From [email protected] Tue Feb 23 23:38:18 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Don Hankins)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest,misc.invest.real-estate
Subject: RFD: misc.technical.invest
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 23 Feb 1993 13:18:58 -0500
Lines: 55
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3264 news.groups:67283 misc.invest:37147 misc.invest.real-estate:1422


RFD for creation of misc.invest.technical group for discussions regarding
technical market analysis.


  Create an UNMODERATED Usenet newsgroup called "misc.invest.technical"

  This announcement is cross-posted to the newsgroup misc.invest whose
  readers may have an interest in the discussion about the new group.


  The purpose of the newsgroup "misc.invest.technical" would be for
  discussing information related to technical analysis of market trends.
  Discussions could pertain to stock markets, commodities markets, or
  other futures type of markets.

  Topics of discussion could include software packages available, sources
  of data, program trading information, formulas, applicable publications,
  trading rules, and peoples' thoughts on assorted technical analysis and
  trading methods.

  It is anticipated that readers of the group would be investors and traders
  who are interested in technical analysis of market trends.  Participation
  by beginners, experienced amateurs, and professionals will be encouraged.


  Much of the discussion in the current group, misc.invest, is of a more
  general nature.  Yet, there appears to be a following of people who are
  interested in a newsgroup which would have a more specific orientation
  towards technical analysis of market trends, whether these trends be
  either long term, intermediate term, or short term.  This group is
  intended to answer the needs and interests of this group of people.,

  It is hoped that the creation of the group, "misc.invest.technical" will
  encourage and facilitate a greater amount of collaborating of information and
  experience by individuals.


  The discussion period will be from February 23, 1993 to March 25, 1993.

  Please post all discussions to "news.groups"

  If a consensus is reached by the end of the discussion period, a CFV,
  (call for votes) will be posted at that time.

  The voting period will last for 30 days.
Don Hankins					Cray Research, Inc.
[email protected]					655F Lone Oak Drive
Phone: (612) 683-5643				Eagan, Mn 55121

From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:37:14 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Don Hankins)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest
Subject: CFV: misc.invest.technical
Followup-To: poster
Date: 26 Mar 1993 10:52:15 -0500
Lines: 94
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3373 news.groups:68530 misc.invest:39036

This is a formal Call For Vote on the creation of a new newsgroup
called "misc.invest.technical" (not moderated).

  The RFD for this group was originated by Don Hankins
   and was posted in news.announce.newgroups
  on February 22, 1993.  Discussion in news.groups and via private email
  has been very favorable to creation of misc.invest.technical.

                            CALL FOR VOTES

NEWSGROUP:  misc.invest.technical

STATUS: Unmoderated


  Much of the discussion in the current group, misc.invest, is of a more
  general nature.  Yet, there appears to be a following of people who are
  interested in a newsgroup which would have a more specific orientation
  towards technical analysis of market trends, whether these trends be
  either long term, intermediate term, or short term.  This group is
  intended to answer the needs and interests of this group of people.


  The purpose of the newsgroup "misc.invest.technical" would be for
  discussing information related to technical analysis of market trends.
  Discussions could pertain to stock markets, commodities markets, or
  other futures type of markets.


  Topics of discussion could include software packages available, sources
  of data, program trading information, formulas, applicable publications,
  trading rules, and peoples' thoughts on assorted technical analysis and
  trading methods.


   All votes should be sent to:  [email protected]

   "Yes" votes (in support of the formation of misc.invest.technical as
   described) should contain a line of the form:

       "I vote YES for the creation of misc.invest.technical"

   "No" votes (in opposition of the formation of misc.invest.technical as
   described) should contain a line of the form:

       "I vote NO for the creation of misc.invest.technical"

  Variations in subject line format and message body will be accepted
  as long as the intent is clearly expressed.

  Voting Rules:

    - One vote per person. If you vote more than once, only the *last* of
      those votes will count.  Therefore if you change your mind about
      the vote, you can send a new vote, which invalidates the old vote,
      as long as it is within the voting period.

