From [email protected] Fri Jun 19 13:20:21 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2422 news.groups:52903 comp.sys.sgi:22783
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
Subject: RFD: comp.sys.sgi reorganization
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:06:18 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 50

Recently there has been some discussion on splitting up the comp.sys.sgi
newsgroup hierarchy. I have volunteered to initiate a formal discussion
on possible ways of performing the split. The following Request for
Discussion (RFD) is based on a melding of the various posting.

I propose that the following comp.sys.sgi groups be formed. I request
postings on the appropriateness of these specific news groups.

  admin		Discussions of system administration issues
  announce	general announcements (conferences, user groups, ftp archives)
  hardware	Discussion of hardware issues including connection of periphials
  gl		Discussion of Graphics Library Issues
  wanted	Postings looking for specific programs, hardware, for sale, etc.
  misc		Anything else, that doesn't fit one of the above groups.

It should be noted that there was at least one comment indicating that
the gl group should be in I am interested in the opinions of
others on that issue.

In addition, I propose that there be another group or groups that are more
oriented to software/programming. In the earlier discussion the following
groups were suggested. I have added a brief charter based on what I believe
the name implies. I request posting on determining which if any of the
following news groups should also be formed.

  apps		Discussions of various application packages , both those
	 	provided by SGI, as well as third party applications.
  irix		Discussions about the IRIX operating system.
  programmers	Discussions about programming issues unique to SGI platforms.
  software	Discussion of software related issues on SGI machines.

One of the issues with splitting up the comp.sys newsgroups is how this
would effect the info-iris mailing list. I made the following suggestion
to the administrator of info-iris:

For each separate comp.sys.sgi newsgroup there would be a separate info-iris
mailing list.  Individuals without USENET access then could subscribe to the
individual mailing lists. Initially people currently on the info-iris mailing
list would be placed on all the lists and then they could unsubscribe to the
ones they don't want.

I did not receive a reply on if this proposal was acceptable or not, but
would like to use it as the basis for discussions on how the mailing lists
should be handled, but will be glad to entertain other suggestions.
Matt Wicks
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
[email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Jul 21 17:08:58 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2558 news.groups:54520 comp.sys.sgi:24140
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
Subject: 2nd RFD: comp.sys.sgi reorganization
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1992 19:32:19 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 55

A little over a month ago, I posted a Request for Discussion (RFD) for
splitting the comp.sys.sgi hierarchy. A number of responses were posted
and/or sent directly to me. The feedback provided by this input is the basis
for this 2nd RFD. I welcome any posting and/or replys on the proposed

In general, everyone seemed to be in favor of doing a split. We simply need
to reach consensus on the specifics of the split and then move to a Call
For Vote (CFV).

The changes from the original RFD are as follows:

 - Reduction in the total number of groups to avoid overlap
 - Expansion of the scope of the .admin group
 - Additions of a .bugs group
 - Change of name of the .gl group to .graphics and expand its scope. A
   separate RFD is being conducted for a group for general
   gl issues.

I propose that the following comp.sys.sgi groups be formed:

  admin		Discussions of system administration issues. This would
		include issues such as kernel tuning, security, and networking.
  announce	general announcements (conferences, user groups, ftp
		archives, etc)
  apps		Discussions of various application packages , both those
	 	provided by SGI, as well as third party applications.
  bugs		Discussions/posting of bugs found in the IRIX operating system.
  graphics	Discussion of SGI graphics issues (i.e. X-windows, Inventor,
		Imagelib, GL, etc.) Postings should always be issues specific
		to using a SGI machine.
  hardware	Discussion of hardware issues including connection of
  misc		Anything else, that doesn't fit one of the above groups.

One of the issues with splitting up the comp.sys newsgroups is how this
would effect the info-iris mailing list. I made the following suggestion
to the administrator of info-iris:

For each separate comp.sys.sgi newsgroup there would be a separate info-iris
mailing list.  Individuals without USENET access then could subscribe to the
individual mailing lists. Initially people currently on the info-iris mailing
list would be placed on all the lists and then they could unsubscribe to the
ones they don't want.

