From [email protected] Fri Mar 24 17:55:25 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Una Smith 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,,,bionet.plants
Subject: RFD:,,
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 24 Mar 1995 16:29:43 -0500
Lines: 77
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6497 news.groups:148251 rec.gardens:66651 bionet.plants:6130

                        REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION

Proposal to create:
and rename: to

Proposed by:         Una Smith 

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on the proposal to create
two unmoderated Usenet newsgroups, and rename a third.  All discussion
should take place in news.groups;  please post follow-ups there, *not*
to news.announce.newgroups.

This is *not* a call for votes.  Assuming the discussion goes smoothly,
a Call For Votes (CFV) will be posted by an independent third party 21
to 30 days from the date of this posting.

This RFD is cross-posted to:
	news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.gardening,,, bionet.plants,
	[email protected],
	[email protected],
	[email protected],
	[email protected],
	[email protected],
	[email protected],
	[email protected]


For discussion of the art and science of systematics and taxonomy, and
issues, both practical and theoretical, having to do with hierarchical
information systems, biological nomenclature, cladistics, phylogenetics,
species concepts, comparative analysis and integration of morphological,
anatomical, molecular, and other data, and the documentation and study
of large-scale and long-term patterns of biological diversity.


For discussion of the scientific study of plants, both vascular and
nonvascular, and other taxa traditionally studied together with plants.
It is anticipated that, at some future time, this newsgroup will be
reorganized to provide subsidiary newsgroups focused on particular
higher taxa (classes or orders, e.g., angiosperms, gymnosperms, etc.)
or other groups of special interest to a large number of readers.


One of the oldest, most widely read, and most lively newsgroups in the
sci.* hierarchy, (formerly welcomes discussion of
all topics having to do with biology.  Especially welcome are topics of
interest to the general public, and sub-fields of biology not covered
by other Usenet newsgroups.


The TAXACOM mailing list, for discussion of taxonomy and systematics,
has nearly 1000 subscribers and it has been necessary for some time
now to refrain from posting too much, to keep subscribers' mailboxes
>from overflowing.  Over the past year, reorganization discussions in
rec.gardens have included talk of a newsgroup for botany, and recent
threads in bionet.plants have contained similar comments.  It is hoped
that, by creating these two newsgroups, some of the traffic in these
forums will be more finely and more usefully categorized.  Numerous
TAXACOM subscribers also read Usenet newsgroups, and the presence of
Usenet newsgroups relevant to their research interests should help to
unite the very large and diverse botany and systematics communities
already distributed among numerous other newsgroups and mailing lists.
Confusion between (a newsgroup) and* (a hierarchy)
may be reduced by renaming to  This is standard
practice in Usenet.

Please direct any comments on this proposal to news.groups.

From [email protected] Sat May 13 00:06:45 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,,,,bionet.plants,bionet.molbio.evolution
Subject: CFV:{botany,misc,systematics}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 12 May 1995 15:35:37 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 140
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 3 Jun 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6810 news.groups:149081 rec.gardens:76157 bionet.plants:6707 bionet.molbio.evolution:2861

                          FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                       unmoderated group
                    unmoderated group
              unmoderated group (replaces

Newsgroups line:		The scientific study of plants.		Biology and related sciences.	Systematics, taxonomy, and the tree of life.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 2 June 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact Warren Lavallee .  For
questions about the proposed group contact Una Smith .