    - Ambiguous votes will be invalidated.
      Ambiguous votes contain neither YES nor NO, or contain both,
      or are conditional, such as "I vote ... if ..."

    - Votes posted to any newsgroup will NOT be counted.

    - According to the USENET rules, in order for the new group to be created,
      at least 2/3 of the votes must be "YES", and there must be at least 100
      more "YES" votes than "NO" votes.

    - For more details on the voting rules being followed, refer to article
       in news.announce.newgroups.


  Votes will be collected for a period beginning when this CFV is
  approved for publication in news.announce.newgroups and ending on
  Sunday April 25, 1993, at 23:59 GMT.  

  Votes received after the expiration of the voting period will be discarded.

  You may change your vote at any time before the voting period expires
  by simply submitting a new vote.  The last vote to be cast by any given
  individual before the end of the voting period will be counted; earlier
  votes cast by that individual will be discarded.

  Additional CFVs will be issued, and votes will be periodically acknowledged
  in news.announce.newgroups, without revealing how each person voted.  At the
  end of the voting period, a final acknowledgment will be made showing how
  all people voted.  If the group passes the vote and no serious objections
  are raised during a 5 day waiting period, the group will be created.

From [email protected] Fri Apr 16 10:40:10 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Don Hankins)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: misc.invest.technical
Followup-To: poster
Date: 15 Apr 1993 18:18:35 -0400
Lines: 355
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3472 news.groups:69907 misc.invest:40351

                   2ND CALL FOR VOTES and VOTE ACK

This is the second call for votes and vote ACK for the proposed newsgroup

NEWSGROUP:  misc.invest.technical

STATUS: Unmoderated


  Much of the discussion in the current group, misc.invest, is of a more
  general nature.  Yet, there appears to be a following of people who are
  interested in a newsgroup which would have a more specific orientation
  towards technical analysis of market trends, whether these trends be
  either long term, intermediate term, or short term.  This group is
  intended to answer the needs and interests of this group of people.


  The purpose of the newsgroup "misc.invest.technical" would be for
  discussing information related to technical analysis of market trends.
  Discussions could pertain to stock markets, commodities markets, or
  other futures type of markets.


  Topics of discussion could include software packages available, sources
  of data, program trading information, formulas, applicable publications,
  trading rules, and peoples' thoughts on assorted technical analysis and
  trading methods.


   All votes should be sent to:  [email protected]

   "Yes" votes (in support of the formation of misc.invest.technical as
   described) should contain a line of the form:

       "I vote YES for the creation of misc.invest.technical"

   "No" votes (in opposition of the formation of misc.invest.technical as
   described) should contain a line of the form:

       "I vote NO for the creation of misc.invest.technical"

  Variations in subject line format and message body will be accepted
  as long as the intent is clearly expressed.

  Voting Rules:

    - One vote per person. If you vote more than once, only the *last* of
      those votes will count.  Therefore if you change your mind about
      the vote, you can send a new vote, which invalidates the old vote,
      as long as it is within the voting period.

    - Ambiguous votes will be invalidated.
      Ambiguous votes contain neither YES nor NO, or contain both,
      or are conditional, such as "I vote ... if ..."

    - Votes posted to any newsgroup will NOT be counted.

    - According to the USENET rules, in order for the new group to be created,
      at least 2/3 of the votes must be "YES", and there must be at least 100
      more "YES" votes than "NO" votes.

    - For more details on the voting rules being followed, refer to article
       in news.announce.newgroups.


  Votes will be collected for a period beginning when this CFV is
  approved for publication in news.announce.newgroups and ending on
  Sunday April 25, 1993, at 23:59 GMT.  

  Votes received after the expiration of the voting period will be discarded.

  You may change your vote at any time before the voting period expires
  by simply submitting a new vote.  The last vote to be cast by any given
  individual before the end of the voting period will be counted; earlier
  votes cast by that individual will be discarded.

  Additional CFVs will be issued, and votes will be periodically acknowledged
  in news.announce.newgroups, without revealing how each person voted.  At the
  end of the voting period, a final acknowledgment will be made showing how
  all people voted.  If the group passes the vote and no serious objections
  are raised during a 5 day waiting period, the group will be created.


