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Evolution (M) ( )
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From [email protected] Fri Nov  5 22:09:49 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Chris Colby) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,sci.geo.geology,sci.anthropology,,sci.skeptic,bionet.molbio.evolution,bionet.general Subject: RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 5 Nov 1993 20:16:38 -0500 Organization: Lines: 116 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 6 Dec 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4237 news.groups:86868 sci.geo.geology:7267 sci.anthropology:4442 sci.skeptic:56989 bionet.molbio.evolution:1295 bionet.general:6957  REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION -- SCI.BIO.EVOLUTION  This is a formal request for discussion for creating the newsgroup Discussion will take place in the newsgroup news.groups.  Moderation __________  The Moderators  This group will be moderated. Josh Hayes has volunteered to do the moderation. In addition, an effort is being made to find more  back-up moderators for times when Josh goes on vacation.  Moderation policy  The only criterion for accepting posts will be relevance. Posts  dealing with scientific aspects of evolution will be accepted. Creationist articles will be rejected. Those authors will be informed that the newsgroup is an unmoderated forum specifically for the creation/evolution debate. Within the framework of evolution, any/all questions, comments or speculations will be welcomed.  Justification for creating new newgroup ---------------------------------------  Evolution is a topic of considerable interest and this theory generates a large volume of discussion on USENET. The current newsgroup is a forum where issues of "origins" are discussed. This currently includes discussions of the creation/ evolution controversy, discussions of evolutionary biology and numerous threads that reflect the history and sociology of the group but appear to have no relevance to anything resembling origins (or anything else for that matter). The volume of t.o. is very high these days and many people who would enjoy reading and contributing to an evolution discussion are turned off by the low signal/noise ratio.  Other newsgroups routinely have discussions about evolution (for example sci.skeptic and and a bionet board (bionet. molbio.evolution) provides a forum for working biologists to contact each other. In addition, a proposal for a new group, sci.anthro.paleo, is currently under discussion. would create a home for a vast number of  discussions and not (it is hoped) adversely affect any of  the existing or proposed groups. The forum would provide a place for interested parties to discuss evolution away from  the creation/evolution controversy and yet be more casual than a bionet newsgroup. It is very likely the traffic to s.b.e will exceed the current traffic regarding evolution because it will attract those interested in evolution but unwilling  to wade through the mountains of creationist dreck on t.o.   Creationists may express the opinion that the purpose of this board is to censor them or that they deserve equal time for their ideas. This is not true. is an unmoderated forum where creationist posters are encouraged to post. Formation of s.b.e will not close any avenues of creationist expression.  Another thing to keep in mind is creationism is religious dogma, not a scientific theory. Most creationist arguments are simply attempts to refute evolution. These refutations are never scientifically sound and are frequently nothing more than appeals to authority. The scientific content of creationism can (and has been) dealt with in short order. Creationism does not deserve equal time in science discussions because it is not science.   In preliminary discussions on, a few posters expressed the opinion that s.b.e would be the death of t.o. I don't think  this would happen. The creation/evolution controversy comprises the bulk of the traffic on t.o.; this would not be affected. Only discussions of evolution itself would leave t.o. It is highly likely that many current t.o. readers will subscribe to both t.o. and s.b.e. should not conflict with the proposed group sci.anthro.paleo. The questions of human origins is a small subset of evolutionary biology. will deal mainly with the general mechanisms of evolution, topics which already generate a considerable amount of discussion in t.o. An expanded listing of the topics for discussion is given immediately below in the Charter.  Charter ------- will be dedicated to discussions of evolutionary biology. These include, but are not limited to: Natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, gene flow, recombination, interactions of the mechanisms of evolution, sexual selection, levels of selection, common descent, systematics, taxonomy, modification with descent, macro- and homeotic mutations, adaptive mutations, the history of life on earth (including the Cambrian explosion and demise of the dinosaurs), paleontology, taphonomy, ecological genetics, behavior- al ecology, game theory, computer simulations of evolution, punct- uated equilibrium, optimality theory, historicity in biology, the growth of biological thought, the history of biology and evolution, Lamarck, Darwin, Huxley, Haldane, Fisher, Wright, Simpson, Dohbzhansky, Gould, Lewontin, Diamond, Dawkins, Leaky, Johanson, Wilson, Kimura, speciation, adaptive landscapes, adaptation, population genetics and discussion of recently published works of interest (e.g. is there a "gay gene"?)   A pre-existing t.o. FAQ file ("Introduction to Evolutionary Biology")  will be posted every month or so to provide background material for new readers or posters.  Topics that are better suited to other groups will be directed there. Creationist postings will be returned with a pointer to Posts dealing solely with issues of human origins will be returned and directed toward sci.anthro.paleo if it is created.   Chris Colby email: [email protected]  From [email protected] Mon Dec  6 17:25:31 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,sci.anthropology,sci.geo.geology,bionet.general,bionet.molbio.evolution,sci.skeptic Subject: CFV: Followup-To: poster Date: 2 Dec 1993 17:09:02 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 100 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 24 Dec 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4365 news.groups:89276 sci.anthropology:5065 sci.geo.geology:7767 bionet.general:7161 bionet.molbio.evolution:1319 sci.skeptic:58608  		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) 		  moderated group   Newsgroups line:	Discussions of evolutionary biology (moderated).   