From [email protected] Sun Jan 17 14:38:06 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D Parsons)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,bit.admin
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 14 Jan 1993 13:28:18 -0500
Organization: State University of New York at Albany
Lines: 26
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3142 news.groups:64417 bit.admin:471

This is a request to begin discussion of a new unmoderated newsgroup:
which will include but not be restricted to, transferred discussion from
the bitnet list I have been moderating for 3 years - hspnet-l@albnydh2.
THis has 400 subscribers from many countries. Both lists discuss the 
design, and operation of networks that communicate between medical centers
and rural physicians including software and workstations. I consider it
desirable to expand to unix users because the most advanced features of
consulting networks include unix features such as X-window terminals.
I have the agreement of the unix administrator of the Computer Science
Department of the State University of New York at Albany.  If approved, the 
new newsgroup will be created on the hub machine
   We have considered starting a bit.list mirror of the bitnet list and
rejercted this since I want to have much new content and 
also SUNYA CS is reluctant to find extra disk space for the bit.lists.
Similar feelings may well reduce the availbity of bit.lists elsewhere.
  Thank you for your consideration. I hope to receive further instructions
and questions to set the discussion in motion.
     D.F. Parsons MD, PhD, DSc
     Prof Albany School of Public Health
     Research Physician, NY State Dept of Health

Donald F. Parsons MD, Wadsworth Ctr. Rm C273, NY State Dept of Health, ESP,
PO Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509. (518)474-7047 Fax: (518)474-7992
[email protected] [email protected] Cis 71777,212

From [email protected] Mon Jan 25 20:51:52 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D Parsons)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,bionet.announce,bionet.general,bionet.sci-resources,bit.general
Subject: 2nd RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 25 Jan 1993 01:02:20 -0500
Organization: NY State Dept of Health
Lines: 46
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3171 news.groups:65072 bionet.announce:323 bionet.general:4441 bionet.sci-resources:726 bit.general:149

[[ This article is the edited version of two separate articles which
   Dr. Parsons submitted.  -- tale, moderator news.announce.newgroups ]]

           REQUEST for DISCUSSION:

A new unmoderated group is proposed -  It is
intended for discussion of design, hardware, software, strategies for
extended clinical consulting by hospital computer networks.  The
discussion is of special interest to medical centers seeking to apply
telemedicine to their rural consortium and to isolated physicians in
remote regions of developing countries.

The original proposal was for  It has been suggested
that ".hspnet" is not sufficiently descriptive and perhaps
"" would be better.  Other suggestions are
certainly welcome.

Discussion taking place in the 3 year old BITNET group hspnet-l@albnydh2
will be included in but the new group is expected
to provide a base for medical users of unix systems such as X terminals
and UUCP net works.  Attention will also be directed to the new unix
systems which are coordinating state and regional insurance and
statistical information.

Note that the possibility of creating a "bit.list" has been considered
and rejected because (a) we do not want to simply mirror the BITNET list
but hope to obtain new and different information from the newsgroup
audience, and (b) we find that not all news feeds include the bit.lists.

   The first Request for Discussion was posted on Jan 14, 1993.

   ** Please send your discussion to news.groups **

 Points under discussion are the name of the group, its unmoderated status,
 ideas about content, etc.  If warranted, the charter of the group will be 
 reformulated and followed by a Call for Votes.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Donald F. Parsons MD, PhD
    Prof. Albany School of Public Health, Albany NY
    Moderator, [email protected]
Donald F. Parsons MD, Wadsworth Ctr. Rm C273, NY State Dept of Health, ESP,
PO Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509. (518)474-7047 Fax: (518)474-7992
[email protected] [email protected] Cis 71777,212

From [email protected] Tue Feb 23 23:40:25 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Don Parsons)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 23 Feb 1993 14:40:31 -0500
Organization: NY State Dept of Health
Lines: 61
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3274 news.groups:67297


Following a three week discussion period during which all responses were
favorable, here is the official Call For Votes to create the group.

STATUS:   unmoderated

CHARTER:  Discussion of computer networks that connect between hospitals
          and/or physician's offices, including international linkages
          between medical facilities in different countries.

          Subjects will include hardware and software for such networks,
          increased use of networks for transmission of text and image
          patient data, and help in use of e-mail for medical purposes. 

