From [email protected] Wed Jul 20 20:26:23 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Scott Forbes)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.startrek.misc,rec.arts.startrek.current,rec.arts.startrek.fandom,rec.arts.sf.misc
Subject: RFD: rec.arts.startrek.future-society
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 20 Jul 1994 20:20:21 -0400
Organization: AT&T Network Wireless Systems, Naperville IL
Lines: 19
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5354 news.groups:108943 rec.arts.startrek.misc:43999 rec.arts.startrek.current:90225 rec.arts.startrek.fandom:9581 rec.arts.sf.misc:8394

This is a formal Request For Discussion of the proposed newsgroup

rec.arts.startrek.future-society              (unmoderated)
  Discussions of X-ism in Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future.

The proposed newsgroup would be a forum for discussions of race, sex,
sexual preference, politics, values, ethnocentrism (species-centrism?)
and other topics related to "Star Trek"'s portrayal of future society.
Lengthy discussions of (and passionate arguemnts about) these topics
are becoming a regular occurrence in the rec.arts.startrek.current and
rec.arts.startrek.misc newsgroups; if enacted, this proposal would
split off this traffic and create a separate group for it.

Formal discussion should take place for the next 30 days or so in
news.groups; followups are directed there.
If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on
this section only.  Do not turn to any other section of the test.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Sep 21 18:35:46 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.startrek.current,rec.arts.startrek.fandom,,rec.arts.startrek.misc,rec.arts.sf.misc,,
Subject: CFV: rec.arts.startrek.future-society
Followup-To: poster
Date: 21 Sep 1994 18:18:38 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 44
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 14 Oct 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5659 news.groups:117096 rec.arts.startrek.current:99611 rec.arts.startrek.fandom:10860 rec.arts.startrek.misc:47440 rec.arts.sf.misc:8899

		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
	  unmoderated group rec.arts.startrek.future-society

Newsgroups line:
rec.arts.startrek.future-society	Racism and sexism in the future.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 13 October 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Scott Forbes 


Discussions of race, sex, sexual preference, politics, values,
ethnocentrism (species-centrism?) and other topics related to "Star
Trek"'s portrayal of future society.

The proposed newsgroup would be a forum for discussions of race, sex,
sexual preference, politics, values, ethnocentrism (species-centrism?)
and other topics related to "Star Trek"'s portrayal of future society.
Lengthy discussions of (and passionate arguemnts about) these topics
are becoming a regular occurrence in the rec.arts.startrek.current and
rec.arts.startrek.misc newsgroups; if enacted, this proposal would
split off this traffic and create a separate group for it.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on rec.arts.startrek.future-society
      I vote NO on rec.arts.startrek.future-society

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Fri Sep 30 13:21:47 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.startrek.current,rec.arts.startrek.fandom,,rec.arts.startrek.misc,rec.arts.sf.misc,
Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.arts.startrek.future-society
Followup-To: poster
Date: 30 Sep 1994 09:57:47 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 50
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 14 Oct 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5709 news.groups:118374 rec.arts.startrek.current:101479 rec.arts.startrek.fandom:11050 rec.arts.startrek.misc:47944 rec.arts.sf.misc:9027

                     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
          unmoderated group rec.arts.startrek.future-society

Newsgroups line:
rec.arts.startrek.future-society        Racism and sexism in the future.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 13 October 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Scott Forbes 


Discussions of race, sex, sexual preference, politics, values,
ethnocentrism (species-centrism?) and other topics related to "Star
Trek"'s portrayal of future society.

