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Jewish, holocaust (M) ( soc.culture.jewish.holocaust )
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From [email protected] Mon Feb 14 19:54:21 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish,soc.history Subject: RFD: soc.culture.jewish.holocaust moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 12 Feb 1994 00:31:40 -0500 Organization: University of North Carolina Extended Bulletin Board Service Lines: 50 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4601 news.groups:95207 soc.culture.jewish:88024 soc.history:33579  This is a RFD in accordance with Usenet guidelines.  I am proposing that we add the following moderated newsgroup.  We will be voting on this issue alone.  RFD ________________________________________________________________ Name: soc.culture.jewish.holocaust Status: moderated Charter:  I propose to create a storagehouse for testimonies and materials on the Holocaust in Germany and Poland that will be called soc.culture.jewish.holocaust.  While the newsgroup is entitled "holocaust," it will involve materials only from the situation known in Hebrew as the Shoah -- the systematic genocide of 9 million individuals, including 6 million Jews.  This newgroup will include Holocaust materials >from both personal testimonies of survivors and their families and "hard" facts from historians and observers.  This newsgroup will be moderated to prevent any anti-Semitic or race-baiting comments from Neo-Nazis or self-proclaimed "academic" Holocaust deniers or revisionists.  This will not be a forum for discussing whether or not the Shoah happened; instead, it will be a place for intelligent and factual discussion of those events.  For those Usenet readers who wish to debate the existence of the Holocaust, they are encouraged to read the groups alt.revisionists and soc.history, along with the group alt.skinheads.  The guidelines for moderation are as follows:  materials which are not accurate factually or are seen as being anti-Semitic or revisionist will not be allowd on the group.  All other posts will be accepted.  As of now, the moderators for the group include Bob Michael of Dartmouth, Rick Horowitz of the California State University at Fresno, and Daniel Aldrich of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  While there are several groups in existence that cover similar subject matter, such as the group on the nysernet and several mailing lists and anonymous ftp sites, I believe that only a newsnet Internet group will provide access to the millions of users around the world.  Further, in this era when one out of four high schoolers do not know what the Holocaust is, and when revisionists like the Institute for Historical Review and people like David Cole and Mr. Gannon deny the existence of the Holocaust, I feel it is urgent that we create a newgroup on the Shoah.  Ron Dippold will act as the third party vote taker when the CFV goes out; that will hopefully be in early March.  This RFD will last for one month.  Please followup to news.groups. Thank you.  From [email protected] Wed Mar  9 23:38:48 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Rick Horowitz) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish,soc.history Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.jewish.holocaust moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 9 Mar 1994 17:56:46 -0500 Organization: California State University, Fresno Lines: 52 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4717 news.groups:97615 soc.culture.jewish:92471 soc.history:34987  This is a second posting of the RFD for soc.culture.jewish.holocaust.  This is a RFD in accordance with Usenet guidelines.  I am proposing that we add the following moderated newsgroup.  We will be voting on this issue alone.  RFD ________________________________________________________________ Name: soc.culture.jewish.holocaust Status: moderated Charter:  I propose to create a storagehouse for testimonies and materials on the Holocaust in Germany and Poland that will be called soc.culture.jewish.holocaust.  While the newsgroup is entitled "holocaust," it will involve materials only from the situation known in Hebrew as the Shoah -- the systematic genocide of 9 million individuals, including 6 million Jews.  This newgroup will include Holocaust materials >from both personal testimonies of survivors and their families and "hard" facts from historians and observers.  This newsgroup will be moderated to prevent any anti-Semitic or race-baiting comments from Neo-Nazis or self-proclaimed "academic" Holocaust deniers or revisionists.  This will not be a forum for discussing whether or not the Shoah happened; instead, it will be a place for intelligent and factual discussion of those events.  For those Usenet readers who wish to debate the existence of the Holocaust, they are encouraged to read the groups alt.revisionism and soc.history, along with the group alt.skinheads.  The guidelines for moderation are as follows:  materials which are not accurate factually or are seen as being anti-Semitic or revisionist will not be allowed on the group.  All other posts will be accepted.  As of now, the moderators for the group include Bob Michael of Dartmouth, Rick Horowitz of the California State University at Fresno, and Daniel Aldrich of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  While there are several groups in existence that cover similar subject matter, such as the group on the nysernet and several mailing lists and anonymous ftp sites, I believe that only a newsnet Internet group will provide access to the millions of users around the world.  Further, in this era when one out of four high schoolers do not know what the Holocaust is, and when revisionists like the Institute for Historical Review and people like David Cole and Mr. Gannon deny the existence of the Holocaust, I feel it is urgent that we create a newsgroup on the Shoah.  Ron Dippold will act as the third party vote taker when the CFV goes out; that will hopefully be in early March.  This RFD will last for one month.  Please followup to news.groups. Thank you.  