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Star Wars ( rec.arts.sf.starwars )
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From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 02:47:25 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1751 news.groups:37635 rec.arts.movies:63491 rec.arts.sf.misc:867 rec.arts.comics:52511 alt.cult-movies:10668 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.sf.misc,rec.arts.comics,alt.cult-movies Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Christophe Keroack) Subject: RFD:  rec.arts.sf.starwars Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Hampshire College Date: 21 Jan 92 15:16:16 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 77  		This is the official call for discussion of the creation of a newsgroup for the discussion of Star Wars.  		rec.arts.sf.starwars   		This would be a viable newsgroup, considering the new comic series, the new book series, the popularity of West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, the hints of upcoming hype about the release of the next trilogy in George Lucas's 9-film series, and the fact that the trilogy is still a topic for discussion even though the last of the movies was released almost a decade ago.  		The newsgroup would be unmoderated, to make for a fast response time to new material and since the group's topic is not exactly controversial enough to warrant some sort of intervention.  		The topics to be covered would be those mentioned above: questions and discussion about the Zahn book series, Dark Horse's comic adaptation, the earlier comic book series and books released during the time of the first trilogy's release, the roleplaying game and any information about new films produced. Also, information on trading Star Wars memorabilia would be a topic (playing cards, figurines, posters, promotional material, etc.).   Update on the discussion of the creation of the group:  	Due to this being my first time trying to get a newsgroup going  and my news server is a little quirky, this may take slightly longer to get  officially recognized.  So if you've seen this request before and have responded, thank you, and please don't respond again *until* there is a CFV, at which time you'll have to send me your simple yes or no again. Also, since my news service is quirky and apparently  the letter didn't reach the "news.groups" list, it'll be a couple of weeks   minimum before I can CFV, assuming not too many people have major complaints.  		Most people who have discussed this so far have simply given an enthusiastic yes to the charter as suggested, some adding how they have wanted a forum for such for a while and would like to see it eventually reach the level of the Star Trek lists in terms of popularity and mail volume.  		Only a couple of people have given emphatic negative responses, questioning if there would be enough interest. The sheer fact that their  opinion is in the extreme minority discounts their opinion. (IMO. :) ) 		A couple have suggested that the topic be expanded into a  discussion format for all Lucasfilms, on the level of an The intention (at least when I suggested it) was to stay simply with Star Wars lore alone, seeing as there would be more than enough to talk about within  that movie series and paraphenalia alone without getting into anything else  of Lucas's. However, if there was to be any major charter definition to be  discussed, this would seem to be the only one. 		One person wondered about starting the group as an alt.-  rather than a rec.- but did not give much information on the difference between the two classifications. Since I haven't read anything which makes a solid case for putting this into the alt- category, or even explains what the difference is, then I will continue to suggest it as a rec- group until someone shows me  the error of my ways. 		So to summarize:  		This is the official *R*FD. Sorry I called it by another name, ye of great vax knowledge. ;) 		Most people are in favor of the group as suggested. 		The only major point to be discussed is whether or not to open the topic up to all George Lucas films or stay with the charter as suggested. 		And if anyone has any further suggestions, please post them before the end of the first weekend in February (i.e., approximately 2 weeks >from this sending). If no one has any new major changes to suggest, then I  will re-post the charter as a CFV.  		