From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 12:21:43 1993
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:904 news.groups:22250 rec.arts.sf-lovers:36698
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.sf-lovers
Path: rpi!tale
From: [email protected] (Wayne Throop)
Subject: CFD:  rec.arts.sf-reviews moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Date: 28 Feb 91 04:51:18 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 115

As many will remember, I posted a call for discussion on the creation a
moderated newsgroup for SF reviews some time ago, whereupon I said:

> After three weeks of discussion (if there *is* active discussion), I
> intend to call for votes.

Well, I didn't lie... I *intended* to do so.  But for reasons both technical
and personal I was unable to consumate my intent in this matter. 

Until now.

There was, I think, enough interest to warrant a vote, since there
were many positive voices in the last round of discussion.  But since
so much time has passed, I intend to allow for further discussion.


The previous discussion didn't stir up overwhelming responses, but
there were quite a few comments.  In particular, there were (barring
miscounts or lost messages) these types of comments:

                     positive    negative     suggestions/requests
delivered by mail       10           1              1
             news        2           0             12

(Note: the twelve suggestions by news were at least implicitly positive,
       but not explicitly so.)

Further, three people volunteered to help moderate the newsgroup.
Stand up and take a bow, folks... don't be shy:

    Alan Wexelblat          [email protected]
    Michael C. Berch        [email protected]
    Bill Wisner             [email protected]

( In fact, I'm using the assistance of Alan Wexelblat to overcome
  some of my technical difficulties to conduct this discussion/vote.
  Thanks much. )

To summarize the previous discussion:

    Newsgroup:         rec.arts.sf-reviews (moderated)

    Charter:           Short, individually bundled reviews,
                       similar to but
                       likely to be shorter, reviewing works
                       in any medium of "SF" or "Fantasy".

    Big-Brotherness:   Kept to a minimum, moderation mainly used
                       to exclude non-reviews and provide a common
                       textual format, keywords, and spoiler warnings.

    Procedures:        Procedures and rules would be periodically posted,
                       but discussed and/or voted on offgroup via email.

    Spoilers:          Simple "SPOILERS" line inserted at the front of
                       works considered by either submitter or moderator
                       to contain same (not foolproof, but nothing is).

    Other keywords:    The keywords line will be set by the moderator
                       to indicate at least "fantasy", "SF", "horror"
                       and (redundantly) "spoilers".

Other issues brought up:

    Moderator:         One of the four volunteers, perhaps with a
                       rotation of duties to be decided upon among
                       volunteer moderators  (Alan Wexelblat will 
                       take the first set of duties).
    Conflicting        Explicitly allowed, even encouraged...
       reviews:        only non-reviews disallowed.

    Copyright          Copyrights would be explicitly left with the 
        (or copyleft)  persons who submit reviews.  They, of course
                       would be free to give their work away if they wish.

    Horror:            Would not be given any special status, either pro or

    Review criteria:   Moderation will be applied so that simple "I like it"
		       with no help to the reader to determine if *they*
		       would like it would be excluded.
    Crossposting:      There were several suggestions both pro and con,
                       but I propose to start simple, and not have this
                       newsgroup connected to anything but a usenet newsgroup,
                       with no crosspostings, gateways, or whatnot.

    Naming overhaul:   There were several suggestions that now would
                       be a marvelous time to unsnarl some naming
                       glitches, such as move rec.arts.sf-lovers to
                       rec.arts.sf.d or rec.arts.sf.misc and introduce 
                       the group as  I'm not
                       prepared to tilt at that particular windmill
                       at this particular time, and so I still propose
                       rec.arts.sf-reviews.  I would, however, cheer
                       anybody *else* who wants to tackle such an issue.
                       (This also applies to regularization of the various
                        mailing lists or alt. groups and related issues.
                        They're good ideas, but I'd rather take on one
                        thing at a time.)

    Header format:     There were requests that the header information
                       (especially of name and author) be made regular
                       enough to be automatically parsable, to allow
                       automated scanning/indexing/etc of an archive
                       of postings.  Good idea, but we need concrete

    Size limit:        For now, we'll see if we can get along without it.

So, gentlebeings, start your discussing.

