From [email protected] Wed Mar 10 20:57:40 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Surendar C.)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 3 Mar 1993 23:39:48 -0500
Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA 01609, USA.
Lines: 59
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3309 news.groups:67523

                  REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION
  RFD for creation of group for discussions  regard-
  ing useful information for Teaching Assistants.
  Create an UNMODERATED Usenet newsgroup called ""
  This   announcement   is   cross-posted    to    the    newsgroup  and whose readers may have an interest
  in the discussion about the new group.
  The purpose of the newsgroup "" would  be  for  ex-
  change  of  information  (and tools) to help teaching assistants.
  Discussions could pertain to useful tips,  sample  programs/data,
  useful software tools, assignment ideas, spread sheets, handouts,
  style sheets etc.
  Topics of discussion could include software  packages  available,
  sources  of  data, sample programs, formulae, applicable publica-
  tions, and peoples' thoughts on assorted technical issues.
  It is anticipated that readers of the group would be teaching as-
  sistants  and  Professors  who  are  interested in techniques for
  better teaching.  Participation by beginners,  experienced  TA's,
  and Professors will be encouraged.
  There is currently no group which directly caters to the need  of
  teaching assistants. Much of the discussion in the current group,, is of a more general nature. Yet, there appears
  to  be  a  following  of people who are interested in a newsgroup
  which would have a more specific orientation towards  issues  af-
  fecting teaching assistants. This group is intended to answer the
  needs and interests of this group.
  It is hoped that the creation of the group, "" will
  encourage  and facilitate a greater amount of collaborating of informa-
  tion and experience by individuals.
  The discussion period will be from March  3,  1993  to  April  2,
  Please post all discussions to "news.groups"
  If a consensus is reached by the end of the discussion period,  a
  CFV, (call for votes) will be posted at that time.
  The voting period will last for 30 days.
Surendar Chandra              Worcester Polytechnic Institute
[email protected]           Worcester, MA 01609.
Phone: (508) 831-5118

From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:34:25 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Surendar Chandra)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: 2nd RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 26 Mar 1993 10:51:24 -0500
Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA.
Lines: 71
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3368 news.groups:68525

This is the second posting on the RFD for  This RFD
incorporates all the issues raised from the first RFD. Also, since the
abbreviation 'ta' may not refer to 'teaching-assistant' outside of the
US, comments on a name change to is

                  REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION

  RFD for creation of group for discus-
sions regarding useful information for Teaching Assistants. This
request supercedes the previous RFD for


  Create an UNMODERATED Usenet newsgroup called ""

  This announcement is cross-posted to the newsgroup
and whose readers may have an interest in the discussion
about the new group.


  The purpose of the newsgroup "" would be
for exchange of information (and tools) to help teaching as- sistants.

  Discussions could pertain to issues such as:

  - culturally diverse classrooms
  - roles (teacher, TA, student)
  - learning styles
  - TA-student relations
  - TA-supervisor/professor relations
  - working conditions
  - lesson-planning
  - avoidance of harrassment (as victim or offender)
  - language problems (i.e. International TA language problems)
  - marking consistency
  - TA training resources
  - classroom/lab management
  - specific tools for a particular subject area

  It is anticipated that readers of the group would be teaching
assistants and Professors who are interested in techniques for better
teaching. Participation by beginners, experienced TA's, and Professors
will be encouraged.


  There is currently no group which directly caters to the need of
teaching assistants.  Much of the discussion in the current group,, is of a more general nature. Yet, there appears to
be a following of people who are interested in a news- group which
would have a more specific orientation towards issues affecting
teaching assistants.  Apparently, there is a listserv mailing list
([email protected]), which caters to some of these issues. A
bidirectional gateway can be established to this mailing list. This
group is intended to answer the needs and in- terests of this group.

  It is hoped that the creation of the group,
"" will encourage and facilitate a greater
amount of collaborating of information and experience by indi- viduals.


  Please post all discussions to "news.groups"

  If a consensus is reached by the end of the discussion  period,
a CFV, (call for votes) will be posted at that time.
Surendar Chandra              Worcester Polytechnic  Institute
[email protected]           Worcester, MA 01609.  Phone: (508) 831-5118

From [email protected] Thu Apr  8 12:39:08 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Surendar Chandra)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 8 Apr 1993 12:28:58 -0400
Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA 01609, USA.
Lines: 88
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3442 news.groups:69479

                   C A L L   F O R   V O T E S

This is a Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of
Instructions on casting votes is mentioned towards the middle of this post.


     A Request For Discussion (RFD) for the group  was
     issued  on  March  4.  Subsequently,  a  second  RFD for the name was  issued  on  March  22.  The  name,
     status and charter of the new group were accepted.

STATUS will be a unmoderated group.