I plan to post this to news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.sf,rec.arts.startrek,rec.arts.frp,bit-cinema-l, rec.arts.comics and alt.cult.movies. If anyone does not see this post on one of  these lists by Monday, 1/20, or has a suggestion for a list that this should be crossed to (since I don't read *everything* ;) ), I'd appreciate this getting  crossed to that list and then someone e-mailing me at [email protected] to let me know where it's going. 		Thanks.  						Virtually, 							Chris Keroack --  Christophe Keroack, [email protected], Jedi Knight and warm fuzzy person. "I'm French! Why do you think I have this out-rrrrrageous ac-cent?"  From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:24:13 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1903 news.groups:40683 rec.arts.movies:68050 rec.arts.sf.movies:2998 rec.arts.sf.misc:1453 alt.cult-movies:12055 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.sf.movies,rec.arts.sf.misc,alt.cult-movies Path: rpi!usc!wupost!uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Chris Jacobson) Subject: CFV:  rec.arts.sf.starwars Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: UUNET Communications Services Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1992 03:11:07 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 46  Call For Votes (CFV): rec.arts.sf.starwars  Status: unmoderated  This is an offical Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.sf.starwars.  The discussion period has been over for several weeks, and a CFV needed to be issued.   Charter:  Rec.arts.sf.starwars is for discussion of the Star Wars universe.  Topics of discussion would include:          o the Star Wars movie trilogy           o Star Wars           o The Empire Strikes Back           o Return of the Jedi         o information/updates regarding a possible fifth movie         o the collection of Star Wars memorabilia         o the three-book cycle on the later years of Star Wars         o other Star Wars book series         o the Star Wars RPG         o any other topics pertinent to the world of Star Wars    Voting Instructions:  Send your vote to [email protected]  If you vote YES, put the following in the subject or the body of your message:      'I vote YES on rec.arts.sf.starwars'  If you vote NO, put the following in the subject or the body of your message:      'I vote NO on rec.arts.sf.starwars'  Only votes mailed to the above address, [email protected], will be counted.  All ambiguous votes will be discarded.  If I receive more then one vote from one person, the LAST vote will be counted.  Only votes received before April 4th, 1992 23:59 CST, will be counted.  --  Chris Jacobson                               INTERNET: [email protected] Minneapolis, MN -Home to the NCAA Final Four-                   UUCP: kksys!orbit!pnet51!chris  From [email protected] Sun Apr 19 21:38:40 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2203 news.groups:48459 rec.arts.movies:83745 rec.arts.sf.movies:3762 rec.arts.sf.misc:1623 alt.cult-movies:13713 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.sf.movies,rec.arts.sf.misc,alt.cult-movies Path: uunet!uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Chris Jacobson) Subject: RESULT:  rec.arts.sf.starwars passes 383: 77 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: UUNET Communications Services Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 16:25:35 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 505  The voting poll for  rec.arts.sf.starwars, closed  on April 4th, 1992 at midnight.  The final vote result; along with a list of the voters, and their votes can be found below.   The final vote tally is: 383 "yes" votes, and 77 "no" votes.  This meets all the criteria for the creation of rec.arts.sf.starwars.  The five day validation and examination period of the vote starts now.  If this is vote is judged to be valid, the newsgroup will be created.  Thank you to all who voted, and "May the force be with you..."  Chris Jacobson                               Internet: [email protected] People-NET [pnet51] Minneapolis, MN                                 UUCP: kksys!orbit!pnet51!chris ______________________________________________________________________________  Newsgroup: rec.arts.sf.starwars  Status: unmoderated  Charter: Rec.arts.sf.starwars is for discussion of the Star Wars universe.  