I still have not received a reply on if this proposal was acceptable or not,
although the info-iris administrator did attempt to get a hold of me once. I
would like to use it as the basis for discussions on how the mailing lists
should be handled, but will be glad to entertain other suggestions.
Matt Wicks
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
[email protected]

From [email protected] Fri Sep 25 12:22:30 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2772 news.groups:56957 comp.sys.sgi:27195
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
Subject: 3rd RFD: comp.sys.sgi reorganization
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1992 13:08:59 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 79

First of all, I want to apologize for the long lag time between the 2nd and
3rd RFD. The main issue was how to handle the info-iris mailing list, which
required interaction with the people actually running this mailing list.
I have finally gotten their feedback and thus this 3rd RFD is unchanged except
on the proposal of how the info-iris mailing list would be handled.

In general, everyone seemed to be in favor of doing a split. We simply need
to reach consensus on the specifics of the split and then move to a Call
For Vote (CFV).

The changes from the original RFD are as follows:

 - Reduction in the total number of groups to avoid overlap
 - Expansion of the scope of the .admin group
 - Additions of a .bugs group
 - Change of name of the .gl group to .graphics and expand its scope. A
   separate RFD is being conducted for a group for general
   gl issues.

I propose that the following comp.sys.sgi groups be formed:

  admin		Discussions of system administration issues. This would
		include issues such as kernel tuning, security, and networking.
  announce	general announcements (conferences, user groups, ftp
		archives, etc)
  apps		Discussions of various application packages , both those
	 	provided by SGI, as well as third party applications.
  bugs		Discussions/posting of bugs found in the IRIX operating system.
  graphics	Discussion of SGI graphics issues (i.e. X-windows, Inventor,
		Imagelib, GL, etc.) Postings should always be issues specific
		to using a SGI machine.
  hardware	Discussion of hardware issues including connection of
  misc		Anything else, that doesn't fit one of the above groups.

The new proposal for how splitting of comp.sys.sgi will effect the info-iris
mailing list is as follows:

 - There will remain one mailing list called [email protected]. All of the
   new comp.sys.sgi newsgroups would be fed to the mailing list. The admin of
   info-iris is unwilling to maintain individual mailing lists for each
   separate news group. The address for [email protected] will be
   maintained and is to be used to request additions or deletions to the
   mailing list.
 - New mailing addresses will be created for each new comp.sys.sgi group
   (i.e. [email protected], [email protected], etc.). Mail
   sent to these addresses will go to the appropriate comp.sys.sgi group
   as well as to the info-iris mailing list.
 - There are two possibilities on how mail addressed to [email protected]
   should be handled.
   - Proposal 1 is that mail sent to [email protected] will be posted to
     comp.sys.sgi.misc as well as going to the info-iris mailing list. People
     would be encouraged to not use this address, but instead to use
     info-iris- so the posting went to the correct group.
   - Proposal 2 is that mail sent to [email protected] will be sent only to
     the info-iris mailing list and not be posted to a newsgroup. If people
     want the information in a newsgroup then they should get access to news
     or send it to info-iris-.

Thus the main purpose of this RFD is to provide feedback on if you are
satisfied with the way the mailing list will be handled and which proposal
you favor for how the info-iris mailing list should be handled. Chuck
Kennedy, the administrator of info-iris, prefers proposal 1 as he would like
to make sure that people using the mailing list also have their postings
go to news. I prefer proposal 2, because I am afraid that comp.sys.sgi.misc
will end up being equivalent to the current comp.sys.sgi, and it will be
more difficult to use the .misc group. Also, the discussion of an item that
started in .graphics for example, would end up in .misc because someone
replied to info-iris.

Please provide your feedback soon, so we can move to a CFV and finally get
this split taken care of.
Matt Wicks
Group Leader, UNIX System Support
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
[email protected]

From [email protected] Wed Nov  4 10:19:40 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2897 news.groups:58831 comp.sys.sgi:28984
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
Subject: CFV: comp.sys.sgi reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Approved: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1992 13:49:12 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Lines: 130

This article is a CALL FOR VOTES on a reorganization of the comp.sys.sgi

Currently there is a single comp.sys.sgi that receives 50-70 messages a day.
This split will break the group into subject areas to allow people to follow
the areas that are of interest to them. The decisions on which subgroups
are being proposed are the result of 3 RFD's that have occured over the
past 4 months are so.

This proposal also details how the info-iris mailing list will be handled in
light of the split of the comp.sys.sgi hierarchy. The details of how this
will be handled is based on what the info-iris mailing list administrator is
willing to provide. There is no vote on how the info-iris mailing list is
handled. These changes will take effect, assuming the comp.sys.sgi hierarchy
is split into several groups.



