From [email protected] Mon Aug  1 12:51:17 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Peter G. Millard)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lang.basic.visual,alt.lang.basic,
Subject: RFD: comp.lang.basic.visual reorganizaion
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 1 Aug 1994 12:31:32 -0400
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
Lines: 58
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Keywords: RFD, basic, VB, database
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5421 news.groups:110652 comp.lang.basic.visual:16690 alt.lang.basic:4731

			Split of comp.lang.basic.visual

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on the subject of 
splitting the existing Usenet newsgroup, comp.lang.basic.visual, into a 
number of more focused moderated and unmoderated newsgroups.

The rationale for the proposed split arises from the enormous growth in 
the rate of postings to the existing (and very general) newsgroup. It 
has become clear that postings are falling into well defined areas 
which do not necessarily have a large degree of overlap. 
Accordingly, the time is considered right to discuss a more focused 
approach to the newsgroup structure.   

The "straw" poll done on comp.lang.basic.visual a couple of weeks 
ago suggests that most people feel, that at a minimum, there should be a 
comp.lang.basic.visual.database group formed. This group would 
contain discussions about various database related programming 
issues using Visual Basic. This group would be un-moderated.

	- PROPOSED NAME: comp.lang.basic.visual.database

Another discussion has arisen recently concerning the formation of 
an information style moderated group. This group would be used for
posts of an "official" nature (like this RFD), FAQ postings, new
product announcements, and example source code. This would be a
moderated group.

	- PROPOSED NAME: comp.lang.basic.visual.announce 

Since the proposed splits would turn comp.lang.basic.visual into a
hierarchy, it is also strongly suggested that we change the name of
the current c.l.b.v group to a .misc sub-group of this hierarchy.

	- PROPOSED NAME: comp.lang.basic.visual.misc

This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups in accordance with
the _GUIDELINES FOR USENET GROUP CREATION_ which is posted to the
news. hierarchy and located on All discussions should be
taken to the news.groups group. Discussions should take place until
approximately August 20th.

    Peter G. Millard        ////////////////  "Error reading Drive A:
   [email protected]       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  "formatting C instead."
Co-Maintainer of comp.lang.basic.visual FAQ ================================

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Sep 21 18:35:29 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lang.basic.visual,alt.lang.basic,
Subject: CFV: comp.lang.basic.visual.{misc,database,3rdparty,announce}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 21 Sep 1994 18:17:30 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 131
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 13 Oct 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5656 news.groups:117093 comp.lang.basic.visual:22970 alt.lang.basic:5248

                          FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                unmoderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
              unmoderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.database
              unmoderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty
               moderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.announce

Newsgroups line:
comp.lang.basic.visual.misc	Visual Basic in general.
comp.lang.basic.visual.database	Database aspects of Visual Basic.
comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty	Add-ins for Visual Basic.
comp.lang.basic.visual.announce	Commercial information on Visual Basic. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 October 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing list VISBAS-L 

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Ian Piper  or Peter

     This group will contain discussion about the various database
     programming issues using Visual Basic. Disucssions should be limited to
     topics pertaining only to database applications and tools.

     Discussions will not be limited in any way to specific database engines
     (however, the applications of the built-in JET engine will most like

     This will be an unmoderated group.

     It has become apparent that an "official" information group could
     benefit all participants in the various subgroups of the
     comp.lang.basic.visual hierarchy. Acceptable posts to this group would
     include FAQ posts, shareware announcements, other usenet administrative
     posts (like this entire discussion), etc...

