NewsDemon Now Offers 1500 Days Binary Retention

1500 binary days retention NewsDemon Usenet 2024 Access

We are thrilled to now provide our customers with 1,500 days of binary retention, allowing our Usenet newsgroup customers to access articles that are over four years old!

This is available to all of our customers no matter how long they’ve been a NewsDemon customer. Whether you signed up long ago or just signed up recently, you can now access articles that are 1,500 days old. We are proud of our premier Usenet newsgroup service and expect our features and benefits to continue to grow.

The higher retention comes at no additional price. Existing customers will not see their price increase, nor will they have to choose a more expensive plan to gain access to the new retention. New customers won’t face any price hike either and can sign up any time for our premier Usenet service.

We continue to offer trusted Usenet newsgroup service at unlimited speeds for premium access to all supported binary newsgroups. Keep an eye out for further announcements of expanded benefits of NewsDemon service!

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