From [email protected] Tue Feb 18 00:37:27 1992
Flags: 000000000201
From: [email protected] (Dave Armbrust)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,comp.unix.xenix,comp.unix.i386
Subject: New group comp.unix.sco
Keywords: sco_unix_xenix_newgroups, posted
Date: 22 Mar 90 19:15:20 GMT
Followup-To: news.groups
Organization: PC Software Systems Corp.

This is a call for discussion regarding the creation of a new
group called comp.unix.sco.

This group would be intended for postings regarding all products
>From Santa Cruz Operations;  Including but not limited to SCO
Xenix, SCO Unix, Xsight, (ODT) Open Desk Top, Lyrix, VP/ix, SCO
Professional, etc.

Most posting for SCO are currently being posted under
unix.comp.xenix.  This group is for posting regarding all Xenix
systems not just SCO.  SCO is currently shipping SCO Unix
which is no longer called Xenix.

There is currently a group called comp.unix.i386.  This group is
for posting regarding unix on Intel 386 based computers.  SCO
does run on 386 computers but not exclusively 386 machines.

For these reasons there is confusion to where posting regarding
SCO products should be posted.

It is my suggestion that a new group called comp.unix.sco be
created rather then renaming the group comp.unix.xenix.
Dave Armbrust               |     uunet!pcssc!dma
PC Software Systems         |     Phone: (813)365-1162
2121 Cornell Street         |
Sarasota, FL 34237          |     

From [email protected] Thu Sep 15 23:23:38 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: "Aris Stathakis" 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,biz.sco.general,comp.unix.sys5.r3,comp.unix.xenix.sco
Subject: RFD: comp.unix.sco
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 15 Sep 1994 23:15:58 -0400
Lines: 67
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5637 news.groups:116236 biz.sco.general:24316 comp.unix.sys5.r3:2396 comp.unix.xenix.sco:11358

                   2nd REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)

Group Name:     comp.unix.sco
Status:         Unmoderated
Summary:        Discussion of all aspects of SCO products including
                SCO UNIX and SCO OpenDesktop.
Distribution:   World

Proposed Newsgroup line:

comp.unix.sco        Discussion of all Santa Cruz Operation products.


SCO UNIX has a very large user-base possibly has the largest Intel-based 
UNIX user-base in the world.  This newsgroup would be used to discuss all 
SCO products, including the Operating System, Networking Utilities, and 
all other SCO products.  


There are biz.sco groups, but these are not widely distributed and are
(theoretically) reserved for commercial announcements.  There is also
a comp.unix.xenix.sco group, but this focuses on the older Xenix product
which doesn't resemble SCO UNIX very much any more.  This newsgroup
should be created in the same spirit as comp.unix.unixware and 
comp.unix.solaris where users and fans of SCO products and hang out and 
discuss various problems, new features, and new products.

I would also hope that various SCO engineers would volunteer their time to
help, as would various SCO users all over the world.

It has been suggested that comp.unix.xenix.sco remain in place for discussion
of Xenix products, and comp.unix.sco be for UNIX related products. 

If after 6 months to 1 year of activity it is found that a heirarchy
under comp.unix.sco groups is needed, then a new CFV should be done.

This RFD is being submitted to news.announce.newgroups (via e-mail) in 
compliance with the usual guidelines.  It is also being posted to 
the following groups:


This RFD will last for 21 to 30 days.  Assuming that there are no
objections, there will then be a call for votes (CFV) that will last 21 
days.  As usual creation of the newsgroup requires 100 more yes votes 
than no votes and also two yes votes for every no vote.

Aris Stathakis            Tel: +27 11 887 1040       Snail Mail:  
SCO ACE / Novell CNE      Fax: +27 11 887 5158       P.O. Box 781228
M&PD (Pty) Ltd.           Fax: +27 11 786 6647       Sandton, 2146
E-Mail: [email protected]    Cell:+27 83 601 0206       R.S.A.

From [email protected] Tue Dec 13 12:17:45 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ed Hew)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,biz.sco.general,biz.sco.opendesktop,biz.sco.magazine,biz.sco.vtcl,comp.unix.xenix.sco
Subject: RFD: comp.unix.sco.{announce,misc,programmer)
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 13 Dec 1994 10:53:06 -0500
Organization: XeniTec Consulting Services, Kitchener ON, Canada
Lines: 233
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6058 news.groups:126765 biz.sco.general:28128 biz.sco.opendesktop:5680 biz.sco.magazine:238 biz.sco.vtcl:54 comp.unix.xenix.sco:12141

        Request For Discussion:  comp.unix.sco.* newsgroups

Two RFDs were recently issued for a single new newsgroup, comp.unix.sco,
lacking acknowledgment or consideration of the long-existing and highly
respected biz.sco.* newsgroup hierarchy.  Sufficient dissent resulted,
both publicly and privately, to warrant taking the discussion "offline".
The considered consensus of the participants in resulting offline
discussions is that a migration to the "comp" hierarchy is inevitable,
and that such a migration must be done in a rational and reasonable manner
taking all existing SCO-related newsgroups into account.  As the resulting
new proposal is significantly different from the original, we are
presenting it here for further public discussion before calling for a
vote.  If substantial agreement is posted regarding this RFD, the CFV
will be issued in 28 days, on Tue Jan 10, 1995.  The extra time allotted
for discussion compensates for the Christmas holiday period.