This CFV has been cross posted to:

  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.gardens,,,, bionet.plants, bionet.molbio.evolution

and EMailed to:
	iopi, care of [email protected]
	class-l, care of [email protected]
	mollusca, care of [email protected]
	paleonet, care of [email protected]
	plant-taxonomy, care of [email protected]
	taxacom, care of [email protected]
	vrtpaleo, care of [email protected]

For discussion of the scientific study of plants:  vascular, nonvascular,
and unicellular photosynthetic, autotrophic organisms, and other taxa
traditionally considered to be plants.  It is anticipated that, at some
future time, this newsgroup will be reorganized to provide subsidiary
newsgroups focused on particular higher taxa (classes or orders, e.g.,
angiosperms, gymnosperms, etc.) or other groups of special interest to
a large number of readers.  Discussion of gardening, popular cultivars,
houseplants, etc., should be directed to rec.gardens.*, where they will
be seen by a large and active readership of experienced gardeners, both
amateur and professional.
One of the oldest, most widely read, and most lively newsgroups in the
sci.* hierarchy, (formerly welcomes discussion of
all topics having to do with biology.  Especially welcome are topics of
interest to the general public, and sub-fields of biology not covered
by other Usenet newsgroups.
For discussion of the science of taxonomy and systematics, and both
practical and theoretical issues pertaining to:  hierarchical information
systems;  biological nomenclature;  cladistics;  phylogenetics;  species
concepts;  comparative analysis and integration of morphological,
anatomical, molecular, and other data;  and the documentation and study
of large-scale and long-term patterns of evolution and biodiversity.


The TAXACOM mailing list, for discussion of taxonomy and systematics,
has nearly 1000 subscribers and it has been necessary for some time
now to refrain from posting too much, to keep subscribers' mailboxes
>from overflowing.  Over the past year, reorganization discussions in
rec.gardens have included talk of a newsgroup for botany, and recent
threads in bionet.plants have contained similar comments.  It is hoped
that, by creating these two newsgroups, some of the traffic in these
forums will be more finely and more usefully categorized.  Numerous
TAXACOM subscribers also read Usenet newsgroups, and the presence of
Usenet newsgroups relevant to their research interests should help to
unite the very large and diverse botany and systematics communities
already distributed among numerous other newsgroups and mailing lists.

In 1987, when was created, Usenet was very small
and had a mostly flat "namespace".  As a side-effect of the creation
of, the string "" became the name of both
a hierarchy and a newsgroup.  This has several negative consequences
for many Usenet administrators and now, due to the increasing number
of menu-based Usenet readers and newsgroup archives on the Internet,
for many Usenet readers as well.  In the past 5 years, it has become
common to repair duplicate-name problems by renaming the relictual
newsgroup to bring it within the hierarchy of the same name.  In
keeping with this practice, will be renamed to will be otherwise not affected by any part of this proposal.

Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line. Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group name. Basically, remove everything
except the ballot - we have to save them all on disk.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. Place a YES or NO in the
brackets next to the group name to vote for or against it. Don't
worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that
your reply inserts.

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:
If you do not give a real name your vote may be rejected.

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]
[         ] (replaces
[         ]
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve
only to cancel any previous vote. Abstentions are noted in the final
vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely.
(This is the only difference between the two.)

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid
vote will count.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person,
no more than one vote per account. If you attempt multiple votes or
other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.

The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including
how each person voted. Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret

There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote
list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed. The
requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes,
and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.

From [email protected] Thu May 25 18:48:07 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,,,,bionet.plants,bionet.molbio.evolution
Subject: 2nd CFV:{botany,misc,systematics}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 23 May 1995 16:02:47 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 140
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 3 Jun 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]> 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6890 news.groups:150954 rec.gardens:78183 bionet.plants:6869 bionet.molbio.evolution:2919

                          LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                       unmoderated group
                    unmoderated group
              unmoderated group (replaces

Newsgroups line:		The scientific study of plants.		Biology and related sciences.	Systematics, taxonomy, and the tree of life.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 2 June 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact Warren Lavallee .  For
questions about the proposed group contact Una Smith .

