Solutions to Avoid Constantly Resetting Your Router


Router problems are a common complaint, and such issues may be the result of a number of causes. It could be the result of too many connections if you download a lot of files. In other cases, it may simply be a problem with overheating or your IP address may change.

If you find yourself constantly resetting your router, first make sure that the problem actually stems from your router. Plug the computer into the modem to see if your connection still becomes interrupted. If it works fine, it’s probably your router. If it doesn’t, the problem could be with the modem itself. In such cases seek support from the manufacturer of the modem. If your internet service provider (ISP) provides you with the modem, contact the ISP. They may just send you a new one.

If after doing the modem test you still believe it’s the router, the following are some solutions that may help.

Is it overheating?

The simplest solution is to ensure that the router is kept in an area in which heat is allowed to escape. The router produces heat, just like any other piece of hardware. When the heat is not allowed to escape the immediate area, the router may overheat. To remedy this, keep it out of enclosed places and away from other electronics. Raise it off of the surface, or even consider putting it around a fan or air source.

Is your firmware up to date?

Try updating the firmware on the router. You’ll have to first find the router’s configuration information; you may have to consult the router’s manual if you’re unsure of how to find this information. Some find this information by typing into a browser, although this isn’t always the case. When you find the information, write down the firmware version currently installed.

Once you take note of the current firmware, visit the manufacturer’s website. There should be an option for support and then you may have to find your router model from a list. Once you find it, you should be provided a list of all available downloads. Check to see if the latest firmware download available is the same as the one your router is currently using. If it is not, download it and follow the instructions.

Are you downloading too fast?

As most are looking for faster and faster download speeds, it may seem odd to suggest slowing them down. But services such as Usenet and other file collaborating networks may use multiple connections to achieve high download speeds. If you download a lot of files at the same time, the many connections may overwhelm the router. Slow down the download speed by heading into the settings of the file collaborating client and looking for the option to reduce maximum download speed and connections.

Try flashing third-party firmware, i.e. DD-WRT

You might also try flashing third-party firmware such as DD-WRT. It’s free, but it can be a little cumbersome, especially for the inexperienced computer user. If you can do it, though, it may solve your problems. There is even an option that allows you to reset the router on a schedule so you can set it to reset when you’re sleeping or away at work when you won’t even notice it. For information about installing DD-WRT, search Usenet or Google and you’re sure to find plenty of information that walks you through the process.

Upgrade your router: buy a new one

In some cases, you may just have to break down and buy a new router. If the solutions mentioned above are not helping, consider whether your router is of poor quality. Do your homework and choose a router that receives high ratings not just from tech critics, but from regular, everyday users. Take some of the negative reviews with a grain of salt (some of the problems mentioned on user reviews may be user-inflicted), but if you notice a pattern, it may be worth it to move onto the next one.

While it’s always great to buy from the store offering the lowest price, be sure that you can return it if you have to. If you bring it home, set it up, and the problem persists, it may not have been your router after all. In this case you may call a tech support to fix the problem or find it yourself.  If the IT guy—or you—are able to remedy the problem while keeping your old router, you may choose to return the new one and get your money back.

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