Retention is on the rise again at Newsgroups. Another retention increase puts article retention to 860 days and growing!
Our latest upgrades to our services now increases retention for all members to a staggering 860 days of article retention. Retention rate increases allows members to now access articles that are over 860 days old. The increase in retention follows an earlier update of 810 days not so long ago.
The increase in retention affects all subscription and block plans offered by Newsgroups. For some existing members, an update of headers of subscribed newsgroups may be necessary to view the older articles.
New and existing users are automatically set to access the 860 day retention on all supported newsgroups. As another upgraded feature to our users, the increase in retention does not raise the cost to current or new members. Newsgroups is proud to be able to offer this upgrade to its existing line of premium features and services provided by Newsgroups.
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