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Ponds ( rec.ponds )
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From [email protected] Thu Oct  6 14:06:26 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Janette Wallis) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,rec.aquaria,rec.pets.herp Subject: RFD: rec.gardens.ponds Followup-To: news.groups Date: 6 Oct 1994 13:59:33 -0400 Organization: Health Sciences Center, University of Oklahoma Lines: 136 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5742 news.groups:119331 rec.gardens:51194 rec.aquaria:45353 rec.pets.herp:23214  	REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION   	Name:  REC.GARDENS.PONDS 	Status:  unmoderated           	Distribution:  worldwide  	Summary:  Discussions related to the development and 		 maintenance of water gardens or ponds. 	Proposed by:  [email protected]  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on the creation of an unmoderated newsgroup, rec.gardens.ponds.   PROPOSED CHARTER OF REC.GARDENS.PONDS  Preamble  Rec.gardens.ponds is an unmoderated newsgroup to provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of ponds or water gardens.     This Request For Discussion puts forth the suggested name of "rec.gardens.ponds", rather than the simpler "rec.ponds" because the current status of Usenet group creation tends to be at the second level hierarchy. The upcoming discussion phase should include opinions regarding the most appropriate name.  The final name of the newsgroup shall be chosen through the discussion process, with the majority opinion prevailing.  The Rec.gardens.ponds newsgroup will appeal to a wide range of people  involved in both the recreational and professional aspects of establishing and maintaining a pond or water garden.  We'll have novices to water gardening as well as experts, the hobbyist as well as genuine botanists and ichthyologists.  Even students wishing to find help with science projects may read Rec.gardens.ponds.  All of these people will be  welcomed to share ideas, ask questions, or simply lurk and learn.   Sphere of Interests  Rec.gardens.ponds is dedicated to the development and maintenance of  water gardens.  Examples of discussion topics might include:  *Building a pond/water garden:  Details will be shared regarding best materials to use, procedures for making the pond secure, and appropriate placement of the pond.  Or, in the case of a naturally occurring pond, what can be done to make it more "user friendly"?   We'll have tips on building a waterfall, installing a fountain, whether to use a filter, and how to install a biological filter.  Also, we may give information on lighting and how to safely run electrical lines to the pool area.  *Establishing a perfect ecosystem: Where else can you create your own ecosystem and watch it evolve?   We'll have discussions on water quality; ratio of plant life to animal life; plant/animal interactions, etc.  *Plant life: We'll discuss which plants are best suited for our water gardens.  Which plants need a lot of sunlight, which will survive in the pond over winter, which need to be taken indoors, etc?    The Rec.gardens.ponds  newsgroup will serve as a forum for discussing plant diseases and cures,  when to divide, and how to propagate our plants.   We'll also share  information on establishing an area for bog plants.  *Fish: We'll share information on fish behavior, biology, and health.   For example: Which fish are compatible?  What's the maximum number of fish for the size of a pond?   What conditions should exist in the pond so the fish will breed?  How do we protect the fry from danger and see that they grow into healthy adults?   Which diseases are likely to effect pond fish?   How much should we feed the fish, and how often?  *Amphibians and Reptiles: We'll discuss the biology, health, and behavior of frogs, newts, salamanders, turtles, etc. that either come naturally to the pond or are placed there by us.  Which ones get along?  * Other Environmental Concerns: In Rec.gardens.ponds, we'll discuss how to make certain the pond is not a safety hazard for small children or pets.   How can we attract  butterflies?  Should we attract snails?   Also, how do we guard against  unwanted visitors (raccoons, cats, snakes, herons) that may prey on the  fish and/or plants in a pond?    What about the use of fertilizers or insecticides near the pond?   Rec.gardens.ponds can be a place to  exchange information on (non-political) conservation issues.  * Miscellaneous:  Students can use rec.ponds as a place for learning more about plant and animal life in and around water.  We may exchange information regarding suppliers of equipment, literature regarding water garden techniques, location of other electronic resources, etc.  (However, Rec.gardens.ponds is *not* intended as a forum for commercial transactions with respect to sale of plants, fish, or pond equipment.)  * In the future, rec.gardens.ponds may develop FAQ's that address each of the above topics.   RATIONALE  Because most water gardeners have both plant and animal life in their pond, discussions on development and care of ponds has previously been split between rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, and rec.pets.herp.   There is no newsgroup dedicated only to the interests of water gardeners.  Recently, there have been a growing number of posts, particularly in "rec.gardens", calling for the creation of a newsgroup dedicated to discussion of water gardens or ponds, water plant life, pond fish care, etc.   Because the initial response has been so overwhelming, this announcement calls for a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the proposed creation of rec.gardens.ponds.   