From [email protected] Thu Mar 24 18:10:20 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Jan Isley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: CFV: soc.culture.jewish.holocaust moderated Followup-To: poster Date: 23 Mar 1994 18:53:20 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 105 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 14 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Jan Isley) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4832 news.groups:98843 soc.culture.jewish:95036                      FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)           moderated group soc.culture.jewish.holocaust  Newsgroups line:  soc.culture.jewish.holocaust:	A factually accurate forum on the Holocaust. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 13 April 1994.  Please read this entire post before replying.  Voting instructions are given below.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Please direct all voting and procedural questions and reports of problems to Jan Isley <[email protected]>.  This is NOT the voting address!  Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new group to the proponent, Daniel Aldrich <[email protected]>.  CHARTER ------- This newsgroup will create a storagehouse for all kinds of information >from various sources on the Holocaust in Europe that occurred between 1942-1945 (along with the events leading up to it that happened in the early 30's).  This newsgroup will be called soc.culture.jewish.holocaust.  While the newsgroup is entitled "Holocaust," it will involve materials only from the situation known in Hebrew as the Shoah -- the systematic genocide of 9 million individuals, including 6 million Jews.  This newgroup will include Holocaust materials >from both personal testimonies of survivors and their families and "hard" facts from historians and observers.  This newsgroup will be moderated to prevent any anti-Semitic or race-baiting comments from Neo-Nazis or self-proclaimed "academic" Holocaust deniers or revisionists.  This will not be a forum for discussing whether or not the Shoah happened; instead, it will be a place for intelligent and factual discussion of those events.  For those Usenet readers who wish to debate the existence of the Holocaust, they are encouraged to read the groups alt.revisionists and soc.history, along with the group alt.skinheads.  MODERATION ---------- The guidelines for moderation are as follows:  materials which are not accurate factually or are seen as being anti-Semitic or revisionist will not be allowed on the group.  All other posts will be accepted.  As of now, the moderators for the group include Bob Michael of Dartmouth, Rick Horowitz of the California State University at Fresno, and Daniel Aldrich of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  If an article is considered to be factually inaccurate or purposefully anti-Semitic (or any kind of hate speech) then a vote will be taken among the moderators.  Two of of the three must agree that the material is hateful in order for it to be removed.  All other material will be accepted, be it theological or factual or personal in nature.  RATIONALE --------- While there are several groups in existence that cover similar subject matter, such as the group on the nysernet and several mailing lists and anonymous ftp sites, I believe that only a newsnet Internet group will provide access to the millions of users around the world.  Further, in this era when one out of four high schoolers do not know what the Holocaust is, and when revisionists like the Institute for Historical Review and people like David Cole and Mr. Gannon deny the existence of the Holocaust, I feel it is urgent that we create a newgroup on the Shoah.  This newsgroup will help us to remember and understand the events in Germany so that they will not happen again. Thank you.  VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------- Your vote will be counted by a program.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  Send mail to [email protected] containing these three lines in the body:     ballot-scjh    My name is XXXXX    I vote _____ on soc.culture.jewish.holocaust  Replace XXXXX with your name (not your email address!). Replace _____ with either YES, NO, or ABSTAIN.  Please use the template *exactly* and delete *all* other text from this post.  Anything else may be rejected by the vote counting program.  You will receive a personal acknowledgment by email within a few days. It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  ONE VOTE PER PERSON, no more than one per account.  Voting from multiple accounts may result in all of your votes being rejected... do not do it. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  Do not distribute mutated voting instructions.  This can cause serious problems for the voters who use them and for me as vote taker.  If you are in any doubt, please contact me - I'll be very happy to advise you. --  Jan Isley <[email protected]> votes-to: <[email protected]>  From [email protected] Thu Apr  7 13:55:37 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Jan Isley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.jewish.holocaust moderated Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 6 Apr 1994 17:21:32 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 144 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 14 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Jan Isley) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4903 news.groups:100027 soc.culture.jewish:96695                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)           moderated group soc.culture.jewish.holocaust  Newsgroups line:  soc.culture.jewish.holocaust:	A factually accurate forum on the Holocaust. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 13 April 1994.  Please read this entire post before replying.  Voting instructions are given below.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Please direct all voting and procedural questions and reports of problems to Jan Isley <[email protected]>.  This is NOT the voting address!  Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new group to the proponent, Daniel Aldrich <[email protected]>.  CHARTER ------- This newsgroup will create a storagehouse for all kinds of information >from various sources on the Holocaust in Europe that occurred between 1942-1945 (along with the events leading up to it that happened in the early 30's).  This newsgroup will be called soc.culture.jewish.holocaust.  While the newsgroup is entitled "Holocaust," it will involve materials only from the situation known in Hebrew as the Shoah -- the systematic genocide of 9 million individuals, including 6 million Jews.  