From [email protected] Wed Mar  9 23:36:27 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Martin E. Sulkanen)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.astro,sci.physics,sci.physics.research,
Subject: RFD: sci.astro.research moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 9 Mar 1994 17:08:27 -0500
Organization: NASA/MSFC
Lines: 175
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4709 news.groups:97582 sci.astro:53270 sci.physics:75029 sci.physics.research:1149

+++  First Request for Discussion (RFD) for the Creation of  +++


The newsgroup sci.astro is an unmoderated group for discussion and 
dissemination of information putatively related to the fields of
astronomy, astrophysics, amateur astronomy, astronomy education,
and space and physics related topics. The wide popularity of
astronomy has made sci.astro a very active newsgroup, with
a substantial daily bandwidth of articles on diverse topics.

However, the charter of sci.astro makes it difficult for
researchers in astronomy/astrophysics to use it as an effective
research tool. There is a relatively small "signal-to-noise" ratio of 
postings that are of relevance to the activities of astronomical research.
In addition, sci.astro is also subject to its share of abuse by 
(cross)posting of articles of minimal or imaginary relevance to 
astronomy and astrophysics. Thus, the reaction of many research 
astronomers to sci.astro has been to avoid it entirely. This has 
an adverse effect on the timely and widespread dissemination of 
information and related discussion of astrophysical phenomena 
(such as supernovae and other transient events) to the astrophysics 
research community and serious amateur astronmers who help to provide
important monitoring of these events. Of course, the role of sci.astro
is not to provide an exclusive forum for research, however, the 
present condition of sci.astro greatly inhibits the involvement of
the astronomical research community.

Informal discussion about creation of a moderated subgroup of
sci.astro has recently appeared in sci.astro and by e-mail. 
There was general support for the creation of such a group, 
provided that it did not adversely effect the interaction between 
amateur and professional astronomers. There was particularly 
strong support for a moderated subgroup voiced by professional 
and academic astronomers.

The following serves as the formal Request for Discussion (RFD) on the 
creation of the moderated newsgroup sci.astro.research.


Name:    sci.astro.research

Summary: Discussion of astronomy/astrophysics research & related
         topics and information.

Status:  Moderated.

Moderator:  Martin Sulkanen ([email protected])
Backup Mod: Michael V. Newberry ([email protected])

The purpose of this newsgroup is the discussion of astronomy & 
astrophysics research, and the dissemination of information 
related to astronomy & astrophysics research. Postings
appropriate for sci.astro.research would include (but does
not exclusively consist of) : (i) inquiries or discussions 
about specific current or historical research, or (ii) of 
research-related topics (observing equipment, computational
techniques & software, catalogs, textbooks, journals, references, 
etc.), (iii) observations of astrophysical phenomena of interest to 
researchers (novae, supernovae, variable stars, high-energy 
sources, extragalactic astronomy, planetary astronomy, etc.), 
(iv) announcement of recent publications submitted to refereed 
journals or of collections of such publications received as 
preprints, (v) announcement of future conferences & workshops, 
proposal or grant announcments of opportunity, and (vi) general
scientific news relevant to astronomy & astrophysics.

The moderator will have relatively broad powers to determine
postings that are appropriate for the newsgroup. However, there
are some basic principles that the moderator will adhere to:

  1.  Postings will be judged on their relevancy to scientific
      research in astronomy and astrophysics. For example,
      inquiries such as "what are AM Her stars and can one
      make useful optical observations of them?" are likely
      to be deemed within the realm of this newsgroup, while
      those such as "will the sun blow up one day?" are likely
      to be redirected to sci.astro. The criterion is *not*
      the credentials of the author (contributions by 
      amateurs are encouraged), but the relevance of the 
      post to research issues.  

  2.  Controversial topics and issues in research can be
      addressed, provided that they are discussed with
      scientific rigor and rationale; "because I say so"
      speculations will be redirected to sci.astro. 

  3.  "Unverified" astronomical observations will be posted with
      a disclaimer regarding the reliability of the observation. 
      A verified observation is defined as one that has been
      checked and is certified for accuracy by the supporting
      institution (eg. bulletin from an observatory, research
      organization, etc.) It is hoped that posts of the
      unverified observations will serve as a source for 
      other observers for further investigation or for 
      astronomical organizations as a source of additional
      data for research programs, subject to their *own*

  4.  Personal attacks, crossposts irrelevant to astrophysics/
      astronomy research, commercial advertisements, political 
      discussions, or posts originating from addresses that 
      cannot receive e-mail will be rejected.