CROSS POSTINGS  This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, rec.pets.herp.   All discussion will take place in the group "news.groups."   DISCUSSION    Any objections to this RFD will be considered and, if determined to be appropriate, incorporated in future posting of the RFD.   The discussion will last for 21 days.   If no major changes are required to the proposed charter, then a Call for Votes (CFV) will then be issued.   An independent third party, from the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers will be asked to conduct the vote.  This RFD is being posted according to the guidelines set forth in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup."   Please refer to this document if you have questions about the newsgroup creation process.  To pass, the proposal must receive 100 more "Yes" votes than "No" votes and at least two thirds of the votes must be positive.   Therefore, if you have an interest in this newsgroup please make it known through discussion on news.groups (and please remember to vote when the time comes).  From [email protected] Tue Nov  1 18:32:19 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Janette Wallis) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,rec.aquaria,rec.pets.herp Subject: RFD: rec.ponds Followup-To: news.groups Date: 1 Nov 1994 17:54:41 -0500 Organization: Health Sciences Center, University of Oklahoma Lines: 139 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5862 news.groups:122124 rec.gardens:53107 rec.aquaria:46921 rec.pets.herp:24466  	REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION   	Name:  REC.PONDS 	Status:  unmoderated           	Distribution:  worldwide  	Summary:  Discussions related to the development and 		 maintenance of water gardens or ponds. 	Proposed by:  [email protected]  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on the creation of an unmoderated newsgroup, rec.ponds.   PROPOSED CHARTER OF REC.PONDS  Preamble  Rec.ponds is an unmoderated newsgroup to provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of ponds or water gardens.     This Request For Discussion puts forth the suggested name of "rec.ponds", after a straw poll was conducted during previous discussion of a "rec.gardens.ponds" group.   The results indicated that "rec.ponds" was preferred by the majority of the voters.  The Rec.ponds newsgroup will appeal to a wide range of people  involved in both the recreational and professional aspects of establishing and maintaining a pond or water garden.  We'll have novices to water gardening as well as experts, the hobbyist as well as genuine botanists and ichthyologists.  Even students wishing to find help with science projects may decide to read Rec.ponds.  All of these people will be  welcomed to share ideas, ask questions, or simply lurk and learn.   Sphere of Interests  Rec.ponds is dedicated to the development and maintenance of  water gardens.  Examples of discussion topics might include:  *Building a pond/water garden:  Details will be shared regarding best materials to use, procedures for making the pond secure, and appropriate placement of the pond.  Or, in the case of a naturally occurring pond, what can be done to make it more "user friendly"?   We'll have tips on building a waterfall, installing a fountain, whether to use a filter, and how to install a biological filter.  Also, we may give information on lighting and how to safely run electrical lines to the pool area.  *Establishing a perfect ecosystem: Where else can you create your own ecosystem and watch it evolve?   We'll have discussions on water quality; ratio of plant life to animal life; plant/animal interactions, etc.  *Plant life: We'll discuss which plants are best suited for our water gardens.  Which plants need a lot of sunlight, which will survive in the pond over winter, which need to be taken indoors, etc?    The Rec.ponds  newsgroup will serve as a forum for discussing plant diseases and cures,  when to divide, and how to propagate our plants.   We'll also share  information on establishing an area for bog plants.  *Fish: We'll share information on fish behavior, biology, and health.   For example: Which fish are compatible?  What's the maximum number of fish for the size of a pond?   What conditions should exist in the pond so the fish will breed?  How do we protect the fry from danger and see that they grow into healthy adults?   Which diseases are likely to effect pond fish?   How much should we feed the fish, and how often?  *Amphibians and Reptiles: We'll discuss the biology, health, and behavior of frogs, newts, salamanders, turtles, etc. that either come naturally to the pond or are placed there by us.  Which ones get along?  * Other Environmental Concerns: In Rec.ponds, we'll discuss how to make certain the pond is not a safety hazard for small children or pets.   How can we attract  butterflies?  Should we attract snails?   Also, how do we guard against  unwanted visitors (raccoons, cats, snakes, herons) that may prey on the  fish and/or plants in a pond?    What about the use of fertilizers or insecticides near the pond?   Rec.ponds can be a place to  exchange information on (non-political) conservation issues.  * Miscellaneous:  Students can use rec.ponds as a place for learning more about plant and animal life in and around water.  We may exchange information regarding suppliers of equipment, literature regarding water garden techniques, location of other electronic resources, etc.  (However, Rec.ponds is *not* intended as a forum for commercial transactions with respect to sale of plants, fish, or pond equipment.)  * In the future, rec.ponds may develop FAQ's that address each of the above topics.   