     The purpose of the newsgroup  ""   would
     be  for  exchange of information (and tools) to help Teaching As-

       Discussions could pertain to issues such as:

       - culturally diverse classrooms
       - roles (Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Student)
       - learning styles
       - Teaching Assistant-student relations
       - Teaching Assistant-Supervisor/Professor relations
       - working conditions
       - lesson-planning
       - avoidance of harassment (as victim or offender)
       - language problems (i.e. International Teaching Asst language problems)
       - marking consistency
       - Teaching Assistant training resources
       - classroom/lab management
       - specific tools for a particular subject area
     It is anticipated that readers of the group would   be   Teaching
     assistants  and  Professors  who are interested in techniques for
     better teaching. Participation by beginners, experienced Teaching
	 Assistants, and Professors will be encouraged.


     The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end
     on May 4, 1993 at 23:59 EDT. According to the USENET rules, in
     order for the group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast
     must be YES votes, and there must be at least 100 more YES votes
     than NO votes.
     To vote YES please send to the following address
          [email protected]

     To vote NO please send to the following address

          [email protected]

     The contents of the message should contain the line "I vote
     for/against as proposed". Email mes-
     sages sent to the above addresses must constitute unambiguous and
     unconditional votes for/against newsgroup creation as proposed.
     Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Only votes emailed to
     the above addresses will be counted; mailed replies to this post-
     ing will be returned. In the event that more than one vote is
     placed by an individual, only the most recent vote will be count-
     ed.  Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this
     for you.

     Two additional CFV's will be posted during the course of the
     vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date.
     No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until
     the final acknowledgment is made at the end, at which time the
     full vote will be made public.


     This CFV was issued on April 8, and the voting period will end on
     May 4, 1993 at 23:59 EDT.

Thank you for your participation.
Surendar Chandra                        [email protected]
Department of Computer Science
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester MA 01609                      (508) 831-5118

From [email protected] Tue Apr 20 14:46:27 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Surendar Chandra)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 20 Apr 1993 09:54:28 -0400
Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA 01609, USA.
Lines: 256
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3484 news.groups:70204

                   2nd. C A L L   F O R   V O T E S

This is a 2nd Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of If you have already sent your votes, please 
check the list at the end of this posting to see if your vote has been 
received.  If not, please follow the guidelines and resend them.
Instructions on casting votes is mentioned towards the middle of this post.


     A Request For Discussion (RFD) for the group  was
     issued  on  March  4.  Subsequently,  a  second  RFD for the name was  issued  on  March  22.  The  name,
     status and charter of the new group were accepted.

STATUS will be a unmoderated group.


     The purpose of the newsgroup  ""   would
     be  for  exchange of information (and tools) to help Teaching As-

       Discussions could pertain to issues such as:

       - culturally diverse classrooms
       - roles (Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Student)
       - learning styles
       - Teaching Assistant-student relations
       - Teaching Assistant-Supervisor/Professor relations
       - working conditions
       - lesson-planning
       - avoidance of harassment (as victim or offender)
       - language problems (i.e. International Teaching Asst language problems)
       - marking consistency
       - Teaching Assistant training resources
       - classroom/lab management
       - specific tools for a particular subject area
     It is anticipated that readers of the group would   be   Teaching
     assistants  and  Professors  who are interested in techniques for
     better teaching. Participation by beginners, experienced Teaching
	 Assistants, and Professors will be encouraged.


     The  voting period  began  8 April. It will end  on May 4,  1993.
     According to the  USENET rules,  in  order  for the group  to  be
     created, at  least 2/3 of  the  votes cast must be YES votes, and
     there must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.
     To vote YES please send to the following address
          [email protected]

     To vote NO please send to the following address

          [email protected]

     The contents of the message  should  contain  the  line  "I  vote
     for/against  as  proposed". Email mes-
     sages sent to the above addresses must constitute unambiguous and
     unconditional  votes  for/against newsgroup creation as proposed.
     Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Only  votes  emailed  to
     the above addresses will be counted; mailed replies to this post-
     ing will be returned. In the event that more  than  one  vote  is
     placed by an individual, only the most recent vote will be count-
     ed.  Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this
     for you.

      Two additional CFV's will be posted during  the  course  of  the
     vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date.
     No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until
     the  final  acknowledgment  is made at the end, at which time the
     full vote will be made public.


     This CFV was issued on April 8, and the voting period will end on
     May 4, 1993 at 23:59 EDT.


  Votes received till April 17, 1993, 23:59 EDT are listed below. The
  list is sorted on the e-mail addresses.

