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Israel ( soc.culture.israel )
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From [email protected] Fri Jun 11 15:52:49 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Warren Burstein) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish,talk.politics.mideast Subject: RFD: soc.culture.israel Followup-To: news.groups Date: 11 Jun 1993 13:07:47 -0400 Organization: ITEX, Jerusalem, Israel Lines: 21 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3676 news.groups:73755 soc.culture.jewish:66947 talk.politics.mideast:82043  My apologies to those who have already seen this, several people wrote to me to tell me that I should have posted this to news.announce.newsgroups  The entire reason that I suggest such a group is the following posting of [email protected] (Andy):         Until there is a soc.culture.israel, I see no other place for Jews to        discuss these matters. T.p.m is not an appropriate place for Jews to        argue with Jews.  I suggest the group be unmoderated, and its purpose "a discussion of issues concerning the State of Israel".  It will be gatewayed to a listserv, so no one will have to miss out on the discussions because their system doesn't carry it.  There will, of course, be no requirement for posters to be Jewish. --  /|/-\/-\        |__/__/_/      |[email protected]      /  From [email protected] Tue Sep 14 17:40:09 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: RFD: soc.culture.israel Followup-To: news.groups Date: 14 Sep 1993 17:16:20 -0400 Organization: Queen's University at Kingston Lines: 32 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4046 news.groups:81877 soc.culture.jewish:73812  This is a formal Request for Discussion for the creation of newsgroup for the discussion of issues regarding the state of Israel  Proposed Name: -------------- soc.culture.israel  Moderation Status: ------------------ open to discussion  Rationale: ----------  There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Israeli politics, culture and society. Talk.politics.mideast is a debating forum which deals with the entire mid-east and is almost totally political, soc.culture.jewish is intended to be a religious forum and in any case includes the entire diaspora Jewish population in its mandate. Just as the existance of soc.religion.islam, soc.culture.arabic and talk.politics.mideast does not preclude the existance of newsgroups for specific Arab or Islamic states, nor should the existence of s.c.j. and t.p.m. preclude the existance of a newsgroup dealing with the state of Israel and its society.  Procedure: ----------  Discussion is to be held *only* in news.groups.  After 30 days, it shall be determined whether there is sufficient demand for a Call for Votes.  From [email protected] Fri Sep 24 18:01:11 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.israel Followup-To: news.groups Date: 24 Sep 1993 10:08:50 -0400 Organization: Queen's University at Kingston Lines: 46 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4079 news.groups:82808 soc.culture.jewish:74507  This is a formal Request for Discussion for the creation of newsgroup for the discussion of issues regarding the state of Israel   Proposed Name: -------------- soc.culture.israel  Moderation Status: ------------------ unmoderated   Rationale: ----------  There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Israeli politics, culture and society. Talk.politics.mideast is a debating forum which deals with the entire mid-east and is almost totally political, soc.culture.jewish is intended to be a religious forum and in any case includes the entire diaspora Jewish population in its mandate. Just as the existance of soc.religion.islam, soc.culture.arabic and talk.politics.mideast does not preclude the existance of newsgroups for specific Arab or Islamic states, nor should the existence of s.c.j. and t.p.m. preclude the existance of a newsgroup dealing with the state of Israel and its society.  Charter: --------  To provide a forum for the discussion Israeli society, culture and politics; presentation of news about Israel, and as a forum for debate among Israelis and other interested persons.  Procedure: ----------  Discussion is to be held *only* in news.groups.  By 14 October, it shall be determined whether there is sufficient demand for a Call for Votes.  Vote: -----  The vote will be conducted by an impartial third party.  From [email protected] Mon Oct 18 16:35:16 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: CFV: soc.culture.israel Followup-To: poster Date: 18 Oct 1993 16:04:46 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 82 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 12 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4169 news.groups:84989 soc.culture.jewish:75850                              CALL FOR VOTES  	             soc.culture.israel unmoderated  This is a Call for Votes regarding the proposed creation of an unmoderated newsgroup soc.culture.israel.  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 11th of November 1993. Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.   CHARTER =======  soc.culture.israel	Israel and Israelis.  To provide a forum for the discussion Israeli society, culture and politics; presentation of news about Israel, and as a forum for debate among Israelis and other interested persons.   RATIONALE =========  There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Israeli politics, culture and society. Talk.politics.mideast is a debating forum which deals with the entire mid-east and is almost totally political, soc.culture.jewish is intended to be a religious forum and in any case includes the entire diaspora Jewish population in its mandate. Just as the existance of soc.religion.islam, soc.culture.arabic and talk.politics.mideast does not preclude the existance of newsgroups for specific Arab or Islamic states, nor should the existence of s.c.j. and t.p.m. preclude the existance of a newsgroup dealing with the state of Israel and its society.   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ===================  YOUR VOTE WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be understood and would then be returned to you with the votes uncounted.  Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:     start-parsing israel     name       vote soc.culture.israel            end-parsing  PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS: * Delete and replace the <...> parts completely.  You must remove the < >'s. * Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup names. * Do not omit any of the four lines above.  Your name must be supplied. * Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks. * Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !  You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.  You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;     start-parsing israel     send-cfv     end-parsing  You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.  Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on November the 11th 1993. There will be one further Call for Votes.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to [email protected]  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]                                                          ^^^^ Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, A.R. Bratu <[email protected]>. --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for soc.culture.israel votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Nov  2 15:52:20 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.israel Followup-To: poster Date: 1 Nov 1993 15:19:17 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 91 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 12 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4225 news.groups:86415 soc.culture.jewish:76823                            FINAL CALL FOR VOTES  	             soc.culture.israel unmoderated  This the 2nd and final Call for Votes regarding the proposed creation of an unmoderated newsgroup soc.culture.israel.  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 11th of November 1993. Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.   CHARTER =======  soc.culture.israel	Israel and Israelis.  To provide a forum for the discussion Israeli society, culture and politics; presentation of news about Israel, and as a forum for debate among Israelis and other interested persons.   RATIONALE =========  There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Israeli politics, culture and society. Talk.politics.mideast is a debating forum which deals with the entire mid-east and is almost totally political, soc.culture.jewish is intended to be a religious forum and in any case includes the entire diaspora Jewish population in its mandate. Just as the existance of soc.religion.islam, soc.culture.arabic and talk.politics.mideast does not preclude the existance of newsgroups for specific Arab or Islamic states, nor should the existence of s.c.j. and t.p.m. preclude the existance of a newsgroup dealing with the state of Israel and its society.   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ===================  YOUR VOTE WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be understood and would then be returned to you with the votes uncounted.  Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:     start-parsing israel     name  {put your name here, *after* `name' - but not your email address}     vote soc.culture.israel       {yes/no/abstain}     end-parsing  PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS: * Delete and replace the {...} parts completely.  You must remove the { }'s. * Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup names. * Do not omit any of the four lines above.  Your name must be supplied. * Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks. * Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !  You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.  You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;     start-parsing israel     send-cfv     end-parsing  You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.  Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on November the 11th 1993.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to [email protected]  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]                                                          ^^^^ Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, A.R. Bratu <[email protected]>.   BOUNCED ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ========================  No acknowledgements or negative acknowledgements have been returned as undeliverable as of 19:30 GMT on Friday the 29th of October.  If voted before then and have not received an acknowledgement of your ballot it may have been lost and you should vote again. --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for soc.culture.israel votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]  From [email protected] Fri Nov 12 15:54:27 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.israel passes 153:40 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 12 Nov 1993 15:46:40 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 263 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4270 news.groups:87519 soc.culture.jewish:77903                                   RESULT                            soc.culture.israel  This is the report of the result of the proposal to create an unmoderated newsgroup soc.culture.israel.   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  153   40 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : soc.culture.israel  193 valid ballots were received and counted.  Accordingly soc.culture.israel will be created after the 5 day waiting period, barring serious objections.   CHARTER =======  soc.culture.israel      Israel and Israelis.  To provide a forum for the discussion Israeli society, culture and politics; presentation of news about Israel, and as a forum for debate among Israelis and other interested persons.   RATIONALE =========  There is currently no specific forum for the discussion of Israeli politics, culture and society. Talk.politics.mideast is a debating forum which deals with the entire mid-east and is almost totally political, soc.culture.jewish is intended to be a religious forum and in any case includes the entire diaspora Jewish population in its mandate. Just as the existance of soc.religion.islam, soc.culture.arabic and talk.politics.mideast does not preclude the existance of newsgroups for specific Arab or Islamic states, nor should the existence of s.c.j. and t.p.m. preclude the existance of a newsgroup dealing with the state of Israel and its society.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to [email protected]  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]                                                          ^^^^ Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, A.R. Bratu <[email protected]>.   LIST OF VOTERS ==============  These two people's ballots arrived too late to be counted:  Shiri Ayalon <[email protected]>                 ISRAEL111200004018447  Dave Yadallee <[email protected]>  ISRAEL111201461819001 (NB - the latter was an attempt to change his vote from NO to YES)  The following votes were received and counted in the totals above:  YES votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected] (A.R. Bratu) [email protected]  (Paul S. Wolf) [email protected]  (Aahz) [email protected] (Alberto A. Pinkas) [email protected] (Aaron S. Adelman) [email protected] (Barry Rodin) [email protected]  (Aviv Roth) [email protected] (Jack Mor) [email protected] (Alan Lustiger) [email protected] (Arnaldo Mandel) [email protected] (Arieh Markel) [email protected]  (Amihood Amir) [email protected] (Adam Logan) [email protected] (Amos Shapir) [email protected] (Anat Faigon) [email protected] (Anibal Jodorcovsky) [email protected] (Hillel P. Applebaum) [email protected] (Alan Posner) [email protected]  (Ariel Faigon) [email protected] (Ari Trachtenberg) [email protected] (James Ault) [email protected]  (Avi Cohen Stuart) [email protected] (Ari Epstein) [email protected] (Robert Baker) [email protected] (cindy klein-banay) [email protected]  (Bruce Scott) [email protected] (Shoshana Billik) [email protected] (B.J. Herbison) [email protected] (Bjorn B. Larsen) [email protected]  (Boudi Sahyoun) [email protected] (Spiros Triantafyllopoulos) [email protected] (Henry Churchyard) [email protected]  (Roger Kaye) [email protected] (Kenneth P. Crouch, Jr.) [email protected] (David Greenberger) [email protected]  (david nolte) [email protected] (dan) [email protected] (Dave Pollak) [email protected]  (David R. Brill) [email protected]  (David F. Skoll) [email protected]  (Donna Culver) [email protected] (Dorai Sitaram) [email protected] (Daniel R. Reitman) [email protected] (Daniel J. Thumim) [email protected]  (Herb Effron) [email protected]  (John Eichelberger) [email protected]  (ethan miller) [email protected]  (Majid Zolfaghari) evan%[email protected] (Evan Kirshenbaum) [email protected] (Daniel P. Faigin) [email protected] (Yaacov Fenster) [email protected]  (B. Gabriel Helou) [email protected] (Gideon