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HDTV and DATV ( sci.engr.advanced-tv )
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From [email protected] Thu Mar  9 08:48:25 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Rob Chambers) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.advanced-tv Subject: RFD: sci.engr.television.broadcast and sci.engr.television.advanced Followup-To: news.groups Date: 9 Mar 1995 02:17:33 -0500 Organization: Software Alberta Society, Edmonton, Canada Lines: 94 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6396 news.groups:138283 sci.electronics:123228 sci.engr:14497 sci.engr.advanced-tv:2541                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)   Newsgroup       : sci.engr.television.broadcast  Status          : unmoderated  Distribution    : Worldwide  Summary         : Discussions relating to broadcast tv facility equipment  Proponents      : Rob Chambers <[email protected]>  This is a formal Request For Discussion on the creation of an unmoderated newsgroup entitled sci.engr.television.broadcast, and the renaming of sci.engr.advanced-tv to sci.engr.television.advanced.  This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroup Creation. Its language is based on previously submitted RFDs.  This RFD is being cross-posted to the following newsgroups:    news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,,,, sci.electronics,   sci.engr, sci.engr.advanced-tv  CHARTER: sci.engr.television.broadcast  This newsgroup will be used for the technical discussions of equipment relating to the operation of a broadcast television facility. This scope will include equipment that is used to transmit, store, manipulate, or generate broadcast quality signals. Engineering standards, practices and troubleshooting will also be discussed.  Recognized groups (such as NAB, SMPTE, etc) will also be encouraged to discuss upcoming conferences and information relating to the broadcast industry.   RATIONALE: sci.engr.television.broadcast  There is currently two newsgroups that border on the preceding charter, sci.engr.advanced-tv and A third group,, is also being proposed by Micheal Silbergleid <[email protected]>.  The scope of does not cover the technical aspects of the broadcast quality signal and serves more as an operational and a consumer based group.  The sci.engr.advanced-tv group is for technical discussions on the future proposals to change the current television system into a digital or HDTV system.  The proposal is for the operational and business side of the broadcast industry. This group will not contain the indepth technicial and scientific analysis that is being proposed under this RFD.  Many broadcast engineers have commented on the lack of an appropriate group to discuss the technicial aspects of the current television systems, this is why this RFD has been created.   MAILING LISTS  No known lists exist.   CHARTER: sci.engr.television.advanced  This is the renaming of the current group sci.engr.advanced-tv to sci.engr.television.advanced. The current charter of this group will remain the same.   RATIONALE: sci.engr.television.advanced  This will allow the advanced-tv group to be included under the new television heirarchy.   PROCEDURE  Please post any responses to this message to news.groups. If you use the follow-up feature on your newsreader, this should happen automatically.  All discussion about the merits of this proposal should occur on news.groups.   FUTURE CALL FOR VOTES  After a discussion period of 21-30 days, if there are no overwhelming objections to the proposed group, there will be a Call For Votes (CFV) posted to the same groups as this RFD. The voting period will be at least 21 days. If the group passes by receiving 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and (at least) twice as many YES votes as NO votes, it will be created.  Do not vote until the CFV has been posted. More specific instructions on how to vote for this newsgroup will be posted within the CFV.  From [email protected] Tue Apr 25 13:18:42 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.advanced-tv Subject: CFV: sci.engr.television.{advanced,broadcast} Followup-To: poster Date: 24 Apr 1995 19:08:59 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 116 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 16 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6692 news.groups:146175 sci.electronics:129690 sci.engr:15646 sci.engr.advanced-tv:2824                            FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) unmoderated group sci.engr.television.advanced (replaces sci.engr.advanced-tv)                unmoderated group sci.engr.television.broadcast  Newsgroups line: sci.engr.television.advanced	HDTV/DATV stds, formats, equipment, practices. sci.engr.television.broadcast	Broadcast facility equipment and practices.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 15 May 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact Warren Lavallee <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group contact Rob Chambers <[email protected]>.  DISTRIBUTION This CFV has been cross posted to:,,,  sci.electronics, sci.engr, sci.engr.advanced-tv  CHARTER  sci.engr.television.broadcast This newsgroup will be used for the technical discussions of equipment relating to the operation of a broadcast television facility. This scope will include equipment that is used to transmit, store, manipulate, or generate broadcast quality signals. Engineering standards, practices and troubleshooting will also be discussed.  Recognized groups (such as NAB, SMPTE, etc) will also be encouraged to discuss upcoming conferences and information relating to the broadcast industry.  sci.engr.television.advanced This is the renaming of the current group sci.engr.advanced-tv to sci.engr.television.advanced. The current charter of this group will remain the same.  RATIONALE  sci.engr.television.broadcast There is currently two newsgroups that border on the preceding charter, sci.engr.advanced-tv and A third group,, is also being proposed by Micheal Silbergleid <[email protected]>.  The scope of does not cover the technical aspects of the broadcast quality signal and serves more as an operational and a consumer based group.  The sci.engr.advanced-tv group is for technical discussions on the future proposals to change the current television system into a digital or HDTV system.  The proposal is for the operational and business side of the broadcast industry. This group will not contain the indepth technicial and scientific analysis. Many broadcast engineers have commented on the lack of an appropriate group to discuss the technicial aspects of the current television systems.  