Newsdemon gives free Usenet newsgroups access to the community


1) Newsdemon will offer free Usenet newsgroups accounts to all currently employed college/university professors.

2) Newsdemon offers free Usenet newsgroups accounts to employees of qualified charities.

3) Newsdemon offers free Usenet newsgroups accounts to employees of qualified media outlets.

Complete the form below and we will send you the account information soon after verification.

  • e.g. Chemistry, Zoology
  • e.g.
  • We will verify each entry prior to approval. To help us better serve you, please provide any of the following:

    1) A contact email address from your organization's mail server. For example, someone working at Harvard University should send their [email protected] email address.

    2) A page on the organization's website where we can verify your employment. An example would be a department listing for the computer science department at with your name listed.

    3) An email address of your superior or co-worker who can verify your employment. This address would need to be from your organization's mail server.

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