brian Reid's March 1995 arbitron, there were 6470 articles posted for a total of 11.7 megabytes.  According to the January 1995 arbitron, there were 4437 articles posted for a total of 8.1 megabytes.  The traffic for July 1994 was 3651 articles.   While the noise level tends to run high, there also tends to be a lot of useful information disseminated through the newsgroup.  Two topics in particular generate quite a bit of traffic on their own.  These two topics are discussion about the parks and the full length theatrically-released animated movies.  Just the traffic generated by these two topics alone would be enough to justify a split.  It has been suggested that rec.parks.theme might be an appropriate place to move the parks discussion.  Judging from the amount of parks talk on rec.arts.disney, it appears that people interested in Disney theme parks will naturally migrate to a newsgroup about Disney related matters. Educating them about a related newsgroup in a different hierarchy might not be an easy task.  Considerable Disney parks related traffic is posted to rec.arts.disney despite monthly pointers requesting users to cross-post parks related discussion to rec.parks.theme.  An informal grep of the Subject: lines of 6069 articles in my current rec.arts.disney newsfeed pulled up 606 articles tagged with the "wd(w)" keyword; 241 tagged with "dl"; 149 tagged with "park(s)"; and 195 tagged with "disneyland".  By contrast, the March arbitron indicates 206 articles were posted to rec.parks.theme during that month.  I feel that a smaller, more focused newsgroup such as rec.arts.disney.parks will be conducive to cross-posting by readers and will help to increase traffic on rec.parks.theme.   Newsgroup proponents: Misti Jordan <[email protected]> 		      Stephen Worth <[email protected]> 		      Larry Smith <[email protected]> 		      Stephanie da Silva <[email protected]>   Proposal: rec.arts.disney be split into 5 groups:  rec.arts.disney.misc rec.arts.disney.parks rec.arts.disney.merchandise rec.arts.disney.animation rec.arts.disney.announce   CHARTERS  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of   the other categories.  This newsgroup would replace the existing   rec.arts.disney newsgroup.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   Discussion of all Disney parks, restaurants, attractions, and resorts   of the past, present and future, including, but not limited to, the Walt   Disney World properties, Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland   Paris.  rec.arts.disney.merchandise (unmoderated)   Discussion relating to merchandise sold by the Disney Company.  This   includes and is not limited to software, toys, commemorative items,   cels, artwork, collectibles, music, books, and multimedia titles.  This   newsgroup would serve as an area for people wanting to sell or wanting   to buy any Disney-related item.  Also for discussion of Disneyana,   conventions, mass-market merchandising and the Disney Stores.  Blatant   and/or off-topic advertising is inappropriate and will be discouraged.  rec.arts.disney.animation (unmoderated)   All Disney animated movies and short subjects, past, present, and   future, whether released theatrically, televised or on video.  This   includes but is not limited to discussion of studios, voice actors,   animators, and writers.  For discussion of derivative works, such as   comparisons of ice shows, stage plays and live-action movies based on   the animated ones.  For any and all other matters relating to the   animated works.  rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)   Frequently Asked Questions files, including newsgroup FAQs, theme park   FAQs, and Internet resource lists.  No discussion will be allowed.   Other articles may be posted at the moderator's discretion, providing   they are informational in nature, are publicly distributable and   have come from confirmed sources.    The following articles are typical of what would be acceptable for   posting to r.a.d.announce:  	FAQ/DIG: DL Info Guide 1 of 3 4/6/95 	Network Artist picture(s) have been posted 	FDCMuck:  how to obtain a guest passport 	r.a.d IRC meet, Wednesday 12 April 	rec.arts.disney List of Lists 	Welcome to RAD New Readers! - Please Read Before Posting 	R.A.D Meet in Boston, June 16th 	FAQ: Disney FTP and WWW sites 	rec.arts.disney Rate Poll Introduction 	FILM: Poca Premiere in NYC - Tickets 	Disney animation video availability list 	RAD Host List - For Help on rec.arts.disney 	Disney Stores List 	PARKS: DL Terrorism hoax 	DISNEYANA: Wash./Balt./No. VA Show 	Disney's B&B Stageshow celeb's to appear at TDS 	Mara Font Release 	Monthly reminder:  Please crosspost. 	5th Annual Gay & Lesbian Day at Disney World 	WDW Operating Hours: June 1995 	RECALL ALERT - Disney Play 'N Pop activity toy   MODERATOR INFORMATION      Group name:          rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)     Moderators:          Tim Pickett <[email protected]> 			 M. L. Grant <[email protected]>     Backup Moderators:   Don Bertino <[email protected]> 			 Sean Rabbitt <[email protected]> 			 Melyssa Childs <[email protected]>     Submission address:  [email protected]     Request address:     [email protected]   Since this is a modification of an existing proposal, discussion will run seven days.  If major changes are necessary, the discussion period may be extended an additional 7 days.  A Call for Votes (CFV) will be posted after the end of the discussion period. The vote will be run by a neutral third party.  From [email protected] Thu Jun 22 00:20:56 1995 Status: RO Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brennan T. Price) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,rec.arts.animation,rec.parks.theme,,,alt.disney,alt.disney.collecting,alt.disney.disneyland Subject: CFV: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: poster Date: 21 Jun 1995 23:58:36 -0400 Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 169 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 14 Jul 1995 00:00:00 UTC Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7092 news.groups:154864 rec.arts.disney:99024 rec.arts.animation:36881 rec.parks.theme:3026 alt.disney:1273 alt.disney.collecting:1260 alt.disney.disneyland:1233                       FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)              unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.animation                moderated group rec.arts.disney.announce   unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney)             unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.merchandise                unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks  Newsgroups lines: rec.arts.disney.misc	General topics pertinent to the Disney Company. rec.arts.disney.parks	Parks, resorts, dining, attractions, vacations. rec.arts.disney.merchandise	Toys, videos, music, books, art, collectibles. rec.arts.disney.animation	Animated features, cartoons, short subjects. rec.arts.disney.announce	FAQs, lists, info, announcements (Moderated).   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 13 July 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Brennan T. Price <[email protected]> (the votetaker).  For questions about the proposed groups, contact Misti Jordan <[email protected]> (the proponent).   