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Nigeria ( soc.culture.nigeria )
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From [email protected] Mon May 16 21:48:29 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (I. Oguocha) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.african Subject: RFD: soc.culture.nigeria Followup-To: news.groups Date: 16 May 1994 20:51:08 -0400 Organization: University of Saskatchewan Lines: 138 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5099 news.groups:103894 soc.culture.african:25893  Introduction ============  This message is a formal Request for Discussion (RFD) on a new newsgroup, soc.culture.nigeria, as required by the USENET guidelines on creation of a new newsgroup. Please, feel free to distribute this RFD to any other groups or mailing lists to which it may seem relevant. Discussion will take place on news.groups. Therefore, all follow-up posts should be posted to news.groups. Initial suggestions for the group charter, status, rules, etc are given below.  These suggestions are subject to change and review. Anyone interested in this  proposal is encouraged to participate in the discussion.  Newsgroup Name:			 ===============			  soc.culture.nigeria  Charter =======  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria is meant to be a free forum for all discussions, debates, and information about Nigeria and her peoples. Therefore, Nigerians within and without Nigeria and friends of Nigeria all over the world or everyone interested in Nigeria, irrespective of nationality or language, are welcome to participate.  Postings can cover any topic of choice provided it has something to do with Nigeria. This means all social, cultural, political, musical, historical,    geographical, scientific, marital, technical, legal, and other topics that  are, in one way or another, related to Nigeria or Nigerians. Postings can  also include news, opinions, observations, humor, announcements, or requests. If it has anything to do with Nigeria, it can be discussed. Further, it is  hoped that soc.culture.nigeria will be a useful means of contact for Nigerians all over the world.  Background And Rationale ========================  Nigeria is a nation of many nations, with over 250 identified distinct ethnic  groups. It is estimated that one out of every four Africans is a Nigerian. It is also estimated that there are over 4 million Nigerians living outside Nigeria today. At present, apart from soc.culture.african, there are few mailing lists  serving Nigerians abroad. Some are interest specific. This means then that if a Nigerian or a person interested in Nigeria should subscribe to all these list- servers, that person's disc quota will be continually exceeded leading to hig- her costs and agonizing inconveniences. Some of the mailing lists generate more than 50 mails per day during the peak seasons and requests to join them are growing day by day. Further, requests about Nigerian newsgroup continually  appear on soc.culture.african thereby showing that a need exists for a  USENET-based newsgroup for Nigeria.  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria newsgroup is in no way intended as a substit- ute to soc.culture.african or any of the existing mailing lists, neither is it meant to compete with them. Rather, it is to serve more as a shock absorber or relief valve to these linguistically and interest-specific defined groups. It  is going to complement soc.culture.african. In the new newsgroup, Nigerians  and non-Nigerians of all tongues can discuss issues specific to Nigeria without wading through unending mails, some of which are not of interest to the persons. In addition, a proper newsgroup about Nigeria will be less confusing to a novice USENET reader who wants to find information about Nigeria or peoples of  Nigeria regardless of their language. It will afford many USENET readers the  opportunity to interact with Nigerians and enjoy the diversity of Nigerian cul- tures. Therefore, the official creation of soc.culture.nigeria in accordance  with the agreed USENET procedures will facilitate access for people all over  the world to information about Nigeria, not the least for Nigerians themselves scattered all over the world who are very eager to know what is happening at  home.  Status and Rules ================  Soc.culture.nigeria will be an unmoderated newsgroup, unless posters to a  future soc.culture.nigeria decide to make it a moderated one according to the agreed USENET procedures. Therefore, anyone will be able to post to this  newsgroup. However, being free to post should be considered a previlige and not a right. Hence, junk, hate, sexist, racial, and cross-posted articles will be strongly discouraged. Most importantly, everyone should be responsible for what one posts. Please, respect the secularity of Nigeria. Neither christianity nor islam is Nigeria's official religion. So, for peace and tranquility over rel- igious matters, religious articles which may cause disconcord amongst posters are strongly discouraged.  All articles posted should have something to do with  Nigeria or the peoples living therein, however remotely. Insults, "flames" or unnecessary criticism of a group or a person is strongly discouraged. Remember, a flame begets flames and it is better not to start one at all. Please read the netiquette rules in news.announce.newusers before posting your first article to this newsgroup, and endeavor to stick to them whenever posting articles. And if you must flame, please take it to e-mail and respect the privacy of your correspondent(s).  Finally, do not post any unlawful article/information to soc.culture.nigeria. Any one who does this is doing it at his/her own personal risk.  Languages =========  Any of Nigeria's 250 languages, Pidgin, and English. Postings in languages  other than these are welcome provided that the English translations of the  articles are provided, because English is Nigeria's official language. When  necessary, Nigerians are encouraged to provide English translations to articles written in vernacular.  Character Sets ==============  Articles should be sent in the normal 7 bit ASCII character set, conform to RFC822. If accented characters are necessary (as we have in Yoruba, Igbo,  Efik, Ibibio, etc) one is allowed to use the standard 8 bit ISO-8859-1 character set. Other language- or machine-specific character sets are not acceptable in this newsgroup. Please, check with your system admin before posting any article.  Discussions: ============  Discussions on soc.culture.nigeria will last 30 days. Revised RFD will be posted after 14 days. It will reflect all suggestions and opinions you provide during the discussion which may warrant a second RFD. After 30 days  a call for votes (CFV), carried out by a neutral body, will follow. This RFD  is being posted in accordance with the guidelines set in the "How to Create  a New Usenet Newsgroup."  