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 23 December 1993.  The group would be moderated by Josh Hayes <[email protected]>. The submission address is unknown at this time.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Chris Colby <[email protected]>.   CHARTER will be dedicated to discussions of evolutionary biology. These include, but are not limited to: Natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, gene flow, recombination, interactions of the mechanisms of evolution, sexual selection, levels of selection, common descent, systematics, taxonomy, modification with descent, macro- and homeotic mutations, adaptive mutations, the history of life on earth (including the Cambrian explosion and demise of the dinosaurs), the origin of life, paleontology, taphonomy, ecological genetics, behavioral ecology, game theory, computer simulations of evolution, punctuated equilibrium, optimality theory, historicity in biology, the growth of biological thought, the history of biology and evolution, Lamarck, Darwin, Huxley, Haldane, Fisher, Wright, Simpson, Dohbzhansky, Gould, Lewontin, Diamond, Dawkins, Leaky, Wilson, Kimura, speciation, adaptive landscapes, adaptation, population genetics and discussion of recently published works of interest (e.g. is there a "gay gene"?)   Moderation policy: As listed above, Josh Hayes would be moderator. The only criterion for accepting posts will be relevance. Posts dealing with scientific aspects of evolution will be accepted; Articles of creationist content will be rejected. Those authors will be informed that the unmoderated newsgroup welcomes such discussions. has a variety of FAQ files (available via ftp) discussing arguments favoring creationism. These have been discussed numerous times on and will not be rehashed on  A pre-existing t.o. FAQ file ("Introduction to Evolutionary Biology") will be posted every month or so to provide background material for new readers or posters.  Evolution is a topic of considerable interest and this theory generates a large volume of discussion on USENET. The current newsgroup is a forum where issues of "origins" are discussed. This currently includes discussions of the creation/ evolution controversy, discussions of evolutionary biology and numerous threads that reflect the history and sociology of the group but appear to have no relevance to anything resembling evolution (or anything else for that matter). The volume of t.o. is very high these days and many people who would enjoy reading and contributing to an evolution discussion group are turned off by the low signal/noise ratio.   Other newsgroups routinely have discussions about evolution (for example sci.skeptic and and a bionet board (bionet. molbio.evolution) provides a forum for working biologists to contact each other. In addition, a proposal for a new group, sci.anthro.paleo, is currently under discussion. There is not, however, a USENET group for discussions of basic elements of evolution accessable to both biologists and interested non- biologists. would create a home for a vast number of discussions and not (it is hoped) adversely affect any of the existing or proposed groups.  The forum would provide a place for interested parties to discuss evolution away from the creation/evolution controversy and yet be more casual than a bionet newsgroup. should not conflict with the proposed group sci.anthro.paleo. The questions of human origins are a small subset of evolutionary biology. will deal mainly with the general mechanisms of evolution, topics which already generate a considerable amount of discussion in t.o.   HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected]  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on       I vote NO on  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person and per account will be counted.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] Tue Dec 14 14:24:00 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,sci.anthropology,sci.geo.geology,bionet.general,bionet.molbio.evolution,sci.skeptic Subject: 2nd CFV: Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 13 Dec 1993 15:03:42 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 108 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 24 Dec 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4406 news.groups:90059 sci.anthropology:5399 sci.geo.geology:7937 bionet.general:7249 bionet.molbio.evolution:1349 sci.skeptic:59257  		     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) 		  moderated group  Newsgroups line:	Discussions of evolutionary biology (moderated).   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 23 December 1993.  The group would be moderated by Josh Hayes <[email protected]>. The submission address is unknown at this time.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Chris Colby <[email protected]>.   CHARTER will be dedicated to discussions of evolutionary biology. These include, but are not limited to: Natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, gene flow, recombination, interactions of the mechanisms of evolution, sexual selection, levels of selection, common descent, systematics, taxonomy, modification with descent, macro- and homeotic mutations, adaptive mutations, the history of life on earth (including the Cambrian explosion and demise of the dinosaurs), the origin of life, paleontology, taphonomy, ecological genetics, behavioral ecology, game theory, computer simulations of evolution, punctuated equilibrium, optimality theory, historicity in biology, the growth of biological thought, the history of biology and evolution, Lamarck, Darwin, Huxley, Haldane, Fisher, Wright, Simpson, Dohbzhansky, Gould, Lewontin, Diamond, Dawkins, Leaky, Wilson, Kimura, speciation, adaptive landscapes, adaptation, population genetics and discussion of recently published works of interest (e.g. is there a "gay gene"?)   Moderation policy: As listed above, Josh Hayes would be moderator. The only criterion for accepting posts will be relevance. Posts dealing with scientific aspects of evolution will be accepted; Articles of creationist content will be rejected. Those authors will be informed that the unmoderated newsgroup welcomes such discussions. has a variety of FAQ files (available via ftp) discussing arguments favoring creationism. These have been discussed numerous times on and will not be rehashed on  A pre-existing t.o. FAQ file ("Introduction to Evolutionary Biology") will be posted every month or so to provide background material for new readers or posters.  