Topics of discussion would include:          o the Star Wars movie trilogy           o Star Wars           o The Empire Strikes Back           o Return of the Jedi         o information/updates regarding a possible fourth movie         o the collection of Star Wars memorabilia         o the three-book cycle on the later years of Star Wars         o other Star Wars book series         o the Star Wars RPG         o any other topics pertinent to the world of Star Wars   The following 77 people voted "no" to r.a.sf.starwars ----------------------------------------------------- "Kenton A. Hoover" <[email protected]> "Patrick Tuffts" <[email protected]> Bruce Momjian <[email protected]> Grant Denkinson <[email protected]> Helge Hauglin <[email protected]> Joel B Levin <[email protected]> Ian Borchardt <[email protected]> Jeremy Louis Billones <[email protected]> Jim Roche <[email protected]> Justin Clark <[email protected]> Kimmo Ketolainen <[email protected]> Magnus Olsson <[email protected]> Marc Moorcroft <[email protected]> Matthew Dustin Morgan <[email protected]> Mike Fessler <[email protected]> Pete Hartman <[email protected]> Roger Crew <[email protected]> Sven Heinicke <[email protected]> Timothy VanFossen <[email protected]> Tom Fitzgerald <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected] (Wiseguy) [email protected] [email protected] (Ian O'Brien) [email protected] (Kevin Rushforth) [email protected] (Mean Green Dancing Machine) [email protected] (Vincent Archer) [email protected] (Austin G. Hasting) [email protected] (ED Bailey) [email protected] (LT J.D. Baldwin) [email protected] [email protected] (canau) [email protected] (James C. Barrett) [email protected] (Daniel Veditz) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) [email protected] [email protected] (Eric P. Scott) [email protected] (Loyd Blankenship) [email protected] (Frank Peters) [email protected] (Geoff Bronner) [email protected] [email protected] (Stephen Graham) [email protected] [email protected] (Hades) [email protected] (John Henders) [email protected] (John McKernan) [email protected] (John C Wenn) [email protected] (Jeff Wishnie) [email protected] (Brian Kenney) [email protected] (Mark Sicignano) [email protected] (Michael Brodeur) [email protected] (Memphis TN) [email protected] (mehta) [email protected] [email protected] (Mike Palmer) [email protected] (Pat Wilson) [email protected] [email protected] (P.J. Boulay) [email protected] (John PLate) [email protected] (Joel Plutchak) [email protected] [email protected] (Betsy Ramsey) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Rolf Wilson) [email protected] (Scott Fischer) [email protected] (Dave V. Schaller) [email protected] [email protected] (Steve Coile) [email protected] [email protected] ("Duckie" Shiau) [email protected] [email protected] (Danno McKinnon) [email protected] (John M Troyer) [email protected] [email protected] (Steven S Work) [email protected] (Conway Yee)   The following 383 people voted "yes" to r.a.sf.starwars ------------------------------------------------------- ****** Linda ****** <[email protected]> ^ Windom Earle ^  <[email protected]> "\ystein Tvedten" <[email protected] "BIGBOOTE', -TE', TE'" <[email protected]> "Beaker" <[email protected]> "Big Ed" <[email protected]> "Brian E. Paul" <[email protected]> "Carlos G. Niederstrasser" <[email protected]> "Chad Burkins" <[email protected]> "Charles Fee" <[email protected]> "Ellen K. Seebacher" <[email protected]> "Eric J. Svedberg" <[email protected]> "Eric Leven" <[email protected]> "Ernie Oporto" <[email protected]> "Gaeste heute" <[email protected]> "Gerald (Jerry) KUCH" <[email protected]> "Gregory A. Martin" <[email protected]> "Guinn - he arkone has returned..." <[email protected]> "Harry R. Skalleberg" <[email protected]> "Holger Reusch" <[email protected]> "K.M.Lijewski" <[email protected]> "Keith Woolner" <[email protected]> "Kent R. Kimmel" <[email protected]> "Loran J. Miller" <[email protected]> "Mark A. Lindsay" <[email protected]> "Michelle L. Zafron" <[email protected]> "Moot." <[email protected]> "Nick Kline" <[email protected]> "Raj Smith" <[email protected]> "Ralf Treinen" <[email protected]> "Raymond W. Chramega" <[email protected]> "Richard L. Butler" <[email protected]> "Scotti Z. Whitmire" <[email protected]> "Sean Costella 862-6116" <[email protected]> "Sime" <[email