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Venezuela ( soc.culture.venezuela )
From [email protected] Fri Apr 16 10:39:13 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Moises Lejter) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain Subject: RFD: soc.culture.venezuela Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 Apr 1993 18:06:13 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Brown University Lines: 143 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3464 news.groups:69899 soc.culture.latin-america:14272 soc.culture.mexican:10356 soc.culture.spain:9469 This is a formal Request for Discussion on the creation of a new newsgroup called "soc.culture.venezuela" (not moderated). NAME: soc.culture.venezuela MODERATION: none CHARTER: A forum to discuss all aspects of Venezuelan culture and society, such as: - Food and crafts - Cultural events (theatre, museums, movies, tv) - News from Venezuela (including sports) - Travel information - Indigenous issues - Environmental issues - Politics related to Venezuela, such as: + Technology transfer + Other countries' foreign policies towards Venezuela + Venezuelan foreign policy + Venezuelan oil policy + Central/South America issues + Developmental issues + Venezuela's role in international affairs - Arts - and much more . . . Informally, a "place" for all those interested in Venezuela and things Venezuelan to meet and chat. Everyone is welcome. RULES: Because soc.culture.venezuela will be unmoderated, anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup. Please refrain from "flames" or insults or unnecessary criticism of a person. Any criticism should be constructive, and polite. Please post your article in a mature and responsible way. LANGUAGES: Primarily Spanish. English and other languages will also be accepted. BACKGROUND: There is already a mailing list for people interested in Venezuela, operating out of MIT, and currently numbered in the 300s. The intent is to create soc.culture.venezuela as an alternative vehicle for communications about Venezuela, so as to reach as wide a public as possible; a mailing list would also be provided as a gateway to the newsgroup, for those unable to access it directly. RFD: The RFD will be sent to the newsgroups news.groups, news.announce.newgroups, soc.culture.latin-america, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.spain, and to the venezuelan mailing list mentioned above and any other venezuelan and ibero-american mailing lists. Follow-ups will be directed to news.groups, as per USENET guidelines. The discussion period will last a month, counting from April 15th, the date the initial RFD message appears in news.announce.newgroups. A second RFD will be published two weeks later (May 1st), reflecting any suggestions made during the discussion. A call for votes will then follow. ---spanish version---version en espa~ol--- NOMBRE: soc.culture.venezuela MODERACION: no moderado. CONSTITUCION: Foro para la discusion de cualquier aspecto relacionado con la sociedad y cultura venezolana, como por ejemplo: - Cocina y artesania - Eventos culturales (teatro, museos, peliculas, tv) - Noticias de Venezuela (incluyendo deportes) - Informacion turistica - Temas indigenas - Temas ambientales - Politica relacionada con Venezuela, como por ejemplo: + Transferencia tecnologica + Politica exterior de otros paises hacia Venezuela + Politica petrolera venezolana + Politica exterior venezolana + Temas relacionados con Centro- y Suramerica + Temas de desarrollo + Papel de Venezuela en los asuntos internacionales - Artes - y muchos mas... Informalmente, un "lugar" donde todos aquellos interesados en Venezuela y las cosas venezolanas se puedan encontrar y conversar. Todos son bienvenidos. REGLAS: Como soc.culture.venezuela sera un grupo no moderado, cualquiera podra enviar articulos a este boletin. Por favor evite enviar "flames", insultos, o criticas individuales destructivas. Cualquier critica debera ser constructiva y cortes. Por favor escriba de forma madura y responsable. IDIOMAS: Principalmente Espa~ol. Tambien se aceptaran Ingles y otros idiomas. HISTORIA: Ya existe una lista de correo electronico para aquellos interesados en Venezuela, la cual opera desde MIT, y cuenta actualmente con mas de 300 miembros. El objetivo es crear soc.culture.venezuela como un vehiculo alternativo para comunicaciones sobre Venezuela, con el objetivo de alcanzar al publico mas amplio posible; tambien se ofrecera una lista de correos, como enlace entre el newsgroup y todos quienes no tengan acceso directo al newsgroup. RFD: La RFD (peticion de discusion) se enviara a los boletines news.groups, news.announce.newgroups, soc.culture.latin-america, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.spain, y a la lista de correos ya existente mencionada arriba y a otras listas de correo venezolanas e ibero-americanas. "Follow-ups" se dirigiran a news.groups, segun las directrices vigentes en USENET. El periodo de discusion durara un mes, a partir de la aparicion inicial de este mensaje en news.announce.newgroups (Abril 15). Una segunda RFD aparecera dos semanas despues (Mayo 1), incluyendo cualquier sugerencia surgida de la discusion. Terminada la discusion, se abrira una votacion para la creacion del boletin. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet/CSnet: [email protected] BITNET: [email protected] UUCP: ...!uunet!!mlm Phone: (401)863-7671 USmail: Moises Lejter, Box 1910 Brown University, Providence RI 02912 From [email protected] Thu May 6 15:01:10 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Moises Lejter) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.venezuela Followup-To: news.groups Date: 4 May 1993 19:45:26 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Brown University Lines: 157 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3544 news.groups:71411 soc.culture.latin-america:15322 soc.culture.mexican:11130 soc.culture.spain:10421 soc.culture.caribbean:2783 This is the second formal Request for Discussion on the creation of a new newsgroup called "soc.culture.venezuela" (not moderated). This RFD has been issued halfway through the discussion period, which is due to finish on May 15th, 1993. A Call-For-Votes will follow, probably on May 17th, 1993. If you would like to participate in this discussion, but