[email protected]
Adam Cody Coggins                   
Philip R. Spagnolli                 
Alistair Campbell                   
Michael W Wojcik                    
Aaron Gregory Cass                  
Giridharan Alwar                    
Ajay Shekhawat                      
Andrew Drury                        
Jesus Eugenio S Nchez Pe~a          
Omar Hisham Altalib                 
Amberle Ferrian                     
Andras Salamon                      
Anona Thorne                        
Ramakrishna Reddy Anugula           
Austin C. Melton                    
Yun Tang                            
Brian X-jew Exelbierd               
Brian Huck                          
Binh Do                             
Bob Pasker                          
Daniel F Boyd                       
Briand T Sanderson                  
Judith Elaine Bush Newton           
Scot Carpenter                      
Cary Timar                          
Chris Gellasch                      
Chris Duddek                        
Cindy Swoveland                     
Ernest A. Cline                     
Cory L. Scott                       
Michael Cokus                       
Heather Coon                        
Christopher Stone                   
Chong Zhu                           
Douglas B. Gorham                   
David Finkel                        
Dikkala Ravikumar                   
Jie Ding                            
David Murphy                        
Dawn E. Wilkins                     
Doug Williams                       
Eric J. Olson                       
Eileen D. Mak                       
Ed Mcguire                          
Erik Seligman                       
Richard Fairbanks                   
A. Francis Chandran                 
Dylan Steinberg                     
Maurizio Vitale                     
Maria Galetta,                      
Ravikanth Ganesan                   
Gary Huckabay                       
Georg Hoermann                      
Jon Grantham                        
George Scott                        
Douglas Anthony Bodner              
Halsall, Paul                       
Robert Handen                       
Mohammad Heydari                    
Harry Mamaysky                      
Sandra Hoenle                       
Ian Parberry                        
Mark A Bialik                       
Dragomir R. Radev                   
Jan Isley                           
Joy C Dingle                        
Joel Furr                           
Jeffrey Herdtner                    
James H. Kiley                      
Jianfang Li                         
Joel Roberts                        
Josh Hayes                          
Janice Penner                       
John Eric Sanders                   
Joseph Barco                        
George S Kardaras                   
Kathie Carpenter                    
Keith Willoughby                    
Kurt Seefeldt                       
Kunhua Lin                          
Steve Klivansky                     
Bill Konrad                         
Kelly M Tuffo                       
Alexandros Labrinidis               
Lloyd C. Cha                        
Learning Connections                
Daryl Lee                           
Lili Liu                            
Lee-ellen Marvin                    
Sometimes A Wombat                  
Li Wang                             
Deepa Mahendraker                   
Let's Go Mets                       
Mark Kantrowitz                     
Matt Hopkins                        
Malcolm Austin                      
Miguel Farah F.                     
Margret E Jacoby                    
William Moxley                      
Nigel Allen                         
Ho Leung Ng                         
Hau Nick Lin                        
Allen J. Orsi                       
Bill Owens                          
Ignasi Palou-rivera                 
Pasi Ahonen                         
Paul Kinas                          
Patricia A White -- Oxford University Press -- Mis 
Michal Peri                         
Peter David                         
Yip Kin                             
Joel Plutchak                       
Ping Huang                          
Xingsheng Qian                      
David G Radcliffe                   
Gary W Rasberry                     
Runqing Du                          
Richard H. Miller                   
Ross B Penner                       
Rodrigo Vanegas                     
Steven M Casburn                    
Subbarayan Chandrasekaran           
Susan Garfinkel                     
Shan Wang                           
Sheryl Adam                         
Hao Shi                             
Seth L Theriault                    
Scott Mcginnis                      
Sonia Mazzi                         
Subrahmanyam Pillutla               
Swee Loke                           
Steven Miale                        
Sridhar Venkataraman                
Sarah Skovronsky                    
Stu Labovitz                        
Surendar Chandra                    
Phil Sweany                         
Mike Jacobi; Navsses 012c; Vax System Manager 
Thomas E Taylor                     
P Thriveni                          
Tim Wilson                          
Tim Klein                           
Juan A. Trujillo                    
Jill Stainsby                       
Sam Black                           
Sukanta K Mishra                    
Howard Wachtel 312 975-7970         
Henryk Fuks                         
Vadivelu Elumalai                   
Vashti Galpin                       
Jeyakesavan Veerasamy               
Vijay Kumar Ganapati                
Ruth Radetsky                       
Joachim Walser                      
Stephen Andrew Weinstein            
Tricia Willink                      
Wulin Suo                           
Chunliang Xia                       
Xiaochun Li                         
Xiaohua Wang                        
Xiaolin Liu                         
Norman Yarvin                       
Y Dai                               
Zhengjin Shu                        
D. Zhou                             

From [email protected] Thu May  6 14:56:13 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Surendar Chandra)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 30 Apr 1993 18:44:40 -0400
Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA 01609, USA.
Lines: 323
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3537 news.groups:71238

                   3rd. C A L L   F O R   V O T E S

This is the 3rd and Final Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of If you have already sent your votes, please 
check the list at the end of this posting to see if your vote has been 
received.  If not, please follow the guidelines and resend them.
Instructions on casting votes is mentioned towards the middle of this post.