It is planned to archive the contributions to this newsgroup
and provide a connection to this archive through Mosaic and
anonymous ftp. A FAQ, covering the moderation philosophy
and other administrivia, will be posted monthly by the


The newsgroup sci.astro.research is being proposed to provide
effective and rapid communication within usenet of research
activities in astronomy and astrophysics. Submissions from
all realms of astronomy of postings relevant to research 
activities within astronomy/astrophysics are encouraged. 
Contribution of professional/research personel to sci.astro
is now primarily feedback to amateur and enthusiast
inquiries concerning general topics in astronomy. Contributions
to sci.astro by these readers is likely to continue with
the existence of sci.astro.research. Furthermore, the
newsgroup sci.astro.research is likely to expand the
level of participation by researchers on sci.astro.

This group is proposed as moderated in order to limit the 
contributions to the newsgroup to research issues, and
to provide a level of quality reflective of a scientific
research newsgroup. Particular attention will be paid by 
the moderator to include contributions by amateur and 
professional alike, but requiring that posts be relevant 
to astronomy/astrophysics research issues.

It is planned to archive the posted contributions to this

This first RFD is being submitted on 28 February 1994 to the following


This RFD may be distibuted freely to other relevant newsgroups or 
maillists, provided the followup line (to news.groups) is unaltered. 
Note that discussion regarding this RFD should be conducted only in

The CFV is expected to be posted within 30 days of the posting of this
RFD from news.announce.newgroups, and is planned to be conducted by
a Usenet Volunteer Votetaker. The CFV will be posted to the same
newsgroups listed above.

Comments or questions regarding this RFD may be sent to
the address given below.
| Martin Sulkanen      + internet: [email protected]    |
| ES 65                + Information & opinions offered here are |
| NASA/MSFC            +       mine and not that of NASA         |

From [email protected] Mon Apr  4 21:23:34 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brenda J. Roder)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.astro,sci.astro.hubble,sci.physics,sci.physics.research,
Subject: CFV: sci.astro.research moderated
Followup-To: poster
Date: 4 Apr 1994 20:17:34 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 169
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Expires: 27 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4894 news.groups:99875 sci.astro:55057 sci.astro.hubble:1090 sci.physics:77222 sci.physics.research:1204

                          FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                      moderated group sci.astro.research

Newsgroups line:
sci.astro.research	forum in astronomy/astrophysics research (moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 26 Apr 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Martin Sulkanen .


Moderator:  Martin Sulkanen ([email protected])
Backup Mod: Michael V. Newberry ([email protected])
Submission: [email protected]
Contact:    [email protected]


Name:    sci.astro.research

Summary: Discussion of astronomy/astrophysics research & related
         topics and information.

Status:  Moderated.

Moderator:  Martin Sulkanen ([email protected])
Backup Mod: Michael V. Newberry ([email protected])

The purpose of this newsgroup is the discussion of astronomy & astrophysics
research, and the dissemination of information related to astronomy &
astrophysics research. Postings appropriate for sci.astro.research would
include (but does not exclusively consist of):

(i) inquiries or discussions about specific current or historical research, or

(ii) of research-related topics (observing equipment, computational
techniques & software, catalogs, textbooks, journals, references, etc.),

(iii) observations of astrophysical phenomena of interest to researchers
(novae, supernovae, variable stars, high-energy sources, extragalactic
astronomy, planetary astronomy, etc.),

(iv) announcement of recent publications submitted to refereed journals or
of collections of such publications received as preprints,

(v) announcement of future conferences & workshops, proposal or grant
announcments of opportunity, and

(vi) general scientific news relevant to astronomy & astrophysics.

Moderation principles

The moderator will have relatively broad powers to determine
postings that are appropriate for the newsgroup. However, there
are some basic principles that the moderator will adhere to:

  1.  Postings will be judged on their relevancy to scientific
      research in astronomy and astrophysics. For example,
      inquiries such as "what are AM Her stars and can one
      make useful optical observations of them?" are likely
      to be deemed within the realm of this newsgroup, while
      those such as "will the sun blow up one day?" are likely
      to be redirected to sci.astro. The criterion is *not*
      the credentials of the author (contributions by
      amateurs are encouraged), but the relevance of the
      post to research issues. 

  2.  Controversial topics and issues in research can be
      addressed, provided that they are discussed with
      scientific rigor and rationale; "because I say so"
      speculations will be redirected to sci.astro. 

  3.  "Unverified" astronomical observations will be posted with
      a disclaimer regarding the reliability of the observation. 

      A verified observation is defined as one that has been
      checked and is certified for accuracy by the supporting
      institution (eg. bulletin from an observatory, research
      organization, etc.) It is hoped that posts of the
      unverified observations will serve as a source for 
      other observers for further investigation or for 
      astronomical organizations as a source of additional
      data for research programs, subject to their *own*

  4.  Personal attacks, crossposts irrelevant to astrophysics/
      astronomy research, commercial advertisements, political 
      discussions, or posts originating from addresses that 
      cannot receive e-mail will be rejected. Posters that
      wish to keep their email address confidential may 
      indicate this in direct correspondance to the moderator(s).