have trouble posting, you may send your messages to [email protected] or to this poster ([email protected]), and the message will be forwarded to news.groups. This is the proposed charter for the newsgroup: ---charter--- NAME: soc.culture.venezuela MODERATION: none CHARTER: A forum to discuss all aspects of Venezuelan culture and society, such as: - Food and crafts - Cultural events (theatre, museums, movies, tv) - News from Venezuela (including sports) - Travel information - Indigenous issues - Environmental issues - Politics related to Venezuela, such as: + Technology transfer + Other countries' foreign policies towards Venezuela + Venezuelan foreign policy + Venezuelan oil policy + Central/South America issues + Developmental issues + Venezuela's role in international affairs - Arts - and much more . . . Informally, a "place" for all those interested in Venezuela and things Venezuelan to meet and chat. Everyone is welcome. RULES: Because soc.culture.venezuela will be unmoderated, anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup. Please refrain from "flames" or insults or unnecessary criticism of a person. Any criticism should be constructive, and polite. Please post your article in a mature and responsible way. LANGUAGES: Primarily Spanish. English and other languages will also be accepted. BACKGROUND: There is already a mailing list for people interested in Venezuela, operating out of MIT, and currently numbered in the 300s. The intent is to create soc.culture.venezuela as an alternative vehicle for communications about Venezuela, so as to reach as wide a public as possible; a mailing list would also be provided as a gateway to the newsgroup, for those unable to access it directly. RFD: The RFD will be sent to the newsgroups news.groups, news.announce.newgroups, soc.culture.latin-america, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.spain, and to the venezuelan mailing list mentioned above and any other venezuelan and ibero-american mailing lists. Follow-ups will be directed to news.groups, as per USENET guidelines. The discussion period will last a month, counting from April 15th, the date the initial RFD message appears in news.announce.newgroups. A second RFD will be published two weeks later (May 1st), reflecting any suggestions made during the discussion. A call for votes will then follow. ---spanish version---version en espa~ol--- NOMBRE: soc.culture.venezuela MODERACION: no moderado. CONSTITUCION: Foro para la discusion de cualquier aspecto relacionado con la sociedad y cultura venezolana, como por ejemplo: - Cocina y artesania - Eventos culturales (teatro, museos, peliculas, tv) - Noticias de Venezuela (incluyendo deportes) - Informacion turistica - Temas indigenas - Temas ambientales - Politica relacionada con Venezuela, como por ejemplo: + Transferencia tecnologica + Politica exterior de otros paises hacia Venezuela + Politica petrolera venezolana + Politica exterior venezolana + Temas relacionados con Centro- y Suramerica + Temas de desarrollo + Papel de Venezuela en los asuntos internacionales - Artes - y muchos mas... Informalmente, un "lugar" donde todos aquellos interesados en Venezuela y las cosas venezolanas se puedan encontrar y conversar. Todos son bienvenidos. REGLAS: Como soc.culture.venezuela sera un grupo no moderado, cualquiera podra enviar articulos a este boletin. Por favor evite enviar "flames", insultos, o criticas individuales destructivas. Cualquier critica debera ser constructiva y cortes. Por favor escriba de forma madura y responsable. IDIOMAS: Principalmente Espa~ol. Tambien se aceptaran Ingles y otros idiomas. HISTORIA: Ya existe una lista de correo electronico para aquellos interesados en Venezuela, la cual opera desde MIT, y cuenta actualmente con mas de 300 miembros. El objetivo es crear soc.culture.venezuela como un vehiculo alternativo para comunicaciones sobre Venezuela, con el objetivo de alcanzar al publico mas amplio posible; tambien se ofrecera una lista de correos, como enlace entre el newsgroup y todos quienes no tengan acceso directo al newsgroup. RFD: La RFD (peticion de discusion) se enviara a los boletines news.groups, news.announce.newgroups, soc.culture.latin-america, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.spain, y a la lista de correos ya existente mencionada arriba y a otras listas de correo venezolanas e ibero-americanas. "Follow-ups" se dirigiran a news.groups, segun las directrices vigentes en USENET. El periodo de discusion durara un mes, a partir de la aparicion inicial de este mensaje en news.announce.newgroups (Abril 15). Una segunda RFD aparecera dos semanas despues (Mayo 1), incluyendo cualquier sugerencia surgida de la discusion. Terminada la discusion, se abrira una votacion para la creacion del boletin. ---end of charter--- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet/CSnet: [email protected] BITNET: [email protected] UUCP: ...!uunet!!mlm Phone: (401)863-7671 USmail: Moises Lejter, Box 1910 Brown University, Providence RI 02912 From [email protected] Thu May 20 09:55:41 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Moises Lejter) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: CFV: soc.culture.venezuela Followup-To: poster Date: 19 May 1993 13:29:40 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Brown University Lines: 217 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3603 news.groups:72231 soc.culture.latin-america:15983 soc.culture.mexican:11651 soc.culture.spain:10803 soc.culture.caribbean:2903 This is an official Call-for-Votes for the creation of the newsgroup soc.culture.venezuela Please read the following information carefully, before sending your votes. (In particular, do not post your votes to this newsgroup!) A copy of the charter for the proposed newsgroup appears at the end of this message. Voting Period: Started: Wednesday, May 19, 1993. Ends: Tuesday, June 15, 1993, 23:59 EDT Votes received before or after the voting period will not be counted. This Call For Votes will be posted twice more, with acknowledgement of all votes so far received. The final results will be posted on Friday, June 18, 1993. How to vote: - Votes must be cast by e-mail only. Votes that are posted to USENET will not be counted. - You may NOT vote by proxy. Your friends may NOT vote for you. You must have a valid e-mail