     This will be a moderated group.
	 submission: [email protected]
	 contact:    [email protected]

      The creation of a dedicated group to hold postings concerning various
      tools which add on to the basic Visual Basic product. These tools would
      include additional controls (VBX's), both commercial, shareware, and
      freeware. Discussions will also cover additional .DLL's and their
      applications in the Visual Basic environment. Note that discussion
      concerning API's should _NOT_ be posted to this group as they are
      inherent to the VB base product. Discussions about API calls should be
      taken up in the .misc group (see below). This group would also house
      discussions on various development tools (eg SPYWORKS, etc...) and their

      This group will also contain questions and answers to people looking for
      various tools to accomplish specific tasks. Additionally, it is hoped
      that various commercial vendors that supply such tools would take part
      in discussions concerning their respective products as a forum for
      general tech support for those tools.

      This will be an unmoderated group.

      The .misc group is required by Usenet guidelines, and will be a place
      for any discussions of topics which are not covered by the other three
      groups. Topics might include queries on Visual Basic methods, or API
      commands, applications of the standard set of controls, general use of
      the BASIC language, general discussion about programming techniques,
      general concepts of event-driven programming, etc...

      The .misc group would basically replace the current
      comp.lang.basic.visual discussion group where all of the above topics
      (and more) are being discussed daily. The split of the other groups
      should drastically reduce the amount of volume in this "catch all"

      This will be an unmoderated group.


 The rationale for the proposed split arises from the enormous growth in
 the rate of postings to the existing (and very general) newsgroup. It
 has become clear that postings are falling into well defined areas
 which do not necessarily have a large degree of overlap. Accordingly,
 the time is considered right to develop a more focused approach to the
 newsgroup structure.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
comp.lang.basic.visual reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.database
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.announce (moderated)
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Fri Sep 30 11:43:02 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lang.basic.visual,alt.lang.basic,
Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.lang.basic.visual.{misc,database,3rdparty,announce}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 29 Sep 1994 23:16:16 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 139
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 13 Oct 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5697 news.groups:118316 comp.lang.basic.visual:23957 alt.lang.basic:5318

                          LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                unmoderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
              unmoderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.database
              unmoderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty
               moderated group comp.lang.basic.visual.announce

Newsgroups line:
comp.lang.basic.visual.misc     Visual Basic in general.
comp.lang.basic.visual.database Database aspects of Visual Basic.
comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty Add-ins for Visual Basic.
comp.lang.basic.visual.announce Commercial information on Visual Basic. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 October 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing list VISBAS-L 

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Ian Piper  or Peter

     This group will contain discussion about the various database
     programming issues using Visual Basic. Disucssions should be limited to
     topics pertaining only to database applications and tools.

     Discussions will not be limited in any way to specific database engines
     (however, the applications of the built-in JET engine will most like

     This will be an unmoderated group.

     It has become apparent that an "official" information group could
     benefit all participants in the various subgroups of the
     comp.lang.basic.visual hierarchy. Acceptable posts to this group would
     include FAQ posts, shareware announcements, other usenet administrative
     posts (like this entire discussion), etc...

     This will be a moderated group.
         submission: [email protected]
         contact:    [email protected]

      The creation of a dedicated group to hold postings concerning various
      tools which add on to the basic Visual Basic product. These tools would
      include additional controls (VBX's), both commercial, shareware, and
      freeware. Discussions will also cover additional .DLL's and their
      applications in the Visual Basic environment. Note that discussion
      concerning API's should _NOT_ be posted to this group as they are
      inherent to the VB base product. Discussions about API calls should be
      taken up in the .misc group (see below). This group would also house
      discussions on various development tools (eg SPYWORKS, etc...) and their

      This group will also contain questions and answers to people looking for
      various tools to accomplish specific tasks. Additionally, it is hoped
      that various commercial vendors that supply such tools would take part
      in discussions concerning their respective products as a forum for
      general tech support for those tools.

      This will be an unmoderated group.

      The .misc group is required by Usenet guidelines, and will be a place
      for any discussions of topics which are not covered by the other three
      groups. Topics might include queries on Visual Basic methods, or API
      commands, applications of the standard set of controls, general use of
      the BASIC language, general discussion about programming techniques,
      general concepts of event-driven programming, etc...

