From [email protected] Fri Feb  4 16:17:40 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (F Andrew McMichael)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.war.civil.usa,soc.history
Subject: RFD: moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 4 Feb 1994 16:02:19 -0500
Organization: George Mason University, Fairfax VA
Lines: 46
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4569 news.groups:94271 alt.war.civil.usa:7645 soc.history:33199

This is a formal Request for Discussion to create the newsgroup  The group shall be moderated and be created
along the following lines:


There is currently alt.war.civil.usa,  but not every site gets alt.*
groups.  The creation of s.h.w.ucw would allow for wider propagation of
a topic that is already found on mailing lists around the country.  By going
to the soc.* hierarchy,  many universities not currently carrying a.w.c.u
would help to expand the readership of the group.

Discussion should take place in news.groups.

If sufficient cause is found,  the CFV will be issued March 1st through
the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers.

The charter would be as follows:


The purpose of this group is the discussion of topics related to the United
States Civil War (1861-65).  Topics can involve military,  political,  social,
economic,  or other factors which impacted upon this period of history.  This
newsgroup will also serve as a source of information,  assistance,  or
referral for persons seeking guidance via responses from more knowlegable


This group shall be moderated by a team of three [3] moderators,  any one of
which can serve as a backup to the other two.  Moderation shall consist
mainly of filtering out flaming and non-related topics.  After the initial
moderators are chosen during the RFD,  they shall continue on as moderators
until they step down.

Scope of the newsgroup--

It is recognized that the origins of the U.S. Civil War can be traced back to 
the first importations of slaves in the New World.  For the purposes of this 
group,  however,  discusion will be restricted to the period covering 1776 
until 1877.  Moderators may direct outside topics to both alt.war.civil.usa,  
as well as to other appropriate newsgroups. 

From [email protected] Thu Apr 20 21:59:59 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (F Andrew McMichael)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.war.civil.usa,soc.history.war.misc,soc.history
Subject: RFD: moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 20 Apr 1995 15:17:36 -0400
Organization: George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Lines: 195
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6671 news.groups:145567 alt.war.civil.usa:28444 soc.history.war.misc:5575 soc.history:48476

                    REQUEST FOR  DISCUSSION (RFD)
               moderated group

Newsgroup    :
Distribution : world-wide
Summary      : General discussion of the U.S. Civil War.
Proposers    : Andrew McMichael 

This is a formal Request For Discussion on the creation of the newsgroup

This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroup
Creation. Its language is based on previously submitted RFDs. The name
was submitted for approval to, and received approval from, Group Advice.
The RFD is being cross-posted to the following relevant news groups :

alt.war.civil.usa, news.groups, news.announce.newgroups, soc.history.war,, soc.history.

Discussion will take place only in news.groups, so follow-ups should
be set accordingly. This is in accordance with the Guidleines, and
news.groups, as the newsgroup created specifically for the purpose,
should be the only group where discussion takes place.


    The range of discussion for will be necessarily
broad, ranging from the Revolutionary War, and the philosophies and
limitations of the Constitution, up to the New South era and beyond.
Discussion in the group will be limited to military, economic,
technological, demographic, and historical aspects of the US Civil War.

Discussion might include, but are certainly not limited to:

        *Specific battles
  	*Slavery as it relates to the Civil War
	*Causes of the Civil War
	*The concepts of States Rights
	*Individuals who affected and were affected by the war
	*Diplomatic efforts by both sides
	*Court cases affecting the war
	*Prison camps
	*The right to seceed
        *Participation by various ethnic groups.
        *European reaction to the war
        *Immigration, how the war affected potential emigrants
        *Technological developments caused by the war
        *Media coverage (print journalism & photography)

     Moderation will be lenient, rather than broad, with
being a forum for open, serious discussion of the events of the Civil War.
Moderation is in place not to limit discussion, but to prevent the endless
flame wars which currently plague alt.war.civil.usa. The idea is to raise
the level of discussion to the point where the more serious scholar will
see the forum as a serious place of information, instead of an ongoing
combat between Southern and Northern sympathizers.


	Perhaps the hardest thing to justify in the creation of any group is
the need. There certainly is no doubt as to whether or not there would be
traffic for the group. Currently alt.war.civil.usa gets about 100-200
messages per day. In addition, there are several Civil War mailing lists. In
the case of, justification might be harder due to the fact
that alt.war.civil.usa already exists. However, it is the existence of this
group which brings about the need for

	1. Currently a.w.c.u is a flame-filled forum, with participants in
		many cases afraid to ask reasonable questions for fear of
		being labelled a "Southern" or "Northern" sympathizer. A
		moderated group would take care of that. Moderation would
		filter out the flames and bring about an atmosphere more
		conducive to discussion of the Civil War.