The essence of the new proposal is to move and restructure the existing
biz.sco.* newsgroups into a comp.unix.sco hierarchy.  A successful CFV
will result in removal of the existing biz.sco.* hierarchy in accordance
with the biz.* newsgroup creation/removal guidelines, as outlined below.

The canonical descriptions of the existing biz.sco.* newsgroups are:

 biz.sco.announce       SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated)
 biz.sco.binaries       Binary packages for SCO Xenix, UNIX, or ODT. (Moderated)
 biz.sco.general        Q&A, discussions and comments on SCO products.
 biz.sco.magazine       To discuss SCO Magazine and its contents.
 biz.sco.opendesktop    ODT environment and applications tech info, q&a.
 biz.sco.sources        Source code ported to an SCO operating environment. (Moderated)
 biz.sco.vtcl           Questions, answers and discussion of SCO Visual Tcl

The proposal is to create the following newsgroups:

  comp.unix.sco.misc (rename/merge from biz.sco.{general,opendesktop,magazine})
  comp.unix.sco.programmer (rename/rescope from biz.sco.vtcl)
  comp.unix.sco.announce [moderated] (rename from biz.sco.announce)

The biz.sco.binaries and biz.sco.sources newsgroups are now redundant
given the proliferation of well-connected public archive sites.  They
would *not* be migrated to the new hierarchy.

As suggested by the proponents of the first two recent RFDs, the primary
general rationales for the migration are:

  Although frequently posted FAQs illustrate the location of existing
  biz.sco.* newsgroups, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that new
  posters often do not know where to find them.  Newcomers expect to find
  the SCO newsgroups alongside peer operating systems like Novell Unixware
  (comp.unix.unixware), IBM AIX (comp.unix.aix), and Sun Solaris
  (comp.unix.solaris).  Neglecting the biz.sco.* sub-hierarchy, they post
  to less specific newsgroups (comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit, comp.unix.sys5.r3),
  or to completely inappropriate newsgroups (comp.unix.xenix.sco,

  Some posters in relatively weakly connected corners of the globe (South
  Africa, New Zealand, eastern Europe etc.) have continuing difficulty
  getting reliable feeds of the biz.sco.* newsgroups because upstream sites
  may not carry them.  Sometimes people don't even know the newsgroups exist
  because upstream site administrators omit the entire biz.* hierarchy,
  despite ongoing efforts to enhance global propagation of the biz.*
  hierarchy.  Distribution of the existing SCO newsgroups under the biz
  hierarchy is still less than that anticipated within the "comp" hierarchy.

Specific rationale for each proposed change:

comp.unix.sco.misc (rename/merge from biz.sco.{general,opendesktop,magazine})

  We expect this to be the main new group, carrying the traffic of the
  existing .general, .opendesktop, and .magazine newsgroups.  The standard
  name for general newsgroups in the comp.* hierarchy is .misc.

  Originally, the "general" newsgroup was intended for SCO UNIX o/s
  issues, SCO-compatible applications, and generally related political
  commentary.  The "opendesktop" newsgroup was to facilitate discussion
  pertinent to the bundles contained in the ODT distribution, specifically
  issues of running DOS under UNIX, windowing - including X11 with Motif,
  usually on larger, connected servers, and resulting networking issues in
  their various supported forms.  The distinction between the general and
  opendesktop newsgroups has weakened as the SCO operating environment has
  evolved toward supporting larger networked UNIX server installations.
  The need for a separate desktop group has waned as advanced discussions
  involving networking and server issues have already mostly migrated to
  the .general newsgroup.  The .magazine group never generated much traffic;
  discussions about SCO-specific magazines can easily be carried within a
  general group.  Private discussions mostly suggest that a single newsgroup
  for the current combined volume of the existing .general, .opendesktop and
  .magazine newsgroups (937 articles in the previous 30 days, as of this
  writing), even taking into account anticipated doubling under the comp
  hierarchy, should be manageable.  Further splits could be addressed in a
  future RFD as increased volume may warrant.  We anticipate additional
  public discussion on this issue, as there may be strong feeling that
  this should be done initially as a result of this RFD.

comp.unix.sco.programmer (rename/rescope from biz.sco.vtcl)

  The .vtcl group has only recently seen any noticeable traffic.
  We expect that merging this discussion area with the considerable
  traffic about programming issues in general (porting, development system
  questions, device driver writing, etc.) will provide an appropriate
  developer and programmer specific discussion area.  ".programmer" is
  the standard name for such newsgroups under the comp.* hierarchy.

comp.unix.sco.announce [moderated] (rename from biz.sco.announce)

  biz.sco.announce is a proven valuable source for SCO, 3rd party vendor,
  and public domain software, hardware, and service announcements.
  Similar newsgroups currently exist in the comp.* hierarchy, e.g.
  comp.sys.sun.announce and  Assuming removal
  of the rest of the biz.sco hierarchy, it is sensible to move this group.
  Perusal of the biz.sco.announce archives indicates that approved postings
  are in keeping with accepted "Big-7" standards.  The current moderator
  of biz.sco.announce, Ed Hew , has agreed to
  continue in this capacity in an interim role at minimum.

