From [email protected] Thu May 14 12:37:11 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2342 news.groups:50919 soc.culture.indian:85708 soc.culture.sri-lanka:3923 soc.culture.china:78955 soc.culture.pakistan:22155 alt.culture.tamil:191
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.sri-lanka,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.pakistan,alt.culture.tamil,,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sundara Pandian)
Subject: RFD:  soc.culture.tamil
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Date: Thu, 14 May 1992 16:18:14 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 105

            R.F.D. : soc.culture.tamil
 Status : Unmoderated
 SO FAR : About one year ago, an attempt was made to set up a 
    newsgroup focusing Dravidian culture and the living Dravidian
    languages - Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Tulu. It was
    unsuccessful due to a large opposition from people with some
    misconceived notions. Early in April a newsgroup alt.culture.tamil
    was formed without voting . This newsgroup has attracted very
    respectable postings including those from professors and students of
    various universities. Many new readers continue to  express
    their interest in the same newsgroup .But, many people do not
    get "alt.---" newsgroups and therefore do not get alt.culture.
    tamil. The 180+ postings that have appeared in less than a 
    month in alt.culture.tamil reflect the high calibre of the
    postings, justifying the creation of a voted newsgroup in
    the "soc.culture" hierarchy replacing the existing newsgroup

         Tamil Culture and Tamil language are estimated 5000 years 
 old and Tamil is one of the living classical language of the  world.
 Native to south asia, Tamil is recognized as one of the national
 languages in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. It is also spoken
 widely in other Indian ocean Islands like Mauritius, Fiji, as well as in
 U. K., U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc.
 Tamil speaking population around the world is about 65 million.

         As per the linguistics, Tamil is a member in the  Dravidian 
family of languages comprising about 21 languages. The earliest Tamil
work available dates back to the pre-Christian era [300 B.C.]. Tamil
is very rich in its classical and modern  literary tradition. The
highly  acclaimed Tamil moral work `Thirukkural'  by Thiruvalluvar dates
back to 50 B.C and indicates the existence of highly civilized and
consolidated society of origin, a few thousand years earlier to that.
What made this culture and language to survive milennium interests
everyone. Also, the Tamil epic poem Manimegalai [200 A.D.] gives a
summary of six systems of philosophy which is interestingly the earliest
comparitive account we have of the ancient schools of Hindu philosophy.

       What would be the role of Tamil language for the next millennium?
Tamils around the world have a strong desire to establish a newsgroup
on the  Usenet to share their views on  Tamil history, ancient and
modern literature, ancient Tamil civilization, Tamil culture, religion,
art, drama, philosophy and related topics. The proposed newsgroup is
intended to serve as a niche for the Tamil language and culture in the
electronic communication network.

Activities in the proposed newsgroup :
I. Electronic News Magazine.
*  Discussions on Ancient Tamil,  Literature, Culture,
     Philosophy, etc....
*  Book, Movie, Magazine , Drama reviews, Poems, Stories,
     Essays , Jokes etc...
*  Current news  from the Tamil region
*  Current news about events of Tamil interest in North America
*  Projects pertinent to Tamil interests
*  Matters related to investments in Tamil region
*  Matters of interest to Tamils born outside the native region.
II. Computer Language Society
*  Software announcements, reviews, discussion
*  News about Computer Software for Tamil language printing
*  Learning Tamil transliteration software
*  Joint effort to develop software for on-screen display and editing
*  Effort for usage of Tamil language in multimedia 
*  Development of word processing packages for Tamil

III. Cultural and Social forum for Tamils
*  SCT will become nerve center for all Tamils who have access to the
   network all over the world.
*  Meeting place for old friends and acquainting new friends.
*  News about concerts, seminars, festivals and other programs 
*  To seek and help others in education, job or travel.
*  Matrimonial discussions
*  Discussion on Religion, Religious personalities 
*  Discussion on philosophy 

IV . Tamil Literature Society.
*  Translation of Tamil novels ,short stories and poem in English.
   (Contemporary literature) 1950 - present
*  Translation of Tamil literature of 19 th century and early 20
   th Century. 1800- 1950
*  Translation of Ancient Tamil Literature. 300 B.C to 1800 A.D.

How to respond or take part in the discussion ?
  It is easy. Use the command 'g news.groups' to go to the 
  newsgroup news.groups and post your discussion items there.
  Please note that discussions elsewhere are not official.
  Make sure the posting includes the newsgroup title 
 "soc.culture.tamil" in the subject line.