Wayne Throop     ...mcnc!sheol!throopw

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:14:58 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1013 news.groups:24116 rec.arts.sf-lovers:39234 rec.arts.books:16529 rec.arts.movies:40046 rec.arts.comics:33480
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.sf-lovers,rec.arts.books,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.comics
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Alan Wexelblat)
Subject: CFV:  rec.arts.sf-reviews moderated
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Date: 6 Apr 91 04:45:34 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 90
Status: RO

[[ This had to be cancelled because of the vote end date anomaly. ]]


Proposed group name:  rec.arts.sf-reviews

Moderation status:  multiple moderators.  The initial rotation-list of 
	moderators includes:
	    Alan Wexelblat          [email protected]
	    Michael C. Berch        [email protected]
	    Bill Wisner             [email protected]
	    Wayne Throop	    [email protected]
	    Dan'l Danehy-Oakes      [email protected]

	rec.arts.sf-reviews will be a moderated newsgroup, under shared
	moderation, whose purpose is to distribute reviews and critical 
	reviews of works of interest to the science fiction/fantasy/horror 

	"Works" includes but is not limited to:  books, short stories, 
	movies, "graphic novels," and any other publically-available media.

	"Of interest to the sf/f/h community" will be interpreted
	liberally by the sitting moderator.  The discussion period for
	the creation of this group has led to the conclusion that nonfiction 
	or other kinds of fiction by and/or about sf/f/h writers would be 
	permitted, as well as non-fiction of a sort related to one of the 
	above (e.g., speculative science books or mythographies).  

	Reviews of individual episodes or issues of continuing TV series, 
	comic books, etc., would most likely _not_ be permitted; however, 
	reviews of such series as a whole, or of large "arcs" of such
	series, would most likely be permitted.  As noted, however, this 
	would be up to the judgement of the sitting moderator, as influenced
        by the readership.

	Multiple reviews of the same work(s) will be welcome, as will
	single reviews of multiple works.  Comments on reviews will be 
	passed to the newsgroup on a _highly_ selective basis:  generally, 
	they must say something new about the work, rather than simply 
	discussing the review.  This is not intended to stifle debate 
	but to keep the content/noise ratio as high as possible.

	Do *NOT* post votes to this, or any, newsgroup.  The rules for
	newsgroup creation clearly state:

   ONLY votes MAILED to the vote-taker will count. Votes posted to the net
   for any reason (including inability to get mail to the vote-taker) and 
   proxy votes (such as having a mailing list maintainer claim a vote for 
   each member of the list) may not be counted.


	YES votes, for the creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews, should be
	mailed to
		[email protected]


	NO votes, against the creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews, should be
	mailed to
		[email protected]


	Votes may also be sent by "r"esponding to this message or sending
	mail directly to [email protected].  If you do this, your vote *MUST*
	have as its Subject: either 
		Subject:  YES vote for creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews
		Subject:  NO vote against creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews

	Votes sent this way may take longer to tally and/or acknowledge.


	The official comments period for this newsgroup has ENDED.  If you
	have something you absolutely must say, or if you're sure the
	group will pass and you have some advice for the prospective
	moderators, you may mail it to

		[email protected]

	Of course, you can always just post your comments to news.groups.

Voting period:  Now through May 6, 1991.  Votes which are received after 
	April 25, 1991, will be discounted.

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:14:59 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1016 news.groups:24825 rec.arts.sf-lovers:39243 rec.arts.books:16531 rec.arts.movies:40049 rec.arts.comics:33483
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.sf-lovers,rec.arts.books,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.comics
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Alan Wexelblat)
Subject: CFV:  rec.arts.sf-reviews moderated
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY
Date: 6 Apr 91 06:42:19 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 94
Status: RO


Proposed group name:  rec.arts.sf-reviews

Moderation status:  multiple moderators.  The initial rotation-list of 
	moderators includes:
	    Alan Wexelblat          [email protected]
	    Michael C. Berch        [email protected]
	    Bill Wisner             [email protected]
	    Wayne Throop	    [email protected]
	    Dan'l Danehy-Oakes      [email protected]

	rec.arts.sf-reviews will be a moderated newsgroup, under shared
	moderation, whose purpose is to distribute reviews and critical 
	reviews of works of interest to the science fiction/fantasy/horror 

	"Works" includes but is not limited to:  books, short stories, 
	movies, "graphic novels," and any other publically-available media.