     A Request For Discussion (RFD) for the group  was
     issued  on  March  4.  Subsequently,  a  second  RFD for the name was  issued  on  March  22.  The  name,
     status and charter of the new group were accepted.

STATUS will be a unmoderated group.


     The purpose of the newsgroup  ""   would
     be  for  exchange of information (and tools) to help Teaching As-

       Discussions could pertain to issues such as:

       - culturally diverse classrooms
       - roles (Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Student)
       - learning styles
       - Teaching Assistant-student relations
       - Teaching Assistant-Supervisor/Professor relations
       - working conditions
       - lesson-planning
       - avoidance of harassment (as victim or offender)
       - language problems (i.e. International Teaching Asst language problems)
       - marking consistency
       - Teaching Assistant training resources
       - classroom/lab management
       - specific tools for a particular subject area
     It is anticipated that readers of the group would   be   Teaching
     assistants  and  Professors  who are interested in techniques for
     better teaching. Participation by beginners, experienced Teaching
	 Assistants, and Professors will be encouraged.


     The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end
     on  May  4, 1993. According to the USENET rules, in order for the
     group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast must  be  YES
     votes,  and  there  must  be  at least 100 more YES votes than NO
     To vote YES please send to the following address
          [email protected]

     To vote NO please send to the following address

          [email protected]

     The contents of the message  should  contain  the  line  "I  vote
     for/against  as  proposed". Email mes-
     sages sent to the above addresses must constitute unambiguous and
     unconditional  votes  for/against newsgroup creation as proposed.
     Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Only  votes  emailed  to
     the above addresses will be counted; mailed replies to this post-
     ing will be returned. In the event that more  than  one  vote  is
     placed by an individual, only the most recent vote will be count-
     ed.  Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this
     for you.

      Two additional CFV's will be posted during  the  course  of  the
     vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date.
     No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until
     the  final  acknowledgment  is made at the end, at which time the
     full vote will be made public.


     This CFV was issued on April 8, and the voting period will end on
     May 4, 1993 at 23:59 EDT.


  Votes received till April 27, 1993, 23:59 EDT are listed below. The
  list is sorted on the e-mail addresses.