  Anyone wanting to verify netiquette compliance is welcome to access
  the complete historical biz.sco.announce archives:

DELETE biz.sco.binaries and biz.sco.sources

  These newsgroups have been morbidly quiet for more than a year; we
  propose to remove and not replace them.  Many FTP and WWW sites are
  now available with suitable material, and SCO provides a CD-ROM with
  most of the popular packages in both precompiled and source form.

Mailing Lists:

The various existing biz.sco.* discussion and announcement newsgroups
are currently bi-directionally gated to mailing lists for the convenience
of those who cannot receive them via USENET news.  The creator and
maintainer, Ed Hew of XeniTec, has agreed to restructure these mailing
lists to reflect whatever new SCO newsgroup structure emerges.

Several FAQ articles are currently maintained by Ed Hew, Stephen Dunn
and Bela Lubkin.  These parties have agreed to revise and move their
postings into the new hierarchy as appropriate.

     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO and related third party products and services, not more
     specifically covered by one of the other newsgroups, including but
     not limited to:
        - SCO UNIX operating system,
        - networking products (TCP/IP, NFS, LAN Manager, IPX/SPX, DCE, OSI),
        - graphical products (X server and clients),
        - DOS Merge,
        - The Open Desktop and Open Server operating environments which
          incorporate most of the above components.
        - SCO's older applications, when running on SCO UNIX.
        - SCO's support and other policies.
        - Third party hardware, software and services.
        - SCO environment specific "help wanted" postings.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO development system products and related software and issues,
     including but not limited to:
       - UNIX and Open Desktop development systems,
       - SCO Visual TCL.
       - DCE developers toolkit,
       - Device Driver Writer's toolkit,
       - Public domain, shareware, and third party development tools
         of use in SCO operating environments.
       - SCO Software Mastering Toolkit
       - API questions, compiler behavior, header files, libraries,
         binary formats, manifest defines, etc.
       - Porting.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

   comp.unix.sco.announce: (Moderated)
     Product, service, and business announcements of reasonable interest
     to the SCO community of developers, distributors, resellers,
     consultants, administrators and end-users, submitted by:
        - SCO,
        - third party software and hardware developers, SCO-specific
          service providers, and authors of freely available software.
     This explicitly includes SCO supplement information (SLS, TLS, EFS, etc.)
     Blatant and/or irrelevant commercial "ads" will continue to be rejected.
     Proposed moderator:  Ed Hew  (current moderator
                          of biz.sco.announce)

       We would like to thank all who have so freely contributed their
       time, energy, and input towards crafting this RFD, particularily
       those folks at SCO who, when requested by the 'NET at large,
       have so often beneficially contributed valuable information to
       the existing SCO newsgroups.  Special thanks to Aris Stathakis
        who initiated this entire process.

Request for Discussion, submitted by:

[email protected] (Aris Stathakis)
[email protected] (Bela Lubkin)
[email protected] (Bill Campbell)
[email protected] (Brian J. Murrell)
[email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
[email protected] (Bill Davidsen)
[email protected] (Dion Johnson)
[email protected] (Ed Hew)
[email protected] (Geoff Scully)
[email protected] (Jeff Liebermann)
[email protected] (Jean-Pierre Radley)
[email protected] (Michael Deignan)
[email protected] (Lee Penn)
[email protected] (Paul Fischer)
[email protected] (Stuart Lynne)
[email protected] (Stephen M. Dunn)
[email protected] (Tim Ruckle)

To ensure that all concerned have opportunity to publicly participate
and comment, this RFD and the succeeding CFV will be posted to the
following newsgroups, and may be reposted to others frequented by
potentially interested parties.


By convention, follow-ups are directed to news.groups.


  Ed. A. Hew,        ....!!xenitec!eah
  XeniTec Consulting Services, Kitchener ON, Canada +1 519 570 9848
  triOS Training Centres Ltd. Mississauga ON Canada +1 905 542-0656
  {biz.sco godfather, biz FAQ maintainer, biz newsgroup authority.}

From [email protected] Wed Mar 22 16:19:40 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,biz.sco.general,biz.sco.opendesktop,biz.sco.magazine,biz.sco.vtcl,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit,comp.unix.sys5.r3,comp.unix.sys5.r4,comp.unix.sys5.misc,comp.unix.xenix.sco,comp.unix.unixware
Subject: CFV: comp.unix.sco.*
Followup-To: poster
Date: 22 Mar 1995 15:47:30 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 119
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 13 Apr 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6481 news.groups:140793 biz.sco.general:33302 biz.sco.opendesktop:6257 biz.sco.magazine:271 biz.sco.vtcl:91 comp.unix.misc:19373 comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit:9578 comp.unix.sys5.r3:2841 comp.unix.sys5.r4:11096 comp.unix.sys5.misc:802 comp.unix.xenix.sco:12795 comp.unix.unixware:23831

                      FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
          unmoderated groups comp.unix.sco.{misc,programmer}
	  moderated group    comp.unix.sco.announce

Newsgroups lines:
comp.unix.sco.misc	SCO Unix, Systems, and Environments.
comp.unix.sco.programmer	Programming in and for SCO Environments.
comp.unix.sco.announce	SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 29:59:59 UTC, 12 April 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Ed Hew .