OFFICIAL SOURCES OF THE CFV  The only official sources for copies of this CFV are the UseNet newsgroups to which it is posted by the news.announce.newgroups moderator and the votetaker.   RATIONALE (from proponent):  This CFV isn't expected to reduce the total traffic in rec.arts.disney, but to organize the existing discussion into broad categories that seem to match well-defined subgroups among the readers.  rec.arts.disney has a wide and varied readership, and carries a wealth of information. Some readers are only interested in certain aspects of the Disney organization, others follow virtually everything the Walt Disney Company offers. Both kinds of readers should benefit from this proposal: the narrowly focused will be able to more easily concentrate on their areas of interest; and those with a broad interest will be able to find material more easily, as well as gaining the viewpoints and input of people who have previously been overwhelmed by the group's richness and exuberence. This is a normal stage that all popular groups seem to go through, lest they falter under the weight of their own success.  CHARTERS (from proponent):  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of   the other categories.  This newsgroup would replace the existing   rec.arts.disney newsgroup.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   Discussion of all Disney parks, restaurants, attractions, and resorts of   the past, present and future, including, but not limited to, the Walt   Disney World properties, Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland   Paris.  rec.arts.disney.merchandise (unmoderated)   Discussion relating to merchandise sold by the Disney Company.  This   includes and is not limited to software, toys, commemorative items, cels,   artwork, collectibles, music, books, and multimedia titles.  This group   would serve as an area for people wanting to sell or wanting to buy any   Disney-related item.  Also for discussion of Disneyana, conventions,   mass-market merchandising and the Disney Stores.  Blatant and/or off-topic   advertising is inappropriate and will be discouraged.  rec.arts.disney.animation (unmoderated)   All Disney animated movies and short subjects, past, present, and   future, whether released theatrically, televised or on video.  This   includes but is not limited to discussion of studios, voice actors,   animators, and writers.  For discussion of derivative works, such   as ice shows and stage plays.  For any and all other matters relating   to the animated works.  rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)   Frequently Asked Questions files, including newsgroup FAQs, theme park   FAQs, and Internet resource lists.  No discussion will be allowed.   Other articles may be posted at the moderator's discretion, providing   they are informational in nature, are publicly distributable and   have come from confirmed sources.   MODERATOR INFORMATION      Group name:          rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)     Moderators:          Tim Pickett <[email protected]> 			 M. L. Grant <[email protected]>     Backup Moderators:   Don Bertino <[email protected]> 			 Sean Rabbitt <[email protected]> 			 Melyssa Childs <[email protected]>     Submission address:  [email protected]     Request address:     [email protected]   HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" line and erase everything below the "END OF BALLOT" line.  Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group names.  Basically, remove everything except the ballot - we have to save them all on disk.  Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Then mail the ballot to:    [email protected] Just replying to this message should work.  Quick voting checklist: 1) Fill in the ballot form shown below. 2) Delete the rest of the CFV from your reply. 3) Make sure your reply goes to [email protected]  ========== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ========== The only official sources of this ballot are Calls |     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES For Votes cross-posted to news.announce.newgroups  |    REC.ARTS.DISNEY REORG or e-mailed from the votetaker.  Official ballots  |   OFFICIAL USENET BALLOT are distributed blank.  Failure to use an official |          ballot significantly increases the chances that    +------------------------- the vote-counting software will be unable to process your vote.  Beware. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name, you vote will be rejected.  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ]  rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney) [         ]  rec.arts.disney.parks [         ]  rec.arts.disney.merchandise [         ]  rec.arts.disney.animation [         ]  rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated) ============= END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ==============   IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES  Anything other than the official ballot may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with an automated acknowledgement by e-mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Anonymous votes will not be accepted.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI forms are considered anonymous votes.  (The vote must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.)  In cases where voting fraud is determined to have occurred, it is standard operating procedure to delete ALL votes submitted by the violator.  Anyone who distributes pre-filled ballots or modified copies of this CFV commits voting fraud.  While distributing an unmodified CFV is allowed, it is strongly discouraged, as the process of redistribution often adds headers to the document that confuse the vote-taking software.  Reference to the official CFV in news.announce.newgroups or to a copy mailed directly from the votetaker is preferred.  When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  --Brennan T. Price, UVV   Running UseVote 3.0  From [email protected] Tue Jul 11 13:27:15 1995 Status: RO Path: uunet!!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brennan T. Price) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,rec.arts.animation,rec.parks.theme,,,alt.disney,alt.disney.collecting,alt.disney.disneyland Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.arts.disney reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 10 Jul 1995 18:16:25 -0400 Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 177 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 14 Jul 1995 00:00:00 UTC Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7103 news.groups:158572 rec.arts.disney:102895 rec.arts.animation:37984 rec.parks.theme:3140 alt.disney:1521 alt.disney.collecting:1514 alt.disney.disneyland:1467                          LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                       rec.arts.disney reorganization                  unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.animation                  moderated group rec.arts.disney.announce         unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney)                  unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks               unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.merchandise  Newsgroups lines: rec.arts.disney.misc    General topics pertinent to the Disney Company. rec.arts.disney.parks   Parks, resorts, dining, attractions, vacations. rec.arts.disney.merchandise     Toys, videos, music, books, art, collectibles. rec.arts.disney.animation       Animated features, cartoons, short subjects. rec.arts.disney.announce        FAQs, lists, info, announcements (Moderated).   