I have received votes from the following people.  If you wish to vote and
your name is not in this list, please be sure to send me your vote before
the voting period ends. 

 (Jonathan Hong) 
 [email protected]
 Aaron Schindler 
 [email protected] (Albert Cheng)
 [email protected] (Rachel Holme)
 [email protected] (Dan Buchler)
 Adam Rauch 
 Aditya Palande 
 [email protected] (Barry H. Rodin)
 [email protected] (Leonid Sagalovsky)
 [email protected] (Ajay Shah)
 alex ho  
 [email protected] (Alice R. Chen)
 [email protected] (Alistair Mees)
 [email protected] (Amar Chawla)
 [email protected] (ahmed barrada)
 [email protected] (Amit P.Rege)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Andrew Nicholson)
 Anthony G. Bradford 
 [email protected] (Anthony T.K. Gaw (consultant))
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Asif Taiyabi)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Stanko Barle)
 [email protected] (Russell I. Dyreng)
 [email protected] (Bob Holloway)
 Boris Krasnoiarov 
 Brett Stewart 
 Brian J. Haag 
 [email protected] (Bill Carson)
 [email protected] (The Rodman)
 [email protected] (Gary V. Cavano)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Joseph Carbonaro)
 [email protected] (Dave Carr)
 [email protected] (Jerry Casey)
 [email protected] (David Ebdon)
 [email protected] (Colin Gray)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Chuck Lampman)
 [email protected] (Po Sum Chung -- ACF)
 [email protected] (Jimmy Kuo)
 [email protected] (Ralph Clark)
 [email protected] (John Gotti's Heir)
 [email protected] (Rex Wang)
 [email protected] (dack)
 [email protected] (Dan Grove)
 Darin C. Brown  
 [email protected] (David Sherman)
 David Bingzhong Guan 
 David E. Martin 
 David-Michael Lincke 
 [email protected] (D.Philips)
 [email protected] (L. Donovan Dodd)
 Dean Rubine 
 Dennis J. Nichols 
 Dennis J. Nicklaus 
 [email protected] (David desJardins)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Darryn Kozak)
 Don DeMaio 
 Doug Deprenger 
 Doug Jefferys 
 Doug R. Hall 
 [email protected] (Tim Dyes)
 [email protected] (John E. Mendenhall)
 [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
 Eric J. Olson 
 [email protected] (Eric Hendrickson)
 Ernest A. Cline 
 Esfandiar Bandari 
 [email protected] (Reza Shams)
 FABIAN SCHAEFER <[email protected]>
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Joe Farrenkopf)
 [email protected] (Fred Sobottka)
 Fil Machi 
 [email protected] (Frank O'Donnell)
 [email protected] (Frank Wang)
 [email protected] (Fred Criscuolo)
 [email protected] (fred metcalf)
 [email protected]
 George Blackburn <[email protected]>
 [email protected] (George Kirikos)
 [email protected] (McCluskey G)
 [email protected] (MCMURRAY,GARY V)
 [email protected] (The Red Heather)
 Hardcore Alaskan 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (B.J.)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
 [email protected] (Jung Pyo Hong)
 [email protected] (Ilana Stern)
 [email protected] (Ian Murdock)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (John Auer)
 [email protected] (Jack Gidding)
 [email protected] (Jeff Eastman)
 [email protected] (James C. Lee)
 [email protected] (James Conley)
 [email protected] (Randell Jesup)
 [email protected] (Jeff Hines)
 Ji Zhang 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Jordan Hayes)
 [email protected] (Wallace A. Journey)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Anthony Giancola)
 [email protected] (Ken Beal)
 Ken Schroder 
 Kenneth White 
 [email protected] (Ken Rose)
 [email protected]
 kestas%[email protected] (L)
 [email protected] (Aaron L Dickey)
 Kimberly Halverson 
 [email protected] (Arjun (John) Kondamani)
 [email protected] (Timothy Kong)
 L. Merrill Palmer 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Lara Allen)
 Larry Rupp 
 Larry Watanabe 
 [email protected] (Joe Gorberg)
 [email protected] (Weixiong Li)
 [email protected] (Liren Chen)
 Lord of Morgul 
