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From [email protected] Mon Nov  2 15:39:33 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2872 news.groups:58603 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,, Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn) Subject: RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Approved: [email protected] Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Amateur Packet Radio E-mail Gateway  VE6MGS Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1992 23:51:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> Lines: 70  Proposed is a new moderated group, This group should carry informational posts such as the radio FAQs, Solar Reports, ARRL Bulletins, RACES Bulletins, Keplerian elements, AMSAT Bulletins, Amateurs on USENET list, Elmers List, SCDX postings and others too numerous to mention. Also informational posts in the other* groups may be reposted in this group (either at the request of the poster, or by one of the moderators).  For the benefit of those of you that don't understand the current* hierarchy:		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events 					and other discussions.	Discussion about packet radio setups.	Amateur Radio practices, rules, etc.			Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.		Non commercial radio discussions		Shortwave Radio discussions.			Arguments about Linears and whose stick is 					bigger		moderated group about broadcast radio  Non of these groups would change, but the hopes would be that the informative posts from each of these groups end up in the proposed new group Other proposed names for the group that have been made are:,,,, so a choice for a name for this group is also up in the air.  The moderator that has volunteered is Mark Salyzyn ([email protected]) along with, I hope, several co-moderators that make up the list of informational post contributors. So far Paul W. Schleck ([email protected]) has volunteered to be one of the co-moderators.  I will try to set up an archive for this new group, but hopes are that there will be a volunteer with a better connected (ie: ftp'able) site arranged.  Paul has also agreed that, once vote is to be taken in 30 days, he will tally the votes. The voting addresses will be presented at the RFV, so DO NOT VOTE NOW!  Followups to news.groups. Please do not send me e-mail, as I am not the person you need to convince as to the validity/invalidity of this group. I leave that up to net-wisdom.  Gentleman, start up your engines!  -------- Recommended description ------- Newsgroup: (moderated)  /usr/lib/news/newsgroups entry:	Informational postings related to radio.  Charter: 	To provide high quality, informational postings about radio. 	This group will be used to segregate information from the 	regular discussions streams, such as, to 	alieviate the traffic in these discussion groups. Also, by 	placing the informational postings in this group, make it easier 	for many to find radio related information.  	By maintaining a high level of quality in the postings, it is 	hoped that these postings may end up, at least more conveniently, 	over the Amateur Radio Packet BBS network as well through the 	various gateways.  	By using a co-moderator scheme, the hopes are that many of the 	postings will maintain timeliness, and good propagation through 	the computer networks.  Ciao, 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk-  From [email protected] Mon Nov 23 18:29:51 1992 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,,, Subject: CFV: moderated Followup-To: poster Date: 23 Nov 1992 18:06:39 -0500 Organization: Lines: 66 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2988 news.groups:61635  This is a CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the newsgroup.  The RFD was first posted on 2 November 1992. It is decided that since discussion has stopped, showing support by acquiescence, that we will post the CFV prematurely with respect to the 30 days, typically, after the RFD group creation guidelines. The guidelines, however, state that the vote should be taken shortly after the end of discussion.  Voting will start on publication of this article and end on December 23, 1992 at 23:59 GMT.  Votes should be mailed as follows(*):  Yes (create, as proposed): [email protected] or [email protected]  No (do not create):			  [email protected] or [email protected]  Case is not important (at least on the receiving end).   (* Voting mailboxes are amateur radio Q-codes for mnemonic purposes. QSL = acknowledged, also loosely yes or affirmative.  QRT = cease transmission, also loosely no, "nix" or "86").  