From [email protected] Fri Apr 16 10:39:00 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Dinesh Venkatachalam x5498)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lang.verilog,comp.lang.vhdl,comp.cad.cadence,comp.lsi.cad,alt.cad
Subject: RFD: comp.cad.synthesis
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 15 Apr 1993 18:05:48 -0400
Organization: 3Com Corp
Lines: 48
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3463 news.groups:69898 comp.lang.verilog:725 comp.lang.vhdl:1296 comp.cad.cadence:791 comp.lsi.cad:2969 alt.cad:732


This is a request for discussion on the creation of a newsgroup
concerning synthesis.  It will allow participaants to exchange
information on synthesis tools, methods to enhance productivity,
report bugs and ask for solutions, language dependent problems, etc.

Group Name:





	There are many designers and software developers currently
	using a variety of synthesis tools such as Synopsys,
	Silc-Sync, Cadence synthesis and a variety of home-grown ones.
	These have bugs, problems if not used in a proper fashion. The
	solutions have to be found the hard way, i.e but going through
	the design and finding what we get is not what we wanted. This
	group may help in solving "re-inventing" solutions by
	discussions among users similar to comp.lang.verilog and
	comp.lang.vhdl.  Academic developments can be discussed.


	Comments on this proposed new newsgroup should be posted to the
	USENET Newsgroup "news.groups".  If the reader is not able to
	do so, comments may be e-mailed to the proposer, at the address


	If no problems arise, voting will start 1 month from the
	posting date of this RFD.


        [email protected]

        Dinesh Venkatachalam
        NAD Engineering
        3COM Corporation
        5400 BayFront Plaza #400
        Santa Clara, CA. 95052.

From [email protected] Thu May 20 09:54:59 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Dinesh Venkatachalam x5498)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lsi.cad,comp.cad.cadence,comp.lang.verilog,comp.lang.vhdl,comp.sys.mentor
Subject: CFV: comp.cad.synthesis
Followup-To: poster
Date: 19 May 1993 13:26:14 -0400
Organization: 3Com Corporation
Lines: 79
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3600 news.groups:72228 comp.lsi.cad:3086 comp.cad.cadence:882 comp.lang.verilog:791 comp.lang.vhdl:1421 comp.sys.mentor:581

                   C A L L   F O R   V O T E S

This is a Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of comp.cad.synthesis
Instructions on casting votes is mentioned towards the middle of this post.


     A Request For Discussion (RFD) for the group  comp.cad.synthesis  was
     issued  on  April 13.  The  name,
     status and charter of the new group were not objected to.


     comp.cad.synthesis will be a unmoderated group.


     The purpose of the newsgroup  "comp.cad.synthesis"   would
     be  for  exchange of information (and tools) to help designers
     and software developers ( commercial and academic )
     in the field of logic synthesis.

       Discussions could pertain to issues such as:

       - Logic Synthesis development
       - Exchange ideas about effective ways to use commercial synthesis tools
       - Moving from Verilog/VHDL towards synthesis
       - Analog HDL and Synthesis
     It is anticipated that readers of the group would   be  Logic and
     ASIC designers, Software Designers, Students  and  Professors
     who are doing research in the field of Logic synthesis and maybe
     Software Vendors having products in this field.


     The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end
     on June 17, 1993 at 23:59 PDT. According to the USENET rules, in
     order for the group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast
     must be YES votes, and there must be at least 100 more YES votes
     than NO votes.
     To vote YES or NO please send to the following address
          [email protected]

     Please include your full name.

     The contents of the message should contain the line "I vote
     for/against comp.cad.synthesis as proposed". 

     Email messages sent to the above addresses must constitute unambiguous and
     unconditional votes for/against newsgroup creation as proposed.
     Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Only votes emailed to
     the above addresses will be counted; mailed replies to this post-
     ing will be returned. In the event that more than one vote is
     placed by an individual, only the most recent vote will be count-
     ed.  Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this
     for you.

     Two additional CFV's will be posted during the course of the
     vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date.
     No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until
     the final acknowledgment is made at the end, at which time the
     full vote will be made public.


     This CFV was issued on May 19, and the voting period will end on
     June 17, 1993 at 23:59 PDT.

Thank you for your participation.
     Dinesh Venkatachalam
     3COM Corporation
     5400 BayFront Plaza #400
     Santa Clara, CA. 95052.

