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Psychotherapy ( sci.psychology.psychotherapy )
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From [email protected] Wed May 15 18:55:52 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: John Grohol <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.psychology.psychotherapy,sci.psychology.misc Subject: RFD: sci.psychology.psychotherapy moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 May 1996 22:55:56 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 207 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.psychology.psychotherapy Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8688 news.groups:206568 sci.psychology.psychotherapy:9770 sci.psychology.misc:7124                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)              moderated group sci.psychology.psychotherapy  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the change in status from unmoderated to moderated for the Usenet newsgroup, sci.psychology.psychotherapy. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.  Procedural details are below.  Newsgroup line: sci.psychology.psychotherapy	Practice of psychotherapy. (Moderated)  RATIONALE: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Since this newsgroup was created a year ago, it has acted as a dumping ground for any miscellaneous article an author feels is appropriate, without regard to the group's charter. Instead of becoming a niche for professionals and laypeople alike to discuss psychotherapy techniques and similar topics, it has become a foggy mirror of sci.psychology.misc, hosting discussions on topics ranging from sex with children to the ever-popular scientology topics. Personal e-mail, changing followups in threads, and posting the charter on a regular basis has done little to dissuade the off-charter topics that regularly appear and overwhelm the newsgroup.  Individuals, too, have used this and similar groups as a soap-box in which to preach their particular gripes against psychotherapy, or more generally, science and psychology. While certainly criticism of psychotherapy is appropriate to this forum, dozens of articles posted every day from the same people also are overwhelming the group's ability to sustain and propose other appropriate topics. Dozens of professionals who have contacted me in the past year have stated their desire to utilize the forum for discussions of psychotherapy topics, but are fearful to do so because of the flames and personal insults they have observed on it.  It is therefore proposed to moderate this newsgroup with a broad range of moderators, to help reduce the overwhelming noise on the group and bring it closer to the intentions of the original charter.  CHARTER: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  This newsgroup is for the discussion of all different modalities of psychotherapy, their efficacy, and their acceptance within the psychotherapeutic community. All forms of psychotherapy as practiced by a wide range of disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, marriage and family counseling, social work, etc.) are welcomed here, as are all clinicians in varying fields. Emphasis is placed on discussing psychotherapeutic methods, rather than research or theory, since these latter topics are covered in separate newsgroups.  Examples of appropriate topics for this newsgroup might be discussion of techniques used in interpersonal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, marriage and family therapy, client-centered therapy, rational-emotive therapy, etc. Ethical issues in practice as well as specific psychotherapeutic techniques may also be discussed. Case discussions, as long as anonymity is ensured, are also welcome. Participants are reminded always to be careful of confidentiality and ethical issues when posting such questions.  Individuals seeking help or information on a specific emotional, psychological or related physical problem or disorder may also post questions about specifical psychotherapeutic techniques and treatments. Individuals are encouraged, however, to seek out answers to these types of questions elsewhere first.  Advertisements for any products, as well as discussions on: psychopharamalogical interventions, whether psychology is a "science" or not, scientology topics, whether X behavior is "normal" or not, and on any research or theoretical areas outside the purview of psychology or psychotherapy would remain on other existing newsgroups and are examples of topics that are inappropriate for this group. "Flaming" and personal insults are also not appropriate to this newsgroup.  Moderation Guidelines:  This is a loosely moderated group, moderation mainly being used to screen out irrelevant, non-psycotherapy articles, personal attacks and arguments, irrelevant political debate, and other topics as warranted.  The purpose of moderation on sci.psychology.psychotherapy is create a collegial forum for the discussion about psychotherapy -- in all forms and as practiced by any clinician. For purposes of moderation, psychotherapy is used in a broad sense.  It includes the discussion of topics that overlap with other academic disciplines along with nontraditional areas and approaches to psychotherapy. Similarly, "related issues" and "applications" are defined broadly.  Moderation of sci.psychology.psychotherapy is not the Usenet equivalent of editing a journal; it is meant to work as a filter. The moderation is conducted in a spirit of inclusiveness and collegiality.  Authors are encouraged to keep the content of their articles directed toward applications of psychotherapy.  Authors are also encouraged to cite relevant references in the literature or provide some documentation for claims when and if possible. When disagreeing with another poster, authors are encouraged to concentrate on the others' ideas.  Submission Guidelines:  Articles should be checked for spelling and   formatted with a line length of less than 72 columns,   or else they will be automatically rejected. Articles   will be edited for length and clarity.  Articles will also be automatically rejected if they are   crossposted to non-psychology related newsgroups. Please   resubmit the article and post it only to sci.psychology.psychotherapy   and other sci.psychology newsgroups if this happens.  Articles requesting a literature search or references   on a given topic will automatically be rejected out of   hand, unless it is shown such a search has already   been done and was fruitless. This includes the typical   "Does anybody know anything about topic X?" or "Where   do I look for information on topic Y?" The answer, of   course, is in your local library.  Followups-To: and Reply-To: headers   will be set to the appropriate address or newsgroup   at the moderator's discretion.  If accepted, the article will be posted to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy in a couple of days.   (Please be patient.)  Since most articles are written and sent to us   through newsreaders and various mail transports   across the Internet, it is recommended that authors   hold onto a copy of their submitted article in case of loss.  If the article is not accepted, a moderator   will notify you of the rejection and give a brief   explanation of why it was not accepted. Articles   can be resubmitted for further consideration.  If an author would like a resubmission to be   considered by the entire set of moderators, it   should be noted in the mail to moderator.  If the   majority of the moderators approve of the article,   it will be posted in a couple of days.  Threads may be terminated and/or new articles may   be rejected on these threads if there are many   submissions saying essentially the same thing.   Specifically, if an article has 80% or more same   content as a previously-approved article which was   posted in the past 30 days, it will be rejected.  