	2. The questiom then arises as to bringing it into the Big 7 hierarchy
		by naming it There are two
		considerations here. One is that by moving the Civil War
		newsgroup into the Big 7, we give it a broader range of
		exposure, allowing people to join who may not otherwise have
		had a chance. The second reason in that a *.history.war.*
		hierarchy is already in existence, with
		war-ii, and the proposed s.h.w.vietnam already in place.
		A Civil War group logically fits into this spot.

	3. And finally, upon the creation of,
		alt.war.civil.usa would be rmgrouped and the new group would
		take its place. Thus the traffic would move transfer from the
		old group to the new, leaving only a single group for the
		discussion of the U.S. Civil War.

Moderation Policy for

1) Broad Policy-

    * Articles which discuss the American Civil War and its events will be
      approved for posting.

    * Artilces which try to lay blame for events at the feet of a single
      race, religion or ethnic group will not be approved for posting.

    * Articles must contain original thought. Lengthy quoting of source
      material with no comments at the end will not be approved for

    * Articles which contain personal attacks of any sort will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Blank messages, test messages, advertisements, MAKE.MONEY.FAST,
      binaries, uuencoded messages, and so forth, will not be approved

    * Moderators may, at their discretion, change the Subject: lines for
      threads which have strayed from the initial subject.

    * Articles which include excessive quoting (e.g. an article which quotes
      an entire other article in order to add a few comments at the end)
      will be trimmed down by the moderator in question.

    * An article MUST have a valid reply-to address or it will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Individuals with civil-war related items for sale or swap may
      submit messages for approval to the moderators. Posting is not

    * Rejected articles will be shared with the other moderators for group


    Any article that contains more than fifty percent quoted material (and
    the author's signature shall not count as original material for purposes
    of determining the proportion) may be trimmed or rejected at the
    discretion of the moderator. In exercising this discretion, the
    moderator shall take readability considerations into account, such as
    the amount of quoted material at the beginning of the message, and the
    size of the blocks of quoted material. An article in which the author
    has included a long article as a quote without making any effort to trim
    the quoted article may be rejected. A moderator may trim quoted material
    from any article at his or her discretion.


    In keeping with Usenet netiquette conventions, signatures should be
    restricted to four lines. Moderators may, at their discretion, trim
    .sigs to four lines before posting articles.

2) Moderators List. Add/del policy. Setup


[email protected]                              Mike Furlan
[email protected]                           Lynn Berkowitz
[email protected]                                 Barbara Obrien
[email protected]                            James F. Epperson
[email protected]                        Mike System Janitor
[email protected]                            Andrew Mcmichael
[email protected]			 Gary Charbonneau


    Moderators will be added by majority vote of the existing moderators and
    moderators will be removed by 2/3 vote in the event that a moderator is
    shown to be failing to do the job (i.e. not posting anything).


    This group will be group-moderated using a Majordomo listserver. It has
    been configured so that each article received at [[email protected]]
    will be sent to the next moderator in turn, using a list of subscribed
    moderators. Hence, the *submission* address for articles will be
    [[email protected]]. The *contact* address for the group, once
    created, will be [email protected].
[email protected]
GMU History Dept. WWW-
If your history department has a WWW homepage, e-mail me with the URL.

From [email protected] Mon May 15 18:17:52 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (F Andrew McMichael)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.war.civil.usa,soc.history.war.misc,soc.history
Subject: RFD: moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 15 May 1995 13:07:27 -0400
Organization: George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Lines: 198
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6834 news.groups:149546 alt.war.civil.usa:29825 soc.history.war.misc:6083 soc.history:49988

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
             moderated group

This RFD incorporates a name change from the RFD issued for, so it is being reissued. The timeline
remains the same.

Newsgroups line:	Moderated discussion of the U.S. Civil War.

This is a formal Request For Discussion on the creation of the newsgroup

This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroup
Creation. Its language is based on previously submitted RFDs. The name
was submitted for approval to, and received approval from, Group Advice.
The RFD is being cross-posted to the following relevant news groups :

alt.war.civil.usa, news.groups, news.announce.newgroups,
soc.history.war.misc, soc.history.

Discussion will take place only in news.groups, so follow-ups should
be set accordingly. This is in accordance with the Guidleines, and
news.groups, as the newsgroup created specifically for the purpose,
should be the only group where discussion takes place.


	Perhaps the hardest thing to justify in the creation of any group is
the need. There certainly is no doubt as to whether or not there would be
traffic for the group. Currently alt.war.civil.usa gets about 100-200
messages per day. In addition, there are several Civil War mailing lists. In
the case of, justification might be harder due to the fact
that alt.war.civil.usa already exists. However, it is the existence of this
group which brings about the need for

	1. Currently a.w.c.u is a flame-filled forum, with participants in
		many cases afraid to ask reasonable questions for fear of
		being labelled a "Southern" or "Northern" sympathizer. A
		moderated group would take care of that. Moderation would
		filter out the flames and bring about an atmosphere more
		conducive to discussion of the Civil War.

