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From [email protected] Fri Aug 11 14:41:52 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Jeffrey Trust <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.geo.geology,sci.geo.hydrology,sci.geo.meteorology,sci.geo.oceanography,,,,,sci.engr.civil Subject: RFD: sci.geo.rivers Followup-To: news.groups Date: 11 Aug 1995 18:41:45 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 71 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.geo.rivers Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7313 news.groups:163868 sci.geo.geology:23367 sci.geo.hydrology:2404 sci.geo.meteorology:18665 sci.geo.oceanography:2414 sci.engr.civil:10494                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)                    unmoderated group sci.geo.rivers  Summary:  Discusssion of geologic, climatologic, biologic, and engineering           issues relating to rivers  Proponent:  Jeffrey Trust <[email protected]> Mentor:     Ilana Stern <[email protected]>  This is a formal Request For Discussion on the creation of the newsgroup sci.geo.rivers.  This is not a call for votes; do not vote now.  RATIONALE:  Studies of rivers involve many fields of study- work in this field is done by fish biologists, civil engineers, geologists, hydrologists, foresters, and many others.  It is desirable for those involved in river studies to have an efficient and informal way to discuss issues relating to rivers.  Other relevant Usenet newsgroups include sci.geo.hydrology,, and sci.engr.civil.  It is, in part, the purpose of this proposed newsgroup to provide an interdisciplinary discussion of river issues that is frequently absent from each of these newsgroups.  Discussion of rivers takes place in each of the three newsgroups listed above, but the discussion in each group often focuses only on those aspects of river studies relevant to that particular group.  The sci.geo.* hierarchy was chosen because it includes many Earth science-related groups, not just those of geologic interest.  The scope of this newsgroup is intended to be interdisciplinary, and the sci.geo.* hierarchy is the best choice (short of creating a new sci.* hierarchy).  CHARTER:  sci.geo.rivers  sci.geo.rivers is an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup for the discussion of the geology, biology, and other aspects of the scientific study of rivers.  This newsgroup will serve as a place for members of the scientific community, and others interested, to discuss: 1) the geologic processes related to rivers, 2) climatology, as it is related to rivers, to include such topics as water supply and flooding, 3) biologic issues, as they relate to rivers, to include such topics as wildlife, forest, and human ecology, 4) engineering issues, as related to rivers, to include such topics as the effects of human modification (e.g., dams, revetments, and channelization), 6) drainage basin management, including such topics as stream, estuary, and wetlands protection and restoration, and 7) other topics not mentioned above, but that have scientific relevance to rivers.  PROCEDURE:  This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroup Creation.  Its language is based on previously submitted RFDs.  After a discussion period of 21 to 30 days, if there are no major objections, an independent votetaker will post a Call For Votes (CFV) to the same groups as this RFD.  The voting period will be at least 21 days.  If the proposed group passes by receiving 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and at least twice as many YES votes as NO votes, it will be created.  DISTRIBUTION:  The RFD is being cross-posted to the following relevant news groups:  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, sci.geo.geology, sci.geo.hydrology, sci.geo.meteorology, sci.geo.oceanography,,,,, sci.engr.civil  Followup posts should be directed to news.groups.  From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 18:50:37 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Jeffrey Trust <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.geo.geology,sci.geo.hydrology,sci.geo.meteorology,sci.geo.oceanography,,,,,sci.engr.civil Subject: 2nd RFD: sci.geo.rivers+lakes Followup-To: news.groups Date: 11 Sep 1995 22:50:31 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 77 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.geo.rivers+lakes Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7482 news.groups:167247 sci.geo.geology:24473 sci.geo.hydrology:2671 sci.geo.meteorology:19639 sci.geo.oceanography:2606 sci.engr.civil:11150                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)                          unmoderated group sci.geo.rivers+lakes  Summary:  Science of rivers and lakes.  Proponent:  Jeffrey Trust <[email protected]> Mentor:     Ilana Stern <[email protected]>  This is a second Request For Discussion on the creation of the newsgroup sci.geo.rivers+lakes.  Changes from the first RFD:  Based on discussion, the proposed name was changed from sci.geo.rivers to sci.geo.rivers+lakes, and the charter was modified to include as relevant issues rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  RATIONALE:  Studies of rivers and lakes involve many fields of study- work in this field is done by fish biologists, civil engineers, geologists, hydrologists, foresters, and many others.  It is desirable for those involved in river and lacustrine studies to have an efficient and informal way to discuss issues relating to rivers and lakes.  Other relevant Usenet newsgroups include sci.geo.hydrology,, and sci.engr.civil. It is, in part, the purpose of this proposed newsgroup to provide an interdisciplinary discussion of river and lake issues that is frequently absent from each of these newsgroups. Discussion of rivers and lakes takes place in each of the three newsgroups listed above, but the discussion in each group often focuses only on those aspects of river and lake studies relevant to that particular group.  