     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO and related third party products and services, not more
     specifically covered by one of the other newsgroups, including but
     not limited to:
        - SCO UNIX operating system,
        - networking products (TCP/IP, NFS, LAN Manager, IPX/SPX, DCE, OSI),
        - graphical products (X server and clients),
        - DOS Merge,
        - The Open Desktop and Open Server operating environments which
          incorporate most of the above components.
        - SCO's older applications, when running on SCO UNIX.
        - SCO's support and other policies.
        - Third party hardware, software and services.
        - SCO environment specific "help wanted" postings.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO development system products and related software and issues,
     including but not limited to:
       - UNIX and Open Desktop development systems,
       - SCO Visual TCL.
       - DCE developers toolkit,
       - Device Driver Writer's toolkit/Advanced Hardware Developer Kit
       - Public domain, shareware, and third party development tools
         of use in SCO operating environments.
       - SCO software distribution mastering toolkits
       - API questions, compiler behavior, header files, libraries,
         binary formats, manifest defines, etc.
       - Porting.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

   comp.unix.sco.announce: (Moderated by Ed Hew )
     Product, service, and business announcements of reasonable interest
     to the SCO community of developers, distributors, resellers,
     consultants, administrators and end-users, submitted by:
        - SCO,
        - third party software and hardware developers, SCO-specific
          service providers, and authors of freely available software.
     This explicitly includes SCO supplement information (SLS, TLS, EFS, etc.)
     Blatant and/or irrelevant commercial "ads" will continue to be rejected.


   The essence of the proposal is to move and restructure the existing
   biz.sco.* newsgroups into a comp.unix.sco hierarchy.  A successful CFV
   will result in removal of the existing biz.sco.* hierarchy in accordance
   with the biz.* newsgroup creation/removal guidelines.

 comp.unix.sco.misc (rename/merge from biz.sco.{general,opendesktop,magazine})
 comp.unix.sco.programmer (rename/rescope from biz.sco.vtcl)
 comp.unix.sco.announce [moderated] (rename from biz.sco.announce)

   The obsolete biz.sco binaries and sources newsgroups would not be migrated.

   Although frequently posted FAQs illustrate the location of existing
   biz.sco.* newsgroups, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that new
   posters often do not know where to find them.  Newcomers expect to find
   the SCO newsgroups alongside peer operating systems like Novell Unixware
   (comp.unix.unixware), IBM AIX (comp.unix.aix), and Sun Solaris
   (comp.unix.solaris).  Neglecting the biz.sco.* sub-hierarchy, they post
   to less specific newsgroups (comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit, comp.unix.sys5.r3),
   or to completely inappropriate newsgroups (comp.unix.xenix.sco,

   Some posters in relatively weakly connected corners of the globe (South
   Africa, New Zealand, eastern Europe etc.) have continuing difficulty
   getting reliable feeds of the biz.sco.* newsgroups because upstream sites
   may not carry them.  Sometimes people don't even know the newsgroups exist
   because upstream site administrators omit the entire biz.* hierarchy,
   despite ongoing efforts to enhance global propagation of the biz.*
   hierarchy.  Distribution of the existing SCO newsgroups under the biz
   hierarchy is still less than that anticipated within the "comp" hierarchy.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
comp.unix.sco.* Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Please give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  comp.unix.sco.misc
[         ]  comp.unix.sco.programmer
[         ]  comp.unix.sco.announce
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] Tue Mar 28 19:46:46 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,biz.sco.general,biz.sco.opendesktop,biz.sco.magazine,biz.sco.vtcl,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit,comp.unix.sys5.r3,comp.unix.sys5.r4,comp.unix.sys5.misc,comp.unix.xenix.sco,comp.unix.unixware
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.unix.sco.*
Followup-To: poster
Date: 28 Mar 1995 19:29:02 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 127
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 13 Apr 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]> 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6523 news.groups:141875 biz.sco.general:33582 biz.sco.opendesktop:6292 biz.sco.magazine:272 biz.sco.vtcl:96 comp.unix.misc:19514 comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit:9594 comp.unix.sys5.r3:2855 comp.unix.sys5.r4:11149 comp.unix.sys5.misc:809 comp.unix.xenix.sco:12841 comp.unix.unixware:24218

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
               moderated group scomp.unix.sco.announce
                 unmoderated group comp.unix.sco.misc
              unmoderated group comp.unix.sco.programmer

Newsgroups lines:
comp.unix.sco.misc	SCO Unix, Systems, and Environments.
comp.unix.sco.programmer	Programming in and for SCO Environments.
comp.unix.sco.announce	SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 29:59:59 UTC, 12 April 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Ed Hew .