sci.engr.television.advanced This will allow the advanced-tv group to be included under the new television heirarchy.  HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line. Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group name. Basically, remove everything except the ballot - we have to save them all on disk.  Give your name on the line that asks for it. Place a YES or NO in the brackets next to the group name to vote for or against it. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- sci.engr.television reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name on previous line your vote may be rejected.  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ]  sci.engr.television.advanced (replaces sci.engr.advanced-tv) [         ]  sci.engr.television.broadcast -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve only to cancel any previous vote. Abstentions are noted in the final vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely. (This is the only difference between the two.)  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person, no more than one vote per account. If you attempt multiple votes or other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.  The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including how each person voted. Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret ballot.  There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed. The requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.  From [email protected] Wed May  3 19:18:59 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.advanced-tv Subject: 2nd CFV: sci.engr.television.{advanced,broadcast} Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 3 May 1995 15:39:43 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 116 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 16 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6761 news.groups:147432 sci.electronics:131064 sci.engr:15887 sci.engr.advanced-tv:2882                            LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) unmoderated group sci.engr.television.advanced (replaces sci.engr.advanced-tv)                unmoderated group sci.engr.television.broadcast  Newsgroups line: sci.engr.television.advanced	HDTV/DATV stds, formats, equipment, practices. sci.engr.television.broadcast	Broadcast facility equipment and practices.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 15 May 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact Warren Lavallee <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group contact Rob Chambers <[email protected]>.  DISTRIBUTION This CFV has been cross posted to:,,,  sci.electronics, sci.engr, sci.engr.advanced-tv  CHARTER  sci.engr.television.broadcast This newsgroup will be used for the technical discussions of equipment relating to the operation of a broadcast television facility. This scope will include equipment that is used to transmit, store, manipulate, or generate broadcast quality signals. Engineering standards, practices and troubleshooting will also be discussed.  Recognized groups (such as NAB, SMPTE, etc) will also be encouraged to discuss upcoming conferences and information relating to the broadcast industry.  sci.engr.television.advanced This is the renaming of the current group sci.engr.advanced-tv to sci.engr.television.advanced. The current charter of this group will remain the same.  RATIONALE  sci.engr.television.broadcast There is currently two newsgroups that border on the preceding charter, sci.engr.advanced-tv and A third group,, is also being proposed by Micheal Silbergleid <[email protected]>.  The scope of does not cover the technical aspects of the broadcast quality signal and serves more as an operational and a consumer based group.  The sci.engr.advanced-tv group is for technical discussions on the future proposals to change the current television system into a digital or HDTV system.  The proposal is for the operational and business side of the broadcast industry. This group will not contain the indepth technicial and scientific analysis. Many broadcast engineers have commented on the lack of an appropriate group to discuss the technicial aspects of the current television systems.  sci.engr.television.advanced This will allow the advanced-tv group to be included under the new television heirarchy.  HOW TO VOTE  Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line. Do not erase anything between these lines and do not change the group name. Basically, remove everything except the ballot - we have to save them all on disk.  Give your name on the line that asks for it. Place a YES or NO in the brackets next to the group name to vote for or against it. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- sci.engr.television reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name on previous line your vote may be rejected.  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ]  sci.engr.television.advanced (replaces sci.engr.advanced-tv) [         ]  sci.engr.television.broadcast -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve only to cancel any previous vote. Abstentions are noted in the final vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely. (This is the only difference between the two.)  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person, no more than one vote per account. If you attempt multiple votes or other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.  The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including how each person voted. Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret ballot.  There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed. The requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.  From [email protected] Tue May 16 19:38:19 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,sci.electronics,sci.engr,sci.engr.advanced-tv Subject: RESULT: sci.engr.television.{advanced,broadcast} pass Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 16 May 1995 15:16:40 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 203 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: sci.engr.television Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6860 news.groups:149790 sci.electronics:132940 sci.engr:16259 sci.engr.advanced-tv:2912                                  RESULT      unmoderated group sci.engr.television.advanced passes 129:12     unmoderated group sci.engr.television.broadcast passes 132:13    sci.engr.television.advanced (replaces sci.engr.advanced-tv) passed on Mon May 8 19:56:14 1995   sci.engr.television.broadcast passed on Mon May 8 16:06:17 1995  Newsgroups line: sci.engr.television.advanced	HDTV/DATV stds, formats, equipment, practices. sci.engr.television.broadcast	Broadcast facility equipment and practices.  