Please refer to this article if you have any ques- tions about the newsgroup creation process.  This RFD has been cross-posted to the folowing newsgroups:         news.announce.newgroups 	soc.culture.african 	 and copied to the following mailing lists: 	[email protected] 	[email protected]  Remember, all comments should be directed to: news.groups. Thank you for  participating.  Oguocha, I. (Proponent) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- e-mail: [email protected]         [email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Jun 21 14:40:44 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Peter Berger) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.african,soc.culture.african.american,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: CFV: soc.culture.nigeria Date: 21 Jun 1994 10:40:52 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers - Telerama Public Access Internet Lines: 132 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Expires: 13 Jul 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5238 news.groups:106774 soc.culture.african:27004 soc.culture.african.american:54018 soc.culture.caribbean:6453                        FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                  unmoderated group soc.culture.nigeria  Newsgroups line:  soc.culture.nigeria	Nigerian affairs, society, cultures, and peoples.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 July 1994.  This CFV will also be posted to the Nigerian network <[email protected]> and Association of Nigerians Abroad (ANA) <[email protected]> mailing lists.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact Peter G. Berger, Esq. <[email protected]>. For questions about the proposed group contact I. Oguocha <[email protected]>.  Charter =======  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria is meant to be a free forum for all discussions, debates, and information about Nigeria and her peoples.  Therefore, Nigerians within and without Nigeria and friends of Nigeria all over the world or everyone interested in Nigeria, irrespective of nationality or language, are welcome to participate. Postings can cover any topic of choice provided it has something to do with Nigeria. This means all social, cultural, political, musical, historical, geographical, scientific, marital, technical, legal, and other topics that are, in one way or another, related to Nigeria or Nigerians. Postings can also include news, opinions, observations, humor, announcements, or requests. If it has anything to do with Nigeria, it can be discussed.   Background And Rationale ========================  Nigeria is a nation of many nations, with over 250 identified distinct ethnic groups. It is estimated that one out of every four Africans is a Nigerian. It is also estimated that there are over 4 million Nigerians living outside Nigeria today. At present, apart from soc.culture.african, there are few mailing lists serving Nigerians abroad. Some are interest specific. This implies that if a Nigerian or a person interested in Nigeria should subscribe to all these listservers, that person's disk quota will be continually exceeded leading to higher costs and agonizing inconveniences. Some of the mailing lists generate more than 50 mails per day during the peak seasons and requests to join them are growing day by day. Further, requests about Nigerian newsgroup continually appear on soc.culture.african thereby showing that a need exists for a USENET-based newsgroup for Nigeria.  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria newsgroup is in no way intended as a substitute to soc.culture.african or any of the existing mailing lists, neither is it meant to compete with them. Rather, it is to serve more as a shock absorber or relief valve to these linguistically and interest-specific defined groups. It is going to complement soc.culture.african. In the proposed newsgroup, Nigerians and non-Nigerians of all tongues can discuss issues specific to Nigeria without wading through unending mails, some of which are not of interest to the persons. In addition, a publicly accessible newsgroup about Nigeria will be less confusing to a novice USENET reader who wants to find information about Nigeria or Nigerians regardless of their language. It will afford many USENET readers the opportunity to interact with Nigerians and enjoy the diversity of Nigerian cultures. Therefore, the official creation of soc.culture.nigeria in accordance with the agreed USENET procedures will facilitate access for people all over the world to information about Nigeria, not the least for Nigerians themselves scattered all over the world who are very eager to know what is happening at home.   Status and Rules ================   Soc.culture.nigeria shall be an unmoderated newsgroup. Therefore, anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup. However, being free to post should be considered a privilege and not a right. Hence, junk, hate, sexist, racial, and cross-posted articles will be strongly discouraged. Most importantly, everyone is responsible for what one posts. Please, respect the secularity of Nigeria.  Neither christianity nor islam nor any religion whatsoever is Nigeria's official religion. So, for peace and tranquility over religious matters, religious articles which may cause disconcord amongst posters are strongly discouraged.  All articles posted must have something to do with Nigeria or the peoples living therein, however remotely. Insults, flames or unnecessary criticism of a group or a person is strongly discouraged. Remember, a flame begets a multitude of counter flames. Therefore, it is better not to start one at all. But if you must flame, please take it to e-mail and respect the privacy of your correspondent(s). Please, read the netiquette rules in news.announce.newusers before posting your first article to this newsgroup, and endeavor to stick to them whenever posting articles. Finally, do not post any unlawful or prohibited article/information to soc.culture.nigeria. Any one who does this is doing it at his/her own personal risk.  Languages =========   Any of Nigeria's 250 languages, Pidgin, and English. Postings in languages other than these are welcome provided that the English translations of the articles are provided, because English is Nigeria's official language. When necessary, Nigerians are encouraged to provide English translations to articles written in vernacular.   Character Sets ==============   Articles should be sent in the standard 7 bit ASCII character set, conform to RFC822. If accented characters are necessary (as we have in Yoruba, Igbo, Efik, Ibibio, etc) one is allowed to use the standard 8 bit ISO-8859-1 character set. Other language or machine-specific character sets are not acceptable in this newsgroup.  HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on soc.culture.nigeria       I vote NO on soc.culture.nigeria  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] Tue Jul 12 15:06:59 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Peter Berger) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.african,soc.culture.african.american,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.nigeria Date: 12 Jul 1994 13:53:32 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers - Telerama Public Access Internet Lines: 132 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Jul 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5344 news.groups:108230 soc.culture.african:27548 soc.culture.african.american:57398 soc.culture.caribbean:6742                        SECOND CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                  unmoderated group soc.culture.nigeria  Newsgroups line:  soc.culture.nigeria	Nigerian affairs, society, cultures, and peoples.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 July 1994.  This CFV will also be posted to the Nigerian network <[email protected]> and Association of Nigerians Abroad (ANA) <[email protected]> mailing lists.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact Peter G. Berger, Esq. <[email protected]>. For questions about the proposed group contact I. Oguocha <[email protected]>.  Charter =======  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria is meant to be a free forum for all discussions, debates, and information about Nigeria and her peoples.  Therefore, Nigerians within and without Nigeria and friends of Nigeria all over the world or everyone interested in Nigeria, irrespective of nationality or language, are welcome to participate. Postings can cover any topic of choice provided it has something to do with Nigeria. This means all social, cultural, political, musical, historical, geographical, scientific, marital, technical, legal, and other topics that are, in one way or another, related to Nigeria or Nigerians. Postings can also include news, opinions, observations, humor, announcements, or requests. If it has anything to do with Nigeria, it can be discussed.   Background And Rationale ========================  Nigeria is a nation of many nations, with over 250 identified distinct ethnic groups. It is estimated that one out of every four Africans is a Nigerian. It is also estimated that there are over 4 million Nigerians living outside Nigeria today. At present, apart from soc.culture.african, there are few mailing lists serving Nigerians abroad. Some are interest specific. This implies that if a Nigerian or a person interested in Nigeria should subscribe to all these listservers, that person's disk quota will be continually exceeded leading to higher costs and agonizing inconveniences. Some of the mailing lists generate more than 50 mails per day during the peak seasons and requests to join them are growing day by day. Further, requests about Nigerian newsgroup continually appear on soc.culture.african thereby showing that a need exists for a USENET-based newsgroup for Nigeria.  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria newsgroup is in no way intended as a substitute to soc.culture.african or any of the existing mailing lists, neither is it meant to compete with them. Rather, it is to serve more as a shock absorber or relief valve to these linguistically and interest-specific defined groups. It is going to complement soc.culture.african. In the proposed newsgroup, Nigerians and non-Nigerians of all tongues can discuss issues specific to Nigeria without wading through unending mails, some of which are not of interest to the persons. In addition, a publicly accessible newsgroup about Nigeria will be less confusing to a novice USENET reader who wants to find information about Nigeria or Nigerians regardless of their language. It will afford many USENET readers the opportunity to interact with Nigerians and enjoy the diversity of Nigerian cultures. Therefore, the official creation of soc.culture.nigeria in accordance with the agreed USENET procedures will facilitate access for people all over the world to information about Nigeria, not the least for Nigerians themselves scattered all over the world who are very eager to know what is happening at home.   Status and Rules ================   Soc.culture.nigeria shall be an unmoderated newsgroup. Therefore, anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup. However, being free to post should be considered a privilege and not a right. Hence, junk, hate, sexist, racial, and cross-posted articles will be strongly discouraged. Most importantly, everyone is responsible for what one posts. Please, respect the secularity of Nigeria.  Neither christianity nor islam nor any religion whatsoever is Nigeria's official religion. So, for peace and tranquility over religious matters, religious articles which may cause disconcord amongst posters are strongly discouraged.  All articles posted must have something to do with Nigeria or the peoples living therein, however remotely. Insults, flames or unnecessary criticism of a group or a person is strongly discouraged. Remember, a flame begets a multitude of counter flames. Therefore, it is better not to start one at all. But if you must flame, please take it to e-mail and respect the privacy of your correspondent(s). Please, read the netiquette rules in news.announce.newusers before posting your first article to this newsgroup, and endeavor to stick to them whenever posting articles. Finally, do not post any unlawful or prohibited article/information to soc.culture.nigeria. Any one who does this is doing it at his/her own personal risk.  Languages =========   Any of Nigeria's 250 languages, Pidgin, and English. Postings in languages other than these are welcome provided that the English translations of the articles are provided, because English is Nigeria's official language. When necessary, Nigerians are encouraged to provide English translations to articles written in vernacular.   Character Sets ==============   Articles should be sent in the standard 7 bit ASCII character set, conform to RFC822. If accented characters are necessary (as we have in Yoruba, Igbo, Efik, Ibibio, etc) one is allowed to use the standard 8 bit ISO-8859-1 character set. Other language or machine-specific character sets are not acceptable in this newsgroup.  HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on soc.culture.nigeria       I vote NO on soc.culture.nigeria  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] Thu Jul 28 17:28:10 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Peter Berger) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.african,soc.culture.african.american,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.nigeria passes 267:17 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 28 Jul 1994 16:37:29 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers -- Telerama Public Access Internet Lines: 432 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5420 news.groups:110039 soc.culture.african:28069 soc.culture.african.american:60355 soc.culture.caribbean:7034               unmoderated group soc.culture.nigeria passes 267:17  There were 267 YES votes and 17 NO votes, for a total of 284 valid votes.  