     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO and related third party products and services, not more
     specifically covered by one of the other newsgroups, including but
     not limited to:
        - SCO UNIX operating system,
        - networking products (TCP/IP, NFS, LAN Manager, IPX/SPX, DCE, OSI),
        - graphical products (X server and clients),
        - DOS Merge,
        - The Open Desktop and Open Server operating environments which
          incorporate most of the above components.
        - SCO's older applications, when running on SCO UNIX.
        - SCO's support and other policies.
        - Third party hardware, software and services.
        - SCO environment specific "help wanted" postings.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO development system products and related software and issues,
     including but not limited to:
       - UNIX and Open Desktop development systems,
       - SCO Visual TCL.
       - DCE developers toolkit,
       - Device Driver Writer's toolkit/Advanced Hardware Developer Kit
       - Public domain, shareware, and third party development tools
         of use in SCO operating environments.
       - SCO software distribution mastering toolkits
       - API questions, compiler behavior, header files, libraries,
         binary formats, manifest defines, etc.
       - Porting.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

   comp.unix.sco.announce: (Moderated by Ed Hew )
     Product, service, and business announcements of reasonable interest
     to the SCO community of developers, distributors, resellers,
     consultants, administrators and end-users, submitted by:
        - SCO,
        - third party software and hardware developers, SCO-specific
          service providers, and authors of freely available software.
     This explicitly includes SCO supplement information (SLS, TLS, EFS, etc.)
     Blatant and/or irrelevant commercial "ads" will continue to be rejected.


   The essence of the proposal is to move and restructure the existing
   biz.sco.* newsgroups into a comp.unix.sco hierarchy.  A successful CFV
   will result in removal of the existing biz.sco.* hierarchy in accordance
   with the biz.* newsgroup creation/removal guidelines.

 comp.unix.sco.misc (rename/merge from biz.sco.{general,opendesktop,magazine})
 comp.unix.sco.programmer (rename/rescope from biz.sco.vtcl)
 comp.unix.sco.announce [moderated] (rename from biz.sco.announce)

   The obsolete biz.sco binaries and sources newsgroups would not be migrated.

   Although frequently posted FAQs illustrate the location of existing
   biz.sco.* newsgroups, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that new
   posters often do not know where to find them.  Newcomers expect to find
   the SCO newsgroups alongside peer operating systems like Novell Unixware
   (comp.unix.unixware), IBM AIX (comp.unix.aix), and Sun Solaris
   (comp.unix.solaris).  Neglecting the biz.sco.* sub-hierarchy, they post
   to less specific newsgroups (comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit, comp.unix.sys5.r3),
   or to completely inappropriate newsgroups (comp.unix.xenix.sco,

   Some posters in relatively weakly connected corners of the globe (South
   Africa, New Zealand, eastern Europe etc.) have continuing difficulty
   getting reliable feeds of the biz.sco.* newsgroups because upstream sites
   may not carry them.  Sometimes people don't even know the newsgroups exist
   because upstream site administrators omit the entire biz.* hierarchy,
   despite ongoing efforts to enhance global propagation of the biz.*
   hierarchy.  Distribution of the existing SCO newsgroups under the biz
   hierarchy is still less than that anticipated within the "comp" hierarchy.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
comp.unix.sco.* Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Please give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  comp.unix.sco.misc
[         ]  comp.unix.sco.programmer
[         ]  comp.unix.sco.announce
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

comp.unix.sco.* Bounce List - No need to revote
------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              Wallace Williams
[email protected]                                        Lawrence Kirby
[email protected]                                                  Fulko K. Hew
[email protected]                                           Stephen M. Dunn

From [email protected] Fri Apr 14 17:44:18 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,biz.sco.general,biz.sco.opendesktop,biz.sco.magazine,biz.sco.vtcl,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit,comp.unix.sys5.r3,comp.unix.sys5.r4,comp.unix.sys5.misc,comp.unix.xenix.sco,comp.unix.unixware
Subject: RESULT: comp.unix.sco.* passes
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 14 Apr 1995 17:22:31 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 376
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]> 
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6626 news.groups:144782 biz.sco.general:34425 biz.sco.opendesktop:6419 biz.sco.magazine:280 biz.sco.vtcl:118 comp.unix.misc:19731 comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit:9761 comp.unix.sys5.r3:2880 comp.unix.sys5.r4:11333 comp.unix.sys5.misc:824 comp.unix.xenix.sco:12981 comp.unix.unixware:25602

              comp.unix.sco.* results - 292 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 262   25 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.unix.sco.misc
 259   25 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.unix.sco.programmer
 256   29 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.unix.sco.announce
   3 invalid votes

Newsgroups lines:
comp.unix.sco.misc	SCO Unix, Systems, and Environments.
comp.unix.sco.programmer	Programming in and for SCO Environments.
comp.unix.sco.announce	SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated)

Voting closed 29:59:59 UTC, 12 April 1995.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Ed Hew .


     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO and related third party products and services, not more
     specifically covered by one of the other newsgroups, including but
     not limited to:
        - SCO UNIX operating system,
        - networking products (TCP/IP, NFS, LAN Manager, IPX/SPX, DCE, OSI),
        - graphical products (X server and clients),
        - DOS Merge,
        - The Open Desktop and Open Server operating environments which
          incorporate most of the above components.
        - SCO's older applications, when running on SCO UNIX.
        - SCO's support and other policies.
        - Third party hardware, software and services.
        - SCO environment specific "help wanted" postings.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

     Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and
     future SCO development system products and related software and issues,
     including but not limited to:
       - UNIX and Open Desktop development systems,
       - SCO Visual TCL.
       - DCE developers toolkit,
       - Device Driver Writer's toolkit/Advanced Hardware Developer Kit
       - Public domain, shareware, and third party development tools
         of use in SCO operating environments.
       - SCO software distribution mastering toolkits
       - API questions, compiler behavior, header files, libraries,
         binary formats, manifest defines, etc.
       - Porting.
     Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden.