      The .misc group would basically replace the current
      comp.lang.basic.visual discussion group where all of the above topics
      (and more) are being discussed daily. The split of the other groups
      should drastically reduce the amount of volume in this "catch all"

      This will be an unmoderated group.


 The rationale for the proposed split arises from the enormous growth in
 the rate of postings to the existing (and very general) newsgroup. It
 has become clear that postings are falling into well defined areas
 which do not necessarily have a large degree of overlap. Accordingly,
 the time is considered right to develop a more focused approach to the
 newsgroup structure.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
comp.lang.basic.visual reorg Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.database
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty
[         ]  comp.lang.basic.visual.announce (moderated)
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

comp.lang.basic.visual reorg Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]                                                 Dan Champagne
[email protected]                                                 Jim Goddard
[email protected]                                                  muni savyon

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Fri Oct 14 13:15:19 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.lang.basic.visual,alt.lang.basic,
Subject: RESULT: comp.lang.basic.visual reorganization passes
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 13 Oct 1994 16:03:50 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 328
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5780 news.groups:120487 comp.lang.basic.visual:25557 alt.lang.basic:5387

	comp.lang.basic.visual reorg results - 218 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 192   23 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
 188   28 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.lang.basic.visual.database
 183   32 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty
 192   22 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.lang.basic.visual.announce moderated
   1 invalid vote 

Newsgroups line:
comp.lang.basic.visual.misc	Visual Basic in general.
comp.lang.basic.visual.database	Database aspects of Visual Basic.
comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty	Add-ins for Visual Basic.
comp.lang.basic.visual.announce	Commercial information on Visual Basic. (Moderated)

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Ian Piper  or Peter

     This group will contain discussion about the various database
     programming issues using Visual Basic. Disucssions should be limited to
     topics pertaining only to database applications and tools.

     Discussions will not be limited in any way to specific database engines
     (however, the applications of the built-in JET engine will most like

     This will be an unmoderated group.

     It has become apparent that an "official" information group could
     benefit all participants in the various subgroups of the
     comp.lang.basic.visual hierarchy. Acceptable posts to this group would
     include FAQ posts, shareware announcements, other usenet administrative
     posts (like this entire discussion), etc...

     This will be a moderated group.
         submission: [email protected]
         contact:    [email protected]

      The creation of a dedicated group to hold postings concerning various
      tools which add on to the basic Visual Basic product. These tools would
      include additional controls (VBX's), both commercial, shareware, and
      freeware. Discussions will also cover additional .DLL's and their
      applications in the Visual Basic environment. Note that discussion
      concerning API's should _NOT_ be posted to this group as they are
      inherent to the VB base product. Discussions about API calls should be
      taken up in the .misc group (see below). This group would also house
      discussions on various development tools (eg SPYWORKS, etc...) and their

      This group will also contain questions and answers to people looking for
      various tools to accomplish specific tasks. Additionally, it is hoped
      that various commercial vendors that supply such tools would take part
      in discussions concerning their respective products as a forum for
      general tech support for those tools.

      This will be an unmoderated group.

      The .misc group is required by Usenet guidelines, and will be a place
      for any discussions of topics which are not covered by the other three
      groups. Topics might include queries on Visual Basic methods, or API
      commands, applications of the standard set of controls, general use of
      the BASIC language, general discussion about programming techniques,
      general concepts of event-driven programming, etc...

      The .misc group would basically replace the current
      comp.lang.basic.visual discussion group where all of the above topics
      (and more) are being discussed daily. The split of the other groups
      should drastically reduce the amount of volume in this "catch all"

      This will be an unmoderated group.