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC 13 July 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Brennan T. Price <[email protected]> (the votetaker).  For questions about the proposed groups, contact Misti Jordan <[email protected]> (the proponent).   OFFICIAL SOURCES OF THE CFV  The only official sources for copies of this CFV are the UseNet newsgroups to which it is posted by the news.announce.newgroups moderator and the votetaker.   RATIONALE (from proponent):  This CFV isn't expected to reduce the total traffic in rec.arts.disney, but to organize the existing discussion into broad categories that seem to match well-defined subgroups among the readers.  rec.arts.disney has a wide and varied readership, and carries a wealth of information. Some readers are only interested in certain aspects of the Disney organization, others follow virtually everything the Walt Disney Company offers. Both kinds of readers should benefit from this proposal: the narrowly focused will be able to more easily concentrate on their areas of interest; and those with a broad interest will be able to find material more easily, as well as gaining the viewpoints and input of people who have previously been overwhelmed by the group's richness and exuberence. This is a normal stage that all popular groups seem to go through, lest they falter under the weight of their own success.  CHARTERS (from proponent):  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of   the other categories.  This newsgroup would replace the existing   rec.arts.disney newsgroup.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   Discussion of all Disney parks, restaurants, attractions, and resorts of   the past, present and future, including, but not limited to, the Walt   Disney World properties, Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland   Paris.  rec.arts.disney.merchandise (unmoderated)   Discussion relating to merchandise sold by the Disney Company.  This   includes and is not limited to software, toys, commemorative items, cels,   artwork, collectibles, music, books, and multimedia titles.  This group   would serve as an area for people wanting to sell or wanting to buy any   Disney-related item.  Also for discussion of Disneyana, conventions,   mass-market merchandising and the Disney Stores.  Blatant and/or off-topic   advertising is inappropriate and will be discouraged.  rec.arts.disney.animation (unmoderated)   All Disney animated movies and short subjects, past, present, and   future, whether released theatrically, televised or on video.  This   includes but is not limited to discussion of studios, voice actors,   animators, and writers.  For discussion of derivative works, such   as ice shows and stage plays.  For any and all other matters relating   to the animated works.  rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)   Frequently Asked Questions files, including newsgroup FAQs, theme park   FAQs, and Internet resource lists.  No discussion will be allowed.   Other articles may be posted at the moderator's discretion, providing   they are informational in nature, are publicly distributable and   have come from confirmed sources.   MODERATOR INFORMATION      Group name:          rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)     Moderators:          Tim Pickett <[email protected]>                          M. L. Grant <[email protected]>     Backup Moderators:   Don Bertino <[email protected]>                          Sean Rabbitt <[email protected]>                          Melyssa Childs <[email protected]>     Submission address:  [email protected]     Request address:     [email protected]   HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" line and erase everything below the "END OF BALLOT" line.  Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group names.  Basically, remove everything except the ballot - we have to save them all on disk.  Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Then mail the ballot to:    [email protected] Just replying to this message should work.  Quick voting checklist: 1) Fill in the ballot form shown below. 2) Delete the rest of the CFV from your reply. 3) Make sure your reply goes to [email protected]  ========== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ========== The only official sources of this ballot are Calls |    SECOND CALL FOR VOTES For Votes cross-posted to news.announce.newgroups  |    REC.ARTS.DISNEY REORG or e-mailed from the votetaker.  Official ballots  |   OFFICIAL USENET BALLOT are distributed blank.  Failure to use an official |          ballot significantly increases the chances that    +------------------------- the vote-counting software will be unable to process your vote.  Beware. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name, your vote will be rejected.  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ]  rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney) [         ]  rec.arts.disney.parks [         ]  rec.arts.disney.merchandise [         ]  rec.arts.disney.animation [         ]  rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated) ============= END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ==============   IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES  Anything other than the official ballot may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with an automated acknowledgement by e-mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Anonymous votes will not be accepted.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI forms are considered anonymous votes.  (The vote must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.)  In cases where voting fraud is determined to have occurred, it is standard operating procedure to delete ALL votes submitted by the violator.  Anyone who distributes pre-filled ballots or modified copies of this CFV commits voting fraud.  While distributing an unmodified CFV is allowed, it is strongly discouraged, as the process of redistribution often adds headers to the document that confuse the vote-taking software.  Reference to the official CFV in news.announce.newgroups or to a copy mailed directly from the votetaker is preferred.  When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  rec.arts.disney reorganization Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                Dave Ahlstrand [email protected]                                                Kaitlyn Rubin [email protected]                                          Billy L Lee  --Brennan T. Price, UVV   Running UseVote 3.0  From [email protected] Mon Jul 24 18:08:52 1995 Path: uunet!!