This newgroup will include Holocaust materials >from both personal testimonies of survivors and their families and "hard" facts from historians and observers.  This newsgroup will be moderated to prevent any anti-Semitic or race-baiting comments from Neo-Nazis or self-proclaimed "academic" Holocaust deniers or revisionists.  This will not be a forum for discussing whether or not the Shoah happened; instead, it will be a place for intelligent and factual discussion of those events.  For those Usenet readers who wish to debate the existence of the Holocaust, they are encouraged to read the groups alt.revisionists and soc.history, along with the group alt.skinheads.  MODERATION ---------- The guidelines for moderation are as follows:  materials which are not accurate factually or are seen as being anti-Semitic or revisionist will not be allowed on the group.  All other posts will be accepted.  As of now, the moderators for the group include Bob Michael of Dartmouth, Rick Horowitz of the California State University at Fresno, and Daniel Aldrich of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  If an article is considered to be factually inaccurate or purposefully anti-Semitic (or any kind of hate speech) then a vote will be taken among the moderators.  Two of of the three must agree that the material is hateful in order for it to be removed.  All other material will be accepted, be it theological or factual or personal in nature.  RATIONALE --------- While there are several groups in existence that cover similar subject matter, such as the group on the nysernet and several mailing lists and anonymous ftp sites, I believe that only a newsnet Internet group will provide access to the millions of users around the world.  Further, in this era when one out of four high schoolers do not know what the Holocaust is, and when revisionists like the Institute for Historical Review and people like David Cole and Mr. Gannon deny the existence of the Holocaust, I feel it is urgent that we create a newgroup on the Shoah.  This newsgroup will help us to remember and understand the events in Germany so that they will not happen again. Thank you.  VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------- Your vote will be counted by a program.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  Send mail to [email protected] containing these three lines in the body:     ballot-scjh    My name is XXXXX    I vote _____ on soc.culture.jewish.holocaust  Replace XXXXX with your name (not your email address!). Replace _____ with either YES, NO, or ABSTAIN.  Please use the template *exactly* and delete *all* other text from this post.  Anything else may be rejected by the vote counting program.  You will receive a personal acknowledgment by email within a few days. It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  ONE VOTE PER PERSON, no more than one per account.  Voting from multiple accounts may result in all of your votes being rejected... do not do it. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  Do not distribute mutated voting instructions.  This can cause serious problems for the voters who use them and for me as vote taker.  If you are in any doubt, please contact me - I'll be very happy to advise you.  soc.culture.jewish.holocaust Bounce List - No need to revote --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected]                           Douglas Okun [email protected]                         Karen Weltchek [email protected]                                          ALPER ALALUF  Votes in error --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected]                                               B.J. Herbison    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                   Rachel Garshick    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                        Rhona    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                  ! No ballot, No name given [email protected]                                          Sol Katz    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                 Marlyn Gershman    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                               ! No ballot, No name given [email protected]                                                     ! No name given [email protected]                             Rachel Beth Cohen    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                       Rebekah Hasman-Judd    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                              raanan shlomi    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Shiri Ayalon    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                          Robert Skloot    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               ! No ballot, No name given [email protected]                                                             ! No ballot, No name given --  Jan Isley <[email protected]> votes-to: <[email protected]>  From [email protected] Tue Apr 19 17:51:15 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Jan Isley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.jewish Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.jewish.holocaust moderated passes 430:42 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 14 Apr 1994 16:02:21 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 584 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4947 news.groups:100742 soc.culture.jewish:97915          moderated group soc.culture.jewish.holocaust passes 430:42  There were 430 YES votes and 42 NO votes, for a total of 472 valid votes.  There were 2 abstains and 10 invalid ballots.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.  There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Please direct all voting questions and reports of problems to Jan Isley <[email protected]>.  Newsgroups line:  soc.culture.jewish.holocaust:	A factually accurate forum on the Holocaust. (Moderated)  CHARTER ------- This newsgroup will create a storagehouse for all kinds of information >from various sources on the Holocaust in Europe that occurred between 1942-1945 (along with the events leading up to it that happened in the early 30's).  This newsgroup will be called soc.culture.jewish.holocaust.  While the newsgroup is entitled "Holocaust," it will involve materials only from the situation known in Hebrew as the Shoah -- the systematic genocide of 9 million individuals, including 6 million Jews.  