          The group will be linked to the bitnet list hspnet-l@albnydh2


The voting period starts with the posting of this CFV, and lasts for 30
days.  Votes received after 23:59:59 GMT on 25 March 1993 will not be counted. 

Each person has only one vote, even if they have multiple computer accounts.
Votes must be mailed to the vote-taker.  Posted votes will not be counted. 


Vote by sending mail to [email protected] or [email protected] with
the word YES or NO in the subject line.  If you use rn or a similar news
reader, you can use r (reply), edit YES or NO into the Subject line, and
mail it.   Ideally your vote would appear as one of the following:

 Subject: YES
 Subject: NO

Votes which do not contain yes or no in the Subject line will cause extra
work but will still be counted so long as they are unambiguous. 

Votes will be acknowledged by mail, but any acknowledgement that bounces
will not be re-tried.  There will also be at least one mass acknowledgement
posted during the voting period.   The final vote tally will be posted at
the end of the vote, including a list showing how everyone voted. 

If you vote more than once from the same address, only the most recent vote
received will be counted as valid.  If you vote more than once from
different addresses in an apparent attempt at a vote fraud, all your votes
may be rejected, and this fact plus your name published to the net. 


At the end of the voting period, there will be a period of five days from
the posting of the result to allow for any errors to be noted and corrected.

The group will be created if at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes are
received, with at least 2/3 of the valid votes received in favor. If both the
100 vote margin and 2/3 majority are not met, the group will not be created. 
Donald F. Parsons MD, Wadsworth Ctr. Rm C273, NY State Dept of Health, ESP,
PO Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509. (518)474-7047 Fax: (518)474-7992
[email protected] [email protected] Cis 71777,212
Moderator: [email protected] (Consulting by hospital Networks)

From [email protected] Wed Mar 10 21:08:30 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D Parsons)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 3 Mar 1993 23:54:09 -0500
Organization: State University of New York at Albany
Lines: 164
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3324 news.groups:67539

mass.ack       March 3, 1993

Re-post of the CALL FOR VOTES for the proposed Usenet News group:
            Acknowledgement of Persons Voting Todate

Sent to UseNet News news.announce.newgroups, news.groups and

(Repeat call and acknowledgement, 1 week after the start of

Following a three week discussion period during which all
responses were favorable, here is the official Call for Votes to
create the group.

STATUS: unmoderated

CHARTER:  Discussion of computer networks that connect between
          hospitals and/or physician's offices, including
          international linkages between medical facilities in
          different countries.

          Subjects will include hardware and software for such
          networks, increased use of networks for transmission of
          text and image patient data, and help in use of e-mail
          for medical purposes.

          The group will be linked to the bitnet list

VOTING PERIOD: The voting period started with the posting of this
          CFV, and lasts for 30 days.  Votes received after
          23:59:59 GMT on 25 day of March 1993 will not be

          Each person has only one vote, even if they have
          multiple computer accounts.  Votes must be mailed to
          the vote-taker (Donald Parsons).  Posted votes will not
          be counted.

HOW TO VOTE: Vote by sending mail to [email protected] or
          [email protected] with the word YES or NO in the
          subject line.  If you use rn or a similar news reader,
          you can use r (reply), edit YES or NO into the Subject
          line, and mail it.  Ideally your vote would appear as
          one of the following:

     Subject: YES
     Subject: NO

Votes which do not contain yes or no in the subject line will
cause extra work but still will be counted so long as they are

Votes will be acknowledged by mail, but any acknowledgement that
bounces will not be re-tried.  There will be at least one mass
acknowledgement (this document) posted during the voting period. 
The final vote tally will be posted at the end of the vote,
including a list showing how everyone voted.

If you vote more than once from the same address, only the most
recent vote received will be counted as valid.  If you vote more
than once from different addresses in an apparent attempt at a
vote fraud, all your votes may be rejected, and this fact plus
your name published in the net.

RESULT: At the end of the voting period, there will be a period
          of five days from the posting of the result to allow
          any errors to be noted and corrected.  The group will
          be created if at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes
          are received, with at least 2/3 of the valid votes in
          favor.  If both the 100 vote margin and 2/3 majority
          are not met, the group will not be created.