There was 1 abstain and 12 invalid ballots.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.  Charter =======  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria is meant to be a free forum for all discussions, debates, and information about Nigeria and her peoples.  Therefore, Nigerians within and without Nigeria and friends of Nigeria all over the world or everyone interested in Nigeria, irrespective of nationality or language, are welcome to participate. Postings can cover any topic of choice provided it has something to do with Nigeria. This means all social, cultural, political, musical, historical, geographical, scientific, marital, technical, legal, and other topics that are, in one way or another, related to Nigeria or Nigerians. Postings can also include news, opinions, observations, humor, announcements, or requests. If it has anything to do with Nigeria, it can be discussed.   Background And Rationale ========================  Nigeria is a nation of many nations, with over 250 identified distinct ethnic groups. It is estimated that one out of every four Africans is a Nigerian. It is also estimated that there are over 4 million Nigerians living outside Nigeria today. At present, apart from soc.culture.african, there are few mailing lists serving Nigerians abroad. Some are interest specific. This implies that if a Nigerian or a person interested in Nigeria should subscribe to all these listservers, that person's disk quota will be continually exceeded leading to higher costs and agonizing inconveniences. Some of the mailing lists generate more than 50 mails per day during the peak seasons and requests to join them are growing day by day. Further, requests about Nigerian newsgroup continually appear on soc.culture.african thereby showing that a need exists for a USENET-based newsgroup for Nigeria.  The proposed soc.culture.nigeria newsgroup is in no way intended as a substitute to soc.culture.african or any of the existing mailing lists, neither is it meant to compete with them. Rather, it is to serve more as a shock absorber or relief valve to these linguistically and interest-specific defined groups. It is going to complement soc.culture.african. In the proposed newsgroup, Nigerians and non-Nigerians of all tongues can discuss issues specific to Nigeria without wading through unending mails, some of which are not of interest to the persons. In addition, a publicly accessible newsgroup about Nigeria will be less confusing to a novice USENET reader who wants to find information about Nigeria or Nigerians regardless of their language. It will afford many USENET readers the opportunity to interact with Nigerians and enjoy the diversity of Nigerian cultures. Therefore, the official creation of soc.culture.nigeria in accordance with the agreed USENET procedures will facilitate access for people all over the world to information about Nigeria, not the least for Nigerians themselves scattered all over the world who are very eager to know what is happening at home.   Status and Rules ================   Soc.culture.nigeria shall be an unmoderated newsgroup. Therefore, anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup. However, being free to post should be considered a privilege and not a right. Hence, junk, hate, sexist, racial, and cross-posted articles will be strongly discouraged. Most importantly, everyone is responsible for what one posts. Please, respect the secularity of Nigeria.  Neither christianity nor islam nor any religion whatsoever is Nigeria's official religion. So, for peace and tranquility over religious matters, religious articles which may cause disconcord amongst posters are strongly discouraged.  All articles posted must have something to do with Nigeria or the peoples living therein, however remotely. Insults, flames or unnecessary criticism of a group or a person is strongly discouraged. Remember, a flame begets a multitude of counter flames. Therefore, it is better not to start one at all. But if you must flame, please take it to e-mail and respect the privacy of your correspondent(s). Please, read the netiquette rules in news.announce.newusers before posting your first article to this newsgroup, and endeavor to stick to them whenever posting articles. Finally, do not post any unlawful or prohibited article/information to soc.culture.nigeria. Any one who does this is doing it at his/her own personal risk.  Languages =========   Any of Nigeria's 250 languages, Pidgin, and English. Postings in languages other than these are welcome provided that the English translations of the articles are provided, because English is Nigeria's official language. When necessary, Nigerians are encouraged to provide English translations to articles written in vernacular.   Character Sets ==============   Articles should be sent in the standard 7 bit ASCII character set, conform to RFC822. If accented characters are necessary (as we have in Yoruba, Igbo, Efik, Ibibio, etc) one is allowed to use the standard 8 bit ISO-8859-1 character set. Other language or machine-specific character sets are not acceptable in this newsgroup.  soc.culture.nigeria Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                        Axel Harneit-Sievers [email protected]                                            Monday Gang Gala [email protected]                                      Ramesh Fernando [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                              Abi Akanbi [email protected]                                       O.J. Aboyade [email protected]                 Michael S. Sekoni (X8593) PROFS (MSS) ACDA157%[email protected]                                         ACDA15E%[email protected]                         ekhator  osagie ACDF156%[email protected]                            Wale Shokoya [email protected]                                  Achana Francis [email protected]          Nubi Achebo Ext. 4389 "Virtual Info Systems Now! [email protected]                                   Akobuije Douglas Chijioke [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                         Nicole Adewale [email protected]                                                             [email protected]             Larry Musa @ Intl. Students Services [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                          Nigel Allen [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                        Michael Afolayan [email protected]                                   Godwill Chima Akotaobi [email protected]                                                     Abiye Iyo [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                          Anselm Kelechi Okwu [email protected]                                     O Peter Akubeze [email protected]                                            Adetayo Alabi [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                  Allan B Johnson [email protected]                             christopher soren ambrose [email protected]                                              [email protected]                                         ANNE R NWOKOYE [email protected]                                                 Ayowale Ogunye [email protected]                                         ADETOKUNBOH OLOTU [email protected]                                          Taju Abdela [email protected]                                                    Jim Ault [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                    Daniel O Awduche [email protected]                                                  NIYI AWOPETU [email protected]                                              Charles C. Azu [email protected]                                                Abiodun [email protected]                                                             AGI  B [email protected]    Dele Badejo SEDCO FOREX - AER/MKT 33-1-47466357 [email protected]                                           badmus [email protected]                                         Kwame Akono Bandele [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                             Basil Eneh [email protected]                                         Pamay Bassey BC70156%[email protected]                                USRNAME [email protected]                                 The unrepentant Farafina [email protected]                                                 B.J. Herbison [email protected]                                                Buba N Misawa [email protected]                                 Douglas P. Shannon [email protected]                                                Naren B. [email protected]                                 Bolaji Laja Olutade [email protected]                                    Brian SPENCER [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                     Charles Abbott [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                               Chinyeaka Emmanuel Okoli [email protected]                                        Charles Orbih [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                                [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                   Nigeria (WC '94) [email protected]                                            Craig L. Stevenson [email protected]                                               EGBELU.CAROLINE [email protected]                                Chichi Ofoma [email protected]                                            M. Council [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                       AJISEBUTU  A [email protected]                                                   Peter Campbell [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                     Kregg T Brooks [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                            copacetic fig for life [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                              Kemal  Djakman [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                              Diran Obadina [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                   Donatus Oguamanam [email protected]                              Dozie Ezigbalike [email protected]                                   E Olowo-Okere [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                             Eric Dewole Aradeon [email protected]                                           Vanessa Graham [email protected]                              Elegbede Babatunde A. [email protected]                                             ECM9095 [email protected]                                           SIR LANCE A LOT [email protected]                                           Edet O. Edet [email protected]                                    EGAL  Abdulkadir Osman [email protected]                                               [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                   Emmanuel Onuegbe [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                                          FAHM%[email protected]                               Hakeem P. Fahm [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                           Francis C Ogbonnaya [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                          Gerald Emesih [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                                   Gil Neiger [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                            Peter Oyelere [email protected]                                  MOHAMMED SHUAIBU NDACHE [email protected]                                         Kazi Hassan Imam [email protected]                                     John Dunlevy [email protected]                                      Islam Md. Shahidul [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                                      Hakeem Johnson [email protected]                                         Hogan Antia [email protected]                                                    H Chen [email protected]                                    Isaac Ayomidele [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                            Imeh D. Ebong [email protected]                              A Ifeanyi Uzoka +1 908 949 8685 [email protected]                                    Ikhide Roland Ikheloa [email protected]                                     a brother in Jesus Christ [email protected]                                     Simeon Ilesanmi [email protected]                                   Innocent Davidson [email protected]                                                     Mike Cohen [email protected]                                           Johnson Agbinya [email protected]                                     Ganiyu Jaiyeola [email protected]                             James Alexander Chokey [email protected]                                    Jeff Ratcliffe [email protected]                                          Joseph Fortt [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                                  Joshua Ume [email protected]                                               Jose M. daLuz [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                                  John Hascall [email protected]                               Jane Elizabeth Patterson [email protected]                                    John Stevenson [email protected]                                                                   [email protected]                                             Kevin Apperson [email protected]                                          Jumoke Ladeji [email protected]                                            Kevin Mack [email protected]                                     KUBBY RASHID [email protected]                                               Kristi Lombard [email protected]                                                Kristi Mahrt [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                             [email protected]                                                odozor [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                               Myron A. Calhoun [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                           Uche Isichei [email protected]                                              Manny Chioma [email protected]                                             Matthew Harding [email protected]                                      Mark Auslander [email protected]                                 Mary Ellen Chijioke [email protected]                                              Robert H. McIver [email protected]                                              CHUKWUMA UMOLU MEN01%[email protected]                                        [email protected]                                           M. Ibe Ibeike-Jonah [email protected]                            Michael L Carriere [email protected]                                                      SPS ADMIN [email protected]                                            Abdul K. Mohammed [email protected]                                              mku ityokumbul [email protected]                                                  Oliver Muoto [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                     Abdoul Aziz Ndiaye [email protected]                    Nesi Unanaowo @ PCB x5518 [email protected]                                 Nicholas Fitzpatrick [email protected]                                          [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                             nabil (n.) seddigh [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                       Olushola L. Adeyeye [email protected]                                           Olayele Adelakun [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                 Akinola N. Ogungbadero 735-7886 [email protected]                                               [email protected]                               Omolola Ogunyemi [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                   Abiodun Ojo [email protected]                                                 CHARLES OKEKE [email protected]                                 Stephen Okelo-Odongo [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                           Olajide Ogunbodede [email protected]                                                    Olu Emuleomo [email protected]                                         Olubunmi Owolabi [email protected]                             Olukayode Olofinboba [email protected]                                                [email protected]                               Oluwatoyin Akindele [email protected]                                           Okolo [email protected]                                             Ken Onwere [email protected]                                       Kenneth C. Onyema [email protected]                                     Onaiwu W Ogbomo [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                        Caleb A Oriade [email protected]                               Lanre Oshinowo [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                                onwuka uchendu [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                        Patrick Nta [email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                              Rotimi E Aluko [email protected]                                           Rex Honey [email protected]                                                  Ruth M. Sylte [email protected]                                                Michael Rohan [email protected]                                             Rotimi Gbadamosi [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                         AJR [email protected]                                             THE PRINCE [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                              Sammy Jayeola [email protected]                                     Samuel Adesoye Ajila [email protected]                                  Samuel Akpan [email protected]                                            K Hanna [email protected]                                                [email protected]                                          Shimada [email protected]                                  Sol Joseph Bermann [email protected]                                                  Solomon Senok [email protected]                                              Stephen Aja [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                             Nosa Omoigui [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                                    Obi Taiwan [email protected]                                                  Tom Bishop [email protected]                          Tarik Ono-Tesfaye [email protected]                                     TEX5OJA [email protected]                                            Tunde M. Giwa [email protected]                                 Tejumola Olaniyan [email protected]                                            Tokunbo Labisi [email protected]                                         Michael M. Tom [email protected]                                      Tony Alabi [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                    Trent J Cherry [email protected]                                           Teufelin Peare [email protected]                                                u.g. akano [email protected]                                          Zoby Ogbuefi [email protected]                                Christian E. Ukachukw [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                                       Victor Aina [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                                                 vida [email protected]                                        Akinwale A Akinpelu [email protected]                                                     Wilhelm Buehler [email protected]                                         Wendy Ellen Cochran [email protected]                                    Yakubu_Tor-Agbidye  Voted No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                           arthur blair [email protected]                                                 