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Quebec ( )
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From [email protected] Thu Jun  9 18:05:37 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Claude Boucher) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.belgium,soc.culture.canada, Subject: RFD: Followup-To: news.groups Date: 8 Jun 1994 17:15:55 -0400 Organization: Communications NB Lines: 184 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Comments: NB*net - New Brunswick's Regional Network 1-800-561-4459 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5191 news.groups:105795 soc.culture.french:41599 soc.culture.belgium:1475 soc.culture.canada:39346                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION         Group name:            Status: unmoderated      Distribution: world           Summary: Discussions on Quebec culture and society       Proposed by: [email protected] (Yves De Repentigny)                     [email protected] (Claude Boucher)  This is a formal Request for Discussion (RFD) regarding the creation of a new Usenet newsgroup:   This message is not a Call For Votes (CFV). A Call For Vote will be posted within 21 to 30 days following the first posting of this message. The vote will be administered by a third party, not participating in the debate.   This Request For Discussion will be posted in the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, soc.culture.french, soc.culture.belgium, soc.culture.canada,, fr.announce.newgroups.   PROPOSED NAME: Several culture-oriented groups have names reflecting a particular region or population, whose culture is distinct to a nation. There currently exists the newsgroup soc.culture.puerto-rico, for example. Puerto-Rico in the United States, like Quebec, a province of Canada, has a specific culture, language and territory.  In other respects, Quebec is distinguished by its own cultural identity: literature, poetry, music, theatre, festivals and art. The proposed newsgroup is intended to provide a forum for these topics.  The proposed newsgroup's name,, best identifies the people and culture this proposed forum desires to represent.   UNMODERATED In order to invite expression of the widest range of viewpoints on all possible topics, the newsgroup will be unmoderated.   CHARTER The newsgroup is to be an international forum for discussion open to all people who wish to share their views on Quebec.   With this in mind, discussion may cover a wide scope of issues including, but not restricted to, social life, culture, economics and politics in Quebec.    RATIONALE Here are a few points in favor of the creation of a newsgroup specific to Quebec:  * Within Canada, the Quebeckers form a community with its own interests, that being for linguistic, historical, political, sociological and cultural reasons.  * People seeking to discuss issues pertaining to Quebec, be it cultural, societal, or political often desire to do so in French, the official language of Quebec. Those who live outside Quebec will be pleased to turn to this proposed group for news from home in their own language.   * Issues related to Quebec are often discussed in the groups soc.culture.french and soc.culture.canada, where it is not uncommon to see more than 100 messages posted daily. We can therefore expect a slight decrease in the volume of postings handled by those two groups following the creation of  LANGUAGES AND CHARACTER SETS The everyday language on is French. However, given the liguistic makeup of Quebec and of Usenet, messages in English are expected, and will be accepted. Messages in other languages are also welcome, but their authors should not expect a large audience.   The use of the 7 bit ASCII character set is preferred.   The standard 8 bit ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set (accented characters) is also permitted, albeit optional. The use of any other standard or character set is not authorized.  FOLLOW-UP Please send your follow-ups to the group news.groups.   PROPOSED BY Yves De Repentigny Universite de Montreal Montreal, Quebec e-mail: [email protected]  Claude Boucher Fredericton, NB, Canada e-mail: [email protected]  ------------------------------------------------------------------                    APPEL K DISCUTER    Nom du groupe:           Statut: sans moderateur     Distribution: mondiale         Sommaire: Discussions sur la culture et la                   societe quebecoise      Propos par: [email protected] (Yves De Repentigny)                    [email protected] (Claude Boucher)  La presente est un appel formel a discuter [Request for Discussion (RFD)] de la creation d'un nouveau groupe Usenet,   Ce message n'est pas un appel a voter. Un appel  voter [Call For Votes (CFV)] sera affich de 21 a 30 jours apres la premiere publication du present message. Le vote sera administre par un observateur neutre qui n'est pas implique dans le present debat.  Le present appel a discuter sera affiche dans les groupes suivants: news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, soc.culture.french, soc.culture.belgium, soc.culture.canada,, fr.announce.newgroups.  NOM PROPOSE: Plusieurs groupes a vocation culturelle portent le nom d'un toponyme bien dfini. Le Qubec est une province du Canada. A l'instar de Puerto-Rico aux Etats-Unis, le Quebec possde une culture, une langue et un territoire bien distincts. Or il existe un groupe soc.culture.puerto-rico.   Par ailleurs, le Quebec possede une identite culturelle distincte: litterature, musique (chanson), theatre, etc. Le groupe propose veut notamment traiter des sujets qui se rapportent a cette identite.  C'est pourquoi le nom dcrit le mieux la realite abordee dans le groupe propose.  SANS MODERATEUR Le groupe, qui veut permettre l'expression la plus large possible de points de vue sur une foule de sujets, ne sera pas modere.   BUT DU GROUPE Le groupe a pour mandat d'offrir un forum de discussion international pour toutes les personnes qui desirent parler du Quebec.   Sans limiter ce qui precede, les discussions pourront notamment porter sur les aspects sociaux, culturels, economiques et politiques du Quebec.   ARGUMENTAIRE Voici quelques arguments qui militent en faveur de la creation d'un nouveau groupe sur le Quebec:  * Au sein du Canada, les Quebecois forment une communaute qui, pour des raisons linguistiques, historiques, politiques, sociologiques et culturelles, a des interets qui lui sont propres.   * Les personnes qui veulent discuter du Quebec, de sa culture, de ses valeurs sociales, dsirent frquemment le faire dans la langue officielle du Quebec, le francais. Les Quebecois residant a l'exterieur du Quebec y trouveront aussi des nouvelles de leur coin du monde, dans leur langue.   * Les questions quebecoises sont frequemment discutees dans les groupes soc.culture.french et soc.culture.canada, qui recoivent frequemment plus de 100 messages par jour. On peut s'attendre a une legere diminution du volume des messages dans ces deux groupes avec la creation de   LANGUES D'USAGE ET ACCENTS DIACRITIQUES La langue usuelle sur est le francais. Toutefois, tant donne la realite linguistique du Quebec et celle d'Usenet, on peut s'attendre a des messages seront affiches en anglais. Ces messages seront acceptes. Les messages en d'autres langues sont aussi bienvenus, mais leurs auteurs ne devraient pas esperer une large audience.   L'usage de l'ASCII (7 bits) sera expressement permis.   Les accents diacritiques, encodes selon la norme ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) seront galement permis, quoiqu'optionnels. Par ailleurs, l'encodage des accents selon toute autre norme sera interdit.  SUIVI Priere d'envoyer vos suivis au groupe news.groups.   PROPOSE PAR: Yves De Repentigny Universite de Montreal Montreal, Quebec courrier electronique: [email protected]   Claude Boucher Fredericton, NB, Canada courrier electronique: [email protected]   From [email protected] Tue Jul 12 15:06:13 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.canada,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.belgium, Subject: CFV: Followup-To: poster Date: 11 Jul 1994 23:44:42 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 252 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Aug 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5317 news.groups:108153 soc.culture.canada:41590 soc.culture.french:44688 soc.culture.belgium:2588                        1st CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                   Unmoderated group   Newsgroups line:	Quebec society and culture.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 13 August 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Mark James <[email protected]>.  For  questions about the proposed group, contact Yves DeRepentigny  <[email protected]>.  Les votes doivent etre recues avant 23h59:59 TUC, le 13 aout 1994.  Ce referendum sera mene de facon neutre.  Pour toute question a propos du referendum, contacter Mark James <[email protected]>.  Pour toute question a propos du groupe propose, contacter Yves DeRepentigny <[email protected]>.   CHARTER -------  Several culture-oriented groups have names reflecting a particular region or population,  whose culture is distinct to a nation. There currently exists the newsgroup soc.culture.puerto-rico, for example.  Puerto-Rico in the United States, like Quebec, a province of Canada, has a specific culture, language and territory.  In other respects: - Quebec is distinguished by its own cultural identity: literature, poetry, music, theatre, festivals and art. The proposed newsgroup is intended to provide a forum for these topics.  The proposed newsgroup's name,, best identifies the people and culture this proposed forum desires to represent.  UNMODERATED In order to invite expression of the widest range of viewpoints on all possible topics, the newsgroup will be unmoderated.  CHARTER The newsgroup is to be an international forum for discussion open to all people who wish to share their views on Quebec.  With this in mind, discussion may cover a wide scope of issues including, but not restricted to, social life, culture, economics and politics in  Quebec.   RATIONALE Here are a few points in favor of the creation of a newsgroup specific to Quebec:  *  Within Canada, the Quebeckers form a community with its own interests, that being for linguistic, historical, political, sociological and cultural reasons.  * People seeking to discuss issues pertaining to Quebec, be it cultural, societal, or political often desire to do so in French, the official language of Quebec. Those who live outside Quebec will be pleased to turn to this proposed group for news from home in their own language.  * Issues related to Quebec are often discussed in the groups soc.culture.french and soc.culture.canada, where it is not infrequent to see more than 100 messages posted daily. We can therefore expect a slight decrease in the volume of postings handled by those two groups following the creation of  LANGUAGES AND CHARACTER SETS The everyday language on is French.  However, given the linguistic makeup of Quebec and of Usenet, messages in English are expected, and will be welcome.  Messages in other languages are also accepted, but their authors should not expect a large audience.  The use of the 7 bit ASCII character set is preferred.  The standard 8 bit ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set (accented characters) is also permitted, albeit optional. The use of any other standard or character set is not authorized.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  Plusieurs groupes a vocation culturelle portent le nom d'un toponyme bien defini. Le Quebec est une province du Canada.  A l'instar de Puerto-Rico aux Etats-Unis, le Quebec possede une culture, une langue et un territoire bien distincts.  Or il existe un groupe soc.culture.puerto-rico. Par ailleurs :  - le Quebec possede une identite culturelle distincte : litterature, musique (chanson), theatre, etc. Le groupe propose veut notamment traiter des sujets qui se rapportent a cette identite,  C'est pourquoi le nom decrit le mieux la realite abordee dans le groupe propose.  SANS MODERATEUR Le groupe, qui veut permettre l'expression la plus large possible de points de vue sur une foule de sujets, ne sera pas modere.  BUT DU GROUPE Le groupe a pour mandat d'offrir un forum de discussion international pour toutes les personnes qui desirent parler du Quebec.  Sans limiter ce qui precede, les discussions pourront notamment porter sur les aspects sociaux, culturels, economiques et politiques du Quebec.  ARGUMENTAIRE Voici quelques arguments qui militent en faveur de la creation d'un nouveau groupe sur le Quebec:  * Au sein du Canada, les Quebecois forment une communaute qui, pour des raisons linguistiques, historiques, politiques, sociologiques et culturelles, a des interets qui lui sont propres.  * Les personnes qui veulent discuter du Quebec, de sa culture, de ses valeurs sociales, desirent frequemment le faire dans la langue officielle du Quebec, le francais. Les  Quebecois residant a l'exterieur du Quebec y trouveront aussi des nouvelles de leur coin du monde, dans leur langue.  * Les questions quebecoises sont frequemment discutees dans les groupes soc.culture.french et soc.culture.canada, qui recoivent frequemment plus de 100 messages par jour. On peut s'attendre a une legere diminution du volume des messages dans ces deux groupes avec la creation de  LANGUES D'USAGE ET ACCENTS DIACRITIQUES La langue usuelle sur est le francais. Toutefois, etant donne la realite linguistique du Quebec et celle d'Usenet, on peut s'attendre a des messages en anglais. Ces messages seront bienvenus.  Les messages en d'autres langues sont aussi acceptes, mais leurs auteurs ne devraient pas esperer une large audience.  L'usage de l'ASCII (7 bits) sera expressement permis.  Les accents diacritiques, encodes selon la norme ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) seront egalement permis, quoiqu'optionnels. Par ailleurs, l'encodage des accents selon toute autre norme sera interdit.   HOW TO VOTE -----------  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:        [email protected]  Just replying by E-MAIL to this message should work, assuming you are reading this using standard newsreader software.  Your mail message  should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on       I vote NO on       I ABSTAIN on       I CANCEL my vote on  You may add a comment, or use other wording, but only a definite,  unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of will count as a vote.  Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve only to cancel any previous vote.  Abstentions are noted in the final vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely. (This is the only difference between the two.)  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  If you attempt multiple votes or  other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.   COMMENT VOTER -------------  Envoyer un cable (il n'est pas acceptable de poster un article) a :        [email protected]  Si vous lisez ce message avec un lecteur de News standard, vous devriez  pouvoir voter en appuyant sur 'r' (reply).  Assurez-vous que votre  message contient une (et une seulement) des phrases suivantes :        Je vote POUR       Je vote CONTRE       Je m'abstiens de voter dans le referendum       J'annule mon vote dans le referendum  Vous pouvez ajouter un commentaire, ou utiliser un autre choix de mots (e.g. OUI ou NON), mais le message doit exprimer une intention claire,  inconditionelle, et non ambigue, de voter pour ou contre la creation de ; sinon il ne sera pas pris en compte.  Ni les absentions ni les annulations ne seront prises en compte.  Elles n'existent que pour annuler des votes precedents.  Les abstentions seront reportees dans le resultat du referendum ; par contre une  annulation enlevera toute trace de votre vote : ceci etant la seule difference entre les deux.  Si vous changez d'avis plus tard, vous pouvez toujours revoter ; ne sera pris en compte que votre dernier message.  Chaque vote provoquera une reponse par E-mail.  Si vous ne recevez pas  de reponse dans les jours qui suivent votre vote, revotez.  C'est a vous  d'assurer que votre vote est enregistre correctement.  Les "Guidelines" pour les referenda seront suivis : pas plus qu'un vote par personne, pas plus qu'un vote par comte E-mail.  Si vous essayez de  voter plusieurs fois, ou de frauder autrement, tous vos votes pourraient  etre annulles et votre nom publie.   RESULT ------  The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including how each person voted.  Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret  ballot.  There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed.  The  requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.    RESULTAT --------  Le resultat du referendum sera publie avec la liste detaillee complete des votes de chaque personne.  A noter que les referendum de Usenet ne  sont pas des votes secrets.  Suite a la publication de ces resultats, une periode de cinq jours vous est accordee pour toute correction que vous voudriez apporter a votre vote.  Pour que le resultat du referendum satisfasse a la creation du groupe, il faut un compte des votes suivant :  - le nombre des votes POUR doit etre superieur de 100 voix au nombre   de votes CONTRE ; - le nombre de votes POUR doit etre egal ou superieur de 2/3 du total   des votes.  -- Mark James  <[email protected]>     Dialogic Corporation, 1515 Route 10   | "You have violated Robot's Rules Parsippany NJ 07054, U.S.A.           |  of Order and will be asked to +1 201 993 4633+ ext 6438              |  leave the future immediately."  From [email protected] Thu Jul 28 17:27:38 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.canada,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.belgium, Subject: 2nd CFV: Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 28 Jul 1994 16:36:12 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 265 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Aug 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5416 news.groups:110035 soc.culture.canada:42776 soc.culture.french:45883 soc.culture.belgium:2857                        2nd CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                   Unmoderated group   Newsgroups line:	Quebec society and culture.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 13 August 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Mark James <[email protected]>.  For  questions about the proposed group, contact Yves DeRepentigny  <[email protected]>.  Les votes doivent etre recues avant 23h59:59 TUC, le 13 aout 1994.  Ce referendum sera mene de facon neutre.  Pour toute question a propos du referendum, contacter Mark James <[email protected]>.  Pour toute question a propos du groupe propose, contacter Yves DeRepentigny <[email protected]>.   CHARTER -------  Several culture-oriented groups have names reflecting a particular region or population,  whose culture is distinct to a nation. There currently exists the newsgroup soc.culture.puerto-rico, for example.  Puerto-Rico in the United States, like Quebec, a province of Canada, has a specific culture, language and territory.  In other respects: - Quebec is distinguished by its own cultural identity: literature, poetry, music, theatre, festivals and art. The proposed newsgroup is intended to provide a forum for these topics.  The proposed newsgroup's name,, best identifies the people and culture this proposed forum desires to represent.  UNMODERATED In order to invite expression of the widest range of viewpoints on all possible topics, the newsgroup will be unmoderated.  CHARTER The newsgroup is to be an international forum for discussion open to all people who wish to share their views on Quebec.  With this in mind, discussion may cover a wide scope of issues including, but not restricted to, social life, culture, economics and politics in  Quebec.   