Premium Usenet access provider,, now offers free Usenet access to qualifying Librarians and Researchers. will begin offering free access to librarians and researchers beginning January 1st. Those interested and qualified can apply here.
Usenet has represented a tremendous value since its inception by creating communities to participate and share information. Usenet, as a tool, has been part of great achievements by the group exchange and process it has fostered.
One of the great elements of the Usenet community has been the involvement of Librarians. Librarians and Researchers have received equal benefits they have provided to and from the Usenet. With prominent interest in English, education, art and book dedicated newsgroups, Librarians with access to Usenet have been able to exchange information easily, freely and openly. Usenet is still the world’s largest community network, with over 100,000 separate discussion groups covering humanities, the sciences, business, politics, computers, and much more.
In order to promote this process of exchange and grow community newsgroups such as rec.arts.books,, alt.usage.english and similar on-topic Newsgroups that can benefit Libraries and Academia, is proud to announce free access to qualified Librarians and Researchers who wish to participate in the Newsgroup communities they wish.
In order to be qualified, you must be a Librarian or Researcher employed at a Library or similar. You can find this form here.
Those who qualify will enjoy the same benefits as other members of, including complete uncensored, unfiltered access to thousands of newsgroups with retention well over 180 days on binaries and more than 600 days of text. has added Librarians and Researchers to its list of its growing contribution to help grow the Usenet community further. understands that in order for these groups to flourish, it relies on the minds that can provide and offer sought out solutions. Recently, has also offered free Usenet access to Professors and Faculty Members of Colleges and Universities. More information can be found here:
If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
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