	"Of interest to the sf/f/h community" will be interpreted
	liberally by the sitting moderator.  The discussion period for
	the creation of this group has led to the conclusion that nonfiction 
	or other kinds of fiction by and/or about sf/f/h writers would be 
	permitted, as well as non-fiction of a sort related to one of the 
	above (e.g., speculative science books or mythographies).  

	Reviews of individual episodes or issues of continuing TV series, 
	comic books, etc., would most likely _not_ be permitted; however, 
	reviews of such series as a whole, or of large "arcs" of such
	series, would most likely be permitted.  As noted, however, this 
	would be up to the judgement of the sitting moderator, as influenced
        by the readership.

	Multiple reviews of the same work(s) will be welcome, as will
	single reviews of multiple works.  Comments on reviews will be 
	passed to the newsgroup on a _highly_ selective basis:  generally, 
	they must say something new about the work, rather than simply 
	discussing the review.  This is not intended to stifle debate 
	but to keep the content/noise ratio as high as possible.

	Do *NOT* post votes to this, or any, newsgroup.  The rules for
	newsgroup creation clearly state:

   ONLY votes MAILED to the vote-taker will count. Votes posted to the net
   for any reason (including inability to get mail to the vote-taker) and 
   proxy votes (such as having a mailing list maintainer claim a vote for 
   each member of the list) may not be counted.


	YES votes, for the creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews, should be
	mailed to
		[email protected]


	NO votes, against the creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews, should be
	mailed to
		[email protected]


	Votes may also be sent by "r"esponding to this message or sending
	mail directly to [email protected].  If you do this, your vote *MUST*
	have as its Subject: either 
		Subject:  YES vote for creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews
		Subject:  NO vote against creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews

	Votes sent this way may take longer to tally and/or acknowledge.


	The official comments period for this newsgroup has ENDED.  If you
	have something you absolutely must say, or if you're sure the
	group will pass and you have some advice for the prospective
	moderators, you may mail it to

		[email protected]

	Of course, you can always just post your comments to news.groups.

Voting period:  Now through May 6, 1991.  Votes which are received after 
	May 6, 1991, will not be counted.
    (setq mail '("[email protected]" "uupsi!rpi!tale" "[email protected]"))

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:15:18 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1044 news.groups:24534 rec.arts.sf-lovers:39740 rec.arts.books:16835 rec.arts.movies:40590 rec.arts.comics:34825
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.sf-lovers,rec.arts.books,rec.arts.movies,rec.arts.comics
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Alan Wexelblat)
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: moderated
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Date: 13 Apr 91 03:13:55 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 356
Status: O

As of the morning of 4/12/91, votes have been received from the people at
the bottom of the list (262 persons).  When you sent in your vote you should
have received an ACK either from the daemon or from me.  If your name is not
on this list, your vote has not been tallied; you should resend it according
to the intructions in the repeated CFV immediately following.

Thanks to all who voted so far - we'd like to hear from the rest of you.

-------------------- Repeated CFV --------------------

Proposed group name:  rec.arts.sf-reviews

Moderation status:  multiple moderators.  The initial rotation-list of 
	moderators includes:
	    Alan Wexelblat          [email protected]
	    Michael C. Berch        [email protected]
	    Bill Wisner             [email protected]
	    Wayne Throop	    [email protected]
	    Dan'l Danehy-Oakes      [email protected]
	    Evelyn Leeper	    [email protected]

	rec.arts.sf-reviews will be a moderated newsgroup, under shared
moderation, whose purpose is to distribute reviews and critical reviews of
works of interest to the science fiction/fantasy/horror community.

	"Works" includes but is not limited to: books, short stories,
movies, "graphic novels," and any other publically-available media.