This CFV has been cross posted to:

  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.gardens,,,, bionet.plants, bionet.molbio.evolution

and EMailed to:
	iopi, care of [email protected]
	class-l, care of [email protected]
	mollusca, care of [email protected]
	paleonet, care of [email protected]
	plant-taxonomy, care of [email protected]
	taxacom, care of [email protected]
	vrtpaleo, care of [email protected]

For discussion of the scientific study of plants:  vascular, nonvascular,
and unicellular photosynthetic, autotrophic organisms, and other taxa
traditionally considered to be plants.  It is anticipated that, at some
future time, this newsgroup will be reorganized to provide subsidiary
newsgroups focused on particular higher taxa (classes or orders, e.g.,
angiosperms, gymnosperms, etc.) or other groups of special interest to
a large number of readers.  Discussion of gardening, popular cultivars,
houseplants, etc., should be directed to rec.gardens.*, where they will
be seen by a large and active readership of experienced gardeners, both
amateur and professional.
One of the oldest, most widely read, and most lively newsgroups in the
sci.* hierarchy, (formerly welcomes discussion of
all topics having to do with biology.  Especially welcome are topics of
interest to the general public, and sub-fields of biology not covered
by other Usenet newsgroups.
For discussion of the science of taxonomy and systematics, and both
practical and theoretical issues pertaining to:  hierarchical information
systems;  biological nomenclature;  cladistics;  phylogenetics;  species
concepts;  comparative analysis and integration of morphological,
anatomical, molecular, and other data;  and the documentation and study
of large-scale and long-term patterns of evolution and biodiversity.


The TAXACOM mailing list, for discussion of taxonomy and systematics,
has nearly 1000 subscribers and it has been necessary for some time
now to refrain from posting too much, to keep subscribers' mailboxes
>from overflowing.  Over the past year, reorganization discussions in
rec.gardens have included talk of a newsgroup for botany, and recent
threads in bionet.plants have contained similar comments.  It is hoped
that, by creating these two newsgroups, some of the traffic in these
forums will be more finely and more usefully categorized.  Numerous
TAXACOM subscribers also read Usenet newsgroups, and the presence of
Usenet newsgroups relevant to their research interests should help to
unite the very large and diverse botany and systematics communities
already distributed among numerous other newsgroups and mailing lists.

In 1987, when was created, Usenet was very small
and had a mostly flat "namespace".  As a side-effect of the creation
of, the string "" became the name of both
a hierarchy and a newsgroup.  This has several negative consequences
for many Usenet administrators and now, due to the increasing number
of menu-based Usenet readers and newsgroup archives on the Internet,
for many Usenet readers as well.  In the past 5 years, it has become
common to repair duplicate-name problems by renaming the relictual
newsgroup to bring it within the hierarchy of the same name.  In
keeping with this practice, will be renamed to will be otherwise not affected by any part of this proposal.

Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line. Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group name. Basically, remove everything
except the ballot - we have to save them all on disk.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. Place a YES or NO in the
brackets next to the group name to vote for or against it. Don't
worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that
your reply inserts.

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:
If you do not give a real name your vote may be rejected.

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]
[         ] (replaces
[         ]
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Neither ABSTAIN nor CANCEL messages are counted as votes; they serve
only to cancel any previous vote. Abstentions are noted in the final
vote list, whereas CANCEL removes your vote from that list entirely.
(This is the only difference between the two.)

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid
vote will count.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply: no more than one vote per person,
no more than one vote per account. If you attempt multiple votes or
other vote fraud, all your votes may be canceled and your name published.

The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result, including
how each person voted. Note that Usenet votes are not done by secret

There will then be a five-day period during which the published vote
list may be corrected and any irregularities addressed. The
requirements for group creation are 100 more YES votes than NO votes,
and 2/3 of all counted votes being YES.