List of voter names and addresses to date - March 3, 1993

     Mark Atwood              [email protected]
     Bill Barbiaux            [email protected]
     Gary P. Barnas           [email protected]
     Whitney Bischoff         [email protected]
     Alan Bleier              [email protected]
     Heather Bloom            [email protected]
     Andy Brager              swc!wndrsvr!!andyb
     Gerhard Brauer           [email protected]
     Dave Carr                [email protected]
     Ernest A. Cline          [email protected]
     Maurizio Codogno         [email protected]
     Martin Czigler           [email protected]
     Odile David              [email protected]
     Bernard Dumka            [email protected]
     Brian Manning            [email protected]
     W. Dockery               [email protected]
     Howard R. Doyle          [email protected]
     S. Dubin                 [email protected]
     John P. Duncan           [email protected]
     Allan G. Farman          [email protected]
     Tim Ferguson             [email protected]
     James E. Furguson        [email protected]
     Andrew Finkenstadt       [email protected]
     Jan I. Fox               [email protected]
     Joel Furr                [email protected]
     Jay Gaeta                [email protected]
     Thomas D. Gasser         [email protected]
     Daniel Gidez             [email protected]
     David E. Goggin          dt4%[email protected]
     Mirsad Hadzikadic        [email protected]
     Mike Hatz                [email protected]
     Paul Hodgkinson          [email protected]
     Michael Holloway         [email protected]
     Edward J. Huff           [email protected]
     Michael A Johnston       maj%[email protected]
     Barry T. Jones           [email protected]
     V. "Juggy"Jagannathan    [email protected]
     Antero Julkunen          [email protected]
     Roland Kaltefleiter      [email protected]
     Mark D. Kline            [email protected]
     Paul Knight              [email protected]
     Barry Krawchuck          bdk01@albnydh2
     Michelle Koblas          [email protected]
     Stu Labovitz             [email protected]
     Stephen Lau              [email protected]
     John R. Lewis            [email protected]
     Allan Levy               [email protected]
     Bob Lummis               [email protected]
     Gary Malet               [email protected]
     Will Marchany            [email protected]
     Michael L. Marrin        [email protected]
     Duncan McRae             [email protected]
     Robin Meter              rmeter@unmcvm
     J. Philip Miller         phil@wubios
     Richard Miller           [email protected]
     Marc Moorcroft 
     Larry Nathanson          [email protected]
     David Nye                [email protected]
     Eric J. Olson            [email protected]
     James O'Meara            [email protected]
     Greg Parham              [email protected]
     Michael Quinn            [email protected]
     Kevin Ray                kpr03@albnydh2
     M.L. Rhoads              [email protected]
     Steve Robinson           [email protected]
     Herman Rubin             [email protected]
     Avraham Shir-el (Sherman) [email protected]
     Elihu M. Schimmel        [email protected]
     Joanne Silverstein       [email protected]
     Daniel Starr             [email protected]
     M.J. Stoddard            [email protected]
     David Reeve Sward        [email protected]
     Bruce Teeter             [email protected]
     Patrick Tufts            [email protected]
     Goyta F. Villela         [email protected]
     Timothy VanFossen        [email protected]
     John C. vom Lehn         [email protected]
       Weindan                [email protected]
     Gregory Woodbury         [email protected]
     Bob Yazz[email protected]
Donald F. Parsons MD, Wadsworth Ctr. Rm C273, NY State Dept of Health, ESP,
PO Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509. (518)474-7047 Fax: (518)474-7992 
UseNet: [email protected]; Internet: [email protected]
Moderator: [email protected] (Consulting by hospital Networks)

From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:41:07 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D Parsons)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,
Subject: RESULT: passes 279:20
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 26 Mar 1993 11:10:21 -0500
Organization: State University of New York at Albany
Lines: 346
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3391 news.groups:68550

Final Vote Tally for The Vote PASSES.
                  Acknowledgement of the Voters

STATUS: unmoderated
CHARTER:  Discussion of computer networks that connect between
          hospitals and/or physician's offices, including
          international linkages between medical facilities in
          different countries.

          Subjects will include hardware and software for such
          networks, increased use of networks for transmission of
          text and image patient data, and help in use of e-mail
          for medical purposes.

VOTES: The voting period of 30 days ended at 23:59:59 GMT on 25
day of March 1993.  Votes arriving after this date were not
included.  The vote passes if there are at least 100 more YES
votes than NO votes and if 2/3 (67%) of the valid votes in favor.
     The result was: 279 YES votes and 20 NO votes.
                 or, 259 YES votes more than NO votes.
                and,  93% of the valid votes in favor.
     Hence the vote PASSES.