Votes that are posted or mailed to me will not be counted.  Message bodies will be ignored for tallying purposes.  Moderator at creation will be [email protected] (Mark Gregory Salyzyn). Regular posters to this group will be deputized to moderator status to provide timeliness, reliability and to keep the load down on the chief moderator. There is no archive site arranged at the moment, however, [email protected] has offered a site once installed in the coming month. Any offers to help moderate or archive this new group, if passed, can be made to [email protected], adec23.UUCP!mark or [email protected]  Votes will be acknowledged in followup CFVs in the newsgroups this CFV is posted to. I must thank [email protected] (Paul W. Schleck) for taking on the task of being an independent vote taker and for his advice throughout this process.  Please see the pertinent postings in news.answers and news.announce.newgroups for the rules that will be followed in creating a newsgroup.  Newsgroup: (moderated)  /usr/lib/news/newsgroups entry:	Informational postings related to radio.  Charter: 	To provide high quality, informational postings about radio.  This 	group will take cross-postings, or moderated postings from the regular 	discussion streams to alleviate the traffic, over expensive links, in 	these groups by allowing the news transfer mechanism to drop articles 	cross posted to Postings in the entire* 	hierarchy that the moderator(s) feel as informational, however, are 	likely candidates for cross posting or re-posting. Also by placing the 	informational postings in this group, make it easier for many to find 	radio related information.  	By maintaining a high level of quality in the postings, it is hoped 	that these postings may end up, at least more conveniently, in various 	archive sites, or possibly over the Amateur Radio Packet BBS network 	as well.  	By using a self-moderator scheme, the hopes are that many of the 	postings will maintain timeliness, and good propagation through the 	computer networks.  Ciao, 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk-  From [email protected] Tue Dec  1 22:31:29 1992 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,,, Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: moderated Followup-To: poster Date: 1 Dec 1992 13:43:48 -0500 Organization: Lines: 185 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3004 news.groups:62153  This is a 2nd CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the newsgroup. At the end of this article is a list of blind tallies, acknowledging the reception of your votes. If you are not in the list, and have sent in a vote, please resend your vote. The RFD was first posted on 28 October 1992, and the original CFV was posted on 23 November 1992.  Voting has started, and will end on December 23, 1992 at 23:59 GMT.  Votes should be mailed as follows(*):  Yes (create, as proposed): [email protected] or [email protected]  No (do not create):			  [email protected] or [email protected]  Case is not important (at least on the receiving end).   (* Voting mailboxes are amateur radio Q-codes for mnemonic purposes. QSL = acknowledged, also loosely yes or affirmative.  QRT = cease transmission, also loosely no, "nix" or "86").  Votes that are posted or mailed to me will not be counted.  Message bodies will be ignored for tallying purposes.  Moderator at creation will be [email protected] (Mark Gregory Salyzyn) using the address [email protected] Regular posters to this group will be deputized to moderator status to provide timeliness, reliability and to keep the load down on the chief moderator. There is no archive site arranged at the moment, however, [email protected] has offered a site once installed in the coming month. We also need a BITNET Listserver gateway if anyone is interested in supplying.  Any offers to help moderate or archive this new group, if passed, can be made to [email protected], adec23.UUCP!mark or [email protected]  Please see the pertinent postings in news.answers and news.announce.newgroups for the rules that will be followed in creating a newsgroup.  ------- Charter -------- Newsgroup: (moderated)  /usr/lib/news/newsgroups entry:	Informational postings related to radio.  Charter: 	To provide high quality, informational postings about radio.  This 	group will take cross-postings, or moderated postings from the regular 	discussion streams to alleviate the traffic, over expensive links, in 	these groups by allowing the news transfer mechanism to drop articles 	cross posted to Postings in the entire* 	hierarchy that the moderator(s) feel as informational, however, are 	likely candidates for cross posting or re-posting. Also by placing the 	informational postings in this group, make it easier for many to find 	radio related information.  	