                                               Yours sincerely,
                    Krishnaswamy Srinivasan     [[email protected]]
                    Sundara Pandian             [[email protected]]
                    M Parthasarathy Krishna Raj [[email protected]]
                    Chandrasekaran Periyannan   [[email protected]]

From [email protected] Thu Jun 11 14:30:10 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2413 news.groups:52339 soc.culture.indian:88531 soc.culture.sri-lanka:3978 alt.culture.tamil:543 soc.culture.pakistan:23701 soc.culture.china:81448
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.sri-lanka,alt.culture.tamil,soc.culture.pakistan,soc.culture.china,,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sundara Pandian)
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.tamil
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1992 15:56:31 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 135

              Call For Votes : soc.culture.tamil

     Name:    "soc.culture.tamil" 

     Status:   unmoderated 

     Voting Period:  June 9, 1992, 00:00 CST - July 7, 1992, 23:59 CST

 SO FAR : Early in April a newsgroup alt.culture.tamil was formed
    without voting. This newsgroup has attracted very respectable
    postings including those from professors and students of
    various universities. Many new readers continue to express their
    interest in the same newsgroup by posting for the first time.
      The 505+ postings that have appeared in a period of about   
    40 days in alt.culture.tamil reflect the high calibre of the
    postings in this newsgroup.

    However, considering the limited distribution and the temporary 
    nature of "alt" newsgroups, it has been decided to replace
    "alt.culture.tamil" with a voted newsgroup 'soc.culture.tamil".

         Tamil Culture and Tamil language are estimated 5000 years 
 old and Tamil is one of the living classical language of the  world.
 Native to south asia, Tamil is recognized as one of the national
 languages in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. It is also spoken
 widely in other Indian ocean Islands like Mauritius, Fiji, as well as in
 U. K., U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc.
 Tamil speaking population around the world is about 65 million.

         As per the linguistics, Tamil is a member in the  Dravidian 
family of languages comprising about 21 languages. The earliest Tamil
work available dates back to the pre-Christian era [300 B.C.]. Tamil
is very rich in its classical and modern  literary tradition. The
highly  acclaimed Tamil moral work `Thirukkural'  by Thiruvalluvar dates
back to 50 B.C and indicates the existence of highly civilized and
consolidated society of origin, a few thousand years earlier to that.
What made this culture and language to survive milennium interests
everyone. Also, the Tamil epic poem Manimegalai [200 A.D.] gives a
summary of six systems of philosophy which is interestingly the earliest
comparitive account we have of the ancient schools of Hindu philosophy.

       What would be the role of Tamil language for the next millennium?
Tamils around the world have a strong desire to establish a newsgroup
on the  Usenet to share their views on  Tamil history, ancient and
modern literature, ancient Tamil civilization, Tamil culture, religion,
art, drama, philosophy and related topics. The proposed newsgroup is
intended to serve as a niche for the Tamil language and culture in the
electronic communication network.

Activities in the proposed newsgroup :
I. Electronic News Magazine.
*  Discussions on Ancient Tamil,  Literature, Culture,
     Philosophy, etc....
*  Book, Movie, Magazine , Drama reviews, Poems, Stories,
     Essays , Jokes etc...
*  Current news  from the Tamil region
*  Current news about events of Tamil interest in North America
*  Projects pertinent to Tamil interests
*  Matters related to investments in Tamil region
*  Matters of interest to Tamils born outside the native region.
II. Computer Language Society
*  Software announcements, reviews, discussion
*  News about Computer Software for Tamil language printing
*  Learning Tamil transliteration software
*  Joint effort to develop software for on-screen display and editing
*  Effort for usage of Tamil language in multimedia 
*  Development of word processing packages for Tamil

III Cultural and Social forum for Tamils
*  SCT will become nerve center for all Tamils who have access to the
   network all over the world.
*  Meeting place for old friends and acquainting new friends.
*  News about concerts, seminars, festivals and other programs 
*  To seek and help others in education, job or travel.
*  Matrimonial discussions
*  Discussion on Religion, Religious personalities 
*  Discussion on philosophy 

IV . Tamil Literature Society.
*  Translation of Tamil novels ,short stories and poem in English.
   (Contemporary literature) 1950 - present
*  Translation of Tamil literature of 19 th century and early 20
   th Century. 1800- 1950
*  Translation of Ancient Tamil Literature. 300 B.C to 1800 A.D.

How to vote ?

 To cast a vote, either for the creation or against the creation of the
proposed newsgroup, send e-mail to: [email protected] .