   comp.unix.sco.announce: (Moderated by Ed Hew )
     Product, service, and business announcements of reasonable interest
     to the SCO community of developers, distributors, resellers,
     consultants, administrators and end-users, submitted by:
        - SCO,
        - third party software and hardware developers, SCO-specific
          service providers, and authors of freely available software.
     This explicitly includes SCO supplement information (SLS, TLS, EFS, etc.)
     Blatant and/or irrelevant commercial "ads" will continue to be rejected.

comp.unix.sco.* Final Vote Ack

                                                 comp.unix.sco.announce -----+
                                               comp.unix.sco.programmer ----+|
                                                     comp.unix.sco.misc ---+||
                                                                           |||                          Wallace Williams NNN
[email protected]                                       Aaron W. Brown YYY
[email protected]                                               Nam c. Low YYN
[email protected]                                                        Alan Chan YYY
[email protected]                                       Rick Horowitz YYY
[email protected]                                          Ambrose Li YYY
[email protected]                                         Anatoly V. Grabar YYY
[email protected]                                    Ajmer Singh YYY
[email protected]                                  Alexandr Alesinsky YYY
[email protected]                                       Alan Duxbury YYY
[email protected]                                            Daniel  YYY
[email protected]                           Andrew Michael Dunn YYY
[email protected]                                             Andras Salamon YYY
[email protected]                                                   Anj YYY
[email protected]                                 Andrew Pavlomanolakos YYY
[email protected]                                        Aris Stathakis YYY
[email protected]                                                Jim Ault YYY
[email protected]                                            Adrian Wontroba YYY
[email protected]                                        Alan W. Keating YYY
[email protected]                                       Ed Bailey Y-Y
[email protected]                                         Brian Krelle YYY
[email protected]                                                  Bela Lubkin YYY
[email protected]                                W. J. (Bill) Vermillion YYY
[email protected]                                           Bill Campbell YYY
[email protected]                                                  Bill Aten YYY
[email protected]                                                   Bill Hudson YYY
[email protected]                         Benjamin I. Williams YYY
[email protected]                                          Bernard Vianen YYY
[email protected]                                             B.J. Herbison YYY
[email protected]                                          Bill Mulvale YYY
[email protected]                                          Bob Stockler YYY
[email protected]                                            Thomas Seidenberg YYY
[email protected]                                Martin H. Booda NNN
[email protected]                       Ben Philip ([email protected]) YYY
[email protected]                                                             YYY
[email protected]                                     Brian J. Murrell YYY
[email protected]                                                 Brian Reid YYY
[email protected]                                              Bruce C. Wright YYY
[email protected]                                            Robert A. Medwick YYY
[email protected]                                Clement Dupuis YYY
[email protected]                                             Clive Eisen YYY
[email protected]                                   Charles Lamont YYY
[email protected]                                         Richard Bellavance YYY
[email protected]                                    Chip Rosenthal YYY
[email protected]                             Christopher Sawtell YYY
[email protected]                           Christopher J. Ambler YYY
[email protected]                                 Christopher Samuel YYY
[email protected]                                    Chris Bare YNY
[email protected]                                   Christopher J Biggs YYY
[email protected]                                          D. Chris Daniels YYY
[email protected]                                            Chris Kutler YYN
[email protected]                                           Chris Frederick YYY
[email protected]                                     Chris Stamper -YY
[email protected]                                        Bob Willey NNN
[email protected]                                                 Ola Aagren YYY
[email protected]                                  Francisco Cotrina YY-
[email protected]                                    Craig Orsinger YYY
[email protected]                                         Chet A. Creider YYY
[email protected]                                 K. CROUCH ---
[email protected]                                 Iain Calder YYY
[email protected]                                           Christopher Ward NNN
[email protected]                                        Ahlback Joran YYY
[email protected]                                                Mark Rafn YYY
[email protected]                                          Desmond Keane YYY
[email protected]                                         Dan Rothschild YYY
[email protected]                                                 Dan Busarow YYY
[email protected]                                             Jerry Daniels YYY
[email protected]                                  Daniel Crawford YYY
[email protected]                                               Danny Aldham YYY
[email protected]                                         David Ford YYY
[email protected]                                              David Mason YYY
[email protected]                                          David Warness YYY
[email protected]                                                 David Gurr YYY
[email protected]                                             Bill Davidsen YYY
[email protected]                                               David K. Wood YYY
[email protected]                                              David H. Young YYY
[email protected]                                             Dave Ewald YYY
[email protected]                                    David F. McCune YYY
[email protected]                                           Dion L. Johnson II YYY
[email protected]                                 Ditmars Veinbachs YYY
[email protected]                                           Donald Neal YYY
[email protected]                                       David Mosher N-Y
[email protected]                             Domagoj Karnicnik Y-Y
[email protected]                                            Duane Hargrave YYY
[email protected]                                                David Abbott YYY
[email protected]                                      Christian Ebert YYY
[email protected]                                         Ed Hew YYY
[email protected]                                       Emil Lodal Hansen YYY
[email protected]                                  W.C. Epperson YYY
[email protected]                                  Eelco Nicodem YYY
[email protected]                                                       YYY
