Do You Have Blazing Fast USENET Access?

How fast are you able to access USENET newsgroups with Newsgroups? Newsgroups has stated for a long time now that users are able to access newsgroups at blazing speeds.

Many times these speeds reach the connection limits of many Internet Service Providers – both in the US and EU.

If you’re a NewsDemon customer, we’d like to hear from you. How fast is your connection?
Send your correspondence to [email protected]

If you have any issues with your speed and connections, we urge you to check out our help page with assistance on port changes and specific server addresses that may assist you in getting even faster access.

You can also check out our connection pages that show typical download speeds.

We also have a USENET tester that can help diagnose and check your connections as well as specific newsgroups you’d be interested in.

Lastly, if you have any other questions or want to speak to one of our specialists, NewsDemon offers 24/7 Customer Support to help you get the most out of your USENET experience.


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