Jan Brittenson [email protected]                        Chris 'PGP is neato' Jackson [email protected]                                               [email protected]                                                     Edward Bertsch [email protected]                                  Sean P. Ryan [email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson [email protected]                                          Julian Macassey [email protected]                                              Kari E. Hurtta [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                                      Mike Hatz [email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS [email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller [email protected]                                         Smarasderagd [email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown [email protected]                                             [email protected]                                         Ward F. Bush  Abstained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                   mary-frances  jagod   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                               ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                         Stefan Antersberger    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                                   ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                   ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                     Emmanuel Sopeju    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                            F58I000    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Grace Ekpe    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                     A.KAKHU    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                       M. Lawrence    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                            .    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                     Nkanu Eko    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                          Philip E Nwokah    ! No vote statement in message   From [email protected] Tue Jul 16 18:40:24 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Alfred Ajose <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.african,soc.culture.nigeria,soc.culture.zimbabwe,soc.culture.sierra-leone Subject: RFD: moderate soc.culture.nigeria Followup-To: news.groups Date: 16 Jul 1996 22:40:14 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 243 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: soc.culture.nigeria Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8958 news.groups:218051 soc.culture.african:58771 soc.culture.nigeria:21291 soc.culture.zimbabwe:3020 soc.culture.sierra-leone:2030                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)     moderated group soc.culture.nigeria (moderates existing group)  Newgroup line: soc.culture.nigeria     Nigerian culture, peoples, and affairs (moderated)  RATIONALE: soc.culture.nigeria  Soc.culture.nigeria was created in 1994 as an unmoderated newsgroup to discuss issues pertaining to Nigeria and her peoples. In recent times, off-topic posts have started to infest it. Initially, it was thought that contacting the posters of these articles could help control the influx of off-topic and massively cross-posted articles. Such effort has failed to curtail the number of these posts. The regular readers have requested that it be moderated to remove off-topic articles.  CHARTER: soc.culture.nigeria  Soc.culture.nigeria is a moderated forum for all discussions, debates, and information about Nigeria and her peoples.  Therefore, Nigerians within and without Nigeria and friends of Nigeria all over the world or all persons interested in Nigeria, irrespective of nationality, race, creed, sex, age, or language, who can follow USENET netiquette, basic rules of polite human interaction, and any further requirements imposed by the charter are welcome to participate. Postings can cover any topic of choice provided it has something to do with Nigeria. This means all social, cultural, political, musical, historical, geographical, scienti- fic, marital, technical, legal, and other topics that are, in one way or another, related to Nigeria or Nigerians. Postings can also include news, opinions, observations, humor, announcements, or requests. If it has anything to do with Nigeria, it can be discussed.  Status and Rules ---------------- Soc.culture.nigeria shall be a moderated newsgroup. All articles posted must have something to do with Nigeria or the peoples living therein. Insults, flames or unnecessary criticism of a group or a person will be discouraged by the moderators. Anyone will be able to post to this news- group. However, being free to post should be considered a privilege and not a right. Hence, junk, hate, sexist, racial, and cross-posted articles will be strongly discouraged by the moderators. Most importantly, everyone is responsible for what one posts. Please, respect the secularity of Nigeria. Neither Christianity nor Islam, in fact, no religion whatsoever, is Nigeria's official religion. So, for peace and tranquility over relig- ious matters, religious articles which may cause disconcord amongst readers will be strongly discouraged by the moderators. Please, read the netiquette rules in news.announce.newusers before posting your first article to this newsgroup, and endeavor to stick to them whenever posting articles.  Moderation Policy: ------------------ The role of the moderators is to ensure that the conditions of the charter are met by any submissions. Submissions shall be evaluated as to whether or not they (a) are on-topic, (b) meet netiquette, and (c) meet any other standards as defined in the charter. The forwarding of submissions to soc.culture.nigeria by moderators shall be in a timely manner.  We believe that moderation is not equal to censorship and shall never be allowed to degenerate to censorship. However, we also believe that a newsgroup should be free of irrelevant articles. The following shall be off-topic in soc.culture.nigeria:  1) Posts not related to the purposes of creating soc.culture.nigeria.  2) Posts that exceed 75 characters per line. However, there is no limit    to the length of a submission.  3) Crossposts to soc.culture.nigeria will not be allowed. Notable    exceptions here are crossposts of articles which are related to    Nigeria. RFDs and CFVs of newsgroup proposals which, in the    opinion of the moderators (e.g., African-interest RFDs and CFVs), may    interest readers of soc.culture.nigeria, will be allowed. Nevertheless,    each cross-post shall be judged on its own merit.  4) "Me too" posts; posts that contain an unreasonable amount of quoted    text. As a general rule, a post will be rejected if less than 1/3    of it is new text. Posts which, in the opinion of the moderators,    do not contribute any new discussion to an ongoing thread; intensely    repetitive posts; unguarded polemics.  