This newgroup will include Holocaust materials >from both personal testimonies of survivors and their families and "hard" facts from historians and observers.  This newsgroup will be moderated to prevent any anti-Semitic or race-baiting comments from Neo-Nazis or self-proclaimed "academic" Holocaust deniers or revisionists.  This will not be a forum for discussing whether or not the Shoah happened; instead, it will be a place for intelligent and factual discussion of those events.  For those Usenet readers who wish to debate the existence of the Holocaust, they are encouraged to read the groups alt.revisionists and soc.history, along with the group alt.skinheads.  MODERATION ---------- The guidelines for moderation are as follows:  materials which are not accurate factually or are seen as being anti-Semitic or revisionist will not be allowed on the group.  All other posts will be accepted.  As of now, the moderators for the group include Bob Michael of Dartmouth, Rick Horowitz of the California State University at Fresno, and Daniel Aldrich of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  If an article is considered to be factually inaccurate or purposefully anti-Semitic (or any kind of hate speech) then a vote will be taken among the moderators.  Two of of the three must agree that the material is hateful in order for it to be removed.  All other material will be accepted, be it theological or factual or personal in nature.  RATIONALE --------- While there are several groups in existence that cover similar subject matter, such as the group on the nysernet and several mailing lists and anonymous ftp sites, I believe that only a newsnet Internet group will provide access to the millions of users around the world.  Further, in this era when one out of four high schoolers do not know what the Holocaust is, and when revisionists like the Institute for Historical Review and people like David Cole and Mr. Gannon deny the existence of the Holocaust, I feel it is urgent that we create a newgroup on the Shoah.  This newsgroup will help us to remember and understand the events in Germany so that they will not happen again. Thank you.  soc.culture.jewish.holocaust Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected]                                    Daniel B. Goodman [email protected]                                            Jay Levin [email protected]                                     Jaimie Miller [email protected]                                  Jason P. Lorber [email protected]                                         Marc Spier [email protected]                                             Pam Fox [email protected]                                  Steven Aldrich [email protected]                                           Anthony Burokas [email protected]                                 Michael J. Wilson [email protected]                                                        Aahz [email protected]                                              Alberto Pinkas [email protected]                                       Mindy Chanoff [email protected]                                         Chaim Jacobs [email protected]                                   Adriana Arcia [email protected]                                       Alan Dobkin [email protected]                                   Douglas Limburg [email protected]                                             Andrew Fabbro [email protected]                                           Al Filreis [email protected]                                                Andrew Cytron [email protected]                                        Aimee EIsenberg [email protected]                                            Anita Michel [email protected]                           Adam J. Schechner [email protected]                                       Randall Schroeder [email protected]                                     Allen Shifrin [email protected]                                              Alon Risdon [email protected]                                   Amos Wittenberg [email protected]                                        Jess Anderson [email protected]                                              Andy Latto [email protected]                                       Andrew R. Shulman [email protected]                                    Andrzej A. Borowiec [email protected]                                          Alan Pfeffer [email protected]                                            Amitha P. Reddy [email protected]                                       Shevy Adler [email protected]                                     Tzippora Eyal [email protected]                                       Jim Arnow [email protected]                                          Alex Rogers [email protected]                                     Allison Kamen [email protected]                                                 Jim Ault [email protected]                                 Amelia R. Weitzman [email protected]                                    Barry Kingsbury [email protected]                                                Bart Miller [email protected]                                   Brian Darer [email protected]                                    Manuel Bekier [email protected]                                           David Bell [email protected]                                    Shag Aristotelis [email protected]                                               B.J. Herbison [email protected]                                           Bjorn Hell Larsen [email protected]                                         Ben Marks [email protected]                                        Brian Kupersmit [email protected]                                       Brian Cohen [email protected]                                   nicole weinreb [email protected]                                                Bob McCormick [email protected]                                               Patrick Schaaf [email protected]                        William Brandsdorfer [email protected]                                            Bruce Baugh [email protected]                      Barry M. Schlesinger [email protected]                                         Ben Gerber [email protected]                                      Martin Bunzendahl [email protected]                                            alan bush [email protected]                      Christopher Campbell [email protected]                                       Chris Antle [email