Create comp.sys.sgi.
  admin         Discussions of system administration issues. This would
                include issues such as kernel tuning, security, and networking.
  announce      general announcements (conferences, user groups, ftp
                archives, etc)
  apps          Discussions of various application packages , both those
                provided by SGI, as well as third party applications.
  bugs          Discussions/posting of bugs found in the IRIX operating system.
  graphics      Discussion of SGI graphics issues (i.e. X-windows, Inventor,
                Imagelib, GL, etc.) Postings should always be issues specific
                to using a SGI machine.
  hardware      Discussion of hardware issues including connection of
  misc          Anything else, that doesn't fit one of the above groups.

All of the groups except .announce will be unmoderated. It is convention
that a .announce group is moderated. I will serve as the moderator for
the group (Matt Wicks, [email protected]).

The following explains how the info-iris mailing list will be handled, assuming
that the CFV results in a split of the comp.sys.sgi group:

 - There will remain one mailing list called [email protected]. All of the
   new comp.sys.sgi newsgroups would be fed to the mailing list. The admin of
   info-iris is unwilling to maintain individual mailing lists for each
   separate news group. The address for [email protected] will be
   maintained and is to be used to request additions or deletions to the
   mailing list.
 - New mailing addresses will be created for each new comp.sys.sgi group
   (i.e. [email protected], [email protected], etc.). Mail
   sent to these addresses will go to the appropriate comp.sys.sgi group
   as well as to the info-iris mailing list. When mail is sent to one
   of these addresses, the Reply-To: field will be set accordinly to make
   replying easier. For example, mail sent to [email protected] will
   have [email protected] in the Reply-To: field.
 - Mail sent to the address [email protected] will be rejected and a
   message will be returned to the sender informing them of the availability
   of the individual info-iris-subject addresses. This will force people to
   post to a specific news group and allow for all mail and news posting to
   be cross posted.


comp.sys.sgi receives approximately 50-70 messages per day. It is difficult
to follow this group even with the use of a kill file. This split will break
the discussion into specific categories.


Send votes to the mailbox "[email protected]".

Each vote must use this form:

======== START VOTING FORM =========
admin          	yes/no/abstain
announce        yes/no/abstain
apps        	yes/no/abstain
bugs            yes/no/abstain
graphics        yes/no/abstain
hardware        yes/no/abstain
misc   		yes/no/abstain
======== END VOTING FORM =========

A valid vote must include a "yes", "no" or "abstain" for EACH proposed
change.  Each proposed newsgroup creation renaming will stand on
its own thus allowing a split of the comp.sys.sgi group, even if a specific
proposed subgroup is unpopular.


  1. Discussion:

     The discussion with the last RFD began September 24, 1992 with its posting
     in news.announce.newgroups. The discussion ended on November 2, 1992.

  2. Voting:

     The vote will run through December 2, 1992.

     I will post a second Call For Votes, and possibly a list of
     unreachable return addresses, during the voting period.  When the
     vote is over, I will post the final results.

 3.  Waiting Period:

     I will observe the normal waiting period of five days from the
     time that the final results appear in news.announce.newgroups.
     During this time, people may report lost votes.

 4.  Consummation:

     After the waiting period, the appropriate control messages for the
     creation of any new groups will be issued.

If all goes as planned, whatever parts of the reorganization that
pass will take effect by December 15, 1992.
Matt Wicks
Group Leader, UNIX System Support
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
[email protected]             708-840-8083

From [email protected] Fri Nov 20 10:18:30 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.sys.sgi reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 20 Nov 1992 01:50:03 -0500
Organization: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL
Lines: 293
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2975 news.groups:61395 comp.sys.sgi:29905

This article is the 2nd CALL FOR VOTES on a reorganization of the comp.sys.sgi
hierarchy. It is followed by an acknowledgemenf of votes received (taken
>from the From: line from the vote received).

Currently there is a single comp.sys.sgi that receives 50-70 messages a day.
This split will break the group into subject areas to allow people to follow
the areas that are of interest to them. The decisions on which subgroups
are being proposed are the result of 3 RFD's that have occured over the
past 4 months are so.

This proposal also details how the info-iris mailing list will be handled in
light of the split of the comp.sys.sgi hierarchy. The details of how this
will be handled is based on what the info-iris mailing list administrator is
willing to provide. There is no vote on how the info-iris mailing list is
handled. These changes will take effect, assuming the comp.sys.sgi hierarchy
is split into several groups.



