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Heraldry ( rec.heraldry )
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From [email protected] Fri Jun 19 13:20:42 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2424 news.groups:52905 soc.history:13168 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,soc.history Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Montgomery J. Moose <[email protected]> Subject: RFD: rec.heraldry Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:06:34 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 26  PROPOSED NAME: rec.heraldry  PROPOSED CHARTER: rec.heraldry will be a forum for the discussion of heraldry. Heraldry is the science of designing coats of arms for nobility, and has been practiced since the Middle Ages in all European countries. Heraldry has a number of different aspects, all of which can be discussed in the forum.  Each coat of arms is the hereditary symbol of a noble family, so  knowledge of heraldry can be helpful in generology.  As a craft which is rooted in medieval feudalism, it can be an aid to historians and medievalists.  And, as a living art form used in every country of the world, it is practiced by  amateur and professional heralds in the modern world.  BACKGROUND: The ultimate genesis of this group is the newsgroup , a newsgroup for the Society of Creative Anachronism (a medieval recreation society.)  Because of the extended and technical nature of heraldic discussion, a mailing list for SCA heraldry discussion began in March 1991.  When the mailing list was temporarily shut down, the newsgroup (still in existence at some sites) was created to take its place.  The mailing list returned, but the high interest in the group showed a need for a newsgroup that looked at all aspects of heraldry.  This newsgroup is not meant to be for SCA members but for anyone interested in modern or historical heraldry. --  Alan Terlep				"What's the use of money if you can't Oakland University, Rochester, MI	   use it to strike terror in the heart [email protected]	  	   of your fellow man?" In too many groups to list here.			--Mr. Burns  From [email protected] Thu Jul 16 12:00:07 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2526 news.groups:54254 soc.history:13987 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,soc.history Path: uunet!bounce-back From: "Montgomery J. Moose" <[email protected]> Subject: CFV: rec.heraldry Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Oakland University, Rochester MI Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1992 22:14:14 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 33  PROPOSED NAME: rec.heraldry  PROPOSED CHARTER: rec.heraldry will be a forum for the discussion of heraldry. Heraldry is the science of designing coats of arms for nobility, and has been practiced since the Middle Ages in all European countries. Heraldry has a number of different aspects, all of which can be discussed in the forum.  Each coat of arms is the hereditary symbol of a noble family, so  knowledge of heraldry can be helpful in generology.  As a craft which is rooted in medieval feudalism, it can be an aid to historians and medievalists.  And, as a living art form used in every country of the world, it is practiced by  amateur and professional heralds in the modern world.  BACKGROUND: The ultimate genesis of this group is the newsgroup, a newsgroup for the Society of Creative Anachronism (a medieval recreation society.)  Because of the extended and technical nature of heraldic discussion, a mailing list for SCA heraldry discussion began in March 1991.  When the mailing list was temporarily shut down, the newsgroup (still in existence at some sites) was created to take its place.  The mailing list returned, but the high interest in the group showed a need for a newsgroup that looked at all aspects of heraldry.  This newsgroup is not meant to be for SCA members but for anyone interested in modern or historical heraldry.  HOW TO VOTE: Send both yes and no votes to me, [email protected] Use the word "Vote" somewhere in the subject.  The voting period shall begin when this message is posted and continue until through 15 August 1992. Repeats of this statement will be made regularly, along with an acknowledgement of the votes recieved.  Votes will be tallied by Thursday, August 20, 1992. --  Alan Terlep				"What's the use of money if you can't Oakland University, Rochester, MI	   use it to strike terror in the heart [email protected]	  	   of your fellow man?" In too many groups to list here.			