Any person who _repeatedly_ abuses the   charter, the group, the moderators, netiquette,   etc., will not have articles approved,   regardless of the content, until they can show   good cause that they have changed their behaviors   to conform to this charter.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Moderator: Rolf Lindgren <[email protected]> Moderator: Paul Bernhardt <[email protected]> Moderator: Phil Cremer <[email protected]> Moderator: Mike Rael <[email protected]> Moderator: John Grohol <[email protected]>  This moderation team is preliminary and changes may be made during the RFD process.  END MODERATOR INFO.  PROCEDURE:  This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups should be raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it.  Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.  All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.  This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process.  DISTRIBUTION:    news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,   sci.psychology.psychotherapy, sci.psychology.announce,   sci.psychology.misc   - Proponent: John M. Grohol, Psy.D. <[email protected]>  --  Behavior OnLine                                       Mental Health Net                   From [email protected] Fri May 24 16:12:31 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: John Grohol <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.psychology.psychotherapy,sci.psychology.misc,sci.psychology.announce Subject: 2nd RFD: sci.psychology.psychotherapy moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 24 May 1996 20:12:45 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 237 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.psychology.psychotherapy Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8726 news.groups:207846 sci.psychology.psychotherapy:10490 sci.psychology.misc:7293 sci.psychology.announce:429                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)              moderated group sci.psychology.psychotherapy  This is the second formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the change in status from unmoderated to moderated for the Usenet newsgroup, sci.psychology.psychotherapy. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.  Procedural details are below.  Newsgroup line: sci.psychology.psychotherapy	Practice of psychotherapy. (Moderated)  CHANGES SINCE THE 1st RFD: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Where appropriate, changes since the 1st RFD are noted by asterisks. A summary of these changes follows:  1. A rationale was added for moderating the existing group    over adding an additional newsgroup on the same topic. 2. Two new tentative moderators were added to the moderation    team. 3. Psychpharmacology was removed as an objectionable    topic in the charter and is now considered an appropriate    topic for discussion in the proposed newsgroup. 4. Submission guidelines were edited for clarity, to ensure that    it is understood that the proposed moderation is to be "loose."    Specific changes include reducing the ability to edit a submission    before approving it, removing objectionable language, reducing    power of moderators to act individually or in an abusive manner to    censor one poster, making acceptance criteria more liberal and    clarified editing guidelines and language.   RATIONALE: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Since this newsgroup was created a year ago, it has acted as a dumping ground for any miscellaneous article an author feels is appropriate, without regard to the group's charter. Instead of becoming a niche for professionals and laypeople alike to discuss psychotherapy techniques and similar topics, it has become a foggy mirror of sci.psychology.misc, hosting discussions on topics ranging from sex with children to the ever-popular scientology topics. Personal e-mail, changing followups in threads, and posting the charter on a regular basis has done little to dissuade the off-charter topics that regularly appear and overwhelm the newsgroup.  Individuals, too, have used this and similar groups as a soap-box in which to preach their particular gripes against psychotherapy, or more generally, science and psychology. While certainly criticism of psychotherapy is appropriate to this forum, dozens of articles posted every day from the same people also are overwhelming the group's ability to sustain and propose other appropriate topics. Dozens of professionals who have contacted me in the past year have stated their desire to utilize the forum for discussions of psychotherapy topics, but are fearful to do so because of the flames and personal insults they have observed on it.  It is therefore proposed to moderate this newsgroup with a broad range of moderators, to help reduce the overwhelming noise on the group and bring it closer to the intentions of the original charter.  * An additional newsgroup for discussion of psychotherapy topics * does not appear warranted at this time, given the relatively low * volume of articles on sci.psychology.psychotherapy * (less than 200 per day) and its relative age (created less than * a year ago). No current topics on sci.psychology.psychotherapy * which discuss psychotherapy or therapy in general would * appear to be inappropriate to the proposed moderated version * of the newsgroup, according to the revised charter below.   CHARTER: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  This newsgroup is for the discussion of all different modalities of psychotherapy, their efficacy, and their acceptance within the psychotherapeutic and broader worldwide community. All forms of psychotherapy as practiced by a wide range of disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, marriage and family counseling, social work, etc.) are welcomed here, as are all clinicians in varying fields. Emphasis is placed on discussing psychotherapeutic methods, rather than research or theory, since these latter topics are covered in separate newsgroups. However, research and theory discussions related to psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic methods are welcomed.  Examples of appropriate topics for this newsgroup might be discussion of techniques used in interpersonal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, marriage and family therapy, client-centered therapy, rational-emotive therapy, etc. * Psychopharmacology topics are also appropriate to this newsgroup, * in relation to a broader discussion on aspects of mental health treatment. Ethical issues in practice as well as specific psychotherapeutic techniques may also be discussed. Case discussions, as long as anonymity is ensured, are also welcome. Participants are reminded always to be careful of confidentiality and ethical issues when posting such questions.  Individuals seeking help or information on a specific emotional, psychological or related physical problem or disorder may also post questions about specifical psychotherapeutic techniques and treatments. Individuals are encouraged, however, to seek out answers to these types of questions elsewhere first.  Advertisements for any products, whether psychology is a "science" or not, scientology topics, whether X behavior is "normal" or not, and on any research or theoretical areas outside the purview of psychology or psychotherapy would remain on other existing newsgroups and are examples of topics that are inappropriate for this group. "Flaming" and personal insults are also not appropriate to this newsgroup.  Moderation Guidelines:  * This is a loosely moderated group, moderation mainly being * used to screen out irrelevant, non-psychotherapy articles, personal * attacks, ad hominem arguments and irrelevant political debate.  The purpose of moderation on sci.psychology.psychotherapy is to create a collegial forum for the discussion about psychotherapy -- in all forms and as practiced by any clinician. For purposes of moderation, psychotherapy is used in a broad sense.  