In order for your vote to be counted, it will have to have the following

      "YES : soc.culture.tamil"


      "NO : soc.culture.tamil" 

in either the subject or the body of your e-mail,  where 

   "YES" means that you vote FOR the group soc.culture.tamil as proposed,


   "NO" means that you vote AGAINST the group soc.culture.tamil as proposed.

 *   Your vote should be clearly indicated as a yes/no vote. Responds such as
     "Yes if.." , "No,but..." are not valid notes. 

 *  Votes should not be posted to any newsgroup, only votes sent to
    [email protected] will be counted.

 *  Votes sent after the deadline will not be counted.

 *  There can be only one valid vote for each person. If anyone casts
    more than one vote, only the most recent one will be counted.

                                                Yours sincerely,
                                                 Sundara Pandian 
                                             [ [email protected] ]

From [email protected] Fri Jun 19 13:26:40 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2434 news.groups:52915 soc.culture.indian:89593 alt.culture.tamil:690 soc.culture.pakistan:24429 soc.culture.sri-lanka:3993 soc.culture.china:81953
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.indian,alt.culture.tamil,soc.culture.pakistan,soc.culture.sri-lanka,soc.culture.china,,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sundara Pandian)
Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.tamil
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:08:08 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 138

               2nd CFV : soc.culture.tamil
     This is the second Call For Votes ( CFV ) for the newsgroup

     Name:    "soc.culture.tamil" 

     Status:   unmoderated 

     Voting Period:  June 9, 1992, 00:00 CST - July 7, 1992, 23:59 CST

 SO FAR : Early in April a newsgroup alt.culture.tamil was formed
    without voting. This newsgroup has attracted very respectable
    postings including those from professors and students of
    various universities. Many new readers continue to express their
    interest in the same newsgroup by posting for the first time.
      The 505+ postings that have appeared in a period of about   
    40 days in alt.culture.tamil reflect the high calibre of the
    postings in this newsgroup.

    However, considering the limited distribution and the temporary 
    nature of "alt" newsgroups, it has been decided to replace
    "alt.culture.tamil" with a voted newsgroup 'soc.culture.tamil".

         Tamil Culture and Tamil language are estimated 5000 years 
 old and Tamil is one of the living classical language of the  world.
 Native to south asia, Tamil is recognized as one of the national
 languages in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. It is also spoken
 widely in other Indian ocean Islands like Mauritius, Fiji, as well as in
 U. K., U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc.
 Tamil speaking population around the world is about 65 million.

         As per the linguistics, Tamil is a member in the  Dravidian 
family of languages comprising about 21 languages. The earliest Tamil
work available dates back to the pre-Christian era [300 B.C.]. Tamil
is very rich in its classical and modern  literary tradition. The
highly  acclaimed Tamil moral work `Thirukkural'  by Thiruvalluvar dates
back to 50 B.C and indicates the existence of highly civilized and
consolidated society of origin, a few thousand years earlier to that.
What made this culture and language to survive milennium interests
everyone. Also, the Tamil epic poem Manimegalai [200 A.D.] gives a
summary of six systems of philosophy which is interestingly the earliest
comparitive account we have of the ancient schools of Hindu philosophy.

       What would be the role of Tamil language for the next millennium?
Tamils around the world have a strong desire to establish a newsgroup
on the  Usenet to share their views on  Tamil history, ancient and
modern literature, ancient Tamil civilization, Tamil culture, religion,
art, drama, philosophy and related topics. The proposed newsgroup is
intended to serve as a niche for the Tamil language and culture in the
electronic communication network.

Activities in the proposed newsgroup :
I. Electronic News Magazine.
*  Discussions on Ancient Tamil,  Literature, Culture,
     Philosophy, etc....
*  Book, Movie, Magazine , Drama reviews, Poems, Stories,
     Essays , Jokes etc...
*  Current news  from the Tamil region
*  Current news about events of Tamil interest in North America
*  Projects pertinent to Tamil interests
*  Matters related to investments in Tamil region
*  Matters of interest to Tamils born outside the native region.
II. Computer Language Society
*  Software announcements, reviews, discussion
*  News about Computer Software for Tamil language printing
*  Learning Tamil transliteration software
*  Joint effort to develop software for on-screen display and editing
*  Effort for usage of Tamil language in multimedia 
*  Development of word processing packages for Tamil

III Cultural and Social forum for Tamils
*  SCT will become nerve center for all Tamils who have access to the
   network all over the world.
*  Meeting place for old friends and acquainting new friends.
*  News about concerts, seminars, festivals and other programs 
*  To seek and help others in education, job or travel.
*  Matrimonial discussions
*  Discussion on Religion, Religious personalities 
*  Discussion on philosophy 

IV . Tamil Literature Society.
*  Translation of Tamil novels ,short stories and poem in English.
   (Contemporary literature) 1950 - present
*  Translation of Tamil literature of 19 th century and early 20
   th Century. 1800- 1950
*  Translation of Ancient Tamil Literature. 300 B.C to 1800 A.D.