     There will now be a 5 day waiting period to allow for any
corrections to the vote tally and to receive any serious
objections.  (Send these to the proposer, Donald F. Parsons at
either [email protected] or [email protected]).  At the
end of this period, if there are no objections and the vote is
still favorable, will be created.

     N.B. At some time in the near future, the group will be
     linked to the bitnet list hspnet-l@albnydh2.  This will be
     announced on and hspnet-l.
** List of YES votes, names and addresses:

     Sigmund Akselsen         [email protected]
     Jacquelin Aldridge       [email protected]
     Geogre Alexandridis      [email protected]
     Theodoros Arvanitis      [email protected]
     Mark Atwood              [email protected]
     Lucian Bachner-Lab.      [email protected]
     Bill Barbiaux            [email protected]
     A. Bartzokas             [email protected]
     Gary P. Barnas           [email protected]
     Charlie Barr             [email protected]
     Cameron R. Bass          [email protected]
     Dennis Bayomi            [email protected]
     Paul J. Benkeser         [email protected]
     Gary Berg-Cross          [email protected]
     Scott Berlon        [email protected]
     Thomas P. Bleck          [email protected]
     Giovanni Bortolian       [email protected]
     Whitney Bischoff         [email protected]
     Alan Bleier              [email protected]
     Larry Bleiweise          [email protected]
     Heather Bloom            [email protected]
     Andy Brager              swc!wndrsvr!!andyb
     Urmo Braun               [email protected]
     Gerhard Brauer           [email protected]
     Michael Brian            [email protected]
     Peter Bryner             [email protected]
     Buchanan                 [email protected]
     Juergen Buntrock         [email protected]
     Ron Burnett              [email protected]
     Daniel Burstein          [email protected]
     Manish Butte             [email protected]
     Ric Canale               [email protected]
     Carlson                  [email protected]
     Juleen A. Cavanaugh      [email protected]
     Jason Chao               [email protected]
     Jean-Luc Chatelain       [email protected]
     J.I. Quip Chen           [email protected]
     Hong Chen                [email protected]
     Christopher Chute        [email protected]
     Artur Cideciyan          [email protected]
     Maurizio Codogno         [email protected]
     Cologlu                  [email protected]
     Trevor Cradduck          [email protected]
     Bruce Curran             [email protected]
     Martin Czigler           [email protected]
     Aninda Gasgupta          [email protected]
     M. Dab                   [email protected]
     Odile David              [email protected]
     Dick Dean                hssdean@ouaccvmb
     Brian M. Delaney         [email protected]
     W. Dockery               [email protected]
     David Dodell             [email protected]
     Gordon Dooley            [email protected]
     Franco Dosio             [email protected]
     Howard R. Doyle          [email protected]
     S. Dubin                 [email protected]
     John P. Duncan           [email protected]
     Bernard Dumka            [email protected]
     Ramon El-Bacha           [email protected]
     Michael A. Ellrott       mae01@albnydh2
     Dirk Emmel               [email protected]
     Rolf Engelbrecht         [email protected]
     W. Scott Erdley          c080gwn6@ubvm
     Torie Estephan           estephan@ukanvm
     Elizabeth Evans          [email protected]
     Carlene J. Ewalt         [email protected]
     Ayman Fadel              [email protected]
     Farmacologica            [email protected]
     Allan G. Farman          [email protected]
     Tim Ferguson             [email protected]
     Mike Fessler             [email protected]
     David Fewings            [email protected]
     Aaron S. Field           u35162@uicvm
     Jeffrey P. Field         [email protected]
     Frode Flaegstad          [email protected]
     Lawrence Foard           [email protected]
     Paul Fu                  [email protected]
     James E. Furguson        [email protected]
     Jan I. Fox               [email protected]
     Joel Furr                [email protected]
     Jay Gaeta                [email protected]
     Baxter Garcia            [email protected]
     Ben Gardiner             [email protected]
     Donna Garfield           [email protected]
     Federico Gattorno        [email protected]
     Bob Geer                 [email protected]
     Peter-Ch Gentz           [email protected]
     Daniel Gidez             [email protected]
     Tony Gilmer              [email protected]
     Eric Gingold             [email protected]
     David E. Goggin          dt4%[email protected]
     Robert Golub             [email protected]
     Dennis H. Grant          [email protected]
     Mark A. Gunnell          [email protected]
     Hong Guo                 [email protected]
