From [email protected] Tue Nov 10 15:44:44 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2901 news.groups:59661 comp.dcom.lans.ethernet:2454 comp.dcom.lans.fddi:783 comp.dcom.lans.misc:905 comp.dcom.cell-relay:689
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.dcom.lans.ethernet,comp.dcom.lans.fddi,comp.dcom.lans.misc,comp.dcom.cell-relay,comp.dcom.lans.novell
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Todd Booth)
Subject: RFD: comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet
Keywords: bridge, router, wellfleet, RFD
Followup-To: news.groups
Approved: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Wellfleet Communications, Inc
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1992 17:50:55 GMT
Lines: 114

This is a formal Request for Discussion on the creation of a new newsgroup
called "comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet" (not moderated).

This announcement is cross-posted to newsgroups whose readers may have 
interest in the discussion about the new group; follow-up discussion will
take place in "news.groups". Suggestions, comments or problems may also
be emailed to me at .


  comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet (not moderated)

  The newsgroup 'comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet' would be a forum for discussing 
  issues related to Wellfleet bridge and router systems hardware & software,
  interoperability with other products, and system configuration.

  It will NOT be a forum for forwarding sensitive information
  as e-mail and individual contact are for this purpose.

  It could be the best, and quickest way to exchange questions and
  answers, hints and tips on optimization, have contacts between users
  having common problems and maybe some common solutions.


  Very often Wellfleet users receiving news and having questions don't know
  really where to post their questions in such a way that it could be
  answered by some other Wellfleet users.

  In the same way, people who could be able to answer the question are not
  necessarily inspecting all articles where Wellfleet is mentioned, such a 
  newsgroup will usually permit better follow-ups for Wellfleet issues.
  Users could discover lot of indirect Wellfleet matter accidentally in 
  comp.dcom.lans.{ethernet, fddi, misc...}.

  Wellfleet User Groups exist in the U.S. and Europe.
  Mailing lists have been going in the U.S and Europe for several years; 
  but this way of communicating is not particularly adequate for users
  of multi-recipient systems, i.e., each message is sent to each registered
  user, even on the same systems, moreover each user must ask to be
  explicitely registered.

  A newsgroup would permit all users of Wellfleet systems receiving the News
  to receive only one copy of each message and to share it potentially
  with all the users of the systems.

  This newsgroup could be a prolongation of each annual Wellfleet User Groups
  meetings, permitting not only to those (s)elected people having the chance
  to take part to these interesting reunions but also to more common users,
  students, researchers, etc... to share their experiences.

  In the era of communication, newsgroups are the easiest way to build 
  bridges across oceans and permitting of people with common interests
  to be part of an electronic community wherever they are located 
  in the world.


  - Wellfleet FAQ
  - jobs available
  - other events that concern Wellfleet systems and/or users

  - Wellfleet Nodes series
  - Wellfleet Backbone Node series
  - interfacing 3rd party products to Wellfleet systems

  - Public domain SNMP software for management of Wellfleet systems
  - Software releases discussion and announcements
  - Customization of network configurations for optimal performance

  - Network integration
  - Multi-vendor compatibility
  - System tuning
  - Benchmarking and performance measurement

  System administration
  - Security
  - How to upgrade between releases
  - Remote upgrades

  This newsgroup will be in conjunction with the existing mailing lists
  to allow users who do not receive News to submit and receive newsgroup
  traffic and take part in the discussions.

  comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet seems to be the name fitting the most adequately 
  the purpose.

  In order to have questions answered as fast as possible, this 
  newsgroup would not need to be moderated and indeed would most 
  probably be self-moderated.

  The discussion period will be from November 10th, 1992 to December 2nd, 1992.
  Please post all discussion in
  If a consensus is reached by the end of the discussion period,
  a CFV (Call for Votes) will be posted at that time. The voting period
  will last for 21 days.