--Mr. Burns  From [email protected] Sun Jul 26 21:30:13 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2562 news.groups:54662 soc.culture.british:25819 soc.culture.french:12945 soc.culture.german:12160 soc.history:14365 soc.roots:12922 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.german,soc.history,soc.roots, Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Montgomery J. Moose) Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: rec.heraldry Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: National Association for the Disorganized Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1992 03:52:41 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 164    This is the second call for votes and the first vote acknowledgement for the newsgroup rec.heraldry.  PROPOSED NAME: rec.heraldry  PROPOSED STATUS: Unmoderated  PROPOSED CHARTER: rec.heraldry will be a forum for the discussion of heraldry. Heraldry is the science of designing coats of arms for nobility, and has been practiced since the Middle Ages in all European countries. Heraldry has a number of different aspects, all of which can be discussed in the forum.  Each coat of arms is the hereditary symbol of a noble family, so  knowledge of heraldry can be helpful in geneology.  As a craft which is rooted in medieval feudalism, it can be an aid to historians and medievalists.  And, as a living art form used in every country of the world, it is practiced by  amateur and professional heralds in the modern world.  BACKGROUND: The ultimate genesis of this group is the newsgroup , a newsgroup for the Society of Creative Anachronism (a medieval recreation society.)  Because of the extended and technical nature of heraldic discussion, a mailing list for SCA heraldry discussion began in March 1991.  When the mailing list was temporarily shut down, the newsgroup (still in existence at some sites) was created to take its place.  The mailing list returned, but the high interest in the group showed a need for a newsgroup that looked at all aspects of heraldry.  This newsgroup is not meant to be for SCA members but for anyone interested in modern or historical heraldry.  HOW TO VOTE:  Send ALL votes to me, [email protected] .  The voting period will begin now and will extend to August 15, 1992.  Calls for votes will be issued periodically.  The final tally of votes will be posted on August 18, 1992.  VOTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT    The following people have sent me valid votes as of 9:00 EDT, July 23, 1992. All names and addresses were taken from the signatures, "From" headers, or finger information for the voter.  Votes are listed in the order recieved.   [email protected]			(Matt Harrington) [email protected]			(Michael J Person) [email protected]		(Rich Kulawiec) [email protected]		(Andrew Draksoy) [email protected]			(Kevin Barth) [email protected]			(Donald B Gordon) [email protected]		(Mark Hood) [email protected]		(David Turrell) [email protected]		(Martin F. Melhus) [email protected]			(Frederic Saunier) [email protected]		(Werner Uhrig) [email protected]			(Andrew Senior) [email protected]		(Andy Fear) [email protected]			(Daniel Briggs) [email protected]		(JT Thorpe) [email protected]			(Randy Finder) [email protected]			(Annti Leino) [email protected]			(Frank Ney) [email protected]			(Jo Jaquinta) [email protected]			(Morgan Broman) [email protected]			(Tim Szeliga) [email protected]			(George William Herbert) [email protected]		(Naitan de Yerdeburc) [email protected]			(Mark Schuldenfrei) [email protected]		(Resident Visitor) [email protected]			(Tim Thompson) [email protected]			(Carl Alexander) [email protected]			(Richard H. Miller) [email protected]			(A.J.S. Nusbacher) [email protected]			(Craig Benson) [email protected]			(Jessica Polito) [email protected]			(Jon Purvis) [email protected]			(David James) [email protected]			(Margaret Sharon) [email protected]		(Ernest Cline) [email protected]				(Mary Seabrook) [email protected]			() [email protected]		(Leonard J. Peirce) [email protected]			(B. Kevin Edgar) [email protected]			() [email protected]			(Roger Gardiner) [email protected]			(Sven Heinicke) [email protected]		(Michael A. Chance) [email protected]			(Charles Hoffman) [email protected]			(Patricia O Tuama) [email protected]				(Allan Poindexter) [email protected]		(Bernard Booth) [email protected]			(Jon Baker) [email protected]			(Felan shena Thoron'edras) [email protected]			(Tuomas Viljanen) [email protected]		(Lee F. Menninger) [email protected]			(Phillip Yzarn de Louraille) [email protected]		(Alan Terlep) [email protected]		(Kim DeVaughn) [email protected]			(noone) [email protected]			(James Hague) [email protected]			(Art Kamlet) [email protected]			(Colin) [email protected]				(Jamie Andrews) [email protected]			(Kean Stump) [email protected]		(Scott Bargelt) [email protected]		(David Eddy) [email protected]			(David Gruznski) [email protected]	(Dave Aronson) [email protected]			(Phil Sutherland) [email protected]			(Jim Bell) [email protected]			(Paulo da Costa) [email protected]			(Matthew Huntbach) [email protected]		