     Mirsad Hadzikadic        [email protected]
     Patricia Haesler         [email protected]
     Susan R. Hagan           [email protected]
     Gail M. Hall             [email protected]
     P. Hamly                 [email protected]
     Horst Hansen             [email protected]
     Gjermund Hartviksen      [email protected]
     James Harrison           [email protected]
     Mike Hatz                [email protected]
     David Haynor             [email protected]
     Peter Hauke              [email protected]
     C.P. Herbst              [email protected]
     Ramon F. Herrera         [email protected]
     Hoang Tran-Dinh          [email protected]
     John W. Hober            [email protected]
     Paul Hodgkinson          [email protected]
     Carleton Hogan           [email protected]
     Michael Holloway         [email protected]
     Paul Hope                [email protected]
     Edward J. Huff           [email protected]
     R. Kent Hutson           [email protected]
     Mark Huth                [email protected]
     Hitesh J. Jasani         [email protected]
     Janovsky                 [email protected]
     V.Michael J Jelinek      [email protected]
     R. Eugene Johnston       [email protected]
     Michael A Johnston       maj%[email protected]
     Gudmundur S. Jokulsson   [email protected]
     Barry T. Jones           [email protected]
     V. "Juggy"Jagannathan    [email protected]
     Curt Jorenby             [email protected]
     Antero Julkunen          [email protected]
     Robert B. Kelly          [email protected]
     Margery Keppel           [email protected]
     Frode Kileng             [email protected]
     Lawrence W. Killen       [email protected]
     Mark D. Kline            [email protected]
     Bruce Klopfenstein       [email protected]
     Paul Knight              [email protected]
     Julia Shaw Kokot         [email protected]
     Tronde A. Kongsli        [email protected]
     George Kovaks            [email protected]
     Barry Krawchuck          bdk01@albnydh2
     Michelle Koblas          [email protected]
     Hsing-Tsu Lai            [email protected]
     Carl Landis              [email protected]
     Marjorie Lazoff          [email protected]
     George LeBlanc           [email protected]
     Harold Lehman            [email protected]
     John Leslie              [email protected]
     John R. Lewis            [email protected]
     James E. Levin           jlevin@simvax
     Allan Levy               [email protected]
     Andrea Lieberherr        [email protected]
     Bill Lord                [email protected]
     Bob Lummis               [email protected]
     Jacek Maitan             [email protected]
     J. Maurice Mahan         [email protected]
     Louis E. Mahoney         [email protected]
     Gary Malet               [email protected]
     Robert Manning           [email protected]
     Will Marchany            [email protected]
     Charles D. Marcotta      [email protected]
     Michael L. Marrin        [email protected]
     Glen Martin              [email protected]
     Maxwell                  [email protected]
     Jim McCord               3060jjm%[email protected]
     Ed NcGuire               [email protected]
     Michael Q. McHenry       [email protected]
     G. McKenna               [email protected]
     Duncan McRae             [email protected]
     Robin Meter              rmeter@unmcvm
     P.D.S.                   [email protected]
     J. Philip Miller         phil@wubios
     A.C. Mills               [email protected]
     Alex Milshteyn           [email protected]
     Dimitris Mitrakos        [email protected]
     Jochen R. Moehr          [email protected]
     Richard L. Morin         [email protected]
     Joyce Morris             [email protected]
     Ignatz Mouse             [email protected]
     Larry Nathanson          [email protected]
     Nease                    [email protected]
     Fritz Nuernberg          [email protected]
     Rusty Novotny            novotny%[email protected]
     David Nye                [email protected]
     Jim Oberwetter           [email protected]
     Wolfgang Obst            [email protected]
     Karl-Ake Omnell          [email protected]
     James D. Oliver III      [email protected]
     Nora Oliveri   @[email protected][email protected]
     George Oser              george=oser@msb@fpcm
     T. Ostbye                [email protected]
     James O'Meara            [email protected]
     Sandra Miller            [email protected]
     Michelle Murrain         [email protected]
     J. Packer                [email protected]
     John Palkovic            [email protected]
     Paul Palmer              [email protected]
     Jerzy M. Paprocki        jmpapro@plbial11
     Greg Parham              [email protected]
     Grace Patterson          [email protected]
     Ann H. Peden             [email protected]
     Mark D. Phillips         [email protected]
     Chetan Premani           [email protected]
     Michael Quinn            [email protected]