protected]> "Todd \"Slan\" Bradley" <[email protected]> "Tyrell Corporation" <11HLAYTON%[email protected]> "William Fabanich" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> BRIAN FABIO <[email protected]> ED DOLISTA <[email protected]> JIM <[email protected]> KOGUTT  TODD BRADLEY <[email protected]> MIAOW <[email protected]> RUGEN FLUGEN <[email protected]> SCHUYJUANNAH <[email protected]> Ace <[email protected]> Adina Adler <[email protected]> Adrian Hurt <[email protected]> Andrew Hummel <[email protected]> Andy Malis <[email protected]> Anthos <[email protected]> Barry Johnson <[email protected]> Bill the Cat for President!!!! <[email protected]> Blooberry muffins! <[email protected]> Borgar Magnus Olsen <[email protected]> Bret Aaron Mogilefsky <[email protected]> Chris Winters - DLH Lab Employee <[email protected]> Christoph Lee <[email protected]> Chuck Heatherly <[email protected]> Clinton A Bennett <[email protected]> Craig Alexander <[email protected]> Curtis Kamtin Tsul <[email protected]> Daniel `Fun` Segal <[email protected]> David Allan Worrell <[email protected]> Drau Morguendi <[email protected]> Edward John Sabol <[email protected]> Eileen Saiki <[email protected]> Enrico Kleijbeuker <[email protected]> Eric P Hunt <[email protected]> Felix Laufer <[email protected]> Francis Ho <[email protected]> Galvatron <[email protected]> Glenn Host <[email protected]> Graeme Rankin <[email protected]> Greg Franklin <[email protected]> Hans Fan Yeng Loon [email protected]> Hazard Class Mage <[email protected]> Ian Rogers <[email protected]> J Lee Jaap <[email protected]> Jack Brown <[email protected]> Jason Labowitx <[email protected]> Jason Smith <[email protected]> Jeff "Koganuts" Koga <[email protected]> Jeffery Schavland <[email protected]> Jim Kenney <[email protected]> Joel McAllister <[email protected]> John Caruso <[email protected]> John Vincent Lakin <[email protected]> Jonathan A Bishop <[email protected]> Joseph Edward Huesmann <[email protected]> Juri Munkki <[email protected]> Kenny Denman <[email protected]>  Krysmopompas <[email protected]> Lab-User <[email protected]> Marc Philips <[email protected]> Marko Lamminen <[email protected]> Matthew Clark <[email protected]> Michelle Mauro 342258/IF <[email protected]> Mikey Williams <[email protected]> Milan Rezac <[email protected]> Mitchell E. Gold <[email protected]> Norman Scott Murray <[email protected]> Ole Andersen <[email protected]> Paul Jason Clegg <[email protected]> Paul Ohm <[email protected]> Peter Wu <[email protected]> Planetary Society <[email protected]> Rajiv Udani <[email protected]> Rich aka Dead Security <[email protected]> Richard Beresford <[email protected]> Robert Engen <[email protected]> Robin Hood <[email protected]> Rodney Shojinaga <[email protected]> Ronald [email protected]> Scott Riegelhaupt-Herzig <[email protected]> Sean Gugler <[email protected]> Sharan G. Volin <[email protected]> Stephen Daniel Tilson <[email protected]> Stuart S Goldstone <[email protected]> Suicidal Freshman <[email protected]> Sylie Coleno <[email protected]> The Eye of Fatima <[email protected]> The Neuromancer <[email protected]> The Rink <[email protected]> The Sledge of Justice <[email protected]> Thomas Kiefer <[email protected]> Tim Dunn <[email protected]> Time Hunter <[email protected]> Tom Limoncelli <[email protected]> Tommy Hljfeld Olssen <[email protected]> Troy A Baer <[email protected]> Troy Waldmiller <[email protected]> Uncle David <[email protected]> Watson Scott <[email protected]> Wayne Hancock <[email protected]> Wayne Myles <[email protected]> Will E. Rose <[email protected]> William Dale Webster  <[email protected]> William East <[email protected]> Wood C M <[email protected]> Witold Smilowski <[email protected]> brain h. harper <[email protected]> dg.jones [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Bill Hart) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Jim Troutman) [email protected] [email protected] (Jim Ferris x34041) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Mark Barnes) [email protected] [email protected] (Mike Quigley) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Normand Cyr) [email protected] (NANCY RABEL (KC4IYD)) [email protected] [email protected] SMPAIK%[email protected]> [email protected] (Steven Grimm) [email protected] (Beyond Reality) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Alan  