protected]                                 Mark Kupferman [email protected]                                             T Cavanagh [email protected]                                               Ellen Kranzser [email protected]                                                Simon Hawkin [email protected]                                       Chris Hass [email protected]                                       Christopher J. Hoover [email protected]                                           Israel Cidon [email protected]                           Christopher Richmond [email protected]                             Christian L Claiborn [email protected]                                        Charles McNeil=BD [email protected]                                     Gregory Jansen [email protected]                                             Karl Crary [email protected]                                          Charles Rosen [email protected]                     Kenneth P. Crouch, Jr. [email protected]                                     ILAN GRAIFER [email protected]                                          David Sheen [email protected]                                        Tammy Nusbaum [email protected]                                               Michal [email protected]                                        Barry Fischer [email protected]                                   Christopher Stone [email protected]                                          Craig Tovey CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU!BKLYN.bitnet!ZZYHA                          Maya Balakirsky [email protected]                                       Craig Verver [email protected]                                           Daniel Epstein [email protected]                              David J. Greenberger [email protected]                           Douglas Okun [email protected]                         Karen Weltchek [email protected]                                                 Dale Smoak [email protected]                                Simon Damberger [email protected]                                      Dennis L. Anderson [email protected]                                               George Amoss [email protected]                                         David Lewin [email protected]                                              Bill Davidsen [email protected]                                          Daniel Bernstein [email protected]                                            Sandy Barnes [email protected]                                          David Cox [email protected]                                      David Dickerson [email protected]                                     Ken Robinson [email protected]                                          David F. Skoll [email protected]                                         Paul Diamond [email protected]                                           Daniel Keren [email protected]                                            Daniel Gamulka [email protected]                                          Darcie and [email protected]                                  Rebecca Drayer [email protected]                               Daniel R. Reitman [email protected]                                                 David Rising [email protected]                               Daniel E. Rogers [email protected]                                           David Wright [email protected]                                       Bertil Askelid [email protected]                                            Edward Suranyi [email protected]                                                    Eric Blum [email protected]                                          Ellen Tauber [email protected]                                          Robert Smits!Gallif!Yadallee                  Dave Shariff Yadallee [email protected]                                   Emilie Bruchon [email protected]                                     Ethan M. Gelman [email protected]                                  Eva Ungar Grudin [email protected]                             Evelyn C. Leeper [email protected]                               johan de tavernier [email protected]                                               Daniel Faigin [email protected]                         Richard Hulkenberg II [email protected]                                          ALPER ALALUF [email protected]                                        Stuart Feldhamer [email protected]                               Howard Feldmesser [email protected]!SNYFARVA.bitnet                     Charles Fishman [email protected]                                       Frank Lam [email protected]                                   Reva Freedman [email protected]                                           Gabe Helou [email protected]                                 Michal Koren-Ganor [email protected]                                   Rachel Garshick [email protected]                                 Gary Eisenberg [email protected]                                                  Gerben Vos [email protected]                                     Greg Guffey [email protected]                                      Gregory G. Woodbury [email protected]                                            Gary Sitzmann [email protected]                                                Gil Neiger [email protected]                                     Glenn Forbes Larratt [email protected]                                        Tamara Felden [email protected]                                          Jack Goldberg [email protected]                                Leo Goldberger [email protected]                                                Avi Golden [email protected]                                  Mark Goldman [email protected]                                    Graham Forst [email protected]                              David Iain Russell Greig [email protected]                                    Greg Weiss [email protected]                                    Robert Weinmann [email protected]                                     Gil grodzinsky [email protected]                                   Brennan T. Price [email protected]                                     Jacob P. Kovel [email protected]                                       Adira Netzel [email protected]                                    Matthew Kressel [email protected]                                      Meira P. Katz [email protected]                                            