RATIONALE Here are a few points in favor of the creation of a newsgroup specific to Quebec:  *  Within Canada, the Quebeckers form a community with its own interests, that being for linguistic, historical, political, sociological and cultural reasons.  * People seeking to discuss issues pertaining to Quebec, be it cultural, societal, or political often desire to do so in French, the official language of Quebec. Those who live outside Quebec will be pleased to turn to this proposed group for news from home in their own language.  * Issues related to Quebec are often discussed in the groups soc.culture.french and soc.culture.canada, where it is not infrequent to see more than 100 messages posted daily. We can therefore expect a slight decrease in the volume of postings handled by those two groups following the creation of  LANGUAGES AND CHARACTER SETS The everyday language on is French.  However, given the linguistic makeup of Quebec and of Usenet, messages in English are expected, and will be welcome.  Messages in other languages are also accepted, but their authors should not expect a large audience.  The use of the 7 bit ASCII character set is preferred.  The standard 8 bit ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set (accented characters) is also permitted, albeit optional. The use of any other standard or character set is not authorized.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  Plusieurs groupes a vocation culturelle portent le nom d'un toponyme bien defini. Le Quebec est une province du Canada.  A l'instar de Puerto-Rico aux Etats-Unis, le Quebec possede une culture, une langue et un territoire bien distincts.  Or il existe un groupe soc.culture.puerto-rico. Par ailleurs :  - le Quebec possede une identite culturelle distincte : litterature, musique (chanson), theatre, etc. Le groupe propose veut notamment traiter des sujets qui se rapportent a cette identite,  C'est pourquoi le nom decrit le mieux la realite abordee dans le groupe propose.  SANS MODERATEUR Le groupe, qui veut permettre l'expression la plus large possible de points de vue sur une foule de sujets, ne sera pas modere.  BUT DU GROUPE Le groupe a pour mandat d'offrir un forum de discussion international pour toutes les personnes qui desirent parler du Quebec.  Sans limiter ce qui precede, les discussions pourront notamment porter sur les aspects sociaux, culturels, economiques et politiques du Quebec.  ARGUMENTAIRE Voici quelques arguments qui militent en faveur de la creation d'un nouveau groupe sur le Quebec:  * Au sein du Canada, les Quebecois forment une communaute qui, pour des raisons linguistiques, historiques, politiques, sociologiques et culturelles, a des interets qui lui sont propres.  * Les personnes qui veulent discuter du Quebec, de sa culture, de ses valeurs sociales, desirent frequemment le faire dans la langue officielle du Quebec, le francais. Les  Quebecois residant a l'exterieur du Quebec y trouveront aussi des nouvelles de leur coin du monde, dans leur langue.  * Les questions quebecoises sont frequemment discutees dans les groupes soc.culture.french et soc.culture.canada, qui recoivent frequemment plus de 100 messages par jour. On peut s'attendre a une legere diminution du volume des messages dans ces deux groupes avec la creation de  LANGUES D'USAGE ET ACCENTS DIACRITIQUES La langue usuelle sur est le francais. Toutefois, etant donne la realite linguistique du Quebec et celle d'Usenet, on peut s'attendre a des messages en anglais. Ces messages seront bienvenus.  Les messages en d'autres langues sont aussi acceptes, mais leurs auteurs ne devraient pas esperer une large audience.  L'usage de l'ASCII (7 bits) sera expressement permis.  Les accents diacritiques, encodes selon la norme ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) seront egalement permis, quoiqu'optionnels. Par ailleurs, l'encodage des accents selon toute autre norme sera interdit.   HOW TO VOTE -----------  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:        [email protected]  Just replying by E-MAIL to this message should work, assuming you are reading this using standard newsreader software.  Your mail message  should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on       I vote NO on       I ABSTAIN on       I CANCEL my vote on  You may add a comment, or use other wording, but only a definite,  unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of will count as a vote.  Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve only to cancel any previous vote.  Abstentions are noted in the final vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely. (This is the only difference between the two.)  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  If you attempt multiple votes or  other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.   COMMENT VOTER -------------  Envoyer un cable (il n'est pas acceptable de poster un article) a :        [email protected]  Si vous lisez ce message avec un lecteur de News standard, vous devriez  pouvoir voter en appuyant sur 'r' (reply).  Assurez-vous que votre  message contient une (et une seulement) des phrases suivantes :        Je vote POUR       Je vote CONTRE       Je m'abstiens de voter dans le referendum       J'annule mon vote dans le referendum  Vous pouvez ajouter un commentaire, ou utiliser un autre choix de mots (e.g. OUI ou NON), mais le message doit exprimer une intention claire,  inconditionelle, et non ambigue, de voter pour ou contre la creation de ; sinon il ne sera pas pris en compte.  Ni les absentions ni les annulations ne seront prises en compte.  Elles n'existent que pour annuler des votes precedents.  Les abstentions seront reportees dans le resultat du referendum ; par contre une  annulation enlevera toute trace de votre vote : ceci etant la seule difference entre les deux.  Si vous changez d'avis plus tard, vous pouvez toujours revoter ; ne sera pris en compte que votre dernier message.  Chaque vote provoquera une reponse par E-mail.  Si vous ne recevez pas  de reponse dans les jours qui suivent votre vote, revotez.  C'est a vous  d'assurer que votre vote est enregistre correctement.  Les "Guidelines" pour les referenda seront suivis : pas plus qu'un vote par personne, pas plus qu'un vote par comte E-mail.  Si vous essayez de  voter plusieurs fois, ou de frauder autrement, tous vos votes pourraient  etre annulles et votre nom publie.   RESULT ------  The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including how each person voted.  Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret  ballot.  There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed.  The  requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.    