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brennan T. Price) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.disney,rec.arts.animation,rec.parks.theme,,,alt.disney,alt.disney.collecting,alt.disney.disneyland Subject: RESULT: rec.arts.disney reorganization passes Followup-To: news.groups Date: 19 Jul 1995 18:52:59 -0400 Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 543 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7184 news.groups:160231 rec.arts.disney:104800 rec.arts.animation:38641 rec.parks.theme:3243 alt.disney:1690 alt.disney.collecting:1703 alt.disney.disneyland:1710                                    RESULT       unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.animation passes 296:89         moderated group rec.arts.disney.announce passes 314:74      unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.merchandise passes 292:87          unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.misc passes 302:90         unmoderated group rec.arts.disney.parks passes 307:78  rec.arts.disney reorganization results - 399 valid votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  302   90 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney)  307   78 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.arts.disney.parks  292   87 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.arts.disney.merchandise  296   89 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.arts.disney.animation  314   74 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.arts.disney.announce   20 invalid votes  The criteria for newsgroup creation have been met for all groups.  Barring any irregularities in the voting procedure, the groups will be created by the news.announce.newgroups moderator after a five-day waiting period.  Newsgroups lines: rec.arts.disney.misc    General topics pertinent to the Disney Company. rec.arts.disney.parks   Parks, resorts, dining, attractions, vacations. rec.arts.disney.merchandise     Toys, videos, music, books, art, collectibles. rec.arts.disney.animation       Animated features, cartoons, short subjects. rec.arts.disney.announce        FAQs, lists, info, announcements (Moderated).   Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC 13 July 1995.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Brennan T. Price <[email protected]> (the votetaker).  For questions about the proposed groups, contact Misti Jordan <[email protected]> (the proponent).   CHARTERS:  rec.arts.disney.misc (unmoderated)   For general Disney discussion and topics that don't fall into any of   the other categories.  This newsgroup would replace the existing   rec.arts.disney newsgroup.  rec.arts.disney.parks (unmoderated)   Discussion of all Disney parks, restaurants, attractions, and resorts of   the past, present and future, including, but not limited to, the Walt   Disney World properties, Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland   Paris.  rec.arts.disney.merchandise (unmoderated)   Discussion relating to merchandise sold by the Disney Company.  This   includes and is not limited to software, toys, commemorative items, cels,   artwork, collectibles, music, books, and multimedia titles.  This group   would serve as an area for people wanting to sell or wanting to buy any   Disney-related item.  Also for discussion of Disneyana, conventions,   mass-market merchandising and the Disney Stores.  Blatant and/or off-topic   advertising is inappropriate and will be discouraged.  rec.arts.disney.animation (unmoderated)   All Disney animated movies and short subjects, past, present, and   future, whether released theatrically, televised or on video.  This   includes but is not limited to discussion of studios, voice actors,   animators, and writers.  For discussion of derivative works, such   as ice shows and stage plays.  For any and all other matters relating   to the animated works.  rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)   Frequently Asked Questions files, including newsgroup FAQs, theme park   FAQs, and Internet resource lists.  No discussion will be allowed.   Other articles may be posted at the moderator's discretion, providing   they are informational in nature, are publicly distributable and   have come from confirmed sources.   MODERATOR INFORMATION      Group name:          rec.arts.disney.announce (moderated)     Moderators:          Tim Pickett <[email protected]>                          M. L. Grant <[email protected]>     Backup Moderators:   Don Bertino <[email protected]>                          Sean Rabbitt <[email protected]>                          Melyssa Childs <[email protected]>     Submission address:  [email protected]     Request address:     [email protected]   rec.arts.disney reorganization Final Vote Ack                                                rec.arts.disney.announce -------+                                             rec.arts.disney.animation ------+|                                           rec.arts.disney.merchandise -----+||                                                 rec.arts.disney.parks ----+|||                       rec.arts.disney.misc (replaces rec.arts.disney) ---+||||                                                                          ||||| [email protected]                                    Sarah Ponder YYYYY [email protected]                      Simon P. Duvall YYYYY [email protected]                                 Joe Navratil NNNNN [email protected]                                            Steven Kusnitz YYYYY [email protected]                                             Michael Block -Y--- [email protected]                                     Jonathan Adair YYYYY [email protected]                                  Adarsh Daswani YYYYY [email protected]                                    Steve C. Liu NYNNN [email protected]                                          Andrew Fabbro N---- [email protected]                                         Gino A. Melone YYYYY [email protected]                                           Alan H. Cohen YYYYY [email protected]                                   Juliette Webb NNNNN [email protected]                                          Dave Ahlstrand YYYYY [email protected]                                     Arthur Na NNNNN [email protected]                                    Anita Kilgour NYNYY [email protected]                                  Alan Cartledge YYYYY [email protected]                                         Alan Hamilton YYYYY [email protected]                                 Brian Warren Albers YYYYY [email protected]                                           Allyn Fratkin YYYYY [email protected]                            Austin George Loomis YY-Y- [email protected]                                              John Knox YYYYY [email protected]                                           Andy Lesko YYYYY [email protected]                                    Amy Catherine Gale YYYYY [email protected]                                       Ananda M. Kar YYYYY [email protected]                            Anders Engwall YYYYY [email protected]                                    Judy Anders NNNNN [email protected]                                   Karla K. Knight YYYYY [email protected]                                 William T. Knight YYYYY [email protected]                           Stephanie da Silva YYYYY [email protected]                                       Paul Asente YYYYY [email protected]                                               Alan S. Fink YYYYY [email protected]                                         