(Ken McDougall) [email protected]			(Brian Kenney) [email protected]			(Wendy Sue Reynolds) [email protected]			(Dave V. Schaller) [email protected]			(Vajk) [email protected]			(David Wald) [email protected]			(Claudio Ruiz) [email protected]			(Evilted) [email protected]				(Andrea Marie Habura) [email protected]			(John Mendenhall) [email protected]		(Randell Jesup) [email protected]			(Stan Friesen) [email protected]		(George J Perkins) [email protected]			(Frank Richard Aloysius Jude Maloney) [email protected]		(David Salley) [email protected]		() [email protected]		(Peter J. Boulay) [email protected]		(Gwydden) [email protected]		(RICK [email protected]) [email protected]				(Patrick Connor) [email protected]		(Grimmund Blackwing) [email protected]				(Jesse Buckley) [email protected]			(S.E. Hammond) [email protected]			(brian wesley simmons) [email protected]				(Paul Stratton) [email protected]				(Keradwc an Cai) [email protected]		(Sascha Wildner) [email protected]		(Jeff Zeitlin) [email protected]			(Michael D. Stanfill) [email protected]		(Pete Alleman) [email protected]		(Jeremy Follick) [email protected]		(Aboz the Untidy) [email protected]			(Patrick Scheible) [email protected]		(B.J.  20-Jul-1992 0738) [email protected]	(Solveig Throndarsdottir) [email protected]		(Kurt Staiger) [email protected]		(Phil Anderson) [email protected]		() [email protected]				(Brian T. Reid) [email protected]			(Ron Romero) [email protected]		(Kirsten C. Jacobus) [email protected]			(Ted Swift) [email protected]			([email protected]) [email protected]		(Stuart L Labovitz) [email protected]			(Sacha Moufarrege) [email protected]			(Mike Palmer) [email protected]		(JoAnn Diercouff) [email protected]			(Gregory G. Woodbury) [email protected]		(Edward F. Eaglehouse) [email protected]			(Joern Hagerup) [email protected]		(Christophe Pettus)  119 people in all have voted. --  Alan Terlep				"What's the point of being an undead Oakland University, Rochester, MI	   communist if you can't make a speech [email protected]		   when you finally drop off the twig?" Rushing in where angels fear to tread.			--Me out of context  From [email protected] Fri Aug 28 15:39:12 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2660 news.groups:55894 soc.culture.british:27190 soc.culture.french:14019 soc.culture.german:13049 soc.history:15574 soc.roots:13431 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.german,soc.history,soc.roots, Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Montgomery J. Moose) Subject: RESULT: rec.heraldry passes 153:32 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Oakland University, Rochester MI. Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1992 18:09:49 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 192  The newsgroup rec.heraldry has passed on a vote of 153 to 32.   The people who voted FOR the newsgroup are  [email protected]			(Matt Harrington) [email protected]			(Michael J Person) [email protected]		(Andrew Draksoy) [email protected]			(Kevin Barth) [email protected]			(Donald B Gordon) [email protected]		(Mark Hood) [email protected]		(David Turrell) [email protected]		(Martin F. Melhus) [email protected]			(Frederic Saunier) [email protected]			(Andrew Senior) [email protected]		(Andy Fear) [email protected]			(Daniel Briggs) [email protected]		(JT Thorpe) [email protected]			(Randy Finder) [email protected]			(Annti Leino) [email protected]			(Frank Ney) [email protected]			(Jo Jaquinta) [email protected]			(Morgan Broman) [email protected]			(George William Herbert) [email protected]			(Mark Schuldenfrei) [email protected]		(Resident Visitor) [email protected]			(Carl Alexander) [email protected]			(A.J.S. Nusbacher) [email protected]			(Craig Benson) [email protected]			(Jessica Polito) [email protected]			(Jon Purvis) [email protected]			(David James) [email protected]			(Margaret Sharon) [email protected]		(Ernest Cline) [email protected]				(Mary Seabrook) [email protected]			() [email protected]			(B. Kevin Edgar) [email protected]			() [email protected]			(Roger Gardiner) [email protected]		(Michael A. Chance) [email protected]			(Charles Hoffman) [email protected]				(Allan Poindexter) [email protected]		(Bernard Booth) [email protected]			(Jon Baker) [email protected]			(Felan shena Thoron'edras) [email protected]			(Tuomas Viljanen) [email protected]		(Lee F. Menninger) [email protected]			(Phillip Yzarn de Louraille) [email protected]		(Alan Terlep) [email protected]			(noone) [email protected]			(Colin) [email protected]				(Jamie Andrews) [email protected]			(Kean Stump) [email protected]		(Scott Bargelt) [email protected]		(David Eddy) [email protected]			(David Gruznski) [email protected]rg	(Dave Aronson) [email protected]			(Phil Sutherland) [email protected]			(Jim Bell) [email protected]			(Matthew Huntbach) [email