RESULTAT --------  Le resultat du referendum sera publie avec la liste detaillee complete des votes de chaque personne.  A noter que les referendum de Usenet ne  sont pas des votes secrets.  Suite a la publication de ces resultats, une periode de cinq jours vous est accordee pour toute correction que vous voudriez apporter a votre vote.  Pour que le resultat du referendum satisfasse a la creation du groupe, il faut un compte des votes suivant :  - le nombre des votes POUR doit etre superieur de 100 voix au nombre   de votes CONTRE ; - le nombre de votes POUR doit etre egal ou superieur de 2/3 du total   des votes.   BOUNCED VOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS / ACCUSES DE RECEPTION RENVOYEES ----------------------------   -------------------------------  Vote acknowledgment messages to the following addresses have bounced. (The votes have been counted.)  Les accuses de reception a destination des adresses suivants ont ete renvoyes a moi.  (Les votes ont neanmoins ete comptes.)  [email protected] Amy_L._Hartswick_at_KPMG_PHILADELPHIA%[email protected]  --  Mark James  <[email protected]>     Dialogic Corporation, 1515 Route 10   | "You have violated Robot's Rules Parsippany NJ 07054, U.S.A.           |  of Order and will be asked to +1 201 993 4633+ ext 6438              |  leave the future immediately."  From [email protected] Tue Aug 16 16:36:54 1994 Path: uunet!not-for-mail From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.canada,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.belgium, Subject: RESULT: passes 440:80 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 Aug 1994 21:02:55 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 717 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5509 news.groups:112569 soc.culture.canada:44030 soc.culture.french:47214 soc.culture.belgium:3411                                  VOTE RESULT                     Unmoderated group   Voting closed on 13 August 1994 at 23:59:59 GMT.  The results are:    Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  440   80 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :   There were no abstentions.  This margin is adequate for newgroup creation.  There will now be a five-day period during which corrections to the vote count may be made.  Barring serious controversy about the vote, the group will  be created shortly thereafter.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.     Le referendum sur la creation de s'est acheve le 13 aout 1994 a 23h59:59 TUC.  Voici les resultats :    Pour Contre : 2/3? >100? : Reussi? : Groupe  ---- ------ : ---- ----- : ------- : ------------------------------   440     80 :  Oui   Oui :     Oui :   Il n'y a eu aucune abstention.  Ce resultat suffira pour la creation du groupe.  Il suivra maintenant une periode de cinq jours, pendant lesquels vous pouvez apporter toute  correction au vote.  Sauf erreur majeure, le groupe sera cree dans les  jours qui suivent cette periode.  Ce referendum a ete mene par un parti neutre.   Vote-taker: 		Mark James <[email protected]> Group proponent: 	Yves DeRepentigny <[email protected]>  Newsgroups line:	Quebec society and culture.   CHARTER (as printed in the Call for Votes) -------  Several culture-oriented groups have names reflecting a particular region or population,  whose culture is distinct to a nation. There currently exists the newsgroup soc.culture.puerto-rico, for example.  Puerto-Rico in the United States, like Quebec, a province of Canada, has a specific culture, language and territory.  In other respects: - Quebec is distinguished by its own cultural identity: literature, poetry, music, theatre, festivals and art. The proposed newsgroup is intended to provide a forum for these topics.  The proposed newsgroup's name,, best identifies the people and culture this proposed forum desires to represent.  UNMODERATED In order to invite expression of the widest range of viewpoints on all possible topics, the newsgroup will be unmoderated.  CHARTER The newsgroup is to be an international forum for discussion open to all people who wish to share their views on Quebec.  With this in mind, discussion may cover a wide scope of issues including, but not restricted to, social life, culture, economics and politics in  Quebec.   RATIONALE Here are a few points in favor of the creation of a newsgroup specific to Quebec:  *  Within Canada, the Quebeckers form a community with its own interests, that being for linguistic, historical, political, sociological and cultural reasons.  * People seeking to discuss issues pertaining to Quebec, be it cultural, societal, or political often desire to do so in French, the official language of Quebec. Those who live outside Quebec will be pleased to turn to this proposed group for news from home in their own language.  * Issues related to Quebec are often discussed in the groups soc.culture.french and soc.culture.canada, where it is not infrequent to see more than 100 messages posted daily. We can therefore expect a slight decrease in the volume of postings handled by those two groups following the creation of  LANGUAGES AND CHARACTER SETS The everyday language on is French.  However, given the linguistic makeup of Quebec and of Usenet, messages in English are expected, and will be welcome.  Messages in other languages are also accepted, but their authors should not expect a large audience.  The use of the 7 bit ASCII character set is preferred.  The standard 8 bit ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set (accented characters) is also permitted, albeit optional. The use of any other standard or character set is not authorized.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  Plusieurs groupes a vocation culturelle portent le nom d'un toponyme bien defini. Le Quebec est une province du Canada.  A l'instar de Puerto-Rico aux Etats-Unis, le Quebec possede une culture, une langue et un territoire bien distincts.  Or il existe un groupe soc.culture.puerto-rico. Par ailleurs :  - le Quebec possede une identite culturelle distincte : litterature, musique (chanson), theatre, etc. Le groupe propose veut notamment traiter des sujets qui se rapportent a cette identite,  C'est pourquoi le nom decrit le mieux la realite abordee dans le groupe propose.  SANS MODERATEUR Le groupe, qui veut permettre l'expression la plus large possible de points de vue sur une foule de sujets, ne sera pas modere.  BUT DU GROUPE Le groupe a pour mandat d'offrir un forum de discussion international pour toutes les personnes qui desirent parler du Quebec.  Sans limiter ce qui precede, les discussions pourront notamment porter sur les aspects sociaux, culturels, economiques et politiques du Quebec.  