Why moderate this newsgroup?

This group is proposed as moderated in order to limit the 
contributions to the newsgroup to research issues, and
to provide a level of quality reflective of a scientific
research newsgroup. Particular attention will be paid by 
the moderator to include contributions by amateur and 
professional alike, but requiring that posts be relevant 
to astronomy/astrophysics research issues.

FTP-Archive/WWW Plans

It is planned to archive the contributions to this newsgroup
and provide a connection to this archive through Mosaic/WWW and
anonymous ftp. A FAQ, covering the moderation philosophy
and other administrivia, will be posted monthly by the

Submission & Contact Addresses

The submission address for articles will be [email protected];
while the contact address will be [email protected].

Why sci.astro.research?

The newsgroup sci.astro.research is being proposed to provide
effective and rapid communication within usenet of research
activities in astronomy and astrophysics. Submissions from
all realms of astronomy of postings relevant to research 
activities within astronomy/astrophysics are encouraged. 
Contribution of professional/research personel to sci.astro
is now primarily feedback to amateur and enthusiast
inquiries concerning general topics in astronomy. Contributions
to sci.astro by these readers is likely to continue with
the existence of sci.astro.research. Furthermore, the
newsgroup sci.astro.research is likely to expand the
level of participation by researchers on sci.astro.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on sci.astro.research
      I vote NO on sci.astro.research

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

The second CFV will include a list of those whose email acknowledgement
Brenda J. Roder ([email protected])

From [email protected] Tue Apr 19 17:49:08 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brenda J. Roder)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.astro,sci.astro.hubble,sci.physics,sci.physics.research,
Subject: 2nd CFV: sci.astro.research moderated
Followup-To: poster
Date: 12 Apr 1994 15:49:12 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 171
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Expires: 27 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4937 news.groups:100514 sci.astro:55714 sci.astro.hubble:1108 sci.physics:77841 sci.physics.research:1210

                          LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                      moderated group sci.astro.research

Newsgroups line:
sci.astro.research      forum in astronomy/astrophysics research (moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 26 Apr 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Martin Sulkanen .


Moderator:  Martin Sulkanen ([email protected])
Backup Mod: Michael V. Newberry ([email protected])
Submission: [email protected]
Contact:    [email protected]


Name:    sci.astro.research

Summary: Discussion of astronomy/astrophysics research & related
         topics and information.

Status:  Moderated.

Moderator:  Martin Sulkanen ([email protected])
Backup Mod: Michael V. Newberry ([email protected])

The purpose of this newsgroup is the discussion of astronomy & astrophysics
research, and the dissemination of information related to astronomy &
astrophysics research. Postings appropriate for sci.astro.research would
include (but does not exclusively consist of):

(i) inquiries or discussions about specific current or historical research, or

(ii) of research-related topics (observing equipment, computational
techniques & software, catalogs, textbooks, journals, references, etc.),

(iii) observations of astrophysical phenomena of interest to researchers
(novae, supernovae, variable stars, high-energy sources, extragalactic
astronomy, planetary astronomy, etc.),

(iv) announcement of recent publications submitted to refereed journals or
of collections of such publications received as preprints,

(v) announcement of future conferences & workshops, proposal or grant
announcments of opportunity, and

(vi) general scientific news relevant to astronomy & astrophysics.

Moderation principles

The moderator will have relatively broad powers to determine
postings that are appropriate for the newsgroup. However, there
are some basic principles that the moderator will adhere to:

  1.  Postings will be judged on their relevancy to scientific
      research in astronomy and astrophysics. For example,
      inquiries such as "what are AM Her stars and can one
      make useful optical observations of them?" are likely
      to be deemed within the realm of this newsgroup, while
      those such as "will the sun blow up one day?" are likely
      to be redirected to sci.astro. The criterion is *not*
      the credentials of the author (contributions by
      amateurs are encouraged), but the relevance of the
      post to research issues. 

  2.  Controversial topics and issues in research can be
      addressed, provided that they are discussed with
      scientific rigor and rationale; "because I say so"
      speculations will be redirected to sci.astro. 

  3.  "Unverified" astronomical observations will be posted with
      a disclaimer regarding the reliability of the observation. 

      A verified observation is defined as one that has been
      checked and is certified for accuracy by the supporting
      institution (eg. bulletin from an observatory, research
      organization, etc.) It is hoped that posts of the
      unverified observations will serve as a source for 
      other observers for further investigation or for 
      astronomical organizations as a source of additional
      data for research programs, subject to their *own*

  4.  Personal attacks, crossposts irrelevant to astrophysics/
      astronomy research, commercial advertisements, political 
      discussions, or posts originating from addresses that 
      cannot receive e-mail will be rejected. Posters that
      wish to keep their email address confidential may 
      indicate this in direct correspondance to the moderator(s).

Why moderate this newsgroup?