The sci.geo.* hierarchy was chosen because it includes many Earth science-related groups, not just those of geologic interest.  The scope of this newsgroup is intended to be interdisciplinary, and the sci.geo.* hierarchy is the best choice (short of creating a new sci.* hierarchy).   CHARTER: sci.geo.rivers+lakes  sci.geo.rivers+lakes is an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup for the discussion of the geology, biology, and other aspects of the scientific study of rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies. This newsgroup will serve as a place for members of the scientific community, and others interested, to discuss: 1) the geologic processes related to rivers and lakes, 2) climatology, as it is related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as water supply and flooding, 3) biologic issues, as they relate to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as wildlife, forest, and human ecology, 4) engineering issues, as related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as the effects of human modification (e.g., dams, revetments, and channelization), 6) drainage basin management, to include such topics as stream, estuary, and wetlands protection and restoration, and 7) other topics not mentioned above, but that have scientific relevance to rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  END CHARTER.  PROCEDURE:  After a discussion period of 21 to 30 days, if there are no major objections, an independent votetaker will post a Call For Votes (CFV) to the same groups as this RFD.  The voting period will be at least 21 days.  If the proposed group passes by receiving 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and at least twice as many YES votes as NO votes, it will be created.  DISTRIBUTION:  This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroup Creation.  Its language is based on previously submitted RFDs.  The RFD is being cross-posted to the following relevant news groups:  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, sci.geo.geology, sci.geo.hydrology, sci.geo.meteorology, sci.geo.oceanography,,,,, sci.engr.civil, rec.birds,  Followup posts should be directed to news.groups  From [email protected] Tue Oct 24 13:51:22 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Kenneth Herron <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,sci.engr.civil,sci.geo.geology,sci.geo.hydrology,sci.geo.meteorology,sci.geo.oceanography Subject: CFV: sci.geo.rivers+lakes Followup-To: poster Date: 24 Oct 1995 17:51:13 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 108 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 15 Nov 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.geo.rivers+lakes Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7761 news.groups:171289 sci.engr.civil:12446 sci.geo.geology:26307 sci.geo.hydrology:2995 sci.geo.meteorology:21076 sci.geo.oceanography:2919                       FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                 unmoderated group sci.geo.rivers+lakes  Newsgroups line: sci.geo.rivers+lakes	Science of rivers and lakes.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 14 Nov 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about this proposal should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Jeffrey Trust <[email protected]> Mentor:    Ilana Stern <[email protected]> Votetaker: Kenneth Herron <[email protected]>   RATIONALE: sci.geo.rivers+lakes  Studies of rivers and lakes involve many fields of study- work in this field is done by fish biologists, civil engineers, geologists, hydrologists, foresters, and many others.  It is desirable for those involved in river and lacustrine studies to have an efficient and informal way to discuss issues relating to rivers and lakes.  Other relevant Usenet newsgroups include sci.geo.hydrology,, and sci.engr.civil.  It is, in part, the purpose of this proposed newsgroup to provide an interdisciplinary discussion of river and lake issues that is frequently absent from each of these newsgroups. Discussion of rivers and lakes takes place in each of the three newsgroups listed above, but the discussion in each group often focuses only on those aspects of river and lake studies relevant to that particular group.  The sci.geo.* hierarchy was chosen because it includes many Earth science-related groups, not just those of geologic interest.  The scope of this newsgroup is intended to be interdisciplinary, and the sci.geo.* hierarchy is the best choice (short of creating a new sci.* hierarchy).   CHARTER: sci.geo.rivers+lakes  sci.geo.rivers+lakes is an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup for the discussion of the geology, biology, and other aspects of the scientific study of rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  This newsgroup will serve as a place for members of the scientific community, and others interested, to discuss:  1) the geologic processes related to rivers and lakes, 2) climatology, as it is related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as water supply and flooding, 3) biologic issues, as they relate to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as wildlife, forest, and human ecology, 4) engineering issues, as related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as the effects of human modification (e.g., dams, revetments, and channelization), 6) drainage basin management, to include such topics as stream, estuary, and wetlands protection and restoration, and 7) other topics not mentioned above, but that have scientific relevance to rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  END CHARTER.   HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group names.  Give your name on the line that asks for it.  