ARGUMENTAIRE Voici quelques arguments qui militent en faveur de la creation d'un nouveau groupe sur le Quebec:  * Au sein du Canada, les Quebecois forment une communaute qui, pour des raisons linguistiques, historiques, politiques, sociologiques et culturelles, a des interets qui lui sont propres.  * Les personnes qui veulent discuter du Quebec, de sa culture, de ses valeurs sociales, desirent frequemment le faire dans la langue officielle du Quebec, le francais. Les  Quebecois residant a l'exterieur du Quebec y trouveront aussi des nouvelles de leur coin du monde, dans leur langue.  * Les questions quebecoises sont frequemment discutees dans les groupes soc.culture.french et soc.culture.canada, qui recoivent frequemment plus de 100 messages par jour. On peut s'attendre a une legere diminution du volume des messages dans ces deux groupes avec la creation de  LANGUES D'USAGE ET ACCENTS DIACRITIQUES La langue usuelle sur est le francais. Toutefois, etant donne la realite linguistique du Quebec et celle d'Usenet, on peut s'attendre a des messages en anglais. Ces messages seront bienvenus.  Les messages en d'autres langues sont aussi acceptes, mais leurs auteurs ne devraient pas esperer une large audience.  L'usage de l'ASCII (7 bits) sera expressement permis.  Les accents diacritiques, encodes selon la norme ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) seront egalement permis, quoiqu'optionnels. Par ailleurs, l'encodage des accents selon toute autre norme sera interdit.   VOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENT -------------------  These lists are sorted in alphabetical order by login name, as taken >from the "From:" line.  Note that certain UUCP addresses are mangled  somewhat in order to sort nicely.  Voici les votes en ordre alphabetique, selon les noms de comptes pris des lignes "From:" des messages.  A noter que certaines adresses UUCP sont representees d'une facon bizarre, pour que le triage alphabetique soit lisible.   YES votes were received from the following people:  Des votes POUR la creation ont ete recus de :  [email protected]  0[email protected] (Shaun Dares) [email protected] (B CORNE) [email protected] (2Crow Feathers)  [email protected] (Pierre Gagnon) [email protected] (Michael J. Wilson)  [email protected] (Serge Carriere)  [email protected] (Aaron Priven)  [email protected] (Jules E. Lafrance)  [email protected] (ADRIEN BANCE)  [email protected] (W. Jon Shaib)  [email protected] (David Brooks)  [email protected] (Deveau, Ann (FIN)) [email protected] (Richard Migneron) [email protected] (Dubus A.)  [email protected] (a.e.mossberg)  [email protected] (Colin R. Leech)  [email protected] (AH Sharif) [email protected] (John D. Lawford)  [email protected] (Andrew John Miller) [email protected] (Rene Beausoleil)  [email protected] (al)  [email protected] (Al Black)  [email protected] (Alain Champagne) [email protected] (Iain D. Bowen)  [email protected] (Kellie Flanagan) [email protected] (Manuel Alvarez-rivera) Amy_L._Hartswick_at_KPMG_PHILADELPHIA%[email protected] [email protected] (Alexei Ioudovski)  [email protected] (Michel Careau)  [email protected] (Yves Bellefeuille)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bruno Jubinville)  [email protected] (Anne Pelletier) [email protected] (Thierry ARNOULD)  [email protected] (Jean-Claude Allard)  [email protected] (Sonnaert Alain)  [email protected] (Louis Boivin)  [email protected] (Bri Farenell)  [email protected] (Rhea Jacobs)  [email protected] (Sabine Modder)  [email protected] (Josephine H. Tang)  [email protected] (Claude Baillargeon)  [email protected] (Roland Desautels)  [email protected] (Denis Boucher)  [email protected] (Dominique Beauchamp) [email protected] (jacques (j.) beaudry) [email protected] (Luc Beaulieu) [email protected] (Denis Beauregard) [email protected] (Francoise Becker) [email protected] (Patricia Bedard) [email protected]  [email protected] (Benoit Veillette)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Patrick Bergeot1)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bernard de Champlain)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Laurent Dumont)  [email protected] (William Mills) [email protected] (Shag Aristotelis)  [email protected] (Brenda Butler) [email protected] (B.J. Herbison) [email protected] (Blackburn Josee)  [email protected] (Benjamin Lin) [email protected] (Laurent Bloch) [email protected]  [email protected] (Claude Boucher)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Martin Breton) [email protected] (Pierre Breton) [email protected] (Bruno Delcourt)  [email protected] (Bruno Jargot)  [email protected] (Brian SPENCER) [email protected] (Remi Cabanac) [email protected] (Curt Knight) [email protected] (Vincent CANCIANI)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Eric C. Carlson)  [email protected] (Gilles Carmel)  [email protected] (Carrillo David) [email protected] (Philippe Casgrain)  [email protected] (Olivier Causse)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Jean-Paul Chaib)  [email protected] (Jerome Chailloux)  [email protected] (Charles Audet)  [email protected] (Florent Charpin) [email protected] (CHAU CHHEAN (cap sesa))  [email protected] (Claude Hebert) [email protected] (Jean-Francois Chenier) [email protected] (Stewart M. Clamen) [email protected] (Claude Beauregard)  [email protected] (Chris Stamper) [email protected] (CHARLES F. O'BRIEN)  [email protected] (Michel Colin)  [email protected] (Jeffrey Goldberg)  [email protected] (Charles S. Robinson) [email protected]  [email protected] (Matthew Crosby) [email protected]  [email protected] (Joan Bertomeu) [email protected]  [email protected] (Pascale Landry) [email protected] (Peter Campbell) [email protected] (Patrick Daloze) [email protected]  [email protected] (Dani Flexer)  [email protected] (Daniel Robitaille)  [email protected] (Daniel D. Smith) [email protected] (David Conner) [email protected] (Dean Edwards)  [email protected] (Philippe Debroux)  [email protected] (Philippe Degand) [email protected] (Luc Deneire)  [email protected] (Stephane Denis)  [email protected] (Pierre Boisvert)  [email protected] (Derepentigny Yves)  [email protected] (Des Marais Luce) [email protected]  [email protected] (Laurent Deutsch)  [email protected] (Douglas R. Floyd)  [email protected] (Daniel Geneau) [email protected] (Douglas Harder)  [email protected] (Dick Miale)  [email protected] (Djamal Bouzida)  [email protected] (yazid-salem (y.) djerbib) [email protected]  [email protected] (Didier KAPRAK)  [email protected] (louis (l.) dourte) [email protected] (Lavallee) [email protected] (Ducharme Jean-Francois)  [email protected] (Catherine Dufourd)  [email protected] (Christian Duhoux)  [email protected] (Jean-Yves