Create comp.sys.sgi.
  admin         Discussions of system administration issues. This would
                include issues such as kernel tuning, security, and networking.
  announce      general announcements (conferences, user groups, ftp
                archives, etc)
  apps          Discussions of various application packages , both those
                provided by SGI, as well as third party applications.
  bugs          Discussions/posting of bugs found in the IRIX operating system.
  graphics      Discussion of SGI graphics issues (i.e. X-windows, Inventor,
                Imagelib, GL, etc.) Postings should always be issues specific
                to using a SGI machine.
  hardware      Discussion of hardware issues including connection of
  misc          Anything else, that doesn't fit one of the above groups.

All of the groups except .announce will be unmoderated. It is convention
that a .announce group is moderated. I will serve as the moderator for
the group (Matt Wicks, [email protected]).

The following explains how the info-iris mailing list will be handled, assuming
that the CFV results in a split of the comp.sys.sgi group:

 - There will remain one mailing list called [email protected]. All of the
   new comp.sys.sgi newsgroups would be fed to the mailing list. The admin of
   info-iris is unwilling to maintain individual mailing lists for each
   separate news group. The address for [email protected] will be
   maintained and is to be used to request additions or deletions to the
   mailing list.
 - New mailing addresses will be created for each new comp.sys.sgi group
   (i.e. [email protected], [email protected], etc.). Mail
   sent to these addresses will go to the appropriate comp.sys.sgi group
   as well as to the info-iris mailing list. When mail is sent to one
   of these addresses, the Reply-To: field will be set accordinly to make
   replying easier. For example, mail sent to [email protected] will
   have [email protected] in the Reply-To: field.
 - Mail sent to the address [email protected] will be rejected and a
   message will be returned to the sender informing them of the availability
   of the individual info-iris-subject addresses. This will force people to
   post to a specific news group and allow for all mail and news posting to
   be cross posted.


comp.sys.sgi receives approximately 50-70 messages per day. It is difficult
to follow this group even with the use of a kill file. This split will break
the discussion into specific categories.


Send votes to the mailbox "[email protected]".

Each vote must use this form:

======== START VOTING FORM =========
admin          	yes/no/abstain
announce        yes/no/abstain
apps        	yes/no/abstain
bugs            yes/no/abstain
graphics        yes/no/abstain
hardware        yes/no/abstain
misc   		yes/no/abstain
======== END VOTING FORM =========

A valid vote must include a "yes", "no" or "abstain" for EACH proposed
change.  Each proposed newsgroup creation renaming will stand on
its own thus allowing a split of the comp.sys.sgi group, even if a specific
proposed subgroup is unpopular.


  1. Discussion:

     The discussion with the last RFD began September 24, 1992 with its posting
     in news.announce.newgroups. The discussion ended on November 2, 1992.

  2. Voting:

     The vote will run through December 2, 1992.

     I will post a second Call For Votes, and possibly a list of
     unreachable return addresses, during the voting period.  When the
     vote is over, I will post the final results.

 3.  Waiting Period:

     I will observe the normal waiting period of five days from the
     time that the final results appear in news.announce.newgroups.
     During this time, people may report lost votes.

 4.  Consummation:

     After the waiting period, the appropriate control messages for the
     creation of any new groups will be issued.

If all goes as planned, whatever parts of the reorganization that
pass will take effect by December 15, 1992.