Thanks for your interest !
Todd Booth | Systems Engineer | Wellfleet Communications, Inc | 310 445-8840

From [email protected] Mon Dec  7 18:13:23 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Todd Booth)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.dcom.lans.misc
Subject: CFV: comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet
Followup-To: poster
Date: 7 Dec 1992 17:46:21 -0500
Organization: Wellfleet Communications, Inc
Lines: 51
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3030 news.groups:62598 comp.dcom.lans.misc:1025

Call For Votes

Proposed Newsgroup: comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet

Type: Unmoderated

Rationale: (discussed in RFD)

Charter: The newsgroup 'comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet' would be a
	forum for discussing issues related to Wellfleet bridge and
	router systems hardware & software, interoperability with other
	products, and system configuration.

Voting Period: 
	From: the time this article is posted/circulated
	To:   23:59 GMT, Tuesday, January 5th, 1993

How to Vote:
	To vote on comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet, send your vote to
		[email protected] or [email protected]

	You must specify your vote as one of the following:

		I vote "yes" on comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet
		I vote "no"  on comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet

Voting Rules:
	One vote per person. If you vote more than once, only the *last*
	of those votes will count.  Therefore if you change your mind
	about the vote, you can send a new vote, which invalidates the
	old vote, as long as it is within the voting period.

	Ambiguous votes will be invalidated.
	Ambiguous votes contain neither YES nor NO, or contain both, or
	are conditional, such as "I vote ... if ..."

	Votes posted to any newsgroup will NOT be counted.

	According to the USENET rules, in order for the new group to be
	created, at least 2/3 of the votes must be "YES", and there must
	be at least 100 more "YES" votes than "NO" votes.

Ambiguous vote resolution:
	Ambiguous votes -- those whose subject lines or message body do
	not make clear the voter's intent, or whose vote clashes with the
	vote address -- sent to either the vote addresses or the reply
	address will, where possible, be returned to their senders for
	clarification.  Ambiguous votes which can not by returned to
	their senders or for which no clarification is provided will be
	identified in vote mass acknowledgements and in the final vote

From [email protected] Wed Jan  6 21:02:41 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Todd Booth)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.dcom.lans.misc
Subject: RESULT: comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet passes 122:14
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 6 Jan 1993 19:35:26 -0500
Organization: Wellfleet Communications, Inc
Lines: 192
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3092 news.groups:63959 comp.dcom.lans.misc:1101

Happy new year!

At the end of the voting period (midnight GMT, Tuesday, January 5th,
1993), 136 people had sent in their ballots in response to the CFV.

First let me say that this message has been posted to:
	Wellfleet email distribution list ([email protected])

The mailing list will remain, and those who prefer to receive by
mail, can continue to do so.  

Here are the results:

Summary of vote tally:

	yes:   122
	no:     14
	total: 136
Vote test 1: There were over 100 more valid yes votes than no.

Vote test 2: There were over 2/3 of the total (136) in favor.

There will be a five day waiting period during which the net
will have a chance to correct any errors in the voter list or 
the voting procedure.

After the waiting period and if there were no serious objections
that might invalidate the vote, the newgroup will be created.

--todd booth 

Wellfleet Communications, Inc. ; 310 445-8840
Systems Engineer in Los Angeles today
Stockholm next month (still with WF, still [email protected])


email addresses for those in favor of comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet: 