Ash Nallawalla YYYYY awind[email protected]                               Alan J. Window YYYYY [email protected]                                   Bruce Goettel YYYYY [email protected]                                            Carl Baker YYYYY [email protected]                                               Bill Ballew YYYYY [email protected]                                    Ron Bauerle YYYYY [email protected]                                 Donald Joseph Bertino YYYYY [email protected]                                             Bill Ellett YYYYY [email protected]                                           B.J. Herbison Y---- [email protected]                               Barbara A. Weiss YYYYY [email protected]                                 David F. Weiss YYYYY [email protected]                                           Robert A. Yetman YYYYY [email protected]                                            Rick Asper YYYYY [email protected]                                  Brenda Bowden YYYYY [email protected]                          Barry S. Nichols YYYYY [email protected]                                        Barbara Ling YYYYY [email protected]                      William J. Buckley, Jr. YYYYY [email protected]                                               Burt Holzman NNNNN [email protected]                                               Shogo Iwai YYYYY [email protected]                                            Ben Wern YNNYY [email protected]                                 D. L. Mosher NYNYY [email protected]                     Curtis Desjardins YYYYY [email protected]                                Chad Carson YYYYY [email protected]                                              Jill Korpal YYYYY [email protected]                                     Charles Cilek NNNNN [email protected]                                Chad M. Heilig NYYYY [email protected]                                     Charles Cox YYYYY [email protected]                      Charlie Fastner YYYYY [email protected]                                   Cheryl Masuo-Ing YYYYY [email protected]                                     Christopher L. LaReau YYYYY [email protected]                                      Chuck McCormick YYYYY [email protected]                                           Chris Carter NNNNN [email protected]                              Carol Koster NNNNY [email protected]                                            Brenda Clark NYYNN [email protected]                                   Janna Nichols YYYYY [email protected]                                   Chris Stamper NNNNN [email protected]                                     Carrol Mathis YYYYY [email protected]                         Collin Richard Wells YYYYY [email protected]                                     Connie K. Cho -Y-YY [email protected]                            K. P. Crouch ----- [email protected]                                         Michiel Wijers NNNNN [email protected]                                            Chris.Hilker YYNNY [email protected]                                       Dave Beckett YYYYY [email protected]                                           Daniel Baars YYYYY [email protected]                           David K. Hall YYYYY [email protected]                                 David Hollinden YYYYY [email protected]                                  David Pochron YYYYY [email protected]                                 David Tomita YYYYY [email protected]                                       David Miller YYYYY [email protected]                                  David Barnett -Y--Y [email protected]                                 David Dyer-Bennet N---Y [email protected]                                     John D. DeCuir YYYYY [email protected]                           Guy DeRose YYYYY [email protected]                              Jason M. Diffendal YYYYY [email protected]                                             Doug Krause YYYYY [email protected]                            D. Keith Green NYYYY [email protected]                                            Eric Mueller YYYYY [email protected]                         Doug Hartwell YYYYY [email protected]                                 David Strauss YYYYY [email protected]                                 Deanna Toxopeus YYYYY [email protected]                                        Edward J. Vawter YYYYY [email protected]                                    Elizabeth Hamman YYYYY [email protected]                                            Eiji Hirai YYYYY [email protected]                                 Eileen Murray YYYYY [email protected]                                  David Khalil YYYYY [email protected]                                   Eleanor Mikucki YYYYY [email protected]                                      David Ellsworth YYYYY [email protected]                                              Endel Jurman YY--Y [email protected]                                  Jennifer Barber YYYYY [email protected]                                       Ed Rudnicki NNNNN [email protected]                                             Emery Lapinski NYNYN [email protected]                            Regina Franchi NNNNN [email protected]                                         Alexander Kruppa NYNNY [email protected]                                     Myron Freeman YYYYY [email protected]                                                 Kevin Fong YYYYY [email protected]                                Frank Brazile YYYYY [email protected]                                        Frances Ho YYYYY [email protected]                                          David Gonder YYYYY [email protected]                                              Francis Uy YNNNY [email protected]                                        David Zabriskie YYYYY [email protected]                                           Geoff Allen YY-YY [email protected]                                              George Estes YYYYY [email protected]                                     Geary Graham YYYYY [email protected]                                           Chris Gill NYYYY [email protected]                                    Gina Leong NNNNN [email protected]                                     Kathy Glennan YYYNN [email protected]                                     Bill Godfrey NNNNN [email protected]                                         R. Grant Getz YYYYY [email protected]                                                  Greg Marr YYYYY [email protected]                                               Greg Loe YYYYY [email protected]                                    Eric Griswold NNNNN [email protected]                                       Misti D. Jordan YYYYY [email protected]                                              Kiran Wagle YYYYY [email protected]                             G. Sean Brandenburg YYYYY [email protected]                                      Patti Gallagher NNNNN [email protected]                         Robert A. Hayden YYYYY [email protected]                                       John M. Hayes NNNNN [email protected]                                         Mark A. Helotie YYYYY [email protected]                              Sofia Hernandez YYYYY [email protected]                                      