[email protected] (Brian McClendon)
[email protected] (David Stewart)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Martin S. Weinhous Ph.D.)
[email protected] (Bernd Leibing)
Craig Steinberger 
[email protected] (Lisa Balbes)
bwallet%[email protected] (Brad Wallet)
[email protected] (Christopher Fouts)
ean-Francois Panisset  
Michel Besner 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (John R. Vanderpool)
[email protected] (Andreas Wierse)
[email protected] (Mike Yang)
[email protected] (dale chayes)
Mike Weisenborn 
[email protected] (Marc Andreessen)
Steve Rikli 
"Jim Callahan" 
[email protected] (Wizard of OZ)
[email protected] (Steve Van Gorder)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Aaron Schuman)
[email protected] (Steve Stinedurf)
[email protected] (David A. Southard)
Mike Hoffmann 
[email protected] (Bill Bogstad)
[email protected] (Holly Rushmeier)
[email protected] (Mark Atwood)
B.J.  04-Nov-1992 1157 
[email protected] (Jason Heirtzler)
[email protected] (Trevor Paquette)
Allen Akin 
David Bremner 
Mark K Greene 
[email protected] (Daniel X Pape)
[email protected] (Randy Carpenter)
[email protected] (Jeff Hanson)
Ed Trumbull 
[email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS)
"John D. McCalpin" 
[email protected] (Frederick R. Phelan Jr.)
[email protected] (HAO Computer System Managment Group)
George Lindholm 
[email protected] (Emmett A. Cunningham)
[email protected] (Curt Hjorring)
[email protected] (Bill Johnson)
[email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
Doctor Math 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Amy K. Swanson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rich Thomson)
[email protected] (Eric Johnson)
[email protected] (Tom Kirkman)
[email protected] (Rob MacLeod)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Christoph Ramshorn)
[email protected] (Dr. John S. Eickemeyer)
[email protected] (Eric Williams)
Scott Blachowicz 
[email protected] (Bruce Fairlie)
[email protected] (Mark Watson)

[email protected] (John Kalucki)
[email protected] (Todd Pfaff)
[email protected] (Nathan F. Janette)
Hana Strominger 
[email protected]
GJ Page 
[email protected] (Andy Rabagliati)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Roger S. Noss)
[email protected] (Joel Plutchak)
[email protected] (Dave Schweisguth)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter NEELIN)
[email protected]
Frank S. Taylor IV 283-4278 
"Brent L. Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB" 
[email protected] (Steven Bachrach)
[email protected] (Jim Rodger)
"John W. Schwegler" 
[email protected] (Ron Meleshko)
[email protected] (SSGM)
[email protected] (James Volpe)
uunet.UU.NET!virtuoso!chris (Chris Cressy)
Ken Fitch 
[email protected] (Mark Haidl)
[email protected] (Steve Gallichio)
[email protected] (Jeff Allston)
Tom Whittaker 
Jim Reed 
"David H. Brierley" 
Tim Day 
[email protected] (Robert Crowe)
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
davidb%[email protected] (David Brynell)
[email protected] (Heiko Schlichting)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mary Lou Lyons)!mdaeng!jrc (John R. Chawner)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Vera Heinau)
[email protected] (M. Creon Levit)
[email protected] (Allan Schaffer)
[email protected]
Chris Esposito 
[email protected] (Robert Keller)
Tom Fitzgerald    
[email protected] (Daniel Hoffmann)
[email protected] (Andras Salamon)
[email protected] (Bernd Melchers)
[email protected] (Simon Leinen)!tellab5!uunet!druid!pseudo!mjn
[email protected] (Mike Zeitlin)
[email protected] (Peter Santangeli)
Dave Kinchlea 
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected] (Russell Fulton)
[email protected]
Marc Moorcroft 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Craig Marby)
[email protected] (Marc Desrochers)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ingo Muegge)
"Andrew C. Aitchison" 
Ray Schnitzler 
Mark Bartelt 
[email protected]  (Brad Gianulis)
[email protected]
Joe Keane 
Michael Quinn 
Klaus Rennecke 
[email protected] (Mark Rambacher)
[email protected] (C. Harald Koch)
Lothar Butsch 
[email protected] (Super-User)
Charles Shub 
Sven M. Heinicke" 
[email protected] (Fredo Sartori)
[email protected] (Daniel Phaneuf)
[email protected] (Rick McLeod)
Claude Cantin 
[email protected] (Bill Carson)
[email protected] (Joseph R. Spann)
Daniel R Adams 
[email protected] (Pete Carah)
[email protected] (Dan Wallach)!sunc!cammejpm (J.-P. Malisse CAMME project)
[email protected] (Brian Murray)
[email protected] (Joe Brust)
Wayne Podaima 
Matt Wicks
Group Leader, UNIX System Support
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
[email protected]

From [email protected] Fri Dec  4 16:15:57 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi
Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.sgi reorganization passes
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 4 Dec 1992 15:49:27 -0500
Organization: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL
Lines: 252
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3023 news.groups:62432 comp.sys.sgi:30638

All of the proposed groups for the split of comp.sys.sgi have passed. The
following information shows the results of each vote following by the
actual votes received. You have 5 days to correct any mistakes in the
votes as presented. Assuming there are no changes in the results of the vote
control messages to form the new group will be issued December 10, 1993.
The changes to the [email protected] mailing list that corresponds to the
comp.sys.sgi newsgroup should also go into effect at about the same time.