By maintaining a high level of quality in the postings, it is hoped 	that these postings may end up, at least more conveniently, in various 	archive sites, or possibly over the Amateur Radio Packet BBS network 	as well.  	By using a self-moderator scheme, the hopes are that many of the 	postings will maintain timeliness, and good propagation through the 	computer networks. -------- Blind Tally, vote acknowledgements ------- From: Paul W Schleck KD3FU <[email protected]>  There should be 113 unique votes here. ...  73, Paul, KD3FU  --  "39A::MUSCHINSKE" [email protected]> "Allen L. Spruill" <[email protected]> "Bill Frangos" <[email protected]> "David B. Horvath, CDP" <[email protected]> "Dr.K.Krallis - Epsilon Software S.A." <[email protected]> "Eric J. Olson" <[email protected]> "Eric T. Lane" [email protected]> "Jason Berri" <[email protected]> "Josh Cockey" <[email protected]> "Loren Thompson" <[email protected]> "Peter Koch" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected] Alan Cunningham <[email protected]> andrew m. boardman <[email protected]> B.J.  25-Nov-1992 0931 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Harry Bartholomew) [email protected] [email protected] (Barrie Britton) Charles Shub <[email protected]> Chris Cox  W0/G4JEC <[email protected]> [email protected] Craig Bender <[email protected]> Craig Lemon VE3XCL <[email protected]> [email protected] ("Bunji Yamamoto") Dale Mosby <[email protected]> [email protected] (dale jensrud) [email protected] (Dave Horsfall) [email protected] (Donald R. Newcomb) [email protected] [email protected] (Doug Crompton) [email protected] [email protected] (Ed Hare - KA1CV) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) [email protected] (Francis A. Uy) [email protected] (Geoff Allen) Gerben 'P' Vos <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Schmidt) Graham Rule <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tracy K. Wood/KD0UP) [email protected] (Jim Black) I've got a pocket full of kryptonite <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ian Phillipps) [email protected] (Martha Rapp) Jay Maynard <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jeffrey Cours) Jeff Tucker N9HZQ <[email protected]> [email protected] (jeff bamford) [email protected] (John Harkin) Jim -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO5-2/13A <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Curran) Joel B Levin <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Opalko) [email protected] Jonathan Bradshaw x5558 <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Julian Macassey) [email protected] (Jerry Weiss) [email protected] [email protected] (Kai Altenfelder) [email protected] keeper of the tone <[email protected]> [email protected] (Gregory R. LaBorde) [email protected] (Larry G Biedenweg) Lyndon Nerenberg <[email protected]> Maggie Donovan <[email protected]> [email protected], Martyn Johnson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael Covington) Michael Quinn <[email protected]> [email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS) [email protected] (matt payne) MRO1-3/C6 dtn 297-9029 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael S Shappe) [email protected] (Michael R. Zeug) N.Kaiya <[email protected]> [email protected] (Orville Beach (MIS)) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Paul Flaherty) [email protected] Peter Laws N5UWY <[email protected]> Ralf Begemann  Rami Zureick <[email protected]> richard nimtz <[email protected]> Rick Ellis <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) Risto Kotalampi <[email protected]> [email protected] (Roberta L Taylor) Roger Bielefeld <[email protected]> Ron Buckmire <[email protected]> [email protected] () [email protected] (Dave Breneman) [email protected] (Russell McFatter) [email protected] (Ross Alexander) [email protected] [email protected] (Steve Brown) [email protected] (John Schubert) Soda Stereo! <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steve Schallehn) [email protected] (Bob Stratton) [email protected] Terry Maton - Construction Engineering Assistant <[email protected]> Thomas Alan Dockstader <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jorma M{ntyl{) Tom Limoncelli <[email protected]> [email protected] (Clement Vaillancourt 514-652-8238) [email protected] Will Marchant <[email protected]> William=E.