This vote was being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions only contact Warren Lavallee <[email protected]>. For questions about the proposed group contact Rob Chambers <[email protected]>.  CHARTER  sci.engr.television.broadcast This newsgroup will be used for the technical discussions of equipment relating to the operation of a broadcast television facility. This scope will include equipment that is used to transmit, store, manipulate, or generate broadcast quality signals. Engineering standards, practices and troubleshooting will also be discussed.  Recognized groups (such as NAB, SMPTE, etc) will also be encouraged to discuss upcoming conferences and information relating to the broadcast industry.  sci.engr.television.advanced This is the renaming of the current group sci.engr.advanced-tv to sci.engr.television.advanced. The current charter of this group will remain the same.  [This collection of addresses is (C)1995 by Consultix Computer Services. Permission is strictly NOT given to use this list or any part thereof to make a mailing list, or for mass-mailings.  Any other use is fine.] sci.engr.television reorg Final Vote Ack                                             sci.engr.television.broadcast ----+             sci.engr.television.advanced (replaces sci.engr.advanced-tv) ---+|                                                                             || [email protected]                                       Reddy Urimindi YY [email protected]                                         Glenn Shick YY [email protected]                                JESUS M. IZQUIERDO YY [email protected]                                  Andrew Cannon YY [email protected]                                       Jack Decker YY [email protected]                                            Anthony G. Albano YY [email protected]                                          Adrian Heilbut YY [email protected]                                               Andy Mercker YY [email protected]                                         Andrew Johnson YY [email protected]                                            Allen Abel YY [email protected]                                           Bill Beeman Y- [email protected]                                                                 YN [email protected]                                                 Aubrey Wells YY [email protected]                                           Bengt Larsson YY [email protected]                                             Fred Besancon YY [email protected]                                 Jamie Sommerville YY [email protected]                                        Bill Bowen YY [email protected]                                   Cedric Brent Kelly YY [email protected]                                                   Bruce Cowan YY [email protected]               Colin Grimshaw (imperial college, london) -Y [email protected]                                               YY [email protected]                                               Bob Champion YY [email protected]                                      Chris Barham YY [email protected]                                               Craig Birkmaier YY [email protected]                                             Colin Jensen YY [email protected]                                      Chris Stamper YY [email protected]                                               Clyde Wildes YY [email protected]                                          Bob Bachus YY [email protected]                                  K. Crouch -- [email protected]                                              Kevin Sullivan YY [email protected]                                   Curt Swinehart YY [email protected]                                            Christopher Ward NN [email protected]                                          Dan Rothschild YY [email protected]                                               David Breneman YY [email protected]                                               David Muckel YY [email protected]                                       David Wiswell YY [email protected]                               William Douglas Drader YY [email protected]                                David Groome YY [email protected]                                        David Stafford YY [email protected]                                    Lynnette Edrington YY [email protected]                                             Edward Dumholt YY [email protected]                                              Elmer Beachley YY [email protected]                                                Emery Lapinski YY [email protected]                                                  Brian Fagan YY [email protected]                                           David Finocchiaro YY [email protected]                                  David Sheftel -Y [email protected]                                       Jeremy D. Lansman YY [email protected]                                 Gareth Rowlands YY [email protected]                                          Sean Hamilton YY [email protected]                                          Gregg Kellogg YY [email protected]                                    Bob Griffin YY [email protected]                              Davender Nath GUPTA YY [email protected]                                                Gary Youngs -Y [email protected]                                       Lance C. Hankins YY [email protected]                                               Michael Hazarian YY [email protected]                                           Ian Miller YY [email protected]                                         Ivan Sindell YY [email protected]                              Jeff Murphy NN [email protected]                                            John Cowie YY [email protected]                                              J.D. Falk YY [email protected]                                   John Hetherington YY [email protected]                                                 James Sterbenz YY [email protected]                                         Jeremy Pollack YY [email protected]                                              Jim Taylor YY [email protected]                                        Jurgen Bartels YY [email protected]                              Juha Mustonen YY [email protected]                                           Julian Elve YY [email protected]                                                     Jame Wilson YY [email protected]                                                Jim D. Wynn YY [email protected]                                        Winston Tharp YY [email protected]                             kenny adams [email protected] YY [email protected]                                            Keith H.