From [email protected] Fri May 28 16:18:47 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Dinesh Venkatachalam x5498)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lsi.cad,comp.cad.cadence,comp.lang.verilog,comp.lang.vhdl,comp.sys.mentor
Subject: VOTE ACK: comp.cad.synthesis
Followup-To: poster
Date: 27 May 1993 18:24:10 -0400
Organization: 3Com Corporation
Lines: 152
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3636 news.groups:72919 comp.lsi.cad:3109 comp.cad.cadence:914 comp.lang.verilog:806 comp.lang.vhdl:1454 comp.sys.mentor:602

                   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF VOTES (5/17 - 5/21)

This is a Ack of the votes received after Call For Votes (CFV) for
the creation of     comp.cad.synthesis     posted on 5/17/93.
A second CFV containing the Instructions on casting votes will be posted at
the end of next week.

Please resend e-mail to [email protected] if you have voted and your name
does not appear on the list

--------------- Acknowledgement of Votes -------------------------------------
 "Andy Tse-Han Tan" 
 "Eric J. Olson" 
 "Jagat B. Patel  (x6289 or email = [email protected] or (508)934-0289)" 
 "Kamlesh Rath" 
 "Melissa L. Abato" 
 "Richard Abato" 
 Ajay Nath 
 [email protected] (Andy Meyer - Sun BOS Hardware)
 [email protected] (Atul Kapadia x65042)
 Bill Cordan 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Dinesh Venkatachalam x5498 
 Dzung Tran 
 Endric Schubert 
 Ernest A. Cline 
 [email protected]
 Geoffrey Spear 
 H. Harmanani 
 Haluk Konuk 
 Hardy Pottinger 
 Jahangir Nakra 
 Jeff Gehlhaar 
 John Hagerman 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Uwe Steinhausen)
 Keskinen Jari Markku 
 Kevin Chung 
 Kevin Karplus 
 Mike Reed 
 Murray Nesbitt 
 Oren Rubinstein 
 Paul J Menchini -- Personal Account 
 Pradeep Chilka 
 Prasert Kanthamanon 
 Rajiv Jain 
 [email protected] (Ray Anderson)
 Razak Hossain 
 Reddy Penumalli 
 Sam George 
 Sanjiv Narayan 
 Shane Hartman 
 Shiv Sikand 
 Stephen Tell 
 Subbu Ganesan 
 Tanay Karnik 
 Ted Rossin 
 Terje Knudsen 
 [email protected]
 W. Douglas West 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Alan Whittaker)
 [email protected] (Aiman El-Maleh)
 [email protected] (Dennis Allison)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Kirk Anderson)
 [email protected] (Ashesh Doshi @SST)
 [email protected] (David W. Bishop)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Bill Mullen)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Pedro Carballo)
 [email protected] (Richard Chapman)
 [email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
 [email protected] (Cho Moon)
 [email protected] (Steven D. Conniff)
 [email protected] (Costas Conistis)
 [email protected] (Chi-Yi Hwang)
 [email protected] (David Thomas)
 [email protected] (Dave Rich)
 [email protected] (Daniel Chapiro)
 [email protected] (Diogenes C. Silva)
 [email protected] (Maurice Diamantini)
 [email protected] (Jeff Dwork)
 [email protected] (Ed Sinamark)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (MARK INDOVINA Xxxxx Ppppp)
 [email protected] (Richard Eversole)
 [email protected] (Fermin Calvo Torre)
 [email protected] (Fernando Moreira)
 [email protected] (Tom Fuhrman)
 [email protected] (Greg Brown)
 [email protected] (Alan Gibbons)
 [email protected] (Garo Toomajanian)
 [email protected] (Hann-Hwan Ju)
 [email protected] (Shannon Hill)
 [email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
 [email protected] (Mike Homberg)
 [email protected] (Peter Hutton)
 [email protected] (James A.Dahlberg  490TX)
 [email protected] (James A.Jensen 490TX)
 [email protected] (Jeff Gehlhaar)
 [email protected] (Joel Furr)
 [email protected] (James H Lee)
 [email protected] (John W. O'Leary)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Kenny Ranerup)
 [email protected] (Steven Kwok)
 [email protected] (Larry Pearlstein)
 [email protected] (Michael Smith)
 [email protected] (Michael T.Y. McNamara)
 [email protected] (Mike Ales)
 [email protected] (M. Rowe)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Gary A. Gibson)
 [email protected] (Mosur Mohan)
 [email protected] (Mark Pulver)
 [email protected] (Danny Mulligan)
 [email protected] (Nicholas J. Foskett)
 [email protected] (Nigel Allison-Mux_Tech)
 [email protected] (Chandresh Patel)
 [email protected] (SRIDHAR U PANKANTI)
 [email protected] (Raj Singh)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ravi Tangirala)
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 [email protected] (Richard Tobias)
 [email protected] (~Vireday)
 [email protected] (Sergio Ramirez)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Steve Rogers)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Thomas Dejanovic)
 [email protected] (Tim Kiphuth)
 [email protected] (Thomas Arneberg  {x66642 CF/DEV})
 [email protected] (Nur Touba)
 [email protected] (Brian Vanderwarn)
 [email protected] (Youn-Long Lin)
 [email protected] (Gary York)