=Newkirk%Pubs%[email protected] [email protected] (Willis Marti) [email protected] (Conway Yee)  Ciao, 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk-  From [email protected] Mon Dec 14 20:26:44 1992 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,,, Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: moderated Followup-To: poster Date: 14 Dec 1992 20:22:51 -0500 Organization: Lines: 283 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3054 news.groups:63189  This is the 3rd CALL FOR VOTES for the creation of the newsgroup. At the end of this article is a list of blind tallies, acknowledging the reception of your votes as of Midnight Saturday December 5 Central Standard Time. If you are not in the list, and have sent in a vote before that time, please resend your vote. The RFD was first posted on 28 October 1992, the original CFV was posted on 23 November 1992 and the 2nd CFV was posted on December 1st.   Voting has started, and will end on December 23, 1992 at 23:59 GMT.  Votes should be mailed as follows(*):  Yes (create, as proposed): [email protected] or [email protected]  No (do not create):			  [email protected] or [email protected]  Case is not important (at least on the receiving end).   (* Voting mailboxes are amateur radio Q-codes for mnemonic purposes. QSL = acknowledged, also loosely yes or affirmative.  QRT = cease transmission, also loosely no, "nix" or "86").  Votes that are posted or mailed to me will not be counted.  Message bodies will be ignored for tallying purposes.  Moderator at creation will be [email protected] (Mark Gregory Salyzyn) using the address [email protected] for postings, and [email protected] for administrative requests. Note that the domain address of is replacing the domain for reliability in mail forwarding.  Regular posters to this group will be deputized to moderator status to provide timeliness, reliability and to keep the load down on the chief moderator. There is no archive site arranged at the moment, however, [email protected] has offered a site once installed in the coming month. We also need a BITNET Listserver gateway if anyone is interested in supplying one. Any offers to help moderate, gateway or archive this new group, if the vote passes, can be made to [email protected] or [email protected]  Please see the pertinent postings in news.answers and news.announce.newgroups for the rules that will be followed in creating a newsgroup.  ------- Charter -------- Newsgroup: (moderated)  /usr/lib/news/newsgroups entry:	Informational postings related to radio.  Charter: 	To provide high quality, informational postings about radio.  This 	group will take cross-postings, or moderated postings from the regular 	discussion streams to alleviate the traffic, over expensive links, in 	these groups by allowing the news transfer mechanism to drop articles 	cross posted to Postings in the entire* 	hierarchy that the moderator(s) feel as informational, however, are 	likely candidates for cross posting or re-posting. Also by placing the 	informational postings in this group, make it easier for many to find 	radio related information.  	By maintaining a high level of quality in the postings, it is hoped 	that these postings may end up, at least more conveniently, in various 	archive sites, or possibly over the Amateur Radio Packet BBS network 	as well.  	By using a self-moderator scheme, the hopes are that many of the 	postings will maintain timeliness, and good propagation through the 	computer networks.  -------- Blind Tally, vote acknowledgements ------- >From:	Paul W Schleck KD3FU <[email protected]>  There should be 204 unique votes here, received as of 2359 CST Saturday, December 5 (0559 GMT Sunday, December 6).  73, Paul, KD3FU  "39A::MUSCHINSKE" [email protected]> "Allen L. Spruill" <[email protected]> "Andre' V. Thomas"  <[email protected]> "Bill Frangos" <[email protected]> "Dana H. Myers" <[email protected]> "David B. Horvath, CDP" <[email protected]> "Dr.K.Krallis - Epsilon Software S.A." <[email protected]> "Eric J. Olson" <[email protected]> "Eric T. Lane" [email protected]> "Henry T. Rand" (AED-FD) <[email protected]> "Howard Wachtel (312) 975-7970" <[email protected]> "Jack C. LOCKHART" <[email protected]> "Jason Berri" <[email protected]> "Jeffrey D. Angus" <[email protected]> "Josh Cockey" <[email protected]> "Julian Lorkin" <[email protected]> "Loren Thompson" <[email protected]> "Peter Gray [MFCF]" <[email protected]> "Peter Koch" <[email protected]> "Sid B. Bernstein" (AED-EWD) <[email protected]> "Thomas W. Strong, Jr." <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected] Alan Cunningham <[email protected]> andrew dalton <[email protected]> andrew m. boardman <[email protected]> ANDY GARDNER <[email protected]> [email protected] (Andrew Finkenstadt) B.J.  25-Nov-1992 0931 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Harry Bartholomew) [email protected] (Brian J. Catlin) [email protected] Bob Billson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Barrie Britton) [email protected] (Bob Wilkins n6fri) [email protected] [email protected] (Chris Capener) [email protected] [email protected] (Aviram Carmi) [email protected] (Carl Rigney) Charles Shub <[email protected]> Chris Cox  W0/G4JEC <[email protected]> [email protected] Craig Bender <[email protected]> Craig Lemon VE3XCL <[email protected]> [email protected] (Craig Cherry) [email protected] [email protected] ("Bunji Yamamoto") Dale Mosby <[email protected]> [email protected] (dale jensrud) [email protected] (Dan Lawrence) Dave M. Ihle <[email protected]> [email protected] (Dave Horsfall) [email protected] (David Dodell) [email protected] (Daniel D. Todd) [email protected] (Ben Delisle) Dennis Brennan <[email protected]> Dieter Lindig <[email protected]> [email protected] (Diana L. Carlson) [email protected] (Donald R. Newcomb) Doug Collinge - VE7GNU <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Doug Crompton) dsinc!bcccix!jfish (John Fish) [email protected] (Steven Aquilina) [email protected] (Ed Naratil) [email protected] [email protected] (Ed Hare - KA1CV) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) [email protected] [email protected] (Francis A. Uy) [email protected] (Phillip Akers) [email protected] (Aaron Priven) [email protected] [email protected] (Geoff Allen) Gerben 'P' Vos <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Schmidt) [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) [email protected] (Gerald J Kersus +1 908 949 9511) Graham Rule <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tracy K. Wood/KD0UP) [email protected] (Jim Black) [email protected] (Niclas Andersson El3a - HFB gy91) [email protected] (Edward Haymore) I've got a pocket full of kryptonite <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ian Phillipps) [email protected] (Ian Kluft) [email protected] (Martha Rapp) Jay Maynard <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Britain) [email protected] (Jeffrey Cours) Jeff Tucker N9HZQ <[email protected]> [email protected] (jeff bamford) [email protected] (John Jensen) [email protected] (Jim Freund) [email protected] (John Harkin) [email protected] (Jonathan C. Higbee) Jim -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO5-2/13A <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Curran) [email protected] (John Covington WN4BBJ) Joe Dubner <[email protected]> Joel B Levin <[email protected]> John Flowers <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Opalko) [email protected] Jonathan Bradshaw x5558 <[email protected]> [email protected] Juhan Poeldvere <[email protected]> [email protected] (Julian Macassey) [email protected] (Jerry Weiss) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Kai Altenfelder) [email protected] (Kyle Barger) [email protected] keeper of the tone <[email protected]> Kevin Purcell (Rho) <[email protected]> Kevin Sanders <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kevin Feeney) [email protected] (K.R.Findlay Ed.S.) [email protected] (Gregory R. LaBorde) [email protected] (Lee Ziegenhals) [email protected] (Larry G Biedenweg) [email protected] (Louis A. Mamakos) Lyndon Nerenberg <[email protected]> Maggie Donovan <[email protected]> [email protected], [email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS) Martyn Johnson <[email protected]> Mathieu J. Maessen <[email protected]> Matthew Daniels <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Michael Covington) Michael Quinn <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mike Freeman) [email protected] (Milton Miller) [email protected] (Mike Johnston) [email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS) Moss Owen Jacobson <[email protected]> [email protected] (matt payne) MRO1-3/C6 dtn 297-9029 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael S Shappe) [email protected] (Michael R. Zeug) N.Kaiya <[email protected]> Nigel Allen <[email protected]> [email protected] (Orville Beach (MIS)) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Paul Flaherty) [email protected] Peter Hayward <[email protected]> Peter Laws N5UWY <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tiffany Keller) [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt) Ralf Begemann  [email protected] (Dan Meyer) Rami Zureick <[email