-K. Chow YY [email protected]                                        Ken Williams  YY [email protected]                                      Kerrin Pine YY [email protected]                                           Kim DeVaughn YY [email protected]                                   Mark Kinsler YY [email protected]                                      Lachlan Cranswick YY [email protected]                                                Lawrence Gust YY [email protected]                                               Leo Nikora YY [email protected]                              Martin Schr\"oder YY [email protected]                                                Luk-Marie Decroos YY [email protected]                                          Luis A. Rodriguez NN [email protected]                                Ross MacGill YY [email protected]                                            Patrick Yip YY [email protected]                                        Marc Moorcroft NN [email protected]                                        Zeke M. Towson NN [email protected]                                              Mike Northam YY [email protected]                                   Michael Emery YY [email protected]                                         Mihai N. Hristu YY [email protected]                                       Mikael Nadelmann YY [email protected]                                       Mike Onyskiw YY [email protected]                                     Michael Hasselberg YY [email protected]                                              M Mike Taksar -- [email protected]                                   David C. Moisan YY [email protected]                                      David YY [email protected]                                  Michael Sanders YY [email protected]                                                  Nigel Allen YY [email protected]                                     Nick Hattingh YY [email protected]                                       Nick Ingegneri NY [email protected]                                          Nigel McAdam YY [email protected]                                                      Chuck Kahn YY [email protected]                                                  david parsons -- [email protected]                       M. `Advanced couch potato' Otto -- [email protected]                                               Mike Barlow -Y [email protected]                                                        phil reed YY [email protected]                                      Philip J. Decker YY [email protected]                                     Peter Watson YY [email protected]                                     Pierre USzynski NN [email protected]                                       Stephane Pigeon YY [email protected]                                         Mark Posen YY problem!alex                                                   Alex Johnson YY [email protected]                                             Pete Bastien YN [email protected]                                           Rebecca Drayer YY [email protected]                                              Rick Douglas YY [email protected]                                               Ron Renaud YY [email protected]                                            Ryan Waldron NN [email protected]                                     Richard V. Paiement YY [email protected]                       Richard Olsson, [email protected] YY [email protected]                                           Richard Browne YY [email protected]                                              Richard Cave YY [email protected]                                          Richard H. Miller YN [email protected]                                            Richard Jenkins YY [email protected]                                          Richard L. Davis YY [email protected]                                          Robert Cruickshank YY [email protected]                                   Rob Chambers YY [email protected]                                       Robin Kenny YY [email protected]                                 Ron Schultz YY [email protected]                                            Robert Rolf YY [email protected]                                          Robert Smits NN [email protected]                                                Rudolf van Ree YY [email protected]                                              Bob Wilkins YY [email protected]                                     George Schmitt YY [email protected]                                          Steven Sergeant YY [email protected]                               Franklin Tapetta YY [email protected]                                     Stephen Joseph Smith -- [email protected]                                         Andrew Haggert NY [email protected]                                        Steven L. Blake YY [email protected]                                               Dwight Brown NN [email protected]                                             Stephen G. Tell YY [email protected]                                       Thomas Wise YY [email protected]                                                   Tony Newman YY [email protected]                                    TONY QUINN YY [email protected]                                           Travis L. Hardin YY [email protected]                                    Gary Bourgois YY [email protected]                                    Robert Kastigar YY [email protected]                                   Yi-Jian Lee YY [email protected]                              Vassilis Seferidis YY [email protected]                                          Victor L. Hamrick -Y [email protected]                                         Michael Brockwell YY [email protected]                                      Vincent Jurgens YY [email protected]                                      Risto Widenius NN   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                   Don Ryan    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                  EarleVideo    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                             Marjorie Rosen    ! No vote statement in message  
A person who reads/browses newsgroups but does not actively post.
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