5) Commercial advertisements or personal advertisements that have nothing    to do with Nigeria; "spam" articles; and robogenerated articles.  6) Obscene plagiarism and academic dishonesty, including the deliberate    misattribution of quotations from historical documents and figures.    The moderators shall interprete this rule loosely -- newsgroups are    not academic journals -- but deliberate misattributions have poisoned    the atmosphere in other newsgroups.  7) Posts containing profanity or excessive rudeness; posts that lack    appropriate civility. While well-placed heckles are acceptable,    flamewars are not.  Any post full of personal abuse, slander or libel,    or unauthorized reference to private e-mail addresses or mailing lists    shall also be rejected.  8) Propagation of national, religious, racial, sexual, or ethnic    hostility or animosity -- including posts openly justifying violence    (in particular, violence against disabled people, women and children),    war crimes, or ethnic cleansing.  9) Binary files, even if they are related to Nigeria. Nigerian-related    binary files should be posted to the appropriate alt.binaries.* group    with a pointer in soc.culture.Nigeria indicating where the binary in    question may be found.  Moderators will not screen postings for spelling, grammar, syntax, or intellectual content and accuracy beyond that allowed in the charter or its amendment thereof.  Moderators reserve the right to terminate any thread which degenerates into unacceptable namecalling, rudeness, vulgarity, or which they feel has reached its end or flash point. Such threads shall be terminated by a 2/3 supermajority of the current moderators.  Individuals who believe a particular moderator has unfairly rejected a submission can appeal to the entire panel of moderators.  The panel will reevaluate the submission and make a majority decision as to whether it will be posted.  In the event that the moderation panel is evenly split over whether a submission ought to be posted, the submission shall be posted.  If traffic in the group proves heavy, the moderators may develop a robomoderation script to assist in their duties.  Anyone may volunteer to join the moderation panel with the consent of a two-thirds supermajority of the current moderators. Moderators shall not be required to belong to any specific group, be it national /ethnic/cultural/... Moderators also may be removed by a 2/3 majority of the active members of the moderation panel. Failing this, a moder- ator may also be removed by a 2/3 vote of the ACTIVE participants in the group. A participant shall be deemed ACTIVE if he/she shall have successfully posted two or more articles to soc.culture.nigeria in the 30 days prior to a request for a vote. Of course, moderators may resign of their own volition. If a moderator wants to resign or retire, he/she shall make a public statement at least 14 days prior to resignation or retirement, so that a replacement may be found.  Gateway: -------- Soc.culture.nigeria was created in 1994 to be Nigeria's window to the USENET community and to serve as a relief valve to Nigeria's main mailing list, Naijanet. Since it's inception, a temporary link has been be maintained between Naijanet and soc.culture.nigeria. This link has been very successful in maintaining Nigeria's  pres- ence on the USENET/Internet and affording our members who have no access to USENET the opportunity to post to soc.culture.nigeria. The general concensus is that this linkage shall be continued for the total benefit of Nigerians and the USENET community. Therefore, soc.culture.nigeria shall be gated to Naijanet via a unidirectional gateway. Moderators of soc.culture.nigeria shall also moderate the gateway. Any other Nigeria-interest mailing list may gateway to soc.culture.nigeria if it desires, provided the approval of the current moderators is obtained. Approval is by a vote of simple majority of the active moderators. In addition, the list-owner shall have accepted to supply at least one volunteer moderator to the current moderating panel.  Languages and Character Sets ---------------------------- Postings in any of Nigeria's native languages (more than 250) as well as Pidgin and English shall be accepted. Postings in languages other than these are welcome provided that the English translations of the articles are supplied, because English is Nigeria's official language. Nigerians are encouraged to provide, where necessary, English transla- tions to articles written in vernacular in order to improve readership.  Articles should be sent in the standard 7 bit ASCII character set, conform to RFC822. If accented characters are necessary one is allowed to use the standard 8 bit ISO-8859-1 character set. Other language or machine-specific character sets are not acceptable in this newsgroup.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: soc.culture.nigeria  Moderator: Alfred Ajose <[email protected]> Moderator: Njansi Uchendu <[email protected]> Moderator: Bode Olajumoke <[email protected]> Moderator: Uche Ikwut-Ukwa <[email protected]>  END MODERATOR INFO.  PROCEDURE:  This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroup should be raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) will be posted by a neutral vote taker.  Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.  All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.  This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process.  DISTRIBUTION:  This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups:    news.announce.newgroups,   news.groups,   soc.culture.african   soc.culture.nigeria   soc.culture.zimbabwe   soc.culture.sierra-leone  and the following mailing list:   Naijanet <[email protected]> (Nigerian Main Mailing List)           Subcribe via: [email protected]           Subsrciption Command: subscribe naijanet user-name  Oduduwa-net <[email protected]> (List for Yoruba Language and Culture)           no membership required to post articles.  Igbo--net  <[email protected]> (List for Igbo Affairs)           no membership required to post articles  Naija-Women Network <[email protected]> (List for Naija Women Affairs)           no membership required to post articles.   pointers to this RFD will be posted by the mentor/proponents in:         soc.culture.kenya        soc.culture.liberia        soc.culture.south-africa        soc.culture.somalia        soc.culture.malagasy        soc.culture.caribbean        soc.culture.african.american  PROPONENTS:  Proponent: Babatunde Harrison <[email protected]> Proponent: Alfred Ajose <[email protected]> Proponent: Njansi Uchendu <[email protected]> Proponent: Bode Olajumoke <[email protected]>  MENTOR: Oguocha Ike 
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