Barett McGavock NNNNN [email protected]                                          Kaitlyn Rubin YYYYY [email protected]                                         Harry Mueller YYYYY [email protected]                                   Ed Holliman YYYYY [email protected]                           Darrell Holmquist YYYYY [email protected]                                       Howard Lem YYYYY [email protected]                                           Buffy Hyler YYYYY [email protected]    Ruth Herman (recently married-maiden name NNNNN [email protected]                                                 Ray Iaea YYYYY [email protected]                                      Jeanne Hauser YYYYY [email protected]                                                 Sumi Lee YYYYY [email protected]                                       Bob Ito NNNNN [email protected]                                            John T. Marrinson NNNNN [email protected]                                 Adam Jacobs NNNNN [email protected]                                      Joseph A. Admire YYYYY [email protected]                                                 Jim Fraser YYYYY [email protected]                                           Jim Janecek NNNNN [email protected]                                  Janet Kowalewski YYYYY [email protected]                                        Bryce Jasmer YYYYY [email protected]                                           Jason Zdanowicz YYYYN [email protected]                                           Jason Kastner YYYYY [email protected]                         Francisco Javier Femenia NNNNN [email protected]                                         Wendy W Lee YYYYY [email protected]                                John Davis YYYYY [email protected]                                  John A. Dombeck YYYYY [email protected]                                             Jeff Long YYYYY [email protected]                                       Jenny Woolf YY-YY [email protected]                                              Julie Bassett YYYYY [email protected]                                      Juan F. Lara YYYYY [email protected]                                     Jill Hobgood YYYYY [email protected]                                      Jen Magnotta YYYYY [email protected]                                           Jim Jewett Y---- [email protected]                                           Jim Mann YYYYY [email protected]                                     John Parkin NYNYY [email protected]                               Jimmy Anderson YYYYY [email protected]                                   Jim Maxwell YYYYY [email protected]                                       James McGarry YYYYY [email protected]                                            Jeff Miller YYNNN [email protected]                                Joanna L. Castillo NNNNY [email protected]                                       Joanne M. Felix N-NNN [email protected]                                                  Joe Wong YYYYY [email protected]                              Corey Johanningmeier NNNNY [email protected]                              John E. Donat NNNNN [email protected]                                      John P. Zucchero YYYYY [email protected]                                             Trevor Tymchuk YYYYY [email protected]                                 Joni Okamoto YYYYY [email protected]                                  Sudish Joseph YYYYY [email protected]                                   Joseph R. Justice YYYYY [email protected]                               John R. MacWilliamson NNNNN [email protected]                                 Joshua Kreitzer NNNNY [email protected]                        James Smith III Y-YYY [email protected]                               Judy L. Homiller YYYYY [email protected]                                   Judy Lewandowski YYYYY [email protected]                                           Jeff DeHaan NNNNN [email protected]                               Jessica Wolf YYYYY [email protected]                                   Jonathan Young YYYYY [email protected]                                         Karen E. Isaacson N---- [email protected]                                        Kenneth A. Tinkler YYYYY [email protected]                                            Kelly De Witt YYYYY [email protected]                                     Kerry Jane Dunavant YYYYY [email protected]                                          Kimmo Ketolainen NNNNN [email protected]                                        Kenny Cottrell NNNNN [email protected]                                  Knut Hunstad NNNNN [email protected]                              Kathy Pauley YYYYY [email protected]                                    Andrew Krieg NNNNN [email protected]                               Kirby A. Bartlett-Sloan YYYYY [email protected]                               K. E. Steinhoff YYYYY [email protected]                                         Ken Waters YYYYY [email protected]                                               Lance Chun YYYYY [email protected]                                             Larry Gensch NNNNY [email protected]                                           Larry Smith YYYYY [email protected]                                            Laura L. Bodon YYYYY [email protected]                                    Billy L Lee YYYYY [email protected]                                         Lee Whiteside  YYYYY [email protected]                               Matt Leist YYYYY [email protected]                          Lorraine G. Wright NNYNN [email protected]                            Martin Schr"oder YYYYY [email protected]                                           L K Larkins YYYYY [email protected]                                          Louis Rubin YYYYY [email protected]                                        Michael Crawford YYYYY [email protected]                                Amanda Lynch YYYYY [email protected]                                     Marc Moorcroft NNNNN [email protected]                               M.A. Versteeg YNNYY [email protected]                                 Neil Collins NNNNN [email protected]                                     Scott R. Marshall YYYYY [email protected]                                       Mary Peters YYYYY [email protected]                                              Mark Atwood YYYYY [email protected]                                           Frank Maximus YYYYY [email protected]                                           Marcus Breiing YNNYN [email protected]                                        Marvin Barrash YYYYY [email protected]                                 Marsh Burchell  YYYYY [email protected]                                        Mary Carroll YYYY- [email protected]                             M. Elizabeth Earleywine NNYNN [email protected]                                             Mark Hartman YYYYY [email protected]                             Michael D. Maloy YYYYY [email protected]                              William Milianta Jr. YYYYY [email protected]                               Jeffrey Miller YYNNN [email protected]                                          Melyssa Childs YYYYY [email