Adam Cody Coggins                        [email protected]
"Philip R. Spagnolli"                    [email protected]
Alistair Campbell                        [email protected]  
Michael W Wojcik                         [email protected] 
Aaron Gregory Cass                       [email protected]
GIRIDHARAN ALWAR                         [email protected] 
Ajay Shekhawat                           [email protected] 
ANDREW DRURY                             [email protected]     
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a               [email protected]
                                         ALANM%[email protected]
Sandro Doro                              [email protected]
omar hisham altalib                      [email protected]
"Andrew L. Wright"                       [email protected]
Amberle Ferrian                          [email protected]
Andras Salamon                           [email protected] 
Anona Thorne                             [email protected]   
RamaKrishna Reddy Anugula                [email protected] 
ANAND RAO                                [email protected]       
AUSTIN C. MELTON                         [email protected]   
Yun Tang                                 [email protected]   
Brian "X-Jew" Exelbierd                  [email protected]
Brian Huck                               [email protected] 
Binh Do                                  [email protected]    
"bob pasker"                             [email protected]
                                         [email protected]
Daniel F Boyd                            [email protected] 
Brian SPENCER                            [email protected]
Briand T Sanderson                       [email protected]
Judith Elaine Bush Newton                [email protected] 
Scot Carpenter                           [email protected]    
Cary Timar                               [email protected] 
Chuck Carroll                            [email protected]
Chris Gellasch                           [email protected]
Charles Choi                             [email protected]
Chris Duddek                             [email protected]   
Cindy Swoveland                          [email protected]
"Charles C. Lin"                         [email protected]    
Ernest A. Cline                          [email protected]
"Cory L. Scott"                          [email protected]
Michael Cokus                            [email protected]
HEATHER COON                             [email protected]
Christopher Stone                        [email protected]
Tom Culliton x2278                       [email protected] 
Chong Zhu                                [email protected]      
Douglas B. Gorham                        [email protected]    
David Coster                             [email protected] 
David Finkel                             [email protected]
Dikkala Ravikumar                        [email protected]             
Jie Ding                                 [email protected]   
                                         [email protected]
David Murphy                             [email protected]
Dawn E. Wilkins                          [email protected] 
Doug Williams                            [email protected] 
"Eric J. Olson"                          [email protected]
Elliotte Rusty Harold                    [email protected]
ethan miller                             [email protected] 
"Eileen D. Mak"                          [email protected]   
Ed McGuire                               [email protected] 
Erika Reiman                             [email protected] 
Erik Seligman                            [email protected]
emanuel rubin                            [email protected]
Richard Fairbanks                        [email protected]
A. Francis Chandran                      [email protected] 
Dylan Steinberg                          [email protected]
Maurizio Vitale                          [email protected] 
Gregory C Franklin                       [email protected] 
Hardcore Alaskan                         [email protected]
Rootham James Douglas                    [email protected]
Maria Galetta                            [email protected]
Ravikanth Ganesan                        [email protected] 
gary huckabay                            [email protected]
Georg Hoermann                           [email protected] 
Jon Grantham                             [email protected] 
George Scott                             [email protected]
Douglas Anthony Bodner                   [email protected] 
Glenn T. Wrate                           [email protected]     
Gudrun Helgadottir                       [email protected]
John Senger                              [email protected]
Halsall, Paul                            [email protected]
Robert Handen                            [email protected]    
Mohammad Heydari                         [email protected]
Harry Mamaysky                           [email protected]     
Sandra Hoenle                            [email protected] 
Ian Parberry                             [email protected] 
Mark A Bialik                            [email protected]
Dragomir R. Radev                        [email protected] 
Irwan Nusantara                          [email protected]       
Hans de Graaff                           [email protected] 
Jan Isley                                [email protected] 
Joy C Dingle                             [email protected]
                                         [email protected] 
Joel Furr                                [email protected] 
Jeffrey Herdtner                         [email protected] 
"James H. Kiley"                         [email protected]
JIANFANG LI                              [email protected]     
                                         [email protected]
Joel Roberts                             [email protected]
Josh Hayes                               [email protected]
Janice Penner                            [email protected]
Ji Ping Lu                               [email protected]      
"John Eric Sanders"                      [email protected]
                                         [email protected]
Juliet Ellen Johnson                     [email protected]
Joseph Barco                             [email protected]
Zunhai Dong                              [email protected]
Roland Kaltefleiter                      [email protected]
George S Kardaras                        [email protected] 
Kathie Carpenter                         [email protected]
Keith Willoughby                         [email protected]  
KURT SEEFELDT                            [email protected]    
Yong-Mi Kim                              [email protected]     
Kunhua Lin                               [email protected]      
Steve Klivansky                          [email protected] 
Rob Knauerhase                           [email protected]  
Bill Konrad                              [email protected] 
Krishnamoorthy.S.                        [email protected] 
Kwok-Shing Leung                         [email protected] 
Kelly M Tuffo                            [email protected] 
Alexandros Labrinidis                    [email protected]
Dimitris Lagouvardos                     [email protected]
Lloyd C. Cha                             [email protected]
Learning Connections                     [email protected]   
Daryl Lee                                [email protected]
Lili Liu                                 [email protected]      
Lee-Ellen Marvin                         [email protected] 
sometimes a Wombat                       [email protected] 
Li Wang                                  lw7073@cehpx7       
Deepa Mahendraker                        [email protected] 
LET'S GO METS                            [email protected]
Mark Kantrowitz                          [email protected]
Matt Hopkins                             [email protected] 
Malcolm Austin                           [email protected] 
Miguel Farah F.                          [email protected] 
Michele Evard                            [email protected]
Matthew Allen Grayson                    [email protected]
                                         [email protected]
"Loren J. Miller"                        [email protected]
Margret E Jacoby                         [email protected]
                                         [email protected]      
David Maurice                            [email protected] 
William Moxley                           [email protected] 
"Michael Wells"                          [email protected]
Nancy Heckman                            [email protected]   
Nigel Allen                              [email protected] 
                                         [email protected]
"Hau (Nick) Lin"                         [email protected]   
"Brian W. Ogilvie"                       [email protected]
Allen J. Orsi                            [email protected]
Bill Owens                               [email protected] 
Ignasi Palou-Rivera                      [email protected]
                                         [email protected]       
Paul Kinas                               [email protected]    
Patricia A White -- Oxford University    [email protected]
Michal Peri                              peri%[email protected] 
Peter David                              [email protected]                 
Chris Phillips                           [email protected] 
Yip Kin                                  [email protected] 
Na Choon Piaw                            [email protected]       
Joel Plutchak                            [email protected] 
                                         [email protected]     
Murray Nesbitt                           [email protected] 
                                         [email protected]
Xingsheng Qian                           [email protected]     
David G Radcliffe                        [email protected]
Gary W Rasberry                          [email protected]
                                         [email protected]     
"Sendhil Revuluri"                       [email protected]
                                         [email protected]   
Richard H. Miller                        [email protected] 
Ross B Penner                            [email protected]
Rachel Knighten                          [email protected]
Rachel Knighten                          [email protected]
rodrigo vanegas                          [email protected]     
Sally Smith                              [email protected]  
Steven M Casburn                         [email protected]
SUBBARAYAN CHANDRASEKARAN                [email protected]
Susan Garfinkel                          [email protected] 
Shan Wang                                [email protected]
"Steven R. Sherman"                      [email protected]
Sheryl Adam                              [email protected]
Hao Shi                                  [email protected]       
D Sivakumar                              [email protected] 
Thomas Skibo                             [email protected] 
slawhorn                                 [email protected]
Seth L Theriault                         [email protected]
Scott McGinnis                           [email protected]
Sonia Mazzi                              [email protected]   
Subrahmanyam Pillutla                    [email protected]
Swee Loke                                [email protected]
Steven Miale                             [email protected]
Sridhar Venkataraman                     [email protected] 
Jill Stainsby                            [email protected]     
Sarah Skovronsky                         [email protected]
Stu Labovitz                             [email protected] 
                                         [email protected]
Surendar Chandra                         [email protected]            
Phil Sweany                              [email protected]   
Mike Jacobi; Navsses 012c; Vax System    [email protected]
Tim Burrow                               [email protected] 
Thomas E Taylor                          [email protected] 
P Thriveni                               [email protected] 
Tim Wilson                               [email protected] 
Tim Klein                                [email protected]   
Juan A. Trujillo                         [email protected] 
Terrie Short                             [email protected] 
Sam Black                                [email protected]
Trevor Tompson                           [email protected] 
Sukanta K Mishra                         [email protected]    
"Howard Wachtel (312) 975-7970"          [email protected]
Henryk Fuks                              [email protected]
"Urbashi Mitra"                          [email protected]
Vadivelu Elumalai                        [email protected]        
Vashti Galpin                            [email protected] 
Jeyakesavan Veerasamy                    [email protected]
Vijay Kumar Ganapati                     [email protected] 
Ruth Radetsky                            [email protected] 
Joachim Walser                           [email protected]
Stephen Andrew Weinstein                 [email protected]
Tricia Willink                           [email protected]
Steve Wilton                             [email protected]
Wing-Keong Loke                          [email protected] 
Wulin Suo                                [email protected]
Xuehai En                                [email protected] 
Chunliang Xia                            [email protected]    
Xiaochun Li                              [email protected]
Xiaohua Wang                             [email protected] 
XIAOLIN LIU                              [email protected]   
Norman Yarvin                            [email protected] 
Y Dai                                    [email protected]
zhengjin shu                             [email protected]  
D. ZHOU                                  [email protected]     
"Bjoern U. Gregersen"                    [email protected]    