This group is proposed as moderated in order to limit the 
contributions to the newsgroup to research issues, and
to provide a level of quality reflective of a scientific
research newsgroup. Particular attention will be paid by 
the moderator to include contributions by amateur and 
professional alike, but requiring that posts be relevant 
to astronomy/astrophysics research issues.

FTP-Archive/WWW Plans

It is planned to archive the contributions to this newsgroup
and provide a connection to this archive through Mosaic/WWW and
anonymous ftp. A FAQ, covering the moderation philosophy
and other administrivia, will be posted monthly by the

Submission & Contact Addresses

The submission address for articles will be [email protected];
while the contact address will be [email protected].

Why sci.astro.research?

The newsgroup sci.astro.research is being proposed to provide
effective and rapid communication within usenet of research
activities in astronomy and astrophysics. Submissions from
all realms of astronomy of postings relevant to research 
activities within astronomy/astrophysics are encouraged. 
Contribution of professional/research personel to sci.astro
is now primarily feedback to amateur and enthusiast
inquiries concerning general topics in astronomy. Contributions
to sci.astro by these readers is likely to continue with
the existence of sci.astro.research. Furthermore, the
newsgroup sci.astro.research is likely to expand the
level of participation by researchers on sci.astro.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on sci.astro.research
      I vote NO on sci.astro.research

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

sci.astro.research Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]
PARENTK%[email protected]
Brenda J. Roder ([email protected])

From [email protected] Wed May  4 17:44:55 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brenda J. Roder)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.astro,sci.astro.hubble,sci.physics,sci.physics.research,
Subject: RESULT: sci.astro.research moderated passes 466:15
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 27 Apr 1994 09:05:39 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 667
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5015 news.groups:102043 sci.astro:56677 sci.astro.hubble:1129 sci.physics:79495 sci.physics.research:1230

               moderated group sci.astro.research passes 466:15
There were 466 YES votes and 15 NO votes, for a total of 481 valid votes. 
There was 1 abstain and 3 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. 

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 26 Apr 1994.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  

Vote-taker's address:		[email protected] (Brenda J. Roder)
Group proponent's address:	[email protected] (Martin Sulkanen)

Newsgroups line:
sci.astro.research      forum in astronomy/astrophysics research (moderated)


Moderator:  Martin Sulkanen ([email protected])
Backup Mod: Michael V. Newberry ([email protected])
Submission: [email protected]
Contact:    [email protected]


Name:    sci.astro.research

Summary: Discussion of astronomy/astrophysics research & related
         topics and information.

Status:  Moderated.

Moderator:  Martin Sulkanen ([email protected])
Backup Mod: Michael V. Newberry ([email protected])

The purpose of this newsgroup is the discussion of astronomy & astrophysics
research, and the dissemination of information related to astronomy &
astrophysics research. Postings appropriate for sci.astro.research would
include (but does not exclusively consist of):

(i) inquiries or discussions about specific current or historical research, or

(ii) of research-related topics (observing equipment, computational
techniques & software, catalogs, textbooks, journals, references, etc.),

(iii) observations of astrophysical phenomena of interest to researchers
(novae, supernovae, variable stars, high-energy sources, extragalactic
astronomy, planetary astronomy, etc.),

(iv) announcement of recent publications submitted to refereed journals or
of collections of such publications received as preprints,

(v) announcement of future conferences & workshops, proposal or grant
announcments of opportunity, and

(vi) general scientific news relevant to astronomy & astrophysics.

Moderation principles

The moderator will have relatively broad powers to determine
postings that are appropriate for the newsgroup. However, there
are some basic principles that the moderator will adhere to:

  1.  Postings will be judged on their relevancy to scientific
      research in astronomy and astrophysics. For example,
      inquiries such as "what are AM Her stars and can one
      make useful optical observations of them?" are likely
      to be deemed within the realm of this newsgroup, while
      those such as "will the sun blow up one day?" are likely
      to be redirected to sci.astro. The criterion is *not*
      the credentials of the author (contributions by
      amateurs are encouraged), but the relevance of the
      post to research issues. 

  2.  Controversial topics and issues in research can be
      addressed, provided that they are discussed with
      scientific rigor and rationale; "because I say so"
      speculations will be redirected to sci.astro. 

  3.  "Unverified" astronomical observations will be posted with
      a disclaimer regarding the reliability of the observation. 

      A verified observation is defined as one that has been
      checked and is certified for accuracy by the supporting
      institution (eg. bulletin from an observatory, research
      organization, etc.) It is hoped that posts of the
      unverified observations will serve as a source for 
      other observers for further investigation or for 
      astronomical organizations as a source of additional
      data for research programs, subject to their *own*

  4.  Personal attacks, crossposts irrelevant to astrophysics/
      astronomy research, commercial advertisements, political 
      discussions, or posts originating from addresses that 
      cannot receive e-mail will be rejected. Posters that
      wish to keep their email address confidential may 
      indicate this in direct correspondance to the moderator(s).

