Limited Time Super Unlimited USENET Deal from NewsDemon

7 dollar usenet newsdemon NewsDemon Usenet 2025 Access

Have you been curious about USENET and wanted to see what it was all about? Newsgroups is making it easier and more affordable with our new $7.00 Super Unlimited plan.


Normally $19.95 a month, this heavily discounted special offers Unlimited access to over 107,000 uncensored newsgroups. Without data caps or throttling, you can access all you want in privacy with our 256 bit SSL encrypted connections.


If you’re new to USENET or a longtime user, the current Super Unlimited USENET plan offers everything you need:

  • Free pre-configured newsreader helps you get up and going quickly without the hassle of working with other software that might not even work correctly.
  • 50 simultaneous connections allow you to access USENET newsgroups quickly and easily.
  • Multiple server locations means you get the fastest speeds available and consistently.
  • No limits with Unlimited access set your mind at ease without ever having to worry about download caps.
  • Customer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with knowledgeable and friendly technicians that can assist with any questions or issues you may encounter with your account.


The introductory offer of just $7.00 for the first month gives you the opportunity to try Newsgroups and find out for yourself why it’s America’s #1 Premium Usenet provider. After the first month, it’s still a low $10.00 a month for the lifetime of the account. That’s an annual savings of $126.40


Additionally with this account, Newsgroups is offering 30GB of Secure Online Storage from StorageNinja (a $20 a month savings). With your storage account, you can upload, keep and access your files securely anywhere online. This account is FREE for as long as you remain a Newsgroups customer.


This special offer is only available for a limited time. So if you’re ready to try out and join the thousands who have made the switch to USENET, get in on this super offer from Newsgroups. We’re confident you’ll enjoy our award winning services and support and look forward to having you part of the Newsgroups family.

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