From [email protected] Tue May 11 08:44:16 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Surendar Chandra)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,
Subject: RESULT: passes 233:37
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 10 May 1993 14:16:04 -0400
Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA 01609, USA.
Lines: 292
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3579 news.groups:71770

The USENET group passes with 233 YES votes
and 37 NO votes. This satisfies the USENET requirement of 2/3 'rds YES votes
and a difference of 100 votes between YES and NO votes. 

If no substantial objections concerning individual votes are received
by May 10, 1993, a control message for the creation of may be issued.

Thanks everyone for participating in this voting process.


The List of Votes Specifying NO for soc.culture.ta:
 I had counted these as NO, because they were sent to the NO email address.

Gopal Parupudi                          [email protected] 
manjari yalavarthy                      [email protected]
Suresh Doki                             [email protected]
Thakur Ajay K                           [email protected] 

The List of Votes Specifying NO for
                                        [email protected]
Alex Lecea                              [email protected]
Amberle S Ferrian                       [email protected]
Bill Owens                              [email protected] 
Bjoern U. Gregersen                     [email protected]    
Chris Duddek                            [email protected]   
Chris Marble                            [email protected] 
Chris Phillips                          [email protected] 
Christopher Stone                       [email protected]
Cory L. Scott                           [email protected]
David Maurice                           [email protected] 
David Murphy                            [email protected]
Ed McGuire                              [email protected] 
Eric J. Olson                           [email protected]
Ernest A. Cline                         [email protected]
Gregory G. Woodbury                     [email protected] 
Hardcore Alaskan                        [email protected]
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a              [email protected]
Joel Plutchak                           [email protected] 
Keith Willoughby                        [email protected]  
Malcolm Austin                          [email protected] 
Mike Jacobi; Navsses 012c; Vax System   [email protected]
Murray Nesbitt                          [email protected] 
Norman Yarvin                           [email protected] 
Richard H. Miller                       [email protected] 
Robert Handen                           [email protected]
Roland Kaltefleiter                     [email protected]
Stu Labovitz                            [email protected] 
Thomas Skibo                            [email protected] 
Tim Pierce                              [email protected]
Tom Culliton x2278                      [email protected] 
Will Steeves                            [email protected]
William Moxley                          [email protected] 