Why moderate this newsgroup?

This group is proposed as moderated in order to limit the 
contributions to the newsgroup to research issues, and
to provide a level of quality reflective of a scientific
research newsgroup. Particular attention will be paid by 
the moderator to include contributions by amateur and 
professional alike, but requiring that posts be relevant 
to astronomy/astrophysics research issues.

FTP-Archive/WWW Plans

It is planned to archive the contributions to this newsgroup
and provide a connection to this archive through Mosaic/WWW and
anonymous ftp. A FAQ, covering the moderation philosophy
and other administrivia, will be posted monthly by the

Submission & Contact Addresses

The submission address for articles will be [email protected];
while the contact address will be [email protected].

Why sci.astro.research?

The newsgroup sci.astro.research is being proposed to provide
effective and rapid communication within usenet of research
activities in astronomy and astrophysics. Submissions from
all realms of astronomy of postings relevant to research 
activities within astronomy/astrophysics are encouraged. 
Contribution of professional/research personel to sci.astro
is now primarily feedback to amateur and enthusiast
inquiries concerning general topics in astronomy. Contributions
to sci.astro by these readers is likely to continue with
the existence of sci.astro.research. Furthermore, the
newsgroup sci.astro.research is likely to expand the
level of participation by researchers on sci.astro.


***** Please do not use this voting list to generate a mailing list (neither the
yes or no votes) -- voters are not necessarily interested in the topic *****