From [email protected] Tue Jun  6 02:36:42 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.gardens,,,,bionet.plants,bionet.molbio.evolution
Subject: RESULT:{botany,misc,systematics} all groups pass
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 5 Jun 1995 20:59:40 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 367
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.groups:152439 news.announce.newgroups:6989 rec.gardens:80872 bionet.plants:7046 bionet.molbio.evolution:2973

                                RESULT results - 289 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 237   12 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :
 203   49 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : (replaces
 254   10 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :
   6 invalid votes passed on Sat May 20 19:53:36 1995 (replaces passed on Sun May 28 07:26:45 1995 passed on Thu May 18 18:54:02 1995

Newsgroups line:	The scientific study of plants.	Biology and related sciences.	Systematics, taxonomy, and the tree of life.

This vote was being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting
questions only contact Warren Lavallee . For questions
about the proposed group contact Una Smith .

For discussion of the scientific study of plants:  vascular, nonvascular,
and unicellular photosynthetic, autotrophic organisms, and other taxa
traditionally considered to be plants.  It is anticipated that, at some
future time, this newsgroup will be reorganized to provide subsidiary
newsgroups focused on particular higher taxa (classes or orders, e.g.,
angiosperms, gymnosperms, etc.) or other groups of special interest to
a large number of readers.  Discussion of gardening, popular cultivars,
houseplants, etc., should be directed to rec.gardens.*, where they will
be seen by a large and active readership of experienced gardeners, both
amateur and professional.
One of the oldest, most widely read, and most lively newsgroups in the
sci.* hierarchy, (formerly welcomes discussion of
all topics having to do with biology.  Especially welcome are topics of
interest to the general public, and sub-fields of biology not covered
by other Usenet newsgroups.
For discussion of the science of taxonomy and systematics, and both
practical and theoretical issues pertaining to:  hierarchical information
systems;  biological nomenclature;  cladistics;  phylogenetics;  species
concepts;  comparative analysis and integration of morphological,
anatomical, molecular, and other data;  and the documentation and study
of large-scale and long-term patterns of evolution and biodiversity.

[This collection of addresses is (C)1995 by Consultix Computer Services.
Permission is strictly NOT given to use this list or any part thereof to
make a mailing list, or for mass-mailings.  Any other use is fine.] Final Vote Ack