Thank you for your participation.
     Dinesh Venkatachalam
     3COM Corporation
     5400 BayFront Plaza #400
     Santa Clara, CA. 95052.

From [email protected] Fri Jun 11 15:54:43 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Dinesh Venkatachalam x5498)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lsi.cad,comp.cad.cadence,comp.lang.verilog,comp.lang.vhdl,comp.sys.mentor
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.cad.synthesis
Followup-To: poster
Date: 11 Jun 1993 13:57:17 -0400
Organization: 3Com Corporation
Lines: 258
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3687 news.groups:73766 comp.lsi.cad:3165 comp.cad.cadence:984 comp.lang.verilog:834 comp.lang.vhdl:1513 comp.sys.mentor:622

                   2nd C A L L   F O R   V O T E S and Mass Vote Ack

This is the second Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of comp.cad.synthesis
Instructions on casting votes is mentioned towards the middle of this post.

Mass Ack of all the votes received as of (5/4/93) are included at the
end of the post.


     A Request For Discussion (RFD) for the group  comp.cad.synthesis  was
     issued  on  April 13.  The  name,
     status and charter of the new group were not objected to.


     comp.cad.synthesis will be a unmoderated group.


     The purpose of the newsgroup  "comp.cad.synthesis"   would
     be  for  exchange of information (and tools) to help designers
     and software developers ( commercial and academic )
     in the field of logic synthesis.

       Discussions could pertain to issues such as:

       - Logic Synthesis development
       - Exchange ideas about effective ways to use commercial synthesis tools
       - Moving from Verilog/VHDL towards synthesis
       - Analog HDL and Synthesis
     It is anticipated that readers of the group would   be  Logic and
     ASIC designers, Software Designers, Students  and  Professors
     who are doing research in the field of Logic synthesis and maybe
     Software Vendors having products in this field.


     The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end
     on June 17, 1993 at 23:59 PDT. According to the USENET rules, in
     order for the group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast
     must be YES votes, and there must be at least 100 more YES votes
     than NO votes.
     To vote YES or NO please send to the following address
          [email protected]

     Please include your full name.

     The contents of the message should contain the line "I vote
     for/against comp.cad.synthesis as proposed". 

     Email messages sent to the above addresses must constitute unambiguous and
     unconditional votes for/against newsgroup creation as proposed.
     Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Only votes emailed to
     the above addresses will be counted; mailed replies to this post-
     ing will be returned. In the event that more than one vote is
     placed by an individual, only the most recent vote will be count-
     ed.  Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this
     for you.

     No more additional CFV's will be posted during the course of the
     vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date.
     No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until
     the final acknowledgment is made at the end, at which time the
     full vote will be made public.


     The first CFV was issued on May 17, this CFV is sent out on June 4th,
     and the voting period will end on  June 17, 1993 at 23:59 PDT.

Thank you for your participation.
     Dinesh Venkatachalam
     3COM Corporation
     5400 BayFront Plaza #400
     Santa Clara, CA. 95052.