 [email protected] (Lorraine Nicholson)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Gerald Lee)
 M. D. D. Andrews 
 [email protected] (Leonard Cayetano)
 [email protected] (Mehmet Adalier - EPG)
 [email protected] (Mark Maggenti)
 [email protected] (Mai Tran)
 Maoee Tsen-1 
 Marc Moorcroft 
 Marc Randolph 
 [email protected] (Marc Levitt)
 Mark Leonidovich Meyerovich 
 [email protected] (Matt Downs)
 Matthew Almand 
 Matthews Donat <[email protected]>
 [email protected] (Mark Atwood)
 [email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
 [email protected] (Matt Kennel)
 [email protected] (Milind Bodas)
 McAldon International Inc. 
 [email protected] (Sean Merritt)
 [email protected] (Cyber Ranger)
 Michael A Langston 
 Michael Haas <[email protected]>
 Michael Quinn 
 Mick <[email protected]>
 [email protected] (Mike Wright -SSE- Huntsville AL)
 [email protected] (Edward E. Miller)
 [email protected] (Dan Mills)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mitchell Weiss)
 [email protected] (Olli-Pekka Myllynen)
 Neal C. Wyse 
 [email protected] (ngupta)
 Niclas Mattsson 
 Nicolas Alejandro Arauz 
 Norbert Schlenker 
 Norman Chiu 
 [email protected] (Sanjay Noronha)
 [email protected] (Neal Patrick)
 [email protected] (C.W. Chung)
 [email protected] (Olaf Vancura)
 [email protected] (Bill Owens)
 [email protected] (Dave Padgitt)
 [email protected] (Patrick Conway)
 Paul Fahn 
 Paul Hardwick 
 [email protected] (paul look)
 [email protected] (Pete Stauffer)
 [email protected] (Peter Klug)
 [email protected]
 Phil Franklin 
 [email protected] (Patrick M Chase)
 [email protected] (Paul McMullin APL x7823)
 [email protected] (Peter Chan)
 [email protected] (Steven Pye)
 Rachel Sartin 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Roger Cundiff)
 [email protected] (bob bookbinder)
 [email protected] (Ruoming Gong)
 Richard Detweiler 
 Richard Freytag 
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Richard Kelly)
 [email protected] (Rich Carreiro)
 [email protected] (Robert Maltas)
 [email protected] (Richard Mandel)
 [email protected] (Dick O'Leary)
 Rob Sartin 
 Robert F. Enenkel 
 [email protected] (Michael Alan Roberts)
 [email protected] (Rod Beckwith)
 [email protected] (rperry)
 [email protected] (Carl Rothenbacher)
 [email protected] (J. Andy Royle)
 [email protected] (Ryan Sheftel)
 [email protected]
 Russell Monsen 
 [email protected]
 Sandra S Berns 
 Sascha Wildner 
 [email protected] (Sasha Velednitsky)
 [email protected] (Dennis Sass)
 [email protected] (Ed Savage)
 [email protected] (Bob Schmid)
 [email protected]
 Shane Hartman 
 Shi-Chiang Pao 
 [email protected] (George Shiau)
 [email protected] (Reddy)
 [email protected] (Rich Skrenta)
 Stephen F Mozelewski 
 Stephen Lau 
 [email protected] (Maurice E. Suhre)
 [email protected] (Susan Thomas)
 [email protected] (Tom Baxter)
 Terry Hayes 
 [email protected] (Rick Campbell /10000)
 Tim Nickles 
 [email protected] (tim ieong)
 [email protected]
 Tony Joines 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Willie Mrosla)
 [email protected] (A.Lizard)
 [email protected] (Tyler R. Holcomb)
 [email protected] (Greg Marciniak)
 Uday Hegde 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Venktesh Maudgalya)
 [email protected] (Vida Jakabhazy)
 Vilok (V.) Kusumakar 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Vineet Jain)
 [email protected] (William Barr)
 [email protected] (Mike Peeler)
 [email protected]

From [email protected] Wed Apr 28 18:55:39 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Don Hankins)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest
Subject: RESULT: misc.invest.technical passes 298:30
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 27 Apr 1993 16:42:42 -0400
Organization: Cray
Lines: 344
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3520 news.groups:70957 misc.invest:41094

The vote to create the proposed group, misc.invest.technical, has passed.