	"Of interest to the sf/f/h community" will be interpreted liberally
by the sitting moderator.  The discussion period for the creation of this
group has led to the conclusion that nonfiction or other kinds of fiction by
and/or about sf/f/h writers would be permitted, as well as non-fiction of a
sort related to one of the above (e.g., speculative science books or

	Reviews of individual episodes or issues of continuing TV series,
comic books, etc., would most likely _not_ be permitted; however, reviews of
such series as a whole, or of large "arcs" of such series, would most likely
be permitted.  As noted, however, this would be up to the judgement of the
sitting moderator, as influenced by the readership.

	Multiple reviews of the same work(s) will be welcome, as will single
reviews of multiple works.  Comments on reviews will be passed to the
newsgroup on a _highly_ selective basis: generally, they must say something
new about the work, rather than simply discussing the review.  This is not
intended to stifle debate but to keep the content/noise ratio as high as

	Do *NOT* post votes to this, or any, newsgroup.  The rules for
newsgroup creation clearly state:

   ONLY votes MAILED to the vote-taker will count. Votes posted to the net
   for any reason (including inability to get mail to the vote-taker) and 
   proxy votes (such as having a mailing list maintainer claim a vote for 
   each member of the list) may not be counted.

	YES votes, for the creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews, should be mailed
		[email protected]

	NO votes, against the creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews, should be
mailed to
		[email protected]


	Votes may also be sent by "r"esponding to this message or sending
mail directly to [email protected].  If you do this, your vote *MUST* have as
its Subject: either
		Subject:  YES vote for creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews
		Subject:  NO vote against creation of rec.arts.sf-reviews

	Votes sent this way may take longer to tally and/or acknowledge.


	The official comments period for this newsgroup has ENDED.  If you
have something you absolutely must say, or if you're sure the group will
pass and you have some advice for the prospective moderators, you may mail
it to
		[email protected]

	Of course, you can always just post your comments to news.groups.

Voting period:  Now through May 6, 1991.  Votes which are received after 
	May 6, 1991, will not be counted.