protected]> RAVEN Winter <[email protected]> [email protected] (Robert F. Casey) Rich <[email protected]> [email protected] (RICHARD) richard nimtz <[email protected]> Richard Victor <[email protected]> Rick Ellis <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Richard McCombs KB5SNF) Risto Kotalampi <[email protected]> [email protected] (Roberta L Taylor) Robert Fargher <[email protected]> Roger Bielefeld <[email protected]> Ron Buckmire <[email protected]> [email protected] () [email protected] (Dave Breneman) [email protected] (Russell McFatter) [email protected] (Ross Alexander) [email protected] [email protected] (Steve Brown) [email protected] (John Schubert) [email protected] (M. Squicciarini) Soda Stereo! <[email protected]> Stephen Hebditch <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steve Schallehn) [email protected] (Steve Urich) [email protected] (Bob Stratton) [email protected] Terry Maton - Construction Engineering Assistant <[email protected]> [email protected] thiagarajan subramanian [email protected]> Thomas Alan Dockstader <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jorma M{ntyl{) Tom Limoncelli <[email protected]> UNB Amateur Radio <[email protected]> [email protected] (Clement Vaillancourt 514-652-8238) [email protected] (Michael Reagan (MREAGAN)) [email protected] (Dave Ratcliffe) [email protected] [email protected] (Ulf Bahrenfuss) Will Marchant <[email protected]> William=E.=Newkirk%Pubs%[email protected] [email protected] (Willis Marti) [email protected] [email protected] (Conway Yee)  Ciao, 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk-  From [email protected] Wed Jan  6 21:03:08 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,,, Subject: RESULT: passes 215:51 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 6 Jan 1993 19:35:49 -0500 Organization: UUNET Communications Lines: 331 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3095 news.groups:63962  			FINAL VOTE ACK AND VOTE TALLY  The vote for creation of passed, with 215 votes in favour (QSL), and 51 votes against (QRT) for a total of 266 unique ballots, when the voting ceased on Wednesday, December 23, 1992 at 2359 UTC.  This meets or exceeds the requirements that more than 100 yes votes be received than no votes, and that greater than 2/3 of the total votes are in favor of the new newsgroup.  Next is a 7-day cooling off period for any objections to be raised. Barring any meaningful objections, the new newsgroup will be created. As the moderator for news.announce.newgroups is going on vacation, I can not guess as to the creation date of this new group, but I will be taking submissions starting the official creation date to the address [email protected], with administrative requests at [email protected] I invite the moderator team members to begin cross-posting of their bulletins on that date.  Thanks to all who voted! Democracy, I *love* it! I do hope the people that voted no have no hard feelings, and will definitely try to address some of their comments included in their ballots.  The following votes were received by the close of voting, Wednesday, December 23, 1992 at 2359 UTC (5:59 PM Central Standard Time).  The list starts with the 215 QSL or Create votes, followed by the 51 QRT or Do NOT Create votes.  The votes were tallied courtesy Paul W Schleck [email protected]  QSL (Create, as proposed), 215 unique votes: ----------------------------------------------------------  "39A::MUSCHINSKE" [email protected]> "Allen L. Spruill" <[email protected]A1VM.UA.EDU> "Andre' V. Thomas"  <[email protected]> "Bill Frangos" <[email protected]> "Bradley G Trusty-1" <[email protected]> "Brian J. Papa" <[email protected]> "Dr.K.Krallis - Epsilon Software S.A." <[email protected]> "Eric T. Lane" [email protected]> "Gordon M. Charrick" <[email protected]> "Howard Wachtel (312) 975-7970" <[email protected]> "Jack C. LOCKHART" <[email protected]> "Josh Cockey" <[email protected]> "Julian Lorkin" <[email protected]> "Loren Thompson" <[email protected]> "Margaret A Plumbo-1" <[email protected]> (Phil Plumbo) "Mike Titus (214) 709-2400 ext. 2259" <[email protected]> "Peter Gray [MFCF]" <[email protected]> "Peter Koch" <[email protected]> "Roger K. Sanderson P.Eng." <[email protected]> "Thomas W. Strong, Jr." <[email protected]> Alan Cunningham <[email protected]> andrew dalton <[email protected]> andrew m. boardman <[email protected]> ANDY GARDNER <[email protected]> [email protected] (Andrew Finkenstadt) B.J.  25-Nov-1992 0931 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Rusty Babani) [email protected] (Harry Bartholomew) [email protected] (Brian