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Advocacy ( comp.sys.mac.advocacy )
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From [email protected] Tue Jul 14 00:48:36 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2512 news.groups:54109 comp.sys.mac.announce:318 comp.sys.mac.misc:30387 comp.sys.mac.hypercard:10945 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.announce,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.hypercard Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) Subject: RFD: comp.sys.mac.advocacy Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: UUNET Technologies, Inc Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1992 02:02:01 GMT Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Lines: 72  A few weeks ago I placed a feeler for comp.sys.mac.advocacy in comp.sys.mac.misc to see what sort of reaction there would be to the concept.  As expected, there was vast indifference, but the folks who responded produced a 12:5 ratio in favor of considering the group.  This is a formal Request For Discussion.  Folks in support of the group are invited to review the proposed charter included here and to refine it in light of their own views and the expressed opinions of the proponents.  Opponents are free to comment upon the proposal, and we are free to respond to their opinions, but the proponents have the duty to produce a charter for the group within thirty days of the posting of this announcement to news.announce.newgroups and other relevant groups.  In accord with the Usenet Guidelines for creating a new group, discussion of the proposal shall take place in news.groups.  Occasional summaries or pointers to the discussion may be placed in various comp.sys.mac hierarchy groups if appropriate.  The Proposal ------------ Group Name:	comp.sys.mac.advocacy Summary:	Comparative discussion of Macintosh vs. other computers  Status:		Unmoderated  Charter:	Comp.sys.mac.advocacy is a place to carry out discssion 	about the Macintosh computer family and software in comparison 	with computers and software from other companies.  All 	comparitive articles about the Macintosh should be placed here 	if posted to the comp.sys.mac newsgroups sub-tree.  No articles 	posted here should be cross-posted to other comp.sys.mac 	newsgroups.  Rational:	The existence of *.advocacy sub-groups is a recent innovation in netnews.  There are currently 5 or 6 *.advocacy newsgroups and they have had a mixed success.  In most cases they *have* succeded in limiting the appearance of comparative articles in the other groups of a hierarchy where they appear.  The purpose of an .advocacy group is not to create a ghetto where comparative articles are exiled to, but to control topic drift and provide a narrower focus to other groups in the hierarchy.  It is, however, appropriate for posters to consider the group as the followup-to group when making comparative analyses of the Mac and other computers or other computers and the Mac.  Administrivia:  If the proposal is considered appropriate and sound by the proponents at the end of thirty days of discussion (or sooner if appropriate)  a Call For Votes will be issued with the (possibly) revised charter.  At the time for the CFV, unless someone with a better connected site (e.g. directly on the internet, not MX'd) volunteers, votes will be sent to "[email protected]" for tabulation. The csma-vote address will not exist until the CFV is issued.  The particulars of the vote format will be contained in the CFV, but will likely be fairly standard (reqesting a standard text for the vote, but not rejecting clear votes that are non-compliant.)  In the case of duplicate votes, the latest vote received before the voting deadline will be the determining vote.  Votes will be acknowledged by email and the poll list will be posted (mass ack) at least twice by the vote taker).  Following final tabulation, results will be posted in the appropriate places, and the appropriate waiting periods andor action/non-action will occur.  (personal note: this site is subject to severe lag in news propagation on occasion, email is not considered to be a problem.  Those with long net.memories may recall that I was opposed to the creation of the first .advocacy group (comp.sys.amiga.advocacy,)  but their track record indicates that they do serve a purpose. -ggw ) --  Gregory G. Woodbury @ The Wolves Den UNIX, Durham NC UUCP: ...dukcds!wolves!ggw   ...duke!wolves!ggw           [use the maps!] Domain: [email protected]  [email protected]  ggw%[email protected] [The line eater is a boojum snark! ]             From [email protected] Fri Aug  7 20:55:08 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2601 news.groups:55136 comp.sys.mac.announce:324 comp.sys.mac.misc:31798 comp.sys.mac.hypercard:11194 comp.sys.mac.apps:22362 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.announce,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.hypercard,comp.sys.mac.apps Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) Subject: CFV: comp.sys.mac.advocacy Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: The Wolves Den UNIX, Durham NC Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1992 23:26:29 GMT Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Lines: 92  A month or so ago I placed a feeler for comp.sys.mac.advocacy in comp.sys.mac.misc to see what sort of reaction there would be to the concept.  As expected, there was vast indifference, but the folks who responded produced a 12:5 ratio in favor of considering the group.  This was followed by the RFD.  The RFD also produced no real controversy (except for one person who is opposed to .advocacy groups on principle). The margin of preference did not seem to change much.  This is the Call For Votes: 	Please review the charter below and then vote if you feel interested in expressing your opinion on the proposed newsgroup. The Reply-To header of this message should be pointing to the correct address.  Formal voting instructions are below.  In accord with the Usenet Guidelines for creating a new group, discussion of the proposal took place in news.groups.  The Proposal ------------ Group Name:	comp.sys.mac.advocacy Summary:	Comparative discussion of Macintosh vs. other computers  Status:		Unmoderated  Charter:	Comp.sys.mac.advocacy is a place to carry out discssion 	about the Macintosh computer family and software in comparison 	with computers and software from other companies.  All 	comparitive articles about the Macintosh should be placed here 	if posted to the comp.sys.mac newsgroups sub-tree.  No articles 	posted here should be cross-posted to other comp.sys.mac 	newsgroups.  Rational:	The existence of *.advocacy sub-groups is a recent innovation in netnews.  There are currently 5 or 6 *.advocacy newsgroups and they have had a mixed success.  In most cases they *have* succeded in limiting the appearance of comparative articles in the other groups of a hierarchy where they appear.  The purpose of an .advocacy group is not to create a ghetto where comparative articles are exiled to, but to control topic drift and provide a narrower focus to other groups in the hierarchy.  It is, however, appropriate for posters to consider the group as the followup-to group when making comparative analyses of the Mac and other computers or other computers and the Mac.  Voting Instructions:  	Votes in this opinion poll will be accepted ONLY at the address:  		[email protected]  	Votes mailed elsewhere, or votes that are posted will not be counted. 	This address should be in the Reply-To: header of this article. 	This address should be reachable by most properly configured machines and email systems.  The address is an MX exchanger at Duke. Alternative addresses that might be necessary:  		csmavote%[email protected] 		csmavote%[email protected] 		...!!wolves!csmavote 		[email protected]  The vote should clearly have (preferably) one occurrence of the strings  		YES	or Yes  or yes 	or	NO	or No   or no 	or	ABSTAIN or Abstain  or abstain  in the Subject: header of the message envelope.  