	2. The questiom then arises as to bringing it into the Big 7 hierarchy
		by naming it There are two
		considerations here. One is that by moving the Civil War
		newsgroup into the Big 7, we give it a broader range of
		exposure, allowing people to join who may not otherwise have
		had a chance. The second reason in that a *.history.war.*
		hierarchy is already in existence, with
		war-ii, and the proposed s.h.w.vietnam already in place.
		A Civil War group logically fits into this spot.

	3. And finally, upon the creation of,
		it is perceived that most traffic would transfer from the
		old group to the new, leaving only a single group for the
		discussion of the U.S. Civil War.


    The range of discussion for will be
necessarily broad, ranging from the Revolutionary War, and the
philosophies and limitations of the Constitution, up to the New
South era and beyond. Discussion in the group will be limited to
military, economic, political, technological, demographic, and
historical aspects of the US Civil War.

Discussion might include, but are certainly not limited to:

        *Specific battles
  	*Slavery as it relates to the Civil War
	*Causes of the Civil War
	*The concepts of States Rights
	*Individuals who affected and were affected by the war
	*Diplomatic efforts by both sides
	*Court cases affecting the war
	*Prison camps
	*The right to seceed
        *Participation by various ethnic groups.
        *European reaction to the war
        *Immigration, how the war affected potential emigrants
        *Technological developments caused by the war
        *Media coverage (print journalism & photography)

     Moderation will be lenient, rather than broad, with
being a forum for open, serious discussion of the events of the Civil War.
Moderation is in place not to limit discussion, but to prevent the endless
flame wars which currently plague alt.war.civil.usa. The idea is to raise
the level of discussion to the point where the more serious scholar will
see the forum as a serious place of information, instead of an ongoing
combat between Southern and Northern sympathizers.

Moderation Policy for

1) Broad Policy-

    * Articles which discuss the American Civil War and its events will be
      approved for posting.

    * Artilces which try to lay blame for events at the feet of
     a single race, religion or ethnic group will not be approved for posting.
    * Articles must contain original thought.  Lengthy quoting (more than 30
     lines) of source material must be accompanied by commentary or by other
     text which ties it to on-going discussions.  Articles which quote
     substantially the same source material repetitively will not be approved.
     Articles consisting of materials which are available on-line at ftp
     or WWW sites will not be approved, rather pointers to sites may be given.
     Moderators may waive this rule at their discretion.

    * Articles which contain personal attacks of any sort will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Blank messages, test messages, advertisements, MAKE.MONEY.FAST,
      binaries, uuencoded messages, and so forth, will not be approved

    * Moderators may, at their discretion, change the Subject: lines for
      threads which have strayed from the initial subject.

    * Articles which include excessive quoting (e.g. an article which quotes
      an entire other article in order to add a few comments at the end)
      will be trimmed down by the moderator in question.

    * An article MUST have a valid reply-to address or it will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Individuals with civil-war related items for sale or swap may
      submit messages for approval to the moderators. Posting is not

    * Rejected articles will be shared with the other moderators for group


    Any article that contains more than fifty percent quoted material (and
    the author's signature shall not count as original material for purposes
    of determining the proportion) may be trimmed or rejected at the
    discretion of the moderator. In exercising this discretion, the
    moderator shall take readability considerations into account, such as
    the amount of quoted material at the beginning of the message, and the
    size of the blocks of quoted material. If the entire length of the
    article (excluding header and signature) is less than 24 lines of
    80 characters, then the requirement of 50% original material _may_
    be waived at the moderator's discretion.


    In keeping with Usenet netiquette conventions, signatures should be
    restricted to four lines. Moderators may, at their discretion, trim
    .sigs to four lines before posting articles.

2) Moderators List. Add/del policy. Setup


[email protected]                              Mike Furlan
[email protected]                           Lynn Berkowitz
[email protected]                                 Barbara Obrien
[email protected]                            James F. Epperson
[email protected]                        Mike System Janitor
[email protected]                            Andrew Mcmichael
[email protected]			 Gary Charbonneau


    Moderators will be added by majority vote of the existing moderators and
    moderators will be removed by 2/3 vote in the event that a moderator is
    shown to be failing to do the job (i.e. not posting anything).


    This group will be group-moderated using a Majordomo listserver. It has
    been configured so that each article received at [[email protected]]
    will be sent to the next moderator in turn, using a list of subscribed
    moderators. Hence, the *submission* address for articles will be
    . The *contact* address for the group, once
    created, will be [email protected].