Evolution is a topic of considerable interest and this theory generates a large volume of discussion on USENET. The current newsgroup is a forum where issues of "origins" are discussed. This currently includes discussions of the creation/ evolution controversy, discussions of evolutionary biology and numerous threads that reflect the history and sociology of the group but appear to have no relevance to anything resembling evolution (or anything else for that matter). The volume of t.o. is very high these days and many people who would enjoy reading and contributing to an evolution discussion group are turned off by the low signal/noise ratio.   Other newsgroups routinely have discussions about evolution (for example sci.skeptic and and a bionet board (bionet. molbio.evolution) provides a forum for working biologists to contact each other. In addition, a proposal for a new group, sci.anthro.paleo, is currently under discussion. There is not, however, a USENET group for discussions of basic elements of evolution accessable to both biologists and interested non- biologists. would create a home for a vast number of discussions and not (it is hoped) adversely affect any of the existing or proposed groups.  The forum would provide a place for interested parties to discuss evolution away from the creation/evolution controversy and yet be more casual than a bionet newsgroup. should not conflict with the proposed group sci.anthro.paleo. The questions of human origins are a small subset of evolutionary biology. will deal mainly with the general mechanisms of evolution, topics which already generate a considerable amount of discussion in t.o.   HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected]  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on       I vote NO on  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person and per account will be counted.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. group vote Bounce Ack List - no need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]  From [email protected] Mon Jan  3 17:50:34 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,sci.anthropology,sci.geo.geology,bionet.general,bionet.molbio.evolution,sci.skeptic Subject: RESULT: passes 517:25 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 3 Jan 1994 16:59:03 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 622 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4438 news.groups:91321 sci.anthropology:5874 sci.geo.geology:8180 bionet.general:7420 bionet.molbio.evolution:1380 sci.skeptic:60781  	 moderated group vote passes 517:25   There were 517 YES votes and 25 NO votes, for a total of 542 valid votes.  There was 1 abstain and 2 invalid ballots.   For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.  There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.  Thus, the group passes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted. If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.    Newsgroups line:	Discussions of evolutionary biology (moderated).   The group will be moderated by Josh Hayes <[email protected]>. The submission address will be <[email protected]>.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Chris Colby <[email protected]>.   CHARTER will be dedicated to discussions of evolutionary biology. These include, but are not limited to: Natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, gene flow, recombination, interactions of the mechanisms of evolution, sexual selection, levels of selection, common descent, systematics, taxonomy, modification with descent, macro- and homeotic mutations, adaptive mutations, the history of life on earth (including the Cambrian explosion and demise of the dinosaurs), the origin of life, paleontology, taphonomy, ecological genetics, behavioral ecology, game theory, computer simulations of evolution, punctuated equilibrium, optimality theory, historicity in biology, the growth of biological thought, the history of biology and evolution, Lamarck, Darwin, Huxley, Haldane, Fisher, Wright, Simpson, Dohbzhansky, Gould, Lewontin, Diamond, Dawkins, Leaky, Wilson, Kimura, speciation, adaptive landscapes, adaptation, population genetics and discussion of recently published works of interest (e.g. is there a "gay gene"?)   Moderation policy: As listed above, Josh Hayes would be moderator. The only criterion for accepting posts will be relevance. Posts dealing with scientific aspects of evolution will be accepted; Articles of creationist content will be rejected. Those authors will be informed that the unmoderated newsgroup welcomes such discussions. has a variety of FAQ files (available via ftp) discussing arguments favoring creationism. These have been discussed numerous times on and will not be rehashed on  A pre-existing t.o. FAQ file ("Introduction to Evolutionary Biology") will be posted every month or so to provide background material for new readers or posters. group vote Final Vote Ack  Yes Votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                       Wallace R. Fish[email protected]              Ken Sallenger [email protected]                                                Tony Hirst [email protected]                                                A J Kear [email protected]                                    Humphrey Aaron V [email protected]                                       Anthony Booth [email protected]                                                  Douglas Adams [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                          Mark McCullough [email protected]                                 Andy Peters [email protected]                             Mexican Jumping Nodules [email protected]                                       Agati Paolo [email protected]                                       Lisa Schmoetzer [email protected]                         Jeremy Creighton Ahouse [email protected]                                          Anne Jameson [email protected]                                   Alex Jeffries [email protected]                                         Anna K. Haynes [email protected]                                             Anne North [email protected]                                        Antti A