protected]                                         Mike Lever YYYYY [email protected]                                     Michael Goldenberg YYYYY [email protected]                                           M Mike Taksar Y---Y [email protected]                               Margaret Norwood-Phillips YYYYY [email protected]                                    Monica Skidmore YYYYY [email protected]                           David Maurice YYYYY [email protected]                                           Matthew Pearce NNNNN [email protected]                                              Jill DeCoursey YYYYY [email protected]                                       David Murdock YYYYY [email protected]                           Melinda A Wade NNNNN [email protected]                                      Michael Wang YYYYY [email protected]                                          Nancy Connelly YYYYY [email protected]                                     Neil W. Aguiar YYYYY [email protected]                                            Ken Pilcher NNNNN [email protected]                                    Nick Ingegneri NYYYN [email protected]                              R.S. Rick ([email protected]) YYYYY NRNOBLE%[email protected]                       Nick Noble YYYYY [email protected]                                   Matthew Garward NNNYY [email protected]                                        Sue Nurczyk YYYYY [email protected]                                       Brian Copeland NNNNN [email protected]                               Scott A. Oakman YYYYY [email protected]                                            Lisa Krause YYYYY [email protected]                                       Eric S. Patterson NNNNN [email protected]                          Kathy O'Steen Bartsch YNNNY [email protected]                                 Lee J. McKenna NNNNN [email protected]                                  Steve Pagano YYYNY [email protected]                             Warren "Kipp" Davis YYYYY [email protected]                                     Patrick Palczewski -Y--- [email protected]                        Pam Phillips YYYYY [email protected]                                       Patricia Arguello YYYYY [email protected]                                  Paul W. Philippi YYYYY [email protected]                                      Phillip Baraona YYYYY [email protected]                                             Philip D. Smith YYNYY [email protected]                                 Peter da Silva YYYYY [email protected]                          Peter J. Lim NNNNN [email protected]                                     James M. Phillips YYYYY [email protected]                                John Pimentel YYYYY [email protected]                              Peter J. Kappesser YYYYY [email protected]                                           Peter de Jong YYNYY [email protected]                                            Nathan Brooks YYNNY [email protected]                                           Ken Ponder YYYYY [email protected]                                                Paul Wenker YYYYY [email protected]                                             Pattie Steib YYYYY [email protected]                                          Pete Bastien NNNNN [email protected]                                           Gary Breuckman YY-YY [email protected]                                       Wendy Purdy NNYNY [email protected]                                  Rachel Bell NNYNN [email protected]                                               John Howard NNNNN [email protected]                        Ralph Castaneda, Jr. YYYYY [email protected]                                           Russell Coles YYYYY [email protected]                                        Robert Cook NNNNN [email protected]                              Robert D. Newell YYYYY [email protected]                                           Richard Dobbis YYYYY [email protected]                                    Christine Chase YYYYY [email protected]                                          Richard Miller Y-YYY [email protected]                                 Don Martin YYNNN [email protected]                           Roger ("Brad") Jones, Jr. YYYYY [email protected]                                     Rich Koster NNNNN [email protected]                                     Rick Kunin YYYYY [email protected]                                           Liesl Johnson YYYYY [email protected]                     Rose M. Delckum NNNNN [email protected]                                      Robert M. Harrold YYYYY [email protected]                          Regina M. Seaner YYYYY [email protected]                                   Randall J. Moore YYYYY [email protected]                                   Rob Collingwood YYYYY [email protected]                          Roberta Brubaker YYYYY [email protected]                                       Ollivier Robert NNNNN [email protected]                                ROBINSON, KENNETH YYYYY [email protected]                                Robert P. Smith N---- [email protected]                                            Roger Colton NNNNN [email protected]                                    Rod Shelton YYYYY [email protected]                                              Bill Rothe YYYYY [email protected]                                       Robert Smits YYYYY [email protected]                                        Ruth Sproule YYYYY [email protected]                                          Bill Rubin YYYYY [email protected]                                 Jeffrey Rufinus YYYYY [email protected]                Russell Schulz YYYYY [email protected]                                      Russ Fitzgerald NNNNY [email protected]                             Tessa O'Dell ---YY [email protected]                       Bozena Brygida Sakowska YYYYY [email protected]                                        Steve Alcorn YYYYY [email protected]                                           Daniel T. Rauzi YYYYY [email protected]                       Samantha Wilkinson YYYYY [email protected]                                               Steven Oakland YYY-Y [email protected]                                              Sara Batty YYYYY [email protected]                                        Jeff McDermott YYYYY [email protected]                                        Scott A. Valcourt YYYYY [email protected]                                    Susan L. Basista YYYYY [email protected]                                     Michael Swanson YYYNY [email protected]                                       Steve Fenwick YYYYY [email protected]                                     David Schrader ---YY [email protected]                                     Charles S. Wong NNNNY [email protected]                          Scott McElfresh YYYYY [email protected]                                       Stephen R. Dault YYYYY [email protected]                                             Howard Spetter YYNNY [email protected]                                      Theodore Ansley YYYYY [email protected]                                            Shawn Connelly YYYYY [email protected]                                    Richard Scheckman YYYYY [email protected]                                 