How to vote ?

 To cast a vote, either for the creation or against the creation of the
proposed newsgroup, send e-mail to: [email protected] ( same as
 [email protected] ).

In order for your vote to be counted, it will have to have the following

      "YES : soc.culture.tamil"


      "NO : soc.culture.tamil" 

in either the subject or the body of your e-mail,  where 

   "YES" means that you vote FOR the group soc.culture.tamil as proposed,


   "NO" means that you vote AGAINST the group soc.culture.tamil as proposed.

 *   Your vote should be clearly indicated as a yes/no vote. Responds such as
     "Yes if.." , "No,but..." are not valid notes. 

 *  Votes should not be posted to any newsgroup, only votes sent to
    [email protected] [ same as [email protected] ] will be counted.

 *  Votes sent after the deadline will not be counted.

 *  There can be only one valid vote for each person. If anyone casts
    more than one vote, only the most recent one will be counted.

                                                Yours sincerely,
                                                 Sundara Pandian 
                                             [ [email protected] ]

From [email protected] Wed Jul  8 15:17:28 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2510 news.groups:53904 soc.culture.indian:91814 alt.culture.tamil:929 soc.culture.pakistan:25480 soc.culture.sri-lanka:4026 soc.culture.china:83096
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.indian,alt.culture.tamil,soc.culture.pakistan,soc.culture.sri-lanka,soc.culture.china,,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sundara Pandian)
Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.tamil passes 645: 143
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: UUNET Technologies, Inc
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1992 17:52:29 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 803