Bucior) [email protected] (Adams arthur c.) [email protected] (andy) [email protected] (Alan L. Batongbacal) [email protected] (Alex Dommasch) [email protected] (Russell Schulz) [email protected] (Joe Keane) [email protected] (Amy Berger #2) [email protected] (Andrew Hackard) [email protected] (Shannon D. Appel) [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (John Baker) [email protected] (Brandon Guest) [email protected] [email protected] (Brian Richard Boisvert) [email protected] (Boniface Lee--IO) [email protected] (Carol Botteron) [email protected] (Eric Boyd) [email protected] (BRIAN P. DILKS) [email protected] (Brett D. Watson) [email protected] (Chua Hak Lien) [email protected] (Allen Halsell) [email protected] (David S. Cargo) [email protected] (Cherie Slasor) [email protected] (Carl Rigney) [email protected] (Chris Galas) [email protected] (Celeste Sleeper) [email protected] (chris georges) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (The Squire, Phish) [email protected] (Kevin Coleman) [email protected] (Jason Cox) [email protected] (cs202140) [email protected] (Cliff Tuel) [email protected] (Curt Schimmel) [email protected] (Grenadier) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (David De Vorchik!) [email protected] (Mr Oblivious) [email protected] [email protected] (De Vaughn Elledge) [email protected] (Larry Weeks) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Derek Shaw Len Jung) [email protected] (Daniel L Fabrizius) [email protected] (David M. Modic) [email protected] ( Dawn Duerre) [email protected] (Duncan A. MacGregor) [email protected] (Eric Smith) [email protected] (John E. Mendenhall) [email protected] (Eric  Jordan) [email protected] (Erin M. Akins) eswgrk%[email protected] (Ken Koeser) [email protected] (Johan Ekman) [email protected] (Eric "JUICE" Fritzius) [email protected] (Andrew "AJ" Fox) [email protected] (Francisco Manuel Ramos Viciana) [email protected] (John Franklin) [email protected] (Life...) [email protected] gon[email protected] (Gonzalo Diethelm) [email protected] [email protected] (Nathaniel Nystrom) [email protected] [email protected] (Christoffer Mikael Trossen) [email protected] (Christopher Michael Lawyer) [email protected] (TUCKER,PAMELA LYNN) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (The Man from Maranello) [email protected] (Brian Young) [email protected] (Henry Sevilla) [email protected] (Benjamin Horrell) [email protected] [email protected] (Jeff Bowles) [email protected] (James William BENNETTS) [email protected] (Kevin Jarnot) [email protected] (John Bellando) [email protected] (John C. Barthelmes) [email protected] (John Driver) [email protected] (Jeff Williamson) [email protected] [email protected] (James T. Green) [email protected] (Jeffery J Saccomano) [email protected] (Justin Kim) [email protected] [email protected] (Joe Smith) [email protected] (Jim Ogle (Ks. Jim)) [email protected] (John Morris) [email protected] (CHARLES JORDAN) [email protected] (John L Papp) [email protected] [email protected] (Jonathan Blau) [email protected] [email protected] (Rico Suave) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] kksys!merk!uvmark!todd (Todd Cooper) [email protected] (Karen Johnson) [email protected] (Ernest Kim) [email protected] (A. Nicolas Affadyme) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord) [email protected] (Matthew Rector) [email protected] (Lowell Lutz) [email protected] (Larry W. Virden) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Mark Nygaard) [email protected] (Simon Marwood DSC REP) [email protected] (Malcolm Mladenovic) [email protected] (Chuck McMath) [email protected] (The One and Only Killans) [email protected] (Michael D. Louie) [email protected] (Michelle J. Miller) [email protected] (Lance Sibley) [email protected] (Mr. M.J. Lush) [email protected] (Maxime Taksar) [email protected] (Michael S. Muegel) [email protected] (Mohit Goyal) [email protected] [email protected] (Lara Tidaback) [email protected] [email protected] (Richard Mulac) [email protected] (Madman Omar) [email protected] (Ned Danieley) [email protected] (Taed Nelson) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Michael A Ferraris) [email protected] (Dwight Everhart) [email protected] (Steven Parks) [email protected] [email protected] (Otto Heuer #3) [email protected] (Pieter Kallemeyn) [email protected] (Bill Carson) [email