For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Then send via e-mail to:  [email protected]  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines -=-=-=-=-=- sci.geo.rivers+lakes Ballot  (Don't remove this marker)  Please give your real name here->   [Your Vote]  Group -----------------------------------------------------------------  [ YES     ]  [ NO      ]  [ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention   [         ]  CREATE sci.geo.rivers+lakes -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines -=-=-=-=-=-  VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES:  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid; this includes votes generated by WWW/HTML/CGI forms.  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days, contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results post.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.  When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  From [email protected] Fri Nov  3 17:10:09 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Kenneth Herron <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,sci.engr.civil,sci.geo.geology,sci.geo.hydrology,sci.geo.meteorology,sci.geo.oceanography Subject: 2nd CFV: sci.geo.rivers+lakes Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 3 Nov 1995 22:09:59 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 125 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 15 Nov 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.geo.rivers+lakes Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7818 news.groups:172566 sci.engr.civil:12791 sci.geo.geology:26721 sci.geo.hydrology:3093 sci.geo.meteorology:21367 sci.geo.oceanography:3001                        LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                 unmoderated group sci.geo.rivers+lakes  Newsgroups line: sci.geo.rivers+lakes	Science of rivers and lakes.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 14 Nov 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about this proposal should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Jeffrey Trust <[email protected]> Mentor:    Ilana Stern <[email protected]> Votetaker: Kenneth Herron <[email protected]>   RATIONALE: sci.geo.rivers+lakes  Studies of rivers and lakes involve many fields of study- work in this field is done by fish biologists, civil engineers, geologists, hydrologists, foresters, and many others.  It is desirable for those involved in river and lacustrine studies to have an efficient and informal way to discuss issues relating to rivers and lakes.  Other relevant Usenet newsgroups include sci.geo.hydrology,, and sci.engr.civil.  It is, in part, the purpose of this proposed newsgroup to provide an interdisciplinary discussion of river and lake issues that is frequently absent from each of these newsgroups. Discussion of rivers and lakes takes place in each of the three newsgroups listed above, but the discussion in each group often focuses only on those aspects of river and lake studies relevant to that particular group.  The sci.geo.* hierarchy was chosen because it includes many Earth science-related groups, not just those of geologic interest.  The scope of this newsgroup is intended to be interdisciplinary, and the sci.geo.* hierarchy is the best choice (short of creating a new sci.* hierarchy).   CHARTER: sci.geo.rivers+lakes  sci.geo.rivers+lakes is an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup for the discussion of the geology, biology, and other aspects of the scientific study of rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  This newsgroup will serve as a place for members of the scientific community, and others interested, to discuss:  1) the geologic processes related to rivers and lakes, 2) climatology, as it is related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as water supply and flooding, 3) biologic issues, as they relate to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as wildlife, forest, and human ecology, 4) engineering issues, as related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as the effects of human modification (e.g., dams, revetments, and channelization), 6) drainage basin management, to include such topics as stream, estuary, and wetlands protection and restoration, and 7) other topics not mentioned above, but that have scientific relevance to rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  END CHARTER.   HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group names.  Give your name on the line that asks for it.  For each group, place a YES or NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Then send via e-mail to:  [email protected]  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines -=-=-=-=-=- sci.geo.rivers+lakes Ballot  (Don't remove this marker)  Please give your real name here->    Your Vote   Group -----------------------------------------------------------------  [ YES     ]  [ NO      ]  [ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention   [         ]  CREATE sci.geo.rivers+lakes -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines -=-=-=-=-=-  VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES:  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid; this includes votes generated by WWW/HTML/CGI forms.  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days, contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results post.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.  