RATIONALE  Because most water gardeners have both plant and animal life in their pond, discussions on development and care of ponds has previously been split between rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, and rec.pets.herp.   There is no newsgroup dedicated only to the interests of water gardeners.   CROSS POSTINGS  This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, rec.pets.herp.   All discussion will take place in the group "news.groups."   DISCUSSION    This is the second posting of the Charter for a newsgroup for ponds.  The first posting proposed the name "rec.gardens.ponds", but with the same  charter described above.   That posting occurred on 6 October 1994.  The  only issue raised during the discussion period was that of the newsgroup's name.  Because the discussion grew quite heated, a Straw Poll was  conducted by Wayne Powell ([email protected]).  Straw Poll results were posted on 25 October 1994.   The majority of votes (50.4%) were for  "rec.ponds", with "rec.gardens.ponds" a distant 33.1%.   (Please contact Wayne for straw poll questions/details.)  This second posting of the RFD reflects the newly agreed upon name  "rec.ponds."   It is being posted to news.announce.newgroups on 27 October 1994 and continued discussion regarding the contents of the proposal will last for approximately one more week.  If no major changes are required to the proposed charter, then a Call for Votes (CFV) will then be issued.   An independent third party, from the  Usenet Volunteer Votetakers will be asked to conduct the vote.  This RFD is being posted according to the guidelines set forth in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup."   Please refer to this document if you have questions about the newsgroup creation process.  To pass, the proposal must receive 100 more "Yes" votes than "No" votes and at least two thirds of the votes must be positive.   Therefore, if you have an interest in this newsgroup please make it known through discussion on news.groups (and please remember to vote when the time comes).  From [email protected] Mon Nov 21 12:49:13 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,rec.aquaria,sci.aquaria,alt.aquaria,rec.pets.herp Subject: CFV: rec.ponds Followup-To: poster Date: 21 Nov 1994 11:49:34 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 150 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Dec 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5968 news.groups:124054 rec.gardens:54295 rec.aquaria:48307 sci.aquaria:10836 alt.aquaria:34849 rec.pets.herp:25410                        1st CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                        Unmoderated group rec.ponds   Newsgroups line: rec.ponds		Pond issues:  plants, fish, design, maintenance.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 December 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Mark James <[email protected]>.  For  questions about the proposed group, contact Janette Wallis  <[email protected]>.   CHARTER -------  Rec.ponds is an unmoderated newsgroup to provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of ponds or water gardens.     The rec.ponds newsgroup will appeal to a wide range of people  involved in both the recreational and professional aspects of establishing and maintaining a pond or water garden.  We'll have novices to water gardening as well as experts, the hobbyist as well as genuine botanists and ichthyologists.  Even students wishing to find help with science projects may decide to read rec.ponds.  All of these people will be  welcomed to share ideas, ask questions, or simply lurk and learn.  Examples of discussion topics might include:  * Building a pond/water garden:   Details will be shared regarding best materials to use, procedures for making the pond secure, and appropriate placement of the pond.  Or, in the case of a naturally occurring pond, what can be done to make it more "user friendly"?  We'll have tips on building a waterfall, installing a fountain, whether to use a filter, and how to install a biological filter.  Also, we may give information on lighting and how to safely run electrical lines to the pool area.   * Establishing a perfect ecosystem: Where else can you create your own ecosystem and watch it evolve?   We'll have discussions on water quality; ratio of plant life to animal life; plant/animal interactions, etc.  * Plant life: We'll discuss which plants are best suited for our water gardens.  Which plants need a lot of sunlight, which will survive in the pond over winter, which need to be taken indoors, etc?    The rec.ponds  newsgroup will serve as a forum for discussing plant diseases and cures,  when to divide, and how to propagate our plants.   We'll also share  information on establishing an area for bog plants.  * Fish: We'll share information on fish behavior, biology, and health.   For example: Which fish are compatible?  What's the maximum number of fish for the size of a pond?   What conditions should exist in the pond so the fish will breed?  How do we protect the fry from danger and see that they grow into healthy adults?   Which diseases are likely to affect pond fish?   How much should we feed the fish, and how often?  * Amphibians and reptiles: We'll discuss the biology, health, and behavior of frogs, newts, salamanders, turtles, etc. that either come naturally to the pond or are placed there by us.  Which ones get along?  * Other environmental concerns: In rec.ponds, we'll discuss how to make certain the pond is not a safety hazard for small children or pets.   How can we attract  butterflies?  Should we attract snails?   Also, how do we guard against  unwanted visitors (raccoons, cats, snakes, herons) that may prey on the  fish and/or plants in a pond?    What about the use of fertilizers or insecticides near the pond?   