 The rationale for the proposed split arises from the enormous growth in
 the rate of postings to the existing (and very general) newsgroup. It
 has become clear that postings are falling into well defined areas
 which do not necessarily have a large degree of overlap. Accordingly,
 the time is considered right to develop a more focused approach to the
 newsgroup structure.

comp.lang.basic.visual reorg Final Vote Ack

                                       comp.lang.basic.visual.announce ------+
                                       comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty -----+|
                                       comp.lang.basic.visual.database ----+||
                                           comp.lang.basic.visual.misc ---+|||
[email protected]                                    Dallas Cheung YYYY
[email protected]                                             ESSA YYYY
[email protected]                                        Arne J. Boye-Moller NYYY
[email protected]                                          Alan Bostick YYYY
[email protected]                                   Anthony DeBoer ---Y
[email protected]                                  Anthony Garcia YYYY
[email protected]                                             James Reed YYYY
[email protected]                                  Anthony Jennings YYYY
[email protected]                                              Albert Nurick YYYY
[email protected]                                        Alien Chen YYY-
[email protected]                                      A M de Lange YYYY
[email protected]                                        Ananda M. Kar NNNN
[email protected]                                             A. P. Harris YYYY
[email protected]                                        Amit P Shah YYYY
[email protected]                             Vincent ARCHER NNNN
[email protected]                                           Ayn Shipley YYYY
[email protected]                                    Allen L. Spruill YYYY
[email protected]                                               Yoav Assa YYYY
[email protected]                                               Jim Ault YYYY
[email protected]                               Austen Jackson YYYY
[email protected]                                       Tim Allman YYYY
[email protected]                         Richard P. Badham YYYY
[email protected]                                             Ian Bagley YYYY
[email protected]                                      Peter Ball YYYY
[email protected]                                   Lawrence F. Beals, Jr. YYYY
[email protected]                                         Bengt Larsson YYYY
[email protected]                                       Ben Humphreys YYYY
[email protected]                                     Joseph L. Foster YYYY
[email protected]                                          Christopher Biow YYYY
[email protected]                                      Dan Birchall YNYY
[email protected]                                    Bjorn-Kare Nilssen YYYY
[email protected]                                                 Brad Friedman YYYY
[email protected]                                  Bradley S. Murray YYYY
[email protected]                                     Niels Olof Bouvin NNNN
[email protected]                                        Brad Gibson YYYY
[email protected]                                               Brad Albom YYYY
[email protected]                                   Bruce McKibben -YYY
[email protected]                                          Bruce Baugh YYYN
[email protected]                             Bushell, Peter YYYY
[email protected]                                       Eric C. Carlson YNN-
[email protected]                                           Cobus Rabe YNYY
[email protected]                                   Ben Kellas YYYY
[email protected]                                      Christopher Mihaly YYYY
[email protected]                              K.P. Crouch NNNN
[email protected]                                Michael Currin YYYY
[email protected]                                          Christopher Ward YYNY
[email protected]                                                   Dale Quigg YYYY
[email protected]                                           Dale DePriest YYYY
[email protected]                                            Dan Champagne YYNY
[email protected]                                            Daniel Youngquist YYYY
[email protected]                                    Darragh J. Delany YYYY
[email protected]                                         David A. Cragg YY-Y
[email protected]                                            David Pascoe YYYY
[email protected]                                            david barrett YYYY
[email protected]                                           Dave Hunt YYYY
[email protected]                                        David L. Hanson YYYY
[email protected]                             D.M. (Mike) Mattix YYYY
[email protected]                            David Neil Murphy YYYY
[email protected]                                           Rich Gibson YYNY
[email protected]                                 David Studly YYYY
[email protected]                            David J Wright YYYY
[email protected]                                Peter Yih Wei CHIAM. YYYY
[email protected]                                      Mark Shuter YYY-
[email protected]                                      John Estabrook YYYY
[email protected]                                              Emery Lapinski YNNY
[email protected]                             Sean P. Ryan NNNN