It includes the discussion of topics that overlap with other academic disciplines along with nontraditional areas and approaches to psychotherapy. Similarly, "related issues" and "applications" are defined broadly.  Moderation of sci.psychology.psychotherapy is not the Usenet equivalent of editing a journal; it is meant to work as a filter. The moderation is conducted in a spirit of inclusiveness and collegiality.  Authors are encouraged to keep the content of their articles directed toward applications of psychotherapy.  Authors are also encouraged to cite relevant references in the literature or provide some documentation for claims when and if possible. When disagreeing with another poster, authors are encouraged to concentrate on the others' ideas.  Submission Guidelines:  Articles should be checked for spelling and   formatted with a line length of less than 72 columns. *   Articles may occasionally undergo *minor* editing *   for punctuation, subject header, etc. Any significant *   changes to the content of an article will not occur, *   without prior approval and permission from the *   original author. Followup-To: and Reply-To: headers   will be set to the appropriate address or newsgroup   at the moderator's discretion.  Articles may be automatically rejected if they are   crossposted to non-psychology related newsgroups. *   Please resubmit the article and post it only to *   sci.psychology.psychotherapy and other psychology *   or relevant mental health newsgroups if this occurs.  If accepted, the article will be posted to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy in a couple of days.   (Please be patient and do not resubmit the article.)   Since most articles are written and sent to the   moderators through newsreaders and various mail   transports across the Internet, it is recommended   that authors hold onto a copy of their submitted   article in case of accidental loss.  If the article is not accepted, a moderator   will notify you of the rejection and give a brief   explanation of why it was not accepted. Articles   can be resubmitted for further consideration.   If an author would like a resubmission to be   considered by the entire set of moderators, it   should be noted in the e-mail to the moderator. *   If a simple majority of the moderators then approve *   the article, it will be immediately posted.  * Articles which have 80% or more same content as a *   previously-approved article by the same author *   (not including quoted material) which was *   posted in the past 30 days will be rejected. *   Authors are encouraged to trim quoted material of *   articles to which they are replying, to highlight the *   relevant points in the quoted material. * * Abuse of the moderation process in the form of *   mail-bombs, personal threats, etc. will result *   in the abuser's Internet service provider being *   notified. Additional action(s) may be taken if *   the moderators unanimously agree additional *   action(s) are necessary and warranted.   END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  * Moderator: Ember Beck <[email protected]> (Tentative) * Moderator: Dan L. Rogers <[email protected]> (Tentative) Moderator: Rolf Lindgren <[email protected]> Moderator: Paul Bernhardt <[email protected]> Moderator: Phil Cremer <[email protected]> Moderator: Mike Rael <[email protected]> Moderator: John Grohol <[email protected]>  This moderation team is preliminary and changes may be made during the RFD process.  END MODERATOR INFO.  PROCEDURE:  This is the second request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups should be raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it.  Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.  All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.  This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process.  DISTRIBUTION:    news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,   sci.psychology.psychotherapy, sci.psychology.announce,   sci.psychology.misc   - Proponent: John M. Grohol, Psy.D. <[email protected]>  --  Behavior OnLine                                       Mental Health Net                   From [email protected] Fri Jun 21 14:30:41 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Jani Patokallio <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.psychology.announce,sci.psychology.misc,sci.psychology.psychotherapy Subject: CFV: moderate sci.psychology.psychotherapy Followup-To: poster Date: 21 Jun 1996 18:31:17 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 236 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Jul 1996 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.psychology.psychotherapy Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8889 news.groups:213064 sci.psychology.announce:482 sci.psychology.misc:7657 sci.psychology.psychotherapy:12470                       FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group sci.psychology.psychotherapy (moderates existing group)  Newsgroups line: sci.psychology.psychotherapy	Practice of psychotherapy. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Jul 1996.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: John M. Grohol <[email protected]> Votetaker: Jani Patokallio <[email protected]>  RATIONALE: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Since this newsgroup was created less than a year ago, it has acted as a dumping ground for any miscellaneous article an author feels is appropriate, without regard to the group's charter. Instead of becoming a niche for professionals and laypeople alike to discuss psychotherapy techniques and similar topics, it has become a foggy mirror of sci.psychology.misc, hosting discussions on topics ranging from sex with children to the ever-popular scientology topics.  Individuals, too, have used this and similar groups as a soap-box in which to preach their particular gripes against psychotherapy, or more generally, science and psychology. While certainly criticism of psychotherapy is appropriate to this forum, dozens of articles posted every day from the same people also are overwhelming the group's ability to sustain and propose other appropriate topics. Dozens of professionals who have contacted me in the past year have stated their desire to utilize the forum for discussions of psychotherapy topics, but are fearful to do so because of the flames and personal insults they have observed on it.  It is therefore proposed to moderate this newsgroup with a broad range of moderators, to help reduce the overwhelming noise on the group and bring it closer to the intentions of the original charter.  An additional newsgroup for discussion of psychotherapy topics does not appear warranted at this time, given the relatively low volume of articles on sci.psychology.psychotherapy (less than 200 per day) and its relative age (created less than a year ago). No current topics on sci.psychology.psychotherapy which discuss psychotherapy or therapy in general would appear to be inappropriate to the proposed moderated version of the newsgroup.  CHARTER: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  This newsgroup is for the discussion of all different modalities of psychotherapy, their efficacy, and their acceptance within the psychotherapeutic and broader worldwide community. All forms of psychotherapy as practiced by a wide range of disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, marriage and family counseling, social work, etc.) are welcomed here, as are all clinicians in varying fields. Emphasis is placed on discussing psychotherapeutic methods, rather than research or theory, since these latter topics are covered in separate newsgroups. However, research and theory discussions related to psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic methods are welcomed.  