Yes votes:	298
No votes:	 30

I wish to thank everyone who voted.

The following is a list of the people who voted and how their votes
were cast:

The following people voted YES.

[email protected]
Aaron Schindler 			 
[email protected] 			 (Albert Cheng)
[email protected] 		 (Rachel Holme)
[email protected] 		 (Dan Buchler)
Adam Rauch 				 
Aditya Palande 				 
[email protected] 			 (Barry H. Rodin)
[email protected] 			 (Leonid Sagalovsky)
Alan Fothergill 			 
alex ho  				 
[email protected] 			 (Alice R. Chen)
[email protected] 		 (Alistair Mees)
[email protected] 		 (ahmed barrada)
[email protected] 			 (Amit P.Rege)
[email protected] 		 (Andrew Carpenter)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Andrew Nicholson)
Anthony G. Bradford 			 
[email protected] 		 (Anthony T.K. Gaw (consultant))
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Asif Taiyabi)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Babette Bloch)
[email protected] 		 (Stanko Barle)
[email protected] 		 (Russell I. Dyreng)
Bernd Gill 				 
[email protected] 		 (Burzin Engineer)
Boris Krasnoiarov 			 
Brett Stewart 				 
Brian J. Haag 				 
[email protected] 			 (Bill Carson)
[email protected] 		 (The Rodman)
[email protected] 		 (Gary V. Cavano)
[email protected] 		 (Richard Eanes)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Joseph Carbonaro)
[email protected] 		 (Jerry Casey)
[email protected] 			 (David Ebdon)
[email protected] 				 (Colin Gray)
[email protected] 			 (Mandalagiri Chandrasekhar)
[email protected] 		 (Chemaly Rene)
Chet Osborn 				 
[email protected] 		 (Chuck Lampman)
[email protected] 		 (Po Sum Chung -- ACF)
[email protected] 			 (Jimmy Kuo)
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (John Gotti's Heir)
[email protected] 			 (Rex Wang)
[email protected] 			 (dack)
[email protected] 		 (Dan Grove)
Darin C. Brown  			 
[email protected] 			 (David Sherman)
David Bingzhong Guan 			 
David E. Martin 			 
David-Michael Lincke 			 
[email protected] 			 (D.Philips)
[email protected] 			 (L. Donovan Dodd)
Dean Rubine 				 
Dennis J. Nichols 			 
[email protected] 			 (David desJardins)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (David G. Gawron)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Darryn Kozak)
Don DeMaio 				 
Doug Deprenger 				 
Doug Jefferys 				 
[email protected] 			 (Doug Hewko)
[email protected] 		 (Tim Dyes)
[email protected] 			 (John E. Mendenhall)
[email protected] 		 (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] 			 (Eric Hendrickson)
[email protected] 		 (Eric Hansen)
Esfandiar Bandari 			 
[email protected] 			 (Reza Shams)
FABIAN SCHAEFER 			 <[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Fred Sobottka)
Fil Machi 				 
[email protected] 			 (richard j fleck)
[email protected] 			 (Frank O'Donnell)
[email protected] 		 (Gregory C Franklin )
[email protected] 			 (Frank Wang)
[email protected] 			 (Fred Criscuolo)
[email protected] 			 (fred metcalf)
[email protected]
George Blackburn 			 <[email protected]>
[email protected] 		 (George Kirikos)
[email protected] 				 (McCluskey G)
[email protected] 			 (MCMURRAY,GARY V)
[email protected] 			 (Gregory Margo)
[email protected] 		 (Jack T. Goral)
[email protected] 			 (Red Herring)
[email protected]	 (Graham Wilson)
[email protected] 		 (The Red Heather)
[email protected]
[email protected]		 (B.J.)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Jung Pyo Hong)