[email protected]                                Roman Fietze YY-
[email protected]                                    Lawrence Kirby YYY
[email protected]                                    Felix S. Gallo YYY
[email protected]                                              Fulko K. Hew YYY
[email protected]                                            Chris Rendall YYY
[email protected]                                       Richard Gill YYY
[email protected]                                     Gary Gunderson  YYY
[email protected]                                         Greg Eanes YYY
[email protected]                                        Gary L. Burnore YYY
[email protected]                               Gary Chesser -Y-
[email protected]                                          Graham Crawford YYY
[email protected]                                        George Westbrook YYY
[email protected]                                              Georg Edelmann YYY
[email protected]                                 Mitchell Golden YYY
[email protected]                                  Gregory W. Schreurs YYY
[email protected]                                       Jonathan Grobe YYY
[email protected]                                           Paul Fischer YYY
[email protected]                                 John H. Stockslager YYY
[email protected]                                     Geoff Scully YYY
[email protected]                                  Henning Holtschneider YYY
[email protected]                                            Helmut Kuepker YYY
[email protected]                                    Randall W. Hron YYY
[email protected]                                       Ian Peattie YYY
[email protected]                                            Ian Jackson NNN
[email protected]                                    Andy Jaeger YYY
[email protected]                                           Joseph A. Miele YYY
[email protected]                                 Jason B. Faultless YYY
[email protected]                          JAMES VAUGHN - MILLINGTON, TN YYY
[email protected]                             Jeff Murphy NNN
[email protected]                                 Jeffrey David Cohen YYY
[email protected]      James D. Almand  YYY
[email protected]                                        Jeffrey G. Clithero YYY
[email protected]                               Jeff Liebermann YYY
[email protected]                                                 Han Holl YYY
[email protected]                                  Arthur D. Jerijian YYY
[email protected]                                John R. Harris YYY
[email protected]                                   Jim Hughes YYY
[email protected]                                               Jim Pennino YYY
[email protected]                                                 Jason Boyer YYY
[email protected]                                           J. J. Farrell YYY
[email protected]                                             Joachim Reith YYN
[email protected]                                       Joel Rosi-Schwartz YYY
[email protected]                                      John D. Hopkins YYY
[email protected]                                               John Bazeley YYY
[email protected]                                 John Kincaide YYY
[email protected]                                              John C E Wait YYY
[email protected]                                        Hans ter Horst YYY
[email protected]                                                     John Kim YYY
[email protected]                                               Joe Morris YYY
[email protected]                                      Jonas Jonsson YYY
[email protected]                                            Jo Stockley YYN
[email protected]                                               Trevor Tymchuk YYY
[email protected]                                          Jonathan Chen YYY
[email protected]                                             Jean-Pierre Radley YYY
[email protected]                                          J.P.Tomkins YYY
[email protected]                                 John R. MacWilliamson NNN
[email protected]                                                     Jim Stutt YYY
[email protected]                                          Juergen Russ YYY
[email protected]                               Joseph Tabaco YYY
[email protected]                                             Jeff Tomich YYY
[email protected]                                             Kees Hendrikse YYY
[email protected]                                              Keith Reynolds YYY
[email protected]                                     Kent Hamilton YYY
[email protected]                                              Koen D'Hondt  YYY
[email protected]                                               Kirk Olsen YYY
[email protected]                                         Kristian Ejvind NNN
[email protected]                                         Kristyn Greenwood YYY
[email protected]                                              Klaus ter Fehn NNN
[email protected]                                   Randy Kunkee YYY
[email protected]                                        Keith Ward YYY
[email protected]                            Joao Carlos Neves Cabral YYY
[email protected]                                                Larry Philps YYY
[email protected]                                                  D. Lee Penn YYY
[email protected]                                                      Leif Olsen YYY
[email protected]                                     Lester Knutsen YYY
[email protected]                              Martin Schr"oder YYY
[email protected]                                           Lynda Feng YYY
[email protected]                           Martin von Loewis YYY
[email protected]                                          Ulrich Tiemann YYY
[email protected]                                   Loretta Goudie YYY
[email protected]                                       Marc Moorcroft NNN
[email protected]                                   Mark Alexander YYY
[email protected]                                                Mark Lyda YYY
[email protected]                                             Mark Sutton YYY
[email protected]                                     Mark Edge YYY
[email protected]                                        Mr. Masrudyn Main YYY
[email protected]                                          Martin Brenner YYY
[email protected]                                    Suresh Thennarangam YYY
[email protected]                                                 Max Heffler YYY
[email protected]                                      Malcolm Mladenovic YYY
[email protected]                                          Miles B. Whitener YYY
[email protected]                                            Iain McVey YYY
[email protected]                                          Mark Gardner YYY
[email protected]                                              Mike Hatz NNN
[email protected]                                    michael aldrich YYY
[email protected]                                                  Mick Galvin YYY
[email protected]                                              Mikael Rydfjord YYY
[email protected]                                                  MikeDrop YYY
[email protected]                                         Michael Quinlan NNN
[email protected]                                              Milt Webb YYY
[email protected]                     Walter Misar Y-N
[email protected]                                  Malcolm McLean YYY
mmedia!mcfarlin                                            David McFarling YYY