[email protected]                                                  George Tatge YYYY
[email protected]                                         Gautam Guliani YYYY
[email protected]                                       Wilson Teng YYYY
[email protected]                                Geoff Niland YYYY
[email protected]                               Jeff Gebhart [250-5147] YYYY
[email protected]                                Gerhard Miethig YYYY
[email protected]                                      Rhys Gibson YYYY
[email protected]                          Giora Drachsler, Israel YYYY
[email protected]                                              Glen G. Gordon YYYY
[email protected]                                      Glyn Phillips YYYY
[email protected]                                            Jim Goddard NNNN
[email protected]                                   Glenn S. Goldstein YYYY
[email protected]                       Gordon Brandly YYYY
[email protected]                               David Bissett YYYY
[email protected]                                      Graham Logan YYYY
[email protected]                                   Grant Sayer YYYY
[email protected]                                               George Kaczowka YYYY
[email protected]                                     Edmund Hack YYYY
[email protected]                                            Ruth Hand YNNY
[email protected]                                      Michael Heinrichs YYYY
[email protected]                            David Hersemann YYYY
[email protected]                                           Heyo Rust YY--
[email protected]                                        Harley Mackenzie YYYY
[email protected]                               Hartmut W. Malzahn YYYY
[email protected]                                           Ian Piper YYYY
[email protected]                                Ian Staples YYYY
[email protected]                                                 Weikko Ikola YYYY
[email protected]                       Geir Tutturen ([email protected]) YYYY
[email protected]                                   John Lockhart YYYY
[email protected]              Jack Purdum, [email protected] YYYY
[email protected]                                       Jeff Wileman YYYY
[email protected]                                              Jeff Jungblut YYYY
[email protected]                                        Joe Hummel YYYY
[email protected]                                           James Lin YYYY
[email protected]                                       James McHugh YYYY
[email protected]                                      Jim Mayer YYYY
[email protected]                                         Joel Hammond YYYY
[email protected]                             Christer Johansson NNNN
[email protected]                           John Bailey YYYY
[email protected]                                       Jonathan Chau YYYY
[email protected]                                        Daniel Joseph Oak YYYY
[email protected]                                            James V. Bacus YYYY
[email protected]                                Brett A. Kappenman YYYY
[email protected]                                   Karl Johan Guld Olsen YYYY
[email protected]                                           Kevin Atkinson YYYY
[email protected]                                          Hasnain Khan NNNY
[email protected]                           Kevin O'Gorman YYYY
[email protected]                                   Martin Schr"oder YYYY
[email protected]                                Hugh LaMaster NNNN
[email protected]                                           Lantz Rowland YYNY
[email protected]                                    Ville Lavonius YYYY
[email protected]                                   Leif Gunnar Erlandsen YYYY
[email protected]                                        Larry Lowry YYYY
[email protected]                                 Luciano Mannucci Y-YY
[email protected]                                 Roger Lycke - DCS YYYY
[email protected]                            Mark A Lynch ([email protected]) YYYY
[email protected]                              Andrew G. Malis YYYY
[email protected]                                      Marc Moorcroft NNNN
[email protected]                                 Amanda Marlowe YYYY
[email protected]                                        Mark A. Whiting YYYY
[email protected]                                            Marcus Breiing NNNY
[email protected]                                             Mike Northam YYYY
[email protected]                                          Massimo Luciani YYYY
[email protected]                                     Mike Coleman YYYY
[email protected]                                          Malcolm Dean YYYY
[email protected]                                      So Ka Shun Barney YYYY
[email protected]                                           Mike Hatz YYYY
[email protected]                            Michael E. Holmes YYYY
[email protected]                                 Mike Epprecht YYYY
[email protected]                                  Michael Averbuch YYYY
[email protected]                                               Mike Bohan YYNY
[email protected]                                       Peter G. Millard YYYY
[email protected]                                Malcolm McLean YYYY
[email protected]                                        Marc Meltzer YYYY
[email protected]                                  Michael Moore YYYY
[email protected]                                            M Mike Taksar -NNN
[email protected]                                        Motti Grinberg YYYY