Lahelma [email protected]                                            Alan McGowen [email protected]                                            Alan R Williams [email protected]                                         Alistair Blachford [email protected]                                            john alroy [email protected]                                            Dirk John Fischer [email protected]                                              andrea stuart [email protected]                                            Andrea Todkill [email protected]                                           Andrew Taylor [email protected]phoenix.Princeton.EDU                                 Andrew Jenho Yee [email protected]                                                         Ant [email protected]                                             Brennan T. Price [email protected]                                             Andreas Polzer [email protected]                                                [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                          Arno Wouters [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                         Alan Smith [email protected]                                   Arthur Chance [email protected]                                  A Scott Austin [email protected]                                            A Usenet Pal [email protected]                                      Bill Atchley [email protected]                                        Andrew W. Robinson [email protected]                                        Beverly Erlebacher [email protected]                                                 Ben A. MURRAY [email protected]                                                Jeff Barbose [email protected]                                                 Ph. Baret [email protected]                                               Bruce D. Elliott [email protected]                                     Pierre A. Beaurang [email protected]                                         Peter Beernink [email protected]                                           Gail S. Begley [email protected]                                 Bernd Haase [email protected]                                                 Jason Bengel [email protected]                                              Bengt Larsson [email protected]                                    benjamin franz [email protected]                             R. F. Benningfield [email protected]                               Bertrand Jean-Francois [email protected]                                       Bob Garwood [email protected]                                   Bill Adlam [email protected]                                  William H. Jefferys [email protected]                                               Bill McJohn [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                    Bjarni Kristofer Kristjansson [email protected]                                              David O Hunt [email protected]                                                       Bryan Ness [email protected]                                         Diane Boardman [email protected]                                              Bob Myers [email protected]                                               BOCK JANE [email protected]                                            Borcic Boris [email protected]                                      RICHARD A BOUTWELL [email protected]                                                       Paul Lin [email protected]                                  David Bromage [email protected]                                           Bruce Stephens [email protected]                             Brandon S. Allbery [email protected]                         BARRY M. SCHLESINGER [email protected]                                        Brian S Harris [email protected]                              Carolyn Buck-Gengler [email protected]                                     Aliza R. Panitz [email protected]                                       Brad Wallet [email protected]                                          CN. Trueman [email protected]                                     Teerakiat Kerdcharoen [email protected]                                          Allen Gathman [email protected]                                             Walt Lilly [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                      Mark Camara [email protected]                                          Camilla Cracchiolo [email protected]                                    Carl T. Bergstrom [email protected]                                  Jose Castresana [email protected]                              Cassio van den Berg [email protected]                                Alex Buerkle [email protected]                             Christopher Coward (Path) [email protected]                                        F. Jacot Guillarmod [email protected]                                                 I. Iguanama [email protected]                                            JAMES CHILDERS [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                Chris Heiny x73186 - SPO [email protected]                                     Christian Steel [email protected]                                          John Cigliano [email protected]                                          Chris Ho-Stuart [email protected]                                    Christopher K. Koenigsberg [email protected]                            Charles Waltemath,MAC-D,Anesthesiology CM00%[email protected]                                  CM00000 [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                          Bruce Cochrane (BIO) [email protected]                                               Chris Colby [email protected]                                     Robin Colgrove [email protected]                                     Todd Colvard [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                             Craig Morton [email protected]                                                 Mark Craven [email protected]                                            Carol Reed [email protected]                                           C T Little [email protected]                                               John Bates [email protected]                                                       Chuck Henkel [email protected]                                               Tero Sand [email