When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  sci.geo.rivers+lakes Acknowledgement Bounce List No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected]                                          Chauncey W. Anderson [email protected]                                               Marinna Martini  Invalid ballots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /home/manly/[email protected]     ! Invalid address [email protected]                                         Tony Blake     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                             S. Sinha     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]             LeRoy J Schroder II, Supv Hydrologist, Denver, CO     ! No vote statement in message  From [email protected] Wed Nov 15 09:16:40 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Kenneth Herron <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,sci.engr.civil,sci.geo.geology,sci.geo.hydrology,sci.geo.meteorology,sci.geo.oceanography Subject: RESULT: sci.geo.rivers+lakes passes 173:18 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 Nov 1995 09:16:34 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 267 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.geo.rivers+lakes Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7881 news.groups:174169 sci.engr.civil:13128 sci.geo.geology:27022 sci.geo.hydrology:3146 sci.geo.meteorology:21699 sci.geo.oceanography:3078                                  RESULT          unmoderated group sci.geo.rivers+lakes passes 173:18  sci.geo.rivers+lakes results - 191 valid votes   Yes  No  | 2/3 >100 | Pass | Group ---- ---- | --- ---- | ---- | -------------------------------------------  173   18 | Yes  Yes |  Yes | sci.geo.rivers+lakes    3 abstaining votes and 5 invalid votes  A five day discussion period follows this announcement.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.  Newsgroups line: sci.geo.rivers+lakes	Science of rivers and lakes.  Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 14 Nov 1995.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about this proposal should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Jeffrey Trust <[email protected]> Mentor:    Ilana Stern <[email protected]> Votetaker: Kenneth Herron <[email protected]>  CHARTER: sci.geo.rivers+lakes  sci.geo.rivers+lakes is an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup for the discussion of the geology, biology, and other aspects of the scientific study of rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  This newsgroup will serve as a place for members of the scientific community, and others interested, to discuss:  1) the geologic processes related to rivers and lakes, 2) climatology, as it is related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as water supply and flooding, 3) biologic issues, as they relate to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as wildlife, forest, and human ecology, 4) engineering issues, as related to rivers and lakes, to include such topics as the effects of human modification (e.g., dams, revetments, and channelization), 6) drainage basin management, to include such topics as stream, estuary, and wetlands protection and restoration, and 7) other topics not mentioned above, but that have scientific relevance to rivers, lakes, and other inland freshwater bodies.  END CHARTER.   UseVote 3.0 Vote Acknowledge - (c) 1993,94 Ron Dippold   Don't forget to 'uvdup' to get rid of duplicates first! sci.geo.rivers+lakes Final Voter list  Voted YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected]                                               Mark Loaney [email protected]                                          Lachlan Cranswick [email protected]                                                 Tony Barr [email protected]                                       Robert LeBlanc [email protected]                                      Andrew Brooks [email protected]                                   Murray Peel [email protected]                                           jason bradbury [email protected]                                   Barbara Robson [email protected]                                  adrian chantler [email protected]                                           Nigel Allen [email protected]                                           Colin Leech [email protected]                                 Patrick Doyon [email protected]                                                     Norm Smith [email protected]                                                             John [email protected]                                                 J.W.Jones [email protected]                                              James McGarry [email protected] [email protected]                                         J.Andrew Geggie [email protected]                                          Jean-Luc LOIZEAU [email protected]                                                Mark A. Williamson [email protected]                                                    Michael Mark [email protected]                                                       Wm Biesele /S=R.BROOKS/[email protected]                   Robert T. Brooks[email protected]                                                                   Brennan Smith [email protected]                                                      Dave Cell [email protected]                                            Philip M. Bunch [email protected]                                                  Mike Northam [email protected]                                            Cheryl Johnson [email protected]                                                      Tad Slawecki [email protected]                                        Henry L. Griffith [email protected]                                        Michael Donoghue [email protected]                                           Kathleen Cooper [email protected]                                                 Daniel Putz [email protected]                                      Ronald F. Kilmartin [email protected]                                                Ken Nelson [email protected]                                               Mark Odegard [email protected]                                               Kim DeVaughn [email protected]                                                  John C. Poyser [email protected]                                           Kent Paul Dolan [email protected]                                             Mark W. Kernodle [email protected]                                                      J.L. McNey [email