Vote: From:
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Aaron Dailey)
yes   "Alain FONTAINE (Post master - UCL)" 
yes   [email protected] (Alfred E. Nothaft)
yes   Andries Ruiter 
yes   Andy Linton 
yes   Andy Malis 
yes   Armand Giraud 
yes   Arne Langmo 
yes   [email protected] (Art Weisenseel)
yes   [email protected]
yes   B.J.  10-Dec-1992 1357 
yes   b.watson%[email protected]
yes   Barry Lynam 
yes   [email protected] (Bob Fink)
yes   rhott%[email protected] (Bob Hott - K31)
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] ("Charles Ganzhorn")
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Chris Walsh)
yes   [email protected] (claude bowie)
yes   Colin Cooper 
yes   [email protected] (Curtis Abbott)
yes   [email protected]
yes   "D.W.Stevenson" 
yes   [email protected] (Dan Romascanu)
yes   [email protected] (Dave Carr)
yes   Dave Geurs 
yes   Dave Pokorney 
yes   David Kuzminski 
yes   [email protected] (David LeVine)
yes   [email protected] (Donald Carros )
yes   [email protected]
yes   "Ekkehard Lang"  
yes   Eric Hunt 
yes   Evan Gamblin <[email protected]>
yes   [email protected] (G. E. Boykin     x5522        )
yes   Gary Kunis 
yes   [email protected] (Gary Skaggs)
yes   Gavin Stone-Tolcher 
yes   [email protected] (Gordon Rowell)
yes   Greg Sawyers 
yes   Hampton Watkins 
yes   [email protected] (hand,james c)
yes   Hiroyasu Murakoshi 
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Ichi Takumi)
yes   Jack Allen Underwood 
yes   Jason R. Pascucci 
yes   [email protected] (Jim Barnes)
yes   Jim O'Shea 
yes   [email protected]
yes   John Burgess 
yes   John Curran 
yes   [email protected] (John Lekashman)
yes   [email protected] (John Luke Mills)
yes   [email protected] (Jonathan Blau)
yes   [email protected] (Jude George)
yes   Katy Kislitzin 
yes   Ken Hays 
yes   Ken Tobias 
yes   [email protected] (kent eitzmann )
yes   [email protected] (Kevin Ruddy)
yes   Kirk Olsen 
yes   Larry Rebarchik 
yes   [email protected] (M.Scheurer)
yes   [email protected] (Marcel Koelewijn)
yes   Marciano Pitargue 
yes   "Marian Gawel, ESC Data Network Operations" 
yes   Mark Garrett 
yes   "Mark I. Williams" 
yes   [email protected] (Martin Stromberg)
yes   [email protected] (Marty Borden)
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS)
yes   Michael A Wojcik 
yes   Michael Quinn 
yes   "Michael S. McMahon"  
yes   [email protected] (Michel Hendrick)
yes   "Michelle R. Koblas" 
yes   [email protected] (Mike Croke x5386 )
yes   Mike Scott 
yes   [email protected] (Mike Tucker)
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Nicholas Jacobs)
yes   [email protected] (Ola Hjollo)
yes   Patrick Herlihy 
yes   [email protected] (Paul Killion)
yes   [email protected] (Peter Schow)
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Phil Royse)
yes   ptrubey (Phil Trubey)
yes   Philippe Debroux 
yes   Philippe Francq 
yes   [email protected] (Philippe Michel)
yes   [email protected] (Philippe Moitroux)
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Randy Meyers)
yes   [email protected]
yes   Ritu Bansal 
yes   [email protected] (Robert Craig)
yes   "Robert S. Logan" 
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Schorr Daniel)
yes   [email protected]
yes   [email protected] (Simha Karlin)
yes   Stephen Sakamoto 
yes   [email protected] (Steve Bauer)
yes   Steve Elias 
yes   "Steven Lendt - UNOnet Manager"  
yes   Terry Gong 
yes   thomasb%[email protected] (Thomas Benjamin)
yes   [email protected] (Thomas Kaiser)
yes   Tim Pletcher 
yes   Todd Booth 
yes   [email protected] (Tom Johnson)
yes   Tony Knaus 
yes   [email protected]
yes   T  [email protected], Inc. 
yes   Val Freda 
yes   Vesa Halkka 
yes   cire "ya mon" eric 


email addresses for those against comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet: 

Vote: From:
no    Adrian Miranda 
no    Charles Shub 
no    [email protected] (Craig Presnell)
no    [email protected] (Ed McGuire)
no    [email protected] (Gary Rima)
no    [email protected]
no    [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
no    [email protected] (Gregory Gulik)
no    Marc Moorcroft 
no    [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)
no    [email protected] (Rens Troost)
no    [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
no    "Roy Engehausen" 
no    [email protected]

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