                   VOTE ACK

[email protected] (Garo Toomajanian)
[email protected] (Richard Chapman)
[email protected] (Alan Whittaker)
[email protected] (Diogenes C. Silva)
[email protected] (Mike Ales)
Paul J Menchini -- Personal Account 
[email protected] (Larry Pearlstein)
[email protected] (Danny Mulligan)
Rajiv Jain 
[email protected] (Shannon Hill)
Ted Rossin 
[email protected] (James A.Dahlberg  490TX)
Jeff Gehlhaar 
[email protected] (Thomas Arneberg  {x66642 CF/DEV})
[email protected] (Alan Gibbons)
W. Douglas West 
[email protected] (SRIDHAR U PANKANTI)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jahangir Nakra 
[email protected] (Mike Homberg)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Thomas Dejanovic)
[email protected] (Atul Kapadia x65042)
[email protected] (James H Lee)
Pradeep Chilka 
Haluk Konuk 
[email protected] (Aiman El-Maleh)
[email protected] (Maurice Diamantini)
Keskinen Jari Markku 
[email protected]
Shiv Sikand 
[email protected] (Fernando Moreira)
Prasert Kanthamanon 
"Jagat B. Patel  (x6289 or email = [email protected] or (508)934-0289)" 
[email protected] (Michael Smith)
[email protected] (Mark Pulver)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Costas Conistis)
[email protected] (Jeff Gehlhaar)
"Andy Tse-Han Tan" 
[email protected] (Nur Touba)
Subbu Ganesan 
Tanay Karnik 
[email protected] (Andy Meyer - Sun BOS Hardware)
[email protected] (MARK INDOVINA Xxxxx Ppppp)
[email protected] (Bill Mullen)
H. Harmanani 
[email protected] (Gary A. Gibson)
Sanjiv Narayan 
Mike Reed 
Ajay Nath 
[email protected] (Chandresh Patel)
[email protected] (Kenny Ranerup)
[email protected] (Brian Vanderwarn)
[email protected] (Ashesh Doshi @SST)
[email protected] (Ray Anderson)
"Kamlesh Rath" 
Geoffrey Spear 
[email protected] (Steven Kwok)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joel Furr)
[email protected] (Peter Hutton)
[email protected] (Fermin Calvo Torre)
[email protected] (James A.Jensen 490TX)
"Melissa L. Abato" 
"Richard Abato" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nicholas J. Foskett)
[email protected] (Greg Brown)
[email protected] (Ravi Tangirala)
[email protected] (Ed Sinamark)
[email protected] (Dennis Allison)
[email protected] (David W. Bishop)
Dzung Tran 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Daniel Chapiro)
Stephen Tell 
Hardy Pottinger 
[email protected] (Jeff Dwork)
[email protected] (Pedro Carballo)
Sam George 
[email protected] (Youn-Long Lin)
[email protected] (Nigel Allison-Mux_Tech)
[email protected] (Chi-Yi Hwang)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Uwe Steinhausen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Raj Singh)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steven D. Conniff)
[email protected] (Hann-Hwan Ju)
[email protected] (M. Rowe)
Reddy Penumalli 
[email protected] (Gary York)
[email protected] (Cho Moon)
[email protected] (Sergio Ramirez)
[email protected] (J.Gaisler)
"Meyer E. Nigri" 
Nathan Loofbourrow 
[email protected] (Vilva Natarajan)
[email protected] (alan lewandowski)
[email protected] (Ming-Feng Liou)
[email protected] (Peter Johnson)
[email protected] (david tozer)
[email protected] (Ed Taub)
[email protected] (Rita Glover)
[email protected] (Michael Lodman)
[email protected] (Gary Kidwell)
[email protected] (Bjorn Johansson)
[email protected] (Andre Wiesel)
[email protected] (Dimitris Phoukas)
[email protected] (Joe Eury)
[email protected] (Cheng-I Huang)
[email protected] (Daniel Clark)
[email protected] (Yang Wu @ SYNTH)
[email protected] (Jae-Soo Yoon)
[email protected] (Michael J. Turner)
[email protected] (Xiaoming Fan)
Viraphol Chaiyakul 
[email protected] (Venkateswara Rao Madduri)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter Athanas)
[email protected]
Bharadwaj, Aravind S.
Hardcore Alaskan 
Endric Schubert 
[email protected] (Richard Eversole)
Bill Cordan 
Razak Hossain 
[email protected] (Michael T.Y. McNamara)
[email protected] (Kirk Anderson)
[email protected] (John W. O'Leary)
Oren Rubinstein 
Kevin Karplus 
[email protected]
John Hagerman 
[email protected] (David Thomas)
"Eric J. Olson" 
[email protected] (Richard Tobias)
Murray Nesbitt 
Shane Hartman 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave Rich)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (~Vireday)
Terje Knudsen 
[email protected] (Mosur Mohan)
[email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
[email protected] (Tim Kiphuth)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected] (Tom Fuhrman)
Ernest A. Cline 
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)
[email protected] (Steve Golson)
[email protected]
Werner Hack 
[email protected] (SystemManager)
Rod Rebello -- CAD Development 
nicmad!otto%[email protected] (Douglas Otto x2346)
[email protected] (J Cazander)
[email protected] (John Cooley)
Georg Schwarz 
Marc Moorcroft 