protected]                                           Bernard N. Guirey [email protected]                                                  Coralie J. Allen [email protected]                                             Wayne T Hally [email protected]                                                 Dave Mayers [email protected]                                        Carol Helene Pease [email protected]                                              Dirk D. Miller [email protected]                                   Martin Schr"oder [email protected]                                   Ruediger Vollbrecht [email protected]                                               Ton Jensen [email protected]                                                   Josh Atkins [email protected]                                                 Ronald L. Tiller [email protected]                                        William Gould [email protected]                                     Timothy M. Demko [email protected]                                 Melannie D. Hartman [email protected]                                        Martin Fleisher [email protected]                                                Chris Stamper [email protected]                                           Jeffrey Trust [email protected]                                           Jennie Hango [email protected]                        Danny Boiano [email protected] [email protected]                                                   john hascall [email protected]                                                Walter Dodds [email protected]                                                       Matt Greenman [email protected]                                     Hays Cummins [email protected]                                           Kenneth L. Bowden [email protected]                                Eddy J. Langendoen [email protected]                                              Gordon E. Grant [email protected]                                                     Don Chen [email protected]                                             John J. Thomas [email protected]                                              Riccardo Rigon [email protected]                                                   Ted Swift [email protected]                                          Joao Paulo Viana [email protected]                                     Steven Panfil [email protected]                                                  W. Scott Snyder [email protected]                                        Larry Molnar [email protected]                                              Vernon Knapp [email protected]                                         Bob Larson [email protected]                                               Michael Daniels [email protected]                                   Allen Bradshaw Murray [email protected]                                               Robert D. Hetrick [email protected]                                                Glenna Drake [email protected]                                  Mark Dixon, U of Montana [email protected]                                          Lawrence London [email protected]                                               Jocelyn Gaudet [email protected]                                 Charles D. Frederick [email protected]                             Mary Margaret Muller [email protected]                                       Shreeram Inamdar [email protected]                                         SARA WATERMAN [email protected]                                           Tom Branham [email protected]                                            Juan Miguel Soria [email protected]                                                 Jyrki Riikinsaari ferenc%[email protected]                                  Me'sza'ros Ferenc [email protected]                                            Juha Riihimaki [email protected]                                                  Heimo Vepsa [email protected]                                                Eric LEWIN [email protected]                                             Ralph Finch [email protected]                                             J. Scott Matyac [email protected]                              Thomas O. Barnwell, Jr. [email protected]                                       Douglas D. Endicott [email protected]                                       Donald E. Eliason [email protected]                                                 ENM [email protected]                                        Ronald L. Vogel [email protected]                                        John Cugini [email protected]                                         Brent M. Lofgren [email protected]                                                 Philip Mobbs [email protected]                                          David P. Adam [email protected]                                          Chauncey W. Anderson [email protected]                                              Daniel T. Snyder [email protected]                                             Edward T. Furlong [email protected]                                            Robert B. Jacobson [email protected]                                               Kevin E. Grazul [email protected]                                               Mark E. Brigham [email protected]                                                 Rose McKenney [email protected]                 Mark F Becker, Hydrologist, Oklahoma City, OK [email protected]                                               Marinna Martini [email protected]                                               David K. Mueller [email protected]                      Steve S Sumioka, Hydrologist, Tacoma, WA [email protected]                                             Thomas F. Cuffney [email protected]                                             R. Edward Hickman [email protected]                                     August C. Matthusen [email