Examples of appropriate topics for this newsgroup might be discussion of techniques used in interpersonal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, marriage and family therapy, client-centered therapy, rational-emotive therapy, etc. Psychopharmacology topics are also appropriate to this newsgroup, in relation to a broader discussion on aspects of mental health treatment. Ethical issues in practice as well as specific psychotherapeutic techniques may also be discussed. Case discussions, as long as anonymity is ensured, are also welcome. Participants are reminded always to be careful of confidentiality and ethical issues when posting such questions.  Individuals seeking help or information on a specific emotional, psychological or related physical problem or disorder may also post questions about specifical psychotherapeutic techniques and treatments. Individuals are encouraged, however, to seek out answers to these types of questions elsewhere first.  Advertisements for any products, whether psychology is a "science" or not, scientology topics, whether X behavior is "normal" or not, and on any research or theoretical areas outside the purview of psychology or psychotherapy would remain on other existing newsgroups and are examples of topics that are inappropriate for this group. "Flaming" and personal insults are also not appropriate to this newsgroup.  Moderation Guidelines:  This is a loosely moderated group, moderation mainly being used to screen out irrelevant, non-psychotherapy articles, personal attacks, ad hominem arguments and irrelevant political debate.  The purpose of moderation on sci.psychology.psychotherapy is to create a collegial forum for the discussion about psychotherapy -- in all forms and as practiced by any clinician. For purposes of moderation, psychotherapy is used in a broad sense.  It includes the discussion of topics that overlap with other academic disciplines along with nontraditional areas and approaches to psychotherapy. Similarly, "related issues" and "applications" are defined broadly.  Moderation of sci.psychology.psychotherapy is not the Usenet equivalent of editing a journal; it is meant to work as a filter. The moderation is conducted in a spirit of inclusiveness and collegiality.  Authors are encouraged to keep the content of their articles directed toward applications of psychotherapy.  Authors are also encouraged to cite relevant references in the literature or provide some documentation for claims when and if possible. When disagreeing with another poster, authors are encouraged to concentrate on the others' ideas.  Submission Guidelines:  Articles should be checked for spelling and   formatted with a line length of less than 72 columns.   Articles may occasionally undergo *minor* editing   for punctuation, subject header, etc. Any significant   changes to the content of an article will not occur,   without prior approval and permission from the   original author. Followup-To: and Reply-To: headers   will be set to the appropriate address or newsgroup   at the moderator's discretion.  Articles may be automatically rejected if they are   crossposted to non-psychology related newsgroups.   Please resubmit the article and post it only to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy and other psychology   or relevant mental health newsgroups if this occurs.  If accepted, the article will be posted to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy in a couple of days.   (Please be patient and do not resubmit the article.)   Since most articles are written and sent to the   moderators through newsreaders and various mail   transports across the Internet, it is recommended   that authors hold onto a copy of their submitted   article in case of accidental loss.  If the article is not accepted, a moderator   will notify you of the rejection and give a brief   explanation of why it was not accepted. Articles   can be resubmitted for further consideration.   If an author would like a resubmission to be   considered by the entire set of moderators, it   should be noted in the e-mail to the moderator.   If a simple majority of the moderators then approve   the article, it will be immediately posted.  Articles which have 75-80% or more same content as a   previously-approved article by the same author   (not including quoted material) which was   posted in the past 30 days will be rejected.   Authors are encouraged to trim quoted material of   articles to which they are replying, to highlight the   relevant points in the quoted material.  Abuse of the moderation process in the form of   mail-bombs, personal threats, etc. will result   in the abuser's Internet service provider being   notified. Additional action(s) may be taken if   the moderators unanimously agree additional   action(s) are necessary and warranted.  Changes to moderators, including removing and adding   new moderators, will be determined at a later date   by the moderators in consultation with the newsgroup.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Moderator: "Vance E. Lear" <[email protected]> Moderator: Ember Beck <[email protected]> Moderator: Rolf Lindgren <[email protected]> Moderator: Mike Rael <[email protected]> Moderator: John Grohol <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected]  END MODERATOR INFO.  HOW TO VOTE:  Follow these instructions *exactly*!  Votes are counted by computer. You should send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are invalid) to:      [email protected]  Please do not assume that just replying to this message will work. Check the address before you mail your vote.  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following vote statements:      I vote YES on sci.psychology.psychotherapy     I vote NO on sci.psychology.psychotherapy      Voter name:  If your mail software does not indicate your real name (for example, AOL and Delphi do not), include _exactly_ the statement above on a _separate_ line and add your name after the colon.  Having your name in your signature line is NOT enough!  Do NOT join the lines together or remove the words "Voter name"!  You may also vote ABSTAIN (which does exactly that) or CANCEL (which removes any earlier votes).  ABSTAIN does not affect the final vote count in any way but is listed, whereas CANCEL is not.  IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES:  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI forms are considered to be anonymous votes.  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results post.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud. When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  --  Jani Patokallio <[email protected]> Voting address: <[email protected]>  From [email protected] Sun Jun 30 03:29:59 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Jani Patokallio <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.psychology.announce,sci.psychology.misc,sci.psychology.psychotherapy Subject: 2nd CFV: moderate sci.psychology.psychotherapy Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 30 Jun 1996 07:30:24 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 236 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Jul 1996 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.psychology.psychotherapy Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8908 news.groups:214722 sci.psychology.announce:493 sci.psychology.misc:7905 sci.psychology.psychotherapy:12908                        LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group sci.psychology.psychotherapy (moderates existing group)  Newsgroups line: sci.psychology.psychotherapy	Practice of psychotherapy. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Jul 1996.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: John M. Grohol <[email protected]> Votetaker: Jani Patokallio <[email protected]>  RATIONALE: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Since this newsgroup was created less than a year ago, it has acted as a dumping ground for any miscellaneous article an author feels is appropriate, without regard to the group's charter. Instead of becoming a niche for professionals and laypeople alike to discuss psychotherapy techniques and similar topics, it has become a foggy mirror of sci.psychology.misc, hosting discussions on topics ranging from sex with children to the ever-popular scientology topics.  