From [email protected] Wed Jun 23 21:13:51 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Dinesh Venkatachalam)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lang.verilog,comp.lang.vhdl,comp.cad.cadence,comp.sys.mentor,comp.lsi.cad
Subject: RESULT: comp.cad.synthesis passes 178:46
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 21 Jun 1993 15:37:08 -0400
Organization: 3Com Corporation
Lines: 252
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3721 news.groups:74675 comp.lang.verilog:857 comp.lang.vhdl:1538 comp.cad.cadence:1021 comp.sys.mentor:632 comp.lsi.cad:3200

Final vote acknowledgement and results for creation of comp.cad.synthesis


   The proposal to create comp.cad.synthesis PASSES

   YES           178  79%      ( > 2/3 of total vote)
   NO             46  21%
   TOTAL         224  

   YES/NO DIFF  +132             ( > 100 votes differential)

The voting period was from May 17 through June 17, 1993.

The following people voted YES - for the creation of comp.cad.synthesis
 "(Henrique Santos)" 
 "Andy Tse-Han Tan" 
 "Jagat B. Patel  ([email protected])" 
 "Kamlesh Rath" 
 "Melissa L. Abato" 
 "Meyer E. Nigri" 
 "Michael T. Horne" 
 "Richard Abato" 
 "\"Yachyang(Richard) Sun\"" 
 [email protected]     Bharadwaj, Aravind S.
 Ajay Nath 
 [email protected] (Andy Meyer - Sun BOS Hardware)
 [email protected] (Atul Kapadia x65042)
 Auguin Michel 
 [email protected] (Valerio +39 (6) 490001)
 [email protected] (Bjorn Johansson)
 Brent T. Ward 
 [email protected]
 Cameron Spitzer 764-6339 
 [email protected] (Cheng-I Huang)
 [email protected]
 Dzung Tran 
 [email protected]
 Geoffrey Spear 
 Greg Welch 
 H. Harmanani 
 Haluk Konuk 
 Hardcore Alaskan 
 Hardy Pottinger 
 Jaap Hofstede 
 [email protected] (Ricardo Jacobi)
 Jahangir Nakra 
 Jeff Gehlhaar 
 [email protected] (Joe Kagenski - Sun BOS Hardware)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Uwe Steinhausen)
 Keskinen Jari Markku 
 Mike Reed 
 Nathan Loofbourrow 
 Paul J Menchini -- Personal Account 
 [email protected] (Paul Loewenstein)
 [email protected] (Francois Pollet )
 Pradeep Chilka 
 Prasert Kanthamanon 
 Rajiv Jain 
 [email protected] (Ray Anderson)
 Reddy Penumalli 
 Ronald Hindmarsh 
 Sam George 
 Sanjiv Narayan 
 Sean William Mcgee 
 Shiv Sikand 
 Stephen Tell 
 Subbu Ganesan 
 Tanay Karnik 
 Ted Rossin 
 [email protected]
 Viraphol Chaiyakul 
 W. Douglas West 
 [email protected] (Alan Whittaker)
 [email protected] (Aiman El-Maleh)
 [email protected] (alan lewandowski)
 [email protected] (Dennis Allison)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ashesh Doshi @SST)
 [email protected] (Peter Athanas)
 [email protected] (David W. Bishop)
 [email protected] (Bill Mullen)
 [email protected] (David C. Black)
 [email protected] (Pedro Carballo)
 [email protected] (Richard Chapman)
 [email protected] (Richard Cloutier)
 [email protected] (Cho Moon)
 [email protected] (Steven D. Conniff)
 [email protected] (Costas Conistis)
 [email protected] (Chi-Yi Hwang)
 [email protected] (Daniel Chapiro)
 [email protected] (Daniel Clark)
 [email protected] (Diogenes C. Silva)
 [email protected] (Maurice Diamantini)
 [email protected] (Dimitris Phoukas)
 [email protected] (Dinesh Venkatachalam)
 [email protected] (Jeff Dwork)
 [email protected] (Ed Sinamark)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (MARK INDOVINA Xxxxx Ppppp)
 [email protected] (Xiaoming Fan)
 [email protected] (Fermin Calvo Torre)
 [email protected] (Fernando Moreira)
 [email protected] (Malcolm Franklin)
 [email protected] (Gary Kidwell)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Greg Brown)
 [email protected] (Alan Gibbons)
 [email protected] (Tony Goodloe)
 [email protected] (Garo Toomajanian)
 [email protected] (Thomas Harms)
 [email protected] (Shoushen He)
 [email protected] (Hann-Hwan Ju)
 [email protected] (Shannon Hill)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mike Homberg)
 [email protected] (Jeffrey Hunt 4082)
 [email protected] (Peter Hutton)
 [email protected] (James A.Dahlberg  490TX)
 [email protected] (James A.Jensen 490TX)
 [email protected] (Jeff Gehlhaar)
 [email protected] (Joe Buck)
 [email protected] (Joe Eury)
 [email protected] (Joel Furr)
 [email protected] (J.Gaisler)
 [email protected] (James H Lee)
 [email protected] (James C. Hoe)
 [email protected] (Michael Lodman)
 [email protected] (Allan Jost)
 [email protected] (Justin Strohschneider)
 [email protected] (Opher Kahn)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Kenny Ranerup)
 [email protected] (Steven Kwok)
 [email protected] (Larry Pearlstein)
 [email protected] (Hong Li {regular})
 [email protected] (Scott Lloyd)
 [email protected] (Michael Smith)
 [email protected] (Mike Ales)
 [email protected] (Dave Manley)
 [email protected] (M. Rowe)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Gary McGoff)
 [email protected] (Gary A. Gibson)
 [email protected] (Michael J. Turner)
 [email protected] (Mike May ~)
 [email protected] (Mark Pulver)
 [email protected] (Ming-Feng Liou)
 [email protected] (Danny Mulligan)
 [email protected] (Nicholas J. Foskett)
 [email protected] (Nigel Allison-Mux_Tech)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Chandresh Patel)
 [email protected] (Peter Johnson)
 [email protected] (Paulo Flores)
 [email protected] (SRIDHAR U PANKANTI)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Raj Singh)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ravi Tangirala)
 [email protected] (Rita Glover)
 [email protected] (Sergio Ramirez)
 [email protected] (Chris Smith)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Steve Kappes)
 [email protected] (Ed Taub)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (david tozer)
 [email protected] (Thomas Dejanovic)
 [email protected] (Thomas Arneberg  {x66642 CF/DEV})
 [email protected] (Thomas Jones)
 [email protected] (Nur Touba)
 [email protected] (Tim Pylant)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Brian Vanderwarn)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Victor A. Tirva)
 [email protected] (Venkateswara Rao Madduri)
 [email protected] (Vilva Natarajan)
 [email protected] (Andre Wiesel)
 [email protected] (Wilbur Luo/COMM)
 [email protected] (Yang Wu @ SYNTH)
 [email protected] (Youn-Long Lin)
 [email protected] (Gary York)
 [email protected] (Jae-Soo Yoon)