Rec.ponds can be a place to  exchange information on (non-political) conservation issues.  * Miscellaneous:   Students can use rec.ponds as a place for learning more about plant and animal life in and around water.  We may exchange information regarding suppliers of equipment, literature regarding water garden techniques, location of other electronic resources, etc.  (However, rec.ponds is *not* intended as a forum for commercial transactions with respect to sale of plants, fish, or pond equipment.)  * In the future, rec.ponds may develop FAQ's that address each of the above topics.   RATIONALE ---------  Because most water gardeners have both plant and animal life in their pond, discussions on development and care of ponds has previously been split between rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, and rec.pets.herp.   There is no newsgroup dedicated only to the interests of water gardeners.   HOW TO VOTE -----------  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:        [email protected]  Just replying by E-MAIL to this message should work, assuming you are reading this using standard newsreader software.  Your mail message  should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on rec.ponds       I vote NO on rec.ponds       I ABSTAIN on rec.ponds       I CANCEL my vote on rec.ponds  You may add a comment, or use other wording, but only a definite,  unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of  rec.ponds will count as a vote.  Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve only to cancel any previous vote.  Abstentions are noted in the final vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely. (This is the only difference between the two.)  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  If you attempt multiple votes or  other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.   RESULT ------  The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including how each person voted.  Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret  ballot.  There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed.  The  requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.   --  Mark James  <[email protected]>     Dialogic Corporation, 3307 Northland Dr  | "We must believe in free will. Suite 270, Austin TX 78731 U.S.A.        |  We have no choice." +1 512 459 7766 ext 110                  |  -- I. B. Singer  From [email protected] Fri Dec  2 15:18:43 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,rec.aquaria,sci.aquaria,alt.aquaria,rec.pets.herp Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.ponds Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 2 Dec 1994 12:14:08 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 159 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Dec 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6042 news.groups:125487 rec.gardens:54828 rec.aquaria:49070 sci.aquaria:11107 alt.aquaria:35385 rec.pets.herp:25943                        2nd CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                        Unmoderated group rec.ponds   Newsgroups line: rec.ponds		Pond issues:  plants, fish, design, maintenance.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 December 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Mark James <[email protected]>.  For  questions about the proposed group, contact Janette Wallis  <[email protected]>.   CHARTER -------  Rec.ponds is an unmoderated newsgroup to provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of ponds or water gardens.     The rec.ponds newsgroup will appeal to a wide range of people  involved in both the recreational and professional aspects of establishing and maintaining a pond or water garden.  We'll have novices to water gardening as well as experts, the hobbyist as well as genuine botanists and ichthyologists.  Even students wishing to find help with science projects may decide to read rec.ponds.  All of these people will be  welcomed to share ideas, ask questions, or simply lurk and learn.  Examples of discussion topics might include:  * Building a pond/water garden:   Details will be shared regarding best materials to use, procedures for making the pond secure, and appropriate placement of the pond.  Or, in the case of a naturally occurring pond, what can be done to make it more "user friendly"?  We'll have tips on building a waterfall, installing a fountain, whether to use a filter, and how to install a biological filter.  Also, we may give information on lighting and how to safely run electrical lines to the pool area.   * Establishing a perfect ecosystem: Where else can you create your own ecosystem and watch it evolve?   We'll have discussions on water quality; ratio of plant life to animal life; plant/animal interactions, etc.  * Plant life: We'll discuss which plants are best suited for our water gardens.  Which plants need a lot of sunlight, which will survive in the pond over winter, which need to be taken indoors, etc?    The rec.ponds  newsgroup will serve as a forum for discussing plant diseases and cures,  when to divide, and how to propagate our plants.   We'll also share  information on establishing an area for bog plants.  * Fish: We'll share information on fish behavior, biology, and health.   For example: Which fish are compatible?  What's the maximum number of fish for the size of a pond?   What conditions should exist in the pond so the fish will breed?  How do we protect the fry from danger and see that they grow into healthy adults?   Which diseases are likely to affect pond fish?   How much should we feed the fish, and how often?  * Amphibians and reptiles: We'll discuss the biology, health, and behavior of frogs, newts, salamanders, turtles, etc. that either come naturally to the pond or are placed there by us.  