Individuals, too, have used this and similar groups as a soap-box in which to preach their particular gripes against psychotherapy, or more generally, science and psychology. While certainly criticism of psychotherapy is appropriate to this forum, dozens of articles posted every day from the same people also are overwhelming the group's ability to sustain and propose other appropriate topics. Dozens of professionals who have contacted me in the past year have stated their desire to utilize the forum for discussions of psychotherapy topics, but are fearful to do so because of the flames and personal insults they have observed on it.  It is therefore proposed to moderate this newsgroup with a broad range of moderators, to help reduce the overwhelming noise on the group and bring it closer to the intentions of the original charter.  An additional newsgroup for discussion of psychotherapy topics does not appear warranted at this time, given the relatively low volume of articles on sci.psychology.psychotherapy (less than 200 per day) and its relative age (created less than a year ago). No current topics on sci.psychology.psychotherapy which discuss psychotherapy or therapy in general would appear to be inappropriate to the proposed moderated version of the newsgroup.  CHARTER: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  This newsgroup is for the discussion of all different modalities of psychotherapy, their efficacy, and their acceptance within the psychotherapeutic and broader worldwide community. All forms of psychotherapy as practiced by a wide range of disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, marriage and family counseling, social work, etc.) are welcomed here, as are all clinicians in varying fields. Emphasis is placed on discussing psychotherapeutic methods, rather than research or theory, since these latter topics are covered in separate newsgroups. However, research and theory discussions related to psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic methods are welcomed.  Examples of appropriate topics for this newsgroup might be discussion of techniques used in interpersonal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, marriage and family therapy, client-centered therapy, rational-emotive therapy, etc. Psychopharmacology topics are also appropriate to this newsgroup, in relation to a broader discussion on aspects of mental health treatment. Ethical issues in practice as well as specific psychotherapeutic techniques may also be discussed. Case discussions, as long as anonymity is ensured, are also welcome. Participants are reminded always to be careful of confidentiality and ethical issues when posting such questions.  Individuals seeking help or information on a specific emotional, psychological or related physical problem or disorder may also post questions about specifical psychotherapeutic techniques and treatments. Individuals are encouraged, however, to seek out answers to these types of questions elsewhere first.  Advertisements for any products, whether psychology is a "science" or not, scientology topics, whether X behavior is "normal" or not, and on any research or theoretical areas outside the purview of psychology or psychotherapy would remain on other existing newsgroups and are examples of topics that are inappropriate for this group. "Flaming" and personal insults are also not appropriate to this newsgroup.  Moderation Guidelines:  This is a loosely moderated group, moderation mainly being used to screen out irrelevant, non-psychotherapy articles, personal attacks, ad hominem arguments and irrelevant political debate.  The purpose of moderation on sci.psychology.psychotherapy is to create a collegial forum for the discussion about psychotherapy -- in all forms and as practiced by any clinician. For purposes of moderation, psychotherapy is used in a broad sense.  It includes the discussion of topics that overlap with other academic disciplines along with nontraditional areas and approaches to psychotherapy. Similarly, "related issues" and "applications" are defined broadly.  Moderation of sci.psychology.psychotherapy is not the Usenet equivalent of editing a journal; it is meant to work as a filter. The moderation is conducted in a spirit of inclusiveness and collegiality.  Authors are encouraged to keep the content of their articles directed toward applications of psychotherapy.  Authors are also encouraged to cite relevant references in the literature or provide some documentation for claims when and if possible. When disagreeing with another poster, authors are encouraged to concentrate on the others' ideas.  Submission Guidelines:  Articles should be checked for spelling and   formatted with a line length of less than 72 columns.   Articles may occasionally undergo *minor* editing   for punctuation, subject header, etc. Any significant   changes to the content of an article will not occur,   without prior approval and permission from the   original author. Followup-To: and Reply-To: headers   will be set to the appropriate address or newsgroup   at the moderator's discretion.  Articles may be automatically rejected if they are   crossposted to non-psychology related newsgroups.   Please resubmit the article and post it only to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy and other psychology   or relevant mental health newsgroups if this occurs.  If accepted, the article will be posted to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy in a couple of days.   (Please be patient and do not resubmit the article.)   Since most articles are written and sent to the   moderators through newsreaders and various mail   transports across the Internet, it is recommended   that authors hold onto a copy of their submitted   article in case of accidental loss.  If the article is not accepted, a moderator   will notify you of the rejection and give a brief   explanation of why it was not accepted. Articles   can be resubmitted for further consideration.   If an author would like a resubmission to be   considered by the entire set of moderators, it   should be noted in the e-mail to the moderator.   If a simple majority of the moderators then approve   the article, it will be immediately posted.  Articles which have 75-80% or more same content as a   previously-approved article by the same author   (not including quoted material) which was   posted in the past 30 days will be rejected.   Authors are encouraged to trim quoted material of   articles to which they are replying, to highlight the   relevant points in the quoted material.  Abuse of the moderation process in the form of   mail-bombs, personal threats, etc. will result   in the abuser's Internet service provider being   notified. Additional action(s) may be taken if   the moderators unanimously agree additional   action(s) are necessary and warranted.  Changes to moderators, including removing and adding   new moderators, will be determined at a later date   by the moderators in consultation with the newsgroup.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Moderator: "Vance E. Lear" <[email protected]> Moderator: Ember Beck <[email protected]> Moderator: Rolf Lindgren <[email protected]> Moderator: Mike Rael <[email protected]> Moderator: John Grohol <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected]  END MODERATOR INFO.  HOW TO VOTE:  Follow these instructions *exactly*!  Votes are counted by computer. You should send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are invalid) to:      [email protected]  Please do not assume that just replying to this message will work. Check the address before you mail your vote.  