Sherline Lee YYYYY [email protected]                                  Christopher A. Harrower YYYYY [email protected]                              Sinclair Fleming YYYYY [email protected]                         Jennifer Bergstrom YYYYY [email protected]                                    Shelia K. Kendrick YYYYY [email protected]                                       Sharon Kurland YYYYY [email protected]                                         Michael Glicksman YYYYY [email protected]                                     Dave Sommer YYYYY [email protected]                                          Shawn P Leyden YYYYY [email protected]                                       Sean Rabbitt YYYYY [email protected]                                  Shannon Feibel YYYYY [email protected]                                            Dwight Brown NNNNN [email protected]                                Douglas Stebila NNNNN [email protected]                                         Scott Stetson YYYYY [email protected]                                    Steve Petrie YYYYY [email protected]                                      Steven Duff NNNNN [email protected]                                   Kelly G. Stewart NNNNN [email protected]                                            Joshua Strom YYNYY [email protected]                               Stuart Yeates NNNNN [email protected]                                              Louis Allen YYYYY [email protected]                         Swapna Trivadi-Steiger YYYYY [email protected]                               Richard Wiffen YYYYY [email protected]                                     Sandy Morton YYYYY [email protected]                                       Stephen Worth YYYYY [email protected]                          Eric Todd Simon YYYYY [email protected]                                            Teresa A. King YYYYY [email protected]                                                   Thomas Cuny YYYNN [email protected]                                                  Ted Peters YYYYY [email protected]                       Lani Teshima-Miller YYYYY [email protected]                                             Wayne Morrison YYYYY [email protected]                                    Thomas Fenske YYYYY [email protected]                                      Thomas G. McWilliams NNNNN [email protected]                                  Theo Heavey NNYNY [email protected]                              D. Jeffrey Vorreyer YNYNY [email protected]                                          Scott Harvey YYYYY [email protected]                                    Timothy Castro YYYYY [email protected]                                    Tisha King YYYYY [email protected]                                    Tim Pickett YYYYY [email protected]                                        Tad Morgan YYYYY [email protected]                                          Tom Elrod NNYNN [email protected]                                     Tom Jaskiewicz NNNNN [email protected]                              Tony Redman YYYYY [email protected]                                                Amy L. Plack NNNNN [email protected]                                       Trevor May YYYYY [email protected]                                        Troyce Wilson YYYYY [email protected]                                            Paul Penna YYYYY [email protected]                                 Martin M|ller Pedersen YYYNY [email protected]                                      Kristen Kohlbecker YYYYY [email protected]                          Eric Henwood-Greer NNNNN [email protected]                              Beth Ustas Spellman YYYYY [email protected]                                 Albert Van de Paar YYYYY [email protected]                            Collin McCulley YYYYY [email protected]                                    Vanessa Samuelson YYYYY [email protected]                                          Craig Pell YYYYY [email protected]                             Jason D. Weiss YYYYY [email protected]                                        Kit O'Connell YYYYY [email protected]                                           N. T. Wakelyn N---- [email protected]                                Kathleen Moore YYYYY [email protected]                                            Mike Wallis NNNNN [email protected]                                Ulf Bahrenfuss YYYYY [email protected]               Melonie Warren-Grossie YYYYY [email protected]                                 William A. Watts YYYYY [email protected]                            William Bishop YYYYY [email protected]                                                  Henry Pan NYYYY [email protected]                                          Ron Weiers NNNNN [email protected]                                           Werner W. Weiss YYYYY [email protected]                                   Risto Widenius NNNNN [email protected]                                      Patty Winter YYYYY [email protected]                                                Paul Reser YYYYY [email protected]                                       Zach Baker YYYYY [email protected]                                            Glen Zdroik YYYYY [email protected]                               Bill Jennings YYYYY [email protected]                                       Neale Pickett YYYYY   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                        David A. Cuthbert    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                   Balaji    ! No real name given [email protected]                                              Barry G.Ward    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                            Amberle Susan Ferrian    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                   [email protected]    ! No name given [email protected]                                           Ethan Solomita    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                      George M. Helwig    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                        Greg Ramsey    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                               J P Blackwood    ! No ballot [email protected]                                             Bryan Klompas    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]    ! No ballot [email protected]                                        Michael Barbour    ! No ballot [email protected]                           North Haven High School    ! No real name given [email protected]                                            Lela K. McKenna    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]    ! No name given [email protected]                                             Steven R. Cobb    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                        Samuel Harris    ! Invalid address [email protected]                            Technical Intelligence-MN-USA    ! No real name given [email protected]                                                 Todd Lloyd    ! No ballot [email protected]                                               Wendyann D'Silva    ! No ballot  --Brennan T. Price, UVV   Running UseVote 3.0 
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