The proposed newsgroup would be a forum for discussions of race, sex,
sexual preference, politics, values, ethnocentrism (species-centrism?)
and other topics related to "Star Trek"'s portrayal of future society.
Lengthy discussions of (and passionate arguemnts about) these topics
are becoming a regular occurrence in the rec.arts.startrek.current and
rec.arts.startrek.misc newsgroups; if enacted, this proposal would
split off this traffic and create a separate group for it.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on rec.arts.startrek.future-society
      I vote NO on rec.arts.startrek.future-society

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

rec.arts.startrek.future-society Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]                                                    

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue Nov  1 18:33:02 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.arts.startrek.current,rec.arts.startrek.fandom,,rec.arts.startrek.misc,rec.arts.sf.misc,,
Subject: RESULT: rec.arts.startrek.future-society 261:232
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 1 Nov 1994 17:57:59 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 558
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5875 news.groups:122137 rec.arts.startrek.current:108336 rec.arts.startrek.fandom:11922 rec.arts.startrek.misc:50341 rec.arts.sf.misc:9477

   unmoderated group rec.arts.startrek.future-society fails 261:232

There were 261 YES votes and 232 NO votes, for a total of 493 valid votes. 
There were 5 abstains and 5 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. 

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted. 
Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group may
not be voted on again for six months.

Newsgroups line:
rec.arts.startrek.future-society        Racism and sexism in the future.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Scott Forbes 


Discussions of race, sex, sexual preference, politics, values,
ethnocentrism (species-centrism?) and other topics related to "Star
Trek"'s portrayal of future society.

The proposed newsgroup would be a forum for discussions of race, sex,
sexual preference, politics, values, ethnocentrism (species-centrism?)
and other topics related to "Star Trek"'s portrayal of future society.
Lengthy discussions of (and passionate arguemnts about) these topics
are becoming a regular occurrence in the rec.arts.startrek.current and
rec.arts.startrek.misc newsgroups; if enacted, this proposal would
split off this traffic and create a separate group for it.