protected] (Philip Michaels) [email protected] [email protected] (Robert A. Essig) [email protected] (Stainless Steel Rat) [email protected] [email protected] (Bob Donahue) [email protected] (Robert Dorsett) [email protected] (Roger Hoffman) [email protected] (Richard Campbell) [email protected] (Richard Commander) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Roger Parks) [email protected] (Ron Boerger) [email protected] (System Administrator) [email protected] (Jeffrey P Rupley) [email protected] (Jeremy D. Frens) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Sami K|ykk{) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (System Smof) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Curious) [email protected] (Philip Giunta) [email protected] (Sujay Shaunak) [email protected] [email protected] (Steve M. Mansfield) [email protected] (Steven [Steve] Smoot) [email protected] (Seth Grenald) [email protected] (Scott Streeter) [email protected] [email protected] (Steve Albany) [email protected] (Steven Joseph Mastroylin) [email protected] (Subha Kumar Pindiproli) [email protected] (Xlan The Drive) [email protected] (Todd Adamson) [email protected] [email protected] (Timothy D Aanerud) [email protected] (Tom Johnson) [email protected] (Brian Issleb) [email protected] (Troy Sutton) [email protected] (Tim Russell) [email protected] (The Hammer) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Michael David WINIKOFF) [email protected] (Twist) [email protected] (Mark S. Wyman) [email protected] [email protected] (Bill Zimmer)  From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:43:06 1995 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1751 news.groups:37635 rec.arts.movies:63491 rec.arts.sf.misc:867 rec.arts.comics:52511 alt.cult-movies:10668 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.sf.misc,rec.arts.comics,alt.cult-movies Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Christophe Keroack) Subject: RFD:  rec.arts.sf.starwars Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Hampshire College Date: 21 Jan 92 15:16:16 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 77 Status: RO X-Status:   		This is the official call for discussion of the creation of a newsgroup for the discussion of Star Wars.  		rec.arts.sf.starwars   		This would be a viable newsgroup, considering the new comic series, the new book series, the popularity of West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, the hints of upcoming hype about the release of the next trilogy in George Lucas's 9-film series, and the fact that the trilogy is still a topic for discussion even though the last of the movies was released almost a decade ago.  		The newsgroup would be unmoderated, to make for a fast response time to new material and since the group's topic is not exactly controversial enough to warrant some sort of intervention.  		The topics to be covered would be those mentioned above: questions and discussion about the Zahn book series, Dark Horse's comic adaptation, the earlier comic book series and books released during the time of the first trilogy's release, the roleplaying game and any information about new films produced. Also, information on trading Star Wars memorabilia would be a topic (playing cards, figurines, posters, promotional material, etc.).   Update on the discussion of the creation of the group:  	Due to this being my first time trying to get a newsgroup going  and my news server is a little quirky, this may take slightly longer to get  officially recognized.  So if you've seen this request before and have responded, thank you, and please don't respond again *until* there is a CFV, at which time you'll have to send me your simple yes or no again. Also, since my news service is quirky and apparently  the letter didn't reach the "news.groups" list, it'll be a couple of weeks   minimum before I can CFV, assuming not too many people have major complaints.  		Most people who have discussed this so far have simply given an enthusiastic yes to the charter as suggested, some adding how they have wanted a forum for such for a while and would like to see it eventually reach the level of the Star Trek lists in terms of popularity and mail volume.  		