address. You may NOT send your vote using an anonymous service. The moderator of a mailing lists may NOT collect votes for his/her members - the members must vote themselves. - You may vote once. The determination will be made based on your unique e-mail address. If there are multiple votes from one address, only the vote with the latest legal timestamp which falls in the time period will be counted. Votes from different Email addresses that are traced back to the same user will be disqualified. - You are voting for the whole proposal as written. Votes such as "I would vote YES, if only this were different ..." will be disqualified. - Votes must be sent within the voting period. - Votes must be sent to: [email protected] Sending your vote: For those who SUPPORT the formation of soc.culture.venezuela -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Send your vote to: [email protected] 2. In the body of the message: I vote YES for soc.culture.venezuela OR I vote in favour of soc.culture.venezuela (or something else similarly clearly phrased.) For those who OPPOSE the formation of soc.culture.venezuela ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Send your vote to: [email protected] 2. In the body of the message: I vote NO for soc.culture.venezuela OR I vote against soc.culture.venezuela (or something else similarly clearly phrased.) If your message is ambiguous, I will reject it, but will notify you, so that you may try again with a clearer statement of your position. The 2 follow-up CFVs will include acknowledgement of all votes received til then - if you fail to see your vote in the follow-up CFV that appears after your vote, please resubmit your vote, and contact me directly at [email protected] so that I will be aware of the problem. Given the current discussion as to whether it is proper to send CFVs to mailing lists, I will refrain from doing so - this CFV will be sent just to the newsgroups listed in the original RFD, but not to the mailing lists also mentioned then. Moises Lejter ---Proposed Charter for soc.culture.venezuela--- NAME: soc.culture.venezuela MODERATION: none CHARTER: A forum to discuss all aspects of Venezuelan culture and society, such as: - Food and crafts - Cultural events (theatre, museums, movies, tv) - News from Venezuela (including sports) - Travel information - Indigenous issues - Environmental issues - Politics related to Venezuela, such as: + Technology transfer + Other countries' foreign policies towards Venezuela + Venezuelan foreign policy + Venezuelan oil policy + Central/South America issues + Developmental issues + Venezuela's role in international affairs - Arts - and much more . . . Informally, a "place" for all those interested in Venezuela and things Venezuelan to meet and chat. Everyone is welcome. RULES: Because soc.culture.venezuela will be unmoderated, anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup. Please refrain from "flames" or insults or unnecessary criticism of a person. Any criticism should be constructive, and polite. Please post your article in a mature and responsible way. LANGUAGES: Primarily Spanish. English and other languages will also be accepted. BACKGROUND: There is already a mailing list for people interested in Venezuela, operating out of MIT, and currently numbered in the 300s. The intent is to create soc.culture.venezuela as an alternative vehicle for communications about Venezuela, so as to reach as wide a public as possible; a mailing list would also be provided as a gateway to the newsgroup, for those unable to access it directly. RFD: The RFD will be sent to the newsgroups news.groups, news.announce.newgroups, soc.culture.latin-america, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.spain, and to the venezuelan mailing list mentioned above and any other venezuelan and ibero-american mailing lists. Follow-ups will be directed to news.groups, as per USENET guidelines. The discussion period will last a month, counting from April 15th, the date the initial RFD message appears in news.announce.newgroups. A second RFD will be published two weeks later (May 1st), reflecting any suggestions made during the discussion. A call for votes will then follow. ---spanish version---version en espa~ol--- NOMBRE: soc.culture.venezuela MODERACION: no moderado. CONSTITUCION: Foro para la discusion de cualquier aspecto relacionado con la sociedad y cultura venezolana, como por ejemplo: - Cocina y artesania - Eventos culturales (teatro, museos, peliculas, tv) - Noticias de Venezuela (incluyendo deportes) - Informacion turistica - Temas indigenas - Temas ambientales - Politica relacionada con Venezuela, como por ejemplo: + Transferencia tecnologica + Politica exterior de otros paises hacia Venezuela + Politica petrolera venezolana + Politica exterior venezolana + Temas relacionados con Centro- y Suramerica + Temas de desarrollo + Papel de Venezuela en los asuntos internacionales - Artes - y muchos mas... Informalmente, un "lugar" donde todos aquellos interesados en Venezuela y las cosas venezolanas se puedan encontrar y conversar. Todos son bienvenidos. REGLAS: Como soc.culture.venezuela sera un grupo no moderado, cualquiera podra enviar articulos a este boletin. Por favor evite enviar "flames", insultos, o criticas individuales destructivas. Cualquier critica debera ser constructiva y cortes. Por favor escriba de forma madura y responsable. IDIOMAS: Principalmente Espa~ol. Tambien se aceptaran Ingles y otros idiomas. HISTORIA: Ya existe una lista de correo electronico para aquellos interesados en Venezuela, la cual opera desde MIT, y cuenta actualmente con mas de 300 miembros. El objetivo es crear soc.culture.venezuela como un vehiculo alternativo para comunicaciones sobre Venezuela, con el objetivo de alcanzar al publico mas amplio posible; tambien se ofrecera una lista de correos, como enlace entre el newsgroup y todos quienes no tengan acceso directo al newsgroup. RFD: La RFD (peticion de discusion) se enviara a los boletines news.groups, news.announce.newgroups, soc.culture.latin-america, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.spain, y a la lista de correos ya existente mencionada arriba y a otras listas de correo venezolanas e ibero-americanas. "Follow-ups" se dirigiran a news.groups, segun las directrices vigentes en USENET. El periodo de discusion durara un mes, a partir de la aparicion inicial de este mensaje en news.announce.newgroups (Abril 15). Una segunda RFD aparecera dos semanas despues (Mayo 1), incluyendo cualquier sugerencia surgida de la discusion. Terminada la discusion, se abrira una votacion para la creacion del boletin. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet/CSnet: [email protected] BITNET: [email protected] UUCP: ...!uunet!!mlm Phone: (401)863-7671 USmail: Moises Lejter, Box 1910 Brown University, Providence RI 02912 From [email protected] Thu Jun 3 17:14:01 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Moises Lejter) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: soc.culture.venezuela Followup-To: poster Date: 3 Jun 1993 12:27:47 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Brown University Lines: 219 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3657 news.groups:73311 soc.culture.latin-america:16237 soc.culture.mexican:11936 soc.culture.spain:11005 soc.culture.caribbean:3008 This is the 2nd official Call-for-Votes for the creation of the newsgroup: soc.culture.venezuela Please read the following information carefully, before sending your votes! (In particular, do not post your votes to this newsgroup!) A copy of the charter for the proposed newsgroup appears at the end of this message. Voting Period: Started: Wednesday, May 19, 1993. Ends: Tuesday, June 15, 1993, 23:59 EDT Votes received before or after the voting period will not be counted. This Call For Votes will be posted twice more, with acknowledgement of all votes so far received. How to vote: - Votes must be cast by e-mail only. Votes that are posted to USENET will not be counted. - You may NOT vote by proxy. Your friends may NOT vote for you. You must have a valid e-mail address. You may NOT send your vote using an anonymous service. The moderator of a mailing lists may NOT collect votes for his/her members - the members must vote themselves. - You may vote once. The determination will be made based on your unique e-mail address. If there are multiple votes from one address, only the vote with the latest legal timestamp which falls in the time period will be counted. Votes from different Email addresses that are traced back to the same user will be disqualified. - You are voting for the whole proposal as written. Votes such as "I would vote YES, if only this were different ..." will be disqualified. - Votes must be sent within the voting period. - Votes must be sent to: [email protected] Sending your vote: For those who SUPPORT the formation of soc.culture.venezuela -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Send your vote to: [email protected] 2. In the body of the message: I vote YES for soc.culture.venezuela OR I vote in favour of soc.culture.venezuela (or something else similarly clearly phrased.) For those who OPPOSE the formation of soc.culture.venezuela ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Send your vote to: [email protected] 2. In the body of the message: I vote NO for soc.culture.venezuela OR I vote against soc.culture.venezuela (or something else similarly clearly phrased.) If your message is ambiguous, I will reject it, but will notify you, so that you may try again with a clearer statement of your position. The 2 follow-up CFVs will include acknowledgement of all votes received til then - if you fail to see your vote in the follow-up CFV that appears after your vote, please resubmit your vote, and contact me directly at [email protected] so that I will be aware of the problem. VOTE ACK: I received votes from the people listed below as of June 01, 00:00 EST. If your name is not on this list, yet you sent in your vote, please send me mail directly at [email protected] (I have done only minimal checks for repeated addresses so far.) 05-18 - [email protected] 05-19 - [email protected] (David Kaminsky) 05-19 - Daniel Barbara <[email protected]> 05-19 - Evan Kirshenbaum <[email protected]> 05-19 - Brian SPENCER <[email protected]> 05-19 - Bruce Tindall <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Pablo Kleinman) 05-19 - [email protected] (Erdwing Coronado) 05-19 - lperez%[email protected] 05-19 - [email protected] (Jorge Novillo) 05-19 - [email protected] (Matthias Georg Imhof) 05-19 - Alberto Torres <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Jose Luis Molina-paez) 05-19 - [email protected] (Forrest Smith) 05-19 - Enrique Novoa <[email protected]> 05-19 - Michel Olmi <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Eduardo Mendez) 05-19 - [email protected] (Ruiz Alejandro) 05-19 - [email protected] (Pedro J. Moreno) 05-19 - "Eric J. Olson" <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Jorge Fajardo) 05-19 - [email protected] 05-19 - Jose Alberto Fernandez R. <[email protected]> 05-19 - Julio VIDAL[email protected]> 05-19 - Russ Carpenito [email protected]> 05-20 - "David G. Turnquist" [email protected]> 05-20 - Fariborz Shahzamani [email protected]> 05-20 - "Andres L. Pacheco Sanfuentes" <[email protected]> 05-20 - Werner Uhrig <[email protected]> 05-20 - STEPHEN%[email protected] 05-20 - "Adelmo Monsalve G." <[email protected]> 05-20 - Geoffrey Spear <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (Pedro Muino) 05-20 - [email protected] (Genaro Diaz Chourio) 05-20 - "J. R. Caminos" [email protected]> 05-20 - Murray Nesbitt 05-20 - Shane Hartman <[email protected]> 05-20 - Mr. Pedro Blanco [email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] (Miguel Ansaras Rey) 05-20 - "Carolina Garcia" <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (Dexter P. Bradshaw [CS]) 05-20 - "Rafael Gutie'rrez" <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (O. Colmenares) 05-20 - Juan Parra <[email protected]> 05-20 - "Luis E. Pacheco" <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] (juan arias) 05-20 - [email protected] (Chris Marble) 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] (Tom Culliton x2278) 05-20 - "JUAN C. ORTIZ" <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (David A. Koufaty) 05-20 - [email protected] (Douglas Garcia-Gonzalez) 05-20 - "ARIAS, JULIO M" <[email protected]> 05-21 - jfortt <[email protected]> 05-21 - luis <[email protected]> 05-21 - Rafael Aguilar <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Gioconda E Perez-snyder) 05-21 - [email