rec.arts.startrek.future-society Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                            John Bulaga
[email protected]                            Arthur Bernard Byrne
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                 Jason D Adams
[email protected]                                   Christian G. Allred
[email protected]                                  Austin George Loomis
[email protected]                                     Michael Altarriba
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                       Michael King
[email protected]                                      Sven Anders
[email protected]                                                 Andre Durdin
[email protected]                                           ALLEN NEWMAN
[email protected]                                       Michael Lawrence Loehr
[email protected]                                          Bernd Raschke
[email protected]                                 Pierre J.J. Belanger
[email protected]                                   Virgil T. Morant
[email protected]                                         Allen L. Spruill
[email protected]                                       Astrid Trimpin
[email protected]                                       Gary Bronstein
[email protected]                                          Aumont Denis
[email protected]                                             Michael A. Perry
[email protected]                                               Bruce J. Barton
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                          Brian Eugene Wood
[email protected]                                               Bob MacDowell
[email protected]                                          Niels Olof Bouvin
[email protected]                                                       Paul Lin
[email protected]                             Brendan Williamson
[email protected]                                           Bruce Mardle
[email protected]                                              Bruce Walton
[email protected]                                                     William Denton
[email protected]                                            Eric C. Carlson
[email protected]                                              Chris Blaise
[email protected]                                      CATHERINE CORNUT
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                    Richard Charles Cobbe
[email protected]                                        T. Allen Cole
[email protected]                                      David E. Cooper
[email protected]                                  John D. Crocetti
[email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                              Mr A Main
[email protected]                                 Cyber Surfer
[email protected]                                              Daniel A Ponech
[email protected]                                       David Henderson
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                           Diana Fain
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                             Doug Gosling
[email protected]                                   Daniel A. Hartung
[email protected]                                        Dieter Kohl
[email protected]                                        Dirk Loedding
[email protected]                                          Dennis G. Jerz
[email protected]                                        douglas charles lewis
[email protected]                                                      
dmigicov{RCI/RCIRSSNA/dmigicov}%[email protected]                 
[email protected]                                                      Tim Drake
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                               Ducharme Jean-Francois
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                             Eick Wagner
[email protected]                                                   Eric Nelson
[email protected]                                                ENNEAD
[email protected]                                         MystryMan
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                       William Affleck-Asch
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                          Florian Piekert
[email protected]                                               Steve Heist
[email protected]                                          Scott Forbes
[email protected]                                           Brendan Foreman
[email protected]                                               K. Willis
[email protected]                                    Arnoud Engelfriet
[email protected]                                              Gautam Guliani
[email protected]                                      byshenk gregory
[email protected]                                       Gene L. Cunningham II
[email protected]                                       EuGene epetai-Tramaglino
[email protected]                                            Mary Eichbauer
[email protected]                                        Craig Morgan Steele
[email protected]                                          GLEN KAMINSKI
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                          Ramesh Gopal
[email protected]                                                Gene Pope
[email protected]                                                     Gregory Marr
[email protected]                                     gregor herrmann
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                 Hagelin, Glenna
[email protected]                                         Henry House
[email protected]                                              Everett Harris
[email protected]                                           [email protected]
[email protected]                                    Otto Heuer
[email protected]                                          Henning Holtschneider
[email protected]                                         Hillel N. Cooperman
[email protected]                                        Helen Trillian Rose
[email protected]                                          Scott B. Hunter
[email protected]                                                    Chris Hushak
[email protected]                                                   ??
[email protected]                                            Ian Brodie
[email protected]                                                Jamie Blustein
[email protected]                            Stefan Jankowski
[email protected]                                            John Darrow
[email protected]                              \"\"Jeremy D. Impson\"\"
[email protected]                                                   Jeff Jungblut
[email protected]                                             JASON F LOCKHART
[email protected]                                               Jose M. daLuz
[email protected]                                               Jesse L. Morgan
[email protected]                    Jan Peters (CIP 92)
[email protected]                                           Jon Kreisler
[email protected]                                      John Schuchert
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                     Katherine Turner
[email protected]                                          Kenneth Chisholm
[email protected]                                           David Kellogg
[email protected]                                  Stephen E. Van Rompaey
[email protected]                                                Kevin Atkinson
[email protected]                                               Hasnain Khan
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                               Neal Kingcade
[email protected]                                         Henry King
[email protected]                                                       Kat
[email protected]                               Kuo-Sheng (Kasey) Chang
[email protected]                                        THE RENAISSANCE MAN
[email protected]                                             Sanjay Kumar
[email protected]                                        Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                                              Chuck La Tournous