protected]                                       Paul G. Cutlip [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                   David Middleton [email protected]                                  Dale M. Skiba [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                            Danny Yee [email protected]                                          Richard Darsie [email protected]                                           Dave Corne [email protected]                                        David Beasley [email protected]                                           David Halliwell [email protected]                                                 Bill Davidsen [email protected]                                     Selvadurai Dayanandan [email protected]                                             Dan Davison [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                         David C. Berner '95 [email protected]                                           dan day [email protected]                                   Kenneth Jubal DeMonn [email protected]                                              Susan D. Deno [email protected]                                        Derek Tearne [email protected]                              Deena Errampalli [email protected]                                     Fabrice Dessaint [email protected]                                                 David Gibson [email protected]                                             Dean Grier [email protected]                                           Dave Jones [email protected]                                             Dave Joyce [email protected]                                                  Dave Knapp [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                              Paul C. Dolber [email protected]                                   Dominique Bachelet [email protected]                                               Rich Donald [email protected]                                               marc (m.) donovan [email protected]                                         Doug Newdick [email protected]                                     Rebecca Drayer [email protected]                                              L. Drew Davis [email protected]                                              [email protected]                                       Dorothy L. Stout [email protected]                                              Paul Durham [email protected]                                               Dave Weinstein [email protected]                                               David Wolff [email protected]                                              Edward C. Goodwin [email protected]                                                  Ed Rybicki [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                Erik W Harvey [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                               Eli Chiprout [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                           Emma Pease [email protected]                                           Lawrence Foard [email protected]                                                Eric Dorfman [email protected]                                         Erik Read [email protected]                                     Ernst Molitor [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                 Ernest Williams [email protected]                                   John M Price [email protected]                                      Chris Farmer [email protected]                                    Fearghas McKay [email protected]                                       Scott Federhen [email protected]                                            Frank Martin [email protected]                                     Francis Heylighen [email protected]                                 Laurence Fiddick [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                                    Robert Finn [email protected]                                           Steven Fisher [email protected]                                           Steven C. Fisher FJH30276%[email protected]                         Karen Rosenberg [email protected]                                                   Jim Fluke [email protected]                                               Michael Folkes [email protected]                                          Francisco Perfectti [email protected]                                       Frank Price [email protected]                                     Michelle A. Frankel [email protected]                       Laust Frederiksen [email protected]                                           Fred Rhoades [email protected]                 Steve Fritzinger - SE Sun Vienna Va. [email protected]                                      Fernley Symons [email protected]                                                  Francis A Uy [email protected]                                        GAZ RANDALL LOUIS [email protected]                                            [email protected]                                                 Gerold Firl [email protected]                                         G. "Wolfe" Woodbury [email protected]                                                   Gil Neiger [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                                 Brian Gix [email protected]                                      Greg Lindahl [email protected]                                       Glenn A. Friedrich [email protected]                                 Glen St.Germain [email protected]                                            Gerald Lindahl [email protected]                                             George Martin [email protected]                                   digital dave [email protected]                                   gotow lisa fujiko [email protected]                     douglas gray (cancer research) [email protected]                                     David Iain Greig [email protected]                                          Graham Wilson [email protected]                                        Basalat Ali Raja [email protected]                                      Mark Hadfield [email protected]                                             Tedd Hadley [email protected]                                     Bill Hamilton [email protected]                                                  Hamish Reid [email protected]                                          