Which ones get along?  * Other environmental concerns: In rec.ponds, we'll discuss how to make certain the pond is not a safety hazard for small children or pets.   How can we attract  butterflies?  Should we attract snails?   Also, how do we guard against  unwanted visitors (raccoons, cats, snakes, herons) that may prey on the  fish and/or plants in a pond?    What about the use of fertilizers or insecticides near the pond?   Rec.ponds can be a place to  exchange information on (non-political) conservation issues.  * Miscellaneous:   Students can use rec.ponds as a place for learning more about plant and animal life in and around water.  We may exchange information regarding suppliers of equipment, literature regarding water garden techniques, location of other electronic resources, etc.  (However, rec.ponds is *not* intended as a forum for commercial transactions with respect to sale of plants, fish, or pond equipment.)  * In the future, rec.ponds may develop FAQ's that address each of the above topics.   RATIONALE ---------  Because most water gardeners have both plant and animal life in their pond, discussions on development and care of ponds has previously been split between rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, and rec.pets.herp.   There is no newsgroup dedicated only to the interests of water gardeners.   HOW TO VOTE -----------  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:        [email protected]  Just replying by E-MAIL to this message should work, assuming you are reading this using standard newsreader software.  Your mail message  should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on rec.ponds       I vote NO on rec.ponds       I ABSTAIN on rec.ponds       I CANCEL my vote on rec.ponds  You may add a comment, or use other wording, but only a definite,  unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of  rec.ponds will count as a vote.  Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve only to cancel any previous vote.  Abstentions are noted in the final vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely. (This is the only difference between the two.)  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  If you attempt multiple votes or  other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.   RESULT ------  The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including how each person voted.  Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret  ballot.  There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed.  The  requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.    BOUNCED VOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ----------------------------  Vote acknowledgment messages to the following address have bounced. (The vote has been counted.)  [email protected] (Steven Warthan)   --  Mark James  <[email protected]>     Dialogic Corporation, 3307 Northland Dr  | "We must believe in free will. Suite 270, Austin TX 78731 U.S.A.        |  We have no choice." +1 512 459 7766 ext 110                  |  -- I. B. Singer  From [email protected] Wed Dec 14 15:16:06 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,rec.aquaria,sci.aquaria,alt.aquaria,rec.pets.herp Subject: RESULT: rec.ponds passes 361:77 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 14 Dec 1994 14:28:56 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 559 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6094 news.groups:126971 rec.gardens:55385 rec.aquaria:49977 sci.aquaria:11407 alt.aquaria:36068 rec.pets.herp:26670                                 VOTE RESULT                         Unmoderated group rec.ponds   Voting closed on 12 December 1994 at 23:59:59 GMT.  The results are:    Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  361   77 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.ponds   There were no abstentions.  This margin is adequate for newgroup creation.  There will now be a five-day period during which corrections to the vote count may be made.  Barring serious controversy about the vote, the group will  be created shortly thereafter.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.    Vote-taker: 		Mark James <[email protected]> Group proponent: 	Janette Wallis <[email protected]>  Newsgroups line: rec.ponds		Pond issues:  plants, fish, design, maintenance.   CHARTER (as printed in the Call for Votes) -------  Rec.ponds is an unmoderated newsgroup to provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of ponds or water gardens.     The rec.ponds newsgroup will appeal to a wide range of people  involved in both the recreational and professional aspects of establishing and maintaining a pond or water garden.  We'll have novices to water gardening as well as experts, the hobbyist as well as genuine botanists and ichthyologists.  Even students wishing to find help with science projects may decide to read rec.ponds.  All of these people will be  welcomed to share ideas, ask questions, or simply lurk and learn.  Examples of discussion topics might include:  * Building a pond/water garden:   Details will be shared regarding best materials to use, procedures for making the pond secure, and appropriate placement of the pond.  Or, in the case of a naturally occurring pond, what can be done to make it more "user friendly"?  We'll have tips on building a waterfall, installing a fountain, whether to use a filter, and how to install a biological filter.  Also, we may give information on lighting and how to safely run electrical lines to the pool area.   * Establishing a perfect ecosystem: Where else can you create your own ecosystem and watch it evolve?   We'll have discussions on water quality; ratio of plant life to animal life; plant/animal interactions, etc.  * Plant life: We'll discuss which plants are best suited for our water gardens.  Which plants need a lot of sunlight, which will survive in the pond over winter, which need to be taken indoors, etc?    The rec.ponds  newsgroup will serve as a forum for discussing plant diseases and cures,  when to divide, and how to propagate our plants.   We'll also share  information on establishing an area for bog plants.  * Fish: We'll share information on fish behavior, biology, and health.   For example: Which fish are compatible?  What's the maximum number of fish for the size of a pond?   What conditions should exist in the pond so the fish will breed?  How do we protect the fry from danger and see that they grow into healthy adults?   Which diseases are likely to affect pond fish?   How much should we feed the fish, and how often?  * Amphibians and reptiles: We'll discuss the biology, health, and behavior of frogs, newts, salamanders, turtles, etc. that either come naturally to the pond or are placed there by us.  Which ones get along?  * Other environmental concerns: In rec.ponds, we'll discuss how to make certain the pond is not a safety hazard for small children or pets.   How can we attract  butterflies?  Should we attract snails?   Also, how do we guard against  unwanted visitors (raccoons, cats, snakes, herons) that may prey on the  fish and/or plants in a pond?    What about the use of fertilizers or insecticides near the pond?   Rec.ponds can be a place to  exchange information on (non-political) conservation issues.  * Miscellaneous:   Students can use rec.ponds as a place for learning more about plant and animal life in and around water.  We may exchange information regarding suppliers of equipment, literature regarding water garden techniques, location of other electronic resources, etc.  (However, rec.ponds is *not* intended as a forum for commercial transactions with respect to sale of plants, fish, or pond equipment.)  * In the future, rec.ponds may develop FAQ's that address each of the above topics.   VOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENT -------------------  These lists are sorted in alphabetical order by login name, as taken >from the "From:" line.  Note that certain UUCP addresses are mangled  somewhat in order to sort nicely.   YES votes were received from the following people:  [email protected] (Ann Kuntz) [email protected] (Arnold Chamove)  [email protected] (Aaron Friesen) [email protected] (Al Crosby)  [email protected] (Allan Dong @ EMPR) [email protected] (Robert S. Schrieber) [email protected] (Earl J.S. Rook)  [email protected] (M Lightman)  [email protected] (Anne Louise Gockel) [email protected] (Sargasso) [email protected] (Cynthia S. Amack)  [email protected] (Angela Devito) [email protected] (Anita Easton) [email protected] (Pineda, Alexis A) [email protected] (Tony Ardizzone) [email protected] (Thomas D Arendt) [email protected] (Arlene Ripley)  [email protected] (Derek Milton) [email protected]  [email protected] (JEROME H. BARKOW) [email protected] (Mike Bartolone)  [email protected] (Rod Baxter) [email protected] (Bob Dockery)  [email protected] (Bengt Larsson) [email protected] (Beverly Cook)  [email protected] (Burgess Howell)  [email protected] (Arlene Probert)  [email protected] (Susanne MacLean)  [email protected] (Bill Parker)  [email protected] (Blair Inch) [email protected] (Debra Moore)  [email protected] (King Barbara J)  [email protected] (Bruce Jones)  [email protected] (Barbara Weintraub)  [email protected] (Bob Zinn)  [email protected] (BOGGY) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Brad Heckman)  [email protected] (Brett Bloomquist) [email protected] (Brian Bailey)  [email protected] (B. G. Smith)  [email protected] (Evan Zucker) [email protected] (Gary Burton) [email protected] (Chris King) [email protected] (Howard M. Finkelstein)  [email protected] (Carie Nixon)  [email protected] (Catherine Watson)  [email protected] (Christopher Hall)  [email protected] (Clarence Barker) [email protected]  [email protected] (Catherine Fitch) [email protected] (Chana) [email protected] (Christos Vasilikiotis)  [email protected] (colin (c.w.) kemp) [email protected]  [email protected] (Charles Malone)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Qartek Coalatl) [email protected] (Coder)  [email protected] (microelectronics laboratory)  [email protected] (Cogito cogito, ergo cogito sum.) [email protected] (Fred Criscuolo) [email protected] (Clive Steward)  [email protected] (Craig Verver)  [email protected] (Chuck Hasenkamp)  [email protected] (Dan Lanham)  [email protected] (Dan Settles)  [email protected] (Dale Palmer) [email protected] (David I.Roach)  [email protected] (Dave Faoro, MGR S/W DEV SMF) [email protected]  [email protected] (Dawn Whiteside)  [email protected] (Dawn Holt) [email protected]  [email protected] (Dale.B.Bonar/Aquatic.Environmental.Services) [email protected] (Dave Sheehy) [email protected] (Dave Denman) [email protected] (Dave Filippi)  [email protected]  [email protected] (David Jenkinson )  [email protected] (Daniel Kell)  [email protected] (Dominique Emerson)  [email protected] (Menk, Donna)  [email protected]  DPGP012%[email protected] (Ross Greenberg) [email protected] (David Bedno) [email protected] (David Simon) [email protected] (David G. Saville)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Diane Palme)  [email protected] (David Lee Sprague) [email protected] (David Kirkpatrick)  [email protected] (Dirk van Assendelft) [email protected] (David H. Westendorf) [email protected] (David Brockman Wheeler) [email protected] (Eddie Matejowsky)  [email protected] (Jean Conway) [email protected] (Eddie Lee)  [email protected] (Eric Scheirer, E15-401C) [email