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Operations Research ( sci.op-research )
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From [email protected] Tue Jul 13 23:24:08 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mohan Sodhi) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.math.num-analysis,sci.engr.manufacturing,comp.parallel,sci.econ.research Subject: RFD: sci.math.ops-research Followup-To: news.groups Date: 13 Jul 1993 23:11:57 -0400 Organization: UCLA Microcomputer Support Office Lines: 236 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected], 	[email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: Request for Discussion for group for Operations Research Keywords: operations research Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3791 news.groups:76176 sci.math.num-analysis:9313 sci.engr.manufacturing:148 comp.parallel:7700 sci.econ.research:5  Request for Discussion (RFD): I propose a new Usenet group to serve the needs of the operations research (O.R.) community scattered in industry and academic departments such as Math., Engineering,  Computer Science and Management.  The name and the charter of this group is given below.  I also provide information on the process of  creating a newsgroup and answer some expected questions.  This RFD is being cross-posted to the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, sci.math.num-analysis, sci.engr.manufacturing, comp.parallel, and sci.econ.research, and is being separately mailed to the mailing list ORCS-L.  Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Proposed Name of Group 2. Purpose 3. Where Does the Discussion Take Place 4. What Is The Process Of Creating A Newsgroup 5. What About The Listserv Mailing List (ORCS-L) 6. What Next 7. Who To Contact For Information 8. Acknowledgements (A Partial List) Appendix: Discussion On The Name  1.PROPOSED NAME OF GROUP ========================      sci.math.ops-research    (unmoderated)    [A discussion on this name, and other proposals, is appended at the end]      2.PURPOSE  =========    THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS GROUP IS TO ACT AS THE UMBRELLA GROUP FROM    WHICH DIFFERENT O.R. INTEREST GROUPS WILL BRANCH OFF IN THE FUTURE,    AS ENVISIONED BY THE TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE OF THE ORMS BOARD.     In the interim, the newsgroup will support the RESEARCH, APPLICATION    and TEACHING of operations research through the unmoderated exchange    of information through various activities including:    (RESEARCH AND APPLICATION)    -- Posting information about accepted papers    -- Asking questions and posting summaries of replies    -- Posting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other lists such as          -Ajay Shah's list of Free C/C++ programs for numerical methods          -Arthur Geoffrion's list of mail reflectors relevant to O.R.          -John Gregory's FAQ on LP       Those interested in a particular area could bring out regular FAQs       answering questions or likely questions from those new to their       area.    -- Posting information about ARCHIVES (e.g. those at Rutgers, Bilkent)    (TEACHING)    -- Sharing teaching approaches    -- Announcement of new textbooks; Discussion on existing textbooks    (APPLICATION)    -- New product announcements    -- Users' impressions of commercial software (No advertisements.)    (OTHER)    -- JOB announcements in universities and industry  3. WHERE DOES THE DISCUSSION TAKE PLACE =======================================    The discussion takes place only in the group "news.groups". For those    reading this in other newsgroups, the followup to this RFD will    automatically appear in news.groups.  Those unable to post letters    to news.groups (or other newsgroups) can email to                [email protected]    If you have questions about the newsgroup, you can email me.     (See below)  4. WHAT IS THE PROCESS OF CREATING A NEWSGROUP ============================================== >(a) RFD: Discussion, i.e., public hearing to take place in the newsgroup      news.groups for approximately one month  (b) CFV: Call for votes (the voting period will be about 25 days)  (c) Counting of votes and public display of votes  (d) Announcement of new newsgroup   (a)-->(b) assumes no major disagreements about this newsgroup during  discussion. (c)-->(d) assumes that the vote is favorable., i.e.,                Y > N+100 .and. Y > (2/3)(Y+N)  Y being the number of YES votes, N being the number of NO votes for  the creation of the proposed newsgroup.  5. WHAT ABOUT THE LISTSERV MAILING LIST =======================================   Currently a mailing list (orcs-l on LISTSERV) serves some    members of the O.R. community in the discussion of computational aspects   of O.R.  In the absence of another volunteer, I will cross-post relevant   posts on sci.math.ops-research to ORCS-L and vice-versa.  6. WHAT NEXT ============   Once the discussion is over, and there is agreement over whether there   is need for such a group, and that the name is acceptable, and whether   it should or should not be moderated, the next step is to vote (or if   there is disagreement, a more acceptable proposal will be made.)   Look out for the Call for Votes (CFV).  7. WHO TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION ================================= Please email me if you have any questions at the following address:      [email protected]  8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (A Partial List) ==================================== I am grateful to the following, and to others, too numerous to mention, for their constructive comments and encouragement: (In alphabetical order by 1st name)      Arthur Geoffrion     Chris Bullen     James Bean     Lester Ingber     Mark Moraes     Matthew Saltzmann     Ramesh Sharda     Scott Huddleston     Taner Bilgic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohan Sodhi [email protected] Anderson Grad. School of Management UCLA  ========== APPENDIX: DISCUSSION ON THE NAME========================== 27th June '93 ----------------------------- MY POST    -------------------- I am working on creating a new newsgroup for operations research.  So far, the following names have been proposed: 1.   sci.math.ops-research 2.   sci.ops-research 3.   sci.or/ms 4.   sci.or-ms (where "or" stand for operations research, "ms" stand for management science.)  Q1. Are all the names "valid", i.e. acceptable to Usenet readers?  Q2. For the names that are valid, could you order them in decreasing     preference? -------------------------------------------------------------- Some time ago I posted the above seeking help with naming a group that I will be putting up for Discussion soon.  I received a large number of replies with a near-unanimity of opinion. As such, I took the liberty of quoting only from a few responses, rather than collate all the responses. (Etiquette watchers, if this is not the preferred practice, please let me know....I will post all the letters, or least the names of those who responded). Many thanks to those who responded...I have quoted some of them, but have not acknowledged anyone.  I hope the reasoning presented in the quotes will be useful for those searching for valid and acceptable names.  BACKGROUND: Wrangling on the name issue has been going on for some time due to (a) different constituencies (from engr, comp. sci, math., mgt.) of operations research, and (b) the desire to leave "room" to expand into the different sub-areas of operations research with groups such as ..ops-research.linear-programming, or ops-research.stochastics. >From the responses I got, it is clear that that "sci.math.ops-research" is the way to go.   SUMMARY: sci.or/ms is invalid because of the "/", while sci.or-ms is unacceptable because the name is too cryptic.  Both sci.ops-research and sci.math.ops-research are acceptable as names, but there are questions about the desirability of the name "sci.ops-research." The most compelling argument for naming the group under "sci.math." is that "sci.math" may be the best place for people to look for an operations research group. Also, naming the group under sci.math would mean that people who get the sci.math newsfeed would also get the newsgroup in question.  In addition, by proposing the group "sci.ops-research," the onus would be on me to show why operations research deserves its own category under "sci."  The names "" was also suggested.  -Mohan Sodhi  Anderson Grad. School of Management  UCLA  [email protected]  ------------------- SOME QUOTES FROM REPONSES -------------------------  -valid and acceptable are two different things.  1.   sci.math.ops-research  OK.  2.   sci.ops-research  -OK, but less desirable unless you can show that operations research is not a  part of the various disciplines represented at the second level of the sci.*  hierarchy.  -There are always some branches of any field that overlap with other fields. The question one typically asks when locating a newsgroup is:  "where would readers/posters/news-admins logically look for this newsgroup".  