The List of Votes Specifying YES for
                                        ALANM%[email protected]
                                        [email protected] 
                                        [email protected]
                                        [email protected]
                                        [email protected]
A. Borges Sugiyama                      [email protected] 
A. Francis Chandran                     [email protected] 
Aaron Gregory Cass                      [email protected]
Adam Cody Coggins                       [email protected]
Ajay Shekhawat                          [email protected] 
Alexandros Labrinidis                   [email protected]
Alistair Campbell                       [email protected]  
Allen J. Orsi                           [email protected]
Almeida Jeff D.                         [email protected] 
ANAND RAO                               [email protected]       
Andi Boller at Knoxville TN             [email protected]
Andras Salamon                          [email protected] 
ANDREW DRURY                            [email protected]     
Andrew L. Wright                        [email protected]
Andrew W. Jergens                       [email protected]
Anona Thorne                            [email protected]   
Anthony Rosati                          [email protected] 
AUSTIN C. MELTON                        [email protected]   
Bill Konrad                             [email protected] 
Binh Do                                 [email protected]    
bob pasker                              [email protected]
Brian E. Cooper                         becoop01@spdvax     
Brian Huck                              [email protected] 
Brian SPENCER                           [email protected]
Brian W. Ogilvie                        [email protected]
Brian X-Jew Exelbierd                   [email protected]
Briand T Sanderson                      [email protected]
Carwil James                            [email protected]
Cary Timar                              [email protected] 
Chakra Chennubhotla                     [email protected]	
Charles C. Lin                          [email protected]    
Charles Choi                            [email protected]
Charles Rezk                            [email protected]   
Chong Zhu                               [email protected]      
Chris Gellasch                          [email protected]
Chuck Carroll                           [email protected]
Chunliang Xia                           [email protected]    
Cindy Swoveland                         [email protected]
D Sivakumar                             [email protected] 
D. ZHOU                                 [email protected]     
Daniel F Boyd                           [email protected] 
Daryl Lee                               [email protected]
Dave Schaumann                          [email protected] 
Dave Taylor                             [email protected] 
David Coster                            [email protected] 
David Finkel                            [email protected]
David G Radcliffe                       [email protected]
David J. Greenberger                    [email protected]
David W Crawford                        [email protected] 
Dawn E. Wilkins                         [email protected] 
Dean Pentcheff                          [email protected]
Deepa Mahendraker                       [email protected] 
Dikkala Ravikumar                       [email protected]             
Dimitris Lagouvardos                    [email protected]
Doug Williams                           [email protected] 
Douglas Anthony Bodner                  [email protected] 
Douglas B. Gorham                       [email protected]    
Dragomir R. Radev                       [email protected] 
Dylan Steinberg                         [email protected]
E-Man!                                  [email protected]
Eileen D. Mak                           [email protected]   
Elliotte Rusty Harold                   [email protected]
emanuel rubin                           [email protected]
Erik Seligman                           [email protected]
Erika Reiman                            [email protected] 
ethan miller                            [email protected] 
gary huckabay                           [email protected]
Gary W Rasberry                         [email protected]
Georg Hoermann                          [email protected] 
George S Kardaras                       [email protected] 
George Scott                            [email protected]
GIRIDHARAN ALWAR                        [email protected] 
Glenn T. Wrate                          [email protected]     
Gregory C Franklin                      [email protected] 
Gudrun Heladottir                       [email protected]
Halsall Paul                            [email protected]
Hans de Graaff                          [email protected] 
Hao Shi                                 [email protected]       
Harry Mamaysky                          [email protected]     
Hau (Nick) Lin                          [email protected]   
HEATHER COON                            [email protected]
Helgi Steinar Sigurdsson                [email protected]   
Henryk Fuks                             [email protected]
Ho Leung Ng                             [email protected]
Howard Wachtel (312) 975-7970           [email protected]
Ian Parberry                            [email protected] 
Ignasi Palou-Rivera                     [email protected]
Irwan Nusantara                         [email protected]       
James H. Kiley                          [email protected]
Jan Isley                               [email protected] 
Janice Penner                           [email protected]
Jeffrey Herdtner                        [email protected] 
Jeyakesavan Veerasamy                   [email protected]
Ji Ping Lu                              [email protected]      
JIANFANG LI                             [email protected]     
Jie Ding                                [email protected]   
Jill Stainsby                           [email protected]     
Joachim Walser                          [email protected]       
Joel Chan                               [email protected]
Joel Furr                               [email protected] 
Joel Roberts                            [email protected]
John Eric Sanders                       [email protected]
John Senger                             [email protected]
Jon Grantham                            [email protected] 
Joseph Barco                            [email protected]  
Josh Hayes                              [email protected]
Joy C Dingle                            [email protected]
Juan A. Trujillo                        [email protected] 
Judith Elaine Bush Newton               [email protected] 
Julian S Visch                          [email protected]
Juliet Ellen Johnson                    [email protected]
Kathie Carpenter                        [email protected]