            RESULT: soc.culture.tamil passes 645:143
       The voting period for soc.culture.tamil ended on
 7 July 1992. There were 645 yes votes received, and
 143 no votes. The margin of yes votes is > 100, and
 more than 2/3 of the voters voted yes.
       The vote passes. The 5 day waiting period prior
 to newgrouping now begins.
       I thank all who voted.
 "yes" votes (645) :
 "A. Sridhar" 
 "B. Shridharan" 
 "C.R.Selvakumar - Electrical Engineering" 
 "G. Mahinthakumar" 
 "Ganesh Subbarayan" 
 "James A. Xavier" 
 "K. Nadarajah" 
 "Karunaharan Ratnam" 
 "Kumaraguru Sambandan" 
 "N.Mani Prakash" 
 "NAME \"S.Sivaganesan\"" 
 "P. Giridharan" 
 "P. I. Arasu" 
 "P.S. Kumaran" 
 "Paramesh Santanam" 
 "Parthiban, Design/AD group, FXO 228.5608" 
 "Prabhakar Satya" 
 "R. Parthasarathy" 
 "Ravichandran (Ravi)" 
 "S. Manohar" 
 "S. Venkatesan" 
 "Sam R. Thangiah" 
 "Sankaran Thayumanavan" 
 "Shankar Sundaram" 
 "Sivasankaran S., Univ. of Houston" 
 "Sriram, UTK" 
 "Stephen (local 6019)" 
 "Umakanth U Thirugnanam" <[email protected]>
 "Umakanthan S." 
 "V. Girish" 
 "V.R. Satish" 
 "Velmurugan.A. " 
 "Venkatanarasimhan S." 
 "[email protected]" 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 A. Udomkit 
 [email protected]
 AFONSO%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Abraham Pucheril 
 Ahilan Kadirgamar 
 Ahilan Zephyrinus Easwarachandran 
 Ajai Banarji 
 Alex Jong  
 Ananda Kishore 
 Ananthan Veluppillai 
 Arcot Rajasekar 
 Arun Kandappan 
 Arun Kumaraswamy 
 Aswini Kumar Subramanian 
 BALAJI MATHUR <[email protected]>
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 CATFI77%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 CHERIAN%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] < Colleen >
 Cadambur Viji 
 California Lutheran University Library 
 Challa Siva Prasadarao 
 Chandrasekharan Subbarayan 
 Chhugani Sunil 
 Chockanath R Chandrasekar 
 Chris Harris (BUS) 
 D Venugopalan 
 Dan Davison 
 [email protected]
 Deepinder Singh Gill 
 Devanand V. Palaniswami 
 Dhanabalan Murali 
 Dinesh Venkatachalam x5498 
 Donald Duck 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] < Elias J.Jeyarajah >
 Evan Kirshenbaum 
 FINVTA%[email protected]  ( V T ALAGANAR )
 Ford Yung 
 G. Ravishanker 
 [email protected] 
 [email protected]
 GANAPA%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 Gateway Account 
 Gopalakrishnan Doraiswamy 
 Harpreet Singh Gill 
 Hugo Carreras 
 Ian Pereira 
 J Ramanujam 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] < Jeevan Hoole >
 Jey Kumar 
 Jeyakesavan Veerasamy 
 Joe Mohan 
 Joel Sax 
 Juergen Herrmann 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] < K.Sankara Rao >
 KUGAN%[email protected] ( N.Kuganenthira)
 Kanagarajah Prabaharan 
 Kandiah Sribalaskandarajah 
 Kannan Rangaramanujam 
 Karthik M 
 Kasilingam Periyasamy 
 Koneswaran Tharmalingam 
 Krish Mohan < [email protected] >
 Krish Sivakumar 
 Krishna Ganugapati 
 Krishnaprasad Thiagarajan 
 Kumanan Easwarachandran 
 Kumaraswamy Subramanian 
 Kustim Wibowo 
 Kye Han 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Laxman Kumar < [email protected] >
 Lazar Slobodan  
 Leon ter Beek 
 Lixin Zhang 
 Lu Fang 
 Lynn Hedegard 3636 
 M. P. Krishna Raj 
 M. Sundaramoorthy 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Madhavi Melachuri 
 Madheswaran  Manikkam 
 Mahesan Niranjan 
 Mani Nallapillai 
 [email protected]
 Meenan Vishnu < [email protected] >
 Melchiore Philip 
 Mohammad Ali Saleem 
 Mr. Greek Cypriot 
 Mr. Veluswamy Mathiarasan (ENEE) 
 Muthuvel Chelliah 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] < N.Ganeshkumar >
 Nadarajah Sivaneswaran 
 Naga Ganesan 
 Narayan Sriranga Raja < [email protected] >
 Narsimha Polkampally  
 Natarajan Sureshbabu 
 Nesan Sriskanda 
 Obili Sai Prabhu 
 Oguz Basarir 
 Olagappan Manickam 
 [email protected]
 PASKARAN  Thavaputhiran 
 PVR Narasimha Rao 
 Pondurenga Das 
 Prabhukumar Ganapathy 
 Pran Kurup 
 Puvaneswary Kumarasamy 
 R Ganapathy <[email protected]>
 [email protected]
 RAJA%[email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 RAMESH%[email protected]
 RANGA%[email protected]
 RENGI%[email protected]
 Rabi Nagaratnam 
 Rabin Andrew Sugumar 
 Ragavan Vaidyanathan 
 Raja Sooriamurthi 
 Rajamanickam Ramanathan 
 Rajan Panchanathan 
 Rajarama Krishnan 
 Ram Mohan 
 Raman Dayanidhi 
 Ramana R. Juvvadi 
 [email protected] (Rama Rao Chetlapalli)
 Ramayya Krishnan 
 Ramesh Kurunathan 
 Ramesh Venkat 
 Rangarajan Krishnan 
 Rangarajan Srinivasan 
 Rangasayee Krishnamurthy - Saha 
 Ravi Sinnarajah 
 Ravi Srinivasan 
 [email protected]
 Razak Hossain 
 S Ravindran 
 S. Thevuthasam  
 [email protected]
 [email protected] 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Sabapathy Jawahar 
 Sanjai Parthasarath 
 Sanjay Malik 
 Santhirasegaram Elankovan 
 Selvi Manoharan 3641 
 Shankar S Pennathur 
 [email protected] (Nataraj)
 Shivakumar Padmanaban 
 Sin-Jang Chen 
 Siriram Kalyanasundaram 
 Sivalingam Kalatharan 
 Sornam Sankara 
 Sreekumar K. Thampi 
 Sri Srikanthan 
 [email protected] (Srikanth Nadhamuni)
 Srinivasan Pichumani 
 Sriram Krishnaswami 
 Srithar t 
 Subbarayan Pasupathy 
 Subbiah Sundaram 
 Subra ? 
 Sundar Kingsley 
 Suntharalingam Skanthakumar 
 Suresh Balu 
 Suresh Srinivas 
 Surya Dhakar 