Howard Brandell 			 
[email protected] 		 (Ilana Stern)
[email protected] 		 (Ian Murdock)
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (John Auer)
Jack Li 				 
[email protected]		 (Jack Gidding)
[email protected] 			 (Jeff Eastman)
[email protected] 			 (James C. Lee)
[email protected] 			 (James Conley)
Jeffrey Hsu 				 
[email protected] 		 (Peter Jennings)
jeremy j. b. nguyen 			 
[email protected] 		 (Jerolyn Janssen)
[email protected] 			 (Jerry Wieber)
[email protected] 		 (Randell Jesup)
[email protected] 		 (Jeff Hines)
Ji Zhang 				 
[email protected]
John Lynn 				 
[email protected]
Jonathan Hong 				 
[email protected] 			 (Jordan Hayes)
Joseph G Berti 				 
[email protected] 		 (Wallace A. Journey)
[email protected] 		 (Justin Fanning)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Anthony Giancola)
[email protected] 		 (Ken Beal)
Ken Schroder 				 
Kenneth White 				 
[email protected] 		 (Ken Rose)
[email protected]
kestas%[email protected] 		 (L)
[email protected] 			 (Aaron L Dickey)
Kimberly Halverson 			 
[email protected] 		 (Gene Kim)
[email protected] 			 (Arjun (John) Kondamani)
[email protected] 			 (Timothy Kong)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Kijin Jung)
[email protected]
L. Merrill Palmer 			 
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Lara Allen)
Larry Rupp 				 
Larry Watanabe 				 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joe Gorberg)
[email protected] 			 (Weixiong Li)
[email protected] 		 (Liren Chen)
[email protected]
Lord of Morgul 				 
[email protected] 		 (Lorraine Nicholson)
[email protected]
[email protected]	 (Gerald Lee)
M. D. D. Andrews 			 
[email protected] 		 (Leonard Cayetano)
[email protected] 		 (Mehmet Adalier - EPG)
[email protected] 		 (Mark Maggenti)
[email protected] 			 (Mai Tran)
Maoee Tsen-1 				 
Marc Randolph 				 
[email protected] 		 (Marc Levitt)
Mark Leonidovich Meyerovich 		 
[email protected] 			 (Matt Downs)
Matthew Almand 				 
Matthews Donat 				 <[email protected]>
[email protected] 		 (Mark Atwood)
[email protected] 			 (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected] 			 (Matt Kennel)
[email protected] 		 (Milind Bodas)
McAldon International Inc. 		 
[email protected] 		 (Steven McDermott)
[email protected] 		 (Mitch DeFelice)
[email protected] 			 (Sean Merritt)
[email protected] 			 (Cyber Ranger)
Michael Haas 				 <[email protected]>
Michael Quinn 				 
Mick 					 <[email protected]>
[email protected] 		 (Mike Wright -SSE- Huntsville AL)
[email protected] 			 (Edward E. Miller)
[email protected] 				 (Matthew McClure)
[email protected] 			 (Sean Morgan)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Mitchell Weiss)
[email protected] 		 (Olli-Pekka Myllynen)
[email protected] 			 (Nigel Allen)
Neal C. Wyse 				 
Neeraj (N.) Gulati		 	 
[email protected] 		 (ngupta)
[email protected] 			 (Nicholas Popp)
Niclas Mattsson 			 
Nicolas Alejandro Arauz 		 
Nigel the Lemur 			 
Noel Witt 				 
Norbert Schlenker 			 
Norman Chiu 				 
[email protected] 			 (Sanjay Noronha)
[email protected] 			 (Neal Patrick)
[email protected] 			 (C.W. Chung)
[email protected] 			 (Olaf Vancura)
[email protected] 		 (Dave Padgitt)
[email protected] 		 (Patrick Conway)
Paul Fahn 				 
Paul Hardwick 				 
[email protected] 		 (paul look)
[email protected] 		 (Pete Stauffer)
[email protected] 		 (Peter Klug)
[email protected]