Kelly M Tuffo                           [email protected] 
Krishnamoorthy.S.                       [email protected] 
Kunhua Lin                              [email protected]      
KURT SEEFELDT                           [email protected]    
Kwok-Shing Leung                        [email protected] 
Learning Connections                    [email protected]   
Lee-Ellen Marvin                        [email protected] 
LET'S GO METS                           [email protected]
Li Wang                                 lw7073@cehpx7       
Lili Liu                                [email protected]      
Lloyd C. Cha                            [email protected]
Loren J. Miller                         [email protected]
Manish Butte                            [email protected]    
Margret E Jacoby                        [email protected]
Maria Galetta                           [email protected]
Mark A Bialik                           [email protected]
Mark Kantrowitz                         [email protected]
Matt Hopkins                            [email protected] 
Matthew Allen Grayson                   [email protected]
Matthew B. Kratter                      [email protected] 
Maurizio Vitale                         [email protected] 
Michael Cokus                           [email protected]
Michael Gemar                           [email protected]
Michael W Wojcik                        [email protected] 
Michael Wells                           [email protected]
Michal Peri                             peri%[email protected] 
Michele Evard                           [email protected]
Michelle McGinn                         [email protected]      
Miguel Farah F.                         [email protected] 
Mohammad Heydari                        [email protected]
Na Choon Piaw                           [email protected]       
Nadeem Jamali                           [email protected] 
Nancy Heckman                           [email protected]   
Naren Bala                              [email protected] 
Nicola Maria Bourne                     [email protected]
Nicola Maria Bourne                     [email protected]
Nigel Allen                             [email protected] 
Ning Tang                               [email protected]   
omar hisham altalib                     [email protected]
P Thriveni                              [email protected] 
Pasi Ahonen                             [email protected]       
Patricia A White -- Oxford University   [email protected]
Paul Kinas                              [email protected]    
Peter David                             [email protected]                 
Petr Prikryl                            [email protected]     
Phil Sweany                             [email protected]   
Philip R. Spagnolli                     [email protected]
Ping Huang                              [email protected]
Qiang Alex Zhao                         [email protected]
Rachel Knighten                         [email protected]
Rachel Knighten                         [email protected]
RamaKrishna Reddy Anugula               [email protected] 
Ravikanth Ganesan                       [email protected] 
Richard Fairbanks                       [email protected]
Rob Knauerhase                          [email protected]  
Rodney L. Boleyn                        [email protected]
rodrigo vanegas                         [email protected]     
Rootham James Douglas                   [email protected]
Rosemary Waigh                          [email protected]
Ross B Penner                           [email protected]
Runqing Du                              [email protected]     
Ruth Radetsky                           [email protected] 
Sally Smith                             [email protected]  
Sam Black                               [email protected]         
Sandra Hoenle                           [email protected] 
Sandro Doro                             [email protected]
Sarah Skovronsky                        [email protected]
Scot Carpenter                          [email protected]    
Scott McGinnis                          [email protected]
Sendhil Revuluri                        [email protected]
Seth L Theriault                        [email protected]
Shan Wang                               [email protected]
Sheryl Adam                             [email protected]
shoujia  li                             [email protected] 
slawhorn                                [email protected]
sometimes a Wombat                      [email protected] 
Sonia Mazzi                             [email protected]   
Sridhar Venkataraman                    [email protected] 
Stephen Andrew Weinstein                [email protected]      
Steve Klivansky                         [email protected] 
Steve Wilton                            [email protected]
Steven M Casburn                        [email protected]
Steven Miale                            [email protected]
Steven R. Sherman                       [email protected]
SUBBARAYAN CHANDRASEKARAN               [email protected]
Subrahmanyam Pillutla                   [email protected]
Sukanta K Mishra                        [email protected]    
Surendar Chandra                        [email protected]            
Susan Garfinkel                         [email protected] 
Swee Loke                               [email protected]
Terrie Short                            [email protected] 
Thomas E Taylor                         [email protected] 
Thomas R Gerstel                        [email protected] 
Tim Burrow                              [email protected] 
Tim Klein                               [email protected]   
Tim Wilson                              [email protected] 
Trevor Tompson                          [email protected] 
Tricia Willink                          [email protected]
Urbashi Mitra                           [email protected]
Vadivelu Elumalai                       [email protected]        
Vashti Galpin                           [email protected] 
Vijay Kumar Ganapati                    [email protected] 
Wing-Keong Loke                         [email protected] 
Wulin Suo                               [email protected]
Xiaochun Li                             [email protected]
Xiaohua Wang                            [email protected] 
XIAOLIN LIU                             [email protected]   
Xingsheng Qian                          [email protected]     
Xuehai En                               [email protected] 
Y Dai                                   [email protected]
Yip Kin                                 [email protected] 
Yong-Mi Kim                             [email protected]     
Yuan Cheng                              [email protected]
Yun Tang                                [email protected]   
zhengjin shu                            [email protected]  
Zunhai Dong                             [email protected]

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