                               (replaces ----+|
[email protected]                                  Adolf Ceska YYY
[email protected]                                 Adam Vivan-Smith YYY
[email protected]                                 Al Fargnoli YNY
[email protected]                                        Dave Scott YYY
[email protected]                                     Bernard R. Baum YYY
[email protected]                                           Ainsley YYY
[email protected]                                    Tai-Pang Chai Y-Y
[email protected]                                        Alison Murray YYY
[email protected]                                        Vincent Tepedino YNY
[email protected]                             Andrew J.E. Bettany YY-
[email protected]                         Andrew Rambaut YYY
[email protected]                                      Andrew Taylor YYY
[email protected]                                              Ants Aader YNY
[email protected]                                       David Rindos YYY
[email protected]                                     Ken Arromdee -N-
[email protected]                                            A.K. Tobin YYY
[email protected]                              Dawn Frame-Purguy YYY
[email protected]                                         b.l.cohen --Y
[email protected]                               Bachmann NYY
[email protected]                                  Byron James Adams YYY
[email protected]                                       Ed Bailey -Y-
[email protected]                                    Andrea R. Bair YYY
[email protected]                                               Balaji YYY
[email protected]                                        Bill Ballard --Y
[email protected]                                Peter Beerli YYY
[email protected]                                 Dr. Bengt Gunnar Jonsson YYY
[email protected]                                          Bernard E. Picton YYY
[email protected]                                    binder christof YYY
[email protected]                                               Brett J. Savary YYY
[email protected]                                             B.J. Herbison -Y-
[email protected]                                             Barbara Weintraub Y--
[email protected]    Elizabeth Lyons> If you do not give a real name YYN
[email protected]                                         Elizabeth Bonwich YYY
[email protected]                                           Bryce Platt YYY
[email protected]                                     An Van den Borre YYN
[email protected]                                       Brian Drayton YYY
[email protected]                         Barrie Robinson YYY
[email protected]                              Denis J. Brothers YYY
[email protected]                               Darin Brunson YYY
[email protected]                            Bryan Simon YYY
[email protected]                                  Wolfgang Wuster YYY
[email protected]                                       Tom Burtom YYY
[email protected]                                          Philip Butler YYY
[email protected]                               William E. Williams YYY
[email protected]                            Richard Gadsden -Y-
[email protected]                                         carrie a cate YYY
[email protected]                                          Cheryl A. Heinz YYY
[email protected]                                       Cameron Neylon YNY
[email protected]                                            Colin A. Pendry YYY
[email protected]                                    Troy D. Carson YYY
[email protected]                           Carol J. Baird, Ph.D. YNY
[email protected]                                        Ernest Cline YY-
[email protected]                                     Chris Stamper Y-Y
[email protected]                                 Chris Nedin YYY
[email protected]                                               Chris Colby YNY
[email protected]                          Colin Douthwaite  -N-
[email protected]                                        Carol Reed YYY
[email protected]                              Reed Wight Crook YYY
[email protected]                                 K. Crouch ---
[email protected]                                 Gloria Cuenca-Bescos --Y
[email protected]                                           Christopher Ward NNN
[email protected]                          Casper Offutt, Herbarium Supply Co.  YNY
[email protected]                                         Dan Rothschild YYY
[email protected]                                 Daniela Basso YYN
[email protected]                               H. Derrick Blocker --Y
[email protected]                                Doug Eernisse YYY
[email protected]                                       DELOBEL Bernard YYY
[email protected]                                         Max S Fellwalker YYY
[email protected]                                               Dan Hartung YYY
[email protected]                                   Dan Hough YYY
[email protected]                                    Ramona J. Allen YYY
[email protected]                                 Daniel L. Morris Y--
[email protected]    Daniel McClaryIf you do not give a real name you YYY
[email protected]                                       David Mosher YNY
[email protected]                                 David M. Williams --Y
[email protected]                                       Michael Dobson YNY
[email protected]                                                  Sean Doyle YYY
[email protected]                                     Don R. Reynolds YYY
[email protected]                                          David S. Roos --Y
[email protected]                                          Eric Dunbar YYY
[email protected]                              David Wild YYY
[email protected]                             David W. Kirtley, Ph. D. --Y
[email protected]                                 Douglas Yanega YYY
[email protected]                                      E.N. van Loo YYY
[email protected]                                       Carmen Espoz --Y
[email protected]                              George F. Engelmann YYY
[email protected]                                        PARMASTO, Erast YYY
[email protected]                                   Ralph O. Erickson YY-
[email protected]                              William R. Bromer YYY
[email protected]                                      Gary Fewless YYY
[email protected]                                           Frank Goodridge YYY
[email protected]                                            Fred Cumming YYY
[email protected]                                           Finn N. Rasmusen YYY
[email protected]                                     Carwil James --Y
[email protected]                                           Mary Flint --Y
[email protected]                                   Frans Janssens YYY
[email protected]                    Francisco Molina Freaner YYY
[email protected]                                    Fred M. Rhoades YYY
[email protected]                               Alex R. Chapman (PERTH) YYY
[email protected]                                            John Friel YYY
[email protected]                                                Francis Uy -Y-
[email protected]                                         Edward Gaillard -N-
[email protected]                               Geoffrey B. Read YYY
[email protected]                                               Giannuzzi NNY
[email protected]                                       Bill Godfrey YNY
[email protected]                                      Leslie Goertzen YNY
[email protected]                                       Geoffrey Newman YYY
[email protected]                                  Gerhard Steiner YYY
[email protected]                                  Brennan T. Price -Y-
[email protected]                                      Hans J. Sluiman YYY
[email protected]                                      James Harvey YYY
[email protected]                                      Alice Hempel YYY
[email protected]    H. Brent Howatt 
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