The following people voted NO  - against the creation of comp.cad.synthesis
 "Eric J. Olson" 
 "Mike Trick" 
 Bill Cordan 
 [email protected]
 Endric Schubert 
 Ernest A. Cline 
 Georg Schwarz 
 John Hagerman 
 Kevin Karplus 
 Marc Moorcroft 
 Murray Nesbitt 
 Nousiainen Juha Antti 
 Oren Rubinstein 
 Razak Hossain 
 Rod Rebello -- CAD Development 
 Shane Hartman 
 Terje Knudsen 
 Werner Hack 
 [email protected] Andy French
 [email protected] (Kirk Anderson)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] Bakul Shah
 [email protected] (J Cazander)
 [email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
 [email protected] (David Thomas)
 [email protected] (Dave Rich)
 [email protected] (Richard Eversole)
 [email protected] (Tom Fuhrman)
 [email protected] (Brennan Tennesen Price)
 [email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
 [email protected] (John Cooley)
 [email protected] (Julian Macassey)
 [email protected] (John W. O'Leary)
 [email protected] (Michael T.Y. McNamara)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mosur Mohan)
 nicmad!otto%[email protected] (Douglas Otto x2346)
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 [email protected] (Richard Tobias)
 [email protected] (SystemManager)
 [email protected] (~Vireday)
 [email protected] (Steve Golson)
 [email protected] (Steve Rogers)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Tim Kiphuth)
 [email protected] (Yoo Ho Cho)
   [email protected]

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