protected] (Herbert M Petro) 05-21 - [email protected] (Roberto Hernandez M. (UCV)) 05-21 - [email protected] (McCuack) 05-21 - [email protected] (John Murray) 05-21 - JORGE TORRES <[email protected]> 05-21 - Diego Serebrisky <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Pedro Peralta) 05-21 - Luis Hernandez <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] 05-21 - FELIPE TRIBALDOS <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] 05-21 - Carlos Gonzalez <[email protected]> 05-21 - "Silverio J. Gonzalez" <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Freddy Gonzalez) 05-21 - [email protected] (Carmen A. Perez) 05-21 - LDC - Carmine Di Biase Cardone <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Operator) 05-21 - [email protected] (Luis F. Marval) 05-22 - Guy Umbright <[email protected]> 05-22 - Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a <[email protected]> 05-22 - Luis Plana <[email protected]> 05-22 - [email protected] (Laurence Davis) 05-22 - [email protected] (Julian Macassey) 05-22 - [email protected] (Zahie Anka) 05-22 - [email protected] 05-22 - [email protected] (Ysabel Baradlay) 05-23 - Andres Espineira <[email protected]> 05-23 - Tony Bermudez <[email protected]> 05-24 - [email protected] (Stuart Mccook) 05-24 - [email protected] 05-24 - [email protected] (Omar ANGOLA) 05-24 - [email protected] (Paulo da Costa 42147) 05-24 - Francois Franceschi <[email protected]> 05-24 - Guido Mensching <[email protected]> 05-24 - [email protected] 05-24 - khaled smaili <[email protected]> 05-24 - khaled smaili <[email protected]> 05-24 - [email protected] (Luis Jahn) 05-24 - [email protected] 05-25 - Pedro Lima <[email protected]> 05-25 - [email protected] (Samuel Mendoza) 05-25 - "Angel R. Puerta" <[email protected]> 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - [email protected] (Carlos Rodriguez-Salazar) 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - Ramon F Herrera <[email protected]> 05-25 - [email protected] (Jose Luis Artigas - Reg.Sales Mgr. Sun Venezuela) 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - Oscar Naim <[email protected]> 05-26 - [email protected] (Luis Emilio Guerrero) 05-26 - [email protected] (Inst. Calculo Aplicado (LUZ)) 05-26 - [email protected] (Cosimo Stufano C. (LUZ)) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] (Carlo Caputo) 05-26 - [email protected] (stud-i4) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - eccsrd!carlosm (Carlos Morillo) 05-26 - [email protected] (Comision de Carrera de Licenciatura en Biologia) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] (Federico Giovannetti) 05-27 - Wladimir Labeikovsky <[email protected]> 05-27 - [email protected] 05-27 - [email protected] 05-27 - [email protected] (Santiago Newbery) 05-27 - [email protected] (Carlos Morales (LUZ)) 05-29 - [email protected] 05-29 - Ananias Escalante <[email protected]> 05-29 - [email protected] (Diego Romano Tamburini) 05-29 - [email protected] (Rui Teixeira P. (UCV)) 05-30 - [email protected] (Javier Sasso R. (UCAB)) 05-30 - Miguel Angel Lopez <[email protected]> 05-31 - "National Standards Assoc." <[email protected]> 05-31 - [email protected] (Don Gardner) 05-31 - Rene Utrera <[email protected]> 05-31 - [email protected] Moises Lejter -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet/CSnet: [email protected] BITNET: [email protected] UUCP: ...!uunet!!mlm Phone: (401)863-7671 USmail: Moises Lejter, Box 1910 Brown University, Providence RI 02912 From [email protected] Fri Jun 11 15:55:42 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Moises Lejter) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: soc.culture.venezuela Followup-To: poster Date: 11 Jun 1993 14:00:18 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Brown University Lines: 254 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3694 news.groups:73773 soc.culture.latin-america:16439 soc.culture.mexican:12063 soc.culture.spain:11232 soc.culture.caribbean:3107 This is the 3rd official Call-for-Votes for the creation of the newsgroup: soc.culture.venezuela Please read the following information carefully, before sending your votes! (In particular, do not post your votes to this newsgroup!) A copy of the charter for the proposed newsgroup appears at the end of this message. Voting Period: Started: Wednesday, May 19, 1993. Ends: Tuesday, June 15, 1993, 23:59 EDT Votes received before or after the voting period will not be counted. This is the last posting of the Call For Votes. How to vote: - Votes must be cast by e-mail only. Votes that are posted to USENET will not be counted. - You may NOT vote by proxy. Your friends may NOT vote for you. You must have a valid e-mail address. You may NOT send your vote using an anonymous service. The moderator of a mailing lists may NOT collect votes for his/her members - the members must vote themselves. - You may vote once. The determination will be made based on your unique e-mail address. If there are multiple votes from one address, only the vote with the latest legal timestamp which falls in the time period will be counted. Votes from different Email addresses that are traced back to the same user will be disqualified. - You are voting for the whole proposal as written. Votes such as "I would vote YES, if only this were different ..." will be disqualified. - Votes must be sent within the voting period. - Votes must be sent to: [email protected] Sending your vote: For those who SUPPORT the formation of soc.culture.venezuela -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Send your vote to: [email protected] 2. In the body of the message: I vote YES for soc.culture.venezuela OR I vote in favour of soc.culture.venezuela (or something else similarly clearly phrased.) For those who OPPOSE the formation of soc.culture.venezuela ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Send your vote to: [email protected] 2. In the body of the message: I vote NO for soc.culture.venezuela OR I vote against soc.culture.venezuela (or something else similarly clearly phrased.) If your message is ambiguous, I will reject it, but will notify you, so that you may try again with a clearer statement of your position. VOTE ACK: I received votes from the people listed below as of June 07, 00:00 EDT. If your name is not on this list, yet you sent in your vote, please send me mail directly at [email protected] (I have done only minimal checks for repeated addresses so far.) When votes were received multiple times from the same account, only the last date received (the one that counts) is listed. 