-------------------- The following people have had their votes tallied

"Bill Johnston" 
"Chris Jarocha-Ernst (Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt)"
"Christopher M. Conway" 
"Elisabeth Riba" 
"Jack a.k.a. Wildside" 
"James A. Lane" 
"LT Justin D. Baldwin (CompSci  FACULTY) " 
"Leonore A. Findsen" 
"Michael S. Schiffer" 
"Phazer Keneticus (Girardot, David)" 
"Richard J. Greco" 
"Seth Tisue" 
"Tak Wang" 
"Tam Pikey -- CaTS Consultant"  
"William R(ay) Brohinsky" 
[email protected]
Adrian Mariano 
Alexander Horn 
Andrew David Weiland 
Andrew Wilcox 
Andy (ack! phft! barf!) Santoro 
Arne Henrik Juul 
Bengt Larsson 
Beverly Erlebacher 
Bill Wisner 
Brent Reeves 
Bret Jolly 
Brian Davis 
Brian W. Edmonds 
Bruce Mackey 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chris Siebenmann 
Chuck Carroll 
[email protected], net.god {retired} 
Dave Shield 
David Goldfarb 
David Stein 
Dead Runners Society 
Douglas Ingram 
Fabrice Popineau 
GUTEST5%[email protected]
Geoff C Wing 
Gregory Turk 
Janet Tait 
Jason J. Levit 
Jeff Hildebrand 
Jen Hawthorne 
Jim Horne 
Jim Roche 
Joel B Levin 
Jyrki Jouko Juhani Kasvi 
Karen Ward 
Kari Sutela 
[email protected]
Keith Drake 
Kent Sandvik 
Kevin D Frank 
Kevin Martin 
[email protected] (Larry Hammer)
Lance A. Sibley 
Laurie Sefton 
Lee Ratzan 
Lee Ratzan 
Marcia Bednarcyk 
Marybeth H. O'Halloran 
Matthew Farwell 
Matthias Urlichs 
Michael Paddon 
Mitchell E. Gold 
[email protected]
Paul Davey 
Paul Dourish 
Paul DuBois 
Paul Dworkin 
Pete Apple 
Peter Arien 
RD Francis 
Rajendra Singh 
Richard H. Miller 
Rick Ellis 
Rob McKnight 
Robert Craig Harman 
Rolf Riesen 
Sean Philip Engelson 
Seth Goldberg 
Steve Hick 
Steve Simmons 
Steven P Coltrin 
Subrata Kumar Sircar 
Sverker Johansson 
Sverker Johansson 
Tony Wesley 
Ville Heiskanen 
Warwick Daw 
William Lewis 
William Rucklidge 
Wilson H. Heydt Jr. 
[email protected] (Alayne McGregor)
[email protected] (Anne Louise Gockel)
[email protected] (Dani Zweig)
[email protected] (Jeffrey Youngstrom)
[email protected] (Lynn Robinson Lynn)
[email protected] (Kent Paul Dolan)
[email protected] (Austin Yeats)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bard Bloom)
[email protected] (Betsy Perry)
[email protected] (Leslie Johnston-Dow)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (CrayDeath)
[email protected] (Brendan Kehoe)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Curtis Yarvin)
[email protected] (Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner)
[email protected] (Cynthia Norman)
[email protected] (Lauri Lynn)
[email protected] (Richard)
[email protected] (Lynn M Alford)
[email protected] (Curt Sampson)
[email protected] (Daniel Jacobson)
dant%[email protected]
[email protected] (Derek Zahn)
[email protected] (Dan'l DanehyOakes)
[email protected] (dl rubin x-2566)
[email protected] (David Bowen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
edwardlo%[email protected] (Edward Lopez)
[email protected] (Carl F Brunner)
[email protected] (ethan miller)
[email protected] (James Hague)
[email protected] (Fiona Oceanstar)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Fritz Benedict)
[email protected] (Frank Peters)
[email protected] (Kim Geep)
[email protected] (Gene Kim)
[email protected] (Glenn C. Skinner)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Deanna Grue)
[email protected] (George V. Reilly)
[email protected] (Hades)
[email protected] (Daniel A. Murphy)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Robert S. Wood)
[email protected] (J. Girard Chandler)
[email protected]
harvard!!letni!! (Doug Tucker)
[email protected] (James Moore)
[email protected] (Pyrmagin)
[email protected] (Eiji Hirai)
[email protected] (Howard Gayle)
hplabs!felix!asylvain (Alvin E. Sylvain)
[email protected] (Mike Van Pelt)
[email protected]
[email protected] (J. Kenneth Riviere (JoKeR))
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steven Janowsky)
[email protected] (Joan McGalliard)
jerry cullingford 
[email protected] (Jim Brule')
[email protected] (Joseph Fortt)
[email protected] (James C Phillips)
[email protected] (Justin du Coeur MKA Mark Waks)
[email protected] (Karhu Jouni)
[email protected] (Katie Hynes)
[email protected] (Kevin Rushforth)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (Scott Coulter)
kousen <>
[email protected] (Kishore Krshna)
[email protected] (Kevin Smith)
[email protected] (Christopher Landers)
lefaivre%[email protected]
[email protected] (Daniel Y. Louie)
[email protected] (Lisa S Chabot)
lwv27%[email protected] (Larry W. Virden ext. 2487)
[email protected] (Mark H. Weber)
[email protected] (Michael C. Berch)
[email protected] (Michael D. Louie)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Perry E. Metzger)
[email protected] (Mark Gonzales)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Michael W. Wellman)
[email protected] (Mark Ellingham)
[email protected] (Bill de Beaubien)
[email protected] (Mark Brader)
mtgzy!ecl (Evelyn C Leeper +1 908 957 2070)
[email protected] (Muffy Barkocy)
[email protected] (Jeff Myer)
[email protected] (Ned Danieley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Omniscient fool)
[email protected] (Susanne Huettemeister)
[email protected] (Mike Palmer)
[email protected] (Douglas Parvin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter da Silva)
[email protected] (Chris Phillips)
[email protected]
ray%[email protected] (Vitor Duarte Ray Sergio Duarte)
[email protected] (Ray Allis 5-3583)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Janet M. Lafler)
[email protected] (Rich McAllister)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (ron nelson)
[email protected] (Robert Plamondon)
[email protected] (Doug Roberts)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rick Kulawiec)
[email protected] (Andrew Salamon)
[email protected] (Mike Arms)
[email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Wayne Throop)
[email protected] (The Minister)
[email protected] (Stuart Offenbach)
[email protected] (Steve Lamont)
[email protected] (Stephen R. Smoot)
[email protected] (Bob Snyder)
[email protected] (Sonia Marx)
[email protected] (Sonja Bock)
[email protected] (Petra Zeidler)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steinn Sigurdsson)
[email protected] (Tim Ramsey)
[email protected] (Ted Rodriguez-Bell)
[email protected] (Frederick Teti (Fred))
thomas antoni brady 
[email protected] (Timothy W. Lynch)
[email protected] (Tad Morgan)
tony bible 
[email protected] (Twila Price)
[email protected] (Carl William Traber)
[email protected] (Tom Frauenhofer)
[email protected] ( Frank Jacquette)
[email protected] (Carol Wang)
[email protected] (Warwick Allison)
[email protected] (Alan Wexelblat)
[email protected] (Alan Whinery)
[email protected]
[email protected]
wollman%[email protected] (Garrett Wollman)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Yatabe )