[email protected]                                          Michael Medved YYY
[email protected]                                             Marc Miller YYY
[email protected]                                             M Mike Taksar NNN
[email protected]                                        Michael Dillon YYY
[email protected]                                  Marjorie Stamper -YY
[email protected]                                        Michael Sattler YYY
[email protected]                                               Michael S. Cross YYY
[email protected]                              Martin Sohnius YYY
[email protected]                                           Michael Ryder YYY
[email protected]                                    Miroslav Zhorelicky YYY
[email protected]                                   Christian Weisgerber YYY
[email protected]                                     Nathan K. Edel NNN
[email protected]                                                           YYY
[email protected]                                      Nick Ingegneri NNN
[email protected]                                Nigel Whitfield YYY
[email protected]                Nikolaos Makrymanolakis YYY
[email protected]                                                    Nick Nobbe YYY
[email protected]                                                  Nathan Zook YYY
[email protected]                                        Oleg Kuporosov YYY
[email protected]                      M "gave my real name here" Otto ---
[email protected]                                     Tom Parsons YYY
[email protected]                                       Patrick J. LoPresti NNN
[email protected]                                         E. Paul Warren YYY
[email protected]                                                  Paul Jackson YYY
[email protected]                                   Dr. Hansjuergen Paul NNN
[email protected]                                            Paul Russell YYY
[email protected]                                   Charles Castevens YYY
[email protected]                                        Peter Wemm YYY                                           Peter Scott Y-Y
[email protected]                                Pavel G. Godlevsky YY-
[email protected]                                    Pierre Uszynski NNN
[email protected]                                           Pete Humble YYY
[email protected]                                             David Potter YYY
[email protected]                                           James Prince YYY
[email protected]                                       Pirawat Watanapongse YYY
[email protected]                                              Peter Wolfe YYY
[email protected]                                          Pavel Z. Zemtsov YYY
[email protected]                                           W. Paul Zola YYY
[email protected]                                               Rajeev Arora YYY
[email protected]                           Robert B. Gillies YYY
[email protected]                                              Randy Heim YYY
[email protected]                                            Richard Miller NNN
[email protected]                                               Bob Jardine  YYY
[email protected]                                          Bob Butera YYY
[email protected]                                              Robert Lipe YYY
[email protected]                                          Robert Maheu YYY
[email protected]                                         Ollivier Robert YYY
[email protected]                                  Roger Schwentker NNN
[email protected]                                     Roger B.A. Klorese YYY
[email protected]                                               Roger Vortman YYY
[email protected]                              Ron Tenny ([email protected]) YYY
[email protected]                                      Rod Shelton NNN
[email protected]                                              Robert Side YYY
[email protected]                                         Richard S. Smith YYY
rune.johansen*[email protected]                     Rune Johansen YYY
[email protected]                                    Rupert Lane YYY
[email protected]                                          Sam Eaton YYY
[email protected]                            Alexandr L. Levin YYY
[email protected]                                          Scot Harkins YYY
[email protected]                                               Scott McGregor YYY
[email protected]                                           Steven Goldstein YYY
[email protected]                                     Soumitra Sengupta YYY
[email protected]                                                        YYY
[email protected]                                       Sid Van den Heede YYY
[email protected]                                    Simon Bunce YYY
[email protected]                                                  Sam Kamens YYY
[email protected]                                     Steve A. Olson YYY
[email protected]                                  Brett Spengler YYY
[email protected]                                         Steve Prowten YYY
[email protected]                                         Jeremiah Childs YYY
[email protected]                             Steve Shah ([email protected]) YYY
[email protected]                                              Dwight Brown NNN
[email protected]                                       Stephen M. Dunn YYY
[email protected]                                    Steven Lichtenberg YYY
[email protected]                                       Steven G. Bradley YYY
[email protected]                                     Stuart Park YYY
[email protected]                                              S Green YYY
[email protected]                                Steven Whatley YYY
[email protected]                                    Christina Craft YNN
[email protected]                                                Terry Rhodes YYY
[email protected]                                   Thomas G. Corner YYY
[email protected]                                        Thomas G. McWilliams NNN
[email protected]                                          David Atkins YYY
[email protected]                                   Thomas Winterfeldt YYY
[email protected]                                 Timothy D. Kuehn YYY
[email protected]                                    Discord (Tina Sikorski) YYY
[email protected]                                          Todd Hartle YYY
[email protected]                                        Tracy R Wald YYY
[email protected]                                          Truls S. Myklebust YYY
[email protected]                                          Van de Paar YYY
[email protected]                                  John Van Essen YYY
[email protected]                                       Gregory H. Vilardi YYY
[email protected]                                          Vince Averello YYY
[email protected]                                  John Wadelton YYY
[email protected]                                              Waseem Siddiqi YYY
[email protected]                                            Wayne Hutchings YYY
[email protected]                                       Billy Harris N--
[email protected]                                    Walter Vaughan YYY

Votes in error
[email protected]                              Sudsanguan Ngamsuriyaroj - CC
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                      Robert Chalmers
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                           Ian Bucklar
   ! Invalid address

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