protected]                                                   Rusmin Noer [email protected]                                     Gary E. Freeman [email protected]                                            Bob Evans [email protected] [email protected]                           Craig W. Miller, Utah Div. Water Res. [email protected]                                                    Dan Birchall [email protected]                                              Murray Fitch [email protected]                                                     Thomas Wilson [email protected]                                                    Dan Hartung [email protected]                                                  Welden Clark [email protected]                                                      Jim Bone [email protected]                                                    heinrich [email protected]                                         [email protected] [email protected]                                       F. van Luijn [email protected]                                                  Roger Bivand [email protected]                               Per Ludvig Bjerke [email protected]                              Torkild Carstens [email protected]                                             Atle Harby [email protected]                                       Einar Tesaker [email protected]                               Elisabeth Hovdahl [email protected]                                   Kjetil Vaskinn [email protected]                                   Klemet Godtland [email protected]                                   Morten Skoglund [email protected]                                Nils Reidar Boe Olsen [email protected]                                         Sjur Kolberg [email protected]                                             Knut Alfredsen [email protected]                                           Aslak Lovoll [email protected]                                           Lars Jenssen [email protected]                                           Lars Risholt [email protected]                                    Nathan Schmidt [email protected]                                         Nick Miller [email protected]                                         Douglas J. Canning [email protected]                                                          BYRON BODO [email protected]                                                    Trevor Tymchuk [email protected]                                         Anthony DeBoer [email protected]                                    Dr. Kirill V. Chistyakov [email protected]                                          ChengAnn Tan [email protected]                                            Hans J Sluiman [email protected]                                               Dragan Savic [email protected]                                     Russ Evans [email protected]                                               Fergus Charlton [email protected]                                                 Juliet Long [email protected]                                                    Jim Smith [email protected]                                                   Kay Symes [email protected]                                              Melanie Warwick [email protected]                                            Patrick Armitage [email protected]                                       Warren Kovach [email protected]                                            Colin Paice [email protected]                                 David S. Robertson [email protected]                                              Ken Clark [email protected]                                             Ric Sorrell [email protected]                          William A. MacKinnon  Voted NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected]                                               Kevin Mitchell [email protected] [email protected]                                                   Dwight Brown [email protected]                                                   John Stick [email protected]                                      John R. MacWilliamson [email protected]                                               Mark Kupferman [email protected]                             Georg Hoermann [email protected]                              Todd C. Lawson [email protected]                                        G. Patrick Ryan [email protected]                                            Matthew Schnierle [email protected]                                            Patrick J. LoPresti [email protected]                                                 Richard Miller [email protected]                                          Smarasderagd [email protected]                                                 Lance Chun [email protected]                                          David Kirschtel [email protected]                                          Risto Widenius [email protected]                                                   Jim Wilkinson [email protected]                                                Michiel Wijers  Abstained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected]                                       Jan Coekelberghs [email protected]                               Kenneth P Crouch [email protected]                                                  M Mike Taksar  Invalid ballots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /home/manly/[email protected]     ! Invalid address [email protected]                                         Tony Blake     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                 Jean-Daniel Bourgault     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                             S. Sinha     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]             LeRoy J Schroder II, Supv Hydrologist, Denver, CO     ! No vote statement in message 
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