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:17:13 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1116 news.groups:25775 rec.arts.sf-lovers:41666 rec.arts.comics:36008 rec.arts.books:18012
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.sf-lovers,rec.arts.comics,rec.arts.books
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Alan Wexelblat)
Subject: RESULT:  rec.arts.sf-reviews moderated passes 342: 25
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Date: 8 May 91 02:39:50 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 381
Status: RO

The voting period for rec.arts.sf-reviews (moderated) ended on 6 May, 1991.

Thanks to all those who voted, both for and against the group.  There were
367 registered votes, 25 against and 342 for.  The result of the vote
satisfies both criteria of the guidelines for USENET group creation, namely
that there must be at least 100 YES votes and at least 2/3 of the vote be in
favour of creation.

The valid votes registered by the deadline were as follows:

NO Votes (25)

"Bill Johnston" 
"LT Justin D. Baldwin (CompSci  FACULTY) " 
"Prof. John Rager" 
Jim Roche 
Richard H. Miller 
Robert Craig Harman 
[email protected] (Austin Yeats)
[email protected] (Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner)
[email protected] (Lynn M Alford)
[email protected] (David Robinson)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Robert S. Wood)
[email protected] (Joseph Fortt)
[email protected] (Krishna E. Bera)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (Lisa S Chabot)
[email protected] (Audrey C Mack)
[email protected] (Mark Sicignano)
[email protected] (Mike Palmer)
[email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
[email protected]

YES Votes (342)