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following vote statements:      I vote YES on moderating sci.psychology.psychotherapy     I vote NO on moderating sci.psychology.psychotherapy      Voter name:  If your mail software does not indicate your real name (for example, AOL and Delphi do not), include _exactly_ the statement above on a _separate_ line and add your name after the colon.  Having your name in your signature line is NOT enough!  Do NOT join the lines together or remove the words "Voter name"!  You may also vote ABSTAIN (which does exactly that) or CANCEL (which removes any earlier votes).  ABSTAIN does not affect the final vote count in any way but is listed, whereas CANCEL is not.  IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES:  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI forms are considered to be anonymous votes.  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results post.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud. When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  --  Jani Patokallio <[email protected]> Voting address: <[email protected]>  From [email protected] Sat Jul 13 02:49:53 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Jani Patokallio <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.psychology.announce,sci.psychology.misc,sci.psychology.psychotherapy Subject: RESULT: moderate sci.psychology.psychotherapy fails 125:48 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 13 Jul 1996 02:49:35 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 391 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.psychology.psychotherapy Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8943 news.groups:217094 sci.psychology.announce:512 sci.psychology.misc:8179 sci.psychology.psychotherapy:13382                                  RESULT moderated group sci.psychology.psychotherapy (moderates existing group) fails 125:48  There were 125 YES votes and 48 NO votes, for a total of 173 valid votes. There were 2 abstains and 2 invalid ballots.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.  There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted. Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group may not be voted on again for six months.  Newsgroups line: sci.psychology.psychotherapy	Practice of psychotherapy. (Moderated)  The voting period closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Jul 1996.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: John M. Grohol <[email protected]> Votetaker: Jani Patokallio <[email protected]>  RATIONALE: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Since this newsgroup was created less than a year ago, it has acted as a dumping ground for any miscellaneous article an author feels is appropriate, without regard to the group's charter. Instead of becoming a niche for professionals and laypeople alike to discuss psychotherapy techniques and similar topics, it has become a foggy mirror of sci.psychology.misc, hosting discussions on topics ranging from sex with children to the ever-popular scientology topics.  Individuals, too, have used this and similar groups as a soap-box in which to preach their particular gripes against psychotherapy, or more generally, science and psychology. While certainly criticism of psychotherapy is appropriate to this forum, dozens of articles posted every day from the same people also are overwhelming the group's ability to sustain and propose other appropriate topics. Dozens of professionals who have contacted me in the past year have stated their desire to utilize the forum for discussions of psychotherapy topics, but are fearful to do so because of the flames and personal insults they have observed on it.  It is therefore proposed to moderate this newsgroup with a broad range of moderators, to help reduce the overwhelming noise on the group and bring it closer to the intentions of the original charter.  An additional newsgroup for discussion of psychotherapy topics does not appear warranted at this time, given the relatively low volume of articles on sci.psychology.psychotherapy (less than 200 per day) and its relative age (created less than a year ago). No current topics on sci.psychology.psychotherapy which discuss psychotherapy or therapy in general would appear to be inappropriate to the proposed moderated version of the newsgroup.  CHARTER: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  This newsgroup is for the discussion of all different modalities of psychotherapy, their efficacy, and their acceptance within the psychotherapeutic and broader worldwide community. All forms of psychotherapy as practiced by a wide range of disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, marriage and family counseling, social work, etc.) are welcomed here, as are all clinicians in varying fields. Emphasis is placed on discussing psychotherapeutic methods, rather than research or theory, since these latter topics are covered in separate newsgroups. However, research and theory discussions related to psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic methods are welcomed.  Examples of appropriate topics for this newsgroup might be discussion of techniques used in interpersonal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, marriage and family therapy, client-centered therapy, rational-emotive therapy, etc. Psychopharmacology topics are also appropriate to this newsgroup, in relation to a broader discussion on aspects of mental health treatment. Ethical issues in practice as well as specific psychotherapeutic techniques may also be discussed. Case discussions, as long as anonymity is ensured, are also welcome. Participants are reminded always to be careful of confidentiality and ethical issues when posting such questions.  Individuals seeking help or information on a specific emotional, psychological or related physical problem or disorder may also post questions about specifical psychotherapeutic techniques and treatments. Individuals are encouraged, however, to seek out answers to these types of questions elsewhere first.  Advertisements for any products, whether psychology is a "science" or not, scientology topics, whether X behavior is "normal" or not, and on any research or theoretical areas outside the purview of psychology or psychotherapy would remain on other existing newsgroups and are examples of topics that are inappropriate for this group. "Flaming" and personal insults are also not appropriate to this newsgroup.  Moderation Guidelines:  This is a loosely moderated group, moderation mainly being used to screen out irrelevant, non-psychotherapy articles, personal attacks, ad hominem arguments and irrelevant political debate.  The purpose of moderation on sci.psychology.psychotherapy is to create a collegial forum for the discussion about psychotherapy -- in all forms and as practiced by any clinician. For purposes of moderation, psychotherapy is used in a broad sense.  It includes the discussion of topics that overlap with other academic disciplines along with nontraditional areas and approaches to psychotherapy. Similarly, "related issues" and "applications" are defined broadly.  Moderation of sci.psychology.psychotherapy is not the Usenet equivalent of editing a journal; it is meant to work as a filter. The moderation is conducted in a spirit of inclusiveness and collegiality.  Authors are encouraged to keep the content of their articles directed toward applications of psychotherapy.  Authors are also encouraged to cite relevant references in the literature or provide some documentation for claims when and if possible. When disagreeing with another poster, authors are encouraged to concentrate on the others' ideas.  Submission Guidelines:  Articles should be checked for spelling and   formatted with a line length of less than 72 columns.   