Durocher)  [email protected] (David Francis Vesely) [email protected] (Didier Willam)  [email protected] (Chuck Taggart)  [email protected] (Erwan David)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Alain Polguere) [email protected] (Robert Smits)  [email protected] (Eric Beaudoin)  [email protected] (Eric Silber)  [email protected] (Etienne Boisvert) [email protected] (Erik Van Thienen)  [email protected] (Christian Fabre) [email protected] (Francois Dufour)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Alain Fontaine)  [email protected] (Francois Charlot) [email protected] (Francois Paradis) [email protected] (Fred Condo)  [email protected] (Frederic Maffray) [email protected] (Michael Fries) [email protected]  [email protected] (Stu Galley) [email protected] (Denis McKeon)  [email protected] (Guy Amiot) [email protected]  [email protected] (Richard Gartland) [email protected] (Philippe Gaucher)  [email protected] (Genevieve Gauthier)  [email protected] (Georges Benicourt)  [email protected] (Gilles Dauphin) [email protected] (Gilles Dignard)  [email protected] (Francois G. Gendron)  [email protected] (EuGene epetai-Tramaglino) [email protected] (George Quinlan) [email protected] (Ghislain Roy) [email protected] (Vinh-an Trinh)  [email protected] (Gil Neiger)  [email protected] (Patricia GIRON) [email protected] (Gilbert Levesque x6543)  [email protected] (Michele Goano)  [email protected] (Gonzalez Patrick)  [email protected] (Bertrand GRANADO)  [email protected] (M. L. Grant)  [email protected] (Greg Scullard)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Paul Guertin)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (James Harvey) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jim Hebert) [email protected] (Philippe Hebrais)  [email protected] (Nathaniel Hekman)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Herve Hogues)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Hubert Halkin)  [email protected]  [email protected] (martin coghlan)  [email protected] (Iain G Liddell) [email protected] (idb1)  [email protected] (idb2)  [email protected] (Rene Imbeau)  [email protected] (Ingrid Melve) [email protected] (Janka McNutt)  [email protected] (Jasmin Cote) [email protected] (Jacques Berleur) [email protected] (ARCAND JEAN-CLAUDE) [email protected] (jean-claude kommer)  [email protected] (Jerome Chapdelaine) [email protected] (Jeffrey Doyle)  [email protected] (Jean-Pierre Pare)  [email protected] (Jean Pepin) [email protected] (Allard Jean-Francois)  [email protected] (Joseph Fortt) [email protected] (Joseph A Francoeur) [email protected] (Jose Garcia) [email protected] (Jean-Guy Deschenes) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jim Dutton)  [email protected] (Jean-Louis Trudel)  [email protected] (Jose M. daLuz)  [email protected] (Jane M. Moss) (Jane M. Moss)  [email protected] (John Monroe) [email protected]  [email protected] (Johanne A Grenier) [email protected] (Lucie Jolicoeur)  [email protected] (Jean-Pierre Bissonette) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jean-Pierre Trevisani)  [email protected] (J A Stephen Viggiano) [email protected] (Julie Vachon)  [email protected] (Juan Parra) [email protected] (BURELLE ROSE) [email protected] (John Kahila) [email protected] (kanze) [email protected] (Keith A. Sprouse)  [email protected] (Karen Chapdelaine)  [email protected] (caitlin)  [email protected] (karen gould) [email protected]  [email protected] (Kristine Phipps) [email protected] (J.P. Kuypers)  [email protected] (Lionel Ancelet) [email protected] (Laird Breyer) [email protected] (Robert Labrosse)  [email protected] (Janet Laible)  [email protected] (Frederic Landais) [email protected] (Yves Larin)  [email protected] (John P. LaRocque) [email protected] (Martin Larose)  [email protected] (Laurent Daudelin)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Lee Collette)  [email protected] (Frederic Lefevre)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Godefroy Lemonnier) [email protected] (Lepine Brigitte)  [email protected] (Lynette Ellen Reid) [email protected] (Emmanuel LERICHE)  [email protected] (Martin Lessard)  [email protected] (Yves Lever) [email protected] (Eric LEWIN - IPGP Geochimie)  [email protected] (Luc Goffinet)  [email protected] (Jean-Marc Libs) [email protected] (Lucie M. Melahn)  [email protected] (Guy LOUIS)  [email protected] (LOUISE MORIN) [email protected] (Loopy Lemon)  [email protected] (Laperriere, Lucie (TB)) [email protected] (Lutz Raymond)  [email protected] (Lynn Gazis)  [email protected] (Marie Claude Boivin) [email protected] (Christophe Corne) [email protected] (Stephane Harnisch) [email protected] (Fazal Majid) [email protected]  [email protected] (Marc-Andre Pepin)  [email protected] (Marc Desrochers)  [email protected] (Bruno Marcotte) [email protected] (Marco Van Het Hoog)  [email protected] (Marc Vandelac)  [email protected] (Mark A. Grant)  [email protected] (Marko LEMIEUX)  [email protected] (Rosenfelder, Mark) [email protected] (Mark Anthony Young) [email protected] (Martin Zurn)  [email protected] (Martin Bechard) [email protected] (Albert Yale)  [email protected] (maus)  [email protected] (Malcolm Mladenovic)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Melanie Arabsky) [email protected] (Fredric Menz) [email protected] (Timo Metzemakers) [email protected] (Matthew Evans) [email protected] (Mike Galvin) [email protected] (Martin Hamel)  [email protected] (Mohamed M Hussein)  [email protected] (Michel Debar)  [email protected] (Michel Adam) [email protected] (Michel Jacques) [email protected] (Michel L. Lalonde) [email protected] (Naud)  [email protected] (Moccozet Laurent) [email protected] (Mark Montoya) [email protected] (Mario Prats) [email protected] (Marjorie R. Stamper) [email protected] (Martin Schroeder)  [email protected] (Maria Sweeney) [email protected] (A. Muller) NADEAU%[email protected]  [email protected] (Neil Bishop) [email protected] (Newell, Brian) [email protected] (Gilles Nogues) [email protected] (Nicholas Fitzpatrick)  [email protected] (Marc Riese)  [email protected] (Nicolas Saint-Arnaud) [email protected] (CLARY Olivier) [email protected] (Olivier Cremel)  [email protected] (Ollivier Robert) [email protected] (Olivier Zone)  [email protected] (Nathalie Liao and Philippe Tessier) [email protected] (Patrick Germain)  [email protected] (Pierre Aubery) [email protected] (paulo (p.) ferreira) [email protected] (Pierre Bedard)  [email protected] (Philippe Bouillard)  [email protected] (Patricia Cox Martin)  [email protected] (Labeau Pierre-Etienne)  [email protected] (Peter Hansen)  [email protected] (Peter Sullivan)  [email protected] (Patricia Evans)  [email