The moderator of c.s.s.announce will be Matthew Wicks ([email protected]).

comp.sys.sgi.admin:    YES: 185, NO: 27, ABSTAIN: 1 (unmoderated)
comp.sys.sgi.announce: YES: 181, NO: 29, ABSTAIN: 3 (moderated)
comp.sys.sgi.apps:     YES: 179, NO: 30, ABSTAIN: 4 (unmoderated)
comp.sys.sgi.bugs:     YES: 160, NO: 46, ABSTAIN: 7 (unmoderated) YES: 177, NO: 33, ABSTAIN: 3 (unmoderated)
comp.sys.sgi.hardware: YES: 180, NO: 28, ABSTAIN: 5 (unmoderated)
comp.sys.sgi.misc:     YES: 172, NO: 38, ABSTAIN: 3 (unmoderated)

For a proposal to pass, it must receive >= 100 YES votes than NO votes and
2/3 of the total votes must be YES votes. All groups passed both requirements.

Key: Y = yes; N = no; A = abstain

___________________ vote for c.s.s.admin
|__________________ vote for c.s.s.announce
||_________________ vote for c.s.s.apps
|||________________ vote for c.s.s.bugs
||||_______________ vote for
|||||______________ vote for c.s.s.hardware
||||||_____________ vote for c.s.s.misc
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Brian McClendon)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (David Stewart)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Martin S. Weinhous Ph.D.)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Bernd Leibing)
NNNNNNN Craig Steinberger 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Lisa Balbes)
YYYYYYY bwallet%[email protected] (Brad Wallet)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Christopher Fouts)
YYYYYYY ean-Francois Panisset  
YNNYNYN Michel Besner 
YYYAYAY [email protected]
NNNNNNN [email protected]
NNNNNNN [email protected] (John R. Vanderpool)
YYYAYYY [email protected] (Andreas Wierse)
NNNNNNN [email protected] (Mike Yang)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (dale chayes)
YYYNYNY Mike Weisenborn 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Marc Andreessen)
YYYYAYY Steve Rikli 
YYNYYYN "Jim Callahan" 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Wizard of OZ)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Steve Van Gorder)
YYYNNYN [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
YYYNYYN [email protected] (Aaron Schuman)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Steve Stinedurf)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (David A. Southard)
YYYYYYY Mike Hoffmann 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Bill Bogstad)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Holly Rushmeier)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Mark Atwood)
YYYYYYY B.J.  04-Nov-1992 1157 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Jason Heirtzler)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Trevor Paquette)
YYYAYAY Allen Akin 
YYYAYYY David Bremner 
YYYYYYY Mark K Greene 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Daniel X Pape)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Randy Carpenter)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Jeff Hanson)
YYYYYYY Ed Trumbull 
YYYYNYY [email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS)
YYYYYYY "John D. McCalpin" 
NNNYYYY [email protected] (Frederick R. Phelan Jr.)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (HAO Computer System Managment Group)
YYYYYYY George Lindholm 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Emmett A. Cunningham)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Curt Hjorring)
NNNNNNN [email protected] (Bill Johnson)
YYYNYYY [email protected] (Matthew Wicks)
YYYYYYY Doctor Math 
NNNNNNN [email protected]
YYYNYYY [email protected] (Amy K. Swanson)
YNYNNYN [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Rich Thomson)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Eric Johnson)
NNNNNNN [email protected] (Tom Kirkman)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Rob MacLeod)
NANNNNN [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Christoph Ramshorn)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Dr. John S. Eickemeyer)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Eric Williams)
YYYYYYY Scott Blachowicz 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Bruce Fairlie)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Mark Watson)
YYYNYYY [email protected] (John Kalucki)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Todd Pfaff)
YYYYYYY keving 
YYYYAYN [email protected] (Nathan F. Janette)
YYYYYYY Hana Strominger 
YYYAYAY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Andy Rabagliati)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
AYYYYAY [email protected] (Roger S. Noss)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Joel Plutchak)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Dave Schweisguth)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Peter NEELIN)
NNNNNNN [email protected]
YYYYYYY Frank S. Taylor IV 283-4278 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Steven Bachrach)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Jim Rodger)
YYYYYYY "John W. Schwegler" 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Ron Meleshko)
YYYYYYA uunet.UU.NET!uunet!robcad!alik
YYYYYYY [email protected] (SSGM)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (James Volpe)
YYYYYYY uunet.UU.NET!virtuoso!chris (Chris Cressy)
YYYYYYY Ken Fitch 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Mark Haidl)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Steve Gallichio)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Jeff Allston)