Gur Hoshen [email protected]                                     Gabriel Zitrin [email protected]                                 Yossi Halberstadt [email protected]                                Stefanie Hausman [email protected]                                          Chip Dunham [email protected]                                    Penny Aldrich [email protected]                                 Stephan Heilmayr [email protected]                                        Steven Zdatny [email protected]                                         Herman Rubin [email protected]                                        Matt Hucke [email protected]                                              Mark James [email protected]                                               Jamie Andrews [email protected]                                Jason Fliegel [email protected]                                             Jason Schwartz [email protected]                                     Jay Sitkin [email protected]                                          Jeremy C. Roberts [email protected]                                             J.D. Cain [email protected]                                        jessica ross [email protected]                                  Jeff Russakow [email protected]                                 Jen McGillan [email protected]                                        Jenny Helbraun [email protected]                                         Jeremy Levine [email protected]                                Randell Jesup [email protected]                                     Jennifer Exelbierd [email protected]                                    Julian Fogel [email protected]                                      Jonathan H.H. Bloedow [email protected]                                      Jonathan Herzog [email protected]                                    Jeff Bloom [email protected]                                  Jill Steinberg [email protected]                                                 Jim Cerny [email protected]                                           Jim J. Jewett [email protected]                                      Daniel Brownstone [email protected]                                  Jeremy Leonard Hardison [email protected]                                          Jonathan Mark [email protected]                                       Janet Menaker [email protected]                                              Jason Matyas [email protected]                               Jonathan Morse [email protected]                                             Maddy Demsky [email protected]                                                    Josh Granof [email protected]                      Joseph R. Partridge [email protected]                                                    Jim Atkinson [email protected]                                    Jeremy R. Jacobs [email protected]                                Jennifer Rothstein [email protected]                                             John Rogers [email protected]                                     Julie Roskies [email protected]                                                Jeff Schultz [email protected]                                             John Locke [email protected]                                      Jamie McCarthy [email protected]                                              Dafna Kalish [email protected]                         Joseph V. Kaszynski [email protected]                                             Morry Katz [email protected]                                          Sol Katz [email protected]                                   Kelsey Libner [email protected]                                 Ken Sallenger [email protected]                                           Kenneth Brody [email protected]                                       Ken Russell [email protected]                                     Jitendra Khare [email protected]                                Jolanta Kisler-Goldstein [email protected]                                         Ken McVay [email protected]                                      Andrew Koren [email protected]                                  David Kreindler [email protected]                                   Kathryn Schoenbrun [email protected]                                     Martin Schr"oder [email protected]                                  Christopher Clark [email protected]                                             Joshua Manning [email protected]                           Leonard Grossman [email protected]                                                 Joel B. Levin [email protected]                              Liza Stavchansky [email protected]                                             Leon Dworsky [email protected]                                     Lynne Joyrich [email protected]                                          Leah M. Hollister [email protected]                                Erin Locklear [email protected]                         Lorraine Whitmore [email protected]                                          Louis Sokol [email protected]                                     Lisa Robbins [email protected]                                              Linda Saegert [email protected]                                    Michael Adams [email protected]                                     Lisa Malik [email protected]                              Reed Maltzman [email protected]                                    Mark Opper [email protected]                                           Marc Dashevsky [email protected]                                                  Max Heffler [email protected]                                             Micha Berger [email protected]                              Michael Fredericks [email protected]                                     Michael Chorost [email protected]                              Mark Cunningham [email protected]                                      Matthew E. 