protected] (ELAINE THOMPSON) [email protected] (Eric Garbos N29675)  [email protected] (Eric Olson) [email protected] (Robert Smits)  [email protected] (Edward Vielmetti)  [email protected] (Gerald W. Roe)  [email protected] (Don Burns)  [email protected] (Eric Prestemon)  [email protected] (Eric Schnoebelen) [email protected] (Edward J. Sikora) [email protected] (Emery Lapinski) [email protected] (Janette Wallis)  [email protected]  [email protected] (C. Tim Featherston)  [email protected] (angela quealy)  [email protected] (Kathy Fueston)  [email protected] (Ed Gaillard) [email protected] (Gandalf Parker) [email protected] (Eric W. Ganko)  [email protected] (Garfield Monteith)  [email protected] (dalton)  [email protected] (Grant Davis)  [email protected] (EuGene epetai-Tramaglino) [email protected] (Liz Gensheimer) [email protected] (Gene Hobbs)  [email protected] (Mark Gilman)  [email protected] (Glen Osterhout)  [email protected] (Glen Biagioni) [email protected] (George Kimble) [email protected] (Mark. Gooley)  [email protected] (Wilson Angerson) [email protected]  [email protected] (Caleb Billingsley)  [email protected] (Hal Skurnick)  [email protected] (Charlie Hattendorf) [email protected] (Mike Hefner) [email protected] (Henning Holtschneider)  [email protected] (Hilda Marshall) [email protected] (Dean Hougen) [email protected] (Howard Mansfield)  [email protected] (Howard Rebel) [email protected] (Harold Slater) [email protected] (Wayne Hughes) [email protected]  [email protected] (Gary Benson)  [email protected] (Juanita Barone)  [email protected] (Jack Mcneary)  [email protected] (Jacqueline Greenleaf) [email protected] (Jan Forbes) [email protected] (Jerry Cullingford)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Jeff Thaw) [email protected] (Jenine Abarbanel) [email protected] (Jon. Feinstein) [email protected]  [email protected] (John F. Woods) [email protected] (jay gitomer) [email protected] (James William Studt)  [email protected] (Jim Murphy)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Jim Moore) [email protected] (Joseph L. Todd) [email protected]  [email protected] (John Creasey) [email protected] (John Cummiskey)  [email protected] (John Heidmiller) [email protected] (John Templeton) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jill Peterson) [email protected] (Jeff Rieman)  [email protected] (Julia M. Masser) [email protected] (Jim Lewis) [email protected] (Cynthia Kramer)  [email protected] (Karen Isaacson)  [email protected] (Kevin Crader)  [email protected] (Kristine Diana Daniels) [email protected] (Kristen J Gremillion) [email protected] (K Hession)  [email protected] (Kim Rachmeler) [email protected]  [email protected] (Stephen King)  [email protected] (Kippi Fagerlund)  [email protected] (Kanghoon Lee)  [email protected] (Ken Shellberg)  [email protected] (Kerry C Michaels)  [email protected] (Keith Mueller)  [email protected] (kirkandrew ryan )  [email protected] (Kevin Schnitzius) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Ladd Dan) [email protected] (Charles Lane)  [email protected] (Larry Smith)  [email protected] (Chuck Lawson) [email protected] (Lisa Cecere) [email protected] (William LeBorgne) [email protected]  [email protected] (Shawn L. 'LeroY' Price) [email protected] (Joel B Levin) [email protected] (Linda or Robert Golder)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Larry London) [email protected] (Luis A. Rodriguez) [email protected]  [email protected] (Lois Ward) [email protected] (Leon Wise) [email protected] (Lynsey Gedye)  [email protected] (David MacAfee)  [email protected] (Mace, Michael)  [email protected] (mark stephens)  [email protected] (Mark Hebets) [email protected] (Mark A Lilly)  [email protected] (Mark MASON)  [email protected] (Matt Lindenfelser)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Gary Maxwell)  [email protected] (Mike Northam) [email protected] (Catherine Dobbins M.D.) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Melynda Reid)  [email protected] (Matthew William Mengerink) [email protected] (Eric Mercer) [email protected] (Steve E. Mercer)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Matt Harrop)  [email protected] (Mike Hatz) [email protected] (Kathleen Holt) [email protected] (Mike Mckeage)  [email protected] (Mike Morris)  [email protected] (Cathy Drzyzgula)  [email protected] (Barbara Mitchell)  [email protected] (Mark-Jason Dominus)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Matthew John Latimer)  [email protected] (Michael Lester)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Mr. Clean)  [email protected] (Michael A. Ricci)  [email protected] (Martin Schroeder)  [email protected] (Mack Stephenson) [email protected] (Mel Walker)  [email protected] (Jill Barrett)  [email protected] (Jennifer Bendemire) [email protected] (who?) [email protected] (Natasha V. Pearce)  [email protected] (Nathan Mehl) [email protected] (Hien Ngo)  [email protected] (Jamie Nicholl) [email protected] (Dr A.J. Cann) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (david parsons)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Pat Thaler) [email protected] (PETER WIEBE BURKA)  [email protected] (Phil Densmore)  [email protected] (heckler) [email protected] (Bob Peck)  [email protected] (Pete Hoffswell)  [email protected] (Peter Orelup)  [email protected] (Jeff Pfohl) [email protected] (Paul Graham) [email protected] (Paul Hoffman)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Paul Lord)  [email protected] (POPA G L) [email protected] (Rob Switala & Bill Edgin) [email protected] (Paul S Gardner) [email protected] (Per Skovgaard)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Tom the Melaniephile) [email protected] (John Raithel) [email