Only a couple of people have given emphatic negative responses, questioning if there would be enough interest. The sheer fact that their  opinion is in the extreme minority discounts their opinion. (IMO. :) ) 		A couple have suggested that the topic be expanded into a  discussion format for all Lucasfilms, on the level of an The intention (at least when I suggested it) was to stay simply with Star Wars lore alone, seeing as there would be more than enough to talk about within  that movie series and paraphenalia alone without getting into anything else  of Lucas's. However, if there was to be any major charter definition to be  discussed, this would seem to be the only one. 		One person wondered about starting the group as an alt.-  rather than a rec.- but did not give much information on the difference between the two classifications. Since I haven't read anything which makes a solid case for putting this into the alt- category, or even explains what the difference is, then I will continue to suggest it as a rec- group until someone shows me  the error of my ways. 		So to summarize:  		This is the official *R*FD. Sorry I called it by another name, ye of great vax knowledge. ;) 		Most people are in favor of the group as suggested. 		The only major point to be discussed is whether or not to open the topic up to all George Lucas films or stay with the charter as suggested. 		And if anyone has any further suggestions, please post them before the end of the first weekend in February (i.e., approximately 2 weeks >from this sending). If no one has any new major changes to suggest, then I  will re-post the charter as a CFV.  		I plan to post this to news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.sf,rec.arts.startrek,rec.arts.frp,bit-cinema-l, rec.arts.comics and alt.cult.movies. If anyone does not see this post on one of  these lists by Monday, 1/20, or has a suggestion for a list that this should be crossed to (since I don't read *everything* ;) ), I'd appreciate this getting  crossed to that list and then someone e-mailing me at [email protected] to let me know where it's going. 		Thanks.  						Virtually, 							Chris Keroack --  Christophe Keroack, [email protected], Jedi Knight and warm fuzzy person. "I'm French! Why do you think I have this out-rrrrrageous ac-cent?"  From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:46:59 1995 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1903 news.groups:40683 rec.arts.movies:68050 rec.arts.sf.movies:2998 rec.arts.sf.misc:1453 alt.cult-movies:12055 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.sf.movies,rec.arts.sf.misc,alt.cult-movies Path: rpi!usc!wupost!uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Chris Jacobson) Subject: CFV:  rec.arts.sf.starwars Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: UUNET Communications Services Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1992 03:11:07 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 46 Status: RO X-Status:   Call For Votes (CFV): rec.arts.sf.starwars  Status: unmoderated  This is an offical Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.sf.starwars.  The discussion period has been over for several weeks, and a CFV needed to be issued.   Charter:  Rec.arts.sf.starwars is for discussion of the Star Wars universe.  Topics of discussion would include:          o the Star Wars movie trilogy           o Star Wars           o The Empire Strikes Back           o Return of the Jedi         o information/updates regarding a possible fifth movie         o the collection of Star Wars memorabilia         o the three-book cycle on the later years of Star Wars         o other Star Wars book series         o the Star Wars RPG         o any other topics pertinent to the world of Star Wars    Voting Instructions:  Send your vote to [email protected]  If you vote YES, put the following in the subject or the body of your message:      'I vote YES on rec.arts.sf.starwars'  If you vote NO, put the following in the subject or the body of your message:      'I vote NO on rec.arts.sf.starwars'  Only votes mailed to the above address, [email protected], will be counted.  All ambiguous votes will be discarded.  If I receive more then one vote from one person, the LAST vote will be counted.  Only votes received before April 4th, 1992 23:59 CST, will be counted.  --  Chris Jacobson                               INTERNET: [email protected] Minneapolis, MN -Home to the NCAA Final Four-                   UUCP: kksys!orbit!pnet51!chris  
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