[email protected]
GMU History Dept. WWW-
If your history department has a WWW homepage, e-mail me with the URL.

From [email protected] Thu Jun  8 17:18:50 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Kenneth Herron)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.war.civil.usa,soc.history,soc.history.moderated,
Subject: CFV: moderated
Followup-To: poster
Date: 8 Jun 1995 17:17:18 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 206
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 30 Jun 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7030 news.groups:152920 alt.war.civil.usa:31794 soc.history:51481 soc.history.moderated:5220

                     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
             moderated group

Newsgroups line:	Aspects of the U.S. Civil War

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 29 June 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact [email protected].  For questions about the proposed
group contact Andrew McMichael .


        The range of discussion for will be
        necessarily broad, ranging from the Revolutionary War, and the
        philosophies and limitations of the Constitution, up to the New
        South era and beyond. Discussion in the group will be limited to
        military, economic, political, technological, demographic, and
        historical aspects of the US Civil War.

        Discussion might include, but are certainly not limited to:

        *Specific battles
        *Slavery as it relates to the Civil War
        *Causes of the Civil War
        *The concepts of States Rights
        *Individuals who affected and were affected by the war
        *Diplomatic efforts by both sides
        *Court cases affecting the war
        *Prison camps
        *The right to seceed
        *Participation by various ethnic groups.
        *European reaction to the war
        *Immigration, how the war affected potential emigrants
        *Technological developments caused by the war
        *Media coverage (print journalism & photography)

        Moderation will be lenient, rather than broad, with
        being a forum for open, serious discussion of the events of the
        Civil War.  Moderation is in place not to limit discussion, but to
        prevent the endless flame wars which currently plague
        alt.war.civil.usa. The idea is to raise the level of discussion to
        the point where the more serious scholar will see the forum as a
        serious place of information, instead of an ongoing combat between
        Southern and Northern sympathizers.

Moderation Policy for

1) Broad Policy-

    * Articles which discuss the American Civil War and its events will be
      approved for posting.

    * Artilces which try to lay blame for events at the feet of a single
      race, religion or ethnic group will not be approved for posting.

    * Articles must contain original thought.  Lengthy quoting (more than
      30 lines) of source material must be accompanied by commentary or by
      other text which ties it to on-going discussions.  Articles which
      quote substantially the same source material repetitively will not be
      approved.  Articles consisting of materials which are available
      on-line at ftp or WWW sites will not be approved, rather pointers to
      sites may be given.  Moderators may waive this rule at their

    * Articles which contain personal attacks of any sort will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Blank messages, test messages, advertisements, MAKE.MONEY.FAST,
      binaries, uuencoded messages, and so forth, will not be approved

    * Moderators may, at their discretion, change the Subject: lines for
      threads which have strayed from the initial subject.

    * Articles which include excessive quoting (e.g. an article which quotes
      an entire other article in order to add a few comments at the end)
      will be trimmed down by the moderator in question.

    * An article MUST have a valid reply-to address or it will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Individuals with civil-war related items for sale or swap may
      submit messages for approval to the moderators. Posting is not

    * Rejected articles will be shared with the other moderators for group


    Any article that contains more than fifty percent quoted material (and
    the author's signature shall not count as original material for purposes
    of determining the proportion) may be trimmed or rejected at the
    discretion of the moderator. In exercising this discretion, the
    moderator shall take readability considerations into account, such as
    the amount of quoted material at the beginning of the message, and the
    size of the blocks of quoted material. If the entire length of the
    article (excluding header and signature) is less than 24 lines of
    80 characters, then the requirement of 50% original material _may_
    be waived at the moderator's discretion.


    In keeping with Usenet netiquette conventions, signatures should be
    restricted to four lines. Moderators may, at their discretion, trim
    .sigs to four lines before posting articles.

2) Moderators List. Add/del policy. Setup


        [email protected]                              Mike Furlan
        [email protected]                           Lynn Berkowitz
        [email protected]                                 Barbara Obrien
        [email protected]                            James F. Epperson
        [email protected]                        Mike Marshall
        [email protected]                            Andrew Mcmichael
        [email protected]                  Gary Charbonneau


    Moderators will be added by majority vote of the existing moderators and
    moderators will be removed by 2/3 vote in the event that a moderator is
    shown to be failing to do the job (i.e. not posting anything).


    This group will be group-moderated using a Majordomo listserver. It has
    been configured so that each article received at [email protected]
    will be sent to the next moderator in turn, using a list of subscribed
    moderators. Hence, the *submission* address for articles will be
    [email protected]. The *contact* address for the group, once
    created, will be [email protected].