Sasson) [email protected]  (Bronchti Gilles) [email protected]  (Edward H. Gornish) [email protected]  (David Grabiner) [email protected] (David A. Guberman) [email protected] (Robert Hansen) [email protected] (Daniel Hechel) [email protected] (Jeffrey Hyson) [email protected] (Ian Holsman) [email protected]  (Ilana Stern) [email protected] (Kees van der Wal) [email protected]  (Jane Shum) [email protected] (Russell Jaslow) [email protected]  (Joshua S. Bleier) [email protected] (David Ruggiero) [email protected] (Andrew W. Jergens) [email protected] (joe freeman) [email protected]  (Josh A. Goldfoot) [email protected] (Jonathan I. Kamens) [email protected] (Joshua D. Juran) [email protected] (Joseph N. Lundy) [email protected] (Joe St Sauver) [email protected]  (Jack Shirazi) [email protected]  (Jay Shorten) [email protected] (Jeff Schultz) [email protected]  (kevin trainor) [email protected]  (david kaminsky) [email protected]  (Kirk Wattles) [email protected] (Martin Sch"oder) [email protected]  (Louis Bueno) [email protected]  (Lev Novik) [email protected]  (Andy Lipscomb) [email protected]  (Victor E Aldridge III) [email protected]  (Marc Dashevsky) [email protected] (dr. Jan M.L. Martin) [email protected]  (Evan Cofsky) [email protected]  (Bassem Medawar) [email protected]  (Matthew E. Merkelson) [email protected] (M. Rappoport) [email protected] (Mike Fessler) [email protected]  (Mehrdad Hashem) [email protected]   (Waldi Ravens) [email protected] (Mark Platt) [email protected] (Marjorie Peskin) [email protected]  (Yossi Levy) [email protected] (Michael Wilson) [email protected] (Randy Finder) [email protected] (noam sivan) [email protected]  (Nehemia Noti) [email protected]  (Naftaly Stramer) [email protected] (Oded Maler) [email protected]  (Tsiel Ohayon) [email protected] (Bilal Bhutta) [email protected]  (Paul E. Hoffman) [email protected]  (Giovanni Paoletti) [email protected] (Isaac Jonathan Prastein) [email protected] (Michael Quinn) [email protected] (Rafael Diaz) [email protected]  (Ken Robinson) [email protected] (Richard Thorne) [email protected] (james revkin) [email protected] (Rob Leitman) [email protected] (Robert H. Klein) [email protected]  (Ronald Kiener) [email protected] (Ronnie Kon) [email protected] (Richard Sevrinsky) [email protected] (Russell Gold) [email protected] (Simon Whiteside) [email protected] (Sean Molloy) [email protected] (David Seldner) [email protected] (jeremy lechtzin) sg04%[email protected] (Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund) [email protected] (shaikh) [email protected] (K. Shane Hartman) [email protected]  (Dan Shimoff) Sheldonr (Sheldon Reback) [email protected] (Sander Smith) [email protected] (Stanley M Krieger) [email protected]  (Scott R. Schreiman) [email protected] (Simon S. Cohen) [email protected] (Alex Shapiro) [email protected] (R. Scott Buchanan) [email protected] (Craig Steinberger) [email protected] (Steven Goldstein) [email protected]  (Steven Berson) [email protected] (Steve Gale) [email protected]  (Rob Strom) [email protected]  (Dave Shariff Yadallee)  [but see above] [email protected] (Stephan Schulz) [email protected]  (Ron Hall) [email protected] (Timo J Rinne) [email protected] (Ted Louis Glenn) trumpet-user%[email protected] (Shlomo Brill) [email protected] (Jack Mor) [email protected]  (Vance R. Fields III) [email protected]  (Warren Burstein) [email protected] (Haim Wolfson) [email protected] (Margaret Wong) [email protected] (Ben Yalow) [email protected] (Yaron Engel) [email protected]  (Zeeshan Hasan)  NO votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected] (m saggaf) [email protected]  (Hassan Aurag) [email protected]  (Ra'ed Awdeh) [email protected]  (Ahmad Azeem) [email protected] (Ahmed Jaleel) [email protected]  (Bilge Dogan) [email protected] (Burt Holzman) [email protected] (Po Shan Cheah) [email protected] (Chris Marble) [email protected]  (DADkhah A. A.) [email protected] (Dave Archer) [email protected]  (Edward Bertsch) [email protected] (Gedaliah Friedenberg) [email protected]  (David Greig) [email protected]  (Basalat Ali Raja) [email protected]  (Jeremy Caplan) [email protected]  (John MacWilliamson) [email protected] (Issam S. Abu-Khater) [email protected]  (Rob Knauerhaes) [email protected]  (Hong Jun) [email protected] (Mazen Mokhtar) [email protected] (Maxime Taksar) [email protected] (Alan Moore) [email protected] (M.SYED) [email protected]  (Nasser B. Q. S.) [email protected]  (Raed Muhammed) [email protected] (Sendhil Revuluri) [email protected] (S. A. Alavi) [email protected] (sadrameli) [email protected]  (M.Saleh) [email protected]  (Smarasderagd Draco) [email protected] (SOFIENE TAHAR) [email protected]  (Abou-Torab Torabi) U13054%[email protected] (Howard Wachtel) [email protected]  (Guy Umbright) [email protected]  (Vitaly Vovnoboy) WALID%[email protected] (Walid Sulaiman) [email protected] (Atif Wasi) [email protected]  (Ziad Al-Khatrash) [email protected] (Zvi Wallerstein) --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for soc.culture.israel  
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