sci.astro.research Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                        David Dudek
?[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                               Arne A. Henden
[email protected]                                         Andrew Berman
[email protected]                                       Richard Wagner
[email protected]                                    Adam Bernstein
[email protected]                                                Hans-Martin Adorf
[email protected]                                    Alec Habig
[email protected]                      JESUS EUGENIO SANCHEZ PENA
[email protected]                                       Albion Lawrence
[email protected]                                      Alice Primack
[email protected]                                     Andrzej Marecki
[email protected]                                Anders M Jorgensen
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                    Andrew Moore
[email protected]                                             Andy Boden
[email protected]                                                 Andy Latto
[email protected]                                           anton koekemoer
[email protected]          V. Antonuccio-Delogu - Tlf.: +39-95-7332 244
[email protected]                                          Arno G. Weiss
[email protected]                                             Andree Popp
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                                David Argentar
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                     Arthur Kosowsky
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                              Library Cummins Diamond
[email protected]                                          Al Smith 422-9739
[email protected]                                    Tasso Tzioumis, ATNF
[email protected]                                                    Jim Ault
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                       Bradford B. Behr
[email protected]                                 Brian Butler Jones
[email protected]                                    Barbara Carter
[email protected]                                                     Bill Clarke
[email protected]                                   Bill Dillon
[email protected]                          Bruce       Scott          TK
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                          Dave Belser
[email protected]                                            schillings benoit
[email protected]                                          Brenda Corbin
[email protected]                                               Bill Roberts
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                       Shag Aristotelis
[email protected]                                                  B.J. Herbison
[email protected]                                 Douglas P. Shannon
[email protected]                                                Bob Black
[email protected]                                      Robert Taylor Fisher
[email protected]                                     tom bolton
[email protected]                                              Ermanno Borra
[email protected]                                               Ben Boyle
[email protected]                                   Steve Bracker
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                            Brian Gossiaux
[email protected]                                        brian fields
[email protected]                                           Bronislaw Rudak
[email protected]                                       shari brooks
[email protected]                                                  Lisa Brown
[email protected]                                              Bernard S Black
[email protected]                         BARRY M. SCHLESINGER
[email protected]                                       Bob Slawson
[email protected]                                 Emory Bunn (a.k.a. Ted)
[email protected]                                                   Burt N Holzman
[email protected]                           Richard 'T-Bone' Burton
[email protected]                                          Howard A. Bushouse
[email protected]                                        Bryan Walls
[email protected]                                             Bert_W Rust_x3811
[email protected]                                              Chris Thompson
[email protected]                                      Chun-Wai Chan
[email protected]                                        Chris Marriott
[email protected]                                      Christophe Monrocq
[email protected]                                King of FIRE Jackson
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                 Chaun Luo
[email protected]                                             Christopher Cody
[email protected]                                     ChongMin Kim
[email protected]                                              Chris Miller
[email protected]                                                  Richard Combs
[email protected]                                          Craig J Copi
[email protected]                                              Robin Corbet
[email protected]                                     Courtenay Footman
[email protected]                                     David F Crawford
[email protected]                                                 Colin Bell
[email protected]                                         DAMBERGER
[email protected]                                    Dan Blanchard
[email protected]                                             David Fullagar
[email protected]                                               Dave Caswell
[email protected]                               David William Pfitzner
[email protected]                                            David Blank
[email protected]                                                Dan Briggs
[email protected]                                           Duane F. Carbon
[email protected]                                           Demers Serge
[email protected]                                                Diab Jerius
[email protected]                                                  Dan Lasley
[email protected]                                              Donald L. Snyder
[email protected]                                               Derek McKay
[email protected]                                          David Mehringer
[email protected]                                                     Dan Murphy
[email protected]                                              Donald J. Barry
[email protected]                                       Douglas S. Miller
[email protected]                          Douglas J. Parsons
[email protected]                                     Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                      Gordon Drukier
[email protected]                                              Dieter Th. Henskes
[email protected]                                      Chris Dudley
[email protected]                                             Roy Duncan
[email protected]                                          Jean-Remi Duquet
[email protected]                                                 Yvan Dutil
[email protected]                    BO/EBC/KX/XFEC R.Reimann 08-682 4187
[email protected]                                                         Ed Corbett
[email protected]                             Gregory W. Edwards
[email protected]                                           Ed Frank
[email protected]                                      Eric Blackman
[email protected]                                     Elliott D. Bloom
[email protected]                                           BOB ELLIOTT
[email protected]                                         Jayanne English
[email protected]                                         Eric Schulman
[email protected]                                               Albrecht_Ernst
ESSER%[email protected]                          Alex Esser
[email protected]                                     Ethan Vishniac
[email protected]                                Edward T. Olsen (x4-7604)
[email protected]                                             Eugene N. Miya
[email protected]                                         David Oesper
[email protected]                            Frank R Chloupek
[email protected]                                             F. Curtis Michel
[email protected]                                              Harry Ferguson
[email protected]                                  Henrique Fleming {F}
[email protected]                                      Frazer R Pearce
[email protected]                                              Fredrick Schmidt
[email protected]                                    Priscilla Frisch
[email protected]                                       Fritz Benedict
[email protected]                                  Sean P. Ryan
[email protected]    FRED WALTER : ASTRONOMY, SUNY STONY BROOK, 516-632
[email protected]                                             oxide owner
[email protected]                                              Gabe Helou
[email protected]                                            Ken Ganga
[email protected]                                      Leigh Blue Caldwell
[email protected]                                                     Bill Gawne
[email protected]                                   Gene Bassett
[email protected]                                                  Greg B Titus
[email protected]                                                   Gord Sarty
[email protected]                                     Guenther Eichhorn
[email protected]                                                gene magnier
[email protected]                                             George Martin
[email protected]                                                  Michael Doyle
[email protected]                                                  Les Schaffer
[email protected]                                      Wolfgang Goeb
[email protected]                                   Kathleen Gordon
[email protected]                                      Graham Corbett
[email protected]                                                   Steve Grandi
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                                   Gregor Tee
[email protected]                                                   g.Preston
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                           George Spagna