Perhaps the hardest thing to justify in the creation of any group is the
need. There certainly is no doubt as to whether or not there would be
traffic for the group. Currently alt.war.civil.usa gets about 100-200
messages per day. In addition, there are several Civil War mailing lists.
In the case of, justification might be harder due to the
fact that alt.war.civil.usa already exists. However, it is the existence of
this group which brings about the need for

1.      Currently a.w.c.u is a flame-filled forum, with participants in
        many cases afraid to ask reasonable questions for fear of being
        labelled a "Southern" or "Northern" sympathizer. A moderated group
        would take care of that. Moderation would filter out the flames and
        bring about an atmosphere more conducive to discussion of the Civil

2.      The questiom then arises as to bringing it into the Big 7 hierarchy
        by naming it There are two
        considerations here. One is that by moving the Civil War newsgroup
        into the Big 7, we give it a broader range of exposure, allowing
        people to join who may not otherwise have had a chance. The second
        reason in that a *.history.war.* hierarchy is already in existence,
        with, and the proposed s.h.w.vietnam
        already in place.  A Civil War group logically fits into this spot.

3.      And finally, upon the creation of, it
        is perceived that most traffic would transfer from the old group to
        the new, leaving only a single group for the discussion of the U.S.
        Civil War.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.
Don't include the full text of this article in your reply.

The body of your mail message should contain one of the following

      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] Wed Jun 21 16:43:11 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Kenneth Herron)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.war.civil.usa,soc.history,soc.history.moderated,
Subject: 2nd CFV: moderated
Followup-To: poster
Date: 21 Jun 1995 01:21:51 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 217
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 30 Jun 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: [email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7079 news.groups:154652 alt.war.civil.usa:32893 soc.history:52215 soc.history.moderated:5348

                     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
             moderated group

Newsgroups line:	Aspects of the U.S. Civil War

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 29 June 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact [email protected].  For questions about the proposed
group contact Andrew McMichael .


        The range of discussion for will be
        necessarily broad, ranging from the Revolutionary War, and the
        philosophies and limitations of the Constitution, up to the New
        South era and beyond. Discussion in the group will be limited to
        military, economic, political, technological, demographic, and
        historical aspects of the US Civil War.

        Discussion might include, but are certainly not limited to:

        *Specific battles
        *Slavery as it relates to the Civil War
        *Causes of the Civil War
        *The concepts of States Rights
        *Individuals who affected and were affected by the war
        *Diplomatic efforts by both sides
        *Court cases affecting the war
        *Prison camps
        *The right to seceed
        *Participation by various ethnic groups.
        *European reaction to the war
        *Immigration, how the war affected potential emigrants
        *Technological developments caused by the war
        *Media coverage (print journalism & photography)

        Moderation will be lenient, rather than broad, with
        being a forum for open, serious discussion of the events of the
        Civil War.  Moderation is in place not to limit discussion, but to
        prevent the endless flame wars which currently plague
        alt.war.civil.usa. The idea is to raise the level of discussion to
        the point where the more serious scholar will see the forum as a
        serious place of information, instead of an ongoing combat between
        Southern and Northern sympathizers.

Moderation Policy for

1) Broad Policy-

    * Articles which discuss the American Civil War and its events will be
      approved for posting.

    * Artilces which try to lay blame for events at the feet of a single
      race, religion or ethnic group will not be approved for posting.

    * Articles must contain original thought.  Lengthy quoting (more than
      30 lines) of source material must be accompanied by commentary or by
      other text which ties it to on-going discussions.  Articles which
      quote substantially the same source material repetitively will not be
      approved.  Articles consisting of materials which are available
      on-line at ftp or WWW sites will not be approved, rather pointers to
      sites may be given.  Moderators may waive this rule at their

    * Articles which contain personal attacks of any sort will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Blank messages, test messages, advertisements, MAKE.MONEY.FAST,
      binaries, uuencoded messages, and so forth, will not be approved

    * Moderators may, at their discretion, change the Subject: lines for
      threads which have strayed from the initial subject.

    * Articles which include excessive quoting (e.g. an article which quotes
      an entire other article in order to add a few comments at the end)
      will be trimmed down by the moderator in question.

    * An article MUST have a valid reply-to address or it will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Individuals with civil-war related items for sale or swap may
      submit messages for approval to the moderators. Posting is not

    * Rejected articles will be shared with the other moderators for group


    Any article that contains more than fifty percent quoted material (and
    the author's signature shall not count as original material for purposes
    of determining the proportion) may be trimmed or rejected at the
    discretion of the moderator. In exercising this discretion, the
    moderator shall take readability considerations into account, such as
    the amount of quoted material at the beginning of the message, and the
    size of the blocks of quoted material. If the entire length of the
    article (excluding header and signature) is less than 24 lines of
    80 characters, then the requirement of 50% original material _may_
    be waived at the moderator's discretion.