     R. Bruce Rakes           [email protected]
     Kevin Ray                kpr03@albnydh2
     Ramesh Ravula            [email protected]
     David Ranson             [email protected]
     Jeremy Rashbass          [email protected]
     Alfred Reid              [email protected]
     M.C. Rendina             [email protected]
     Dave Remien              [email protected]
     M.L. Rhoads              [email protected]
     Steve Richeimer          [email protected]
     Elvind Rinde             [email protected]
     Wes Rishell              [email protected]
     Mary E. Rives            [email protected]
     Steve Robinson           [email protected]
     Paul Robinson            [email protected]
     Brian Rosen              [email protected]
     Herman Rubin             [email protected]
     Sabbatini                [email protected]
     Victor M. Riefkohl       [email protected]
     Hom Sack                 [email protected]
     Henni Saiah              [email protected]
     Chitima K. Saipetch      [email protected]
     Bordin Sampsomboon       [email protected]
     Jesus E. Sanchez-Pena    [email protected]
     Dale Sansing             [email protected]
     B.K. Sathya              [email protected]
     Monika Seidelmann        [email protected]
     Michel T. Semertzidis    [email protected]
     Avraham Shir-el (Sherman) [email protected]
     Elihu M. Schimmel        [email protected]
     Gustav A. Schulze        [email protected]
     John R. Searle           [email protected]
     Leon Shugrue             [email protected]
     Robert Sideli            [email protected]
     Joanne Silverstein       [email protected]
     Scott C. Simmons         [email protected]
     Gordon Spoelhof          [email protected]
     Rick Stahlhut            [email protected]
     Joachim Steffens         [email protected]
     Dimitris Sotiriou        [email protected]
     Mike South               [email protected]
     M.J. Stoddard            [email protected]
     Dick St.Peters           [email protected]
     Frank Sullivan           [email protected]
     Torbjorn Sund            [email protected]
     David Reeve Sward        [email protected]
     David Talton             talton@sparkie
     Bruce Teeter             [email protected]
     David Tilson             [email protected]
     Cindy Tobias             [email protected]
     Stein O. Toennessen      [email protected]
     Trabouls                 [email protected]
     Tony Travis              [email protected]
     Takashi Tsutsui          [email protected]
     Mark C. Tucker           [email protected]
     Userllea                 [email protected]
     Edward Vielmetti         [email protected]
     Goyta F. Villela         [email protected]
     Lars K. Vognild          [email protected]
     John C. vom Lehn         [email protected]
     Wais server operator     [email protected]
     Andre Wajda              roos5@darius
     Barbara Wasson           [email protected]
     Weindan                  [email protected]
     Martin S. Weinhouse      [email protected]
     Dave White               [email protected]
     Jim Whiting              [email protected]
     Torsten Wittkugel        [email protected]
     Thomas L. Willoughby     [email protected]
     Brendt Wohlberg          [email protected]
     Amy Wong            [email protected]
     Gregory Woodbury         [email protected]
     GGY92502            [email protected]
     Bob Yazz                 [email protected]
     Weiyun Yu                [email protected]
     Cheung C. Yue            [email protected]
     Pietro Zanarini          [email protected]
     Ondrej Zoltan            [email protected]

** List of NO votes, names and addresses:

     Dave Carr                [email protected]
     Ernest A. Cline          [email protected]
     A.M. Conn                [email protected]
     Andrew Finkenstadt       [email protected]
     Gregory C. Franklin      [email protected]
     Thomas D. Gasser         [email protected]
     Robert Hansen            [email protected]
     Roland Kaltefleiter      [email protected]
     Stu Labovitz             [email protected]
     Stephen Lau              [email protected]
     Marc Moorcroft 
     Richard Miller           [email protected]
     Thomas Nhan              [email protected]
     Eric J. Olson            [email protected]
     Jane Preston             [email protected]
     Charles Sneiderman       [email protected]
     Daniel Starr             [email protected]
     Patrick Tufts            [email protected]
     Stephen C. Trier         [email protected]
     Timothy VanFossen        [email protected]
End of vote list
Donald F. Parsons MD, Wadsworth Ctr. Rm C273, NY State Dept of Health, ESP,
PO Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509. (518)474-7047 Fax: (518)474-7992 
UseNet: [email protected]; Internet: [email protected]
Moderator: [email protected] (Consulting by hospital Networks)

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