[email protected]                                Jacek Lech Kucharewicz
[email protected]                                          W. John Guineau
[email protected]                                   Greg F Walz Chojnacki
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                  Jason Harlow
[email protected]                                         Helix Fairweather
[email protected]                                         Paul Hendry
[email protected]                                                Jim Hetrick
[email protected]                                          Henning Holtschneider
[email protected]                                                     Phil Hodge
[email protected]                                                  The Kabal
[email protected]                                     Bradford Holden
[email protected]                                             Holger Pedersen
[email protected]                                                 Matt Hoyle
[email protected]                                 Hans-Reinhard Muller
[email protected]                                        Scott Hudson - EECS
[email protected]                                          Norman Dutton
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                      Rob Ivison
[email protected]                                                 Jost Jahn
[email protected]                                   mary-frances  jagod
[email protected]                                            Judy Bausch
[email protected]                                 Gottfried Jaeger
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                                 Mark James
[email protected]                                David Jansen
[email protected]                                                 
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                                 John Bohner
[email protected]                                            Joel Clark
[email protected]                                                                   
[email protected]                           Jean-Francois Gonzalez
[email protected]                                        
[email protected]                                          Joseph Fortt
[email protected]                                                       Joe Keane
[email protected]                                           Jim Heagy
[email protected]                                   James H. Horne
[email protected]                                          Joe Coffman
[email protected]                                               James Kiley
[email protected]                                       Jim Lovell
[email protected]                                              John McCarthy
[email protected]                  James Mcgaha : Grasslands Observatory
[email protected]                                                     J.M.Marchant
[email protected]                                      Jean M. Quashnock
[email protected]                                  Joe Dellinger
[email protected]                                                  Joe Elso
[email protected]                                            John Friday
[email protected]                                    Juergen Osterberg
[email protected]                                        Jurgen Osterberg
joycemr%[email protected]                                           
[email protected]                                           John J. Park
[email protected]                                       John Parker
[email protected]                                       J. Porter Clark
[email protected]                                      John Percy
[email protected]                                              John Aldridge
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                           Julian Smith
[email protected]                                 Jim Thomson
[email protected]                                         Johannes Ullrich
[email protected]                                     Juergen Schulz
[email protected]                                    Jon Brinkmann
[email protected]                                      Robert A. Ballance
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                       Karen Gloria
[email protected]                                        Karen Bjorkman
[email protected]                                      Vinay Kashyap
[email protected]                              Kavan Ratnatunga
[email protected]                                        Kurtis A. Williams
[email protected]                                    Karen M. Bourque
[email protected]                                          Tom Kessler
[email protected]                                Karen Halliday
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                         Kurt Hillig
[email protected]                                              Timothy Kimball
[email protected]                                       Michael S Klassen
[email protected]                                          Noah Romer
[email protected]                                          Kyle Cudworth
[email protected]                                            Lloyd Knox
[email protected]                                       Hr. Kraus
[email protected]                                 Kevin Reardon
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                               Teresa Kroeker
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                        Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                        Paula Lambertz
[email protected]                               CSC Operations Astronomer/SPSS
[email protected]                                              Lars W. Holm
[email protected]                                             Lee Pratt
[email protected]                                                     Jon Leech
[email protected]                                           K. D. Leka
[email protected]                                       Mark Lemmon X2773
[email protected]                                             Dawn Lenz
[email protected]                                           Tom Lesniewski
[email protected]                                                        JILL
[email protected]                                         Ellen Bouton
[email protected]                                          Jeanette Regan
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]    Michele Limon, Bartol Research Institute (302)
[email protected]                                             Steve Linscott
[email protected]                                                 Murray J. Linton
[email protected]                                                    Hui Li
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                          Phil Lockett
LOCKY%[email protected]                                            Locky
[email protected]                                                MacRae
[email protected]                                       James "Kiboob" P...
[email protected]                                                 David Mar
[email protected]                                          Maria Hunt
[email protected]                                          Mark Higgins
[email protected]                                      Markus Buchhorn
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                     Matthew Young
[email protected]                                         Mark Birkinshaw
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                       Tom McGlynn
[email protected]                                           martin coghlan
[email protected]                                         matt craig
[email protected]                                               Malcolm Binns
[email protected]                                Stephan Melin
[email protected]                                             Maria Eugenia Gomez
[email protected]                                          
[email protected]                                       Michael J. Antoniewicz
[email protected]                                   Ken Mighell
[email protected]                                          Michael Gutzwiller
[email protected]                                        Michael Hore
[email protected]                                      Michael Hund
[email protected]                                          Cole Miller
[email protected]                                         Martin Hardcastle
[email protected]                                             Martin Oldfield
[email protected]                                           Maggie Johnson
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                          Michael J Kovacs
[email protected]                                                       Matti Jokinen
[email protected]                                    Richard Molay (CSC)
[email protected]                               Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
[email protected]                                          Michael Moroney
[email protected]                                               Mitchell Patenaude
[email protected]                           Melissa Rhoads Warden
[email protected]                                               Mark Higgins
[email protected]                                        Marc A. Murison
[email protected]                                             muto-nozomu
[email protected]                                                Mark Wieringa
[email protected]                                              William Johnson
[email protected]    Never send a probe to do a man's job  07-Apr-
[email protected]                                           Christian Nally
[email protected]                                Sergei Naoumov
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                          Mike Newberry
[email protected]                                     W. Shawn Niblack
[email protected]                                          Nicholas Hunter
[email protected]                                     Nigel Metcalfe
[email protected]                                     Nils Nieuwejaar
[email protected]                                   Nancy J Lame
[email protected]                                           Richard E.
[email protected]                                             Nial Tanvir
[email protected]                             Steve O'Dell, 205-544-7708
[email protected]                                               Olivier Hainaut
[email protected]                                            Olof Morell