 [email protected]
 Thaemalingam Naguleswakan 
 [email protected]
 Uma M Subramanian 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] ( B Vigneswaran )
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (P.V.Viswanath)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Vasudhevan Madabushi 
 Venkatachalam Aruna < [email protected] >
 Vignarajah Karunakaran 
 [email protected]
 Vijayaraghavan Jayakrishna 
 Weiping Xia 
 Yaska Sankar 
 Yi Li 
 ZHIHONG%[email protected]
 [email protected] (Angappa Gunasekaran)
 [email protected] (A.K. Ganesh cis stnt)
 altaf fatehali b  ramji   
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Arvind Krishnan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ashok Subramanian)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Randall Atkinson)
 [email protected] (avudaith)
 [email protected] (Ethirajan Arulmani)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Dorai Babu)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (badri)
 [email protected] (Balaji Rathakrishnan)
 [email protected] < Prabhu >
 [email protected] (Bala Swaminathan)
 [email protected] (B. Balendran)
 [email protected] (Balu Ramasubramanian)
 [email protected] (Easwaran .B)
 [email protected] (BALA Balasubramaniam)
 [email protected] (Brett Sealey)
 [email protected] (Bala SWAMINATHAN)
 [email protected] (Balaji Swaminathan)
 [email protected] (Chris Galas)
 [email protected] (Chris Galas)
 [email protected] (Venkatraman Chandrasekaran)
 [email protected] (Charath Ram)
 [email protected] (Suresh N. Chari)
 [email protected] (kgs)
 [email protected] (Chitra Natarajan)
 [email protected] (Colin Fernandes)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] < C.Rathinavelu >
 [email protected] (Ramasamy Usharani)
 [email protected] (Sinnathambi Sideek)
 [email protected] (s. rajagopalan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] ("SRIHARI VOGETI")
 [email protected] (Chunguang Sun)
 [email protected] (Sarat Vemuri)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (sridhar desikan GR)
 [email protected] (Badarinath Devalla)
 [email protected] (Daniel Devasirvatham 21321)
 [email protected] (Mr. G.V.N.D. Prasad)
 [email protected] (Duc Hai)
 [email protected] < R.Suriyanarayanan >
 [email protected] (Balendra Elangco)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (E. S. Venkatraman)
 [email protected] (Zhigang Yang)
 [email protected] (Rao pour gentilly acr)
 [email protected] (Ganapathi Ramamurthy)
 [email protected] (Swaminathan Ganesan)
 [email protected] (George Develekos)
 [email protected] (Mohanakrishnan Govindarajan)
 [email protected] (Gomathi Venkatesan)
 gopal%[email protected] (Rajagopalan)
 [email protected] < N. Gopalswamy >
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 [email protected] (Ramamoorthy Govindasamy)
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 [email protected] (Gnanasekaran Swaminathan)
 [email protected] (RAVEENDRAN,PALANIVEL)
 [email protected] (Rangaswamy Rajamanickam)
 [email protected] (gt6807c KADIRGAMAR,AHILAN ARASARATNAM)
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 [email protected] < Guna >
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 [email protected]
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 jraju%[email protected] (JEYASEELAN)
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 [email protected] (Kanthikannan Srirengan)
 [email protected] (Kumar Senthilkumaran)
 [email protected] (Kalidoss Sivasamy)
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 [email protected] (N.Kumar)
 [email protected] (Kumar Neelakantan)
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 [email protected] (Randolph Langley)
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 [email protected] (Moubayed)
 [email protected] (Chandramouli. V)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (MURALI PANDIAN)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 muralidharan chinnaiyan 
 [email protected] (Murugan Subramaniam)
 murugappan K 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (S.N. Muthukrishnan)
 [email protected] (N. Nackeeran) 
 [email protected] (Ramesh Narayanan)
 [email protected] (Nathan Venugopala)
 [email protected] (Nath S. Gopalaswamy)
 [email protected] (Nilesh L. Jain)
 nkramesh%[email protected] (Nanda Ramesh)
 [email protected] (Dr. N. Elango)
 [email protected] (Natarajan Rathnam)
 [email protected] (N.Shankar)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Odayappan Odayappan)
 [email protected] (Avinash Palaniswamy)
 [email protected] < Meiyappan Pala>
 [email protected] (Shami Palanive)
 [email protected] (Paramesh Kailasam)
 [email protected] (Pattabhi Sitaram)
 [email protected] (Phil Howard )
 [email protected] (Philip Little)
 [email protected] (P.J. Boulay )
 [email protected] (Prasan Lohia)
 [email protected] (Contractor)
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 poovai  kumanan 
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 raju%[email protected] (Raju Narayanan)
 [email protected] (engin)
 [email protected] (Ramakrishnan)
 [email protected] (G Ramalingam)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Rama K Pidaparti)
 [email protected] (Rajaram  Ramesh)
 [email protected] (Ramesh Sivakolundu)
 [email protected] (Lakshmikantan Ramakrishnan)