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Cunningham [email protected]                                           niles ray [email protected]                                     Nina Rosenhan [email protected]                                 Ariel Nowersztern [email protected]                                       Nancy R Blake [email protected]                                      Gideon Goldstein [email protected]                                          Peter Keller [email protected]                                          Anthony Waller [email protected]                                            Daniel Packman [email protected]                                        Doug Parvin [email protected]                                            Paul Cohen [email protected]                             Priscilla Coit Murphy [email protected]                                              Peter Copen [email protected]                                            Bob Peterson [email protected]                                    Perri GOODMAN [email protected]                                             Phil Hammond [email protected]                                   Philip A. 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Young [email protected]                                            Russell Gold rutgers!!G.LEVINE                             Gary Levine [email protected]                                    Lotte Evans [email protected]                                       Seth Goldman [email protected]                              raanan shlomi [email protected]                                     Pia Saari [email protected]                                   Sam Sommers [email protected]                                           SaraAnne Gelser [email protected]                                     Kevin Satisky [email protected]                                Stephen David Beck [email protected]                                   Martin Schafer [email protected]                                      Sterling Chen [email protected]                                         Schoen Books [email protected]                                    Aaron Schuman [email protected]                                            Scott Levine [email protected]                                            Daniel Martinez [email protected]                                      Seth D. Kaplan [email protected]                                               Sheila Dresser [email protected]                                            Scott Sigethy [email protected]                                          Samuel Fintz [email protected]                                  Jeffrey Shallit [email protected]                           Sheila Goodman Brown [email protected]                                        Jill Shepherd [email protected]                                              Eliot Shimoff [email protected]                                     Michael Shoshani [email protected]                                 Aleksandras Shtromas [email protected]                                      Simon Sharwood [email protected]                               Stephanie JL Gertz [email protected]                                Jennifer Rhyne [email protected]                                              Steve J. Rose [email protected]                            Stuart Michael Kuntz [email protected]                                        Susan J. Leclair [email protected]                               Sam Friedlander [email protected]                                                Jim Maxwell [email protected]                                       Sethh Cohen [email protected]                                          Stanley Krieger [email protected]                                        Steve Newman [email protected]                             Anna D. 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[email protected]                                           Tilney L. Marsh [email protected]                                 Bruce Tindall [email protected]                             Michael Tirenin [email protected]                                      Ted Louis Glenn [email protected]                       Towner A. Blackstock [email protected]                                       Toby Schonfeld [email protected]                                    Tom Rubinstein [email protected]                                        Tim Pierce [email protected]                                              Mary Todd [email protected]                               Chris Lasdauskas [email protected]                                              Irving Greisman!LSUVM.BITNET!XP2938                            John P. Jones [email protected]                                    Shaya Goldmeier [email protected]                               Dimitrios Nikolaidis [email protected]                                   Richard R Urena [email protected]                                Daniel P. Aldrich [email protected]                                   Daniel Case [email protected]                                Seth Lipschitz [email protected]                                                 Ken Varnum [email protected]                                         Jason Verch [email protected]                                            Vincent Laplante [email protected]                                                Les Vogel [email protected]                                          David Wald [email protected]                                     Crystal E. Ward [email protected]                                    Warren Burstein [email protected]                                              William Daroff [email protected]                                            Lauren Webb [email protected]                                   Christoph Weber-Fahr [email protected]                                     Gary Weissman [email protected]                                         Wendy L. Rosen [email protected]                                      Bill Huber [email protected]                            Christopher M. 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No ballot [email protected]                                             G. Shih    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                  ! No ballot [email protected]                                                               ! No ballot [email protected]                              ronnen ariely    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Shiri Ayalon    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                          Robert Skloot    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                             ! No ballot [email protected]                                     Elliott Zenick    ! No ballot --  Jan Isley <[email protected]> votes-to: <[email protected]>  
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