[email protected]                         Lawrence Aronovitch
[email protected]                             Laura K Brendon
LEFAVIG%[email protected]                                 Grendel
[email protected]                     Lawrence H. Greenwald
[email protected]                                               Lia Pennington
[email protected]                                            M. R. THURMOND
[email protected]                                   David Liston
[email protected]                                           Lynne R Joyrich
[email protected]                                        Leah Krevit
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                                  Jean Krevor
[email protected]                                              Michael A. Chary
[email protected]                                                        marcbr
[email protected]                                                Shawn Marier
[email protected]                                                 Marny Helfrich
[email protected]                                        Martin Larsson
[email protected]                                                    Mary Donais
[email protected]                                           Mathew Englander
[email protected]                                         Michael Bauser
[email protected]                               Ian McDonald
[email protected]                                            HappyHead
[email protected]                                           David Mears
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                               Matthew Evans
[email protected]                         MICHELE PICARD FERGUSON
[email protected]                           Mike Levis - OS/2 Warp II
[email protected]                                      Menelaos Karamichalis
[email protected]                                                    Mike Nowak
[email protected]                                          Howie "Doc" Modell
[email protected]                             Michael Sattler, San Francisco
[email protected]                      Warren-Grossie, Melonie
[email protected]                            Michael Stanley Wilson
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                             Heather L. Nadelman
[email protected]                                                     Nigel Allen
[email protected]                             Tina Steiner
[email protected]                                             Taed Nelson
[email protected]                                                 Nick Waterman
[email protected]                                     William J Niemann
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                            Nils Kassube
[email protected]                                        Noel Kivimaki
[email protected]                                      Norman Morrison
[email protected]                                                SUPERVISOR
[email protected]                                  Alex Greenberg Contractor
[email protected]                                     Norma Secord
[email protected]                                              Oren C. Webster
[email protected]                                                  P Atcliffe
[email protected]                                                       Pab Sungenis
[email protected]                                                Paul Adams
[email protected]                          Jonathan C. Pederson
[email protected]                                        Allison Percy
[email protected]                                        Peter Jones
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                      Paul Gregory
[email protected]                                            Peter Jackson
[email protected]                                                  Paul Lavelle
[email protected]                                             Peter M Maulo
[email protected]                                  Brian Poleykett
[email protected]                         Phillip G-Owens.
[email protected]                                              Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                             Rebekah Hawes
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                            Robert Kalogerakos
[email protected]                                           Karen S Billingsley
[email protected]                          Rebecca J. Blanton 962-4219
[email protected]                                  Rachel K. McGregor
[email protected]                                       Rosemary Madden
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                      Robert P. Smith
[email protected]                                              Roger Buck
[email protected]                                       Ronald T. Preston
[email protected]                                             R. Thor Prichard
[email protected]                                        Richard A. Roth II
[email protected]                                         Robert Savoie
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                       Jeffrey Rufinus
[email protected]                                          Anthony Russell
[email protected]                                          Ed Sadowski
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                    The Jester...
[email protected]                                         Sashi Alexandra German
[email protected]                                       Scott Ingram
[email protected]                                        scott evans
[email protected]                                               Reinhard Sell
[email protected]                            Scott Andrew Ellerman
[email protected]                                       Ian Scott
[email protected]                                             Susan Farmer
[email protected]                                  High Octane Fuel
[email protected]                                           Shawn L. Lynn
[email protected]                                                   Shawn Hansen
[email protected]                                                    Steven Lee
[email protected]                                 Sheila C. Murphy
[email protected]                               Summer Erin Mullins
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                             Stephen Sowle
[email protected]                                     SAMUEL S. THACKER
[email protected]                                     Stephen Thompson
[email protected]                         sivasailam thiagarajan
[email protected]                                              David E. G. Sturm
[email protected]                                        SUZANNE LUNDEEN
[email protected]                                    Steve Weir
[email protected]                                           Thomas Chestna
[email protected]                               Todd Drake
[email protected]                                     Pauline L. V. MacDonald
[email protected]                    tracey mealing
[email protected]                                       Martin M|ller Pedersen
[email protected]                                                 Joel Twisty Nye
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                            Meg Umhoefer
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                           Nany Charak
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                       Tor Kjellstrom
[email protected]                                                     Rob Follo
[email protected]                                             David Zatz
[email protected]                                             David Veal
[email protected]                                      Linda Russell
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                               Wade Brown
[email protected]                                     Karen Wheless
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                  William John Woods
[email protected]                                 Craig Wyllie
[email protected]                     Dave Shariff Yadallee
[email protected]                                               Yanik Crepeau