Remember, putting it under math means that it will propagate to all sites that get sci.math but not sci.all.  And those are the sites that are most likely to be interested in it.  -	However, placement in the hierarchy is the kind of thing 	that the discussion period is for hashing out.  Go for 	ops-research, initially under sci.* and voice your concerns 	that it might belong under sci.math.*.  I am certain that 	there will be enough discussion on the subject for you to 	make a decision before posting the CFV.  -is kind of stretching the topic (after all, it's a subset of math, right?),  3.   sci.or/ms  Not OK. A / is not valid in a newsgroup name, since each level of that name is  stored as a directory on Unix-based systems, and / is the Unix directory  separator, leading to confusion.   4.   sci.or-ms (where "or" stand for operations research, "ms" stand for management science.)  Legal, but bad; the name of a newsgroup must be understandable not only to  those to whom the group is directed but also to those who have no knowledge of  the subject of the group. In this case, the group would get flooded with  postings asking "what is or-ms?".  Q2. For the names that are valid, could you order them in decreasing     preference?  1, 2, 4. 3 is not acceptable.  -How about a misc group.  From the name, it doesn't sound to me like it should be in a science hierarchy.  Maybe misc.mgmt.operations, or some variant  on that.  Also, isn't there a discussion going on currently about misc.mgmt, or  Maybe you could wait for that one to be decided and place yourself under it?  --------------------    END  ---------------------------------  From [email protected] Mon Jul 26 12:21:30 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mohan Sodhi) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.math.num-analysis,sci.engr.manufacturing,comp.parallel,sci.econ.research,sci.stat.math,sci.nonlinear Subject: 2nd RFD: sci.op-research Followup-To: news.groups Date: 26 Jul 1993 11:51:33 -0400 Organization: UCLA Microcomputer Support Office Lines: 154 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected], 	[email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3868 news.groups:77512 sci.math.num-analysis:9496 sci.engr.manufacturing:188 comp.parallel:7815 sci.econ.research:13 sci.stat.math:43 sci.nonlinear:248  Due to a change in name for the proposed newsgroup from sci.math.ops-research to:             sci.op-research 	    I am posting this second RFD.  The reasons for the change in name are twofold: one, to act in accordance with the recommendations of the Technology Committee of the ORMS Board and the requests of many people who have written asking for the Operations Research group to be in its "own" category, and two, to avoid painful restructuring of the newsgroup when sub-groups are created, as happened with the Statistics, the NeXT and the OS/2 newsgroups recently.  A minor change, the shrinking of "ops" to "op", is to accomodate those who refer to the area as "Operational Research."  Although the proposed name change will now satisfy most O.R. newsgroup readers, the name change is not without cost as some practi- tioners may find it hard to access the newsgroup if their organization gets only "sci.math.*" newsfeeds.  Still, in weighing the pros and cons, I have chosen to go with the new name: might as well do it right the first time!  Another change is the expanded list of newsgroups and mailing lists to which this RFD is being sent in response to requests that I received.  Special thanks go to Craig Willits (Air Force Instt. of Tech.), to David Lawrence (Moderator, news.announce.newgroups) and to readers of the mailing list ORCS-L for making this 2nd RFD possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------- (2nd) Request for Discussion (RFD): I propose a new Usenet group to serve the needs of the operations research (O.R.) community scattered in industry and academic departments such as Math., Engineering,  Computer Science and Management.  The name and the charter of this group is given below.  I also provide information on the process of  creating a newsgroup and answer some expected questions.  This RFD is being cross-posted to the newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, sci.math.num-analysis, sci.engr.manufacturing, comp.parallel, sci.econ.research, sci.stat.math, and sci.nonlinear and is being separately mailed to the mailing lists ORCS-L and [email protected] (Dynamics of Manufacturing Systems.)  Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Proposed Name of Group 2. Purpose 3. Where Does the Discussion Take Place 4. What Is The Process Of Creating A Newsgroup 5. What About The Listserv Mailing List (ORCS-L) 6. What Next 7. Who To Contact For Information 8. Acknowledgements (A Partial List)  1.PROPOSED NAME OF GROUP ========================      sci.op-research    (unmoderated)      2.PURPOSE  =========    THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS GROUP IS TO ACT AS THE UMBRELLA GROUP FROM    WHICH DIFFERENT O.R. INTEREST GROUPS WILL BRANCH OFF IN THE FUTURE,    AS ENVISIONED BY THE TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE OF THE ORMS BOARD.     In the interim, the newsgroup will support the RESEARCH, APPLICATION    and TEACHING of operations research through the unmoderated exchange    of information through various activities including:    (RESEARCH AND APPLICATION)    -- Posting information about accepted papers    -- Asking questions and posting summaries of replies    -- Posting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other lists such as          -Ajay Shah's list of Free C/C++ programs for numerical methods          -Arthur Geoffrion's list of mail reflectors relevant to O.R.          -John Gregory's FAQ on LP       Those interested in a particular area could bring out regular FAQs       answering questions or likely questions from those new to their       area.    -- Posting information about ARCHIVES (e.g. those at Rutgers, Bilkent)    (TEACHING)    -- Sharing teaching approaches    -- Announcement of new textbooks; Discussion on existing textbooks    (APPLICATION)    -- New product announcements    -- Users' impressions of commercial software (No advertisements.)    (OTHER)    -- JOB announcements in universities and industry  3. WHERE DOES THE DISCUSSION TAKE PLACE =======================================    The discussion takes place only in the group "news.groups". For those    reading this in other newsgroups, the followup to this RFD will    automatically appear in news.groups.  Those unable to post letters    to news.groups (or other newsgroups) can email to                [email protected]    If you have questions about the newsgroup, you can email me.     (See below)  4. WHAT IS THE PROCESS OF CREATING A NEWSGROUP ============================================== >(a) RFD: Discussion, i.e., public hearing to take place in the newsgroup      news.groups for approximately one month  (b) CFV: Call for votes (the voting period will be about 25 days)  (c) Counting of votes and public display of votes  (d) Announcement of new newsgroup   (a)-->(b) assumes no major disagreements about this newsgroup during  discussion. (c)-->(d) assumes that the vote is favorable., i.e.,                Y > N+100 .and. Y > (2/3)(Y+N)  Y being the number of YES votes, N being the number of NO votes for  the creation of the proposed newsgroup.  5. WHAT ABOUT THE LISTSERV MAILING LIST =======================================   Currently a mailing list (orcs-l on LISTSERV) serves some    members of the O.R. community in the discussion of computational aspects   of O.R.  In the absence of another volunteer, I will cross-post relevant   posts on sci.op-research to ORCS-L and vice-versa.  6. WHAT NEXT ============   Once the discussion is over, and there is agreement over whether there   is need for such a group, and that the name is acceptable, and whether   it should or should not be moderated, the next step is to vote (or if   there is disagreement, a more acceptable proposal will be made.)   Look out for the Call for Votes (CFV).  7. WHO TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION ================================= Please email me if you have any questions at the following address:      [email protected]  8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (A Partial List) ==================================== I am grateful to the following, and to others, too numerous to mention, for their constructive comments and encouragement: (In alphabetical order by 1st name)      Arthur Geoffrion     Chris Bullen     Craig Willits     David Lawrence     James Bean     Lester Ingber     Mark Moraes     Matthew Saltzmann     Ramesh Sharda     Scott Huddleston     Taner Bilgic --  Mohan Sodhi [email protected] Anderson Grad. School of Management UCLA  From [email protected] Sun Aug  1 20:38:29 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.math.num-analysis,sci.engr.manufacturing,comp.parallel,sci.econ.research,sci.stat.math,sci.nonlinear,sci.econ Subject: CFV: sci.op-research Followup-To: poster Date: 1 Aug 1993 19:21:45 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 96 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected], 	[email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (automated vote counter) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3895 news.groups:77935 sci.math.num-analysis:9588 sci.engr.manufacturing:214 comp.parallel:7879 sci.econ.research:17 sci.stat.math:67 sci.nonlinear:259 sci.econ:18387                              CALL FOR VOTES regarding the proposed creation of the unmoderated newsgroup sci.op-research  Votes must be received by 2359 GMT on Sunday 22nd August 1993.  