Articles may occasionally undergo *minor* editing   for punctuation, subject header, etc. Any significant   changes to the content of an article will not occur,   without prior approval and permission from the   original author. Followup-To: and Reply-To: headers   will be set to the appropriate address or newsgroup   at the moderator's discretion.  Articles may be automatically rejected if they are   crossposted to non-psychology related newsgroups.   Please resubmit the article and post it only to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy and other psychology   or relevant mental health newsgroups if this occurs.  If accepted, the article will be posted to   sci.psychology.psychotherapy in a couple of days.   (Please be patient and do not resubmit the article.)   Since most articles are written and sent to the   moderators through newsreaders and various mail   transports across the Internet, it is recommended   that authors hold onto a copy of their submitted   article in case of accidental loss.  If the article is not accepted, a moderator   will notify you of the rejection and give a brief   explanation of why it was not accepted. Articles   can be resubmitted for further consideration.   If an author would like a resubmission to be   considered by the entire set of moderators, it   should be noted in the e-mail to the moderator.   If a simple majority of the moderators then approve   the article, it will be immediately posted.  Articles which have 75-80% or more same content as a   previously-approved article by the same author   (not including quoted material) which was   posted in the past 30 days will be rejected.   Authors are encouraged to trim quoted material of   articles to which they are replying, to highlight the   relevant points in the quoted material.  Abuse of the moderation process in the form of   mail-bombs, personal threats, etc. will result   in the abuser's Internet service provider being   notified. Additional action(s) may be taken if   the moderators unanimously agree additional   action(s) are necessary and warranted.  Changes to moderators, including removing and adding   new moderators, will be determined at a later date   by the moderators in consultation with the newsgroup.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: sci.psychology.psychotherapy  Moderator: "Vance E. Lear" <[email protected]> Moderator: Ember Beck <[email protected]> Moderator: Rolf Lindgren <[email protected]> Moderator: Mike Rael <[email protected]> Moderator: John Grohol <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected]  END MODERATOR INFO.  sci.psychology.psychotherapy (moderates existing group) Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                    D Renard [email protected]                                    Rosemarie Ventura [email protected]                                                        Akita Inus [email protected]                                                 Alex Rogowski [email protected]                                 Nancy Alvarado, Ph.D. [email protected]                                                   Vincent Archer [email protected]                                Margrit Wurzer [email protected]                                         Stephanie da Silva [email protected] [email protected]                                                 Kelly Harvey [email protected]                                     Beverly Barbato [email protected]                                                    Beth Soucar [email protected]                                                   Shag [email protected]                                    Debra A Bottjen [email protected]                                                  Cheryl Martin [email protected]                                  Kent A. Campbell, PhD [email protected]    Carolyn E. Davidson, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Tenne [email protected]                                Herve Choplin [email protected] [email protected]                                                James Grohol [email protected]                                       david (d.c.) cromwell [email protected]                                      Christopher Grala, Psy.D. [email protected]                                          Dave JW Day [email protected]                                                     David Brom [email protected]                                               Daniel Fulton [email protected]                                     Dan L. Rogers [email protected]                                     Don McCreary [email protected]                                                  Vance E. Lear [email protected]                                             Laura Dolson [email protected]                                                  Don Kiely [email protected]                                                     Larry Tout [email protected]                                                    David Shaw [email protected]                                                 David Wolff [email protected]                                         Ed Anderson [email protected]                                         Asikaa P Cosgrove [email protected]                                                Richard Ellis [email protected]                                                   Ember Beck [email protected]                                   Eric G. Myers [email protected]                                                Eric Sandrich [email protected]                                                  Eric Scharff [email protected]                                               Frank Fujita [email protected]                                    David Fresco [email protected]                                       Gerhard Luecke [email protected]                                             Gordon Trockman MD [email protected]                                                    John Grohol [email protected]                                                 Frank Harper [email protected]                                                    Bill Harrar [email protected]                                           Hirsch Davis [email protected]                                              Will Hester [email protected]                                     [email protected] [email protected]                                      Ian Jackson [email protected]                                                    Jay Lapidus [email protected]                                                    Jamie Eimermann [email protected]                                                Jennifer Saad [email protected] [email protected]                                 Jeffrey S. Kline [email protected]                                              JASON RENAUD [email protected]                                                 John Sproule [email protected]                              Judi Lapsley Miller [email protected]                                          Juerg Huber [email protected]                                Jonathan Vaughan [email protected]                                             Jason Willoughby [email protected]                                     Karl H. Kischkel [email protected]                   Koenraad G. F. Janssens [email protected]                                          Michael Steven Rael [email protected]                                   Lance K. Chun [email protected] [email protected]                                                Mick Brown [email protected]                                                   Lisa Green [email protected]                                                   Lila Hanft [email protected]                                          Margaret Crosby [email protected]                                                         Mark Atwood [email protected]                                          Marie Louise Bratt [email protected]                                                    Mike Fessler [email protected]                                           