Voted No
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                  PELEGRIS CHRYS
[email protected]                                                Jacob Huebert
[email protected]                                    Aaron Bergman
[email protected]                                       F. P. Adams, Jr.
[email protected]                                      Christian Sauve
[email protected]                             Alan D. Earhart
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                     F Andrew McMichael
[email protected]                                             Ananda M. Kar
[email protected]                                      Allen J. Newton
[email protected]                                                 Arch Hughes
[email protected]                                            Artur Pioro
[email protected]                                     Ricardo Cloutier
[email protected]                                                    Jim Ault
[email protected]                                    DUNCAN BABBAGE
[email protected]                                           Ed Bailey
[email protected]                                             Phillip Hume
[email protected]                                    Stew Barnes
[email protected]                                              barnett hsu
[email protected]                                                    David Barr
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                      Jeremy Billones
[email protected]                                 Douglas P. Shannon
[email protected]                                       Ryan Mathews
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                          Brian Rossmajer
[email protected]                                                   Burt N Holzman
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                            C. Douglas Baker
[email protected]                                    Christopher Barkley
[email protected]                       Christopher Bradford Stone
[email protected]                                       Charles Carroll
[email protected]                                   Christopher J. Eggert
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                        Craig Garnett
[email protected]                                            Chris-top-her
[email protected]                                         Chris Marble
[email protected]                                    Cory Albrecht
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                           James Crawford
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                 Chris "No problemo" Seaman
[email protected]                                          Craig Verver
[email protected]                                               Christopher Ward
[email protected]                                                   Peter Campbell
[email protected]                                          Paulo da Costa
[email protected]                                       David A. Dubois
[email protected]                                        Dane Spearing
[email protected]                                                  Dan Veditz
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                        Dave Reynolds
[email protected]                                            Daniel Azuma
[email protected]                                                       Derek Chee
[email protected]                                        Eric Dittman
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                                    Dana in MD
[email protected]                                         Tom 'moof' Spindler
[email protected]                                                     Edward Bertsch
[email protected]                                              Eric J. Austin
[email protected]                                          Ron Graham
[email protected]                                          Emily Hopkins
[email protected]                                                   Eric Vice
[email protected]                                     Robert A. Essig
[email protected]                                                   Emery Lapinski
[email protected]                                        Eric J. Forbis
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                  Sean P. Ryan
[email protected]                                           G.LEVINE
[email protected]                                                    Gabe Helou
[email protected]                               Nagesh Gadamsetty
[email protected]                                                 Ed Gaillard
[email protected]                                        Lloyd Eldred
[email protected]                                Gary A. Therens
[email protected]                                              Greg Berigan
[email protected]                                                        Jack Holt
[email protected]                                                   Thumper
[email protected]                                             MargAret D Gibbs
[email protected]                                                Gina Goff
[email protected]                               Guinevere Marie Boostrom
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                Stephen Graham
[email protected]                                     Grajek, Susan
[email protected]                                 Gordon T. Shippey
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                            Brian V. Hughes
[email protected]                                     Andrew Hagen
[email protected]                                         David P. McBride
[email protected]                                Helmut Geyer
[email protected]                                                Hugh Messenger
[email protected]                                            Steve
[email protected]                                                    Hal Jespersen
[email protected]                                                Steve Hollasch
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                John 'Locutus' Huang
[email protected]                                                     Idolater
[email protected]                                           Tom McDowell
[email protected]                                               Jason Wong
[email protected]                               J P Blackwood
[email protected]                             James Alexander Chokey
[email protected]                         J.D. Almand DOAS Telcom
[email protected]                                                         jeffs
[email protected]                                              Joel K. Furr
[email protected]                                    John Robert Grout
[email protected]                                          Jeff Gostin
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                            John A Kusters, jr.
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                John Lacey
[email protected]                                    Johnny Piscitello
[email protected]                                                  Proctor
[email protected]                                Joshua L. Smith
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                    James William Stepanek
[email protected]                                                 Jonathan Blau
[email protected]                                            Jason Snell
[email protected]                                        Juan Espada
[email protected]                                      Jeffrey W. McKeough
[email protected]                                           Joanne Woiak
[email protected]                              Kenneth Jubal DeMonn
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                                    Kina Rutman
[email protected]                                                Kirby Krueger