05-19 - [email protected] (David Kaminsky) 05-19 - Daniel Barbara <[email protected]> 05-19 - Evan Kirshenbaum <[email protected]> 05-19 - Brian SPENCER <[email protected]> 05-19 - Bruce Tindall <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Pablo Kleinman) 05-19 - [email protected] (Erdwing Coronado) 05-19 - lperez%[email protected] 05-19 - [email protected] (Jorge Novillo) 05-19 - [email protected] (Matthias Georg Imhof) 05-19 - Alberto Torres <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Jose Luis Molina-paez) 05-19 - [email protected] (Forrest Smith) 05-19 - Enrique Novoa <[email protected]> 05-19 - Michel Olmi <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Eduardo Mendez) 05-19 - [email protected] (Ruiz Alejandro) 05-19 - [email protected] (Pedro J. Moreno) 05-19 - Eric J. Olson <[email protected]> 05-19 - [email protected] (Jorge Fajardo) 05-19 - [email protected] 05-19 - Jose Alberto Fernandez R. <[email protected]> 05-19 - Julio VIDAL [email protected]> 05-19 - Russ Carpenito [email protected]> 05-20 - David G. Turnquist [email protected]> 05-20 - Fariborz Shahzamani [email protected]> 05-20 - Andres L. Pacheco Sanfuentes <[email protected]> 05-20 - Werner Uhrig <[email protected]> 05-20 - STEPHEN%[email protected] 05-20 - Adelmo Monsalve G. <[email protected]> 05-20 - Geoffrey Spear <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (Pedro Muino) 05-20 - [email protected] (Genaro Diaz Chourio) 05-20 - J. R. Caminos [email protected]> 05-20 - Murray Nesbitt 05-20 - Shane Hartman <[email protected]> 05-20 - Mr. Pedro Blanco [email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] (Miguel Ansaras Rey) 05-20 - Carolina Garcia <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (Dexter P. Bradshaw [CS]) 05-20 - Rafael Gutie'rrez <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (O. Colmenares) 05-20 - Juan Parra <[email protected]> 05-20 - Luis E. Pacheco <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] (juan arias) 05-20 - [email protected]du (Chris Marble) 05-20 - [email protected] 05-20 - [email protected] (Tom Culliton x2278) 05-20 - JUAN C. ORTIZ <[email protected]> 05-20 - [email protected] (David A. Koufaty) 05-20 - [email protected] (Douglas Garcia-Gonzalez) 05-20 - ARIAS, JULIO M <[email protected]> 05-21 - jfortt <[email protected]> 05-21 - luis <[email protected]> 05-21 - Rafael Aguilar <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Gioconda E Perez-snyder) 05-21 - [email protected] (Herbert M Petro) 05-21 - [email protected] (Roberto Hernandez M. (UCV)) 05-21 - [email protected] (McCuack) 05-21 - [email protected] (John Murray) 05-21 - JORGE TORRES <[email protected]> 05-21 - Diego Serebrisky <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Pedro Peralta) 05-21 - Luis Hernandez <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] 05-21 - FELIPE TRIBALDOS <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] 05-21 - Carlos Gonzalez <[email protected]> 05-21 - Silverio J. Gonzalez <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Freddy Gonzalez) 05-21 - [email protected] (Carmen A. Perez) 05-21 - LDC - Carmine Di Biase Cardone <[email protected]> 05-21 - [email protected] (Operator) 05-21 - [email protected] (Luis F. Marval) 05-22 - Guy Umbright <[email protected]> 05-22 - Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a <[email protected]> 05-22 - Luis Plana <[email protected]> 05-22 - [email protected] (Laurence Davis) 05-22 - [email protected] (Julian Macassey) 05-22 - [email protected] (Zahie Anka) 05-22 - [email protected] 05-22 - [email protected] (Ysabel Baradlay) 05-23 - Andres Espineira <[email protected]> 05-23 - Tony Bermudez <[email protected]> 05-24 - [email protected] (Stuart Mccook) 05-24 - [email protected] 05-24 - [email protected] (Omar ANGOLA) 05-24 - [email protected] (Paulo da Costa 42147) 05-24 - Francois Franceschi <[email protected]> 05-24 - khaled smaili <[email protected]> 05-24 - [email protected] (Luis Jahn) 05-24 - [email protected] 05-25 - Pedro Lima <[email protected]> 05-25 - [email protected] (Samuel Mendoza) 05-25 - Angel R. Puerta <[email protected]> 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - [email protected] (Carlos Rodriguez-Salazar) 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - Ramon F Herrera <[email protected]> 05-25 - [email protected] (Jose Luis Artigas - Reg.Sales Mgr. Sun Venezuela) 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - [email protected] 05-25 - Oscar Naim <[email protected]> 05-26 - [email protected] (Luis Emilio Guerrero) 05-26 - [email protected] (Inst. Calculo Aplicado (LUZ)) 05-26 - [email protected] (Cosimo Stufano C. (LUZ)) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] (Carlo Caputo) 05-26 - [email protected] (stud-i4) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - eccsrd!carlosm (Carlos Morillo) 05-26 - [email protected] (Comision de Carrera de Licenciatura en Biologia) 05-26 - [email protected] 05-26 - [email protected] (Federico Giovannetti) 05-27 - Wladimir Labeikovsky <[email protected]> 05-27 - [email protected] 05-27 - [email protected] 05-27 - [email protected] (Santiago Newbery) 05-27 - [email protected] (Carlos Morales (LUZ)) 05-29 - [email protected] 05-29 - Ananias Escalante <[email protected]> 05-29 - [email protected] (Diego Romano Tamburini) 05-29 - [email protected] (Rui Teixeira P. (UCV)) 05-30 - [email protected] (Javier Sasso R. (UCAB)) 05-30 - Miguel Angel Lopez <[email protected]> 05-31 - National Standards Assoc. <[email protected]> 05-31 - [email protected] (Don Gardner) 05-31 - Rene Utrera <[email protected]> 05-31 - [email protected] 06-01 - [email protected] (Federico Gattorno C. (Hosp. Universitario)) 06-01 - [email protected] 06-01 - [email protected] (Albrecht Ernst IK III / INFP-VdG) 06-01 - [email protected] 06-01 - [email protected] (Walter A. Manrique) 06-02 - Hardcore Alaskan <[email protected]> 06-02 - SARA GRASSI <[email protected]> 06-02 - Eduardo Ferreira [email protected]> 06-03 - Alessio Bragadini <[email protected]> 06-03 - [email protected] (Malcolm Austin) 06-03 - Gil Neiger <[email protected]> 06-03 - [email protected] (Joel Plutchak) 06-03 - [email protected] (Ange R. Perrault) 06-03 - Guido Mensching <[email protected]> 06-03 - [email protected] (Murali K. Parimi) 06-04 - Steve Frampton <[email protected]> 06-04 - Carlos Gimenez <[email protected]> 06-04 - [email protected] 06-04 - [email protected] (Esli Hernandez) 06-04 - Mrs. Adriana G. Rota [email protected]> 06-04 - Luis Tavera <[email protected]> 06-04 - [email protected] 06-04 - [email protected] 06-04 - [email protected] 06-04 - [email protected] (Rafael Tovar) 06-04 - [email protected] (B.J.) 06-04 - [email protected] (Teppo Hyytia) 06-04 - [email protected] (Pekka Pohjanjoki) 06-04 - Myriam Batista <[email protected]> 06-04 - [email protected] (Milt Shapiro) 06-04 - [email protected] (SVEN HEINICKE) 06-04 - John Walker <[email protected]> 06-04 - [email protected] (Jun Hong) 06-05 - [email protected] (Guillermo Antonio Lopez (emsca)) 06-05 - [email protected] (Soraya Abad Mota) 06-05 - alberto rios [email protected]> 06-05 - Rich Berkley <[email protected]> 06-05 - [email protected] (Naubert Aparicio (USB)) 06-05 - Georg Schwarz <[email protected]> 06-06 - Michael Pearlman [email protected]> 06-06 - [email protected] (GUVENILIR,ABBAS) 06-06 - [email protected] (Carlos G Mendioroz) 06-06 - Ariel Sinderman <[email protected]> Bitnet <[email protected]> 06-06 - Arturo Puente <[email protected]> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet/CSnet: [email protected] BITNET: [email protected] UUCP: ...!uunet!!mlm Phone: (401)863-7671 USmail: Moises Lejter, Box 1910 Brown University, Providence RI 02912 From [email protected] Wed Jun 23 21:14:38 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Moises Lejter) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.caribbean Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.venezuela passes 208:22 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 21 Jun 1993 16:35:34 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Brown University Lines: 259 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3728 news.groups:74682 soc.culture.latin-america:16769 soc.culture.mexican:12243 soc.culture.spain:11469 soc.culture.caribbean:3161 The results of the CFV for the creation of soc.culture.venezuela are in. The creation of the newsgroups is approved, with 208 votes for the creation of the newsgroup, versus 22 votes against. If you were one of the voters in this proposal, please take a moment to check that your name appears properly in the acknowledgement below. Please direct any questions to me at [email protected] Voters FOR the creation of the newsgroup soc.culture.venezuela: date name ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05-21 Rafael Aguilar <[email protected]> 05-19 Ruiz Alejandro <[email protected]> 05-24 Omar ANGOLA <[email protected]> 05-22 Zahie Anka <[email protected]> 06-05 Naubert Aparicio (USB) <[email protected]> 05-20 juan arias <[email protected]> 05-25 Jose Luis Artigas - Reg.Sales Mgr. Sun Venezuela <[email protected]> 05-31 National Standards Assoc. <[email protected]> 06-12 Nestor V. Queipo B. <[email protected]> 06-04 B.J. <[email protected]> 05-22 Ysabel Baradlay <[email protected]> 05-19 Daniel Barbara <[email protected]> 06-04 Myriam Batista <[email protected]> 06-05 Rich Berkley <[email protected]> 05-23 Tony Bermudez <[email protected]> 05-20 Mr. Pedro Blanco [email protected]> 05-20 Dexter P. Bradshaw [CS] <[email protected]> 06-03 Alessio Bragadini <[email protected]> 06-14 GIL CAMACHO (312) 764-0039 [email protected]> 05-20 J. R. Caminos [email protected]> 06-11 Edgard Capdevielle <[email protected]> 05-26 Carlo Caputo <[email protected]> 06-11 Ricardo Cardenas <[email protected]> 05-21 LDC - Carmine Di Biase Cardone <[email protected]> 06-11 Jesus Cardozo (FUNVENA) <[email protected]> 05-19 Russ Carpenito [email protected]> 06-12 Ivan M CaveroBelaunde <[email protected]> 06-12 CC <[email protected]> 06-14 Alan Cibils <[email protected]> 05-20 O. Colmenares <[email protected]> 05-26 Comision de Carrera de Licenciatura en Biologia <[email protected]> 05-19 Erdwing Coronado <[email protected]> 06-15 David Alejandro Coronel R. <[email protected]> 05-22 Laurence Davis <[email protected]> 05-20 Genaro Diaz Chourio <[email protected]> 06-01 Albrecht Ernst IK III / INFP-VdG <[email protected]> 05-29 Ananias Escalante <[email protected]> 05-23 Andres Espineira <[email protected]> 06-13 Armando Guevara-Gil & Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto <[email protected]> 05-19 Jorge Fajardo <[email protected]> 06-02 Eduardo Ferreira [email protected]> 06-12 Thomas Fischer <[email protected]> 06-04 Steve Frampton <[email protected]> 05-24 Francois Franceschi <[email protected]> 06-14 Freire Couselo Eugenio Jose <[email protected]> 05-20 Adelmo Monsalve G. <[email protected]> 05-20 Carolina Garcia <[email protected]> 05-20 Douglas Garcia-Gonzalez <[email protected]> 05-31 Don Gardner <[email protected]> 06-01 Federico Gattorno C. (Hosp. Universitario) <[email protected]> 06-04 Carlos Gimenez <[email protected]> 05-26 Federico Giovannetti <[email protected]> 06-15 Mariano Ariel Godoy <[email protected]> 06-14 Pedro Gomis <[email protected]> 05-21 Carlos Gonzalez <[email protected]> 05-21 Freddy Gonzalez <[email protected]> 05-21 Silverio J. Gonzalez <[email protected]> 06-02 SARA GRASSI <[email protected]> 05-26 Luis Emilio Guerrero <[email protected]> 05-20 Rafael Gutie'rrez <[email protected]> 06-06 GUVENILIR,ABBAS <[email protected]> 05-21 Luis Hernandez <[email protected]> 05-21 Roberto Hernandez M. (UCV) <[email protected]> 06-12 Rafael E. Herrera <[email protected]> 06-15 Herbert Hoeger <[email protected]> 06-04 Jun Hong <[email protected]> 06-04 Teppo Hyytia <[email protected]> 06-11 Milagro Iborra <[email protected]> 05-19 Matthias Georg Imhof <[email protected]> 05-26 Inst. Calculo Aplicado (LUZ) <[email protected]> 05-24 Luis Jahn <[email protected]> 05-21 jfortt <[email protected]> 06-07 Dimitris Kalles <[email protected]> 05-19 David Kaminsky <[email protected]> 05-19 Evan Kirshenbaum <[email protected]> 05-19 Pablo Kleinman <[email protected]> 05-20 David A. Koufaty <[email protected]> 05-26 Humberto J La Roche <[email protected]> 06-15 Nelly Lejter <[email protected]> 05-25 Pedro Lima <[email protected]> 06-12 Gustavo Llavaneras <[email protected]> 05-30 Miguel Angel Lopez <[email protected]> 06-05 Guillermo Antonio Lopez (emsca) <[email protected]> 05-21 luis <[email protected]> 05-20 ARIAS, JULIO M <[email protected]> 06-12 Jesus M. Castagnetto M. <[email protected]> 06-10 Luigi Manna <[email protected]> 06-01 Walter A. Manrique <[email protected]> 05-21 Luis F. Marval <[email protected]> 06-01 Carlos G Mayorca <[email protected]> 05-24 Stuart Mccook <[email protected]> 05-21 McCuack <[email protected]> 05-19 Eduardo Mendez <[email protected]> 06-06 Carlos G Mendioroz <[email protected]> 05-25 Samuel Mendoza <[email protected]> 06-13 Isabelle Mendoza <[email protected]> 05-24 Guido Mensching <[email protected]> 06-03 Guido Mensching <[email protected]> 05-19 Jose Luis Molina-paez <[email protected]> 05-27 Carlos Morales (LUZ) <[email protected]> 05-19 Pedro J. Moreno <[email protected]> 06-15 Pedro J Moreno <[email protected]> 05-26 Carlos Morillo 06-05 Soraya Abad Mota <[email protected]> 05-20 Pedro Muino <[email protected]> 05-21 John Murray <[email protected]> 05-25 Oscar Naim <[email protected]> 06-03 Gil Neiger <[email protected]> 05-27 Santiago Newbery <[email protected]> 06-11 Maria Eugenia Nino <[email protected]> 05-19 Jorge Novillo <[email protected]> 05-19 Enrique Novoa <[email protected]> 06-15 Antonio Gabriel Oliveira Moreira <[email protected]> 05-19 Michel Olmi <[email protected]> 05-21 Operator <[email protected]> 06-14 Jaime Duran Orozco <[email protected]> 05-20 JUAN C. ORTIZ <[email protected]> 06-12 Stan Osborne <[email protected]> 05-20 Andres L. Pacheco Sanfuentes <[email protected]> 05-20 Luis E. Pacheco <[email protected]> 06-12 Jose Palacios <[email protected]> 06-11 Martin D. Paredes <[email protected]> 06-03 Murali K. Parimi <[email protected]> 05-20 Juan Parra <[email protected]> 06-06 Michael Pearlman [email protected]> 06-09 Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <[email protected]> 05-21 Pedro Peralta <[email protected]> 05-21 Carmen A. Perez <[email protected]> 05-21 Gioconda E Perez-snyder <[email protected]> 06-03 Ange R. Perrault <[email protected]> 05-22 Luis Plana <[email protected]> 06-04 Pekka Pohjanjoki <[email protected]> 06-06 Arturo Puente <[email protected]> 05-25 Angel R. Puerta <[email protected]> 06-12 Jorge Pullin <[email protected]> 06-09 Ruben Quintero <[email protected]> 05-19 Jose Alberto Fernandez R. <[email protected]> 06-11 rapb86 <[email protected]> 05-20 Miguel Ansaras Rey <[email protected]> 06-05 alberto rios [email protected]> 05-25 Carlos Rodriguez-Salazar <[email protected]> 05-29 Diego Romano Tamburini <[email protected]> 06-04 Mrs. Adriana G. Rota [email protected]> 06-12 Andres Pablo Salanova <[email protected]> 05-22 Jesus Eugenio Sanchez Pe~a <[email protected]> 06-04 Jose Sandoval <[email protected]> 05-30 Javier Sasso R. (UCAB) <[email protected]> 06-05 Georg Schwarz <[email protected]> 05-21 Diego Serebrisky <[email protected]> 05-20 Fariborz Shahzamani [email protected]> 06-04 Milt Shapiro <[email protected]> 06-06 Ariel Sinderman <[email protected]> Bitnet <[email protected]> 05-24 khaled smaili <[email protected]> 05-19 Forrest Smith <[email protected]> 05-20 Geoffrey Spear <[email protected]> 05-19 Brian SPENCER <[email protected]> 05-26 stud-i4 <[email protected]> 05-26 Cosimo Stufano C. (LUZ) <[email protected]> 06-04 Luis Tavera <[email protected]> 05-29 Rui Teixeira P. (UCV) <[email protected]> 05-19 Bruce Tindall <[email protected]> 05-19 Alberto Torres <[email protected]> 05-21 JORGE TORRES <[email protected]> 06-04 Rafael Tovar <[email protected]> 05-21 FELIPE TRIBALDOS <[email protected]> 05-20 David G. Turnquist [email protected]> 05-20 Werner Uhrig <[email protected]> 05-31 Rene Utrera <[email protected]> 05-19 Julio VIDAL [email protected]> 06-07 ANAIS VILLALOBOS <[email protected]> 06-09 Alfredo Viola <[email protected]> 06-04 John Walker <[email protected]> 05-19 [email protected]> 05-20 <[email protected]> 05-20 <[email protected]> 05-20 <[email protected]> 05-20 <[email protected]> 05-20 [email protected]> 05-21 <[email protected]> 05-21 <[email protected]> 05-22 <[email protected]> 05-24 <[email protected]> 05-25 <[email protected]> 05-25 <[email protected]> 05-25 <[email protected]> 05-25 <[email protected]> 05-26 <[email protected]> 05-26 <[email protected]> 05-26 <[email protected]> 05-26 <[email protected]> 05-27 <[email protected]> 05-27 <[email protected]> 05-29 <[email protected]> 06-01 <[email protected]> 06-04 <[email protected]> 06-04 <[email protected]> 06-04 <[email protected]> 06-04 <[email protected]> 06-07 <[email protected]> 06-08 <[email protected]> 06-08 <[email protected]> 06-09 <[email protected]> 06-11 <[email protected]> 06-12 <[email protected]> 06-14 [email protected]> 06-14 [email protected]> 06-14 [email protected]> 06-15 <[email protected]> Voters AGAINST the creation of the newsgroup soc.culture.venezuela: date name ----- ------------------------------------------------ 05-24 Paulo da Costa 42147 <[email protected]> 06-02 Hardcore Alaskan <[email protected]> 06-03 Malcolm Austin <[email protected]> 05-20 Tom Culliton x2278 <[email protected]> 06-12 Kirk W Goodwin <[email protected]> 05-20 Shane Hartman <[email protected]> 06-04 SVEN HEINICKE <[email protected]> 06-04 Esli Hernandez <[email protected]> 05-27 Wladimir Labeikovsky <[email protected]> 05-31 05-31 Jim Laredo <[email protected]> 05-22 Julian Macassey <[email protected]> 05-20 Chris Marble <[email protected]> 05-20 Richard H. Miller <[email protected]> 05-20 Murray Nesbitt 05-19 Eric J. Olson <[email protected]> 05-21 Herbert M Petro <[email protected]> 06-03 Joel Plutchak <[email protected]> 06-12 Patrick Tufts <[email protected]> 05-22 Guy Umbright <[email protected]> 05-26 Gregory G. Woodbury <[email protected]> 05-19 <[email protected]> 05-24 <[email protected]> Thank you all for participating in this vote. The verification of votes and their classification were done by hand - please excuse any problems that may have been introduced... Moises Lejter -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet/CSnet: [email protected] BITNET: [email protected] UUCP: ...!uunet!!mlm Phone: (401)863-7671 USmail: Moises Lejter, Box 1910 Brown University, Providence RI 02912
BIG-8 hierarchies are the 8 traditional top hierarchies of the Usenet. See the following page for more