    In keeping with Usenet netiquette conventions, signatures should be
    restricted to four lines. Moderators may, at their discretion, trim
    .sigs to four lines before posting articles.

2) Moderators List. Add/del policy. Setup


        [email protected]                              Mike Furlan
        [email protected]                           Lynn Berkowitz
        [email protected]                                 Barbara Obrien
        [email protected]                            James F. Epperson
        [email protected]                        Mike Marshall
        [email protected]                            Andrew Mcmichael
        [email protected]                  Gary Charbonneau


    Moderators will be added by majority vote of the existing moderators and
    moderators will be removed by 2/3 vote in the event that a moderator is
    shown to be failing to do the job (i.e. not posting anything).


    This group will be group-moderated using a Majordomo listserver. It has
    been configured so that each article received at [email protected]
    will be sent to the next moderator in turn, using a list of subscribed
    moderators. Hence, the *submission* address for articles will be
    [email protected]. The *contact* address for the group, once
    created, will be [email protected].


Perhaps the hardest thing to justify in the creation of any group is the
need. There certainly is no doubt as to whether or not there would be
traffic for the group. Currently alt.war.civil.usa gets about 100-200
messages per day. In addition, there are several Civil War mailing lists.
In the case of, justification might be harder due to the
fact that alt.war.civil.usa already exists. However, it is the existence of
this group which brings about the need for

1.      Currently a.w.c.u is a flame-filled forum, with participants in
        many cases afraid to ask reasonable questions for fear of being
        labelled a "Southern" or "Northern" sympathizer. A moderated group
        would take care of that. Moderation would filter out the flames and
        bring about an atmosphere more conducive to discussion of the Civil

2.      The questiom then arises as to bringing it into the Big 7 hierarchy
        by naming it There are two
        considerations here. One is that by moving the Civil War newsgroup
        into the Big 7, we give it a broader range of exposure, allowing
        people to join who may not otherwise have had a chance. The second
        reason in that a *.history.war.* hierarchy is already in existence,
        with, and the proposed s.h.w.vietnam
        already in place.  A Civil War group logically fits into this spot.

3.      And finally, upon the creation of, it
        is perceived that most traffic would transfer from the old group to
        the new, leaving only a single group for the discussion of the U.S.
        Civil War.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.
Don't include the full text of this article in your reply.

The body of your mail message should contain one of the following

      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. Bounce List - No need to revote
No bounced acks at this time

Votes in error
[email protected]                                    Cyberia4 \(London\)
   ! No vote statement in message

From [email protected] Tue Jul 11 13:28:48 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Kenneth Herron)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.war.civil.usa,soc.history,soc.history.moderated,
Subject: RESULT: moderated Passes 141:37
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 10 Jul 1995 18:22:53 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 366
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7114 news.groups:158583 alt.war.civil.usa:34589 soc.history:52960 soc.history.moderated:5504

        moderated group passes 141:37 results - 178 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 141   37 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :
   3 abstaining votes and 3 invalid votes

Newsgroups line:	spects of the U.S. Civil War

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 29 June 1995.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If
no serious and significant allegations of voting irregularities are raised,
the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the newsgroups shortly

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact [email protected].  For questions about the proposed
group contact Andrew McMichael .


        The range of discussion for will be
        necessarily broad, ranging from the Revolutionary War, and the
        philosophies and limitations of the Constitution, up to the New
        South era and beyond. Discussion in the group will be limited to
        military, economic, political, technological, demographic, and
        historical aspects of the US Civil War.

        Discussion might include, but are certainly not limited to:

        *Specific battles
        *Slavery as it relates to the Civil War
        *Causes of the Civil War
        *The concepts of States Rights
        *Individuals who affected and were affected by the war
        *Diplomatic efforts by both sides
        *Court cases affecting the war
        *Prison camps
        *The right to seceed
        *Participation by various ethnic groups.
        *European reaction to the war
        *Immigration, how the war affected potential emigrants
        *Technological developments caused by the war
        *Media coverage (print journalism & photography)

        Moderation will be lenient, rather than broad, with
        being a forum for open, serious discussion of the events of the
        Civil War.  Moderation is in place not to limit discussion, but to
        prevent the endless flame wars which currently plague
        alt.war.civil.usa. The idea is to raise the level of discussion to
        the point where the more serious scholar will see the forum as a
        serious place of information, instead of an ongoing combat between
        Southern and Northern sympathizers.

Moderation Policy for

1) Broad Policy-

    * Articles which discuss the American Civil War and its events will be
      approved for posting.

    * Artilces which try to lay blame for events at the feet of a single
      race, religion or ethnic group will not be approved for posting.