[email protected]                                       Rob Knauerhase
[email protected]                                           P Krishnan
[email protected]                                             Kevin Braunsdorf
[email protected]                                          JOHN LAROCQUE
[email protected]                                                      Larry Smith
[email protected]                                                  Lenny Tropiano
[email protected]                                 Jeremy S. Leon
[email protected]                                            David Leonard
[email protected]                                           Lee E Parsons
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                     Maurizio Codogno
[email protected]                                                               maus
[email protected]                                                Mike Dunn
[email protected]                                                 Matt Messina
[email protected]                               Timo Metzemakers
[email protected]                                           Michael Lee
[email protected]                                       Mark H. Anbinder
[email protected]                                      
[email protected]                                 Michael Williams
[email protected]                        Michael Winckler
[email protected]                                      Michael J. Bell
[email protected]                                          
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                          M Mike Taksar KC6ZPS
[email protected]                                            Greg Morrow
[email protected]                                 David Maurice
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                               P M Ryan
[email protected]                                          Michael Scott Shappe
[email protected]                                           Mark Zajac
[email protected]                                   Richard D. Neal
[email protected]                                              Neil Shannon
[email protected]                                     Agris Taurins
[email protected]                                                  Roger Noe
[email protected]                                                  M. Otto
[email protected]                                                   phil reed
[email protected]                                             Phillip Atkison
[email protected]                                                Paul Maclauchlan
[email protected]                                      Patrick C. Ross
[email protected]                                    Perry Pederson
[email protected]    Peter Taylor - Sun Canada General Accounting Mg
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                  Steven Phillips
[email protected]                                   Philip H Soffer
[email protected]                                    Stephen Botha
[email protected]                                          Prabal Nandy
[email protected]                                    Timothy R Prodin
[email protected]                                  Joshua E Randall
[email protected]                                              Ron C. Carman
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                                    Ryan Waldron
[email protected]                                           Ron Higgins
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                             Ronald Kinion
[email protected]                                            Rich Carreiro
[email protected]                                            Rob Silverman
[email protected]                                              Jeff Rupley
[email protected]                                         Perhaps a Princess...
[email protected]                                       Russell W. Sawyer
[email protected]                                 Paul J. Schinder
[email protected]                                            Scott Silvey
[email protected]                                          Steve McGinty
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                            Stephen H. Landrum
[email protected]                                        Thomas Bueschgens
[email protected]                                         Smarasderagd
[email protected]                                          Sten Drescher
[email protected]                                             Steven Miale
[email protected]                                    Stewart M. Wiener
[email protected]                                              Brian Sommers
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                          Steersy
[email protected]                                          stephen moore
[email protected]                                           Michael Stoodt
[email protected]                                          Stu Labovitz
[email protected]                                      Michael Parks Swaim
[email protected]                                  Steve Kirchoefer
[email protected]                                 Sylvain Chamberland
[email protected]                                            Nicholas Sylvain
[email protected]                                               James H. Kiley
[email protected]                                                       Terra X
[email protected]                                                     Thomas F Lee
[email protected]                                            Thomas G. McWilliams
[email protected]          Time Lord, The Dark Horse of Gallifrey.
[email protected]                                          Timothy VanFosson
[email protected]                                      Tim Klassen
[email protected]                                            Todd M. Cocks
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                         Neal Traven
[email protected]                                               Timo J. Rinne
[email protected]                                               Troy L. Heagy
[email protected]                                              Donald Tsang
[email protected]                                        Tim Pierce
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                                              Kevin Wald
[email protected]                                      Ulf Bahrenfuss
[email protected]                                            WILLIAM DEEN
[email protected]                                        Bob Wheeler ird
[email protected]                                   Ben White
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                            Windsor A. Morgan
[email protected]                               Karen Wonsetler (CAS)
[email protected]                                                    Mike Young
[email protected]                                     yousten
[email protected]                                          Michael Zecca
[email protected]                                          James Dehnert

[email protected]                                         Brian Brown - EECS
[email protected]                                        David Richardson
[email protected]                              Lois Grassl  {x68400 CF/ENG}
[email protected]                                    Michael J. Averbuch
[email protected]                                        Timothy W. Lynch

Votes in error
[email protected]                                              brian heikkila
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                 Jae Wook Jeong
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                             J.D. Almand-DOAS Telcom
   ! Invalid address
[email protected]                                  Rainer 'JRS' Scholz
   ! Invalid address
[email protected]                                                      
   ! Invalid address

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