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NewsDemon Blockbuster Summer Sale

Starting June 1st, get UNLIMITED USENET ACCESS for only $13
No subscription. No renewal. No other commitments.
Get unlimited access to all 140+K newsgroups, without any limits, until August 31st.
50 simultaneous connections and multiple server farms to ensure the fastest speeds.

VPN Access also included!
And SlickVPN service is part of the deal!  Thousands of subscribers use SlickVPNand its advanced encryption and authentication to control their own internet experience.   Some choose the service for enhanced online personal security.  Others don’t like their IP addresses being collected by “Big Data” companies.  And still others—foreign nationals among them– count on SlickVPN to allow them to access the entire internet—and not just the pages approved by governments in other countries.

How does this work?

Say you signed up after the deal started on June 2rd. You would still have unlimited access for 90 days. Pro-rated, that comes out to $4.33 a month and also provides unlimited access to SlickVPN – absolutely free!

Want to keep your account after August 31st?

Great! You can upgrade before August 31st and be billed only $7.00 a month for both Unlimited Usenet and VPN access.

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