Michele Jean [email protected]                                              Mike Forrest [email protected]                                               Michel Landry [email protected]                          Martin Mikoleit(Bielefeld, Germany) [email protected]                                   Mikko Taneli Oilinki [email protected]                                                 Madeleine Page [email protected]                                             Myron Pulier [email protected]                                       Christian Weisgerber [email protected]                                           Heidi NAGEL [email protected]                                              Ho-Leung Ng [email protected]                                           Nick Gassman [email protected]                               Olle Lindevall [email protected]                                        P.Lucas [email protected]                                    Paul Bernhardt [email protected]                                              Trevor Tymchuk [email protected]                                       Flavio Macchietto [email protected]                                          Peter Hood [email protected]                                                Patrick Hublou [email protected]                   Dipl.-Psych. Juergen A. Reiss [email protected] [email protected]                                                  Edward Reid [email protected]                                    Rick Ellison [email protected]                                      Caroline Malmgren-Davis [email protected]                                           Richard B. Woods [email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller [email protected]                                      Rebecca McQuitty [email protected]                                            Randall Dederick [email protected]                                         Olavi Noronen [email protected]                                             Stan Cooper [email protected]                                                 Simon Grant [email protected]                                                  Doug Sheppard [email protected]                                         Norman Perlmutter [email protected]                                            George McCoy [email protected]                                         Daniel L. Snyder [email protected]                                              Larry C. Lyons [email protected]                                               Stan Townsend [email protected]                                               Tammy Segraves [email protected]                                                   Tony Basoglu [email protected]                                                 Tim McNamara [email protected]                                                Bruce Tindall [email protected]                                                       Terry Knab [email protected]                                                Todd C. Lawson [email protected]                                                   J. Topasna [email protected]                                                  Terry [email protected]                                          Charles Vance [email protected]                                     Laurie Sheerer [email protected]                                     Werner Unbekannt [email protected]                                          Matthew Galloucis [email protected]                                           Steve Arlow [email protected]                                                   Jeffrey M. Odom [email protected]                                  Paul Repacholi  Voted No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                      Maria Vansuelos [email protected]                                                      Ann Date A[email protected]                                                Anna McDonnell [email protected]                                            Randy Skelton [email protected]                                                    Art Stone [email protected]                                     W.E. (Bill) Goodrich, PhD [email protected]                                             Martin H. Booda [email protected]                                                  brad jesness [email protected]                                                     Ales Casar [email protected]                                                 Carl Goodrich [email protected]                                             Clark Ross [email protected]                                   Christopher Lodge Stamper [email protected]                                        Jeffrey N. Browndyke [email protected]                                                Dudley Ames [email protected]                                                    Don Ballard [email protected]                                             David L. Hanson [email protected]                                         Dave Vinson [email protected]                                             Andrew C Robertson [email protected]                                       Franz Fehringer [email protected]                                      Jerry McClurg [email protected]                                          Geoffrey Moore [email protected]                                                  John Clark. [email protected]                                               Jiho Sargent [email protected]                                           John M Price, PhD [email protected]                                                Fred Cherry [email protected]                                                John Leslie [email protected]                                              Kim DeVaughn [email protected]                                                       Lee Lady [email protected]                                                    Larry Smith [email protected]                                           Marilyn Geiger [email protected]                                       Michael Cook [email protected]                                             Olav Nieuwejaar [email protected]                                                  Paul Alukal [email protected]                                           Patrick J. LoPresti [email protected]                                           Priscilla Ballou [email protected]                                        Pierre Uszynski [email protected]                                            Richard Ebling [email protected]                                                       e. saxon [email protected]                                         Richard R. Byrd [email protected]                                                  Robert Loy [email protected]                                  David Moore [email protected]                                                      Shrisha Rao [email protected]                                               Stanton Smith [email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown [email protected]                                                  Thomas Wagner [email protected]                                    Silke-Maria  Weineck [email protected]                                                 Ned Fleming [email protected]                                                       Jean  Abstained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                     Dan Rothschild [email protected]                                             Edna Campos   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                 Harry Bradley    ! Invalid address [email protected]                                                      Cognitee    ! No vote statement in message  --  Jani Patokallio <[email protected]> Voting address: <[email protected]> 
Flaming is the hostile interaction between multiple Usenet users.
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