J. Catlin) Benjamin Jonas <[email protected]> [email protected] Bob Billson <[email protected]> Brad Moersfelder - Quad Tech Imaging R&D at 7869 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Barrie Britton) [email protected] (Bob Wilkins n6fri) [email protected] [email protected] (Chris Capener) Carl Schaefer <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Aviram Carmi) Chris Cox  W0/G4JEC <[email protected]> [email protected] (Chris "Wintermute" Yoder) [email protected] (Christophe Huygens) Craig Lemon VE3XCL <[email protected]> [email protected] (Craig Cherry) [email protected] ("Bunji Yamamoto") Dale Mosby <[email protected]> [email protected] (dale jensrud) [email protected] (Dan Lawrence) Dave M. Ihle <[email protected]> [email protected] (Dave Horsfall) [email protected] (David Dodell) [email protected] (Ben Delisle) Dennis Brennan <[email protected]> Dieter Lindig <[email protected]> [email protected] (Diana L. Carlson) [email protected] (Donald R. Newcomb) Doug Collinge - VE7GNU <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Doug Crompton) dsinc!bcccix!jfish (John Fish) [email protected] (Steven Aquilina) [email protected] (Ed Naratil) [email protected] [email protected] (Ed Hare - KA1CV) [email protected] (Ed McGuire) [email protected] (Francis A. Uy) [email protected] [email protected] (Phillip Akers) [email protected] (Aaron Priven) [email protected] [email protected] (Gary Morris @pulsar) [email protected] (Geoff Allen) Gerben 'P' Vos <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Schmidt) [email protected] (Gerald J Kersus +1 908 949 9511) Graham Rule <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Niclas Andersson El3a - HFB gy91) Harald Brinkmann <[email protected]> [email protected] (Edward Haymore) [email protected] (Hal Mueller) I've got a pocket full of kryptonite <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ian Phillipps) [email protected] (Ian Kluft) [email protected] (Martha Rapp) Jack GF Hill  Jay Maynard <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Britain) [email protected] (Jeffrey Cours) [email protected] (Jon Vander Hill) [email protected] (j d wilson) [email protected] (jeff bamford) [email protected] (John Jensen) [email protected] (Jim Freund) [email protected] (John G. Thompson) [email protected] (John Harkin) [email protected] (Jonathan C. Higbee) Jim -- DTN 223-5747 -- MLO5-2/13A <[email protected]> [email protected] (James J Conrad) [email protected] (John Covington WN4BBJ) Joe Dubner <[email protected]> Joel B Levin <[email protected]> John Flowers <[email protected]> John Paul Shalamskas  <[email protected]> [email protected] Sat Nov 28 Jonathan Bradshaw x5558 <[email protected]> [email protected] Juhan Poeldvere <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jerry Weiss) [email protected] [email protected] (Karl-Heinz Kuehlborn) kathy l u berglundn <[email protected]> Kauto Huopio <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kyle Barger) [email protected] keeper of the tone <[email protected]> Keith McQueen <[email protected]> Kevin Purcell (Rho) <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kevin Feeney) Kitagawa Masahiro <[email protected]> [email protected] (K.R.Findlay Ed.S.) [email protected] (Gregory R. LaBorde) [email protected] (Lee Ziegenhals) [email protected] (Larry G Biedenweg) [email protected] Lyndon Nerenberg <[email protected]> Maggie Donovan <[email protected]> [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] (Mark G. Salyzyn, VE6MGS) Martyn Johnson <[email protected]> Mathieu J. Maessen <[email protected]> Matteo Cardin 274008/IL <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Mike Northam) [email protected] (Michael Covington) Michael Quinn <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mike Freeman) [email protected] (Mike Shirley) [email protected] (Milton Miller) [email protected] ( Mike Allard         ) [email protected] (David Moisan) Moss Owen Jacobson <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (matt payne) Mr G J Errington  B.Sc. <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael S Shappe) N.Kaiya <[email protected]> [email protected] Nicolai E.M. Plum <[email protected]> Nigel Allen <[email protected]> Nigel Watkinson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Orville Beach (MIS)) [email protected] Paul Maciel <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Peter Laws N5UWY <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tiffany Keller) Ralf Begemann  Rami Zureick <[email protected]> ra[email protected] (Michael Randall) [email protected] (Robert F. Casey) Rich <[email protected]> [email protected] (RICHARD) richard nimtz <[email protected]> Richard Victor <[email protected]> Rick Ellis <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard McCombs KB5SNF) Risto Kotalampi <[email protected]> [email protected] (Roberta L Taylor) Robert Fargher <[email protected]> Roger Bielefeld <[email protected]> Ron Buckmire <[email protected]> [email protected] () [email protected] (Dave Breneman) Russ Crisp <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ross Alexander) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Steve Brown) [email protected] (John Schubert) Sean Petty <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (M. Squicciarini) [email protected] Soda Stereo! <[email protected]> [email protected] (Sridhar Venkataraman ) Stephen Hebditch <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steve Schallehn) [email protected] (Steve Kohlenberger) [email protected] (Bob Stratton) Terry Maton - Construction Engineering Assistant <[email protected]> [email protected] (Paul Richards) thiagarajan subramanian [email protected]> Thomas Alan Dockstader <[email protected]> [email protected] (Timothy D Aanerud) Tom Limoncelli <[email protected]> [email protected] UNB Amateur Radio <[email protected]> [email protected] (Clement Vaillancourt 514-652-8238) [email protected] (Michael Reagan (MREAGAN)) [email protected] (Dave Ratcliffe) [email protected] (Dave Hultberg) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Ulf Bahrenfuss) Warren E. Lewis <[email protected]> [email protected] Will Marchant <[email protected]> William=E.=Newkirk%Pubs%[email protected] wperkins!wmp ("William M. Perkins")  QRT (Do not create), 51 unique votes: -------------------------------------  "Dana H. Myers" <[email protected]> "David B. Horvath, CDP" <[email protected]> "Eric J. Olson" <[email protected]> "Henry T. Rand" (AED-FD) <[email protected]> "Jason Berri" <[email protected]> "Jeffrey D. Angus" <[email protected]> "Sid B. Bernstein" (AED-EWD) <[email protected]> <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Carl Rigney) Charles Shub <[email protected]> [email protected] Craig Bender <[email protected]> [email protected] (Daniel D. Todd) [email protected] [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) [email protected] (Tracy K. Wood/KD0UP) [email protected] (Jim Black) Harris Boldt Edelman <[email protected]> Jeff Tucker N9HZQ <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Curran) [email protected] (Jim Kearman) [email protected] (Julian Macassey) [email protected] [email protected] (Kai Altenfelder) Kevin Sanders <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Alan Larson) [email protected] (Louis A. Mamakos) [email protected] (Larry Wolfgang) Matthew Daniels <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mike Johnston) MRO1-3/C6 dtn 297-9029 <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael R. Zeug) [email protected] [email protected] Peter Hayward <[email protected]> [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt) [email protected] (Dan Meyer) RAVEN Winter <[email protected]> [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] [email protected] (Russell McFatter) [email protected] [email protected] (James E. Cook) [email protected] (Steve Urich) [email protected] [email protected] (Jorma M{ntyl{) [email protected] (Willis Marti) [email protected] [email protected] (Conway Yee)  ---- Now a brief advertisement ----  Newsgroup: (moderated)  /usr/lib/news/newsgroups entry:	Informational postings related to radio.  Charter: 	To provide high quality, informational postings about radio.  This 	group will take cross-postings, or moderated postings from the regular 	discussion streams to alieviate the traffic, over expensive links, in 	these groups by allowing the news transfer mechanism to drop articles 	cross posted to Postings in the entire* 	heirarchy that the moderators deam as informational, however, are 	likely candidates for cross posting or re-posting. Also by placing the 	informational postings in this group, make it easier for many to find 	radio related information.  	By maintaining a high level of quality in the postings, it is hoped 	that these postings may end up, at least more conveniently, in various 	archive sites, or possibly over the Amateur Radio Packet BBS network 	as well.  	By using a self-moderator scheme, the hopes are that many of the 	postings will maintain timeliness, and good propagation through the 	computer networks. --  Ciao, 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk-  
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