 [email protected]
 rammohan%[email protected] (Karthikeyan Rammohan)
 [email protected] (Rangappa)
 [email protected] (Ramanathan Ravi Venkatesh)
 [email protected] (Kuppusamy Ravindran)
 [email protected] < Ravi Dakshinamoorthy >
 [email protected] (T Ravi Kanth)
 [email protected] (Ravinder Chollate)
 [email protected] (Niranjan Ravindran)
 [email protected] (Balaji Raghavachari)
 [email protected] (Ravishankar Chandrasekaran)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (T.S. Reddy)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Raghunathan Rengasamy)
 [email protected] (reni varughese)
 [email protected] (Jambu Deviprasad)
 [email protected] (Rangarathnam Gopu)
 [email protected] (S Ramakrishnan)
 [email protected] < Ram N.Kumar >
 [email protected] (Raj Pundarika)
 [email protected] (Ramamurthy Ravi)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Ramalingam Sridhar)
 [email protected] (SUNDARAM RAJA)
 [email protected] (Manohar Rajendran)
 s raghavachary 
 [email protected] (anantha nageswaran)
 [email protected] (Sothi Anandamohan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (S. G. Ravisankar)
 santhi karunanithi 
 [email protected] (Sree A. Rajamani)
 [email protected] (Suresh B. Kumar)
 [email protected] (Sivashanmugam Columbus)
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 [email protected] (deepak shankar)
 [email protected] (Senthil Nathan)
 [email protected] (senthil k doraiswamy)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Sethuraman)
 [email protected] (Shamik Sharma)
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 [email protected] (Sivaramakrishnan - MIS)
 [email protected] (Jagadisan Shivakumar)
 [email protected] 
 [email protected] (Siva Chelliah)
 [email protected] (Siva)
 [email protected] (Siva Annamalai)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (K.Sivakumar)
 sivakumar manickavasagam 
 [email protected] (Krish Sivakumar)
 [email protected] (Surendran J Portonovo)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] ( Software Porting for cad )
 sr1 (Suryanarayana Ramaseshan)
 [email protected] (Sekhar Raghavan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Sriananthakumar, Civil staff)
 [email protected] (SRITHARAN K)
 sridhar samu 
 [email protected] (sridhar)
 [email protected] (Srikant Subramaniam)
 [email protected] (Srin)
 [email protected] (Srinivasan K.)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (V. Srinivasan)
 [email protected] (Sriram Tyagarajan)
 [email protected] (Sriram Govindarajan)
 [email protected] (P. S. Sriram)
 [email protected] (Pad Srivivasan)
 srk1 (Sriganesh Ramamurt Karur)
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 [email protected]
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 [email protected] (Alok Shukla)
 [email protected] (K. K. Subramaniam )
 [email protected]
 [email protected] ( Rajesh Subramanyan )
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Meenakshi Sundaram)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (M.Suraj)
 [email protected] (S. Venkatesan)
 [email protected] (swaminathan,kashi r)
 [email protected] (Vetrivelan K)
 [email protected] (Sascha Wildner)
 [email protected] (Natarajan Suriyakumar)
 [email protected] (Christina Black])
 [email protected] (Jayakumar Chelladurai)
 [email protected] (Thangaraj Dravia)
 [email protected] (Thanabal Balakumaran @nova)
 [email protected] (T. Govindaraj)
 [email protected] (Pratheep Balasingam)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mr. P.K.X. Thomas)
 [email protected] (T. M. Murali)
 [email protected] ( Randy Finder )
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 [email protected] (Seetharaman P.Trikur )
 [email protected] (J. Palaniappan)
 [email protected] (U Babu)
 [email protected] (Uma Ekambaram)
 uphrsns%[email protected] (SHIVA)
 [email protected] (Vadivelu Elumalai)
 [email protected] (Ramesh Vaidhyanathan)
 [email protected] (Viswanathan Vaidyana)
 [email protected] (Vansantha Kandasamy)
 [email protected] (Venkatesh Ananthan)
 [email protected] (name)
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 [email protected]
 [email protected] ( V.Chandrasekaran)
 [email protected] (Samuel Vedanayagam)
 [email protected] < M.S.Venkateshwaran >
 [email protected] (Venkat Venkatasubramanian)
 [email protected] (Srinivasan Venkatasubramanian)
 [email protected] (Ramchandar R. Venkatesan)
 [email protected] (Ramadoss Venkatesan)
 [email protected] (T.C.A. Venkatesan)
 [email protected] (Vellore Vetrivelkumaran)
 [email protected] (VijayaKumar Kandaswamy)
 [email protected] (Vilva Natarajan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (RAMAMURTI VISWANATH )
 [email protected] (Viswanathan Madhavan)
 [email protected] (Vittalbabu Srinivasan)
 [email protected] (Venkatachala Narayanan)
 vnesiah%[email protected] (Deep Third Man)
 [email protected] (Venkataraman Ramanathan)
 [email protected] (V. S. Senthil Kumar)
 [email protected] (V. Suresh Kumar)
 [email protected] (Vaithi Venkatasubramanian)
 [email protected] (Vyshnavi Suntharalingam)
 [email protected] ( Christoph Weber-Fahr)
 [email protected] (Wei Chen)
 ww5 (Weilan Wu)
 xiang zou 
 [email protected] (Yaping Xu)
 [email protected] (Ye Li)
 [email protected] (Yohan Jeevaratnam)
 [email protected]