James Harvey [email protected]                                                    Chip Harvey [email protected]                                    Stephan Heilmayr [email protected]                                                         Hilario [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                   Nicholas Hoffmann [email protected]                                               H. Peter Anvin N9ITP [email protected]                         in%[email protected] [email protected]                                         Edward J. Huff [email protected]                                            Herb Huston [email protected]                                                   Hans V. Westerhoff [email protected]                                     Ian Staples [email protected]                                         Leslie Carlin [email protected]                                       Ingrid Jakobsen [email protected]                                             Mark Isaak [email protected]                                        J M V Rayner [email protected]                                          Julian Parkhill J0M1742%[email protected]                                       [email protected]                                                Paleo1 [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                              James Owens [email protected]                                                 Jan Isley [email protected]                    Jane Skinner [email protected]                                        Jason Christian [email protected]                                     Joseph E Boxhorn [email protected]                             James Alexander Chokey [email protected]                                        JEAN MARIAUX [email protected]                                 Jeffrey L Bromberger [email protected]                                         Jack Johnston [email protected]                                   Randell Jesup [email protected]                                 BOISVIEUX Jean-Francois [email protected]                                   James G. Acker [email protected]                                   Josh A. Goldfoot [email protected]                                       JIM DANOFF-BURG [email protected]                                                 Jim Jewett [email protected]                         Stan Ryckman [email protected]                                          Judy Komorita [email protected]                                                 Jeff Leane [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                         Johanna L. Phillips [email protected]                                           Jay Maynard [email protected]                                      Jan McEwen [email protected]                                          Mike Lake [email protected]                                       John Munch [email protected]                                  Joe Dellinger [email protected]                                   John Wilkins [email protected]                                          John D. Hopkins [email protected]                                [email protected] [email protected]                           Jorg Schulz-Rojahn [email protected]                                               Joshua Seamon [email protected]                                     joseph d scott [email protected]                                               doc [email protected]                                                 Joshua Levy [email protected]                                        Justin M. Sanders [email protected]                                       Jeff Williams [email protected]                                                   Julia Haviland [email protected]                                                   Jeff Schultz [email protected]                                             Badara Kaba [email protected]                                                 James Kanze [email protected]                                                 Durrell Kapan [email protected]                                         Karl Kent Benedict [email protected]                                                       Ken Cox [email protected]                 Keith "Justified And Ancient" Cochran [email protected]                                           Paul Keck [email protected]                                       John Keltner [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                 HAROLD WM KERSTER [email protected]                                       Kermyt G Anderson [email protected]                            Henning Klaskala [email protected]                                     Karl Magnacca [email protected]                                                   Kevin McCarty [email protected]                                              Ken Damrau [email protected]                                          Robert Knox [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                            Katedra pest.lesa [email protected]                                       Thomas Kettenring [email protected]                                               Frank Kuserk [email protected]                                                     ken mudge [email protected]                                        Martin Schroeder [email protected]                                         Lachlan Cranswick [email protected]                                            L.A. Moran [email protected]                                        Kurt Lane [email protected]                              Lapointe Francois-Joseph [email protected]                                                     Liza Daly [email protected]                                                Jerry Learn [email protected]                                           Vladimir F. Levchenko [email protected]                                              Lawrence Hale, UPEI [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                          Lewis E. 