"AXJCS - CaTS User Consultant"  
"Chris Jarocha-Ernst (Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt)"
"Christopher M. Conway" 
"Dana Goldblatt" 
"Dave Hastings, OUCS" 
"Dave Novak" 
"Elisabeth Riba" 
"Jack a.k.a. Wildside" 
"James A. Lane" 
"Leonore A. Findsen" 
"Melissa Wauford, UTCC" 
"Michael S. Schiffer" 
"Phazer Keneticus (Girardot, David)" 
"Richard J. Greco" 
"Robert S. Maier" 
"Seth Tisue" 
"Tak Wang" 
"Tam Pikey -- CaTS Consultant"  
"William R(ay) Brohinsky" 
[email protected] (Lisa M. Purvis)
[email protected]
Adrian Mariano 
Alexander Horn 
Andrew David Weiland 
Andrew Wilcox 
[email protected]
Andy (ack! phft! barf!) Santoro 
Anne Brink 
Arne Henrik Juul 
Bengt Larsson 
Beverly Erlebacher 
Bill Wisner 
Brent Reeves 
Bret Jolly 
Brian Davis 
Brian W. Edmonds 
Bruce Mackey 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chris Siebenmann 
Chuck Carroll 
[email protected], net.god {retired} 
[email protected] (Colin Jones)
Danny Reger 
Dave Lemke 
Dave Shield 
David Goldfarb 
David Samuel  
David Stein 
Dead Runners Society 
Douglas Ingram 
Fabrice Popineau 
Frits Daalmans 
GUTEST5%[email protected]
Geoff C Wing 
Gregory Turk 
Gunnar Teege 
Gym Z. Quirk 
James J Smith 
Janet Tait 
Jason J. Levit 
Jeff Hildebrand 
Jen Hawthorne 
Jim Horne 
Joel B Levin 
John Sisson 
Jyrki Jouko Juhani Kasvi 
J|rn Hagerup 
Karen Ward 
Kari Sutela 
[email protected]
Keith Drake 
Kent Sandvik 
Kevin D Frank 
Kevin Martin 
[email protected] (Larry Hammer)
Lance A. Sibley 
Laurie Sefton 
Lee Ratzan 
Loren Miller 
Malcolm Mladenovic 
Marcia Bednarcyk 
Mark A. Kolb 
Martin Frederick Terman 
Marybeth H. O'Halloran 
Matthew Farwell 
Matthias Urlichs 
Michael Paddon 
Mitchell E. Gold 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Paul Davey 
Paul Dourish 
Paul DuBois 
Paul Dworkin 
Pete Apple 
Pete Jinks 
Peter Arien 
Peter Franks 
Peter Pregler 
[email protected]
R White 
RD Francis 
Rajendra Singh 
Rick Ellis 
Rob McKnight 
Rolf Riesen 
Sean Philip Engelson 
Seth Goldberg 
Steve Hick 
Steve Simmons 
Steven P Coltrin 
Subrata Kumar Sircar 
Sverker Johansson 
Tad Guy 
Tim Day 
Tom Sarver 
Tony Wesley 
Tor Iver Wilhelmsen 
Troy Kammerdiener 
Ville Heiskanen 
Warwick Daw 
William Lewis 
William Rucklidge 
Wilson H. Heydt Jr. 
[email protected] (paul-michael agapow)
[email protected] (Alayne McGregor)
[email protected] (Anne Louise Gockel)
[email protected] (Dani Zweig)
[email protected] (Jeffrey Youngstrom)
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
[email protected] (Lynn Robinson Lynn)
[email protected] (Kent Paul Dolan)
[email protected] (Anthony Baxter)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bard Bloom)
[email protected] (Bruce Barnett)
[email protected] (Betsy Perry)
[email protected] (Barbara La Scala)
[email protected] (Leslie Johnston-Dow)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (CrayDeath)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Carol Botteron)
[email protected] (Brendan Kehoe)
[email protected] (Brian Hilchie)
[email protected]
carl%[email protected]
[email protected] (Curtis Yarvin)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cynthia Norman)
[email protected] (Lauri Lynn)
[email protected] (Richard)
[email protected] (Rick Crownover)
[email protected] (Joel Scotkin)
[email protected] (Curt Sampson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Daniel Jacobson)
dant%[email protected]
[email protected] (Grenadier)
[email protected] (Dave Nichols)
[email protected] (Dave Goldblatt)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Derek Zahn)
[email protected] (Dan'l DanehyOakes)
[email protected] (dl rubin x-2566)
[email protected] (David Bowen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Paul Ebersman)
edwardlo%[email protected] (Edward Lopez)
[email protected] (Carl F Brunner)
[email protected] (ethan miller)
[email protected] (Ed Vielmetti)
[email protected] (James Hague)
[email protected] (Bob Netherton)
[email protected] (FARROW JEFFREY SCOTT)
[email protected] (Fiona Oceanstar)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Fritz Benedict)
[email protected] (George F. Benedict)
[email protected] (Frank Peters)
[email protected] (Kevin Garlow x2272)
[email protected] (Kim Geep)
[email protected] (Gene Kim)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Glenn C. Skinner)
[email protected] (Gene Gross)
[email protected] (Deanna Grue)
[email protected] (Guy A. Schiavone)
[email protected] (George V. Reilly)
[email protected] (Edmund Hack)
[email protected] (Hades)