This Call for Votes will also be sent to the following mailing lists:   ORCS-L ([email protected])     and      [email protected]   CHARTER =======    The main purpose of this group is to act as the umbrella group from    which different operations research interest groups will branch off in    the future, as envisioned by the technology committee of the ORMS    board.     In the interim, the newsgroup will support the RESEARCH, APPLICATION    and TEACHING of operations research through the exchange of information    through various activities including:    (RESEARCH AND APPLICATION)    -- Posting information about accepted papers    -- Asking questions and posting summaries of replies    -- Posting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other lists such as          -Ajay Shah's list of Free C/C++ programs for numerical methods          -Arthur Geoffrion's list of mail reflectors relevant to O.R.          -John Gregory's FAQ on LP       Those interested in a particular area could bring out regular FAQs       answering questions or likely questions from those new to their       area.    -- Posting information about ARCHIVES (e.g. those at Rutgers,        Bilkent)    (TEACHING)    -- Sharing teaching approaches    -- Announcement of new textbooks; Discussion on existing textbooks    (APPLICATION)    -- New product announcements    -- Users' impressions of commercial software (No advertisements.)    (OTHER)    -- JOB announcements in universities and industry  The group will be UNMODERATED.   Newsgroups line: sci.op-research		Operational Research   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS =================== Cut this out this ballot form, fill in your name and delete the choices that aren't applicable.  Send it to [email protected] If your software honours Reply-To lines you can just reply to this message (please trim the message down, though, if you do it by quoting; I don't need a copy of the whole CFV!).     My name is:     My vote on sci.op-research: yes/no/abstain    End of ballot  The line with your name is mandatory.  Do not insert any blank lines.  Votes posted to newsgroups or mailed to anyone except the vote taker will not be counted. Votes for a group with a different name to that shown above will likewise not be counted.  You will receive an acknowledgement of your vote by email; A mass acknowledgement will be posted during the voting period; at the end of the voting period a complete list of votes will be published.  You may only vote once and only from one address, if you have several. The end of the voting period is specified at the top of this CFV.   CONTACT INFORMATION =================== This vote is being conducted by Ian Jackson <[email protected]>, a neutral third party, with possible assistance from Ron Dippold <[email protected]>.  Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about the voting procedure or about particular votes.  Please contact the proposer, Mohan Sodhi <[email protected]>, if you have questions about the proposed group.  Mohan Sodhi is grateful to the following, and to others, too numerous to mention, for their constructive comments and encouragement: (In alphabetical order by 1st name):  Arthur Geoffrion, Chris Bullen, Craig Willits, David Lawrence, James  Bean, Lester Ingber, Mark Moraes, Matthew Saltzmann, Ramesh Sharda,  Ron Dippold, Scott Huddleston, Taner Bilgic.  -- Ian Jackson   [email protected]   ...!uknet!cam-orl!iwj acting as vote taker for sci.op-research under the auspices of UVV. These opinions are not necessarily those of Olivetti Research Ltd.   From [email protected] Tue Aug 10 15:40:28 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.math.num-analysis,sci.engr.manufacturing,comp.parallel,sci.econ.research,sci.stat.math,sci.nonlinear,sci.econ Subject: 2nd CFV: sci.op-research Followup-To: poster Date: 10 Aug 1993 11:29:57 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 400 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected], 	[email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (automated vote counter) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3924 news.groups:78392 sci.math.num-analysis:9712 sci.engr.manufacturing:233 comp.parallel:7943 sci.econ.research:23 sci.stat.math:94 sci.nonlinear:268 sci.econ:18570                          2nd and FINAL CALL FOR VOTES   		        and Mass Vote Acknowledgement regarding the proposed creation of the unmoderated newsgroup sci.op-research  Votes must be received by 2359 GMT on Sunday 22nd August 1993.  This Call for Votes will also be sent to the following mailing lists:   ORCS-L ([email protected])     and      [email protected]   CHARTER =======    The main purpose of this group is to act as the umbrella group from    which different operations research interest groups will branch off in    the future, as envisioned by the technology committee of the ORMS    board.     In the interim, the newsgroup will support the RESEARCH, APPLICATION    and TEACHING of operations research through the exchange of information    through various activities including:    (RESEARCH AND APPLICATION)    -- Posting information about accepted papers    -- Asking questions and posting summaries of replies    -- Posting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other lists such as          -Ajay Shah's list of Free C/C++ programs for numerical methods          -Arthur Geoffrion's list of mail reflectors relevant to O.R.          -John Gregory's FAQ on LP       Those interested in a particular area could bring out regular FAQs       answering questions or likely questions from those new to their       area.    -- Posting information about ARCHIVES (e.g. those at Rutgers,        Bilkent)    (TEACHING)    -- Sharing teaching approaches    -- Announcement of new textbooks; Discussion on existing textbooks    (APPLICATION)    -- New product announcements    -- Users' impressions of commercial software (No advertisements.)    (OTHER)    -- JOB announcements in universities and industry  The group will be UNMODERATED.   Newsgroups line: sci.op-research		Operational Research   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS =================== Cut this out this ballot form, fill in your name and delete the choices that aren't applicable.  Send it to [email protected] If your software honours Reply-To lines you can just reply to this message (please trim the message down, though, if you do it by quoting; I don't need a copy of the whole CFV!).     My name is:     My vote on sci.op-research: yes/no/abstain    End of ballot  The line with your name is mandatory.  Do not insert any blank lines.  Votes posted to newsgroups or mailed to anyone except the vote taker will not be counted. Votes for a group with a different name to that shown above will likewise not be counted.  You will receive an acknowledgement of your vote by email; A mass acknowledgement will be posted during the voting period; at the end of the voting period a complete list of votes will be published.  You may only vote once and only from one address, if you have several. The end of the voting period is specified at the top of this CFV.   CONTACT INFORMATION =================== This vote is being conducted by Ian Jackson <[email protected]>, a neutral third party, with possible assistance from Ron Dippold <[email protected]>.  Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about the voting procedure or about particular votes.  Please contact the proposer, Mohan Sodhi <[email protected]>, if you have questions about the proposed group.  Mohan Sodhi is grateful to the following, and to others, too numerous to mention, for their constructive comments and encouragement: (In alphabetical order by 1st name):  Arthur Geoffrion, Chris Bullen, Craig Willits, David Lawrence, James  Bean, Lester Ingber, Mark Moraes, Matthew Saltzmann, Ramesh Sharda,  Ron Dippold, Scott Huddleston, Taner Bilgic.   VOTES RECEIVED SO FAR ===================== Ballots have been received and recorded from the following users.  If  - you voted before 1200GMT on Sunday 8th August  - you have not received a personal acknowledgement and  - your name does not appear in this list please send in your vote again.  Be careful to follow the instructions above precisely; your vote will be interpreted by a program (which will send back a confirmation or error report for all ballots received).  