YNYNYNY Tom Whittaker 
YYYYYYY "David H. Brierley" 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Robert Crowe)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Steve Rogers)
YYYYYYY davidb%[email protected] (David Brynell)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Heiko Schlichting)
NNNNNNN [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Mary Lou Lyons)
YYYYYYY!mdaeng!jrc (John R. Chawner)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Vera Heinau)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (M. Creon Levit)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Allan Schaffer)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY Chris Esposito 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Robert Keller)
NANNNAA Tom Fitzgerald    
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Daniel Hoffmann)
YYYYNYY [email protected] (Andras Salamon)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Bernd Melchers)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Simon Leinen)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Mike Zeitlin)
YYYNYYN [email protected] (Peter Santangeli)
YYYYYYN Dave Kinchlea 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Russell Fulton)
YYYAYYY [email protected]
NNNNNNN Marc Moorcroft 
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYNYYY [email protected] (Craig Marby)
YYANYYY [email protected] (Marc Desrochers)
YYYNYYN [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Ingo Muegge)
YYYYYYY "Andrew C. Aitchison" 
YYAAYYY Ray Schnitzler 
YYYYYYY Mark Bartelt 
YYYYYYY [email protected]  (Brad Gianulis)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYAYYYY Joe Keane 
YYYYYYY Michael Quinn 
YYYYNYN Klaus Rennecke 
YYYNYYY [email protected] (Mark Rambacher)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (C. Harald Koch)
YNYNYYY Lothar Butsch 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Super-User)
NNNNNNN Charles Shub 
NNNNNNN Sven M. Heinicke" 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Fredo Sartori)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Daniel Phaneuf)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Rick McLeod)
YYYYYYY Claude Cantin 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Bill Carson)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Joseph R. Spann)
YYYYYYY Daniel R Adams 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Pete Carah)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Dan Wallach)
YYYYYYY!sunc!cammejpm (J.-P. Malisse CAMME project)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Brian Murray)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Joe Brust)
YYYYYYY Wayne Podaima 
YYYNNYN [email protected] (David Hinds)
NYAYYYN [email protected] (Rainer Kleinrensing)
NNNNNNN Frans van Hoesel 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Alan Davis)
NNNNNNN [email protected] (Dan Hudson)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Thomas Richter)
YNYNYYN [email protected] (Scott R. Presnell)
YYYNAYN [email protected] (Sridhar Venkataraman)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY Ed Ackerman (FSAC) 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Malcolm Davis)
YYYYYYY Ran Atkinson 
NNNNNNN Jack Tavares 
YYYYYYY Tom Limoncelli 
NNNNNNN [email protected] (John H. Merritt)
NNNNYNN [email protected] (Robert Schmitt)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Eben Ostby)
NNNNNNN [email protected]
YYYNNNY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Martin Knoblauch)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
YYYYNYY [email protected] (Pam Bee)
YYYNYYY [email protected] (Dane Hendrix)
NNNNNNN Bruce Momjian 
NNNNNNN [email protected] (John Duncan)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Waheed Ansari)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Sunil Kulkarni)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (smant g.a.)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Ralf Beyer DLR)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Valter Cavecchia)
YYYYYYY "Charles A. Lind" 
YYNYYYY [email protected] (Jim Reiss)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Jim Atkinson)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Stefan Schwarz)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Jim Jackson)
NNNNNNN [email protected] (C. Lee)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Steve Dempsey)
YYYYYYY Roger Corron 
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Joachim Guenther)
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected]
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Alain Arditi)
YYYYYYY uunet.UU.NET!tdisys!ll (Leseme Laurent)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Peter H Jurgensen)
NNNNNNN [email protected] (Carl Rigney)
YAYYYYY [email protected] (Chris Hawley)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Arie Rudich)
YYYYYYY Jonathan Creighton 
YYYYYYA [email protected] (Graham Vincent)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (David H.)
YYYYYYY [email protected] (Todd Shutts)
YYNNYNY Yaron Zabary 

Matt Wicks
Group Leader, UNIX System Support
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
[email protected]

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