[email protected] (Daniel A. Murphy)
[email protected]
[email protected] (J. Girard Chandler)
[email protected]
[email protected]
harvard!!letni!! (Doug Tucker)
[email protected] (James Moore)
[email protected] (Pyrmagin)
[email protected] (Eiji Hirai)
[email protected] (Howard Gayle)
hplabs!felix!asylvain (Alvin E. Sylvain)
[email protected] (Mike Van Pelt)
[email protected]
[email protected] (J. Kenneth Riviere (JoKeR))
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steven Janowsky)
[email protected] (Joan McGalliard)
jerry cullingford 
[email protected] (Jim Brule')
jhreiher%[email protected] (All of life's a stage, and I'm a bit actor.)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joe Geigel)
[email protected] (James C Phillips)
[email protected] (Paul S. R. Chisholm)
[email protected] (Justin du Coeur MKA Mark Waks)
[email protected] (Karhu Jouni)
[email protected] (Katie Hynes)
[email protected] (Kathryn Fielding)
[email protected] (Kevin Rushforth)
[email protected] (Ken Lawrence ( MARATHON ))
[email protected] (Scott Coulter)
kousen <>
[email protected] (Kishore Krshna)
[email protected] (Kevin Smith)
[email protected] (Christopher Landers)
lefaivre%[email protected]
[email protected] (Leo Breebaart)
[email protected] (Laura Hayes Burchard)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Daniel Y. Louie)
lwv27%[email protected] (Larry W. Virden ext. 2487)
[email protected] (Mark H. Weber)
[email protected] (Mats Ohrman)
[email protected] (Matthew Harelick)
[email protected] (Michael C. Berch)
[email protected] (Arthur L. Chin)
[email protected] (Michael Richardson)
[email protected] (Michael D. Louie)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Perry E. Metzger)
[email protected] (Mark Gonzales)
[email protected] (Afroditi Michailidi)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Michael W. Wellman)
[email protected] (Moises Lejter)
[email protected] (Mark Ellingham)
[email protected] (Bill de Beaubien)
[email protected] (Mark Brader)
mtgzy!ecl (Evelyn C Leeper +1 908 957 2070)
[email protected] (Muffy Barkocy)
[email protected] (Jeff Myer)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ned Danieley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Omniscient fool)
[email protected] (Oscar Cwajbaum)
[email protected] (Susanne Huettemeister)
[email protected] (Douglas Parvin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
peter card 
[email protected] (Peter da Silva)
[email protected] (Phil Trubey)
[email protected] (Chris Phillips)
[email protected]
[email protected]
ray%[email protected] (Vitor Duarte Ray Sergio Duarte)
[email protected] (Ray Allis 5-3583)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rodney Brown)
[email protected] (Janet M. Lafler)
[email protected] (Rich McAllister)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Patricia O Tuama)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Roar Larsen)
[email protected] (R Wendt)
[email protected] (ron nelson)
[email protected] (Robert Plamondon)
[email protected] (Doug Roberts)
[email protected]
[email protected] (richard white)
[email protected] (Rick Kulawiec)
[email protected] (Rudolf Kuenzli)
[email protected] (Andrew Salamon)
[email protected] (Mike Arms)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Seth Breidbart)
[email protected] (Wayne Throop)
[email protected] (The Minister)
[email protected] (Edward T. Sindelar Jr.)
[email protected] (Stuart Offenbach)
[email protected] (Steve Lamont)
[email protected] (Stephen R. Smoot)
[email protected] (Bob Snyder)
[email protected] (Sonia Marx)
[email protected] (Sonja Bock)
[email protected] (Chris Spell)
[email protected] (Petra Zeidler)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steinn Sigurdsson)
[email protected] (Tim Ramsey)
[email protected] (Ted Rodriguez-Bell)
[email protected] (Shawn Allen)
[email protected] (Frederick Teti (Fred))
thomas antoni brady 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Timothy W. Lynch)
[email protected] (Tad Morgan)
tony bible 
[email protected] (Twila Price)
[email protected] (Carl William Traber)
[email protected] (Tom Frauenhofer)
[email protected] ( Frank Jacquette)
[email protected] (Carol Wang)
[email protected] (Warwick Allison)
[email protected] (Alan Wexelblat)
[email protected] (Alan Whinery)
[email protected]
[email protected]
wollman%[email protected] (Garrett Wollman)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Yatabe )
zion!samsung!cs.Buffalo.EDU!milun (Davin Milun)

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