 "no" votes (143) :
 "Manoj K. Jain" 
 "Neeran Mohan Karnik" 
 "Ranjita Banerjee" 
 "S V Krishnan" 
 "Shyamala Parameswaran  " 
 "Sourabh Bhat" 
 "Subash S. Jayawardena" 
 "Subash Shankar" 
 Alan B Palazzolo 
 Alok Sharan 
 Amaresh R. Joshi 
 Arijit  Mahalanabis 
 Ashish Jain 
 Ashish Patwardhan 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 G. Ramkumar 
 [email protected]
 Girish Bonde 
 JLM%[email protected]
 Janaka Withana 
 K. Chandrasekhar 
 Krishnan Ramaswamy 
 Laura Gillespie 
 M Dedhe 
 [email protected]
 Nagesh S 
 Naveen Goud 
 Prasad Gokhale 
 R Srikanth 
 [email protected]
 Rajan Parrikar 
 Ramakrishna Chada 
 Ramesh Dodamani 
 Ranjan Bhattacharya 
 Roland Kaltefleiter 
 Sachin Mithal 
 Samir Chaudhari 
 Sanjiva Prasad 
 Scott Horne 
 Shesh Nath Rai 
 Srihari Varada (ENB) 
 Stupendous Man 
 Sudeep Kundu 
 Sven Heinicke 
 V Nagarajan 
 [email protected] 
 Venkat Taramangalam 
 Vipin Goyle 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Alok Agarwal)
 [email protected] (Andrew Scott Beals -- KC6SSS)
 [email protected] (Arjun Bhutkar)
 [email protected] (Nataraj Akkiraju)
 [email protected] 
 [email protected] (Ramesh Subramanian)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Adelle Ignacio/PROM)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)
 [email protected] (ASHISH SHROTRIYA)
 [email protected] (Gilles Carmel)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Bijal C. Modi.)
 [email protected] (Chandrasekhar Kambhampati)
 [email protected] (cs461a09)
 [email protected] ( Madhavi Apte )
 [email protected] (Mr. Amit Desai)
 [email protected] (Christopher)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Dheeraj Sanghi)
 [email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
 [email protected] (Gopal Agrawal)
 [email protected] (Atul Garg)
 [email protected] (Glenn M. Quiro / Prod. Eng.)
 [email protected] (Deepak S. Gianchandani)
 [email protected] (G.S.Seshadrinathabn)
 [email protected] (S. Sridhar Gopalakrishnan)
 [email protected] (Govind Vadvadgi)
 [email protected] (Gurminder Singh)
 [email protected] (Nathan Swami Hariharan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Joel Furr)
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 [email protected] (Brian Kenney)
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 [email protected] (Manas Chandra Saksena)
 [email protected] (Uday Naik)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Paul Maclauchlan)
 [email protected] (Vasudev Murthy)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Naren Bala)
 niranjan@abj2 (Niranjan)
 [email protected] (Sanjay Padaki)
 [email protected] (Mike Palmer)
 [email protected] (Leonard J. Peirce)
 [email protected] (Jeffrey Hsu)
 [email protected] (Gabriel Garza)
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 [email protected] (Ramanathaswamy Ra/Technology Group)
 [email protected] (Sandeep Betarbet)
 [email protected] (Mike Arms)
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 [email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
 [email protected] (Steve Coile)
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 vasu@wuccrc (Vasudha Govindan)
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