Phil Franklin 				 
[email protected] 			 (Patrick M Chase)
[email protected]		 (Paul McMullin APL x7823)
[email protected] 			 (Peter Chan)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Steven Pye)
Rachel Sartin 				 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Roger Cundiff)
[email protected] 			 (Remy Adam Hathaway)
[email protected] 		 (Rick Fisel)
[email protected] 		 (bob bookbinder)
[email protected] 			 (Ruoming Gong)
Rich Schaaf		 		 
Richard Detweiler 			 
Richard Freytag 			 
Richard Sparrow  			 
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Richard Kelly)
[email protected] 		 (Rich Carreiro)
[email protected]	 (Robert Mutel)
[email protected] 		 (Robert Maltas)
[email protected] 			 (Richard Mandel)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Dick O'Leary)
Rob Sartin 				 
Robert F. Enenkel 			 
[email protected] 		 (Michael Alan Roberts)
[email protected] 		 (Rod Beckwith)
[email protected] 		 (rperry)
[email protected] 		 (Carl Rothenbacher)
[email protected] 			 (J. Andy Royle)
[email protected] 		 (Ryan Sheftel)
[email protected]
Russell Monsen 				 
[email protected]
Sandra S Berns 				 
Sascha Wildner 				 
[email protected] 		 (Sasha Velednitsky)
[email protected] 			 (Dennis Sass)
[email protected] 			 (Ed Savage)
[email protected] 			 (Andy Scheiner)
[email protected] 		 (Bob Schmid)
[email protected]
Shane Hartman 				 
Shi-Chiang Pao 				 
[email protected] 		 (George Shiau)
[email protected] 		 (Reddy)
[email protected] 		 (Rich Skrenta)
Stephen F Mozelewski 			 
[email protected] 		 (Maurice E. Suhre)
[email protected] 			 (-s87271077-s.walker-mat-75-)
[email protected] 			 (Tom Baxter)
[email protected] 			 (Paul Teetor)
Terry Hayes 				 
[email protected] 		 (Rick Campbell /10000)
Tim Nickles 				 
[email protected] 			 (tim ieong)
[email protected]
Tony Joines 				 
[email protected] 			 (Todd Biggs)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (Willie Mrosla)
[email protected] 		 (A.Lizard)
[email protected] 			 (Tyler R. Holcomb)
Uday Hegde 				 
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Venktesh Maudgalya)
[email protected] 			 (Vida Jakabhazy)
Vilok (V.) Kusumakar 			 
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Vineet Jain)
[email protected] 			 (Peter Vos)
[email protected] 			 (Deming Tang)
[email protected] 				 (Xudong Yan)
Yuval Brash 				 
[email protected] 			 (Mike Peeler)
[email protected]
[email protected]	 (Bill Szaroletta)

The following people voted NO:

Ahmed Al-Ashabb 			 
[email protected] 			 (Ajay Shah)
[email protected] 		 (Amar Chawla)
[email protected]
[email protected] 		 (Bill "Bill" Tuthill)
[email protected] 			 (Bob Holloway)
[email protected] 			 (Dave Carr)
[email protected]
[email protected] 				 (Ralph Clark)
[email protected] 			 (Tom Culliton x2278)
Dennis J. Nicklaus 			 
Doug R. Hall 				 
Eric J. Olson 				 
Eric Sit 3611 				 
Ernest A. Cline 			 
[email protected] 		 (Joe Farrenkopf)
Hardcore Alaskan 			 
[email protected] 		 (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected]
[email protected] 			 (John Kalucki)
[email protected] 			 (Joseph Z. Provo)
Marc Moorcroft 				 
Michael A Langston 			 
[email protected] 			 (Dan Mills)
[email protected]	 (Bill Owens)
[email protected] 		 (Richard H. Miller)
Stephen Lau 				 
[email protected] 			 (Susan Thomas)
[email protected] 		 (Greg Marciniak)
[email protected] 		 (William Barr)