    * Articles must contain original thought.  Lengthy quoting (more than
      30 lines) of source material must be accompanied by commentary or by
      other text which ties it to on-going discussions.  Articles which
      quote substantially the same source material repetitively will not be
      approved.  Articles consisting of materials which are available
      on-line at ftp or WWW sites will not be approved, rather pointers to
      sites may be given.  Moderators may waive this rule at their

    * Articles which contain personal attacks of any sort will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Blank messages, test messages, advertisements, MAKE.MONEY.FAST,
      binaries, uuencoded messages, and so forth, will not be approved

    * Moderators may, at their discretion, change the Subject: lines for
      threads which have strayed from the initial subject.

    * Articles which include excessive quoting (e.g. an article which quotes
      an entire other article in order to add a few comments at the end)
      will be trimmed down by the moderator in question.

    * An article MUST have a valid reply-to address or it will not be
      approved for posting.

    * Individuals with civil-war related items for sale or swap may
      submit messages for approval to the moderators. Posting is not

    * Rejected articles will be shared with the other moderators for group


    Any article that contains more than fifty percent quoted material (and
    the author's signature shall not count as original material for purposes
    of determining the proportion) may be trimmed or rejected at the
    discretion of the moderator. In exercising this discretion, the
    moderator shall take readability considerations into account, such as
    the amount of quoted material at the beginning of the message, and the
    size of the blocks of quoted material. If the entire length of the
    article (excluding header and signature) is less than 24 lines of
    80 characters, then the requirement of 50% original material _may_
    be waived at the moderator's discretion.


    In keeping with Usenet netiquette conventions, signatures should be
    restricted to four lines. Moderators may, at their discretion, trim
    .sigs to four lines before posting articles.

2) Moderators List. Add/del policy. Setup


        [email protected]                              Mike Furlan
        [email protected]                           Lynn Berkowitz
        [email protected]                                 Barbara Obrien
        [email protected]                            James F. Epperson
        [email protected]                        Mike Marshall
        [email protected]                            Andrew Mcmichael
        [email protected]                  Gary Charbonneau


    Moderators will be added by majority vote of the existing moderators and
    moderators will be removed by 2/3 vote in the event that a moderator is
    shown to be failing to do the job (i.e. not posting anything).