protected]		(Ken McDougall) [email protected]			(Wendy Sue Reynolds) [email protected]			(Vajk) [email protected]			(David Wald) [email protected]			(Claudio Ruiz) [email protected]			(Evilted) [email protected]				(Andrea Marie Habura) [email protected]			(John Mendenhall) [email protected]		(Randell Jesup) [email protected]			(Stan Friesen) [email protected]		(George J Perkins) [email protected]			(Frank Richard Aloysius Jude Maloney) [email protected]		(David Salley) [email protected]		() [email protected]		(Peter J. Boulay) [email protected]		(Gwydden) [email protected]		(RICK [email protected]) [email protected]		(Grimmund Blackwing) [email protected]				(Jesse Buckley) [email protected]			(S.E. Hammond) [email protected]			(brian wesley simmons) [email protected]				(Paul Stratton) [email protected]				(Keradwc an Cai) [email protected]		(Sascha Wildner) [email protected]		(Jeff Zeitlin) [email protected]			(Michael D. Stanfill) [email protected]		(Jeremy Follick) [email protected]		(Aboz the Untidy) [email protected]			(Patrick Scheible) [email protected]		(B.J.  20-Jul-1992 0738) [email protected]	(Solveig Throndarsdottir) [email protected]		(Kurt Staiger) [email protected]		(Phil Anderson) [email protected]		() [email protected]				(Brian T. Reid) [email protected]			(Ron Romero) [email protected]		(Kirsten C. Jacobus) [email protected]			(Ted Swift) [email protected]			([email protected]) [email protected]			(Sacha Moufarrege) [email protected]		(JoAnn Diercouff) [email protected]		(Edward F. Eaglehouse) [email protected]			(Joern Hagerup) [email protected]			(Erich Schraer) [email protected]		(Ted) [email protected]		(Skip Watson) [email protected]			(Laura Gillespie) [email protected]			(Beth Schwindt) [email protected]			(Wes Morgan) [email protected]			(Betsy Perry) [email protected]		(Tak) [email protected]	(Diane) [email protected]			(G. Host) [email protected]	(James Braunsdorf) [email protected]		(Tye Botting) [email protected]		(Geoff Arnold) [email protected]		(Alexander Eichener) [email protected]			(Mitchell L. Silverman) [email protected]		(Andrew Foxx) [email protected]			(Richard Segal) [email protected]			(Sally Smith) [email protected]			() [email protected]				(Rudnei Dias da Cunha) [email protected]		(Joseph N. Staub) [email protected]			(Anders Andersson) [email protected]		(ruman) [email protected]		() [email protected]			(Pamela R. Filipelli) [email protected]			(Jeffrey Hargiss) [email protected]	(Jerry L. Walker) [email protected]			(Bohdan Rekshynskyj) [email protected]			(Andy) [email protected]		(Brian Randell) [email protected]		(Alexander [email protected]			(Josh Kronengold) [email protected]			(Matt Harrington) [email protected]	(Jim Heath) [email protected]			(Tero Heikkinen) [email protected]		(Arthur Radford) [email protected]			(Mark Schuldenfrei) [email protected]		(Arlene Hills Peterson) [email protected]		(Kevin L. Carlen) [email protected]			(Cassandra McCraw) [email protected]		() [email protected]			(Karl L. Dietzel) [email protected]			(John Mendenhall) [email protected]			(William Graham) [email protected]		(Michael F Tomkins) [email protected]			(Craig Levin) [email protected]		(M Vening) [email protected]		(Wolfgang Zenker) [email protected]			(D Anton Sherwood) [email protected]			(Steve Woodbridge) [email protected]	(Mark Richard Dewis) [email protected]			(Jaime Gonzalez)  The people who voted AGAINST the newsgroup are  [email protected]		(Rich Kulawiec) [email protected]		(Werner Uhrig) [email protected]			(Tim Szeliga) [email protected]		(Naitan de Yerdeburc) [email protected]			(Tim Thompson) [email protected]			(Richard H. Miller) [email protected]		(Leonard J. Peirce) [email protected]			(Patricia O Tuama) [email protected]			(Sven Heinicke) [email protected]		(Kim DeVaughn) [email protected]			(Art Kamlet) [email protected]			(James Hague) [email protected]			(Paulo da Costa) [email protected]			(Brian Kenney) [email protected]			(Dave V. Schaller) [email protected]				(Patrick Connor) [email protected]		(Pete Alleman) [email protected]		(Stuart L Labovitz) [email protected]			(Gregory G. Woodbury) [email protected]			() [email protected]		(Christophe Pettus) [email protected]	(David Marshall) [email protected]			(Vic Abell) [email protected]			(Bjorn Knutsson) [email protected]			(Brendan Kehoe) [email protected]			(Nick Ivanov) [email protected]			(Henry Troup) [email protected]				(Carl Rigney) [email protected]				(Tom Fitzgerald) [email protected]				(Ted Koppel) [email protected]			(Bach Frederic) --  Alan Terlep				         "Please don't shoot us-- Oakland University, Rochester, MI	          we're trying to help." [email protected]		     --Real public service announcement Rushing in where angels fear to tread.		    for the Serbian Red Cross  
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