No negative acknowledgements of incorrectly formatted ballots have been returned to me, the vote-taker, as undeliverable.  Note that duplicate checking has not yet been performed.  Name (from `My name is:')      Address (from ballot message header) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ajin Jirachiefpattana          [email protected] Alan Minkoff                   [email protected] Alex Stankovic                 [email protected]  Alexander Bukhvalov            [email protected] Alexander Verbraeck            [email protected]  Amir A. Sadrain                [email protected]  Anand Iyer                     [email protected] Andre Lehovich                 [email protected]  Andrew Bringhurst              [email protected]  Angela Gelli                   [email protected]  Antoine Gautier                [email protected]  Antonio Frangioni              [email protected] Anupama Narayanan              [email protected] Arthur M. Geoffrion            [email protected] Ashish Gupta                   [email protected] Audun Runde                    [email protected] Axel Dunkel ([email protected])        [email protected]  Badri Toppur                   [email protected]  Barbara J. Hoopes              [email protected] Bhaskar S. Manda               [email protected] Bill Higgins                   [email protected] Bob Korsan                     [email protected]  Bob Weissman                   [email protected]  Boon Lee                       [email protected] Brendan Ring                   [email protected] Brennan Tennesen Price         [email protected]  Brian Borchers                 [email protected]  Bruce W. Morlan                [email protected] Bruce Wayne Schmeiser          [email protected]  Bruno W. Repetto ([email protected]) [email protected] Carlos Cardeira                [email protected]  Ceyda Oguz                     [email protected] Chris Jones                    [email protected] Colin G. Baxter                [email protected]  Cosimo Spera                   [email protected] Craig J. Willits               [email protected]  Curt Stower ([email protected]) [email protected] Daniel M. Rosenblum <[email protected]> [email protected]  David Andrews                  [email protected]  David Ashley                   [email protected] David Coster                   [email protected]  David E. Joyce                 [email protected]  David J. Robb                  [email protected] David J. Rose                  [email protected] David K Smith ([email protected]) [email protected] David M. Tate                  [email protected] David Muir Sharnoff            [email protected] David desJardins               [email protected]  Deena (Dizengoff) Benjamin     [email protected] Deep Medhi                     [email protected] Dimitris Bertsimas             [email protected] Don Wright                     [email protected] Donald Brown                   [email protected] Donald H. Kraft      [email protected] [email protected] Douglas A. Black ([email protected]) [email protected] Dr Mohan KRISHNAMOORTHY        [email protected] Dr. J. S. Sandhu               [email protected]  Ed Pohl                        [email protected] Edmund Stephen-Smith           [email protected] Elaine Strong Acree ([email protected]) [email protected]  Elizabeth A. Eschenbach        [email protected]  Erdem Ince                     [email protected]  Eric A. Bobinsky               [email protected] Eric L. Blair                  [email protected]  Eric S. Theise                 [email protected] Erich M. Klein                 [email protected] Erik Anderson                  [email protected]  Erling D. Andersen             [email protected] Eugene R. Alward               era4%escs%[email protected] Eugenio Sanchez                [email protected]  Federico Malucelli             [email protected] Gary L. Schultz                glsh%escs%[email protected] Geoff Grimwood                 [email protected] George Kontoravdis             [email protected] Georgia-Ann Klutke             [email protected]  Gerald Nielsen                 [email protected] Gerry Feigin                   [email protected] Giorgio Gallo                  [email protected] Graham K. Rand                 [email protected] Gregory A. Godfrey             [email protected] Harlan P. Crowder              [email protected] Hassan Masum                   [email protected]  Helmut Mausser                 [email protected] Hemant Bhargava                [email protected] Hemant Gosavi                  [email protected] Herbert J. Shukiar             [email protected] Hernan Wurgaft                 [email protected] Hershel Safer                  [email protected] Hjalmtyr Hafsteinsson          [email protected] Horacio Gonzalez-Velez         [email protected] I-Chen Wu                      [email protected] Ian Jackson                    iwj  Iris Engelson                  [email protected]  Irvin Lustig                   [email protected]  Istvan Maros                   [email protected] J. Angus                        [email protected] J. B. Chambers                 [email protected]  J.A. Tomlin                    [email protected] Jack Marr ([email protected])    [email protected] Jagadisan Viswanathan          [email protected] James Ault                     [email protected] James D. Ratliff               [email protected]  Jan C. Fransoo                 [email protected] Jasmit Singh Kochhar           [email protected] Jayant Rajgopal                [email protected] Jeff Boyd                      [email protected] Jeffrey S. Hoeft               [email protected] Jesus Ramire Mercado           [email protected]  Jie Wang                       [email protected]  Jiefeng Xu                     [email protected]  Jim Hightower                  [email protected] Jiming Liu                     [email protected] Joachim Geidel                 [email protected]  Joao M. Patricio               [email protected]  Joe Czyzyk                     [email protected]  Joe St Sauver                  [email protected] John Clifford                  [email protected] John Democko                   [email protected]  John E. Mitchell               [email protected] John Gregory                   [email protected]  John Idicula                   [email protected]  John Rulnick                   [email protected] John S. Edwards                [email protected] [email protected]         [email protected] Jonathan M. Jacobs             jmj6%escs%[email protected] Jose Antonio Alvarez-Trevit    [email protected] Jose Antonio Alvarez-Trevit    [email protected] Joseph M. Kahn                 [email protected] Joseph Romanovsky              [email protected]  Jovan Grahovac                 [email protected] K. Morisse                     [email protected] K. Shane Hartman               [email protected] Kenneth Holmstrom              [email protected]  Kenneth Holmstrom              [email protected]  Kent S. Gordon                 [email protected]  Kevin Caskey                   [email protected] Kevin Junck                    [email protected] Kevin McCarthy                 [email protected] Kevin S. Van Horn              [email protected]  Kevin Wayne                    [email protected] Kishore Sarathy                [email protected] Knud D. Andersen               [email protected] Krishna Prasad                 [email protected]  L. Merrill Palmer              [email protected]  LEE KIN                        [email protected] Larry Seiford                  [email protected] Laurel Neustadter              [email protected] Leonardo Junqueira Lustosa     [email protected]  Li Liu                         [email protected] Linus Schrage                  [email protected] Lloyd W. Clarke                [email protected]  [email protected] (Louis Moore) [email protected]  Lucio Lopez Cavazos            [email protected]  Luiz Rodrigues                 [email protected] Luvisia Bakuli                 [email protected] Manuel Laguna                  [email protected] Marc Moorcroft                 [email protected]  Marcel Geurts                  [email protected] Marcel Neuts                   [email protected] Marcel van der Lee             [email protected] Marco A. Duran                 [email protected]  Margit Mayer                   [email protected]  Mark Hooijkaas                 [email protected] Markus Aebi                    /s=markus.aebi/ Martin Czigler                 [email protected]  Martin Malich                  [email protected] Matthew A. Rosenblatt          [email protected] Matthew Saltzman               [email protected]  Matthias Prinz                 [email protected] Mauricio G.C. Resende          [email protected] Meyer Kotkin                   [email protected] Michael Bischoff               [email protected] Michael Bussieck               [email protected] Michael C. Ferris              [email protected]  Michael C. Williams            [email protected] Michael Patriksson             [email protected]  Michael Quinn                  [email protected] Michael Rothkopf               [email protected] Ming Zhou                      [email protected] Mohan Sodhi                    [email protected] Moshe Asher Pollatschek        [email protected] Motakuri Ramana                [email protected]  Mufit Ozden                    [email protected] Murray Nesbitt                 [email protected] Mustafa Akgul                  [email protected]  Myron Hlynka ([email protected]) [email protected]  Nathan Edwards                 [email protected] Nenad Rijavec                  [email protected]  Nuno Oliveira                  [email protected] Nutthapol Asadathorn           [email protected] Olivier Zone                   [email protected]  Othar Hansson                  [email protected]  Pai-Cheng Chu                  [email protected] Paolo Carraresei               [email protected] Paul E. Hoffman                [email protected]  Pedro Garcia del Valle y D.    [email protected] Pedro Garcia del Valle y Duran. [email protected] Peter Davison                  [email protected] Peter Wark                     [email protected] Philip Fourie                  [email protected] Philip Kilby                   [email protected] Philipp Djang                  [email protected] Ping-Shun Huang                [email protected] Professor Gautam Mitra         gautam.mitra Professor Henry Wolkowicz      [email protected] R. P. Smith                    [email protected] RENATO DE LEONE                [email protected]  Raj Datta                      [email protected]  Rajat Jain                     [email protected] Rajat Jain                     [email protected] Rajat Jain                     [email protected]  Ralf L"ubeck <[email protected]> [email protected] Ramayya Krishnan               [email protected] Ramesh Sharda                  [email protected]  Randy Wright                   [email protected] Raymond Rooks                  [email protected] Rich Spiegel   ([email protected]) [email protected] Richard A Greene               [email protected] Richard Allan                  [email protected] Richard Barr                   [email protected]  Richard C. Jenkins             [email protected] Richard Miller                 [email protected]  Richard P. Schennberg          [email protected] Richard S. Sandmeyer           [email protected] Rick LaRowe                    [email protected] Robert E. Johnson              [email protected] Robert Fourer                  [email protected]  Robert Hofer                   [email protected] Robert M. Mattheyses           [email protected]  Robert Schone                  [email protected] Roger Glassey                  [email protected] Roger Z. Rios-Mercado          [email protected]  Roland Wunderling              [email protected]  Ron Levkovitz                  [email protected] Rona Bailey                    [email protected] Russell Reddoch                [email protected] Samuel Frost                   [email protected] Samuel P. Pullen               [email protected] Satoshi Ito                    [email protected]  Scott Morton                   [email protected]  Sergio Maturana                [email protected]  Simon Streltsov                [email protected] Siwate Rojanasoonthon          [email protected] Srikanth Nagarajan             [email protected] Srinivasan Ramaswamy           [email protected] Stanley B. Gershwin            [email protected] Stefano Pallottino             [email protected] Stephan Backhaus               [email protected] Stephan Melin                  [email protected]  Stephen D. Brady               [email protected]  Stephen J. Wright              [email protected] Stephen M. Robinson            [email protected]  Stephen Pollock                [email protected] Steve Dwyer                    [email protected]  Steven Berson                  [email protected]  Stuart Smith                   [email protected] Suresh Sridhar                 [email protected] Susan W. Palocsay              [email protected] Sven Leyffer ([email protected]) [email protected] Tamas Terlaky                  [email protected] Tarun Sen                      [email protected] Terry Harrison                 [email protected] Thomas Hagadorn                [email protected] Thomas I. Seidman	<[email protected]> [email protected] Thomas McGuigan ([email protected]) [email protected] Timothy C. Pitts               [email protected] Todd Strauss                   [email protected] Tristram Scott                 [email protected]  Tsen Chung Kang                [email protected] Utpal Bose                     [email protected] Vicki Sauter                   [email protected] Victor H. ZALDIVAR-CARRILLO    [email protected]  Vidyadhar  Kulkarni            [email protected] Vishy Visweswaran              [email protected] Waleed A. Muhanna              [email protected] Warren Walker                  [email protected] William J. Hery                [email protected] Willy Rotstein                 [email protected] Windsor L. Jones               [email protected] Wyn Owen                       [email protected] Yellamraju Muralikrishna       [email protected]  Zehai Zhou                     [email protected] [email protected] (Geraldo Veiga) [email protected] [email protected] (Julian Macassey) [email protected]  srinivas rajagopal             [email protected] [email protected] (Jan Vink)    [email protected] --  Ian Jackson   [email protected]   ...!uknet!cam-orl!iwj acting as vote taker for sci.op-research under the auspices of UVV. These opinions are not necessarily those of Olivetti Research Ltd.  From [email protected] Tue Aug 24 17:15:07 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.math.num-analysis,sci.engr.manufacturing,comp.parallel,sci.econ.research,sci.stat.math,sci.nonlinear,sci.econ Subject: RESULT: sci.op-research passes 486:12 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 24 Aug 1993 13:59:59 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 595 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected], 	[email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3972 news.groups:79879 sci.math.num-analysis:9901 sci.engr.manufacturing:272 comp.parallel:8114 sci.econ.research:35 sci.stat.math:169 sci.nonlinear:290 sci.econ:18818  The proposed unmoderated newsgroup sci.op-research has passed its vote for creation by 486 votes in favour to 12 votes against, with 2 abstentions.  In all, 500 votes were cast.  There will now be a 5 day waiting period for objections to be raised regarding the conduct of the vote.  Barring any improprieties David Lawrence will then issue the newsgroup creation message.   CHARTER =======    The main purpose of this group is to act as the umbrella group from    which different operations research interest groups will branch off in    the future, as envisioned by the technology committee of the ORMS    board.     In the interim, the newsgroup will support the RESEARCH, APPLICATION    and TEACHING of operations research through the exchange of information    through various activities including:    (RESEARCH AND APPLICATION)    -- Posting information about accepted papers    -- Asking questions and posting summaries of replies    -- Posting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other lists such as          -Ajay Shah's list of Free C/C++ programs for numerical methods          -Arthur Geoffrion's list of mail reflectors relevant to O.R.          -John Gregory's FAQ on LP       Those interested in a particular area could bring out regular FAQs       answering questions or likely questions from those new to their       area.    -- Posting information about ARCHIVES (e.g. those at Rutgers,        Bilkent)    (TEACHING)    -- Sharing teaching approaches    -- Announcement of new textbooks; Discussion on existing textbooks    (APPLICATION)    -- New product announcements    -- Users' impressions of commercial software (No advertisements.)    (OTHER)    -- JOB announcements in universities and industry  The group will be UNMODERATED.   Newsgroups line: sci.op-research		Operational Research   CONTACT INFORMATION =================== This vote was conducted by Ian Jackson <[email protected]>, a neutral third party.  Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about the voting procedure or about particular votes.  Please contact the proposer, Mohan Sodhi <[email protected]>, if you have questions about the proposed group.  Mohan Sodhi is grateful to the following, and to others, too numerous to mention, for their constructive comments and encouragement: (In alphabetical order by 1st name):  Arthur Geoffrion, Chris Bullen, Craig Willits, David Lawrence, James  Bean, Lester Ingber, Mark Moraes, Matthew Saltzmann, Ramesh Sharda,  Ron Dippold, Scott Huddleston, Taner Bilgic.   LIST OF VOTERS ==============  The following people voted more than once.  Only one of each was counted:  [email protected] (Cathal Brugha)  [email protected] (Pedro Garcia del Valle y Duran.)  [email protected]  (Kenneth Holmstrom)  [email protected] (Professor Henry Wolkowicz)  [email protected] (Ajin Jirachiefpattana)  [email protected]  ([email protected] (Julian Macassey))  [email protected]  (Eberhard Kranich)  [email protected] (Rajat Jain)  [email protected] (Jose Antonio Alvarez-Trevit)  [email protected] (Venkatachalam Narayanan)  [email protected] (YOUR NAME)   [email protected] (J. Angus)  [email protected]  (Rajat Jain)  The following person's vote arrived after the close of polls:  LOUCOPOC%[email protected] (Constantine Loucopoulos)  Here is the complete list of the votes which were counted, with the email address found in the ballot header and the name as given in the body of the ballot:  Yes Votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[email protected]                                                Rick Olson /S=markus.aebi/                                       Markus Aebi [email protected]       Basil Gorbachuk    My e-mail address is: [email protected] [email protected]                                          Robert Fourer [email protected]                              Alexander Verbraeck [email protected]                                          Adriaan Joubert [email protected]                                   Christopher Browne [email protected]                                    Thanos Avramidis [email protected]                                          Kent S. Gordon [email protected]                                         Hari Abhyankar [email protected]                                     John S. Edwards [email protected]                      Elaine Strong Acree ([email protected]) [email protected]                                              Axel Dunkel ([email protected]) [email protected]                              Adriano Azevedo-Filho [email protected]                                            Arlin Anderson [email protected]                                     Arthur M. Geoffrion [email protected]                                           Richard S. Sandmeyer [email protected]                                                    A. Gunasekaran [email protected]                                             Mustafa Akgul [email protected]                                               Can Akkan [email protected]                                 Eugenio Sanchez [email protected]                                                    Andre Lehovich [email protected]                                       Richard Allan [email protected]                                  Dr. Stephane AMARGER [email protected]                                     Asbjoern M. Bonvik [email protected]                                          Amir A. Sadrain [email protected]                                            Mahyar Amouzegar [email protected]                                               Anand Iyer [email protected]                                    Anatoly Ulyanov [email protected]                                    Andras Salamon [email protected]                                           David Andrews [email protected]                                               Yash Aneja [email protected]                                          Antoine Gautier [email protected]                                         Anupama Narayanan [email protected]                                  Alan Kaufman ([email protected]) [email protected]                                               Armann Ingolfsson [email protected]                                                Art Hsu [email protected]                                      Alan Minkoff [email protected]                                           Alex Stankovic [email protected]                                           Audun Runde [email protected]                                                       James Ault [email protected]                                  Stephan Backhaus [email protected]                                          Badri Toppur [email protected]                                       Luvisia Bakuli [email protected]                                 Moshe Asher Pollatschek [email protected]                                            Thomas Barothy [email protected]                                                 Richard Barr [email protected]                                               Tarun Sen [email protected]                                               Jan C. Fransoo [email protected]                                Todd J. Beltracchi [email protected]                                               Benoit Rottembourg [email protected]                                        Ravi Bhagavan [email protected]                                Hemant Bhargava [email protected]                                     Bhaskar S. Manda [email protected]                                         Bill Higgins [email protected]                                            Bill Barhydt [email protected]                      Bjarni Kristjansson ([email protected]) [email protected]                                                     Bob Korsan [email protected]                                                    Boon Lee [email protected]                                          Brian Borchers [email protected]                                              ENDRE BOROS [email protected]                                               Jeff Boyd [email protected]                   Bruno W. Repetto ([email protected]) [email protected]                                              Bas Braams [email protected]                                                Stephen D. Brady [email protected]                                       Andrew Bringhurst [email protected]                                     Monica L. Brodzik [email protected]                                      Alexander Bukhvalov [email protected]                                             R. L. Bulfin [email protected]                                      Brendan Ring [email protected]                                 Tristram Scott [email protected]                                               Kees Roos [email protected]                                              Utpal Bose [email protected]                                  Eric A. Bobinsky [email protected]                                             Paolo Carraresei [email protected]                                           Colin G. Baxter [email protected]                                        Cathal M. Brugha [email protected]                                      Carlos Cardeira [email protected]                                             Demet Ceylan [email protected]                                      John W. Chinneck [email protected]                                     Berthe Y. Choueiry [email protected]                             Tsen Chung Kang [email protected]                                  Stefano Cirolini [email protected]                                                      Chris Jones [email protected]                               John Clifford [email protected]                                      C. NIRMAL HASAN [email protected]                                            Colm O'Cinneide [email protected]                                   George Kontoravdis [email protected]                                            Cosimo Spera [email protected]                                       JP Crametz [email protected]                                                 Colin Bell [email protected]                                                      J Z Provo [email protected]                                         Harlan P. Crowder [email protected]                     Charles R. Sox ([email protected]) [email protected]                                    Christopher M. Rump [email protected]                                           Christine S. Ng [email protected]                Curt Stower ([email protected]) [email protected]                              Elizabeth A. Eschenbach [email protected]                                      Craig J. Willits [email protected]                                          Joe Czyzyk [email protected]                                      YOUR NAME [email protected]                                         David P. Darcy [email protected]                                John S. Novak, III [email protected]                                                Raj Datta [email protected]                     S. Dauzere-Peres ([email protected]) [email protected]                                       Dimitris Bertsimas [email protected]                                           David Coster [email protected]                                       Donald Brown [email protected]                            Deena (Dizengoff) Benjamin [email protected]                                            RENATO DE LEONE [email protected]                                                Francis Depuydt [email protected]                                            David desJardins [email protected]                                                David Finkel [email protected]                                           Derek Holmes [email protected]                    Claude Diderich ([email protected]) [email protected]    Donald H. Kraft      [email protected] [email protected]                   David K Smith ([email protected]) [email protected]                                      David M. Markowitz [email protected]                                           Deep Medhi [email protected]      Daniel M. Rosenblum <[email protected]> [email protected]                                   Christiane Doerk [email protected]                                     Donald P. Cram [email protected]                                      D. Shier [email protected]                                              Donald Parish [email protected]                                              Daniel P. Heyman [email protected]                                                     David Rios [email protected]                                                  David M. Tate [email protected]                                          Marco A. Duran [email protected]                                            David Ashley [email protected]                                              Don Wright [email protected]                                           Eric L. Blair [email protected]                                     Michael Heber Cole [email protected]                                           Erling D. Andersen [email protected]                                      Edmund Stephen-Smith [email protected]                                          Edwin Romeijn [email protected]                                                H. Edward Hall [email protected]                                      Erdem Ince [email protected]                                         Elaine Chew [email protected]                                                 Ed Pohl ERA4%ESCS%[email protected]                              Eugene R. Alward [email protected]                               Jesus Ramire Mercado [email protected]                                       Erich M. Klein [email protected]                                            Erik Tarnvik [email protected]                                              Erik Anderson [email protected]                                        Mr Andreas ERNST [email protected]                                 ANDY PHILPOTT [email protected]                                Dr. J. S. Sandhu [email protected]                                          Eric S. Theise [email protected]                                         Souheil Ezzedine [email protected]                                  Linus Schrage [email protected]                                Susan W. Palocsay [email protected]                                             Fang, Shu-Cherng [email protected]                                             Gerry Feigin [email protected]                                      Chris Fernandes [email protected]                                           Michael C. Ferris [email protected]                                              Mark D. Fisher [email protected]                        Francisc van Amerongen [email protected]                                          Antonio Frangioni [email protected]                                Frany Nelissen [email protected]                                            Sean P. Ryan [email protected]                                      Kai Furmans [email protected]                                                Giorgio Gallo [email protected]                           Pedro Garcia del Valle y D. Gautam.Mitra                              Professor Gautam Mitra [email protected]                                                 Gerald Nielsen [email protected]                               Joachim Geidel [email protected]                                      Angela Gelli [email protected]                                            Geoff Grimwood [email protected]                                       Stanley B. Gershwin [email protected]                              Gregory A. Godfrey [email protected]                          [email protected] (Geraldo Veiga) [email protected]                                         Girish Palliyil GLSh%ESCS%[email protected]                               Gary L. Schultz [email protected]    Dr. Ralf Gollmer ([email protected] [email protected]                                             Hemant Gosavi [email protected]                                        Martin Grammel [email protected]                                           Paul Gray [email protected]                                Brennan Tennesen Price [email protected]                                              Jayant Rajgopal [email protected]                                                     Gopal Gupta [email protected]                                               Ashish Gupta [email protected]                                           Harun R. Yazgan [email protected]                                                  Howard Beck [email protected]                                               Thomas Hagadorn [email protected]                                             Timo Hamalainen [email protected]                               Markus Greiling [email protected]                                               Terry Harrison [email protected]                                         LAU, HOONG-CHUIN [email protected]                      Heidrun Schmidt [email protected]                                     James W. Hengst, Jr. [email protected]                                       Herbert J. Shukiar [email protected]                                                   Hershel Safer [email protected]                                      Betty L. Hickman [email protected]                       Hjalmtyr Hafsteinsson [email protected]                                                Kenneth Holmstrom [email protected]             Myron Hlynka ([email protected]) [email protected]                                            Hassan Masum [email protected]                        Matthias Hocks [email protected]                                         Jeffrey S. Hoeft [email protected]                                  Robert Hofer [email protected]                                             Holly Rushmeier [email protected]                                                  Hongwei Du [email protected]                                        Howard Silby [email protected]                                           Carlos Humes Junior [email protected]        Tony Hurlimann, University Fribourg, Switzerland [email protected]                          Professor Henry Wolkowicz [email protected]                                          Hernan Wurgaft [email protected]                                           I-Chen Wu [email protected]                                         Uwe Zimmermann [email protected]                                       Michael Bussieck [email protected]                                       Michael Bischoff [email protected]                                                 John Idicula [email protected]                                        Ingunn Tepstad [email protected]                                                 Iris Engelson [email protected]                                               Irvin Lustig [email protected]                                    Cathi Maryon [email protected]                                         Istvan Maros [email protected]                                    J. W. Dold  (Bill Dold) [email protected]                                       James C. Bean [email protected]                                [email protected] (Jan Vink) [email protected]                                                Jim Ashby [email protected]                                               J. B. Chambers [email protected]                                          Jovan Grahovac [email protected]                                                  Jim Hightower [email protected]                                                 Jiming Liu [email protected]                                            James D. Ratliff [email protected]                                             JIN LIU [email protected]                                    Ajin Jirachiefpattana [email protected]                                       Joseph M. Kahn [email protected]                                  James T. Klosowski [email protected]                                  [email protected] JMJ6%ESCS%[email protected]                            Jonathan M. Jacobs [email protected]                                         Joao M. Patricio [email protected]                                          JOSE NINO-MORA [email protected]                                           Joe St Sauver [email protected]                              [email protected] [email protected]                            Josef Nelissen [email protected]                                            JAMES B. ORLIN [email protected]                                            Javeed Shaik [email protected]                                                Jea-Sheng Yao [email protected]                                           Julien Sze Lee [email protected]                                 Jagadisan Viswanathan [email protected]                                       Joseph Romanovsky [email protected]                                              John Democko [email protected]                                                John Gregory [email protected]                                             Laxmikant V. Kale [email protected]                                               K. Morisse [email protected]                                      David E. Kerr [email protected]                                        Kevin S. Van Horn [email protected]                                            Kevin Caskey [email protected]                                        Kishore Sarathy [email protected]                                             Kevin McCarthy [email protected]                                                       LEE KIN [email protected]                                         Anton Kleywegt [email protected]                                    Georgia-Ann Klutke [email protected]                                            Knud D. Andersen [email protected]                                            Jasmit Singh Kochhar [email protected]                                                    Meyer Kotkin [email protected]                                         KERRIE PAIGE [email protected]                                             Krishna Prasad [email protected]                             Pinnamaneni V. Krishnarao [email protected]                                          Laszlo Ladanyi [email protected]                              Rainer Lang [email protected]                                         Lise-Aurore Lapalme-Roy [email protected]                                   Marcel van der Lee [email protected]                                  Leonardo Junqueira Lustosa [email protected]                                        Louis Caplan [email protected]                                                      Li Liu [email protected]                                    Lloyd W. Clarke [email protected]                                        Laurel Neustadter [email protected]                                      Lucio Lopez Cavazos [email protected]                                           Luiz Rodrigues [email protected]    Ralf L"ubeck <[email protected] [email protected]                                   Mark Hooijkaas [email protected]                          Maarten H. van der Vlerk [email protected]                                                Matthias Prinz [email protected]                                      Amitava Majumdar [email protected]                                           Federico Malucelli [email protected]                                        Manuel Laguna [email protected]                                            Marcel Neuts [email protected]                                Jack Marr ([email protected]) [email protected]                                           Jim Thompson [email protected]                                             Matthew A. Rosenblatt [email protected]          Matthew F. Hobbs ([email protected]) [email protected]                                Robert M. Mattheyses [email protected]                                   Helmut Mausser [email protected]                                            Margit Mayer [email protected]                                                 Martin Czigler [email protected]                                     Roger Glassey [email protected]                                              Alius J. Meilus [email protected]                                              Kenneth Melax [email protected]                                Stephan Melin [email protected]                                  laurence l. leff, Ph.D. [email protected]                                    Mauricio G.C. Resende [email protected]                                                   Marcel Geurts [email protected]                                     Michael C. Williams [email protected]                                            Mike Caldwell [email protected]                                             M.R.Osborne [email protected]                                        Michael J. Todd [email protected]                                  Ruy Luiz Milidiu [email protected]                                           Michael Patriksson [email protected]                                                John E. Mitchell [email protected]                                        Matthew Saltzman [email protected]                       Marcio Luiz Bunte de Carvalho [email protected]                  Melanie L. Lenard (e-mail: [email protected]) [email protected]                                               Martin Malich [email protected]                                     Mufit Ozden [email protected]                                 Dr Mohan KRISHNAMOORTHY [email protected]               [email protected] (Louis Moore) [email protected]                                             Bruce W. Morlan [email protected]                                                  Scott Morton [email protected]                                           Mohamed Ramadan Saady [email protected]                                 Graham K. Rand [email protected]                                               Ceyda Oguz [email protected]                                               Mohan Sodhi [email protected]                                  David Muir Sharnoff [email protected]                                             B. Muralidharan [email protected]                               Yellamraju Muralikrishna [email protected]                                             Nathan Edwards [email protected]                             Barry L. Nelson [email protected]                                Nenad Rijavec [email protected]                                  Neville Nagarwalla [email protected]                                           Niels Huijs [email protected]                                              Nitin Khanna [email protected]                                             Nuno Oliveira [email protected]                                               Shimon Y. Nof [email protected]                                    Nutthapol Asadathorn [email protected]                  Thomas McGuigan ([email protected]) [email protected]                                           Othar Hansson [email protected]                                                 Olivier Zone [email protected]                                             David L. Finley [email protected]                                             Lawrence Austen [email protected]                                           Stefano Pallottino [email protected]                                         L. Merrill Palmer [email protected]                                   Massimo Paolucci [email protected]                                            Roy P. Pargas [email protected]                                          Samir Patil [email protected]                                   Pai-Cheng Chu [email protected]                                                  Peter Olsen [email protected]                                                  Philipp Djang [email protected]                                            Philip Fourie [email protected]                                          Petri Koistinen [email protected]                                    Raffaele Pesenti [email protected]                                              Peter Davison [email protected]                                           Raja Petrakian [email protected]                               Ulrich PFERSCHY [email protected]                                            Paul E. Hoffman [email protected]                                            Paul J. Channell [email protected]                                             Philip Kilby [email protected]                                                 Paul Myer [email protected]                                            J.R. Partington [email protected]                                              Lutz Prechelt [email protected]                    [email protected] [email protected]                                         Ping-Shun Huang [email protected]                            Eberhard Kranich [email protected]                                      Michael Quinn [email protected]                                               Rashida Khalid [email protected]                                                    Wyn Owen [email protected]                                                Rajat Jain [email protected]                                Rajesh Purushothaman [email protected]                                      Motakuri Ramana [email protected]                                            Srinivasan Ramaswamy [email protected]                                           Rahul Asthana [email protected]                                      Capt Robert M. 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