    This group will be group-moderated using a Majordomo listserver. It has
    been configured so that each article received at [email protected]
    will be sent to the next moderator in turn, using a list of subscribed
    moderators. Hence, the *submission* address for articles will be
    [email protected]. The *contact* address for the group, once
    created, will be [email protected]. Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                           Fred Crouse
[email protected]                                          Aaron R. Priven
[email protected]                                             Paul Adams
[email protected]                                       F Andrew McMichael
[email protected]                                                 Andy Latto
[email protected]                               Alexandra J Schmidt
[email protected]                                           Ed Bailey
[email protected]
[email protected]                                     Bryan D. Boyle
[email protected]                                  Dale & Leslie Beachwood
[email protected]                                               Dan Bennett
[email protected]                                       Brian M. Kincaid
[email protected]                                          Brooks Simpson
[email protected]                                             Bruce Worrall
[email protected]                                                 Bubbamike
[email protected]                          Burton, John               CES
[email protected]                                              Joel W Tscherne
[email protected]                                            C. Douglas Baker
[email protected]                                          Chuck Hakkarinen
[email protected]                               John William Chambless
[email protected]                                             Charles W. Kann
[email protected]                                          S. Clements
[email protected]                                         Chris Stamper
[email protected]                                               C. L. Waltemath
[email protected]                                  Charles D. Webster, IV
[email protected]                                           Chuck Wilmot
[email protected]                                                 bill davidsen
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                david eyman
[email protected]                                 donald healey
[email protected]                                              Douglas C Scott
[email protected]                           Edward James Kilsdonk
[email protected]                                           Earl K Dille
[email protected]                                   Edward M. Branscomb
[email protected]
[email protected]                                      Anoka Flash
[email protected]
[email protected]                                           Frank Sprague
[email protected]                                   Craig Burley
[email protected]                                             Gary D. Johnson
[email protected]                                     Mitchell Golden
[email protected]                            Grant Ray Rader
[email protected]                                        Stephen Graham
[email protected]                                           Allen R Rines
[email protected]                                                    Kiran Wagle
[email protected]                                                  George Baltz
[email protected]                                                Holger Reusch
[email protected]                                          James Harvey
[email protected]                                                   Pitt500
[email protected]                                               James T. Rice
[email protected]                                                 Jan Isley
[email protected]                                           Jim Banes
[email protected]                                      John Coates, CINTECH
[email protected]                                                 J.D. Falk
[email protected]                              Robert S. Jenkins
[email protected]                                                  Jfepperson
[email protected]                                              Joel K. Furr
[email protected]                                               Jason Hanson
[email protected]                              [email protected]
[email protected]                                                 Jim Mann
[email protected]                                                Jeff Janoska
[email protected]                                              John McCarthy
[email protected]
[email protected]                                  John Henderson
[email protected]                                         John E Wynn
[email protected]                                                Ron Johnson
[email protected]                                                           Jonboy
[email protected]                                                       James Oney
[email protected]                                                   Jim Poulin
[email protected]                                           Jeff Quinton
[email protected]                                           Joseph R. Boeke
[email protected]                                                Jim Spicer
[email protected]                                                  Josh Smith
[email protected]                                        John Wusteman
[email protected]                                            Ken Sallenger
[email protected]                                                 Ken Mallard
[email protected]                                          Grant A. LaDue
[email protected]                                                  Lance K. Chun
[email protected]                                     Matthew L. Langford
[email protected]                                        Lantz Rowland
[email protected]                                                Rolf W. Laun
[email protected]                                  Martin Schr"oder
[email protected]                                   Larry W. Jewell
[email protected]                                          Lynn Berkowitz
[email protected]                                               Matt Kelland
[email protected]                                                 Mal Epstein
[email protected]                                    Michelle Mader
[email protected]                                                Mike Wade
[email protected]                                        Michael Maben
[email protected]                                           MORTEN CLAUSEN
[email protected]                                 David Maurice
[email protected]                                             William Moxley
[email protected]                             Mark Pitcavage
[email protected]                                     Mark Serafin
[email protected]                                          Asim Mughal
[email protected]                                                     Nigel Allen
[email protected]                                                        Anne New
[email protected]                                                Art Nicolaysen
[email protected]                                     Ollivier Robert
[email protected]                                                          PA79th
[email protected]                                       Paul Slonaker
[email protected]                                         MR DAVID G ALVAREZ
[email protected]                                              Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                                                Brendan O'Neill
[email protected]                                                     Ray Horton
[email protected]                             Repp, Richard
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]
[email protected]                                            Randy Klear (DMD)
[email protected]                                                      RoseBear
[email protected]                                        Rosalind Mackraz King
[email protected]                                      Chuck Pinnegar
[email protected]                                        Robert Parson
[email protected]                                       Jeffrey Rufinus
[email protected]
[email protected]                                 Paul J. Schinder
[email protected]                                Stephan Schulz
[email protected]                                                      Scottbru
[email protected]                                        Stephen E. Brown
[email protected]                                         MikeSiniscalchi
[email protected]                                                David Spencer
[email protected]                                             Steve Frysinger
[email protected]                                        Steve Sonleiter
[email protected]                                            Stein J. Rypern
[email protected]                                              STEVE HALL
[email protected]                                              Todd A. Farmerie
[email protected]                                                      James Kiley
[email protected]                                            [email protected]
[email protected]                                   thomas hoover
[email protected]                                              Tim Couper
[email protected]                                          Tim Marshall
TNG%[email protected]                                                    Tom Greer
[email protected]                                               Tabor J. Wells
[email protected]                                        Tim Pierce
[email protected]                                             Rod Fischer
[email protected]                                     Bill Taylor
[email protected]                                         Wilber Ward
[email protected]                                            William Carroll
[email protected]
[email protected]            Fred Worrill TAL 904/921-9755 or 488-0892
[email protected]                         William H. Roberts

Voted No
[email protected]                                     Brian Blakistone
[email protected]
[email protected]                                        Andrew H. Marrinson
[email protected]                                             Ananda M. Kar
[email protected]                                  Anthony Staunton
[email protected]                                                   Balaji
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                 Bob Comarow
[email protected]                                               Michiel Wijers
[email protected]                                                  David Kearns
[email protected]                                       Dennis Maggard
[email protected]                                                         Ryan
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                Eric Garbos
[email protected]                                                    Eric Meyer
[email protected]                                                Peter Fejes
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                       John Leslie
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                               John Thorpe
[email protected]                                         Robert Kirk
[email protected]                                          Nick Ingegneri
[email protected]                                                     david parsons
[email protected]                                           Patrick J. LoPresti
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                Pete Bastien
[email protected]                                              Ralph D. Clark
[email protected]                                       Stephen Schmidt
[email protected]                                             Michael Shields
[email protected]                                         Smarasderagd
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                  Linda Teasley (ENG)
[email protected]                            Technical Intelligence-MN-USA
[email protected]
[email protected]                                      David Turrell
[email protected]                                                      John Q. User
[email protected]                                         Risto Widenius

[email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch
[email protected]                                            Joseph A. Admire
[email protected]                                          M Mike Taksar KC6ZPS

Votes in error
[email protected]                                    Cyberia4 \(London\)
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                          Dave Wetmore
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                                    Jeff Slaton
   ! No vote statement in message

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