Newsgroup Spotlight: General Education and Educator Newsgroups

Education is a fundamental factor in an individual’s prosperity, happiness, contribution to society, and impact on the future. Usenet newsgroups recognizes the vital role teachers play in education and the betterment of our culture.

In support of educators, many Education Newsgroups follow some simple principles:

1. To allow educators to contribute to the content and community that exists on newsgroups

2. To utilize the Usenet to harness the collective intellect and wisdom of the worldwide teaching community

Many special topic education related newsgroups have been formed to contribute to education policy through research and debate on the current issues, structures and expectations at all levels of education.

The mission for many of these newsgroups is to define the changing forces that are shaping how people learn, work, and live in  our contemporary world, and to demonstrate how individuals and educational institutions can apply new knowledge to thrive in the future. From College Newsgroups to Home Schooling Newsgroups, you can find a newsgroup dedicated to almost every grade and form of education.

Teachers are a great asset to society and deserve a great community to discuss, share and contribute, and thus, education newsgroups proceeded to create an online environment which places the needs of individual teachers at the forefront. With dedicated newsgroups on subjects such as English Newsgroups and Science Newsgroups by example demonstrate the variety of scholarly topics that these actively involved community newsgroups cover.

Teacher-created newsgroups are designed to help teachers find online resources more quickly and easily to find lesson plans, thematic units, teacher tips and discussion groups for teachers

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