protected] (Randall Lee) [email protected] (Roland Beauregard)  [email protected] (Ralph J. Brown) [email protected] (Robert W. F. Clark)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Brian Reid) [email protected] (RICHARD KIMBALL) [email protected] (Rick Estell) [email protected] (Rev Dr Phil Herring)  [email protected] (Rex di Bona)  [email protected] (Dan Reynolds) [email protected] (Richard J. Sexton)  [email protected] (Rick Bettencourt)  [email protected] (Riley Hoselton) [email protected] (Robert M Atkins)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Rodger Madison) [email protected] (Rolland Thomas)  [email protected] (Richard Terrell) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Russell Randolph) [email protected] (Russell Parrish) [email protected]  [email protected] (Steve Oakey)  [email protected] (Damien Weiss) [email protected]  [email protected] (Scott C. Cartwright)  [email protected] (Martha W. Schaefer) [email protected] (Yannis Schoinas)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Susan Farmer) [email protected] (Scott H. Finfrock)  [email protected] (Stephen Fonda)  [email protected]  [email protected] (The Great Pumpkin)  [email protected] (Sandy Shinn x4771)  [email protected] (Shirley Moore)  [email protected] (Brian R Silverstein) [email protected] (Steve Jackson) [email protected]  [email protected] (Rebecca Sobol)  [email protected] (Stephen M. Quan)  [email protected] (Stephen J. Lever) [email protected] (Bill Stoffel)  [email protected] (Sunil Gupta) [email protected]  [email protected] (Steven Warthan)  [email protected] (DAVID SYZDEK) [email protected] (Teresa L Baker) [email protected] (Tod B Bussert)  [email protected] (Theresa J Flynn) [email protected] (Terri L. Fischer)  [email protected] (Thomas F. Elmer) [email protected] (Thomas G. McWilliams)  [email protected] (Tim Harvey)  [email protected] (Richard Hamilton)  [email protected] (Gen Thurlow) [email protected] (Droz)  [email protected] (Tim Gornet) [email protected] (Terry Koontz) [email protected] (Tom Maddox) [email protected] (Tom Elrod)  [email protected] (Marco Antonio Sandini Trentin)  [email protected] (Tim Prachar)  [email protected] (Rocco Caputo)  [email protected] (John Twilley)  [email protected] (Eric Vaandering) [email protected] (Venger's Orchids)  [email protected] ( VINCENT J HALE 0130761)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Darrell Walker) [email protected] (Kent Walker)  [email protected] (information-junkie) [email protected]  [email protected] (Weston Furukawa)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Will Dyson)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Keith Brummett)  [email protected] (Whetzel's mail sec)  [email protected] (Xopamondo) [email protected] (Communication) [email protected] (Christian Zoega Jessen)   NO votes were received from the following people:  [email protected] (Andrew Henry) [email protected] (Adam Finkelstein) [email protected] (Karl Krech)  [email protected] (Vincent Archer) [email protected] (Jim Ault) [email protected] (Ben C. O. Grimm - Praesidium Libertatis NL - )  [email protected] (B.J. Herbison) [email protected] (Bruce Baugh)  [email protected] (Aliza R. Panitz)  [email protected] (Clarke Brunt) [email protected] (Ernest A. Cline) [email protected] (Diane Barlow Close)  [email protected] (Kenneth P Crouch) [email protected] (carl e snook) [email protected] (Christopher Ward) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Dave Weil)  [email protected] (David)  [email protected] (Eric S. Deese)  [email protected] (aron smith)  [email protected] (Christopher Estep)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Craig Burley) [email protected] (Greg Woodbury)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Pete 'Happy' Thomas)  [email protected] (James Harvey) [email protected]  [email protected] (Hud Nordin)  [email protected] (Brent Sutherland)  [email protected] (Ian Jackson)  [email protected] (Jeff Murphy) [email protected] (Jim Davis) [email protected] (Jim Jewett) [email protected] (Jay Maynard) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jon Bell)  [email protected] (Scott Dorsey)  [email protected] (Cor Lamain) [email protected] (Lantz Rowland)  [email protected] (Lee Paulsen)  [email protected] (Gerry Swetsky)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Mike Yang)  [email protected] (M Mike Taksar KC6ZPS) [email protected] (Wes Morgan)  [email protected] (Helge Nareid)  [email protected] (Noel S. Gorelick) [email protected] (Nick Ingegneri) [email protected] (M. Otto)  [email protected] (Patrick J. LoPresti) [email protected] (phil reed)  [email protected] (Pierre Uszynski) [email protected]  [email protected] (Pete Bastien) [email protected]  [email protected] (Rebecca Drayer) [email protected] (Dan Resler) [email protected] (Ryan Waldron) [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)  [email protected] (Roger.B.Jones Jr.) [email protected] (MR DONALD C HWANG)  [email protected] (Ralph Waters)  [email protected] (Glenn A Sacks) [email protected] (Stan Ryckman)  [email protected] (Simon Lyall)  [email protected] (Dick Smith)  [email protected] (Steve Bonine) [email protected] (Dwight Brown)  [email protected] (Tony Basoglu)  [email protected] (This advertising space for rent. Respond by EMAIL.)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Karl G. Ulbrich)  [email protected] (Una Smith) [email protected] [email protected] (Steve Willner)   --  Mark James  <[email protected]>     Dialogic Corporation, 3307 Northland Dr  | "We must believe in free will. Suite 270, Austin TX 78731 U.S.A.        |  We have no choice." +1 512 459 7766 ext 110                  |  -- I. B. Singer  
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