[email protected]                                     Orion Pozo
[email protected]                                           Martin Ott
[email protected]                                        Matthias Ehle
[email protected]                                                           
PARENTK%[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                         Patrick B. Hall
[email protected]                                                   Paul Schlyter
[email protected]                                           PATRICIA WHITELOCK
[email protected]                             Per Gradua Ad Astra
[email protected]                              Jouni Peltoniemi 23
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                            Peter Hayes
[email protected]                                              Peter Bell
[email protected]                                       Pfenniger Daniel
[email protected]                                                Peter G. Ford
[email protected]                                                A.D. Scott
[email protected]                                    Hartmut Frommert
[email protected]                                                   Phil Marks
[email protected]                                            George D. Phillies
[email protected]                                   Cynthia Phillips
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                               Burkhard Plache
[email protected]                                    Joel Plutchak
[email protected]                                                   Paul Martz
[email protected]                                  Pauline Margaret Barmby
[email protected]                                        Prof. Moriarty
[email protected]                                      Patrick Palmer
[email protected]                        Philip M. Schumacher
[email protected]                         Peter Kretschmar
[email protected]                                  Christine Pulliam
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn
[email protected]                                               Jeff Bytof
[email protected]                                           Ralf W. Stephan
[email protected]                                             Ralphe Neill
[email protected]                                       Luisa Rebull
[email protected]                                   Robert F. Matthews
[email protected]                                                     Richard Hook
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                                    Stupendous Man
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                        Rainer Kayser
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                                    Robert Clark
[email protected]                                       Robert Mutel
[email protected]                                               Ray Norris
[email protected]                                       Robert Glock
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                       Frank Robijn
[email protected]                                  Ross Edwin Robinson
[email protected]                                             Cave Newt
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                                 Ronald Florence
[email protected]                                           Ron Watkins
[email protected]                                       Ruben Krasnopolsky
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                           Bob Cadman
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                     Marty Ryba
[email protected]                                            Zagretdinov Renat
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                             THE PRINCE
[email protected]                                      Christopher Salander
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                                 Brenda Kalt
[email protected]                                 Martin Sawicki
[email protected]                                   David Schade
[email protected]                                         Roman Schreiber
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                           Sandra Scott
[email protected]                                           Susana Deustua
[email protected]                                  Bernhard Seefeld
[email protected]                                 Simon Ellingsen
[email protected]                                                     ED SHAYA
[email protected]                                    Charles Shepherd
[email protected]                                    C. Ian Short
[email protected]                    Mark Showalter 415-604-3382
[email protected]                                           Luc Simard
[email protected]                                                  Simon Morris
[email protected]                                             Ramin Sina
[email protected]                                  Simon Bradshaw
[email protected]                                       Stephen Meatheringham
[email protected]                     Stefanie Komossa
[email protected]                                                  Doug Snyder
[email protected]                                    Jacob Sparre Andersen
[email protected]                                       Steve Banerian
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                      Albert Stebbins
[email protected]                              Stefan Mochnacki
[email protected]                                 Stefano Unternaehrer
[email protected]                                        Steinn Sigurdsson
[email protected]                          Stephen B. Selipsky
[email protected]                                Martin E. Sulkanen
[email protected]                                        Sascha Wildner
[email protected]                                 Hannelore Sylvia Toombs
[email protected]                                          Rob Tanner
[email protected]                                                   Tim Bedding
[email protected]                                           Tom Dennis
[email protected]                                        Todd Duncan
[email protected]                                       Allyn Tennant
[email protected]                                            Terry O'Neill
[email protected]                              Thomas Fricke
[email protected]                                             
[email protected]                                                   Tom Heyward
[email protected]                                    Julie Thorburn
[email protected]                                          Timothy Banks
[email protected]              Bruce M Tindall -- Personal Account
[email protected]                                P Chewning Toulmin
[email protected]                                             Trond Erik Hillestad
[email protected]                                                  Terry Sikes
[email protected]                                            Giovanni Tumiati
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                         Larry Twigg
[email protected]                                                   David Tyler
[email protected]                                                 Ulf Torkelsson
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                             John D. Upton
[email protected]                                              Catherine Upton
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                    Jonathan Shanklin
[email protected]                                       Vincent E. Kargatis
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                    Vitoria Pablo n-2260
[email protected]                                       nathan wallace
[email protected]                                      Ulf Bahrenfuss
[email protected]                                             Wayne Hayes
[email protected]                                  Erich Weber, IT, OeFZS
[email protected]                      Werner W. Weiss, IfA, Vienna
[email protected]                                               Brett Wells
[email protected]                                     Alexander Welz
[email protected]                                           Barbara Weston
[email protected]                                                   Wink
[email protected]              Waylena M. McCully, Ritter Planetarium
[email protected]                        michael wolff (608) 262-7542
[email protected]                                               Michele Worley
[email protected]                                  Edward L. Wright
[email protected]                                         Wilfred Walsh
[email protected]                                                  Peter Hauschildt
[email protected]                                            Pamela Yorks
[email protected]                                            Philip Young
[email protected]                                                      Yun Choi
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                      zcapk43
[email protected]                                            Jon Tischler

Voted No
[email protected]                                            Marsha Allen
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                            Craig B. Foltz
[email protected]                                          George F. McQuary
HD0022%[email protected]                           Chip Dunham
[email protected]                                       David Knapp
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                            Mike Jones
[email protected]                                    A Service Organization
[email protected]                                                     Leigh Palmer
[email protected]                                          Richard Link
[email protected]                                 Paul J. Schinder
[email protected]                                      Timothy E. Vaughan
[email protected]                                 William Gladnick
[email protected]                                       Steve Willner

[email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS

Votes in error
[email protected]                                       Alicia Howe
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                             
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                         Bruce Peterson
   ! No vote statement in message
Brenda J. Roder ([email protected])

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