[email protected]                                       Michael Sattler YYYY
[email protected]                                             muni savyon YYYY
[email protected]                                      Robert Nagy YYYY
[email protected]                              Michael Browning YYYY
[email protected]                                          Anne Nolan YYYY
[email protected]                                            Oren Webster YYYY
[email protected]                                    David W. Palmerston YYYY
[email protected]                                                  Pab Sungenis NNNN
[email protected]                                              Bob Page YYYY
[email protected]                                        Scott Parker YYYY
[email protected]                                    Patrick Harrow YYYY
[email protected]                    [email protected] YYYY
[email protected]                                 Peter Sullivan YYYY
[email protected]                                       Peter Berger NNNN
[email protected]                                         Phil Burg NNNN
[email protected]                                      Peter J Smith YYYY
[email protected]                                 Pedro Luis Prospero Sanchez YYYY
[email protected]                                                Ted Poe YYYY
[email protected]                                           Patrik Rantanen YYYY
[email protected]                                         Paul O'Fallon YYYY
[email protected]                                Richard Czerwonka YYYY
[email protected]                      Randall J. Christilles YYYY
[email protected]                           Bob Densmore YYYY
[email protected]                           tom dorgan YYYY
[email protected]                                      Ryan Waldron YYYY
[email protected]                                 Richard Mason YYYY
[email protected]                                           Richard Miller NNYY
[email protected]                    Roderick Martin Riensche YYYY
[email protected]                                           Daniel Ritsma YYYY
[email protected]                                Bradley Paul Lang YYYY
[email protected]                                 Robert Meunier YYYY
[email protected]                                     Robert Wallace YYYY
[email protected]                                      Robin Bowes YYYY
[email protected]                                               Ronald Petrusha YYYY
[email protected]                                       J. Rufinus YYYY
[email protected]                                   Rohit Amarnath YYYY
[email protected]                                         Steve Oakey YYYY
[email protected]                             High Octane Fuel NNNN
[email protected]                                           Sian-Lip Tan YYYY
[email protected]                                   Thomas Bueschgens NNNN
[email protected]                                      Steve Liberty YYYY
[email protected]                                         Brian Sommers NNNN
[email protected]                                       Steve Roges NNNN
[email protected]                                  Steve Raulerson YYYY
[email protected]                                    Yuri Stolyarsky YYYY
[email protected]                                             Steve Davis NNNN
[email protected]                              Matthew Appler YYYY
[email protected]                                     Shaun Simpson YYYY
[email protected]                                            Sylvain Vachon YYYY
[email protected]                                           Simo Varis YYYY
[email protected]                                             Scott R. Webb YYYY
[email protected]                                      Richard Campbell YYYY
[email protected]                                    Timothy Turner YYYY
[email protected]                             William D. Taylor YYYY
[email protected]                                       Thomas G. McWilliams NNNN
[email protected]                                   Thomas Gasser YYYY
[email protected]                                          Tim Andrews YYYY
[email protected]                                          Todd Cocks YYNN
[email protected]                                                Todd Cooper NNNN
[email protected]                                              YYYY
[email protected]                                             Tom Haapanen YYYY
[email protected]                                             Tor Nordahl YYYY
[email protected]                             Michael-John Turner YYYY
[email protected]                                      Trevor Tompkins YYYY
[email protected]                                           Tim L. Tanguay YYYY
[email protected]                                  Martin M|ller Pedersen YYNY
[email protected]                             Matthew W. Heinrichs YYYY
"vidhu::prakash"                       Mayank Prakash YYYY
[email protected]                                           Craig Villalon YYYY
[email protected]                                              Mark Wallace YYYY
[email protected]                             Wolfram Zeder YYYY
[email protected]                Dave Shariff Yadallee YYYY
[email protected]            Jo Ann M. Schultz ([email protected]) YYYY
[email protected]                                         Gregory Youngblood YYYY
[email protected]                                                   zondag YYYY

Votes in error
[email protected]                                  Wayne McDougall
   ! Invalid address

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