protected] (Peggy Hall) [email protected] (Philippe Guilbaud)  [email protected] (Philippe Rerole)  [email protected] (Pierre TOUZEAU) [email protected] (Pierre Kennepohl) [email protected] (Pierre Uszynski) [email protected] (La Monte Yarroll) [email protected] (Patrick Gillen)  [email protected] (Pierre Jobin)  [email protected] (Kerfs Philippe)  [email protected] (Peter Murphy) [email protected] (Pierre Plamondon [TAO])  [email protected] (Denis Poussart)  [email protected] (Sophie Dufresne) [email protected] (Proulx Josee)  [email protected] (Pierre-Yves Gagne)  [email protected] (Richard Quatrain)  [email protected] (Michael J. Quinn) [email protected] (Rachel) [email protected] (Raymond Rajotte)  [email protected] (RAPHAEL LABROSSE)  [email protected] (Louis Raphael) [email protected] (Raymond Hustad)  [email protected] (\\Robert B. Shoe\\) [email protected] (Richard Cote) [email protected] (Rene COUGNENC)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Rick Duquette)  [email protected] (Rob Leitman) [email protected] ()  [email protected]  [email protected] (Ron Newman) [email protected] (Walter Roberson)  [email protected] (Robert Baron)  [email protected] (Robert Meunier)  [email protected] (Nicolas Ross) [email protected] (Jean-claude Roussel) [email protected] (Roxbourgh Nathalie)  [email protected] (Roy Patrick)  [email protected] (Rene Perrier 6594)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Samir Kasme)  [email protected] (Pierre Sarrazin)  [email protected] (Laurent Schumacher )  [email protected] (Simon Dufour) [email protected] (Roy Sebastien)  [email protected] (Bruce Alain Sebree)  [email protected] (Jean-Yves Simon)  [email protected] (Stephane Lacelle)  [email protected] (Steven Miale) [email protected] (Steve Morris) [email protected]  [email protected] (Francis Somers)  [email protected]  [email protected] (michel (m.) moubarak) [email protected] (Jean Michel Bezeau) [email protected] (Stefano Unternaehrer) [email protected]  [email protected] (Stephane Savard)  [email protected] (Ecole St-Jacques) [email protected] (Severine Tournois) [email protected] (Joseph Saint Pierre)  [email protected] (Pierre St-Vincent)  [email protected] (Paul-Marcel St-Onge)  [email protected] (Sylvain Chamberland) [email protected] (Martin Talbot) [email protected]  [email protected] (Francois Themens)  [email protected] (Thibault Michel) [email protected] (Thierry Frere)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Eric Thomas)  [email protected] (Tim Linnell)  [email protected] (Tim Klassen)  [email protected] (Albert Van de Paar) [email protected] (Robert Cormier)  [email protected] (Matthias Troyer) [email protected] (Tim Shoults) [email protected] (Marcel Turcotte)  [email protected] (Tom Smulders)  [email protected] (CAMERMAN FILIP)  [email protected] (C.T. Lemay)  [email protected] (Stefano UNTERNAEHRER) [email protected] (David Pottier)  [email protected] (Serge Levesque) [email protected] (David Zatz) [email protected] (Olivier Vandenberghe SYSECA AD11)  [email protected] (Richard Van Neste)  [email protected] (Vincent ENGLEBERT)  [email protected] (Guy Vincent) [email protected] (Vince Laplante)  [email protected] (Alain Voukirakis)  [email protected] (Nguyen Xuan Vu)  [email protected] (Ken Warkentyne)  [email protected] (BOB WEEKS) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jo Worceste) [email protected] (william jones nmtr stnt) [email protected]  [email protected] (Xavier Haurie)  [email protected] (Yanik Crepeau)  [email protected] (Francois Yergeau)  [email protected] (Yannis Themelis) [email protected] (Yves Le Seigle)  [email protected]  [email protected]    NO votes were received from the following people:  Des votes CONTRE la creation ont ete recus de :  [email protected] (Adriano Barenco) [email protected] (Sean P. Maguire)  [email protected] (F Andrew McMichael)  [email protected] (Stefan Antersberger) [email protected] (Jim Ault) [email protected] (Gisele Beland)  [email protected] (A MUTHU) [email protected] (arthur blair)  [email protected] (Bob Christ)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bram Freedman)  [email protected] (Brian Grant) [email protected] (Andreas Bunkahle)  [email protected] (Carl Aude) [email protected] (Emmanuel CHOMSKI) [email protected] (Diane E. Clark) [email protected] (David W. Crawford)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Christopher Ward) [email protected] (Dan Pop)  [email protected] (Dave Flewitt)  [email protected] (David Freedman) [email protected] (Gordon Dohle) [email protected]  [email protected] (Edward Bertsch)  [email protected] (Thomas Chung) [email protected] (Ed Wilts) [email protected] (Sean P. Ryan) [email protected] (Ed Gaillard) [email protected] (Jeff Gebhart [250-5147])  [email protected] (Greg Woodbury)  [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected] (John Grohol)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Robert Hansen)  [email protected] (Helen Trillian Rose) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jean-Marc Bonnaudet) [email protected]  [email protected] (Louis Jezsik) [email protected] (Julius L Heinis) [email protected]  [email protected] (John R. MacWilliamson)  [email protected] (Kari E. Hurtta) [email protected]  [email protected] (Paul Kline) [email protected] (Kevin L. Lord)  [email protected] (David A. Kosower) [email protected] (Larry Smith)  [email protected] (R. Michael Litchfield) [email protected] (Lloyd Johnston) [email protected]  [email protected] (Emil Marcus) [email protected] (Mike Godfrey) [email protected]  [email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS) [email protected] (Mike Eisler)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Nicola Hamer)  [email protected] (paulo (p.) ferreira) [email protected] (Ferdinand Peper)  [email protected] (Peter G. Berger) [email protected] (Paul Fritschle)  [email protected] (Peter Laws) [email protected] (Andreas Miehle)  [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)  [email protected] (Ronnie B. Kon) [email protected] (Scott Anguish) [email protected] (Siamak Ansari)  [email protected] (Martin Veneroso)  [email protected] (Smarasderagd) [email protected] (Earl SMITH)  [email protected] (Dwight Brown) [email protected] (Lawrence Smith) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Ward F. Bush) [email protected] (Waseem Siddiqi)  [email protected]   -- Mark James  <[email protected]>     Dialogic Corporation, 1515 Route 10   | "You have violated Robot's Rules Parsippany NJ 07054, U.S.A.           |  of Order and will be asked to +1 201 993 4633+ ext 6438              |  leave the future immediately."  
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