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Edwards [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                                        Clark [email protected]                                                 Mike Zwick [email protected]                                          Mike Farris [email protected]                                                Mark G Gritter [email protected]                      Michael Holloway [Pediatrics] [email protected]                                          Michael I Bushnell [email protected]                                           Mike Fessler [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                              R.C. Miller [email protected]                                 Roberta L Millstein [email protected]                                                  Manish Butte [email protected]                                       Matthew J. Brauer [email protected]                                       M.J. Horsfall [email protected]                                     Mike Kearsley [email protected]                                       Michael L. Hall [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                          David R. Villegas [email protected]                                               Paul Mosquin [email protected]                                            MR M RAMSEY [email protected]                                  Mathew Revington [email protected]                           Melissa Rhoads Warden [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                             M. S. Johnson [email protected]                                     paul jeffrey [email protected]                                      sandra v. palm [email protected]                                      Cameron Parish [email protected]                                               John Nash [email protected]                                                   NC Webb [email protected]                                         Neil Griffin [email protected]                                          William Paulsen [email protected]                                                 newman [email protected]                                               Dave E Woon [email protected]                                       Nicholas Breen [email protected]                                           Richard Nistuk [email protected]                                        Nathan J. Mehl [email protected]                                            Bill Olivas [email protected]                                  Christos Ouzounis [email protected]    =============================================== [email protected]                                                     HOEBEN [email protected]                                       BROWN ROBERT [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                          Harold Pariser [email protected]                                          Patrick Phillips [email protected]                                      Dave Pearton [email protected]                                              Pete Lancashire [email protected]                         Patricia Foster -- Env. Med. [email protected]                                         Paul Konstant [email protected]                                                 Phil Burg [email protected]                                          PHILIPPI [email protected]                                     Chris Phillips [email protected]                                             rod picks [email protected]                                        Pierre Uszynski [email protected]                                                 Peik J Stromsholm [email protected]                                  Petra Leimich (PhD) [email protected]                                 MAZDA HEWITT [email protected]                                       Marsha E. Pomeroy [email protected]                                        Jennifer L. Donnelly [email protected]                                              preston [email protected]                                         Paul S R Chisholm [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                               Peter Kocourek [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                            Radford Neal [email protected]                                     L. Ramakrishnan [email protected]                                           Geoff Read [email protected]                                        Richard E. Depew [email protected]                                                   Tara Reed [email protected]                                         ted reichardt [email protected]                                         Tanya Reichert [email protected]                                         Justin Mark Palmer [email protected]                                                    Yong Ren [email protected]                               Renee Raduechel 414 785-5117 [email protected]                                      Sendhil Revuluri [email protected]                                         Rachel Gaspers [email protected]                                              Richard Green [email protected]                                                     Richard Harter [email protected]                                               James Rice [email protected]                                     Richard Ellermeier [email protected]                                          Dave Rindos [email protected]                                          Richard Hoffmann [email protected]                                 Recovering Macaholic [email protected]                                            Robert Derrick [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                     Jon Robinson [email protected]                                             Spencer Roedder [email protected]                                                 Ronnie B. 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Little [email protected]                                    Stephen L Yang [email protected]                                        Scott H Mullins [email protected]                                         Hans Soelkner [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                              Andrew Solovay [email protected]                                                          Juut [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                          Scott R. 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Williams [email protected]                                              Martin Smith [email protected]                               Christopher M. Conway [email protected]                                               Michele Worley [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                  William R. 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