No text is required in the body of the message.  	Votes that are not machine parseable will be handled by hand.  	The vote must be stated clearly.  If the context of the vote implies that it is conditional, the vote cannot be counted under the current guidelines.  	Only the most recent vote received from any particular address will be counted in the final tally.  	Received votes will be replied to automatically.  	Mass Acknowledgements will be generated weekly.  Final results will be tallied after the close of voting and sent to the appropriate places for posting and action (or inaction as determined by the results.)          No votes will be accepted after 23:59 EDT, 7 September 1992. --  Gregory G. Woodbury @ The Wolves Den UNIX, Durham NC UUCP: ...dukcds!wolves!ggw   ...duke!wolves!ggw           [use the maps!] Domain: [email protected]  [email protected]  ggw%[email protected] [The line eater is a boojum snark! ]             From [email protected] Tue Aug 11 12:15:58 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2613 news.groups:55286 comp.sys.mac.misc:31920 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.misc Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) Subject: VOTE ACK: comp.sys.mac.advocacy Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Summary: 139 received votes Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: The Wolves Den UNIX, Durham NC Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1992 03:42:55 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 162  Below is the "pollbook" of votes received in the comp.sys.mac.advocacy new group poll.  There were a few problems with the autoreply daemon early on, and some folks may not have received an autoreply, and some folks may have received two.  Because of this, I am posting an early mass ack.  Summary of Voting Instructions:  	Email votes only to this account:  [email protected]  	Include the word:  YES/Yes/yes  or  NO/No/no  or 			      ABSTAIN/Abstain/abstain 			   in the Subject header of your mail.  	Votes must be unambiguous.  Vote Acknowledgments:  (Sorted From: lines) --------------------- "Anand C. Patel"  "Apgar, Eric"  "C code. C code run. Run, code, run!  08-Aug-1992 0142"  "Conrad Halton Halling"  "David C. Croson, 3rd Year BusEc"  "Diane M. Wink"  "Erik A. Johnson"  "Hector I. Moran H."  "Mark Rogowsky"  "Robert W. Spiker"  "Scott Ziegler"  "Shut up, Grow up, Lighten up!"  "john  cavallino"  Albert Liu  Andreas 'Ideograf' Magnusson  Andrew Henry  Art Nicolaysen  Arthur Wouk  Bengt Larsson  Bryan Bachmeyer  Bryan Siegfried  CLARK MARK ALAN  Christopher Davis  Daryl Biberdorf  David Dickerson  Ed Swierk  Evan James Torrie  George Martin  Greg Lindahl  Jan Dj{rv  Jim Gaynor  Johnny Borders  Jussi-Pekka Mantere  Kathy A Graff  L L Campbell  MARTIN GUY CORMIER  Mark Eaton  Mike Fessler  Mutant for Hire  Neil W Rickert  Peter Bell  Petri M Aukia  Quinn  ROB DEWHIRST  Rob Menke  Robert Hinz  Robert K Shull  Samuel S. Tai  Shigeya Suzuki  Sven Heinicke  Takeshi Miyazaki  Tom Karches  bunck  duke!ACAD.DRAKE.EDU!PK38961 duke!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!reuven duke!Calvin.EDU!s0067284 (Jeffrey Veen) duke!Cigna.COM!nagel (Mark Nagel) duke!ERE.UMontreal.CA!casgrain (Casgrain Philippe) duke!!lindahl (Charlie Lindahl) duke!!mgfrank (Marc G. Frank) duke!!Bruce.Hoult duke!!emery (Emery Weber) duke!!magsman (Madeleine Schneider) duke!!jesup (Randell Jesup) duke!!North_TJ duke!!anttipoi (Teemu Antti-Poika) duke!!chip (Chip Rosenthal) duke!!frain (Jerry Frain) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!bx341 (Robert E. Winston) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!by303 (Jay L. Cross) duke!!dougm (Doug McNaught) duke!concert!gatech!!Arthur.Davis (Arthur Davis) duke!!abs0 (Kelvin Leung) duke!!dcoster (David Coster) duke!!csus (CS Undergrad-Society) duke!!gaines (Brian Gaines) duke!!rick (Richard H. Miller) duke!!rv (rodrigo vanegas) duke!!mcw (Michael Wirth) duke!!putzolu (David Putzolu) duke!!christer (Christer Ericson) duke!!ted (Ted Woodward) duke!!hooverb (Bruce Hoover) duke!csdvax.csd.unsw.EDU.AU!U2107158 duke!!black (David C. Black) duke!!ron (Ron Boerger) duke!!bytebug (Roger L. Long) duke!!pk38961 (Pete Koucis) duke!!reinoud (R. Lamberts) duke!!mphbj639 (Stephen Cristol) duke!!brian (Mr. Big Stuff) duke!!irwin (Mark Irwin) duke!!walton (Sam Walton) duke!greyrock.MSO.ColoState.EDU!gerlach (Scott Gerlach) duke!!peterb (Peter Broadribb) duke!!obi (Kuryan "Obi" Thomas) duke!!brecher duke!!gandhi3 duke!!forbes (Michael S Forbes) duke!!diessel (Thomas Diessel) duke!!tdslotte (Dave Slotter) duke!!conboymj duke!!sigmond duke!!davison duke!!dwfraser (Wally) duke!!robert (Robert Munyer) duke!!maynard duke!!ralph (Ralph Brandi) duke!!gleeson (Martin Joseph GLEESON) duke!!d88-jwa duke!!kchang (Kenneth Chang) duke!!kc (Dameon D. Welch) duke!!stever (Steve Riggins) duke!!jpb (Joe Block) duke!!sherritp duke!!mwalker (Mel Walker) duke!!Charlie.Mingo (Charlie Mingo) duke!!jsblau (Jonathan Blau) duke!!bilver!vicstoy!aphelps (Austin Phelps) duke!phoenix.Princeton.EDU!ejgraves (Eric James Graves) duke!!jason (Jason Ehrlich) duke!!ejbehr (Eric Behr) duke!!puitong (Pui Tong Ho) duke!!jlkim duke!!meharg (Gersham William Meharg) duke!!sandy (Sandy Wise) duke!!mhpower duke!!peter (Peter da Silva) duke!!dauter duke!toaster.SFSU.EDU!eps (Eric P. Scott) duke!tso.uc.EDU!usr4818a (Robert E. Winston) duke!!shawn (shawn) duke!!ehanson duke!!anielsen (Andrew Nielsen) duke!!spw (Steven P Wilkinson) duke!!agoodrid duke!!anders duke!!aml (Andrew M Langmead) jonathan lee wanak   Total received: 139  (two sets of duplicates reduced)  			Thank You for voting!  From [email protected] Mon Aug 17 11:50:48 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2627 news.groups:55540 comp.sys.mac.misc:32244 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.misc Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Subject: VOTE ACK: comp.sys.mac.advocacy Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Summary: 139 received votes Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: The Wolves Den UNIX, Durham NC Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1992 15:38:00 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 332  Below is the "pollbook" of votes received in the comp.sys.mac.advocacy new group poll.  There are a few problems with the autoreply daemon, and some folks may not have received an autoreply, and some folks may have received two.  No votes have been counted twice.  Summary of Voting Instructions:  	Email votes only to this account:  [email protected]  	Include the word:  YES/Yes/yes  or  NO/No/no  or 			      ABSTAIN/Abstain/abstain 			   in the Subject header of your mail.  	Votes must be unambiguous.  	Poll closes at midnight (your time) between Sept 7 and Sept 8, 1992  Vote Acknowledgments:  (Sorted From: lines) --------------------- "Alan (A.R.) Quirt"  "Anand C. Patel"  "Apgar, Eric"  "C code. C code run. Run, code, run!  08-Aug-1992 0142"  "Conrad Halton Halling"  "David C. Croson, 3rd Year BusEc"  "Diane M. Wink"  "Erik A. Johnson"  "Hardcore Alaskan"  "Hector I. Moran H."  "IN%[email protected]"  "John Hausmann"  "Mark Rogowsky"  "Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren"  "R. Mark Jones"  "Robert W. Spiker"  "Ronald Pruitt"  "Scott Ziegler"  "Shut up, Grow up, Lighten up!"  "john  cavallino"  Alan Staniforth  Albert Liu  Andreas 'Ideograf' Magnusson  Andrew Henry  Art Nicolaysen  Arthur Wouk  Bengt Larsson  Bill Brideson  Bill Johnston  Bryan Bachmeyer  Bryan Siegfried  CLARK MARK ALAN  COLLIN MCCULLEY  Christopher Davis  Connie Cho  Conor O'Neill  Daryl Biberdorf  David Dickerson  David Roessli  David Sheppard  Duncan Langford  Ed Swierk  Edward John Sabol  Elmer Fudd  Ephraim Vishniac  Eric Aubourg  Erik Naggum  Evan James Torrie  Garance A Drosehn  George Martin  Greg Lindahl  Gregory NOWAK  Helen Trillian Rose  J M Hicks  JOHN FISKIO-LASSETER  Jan Dj{rv  Jim Gaynor  Joel B Levin  Johnny Borders  Jon Cole  Jussi-Pekka Mantere  Kathy A Graff  Kent Paul Dolan  Kevin Junck  Kurt Andersen  L L Campbell  Larry Peck  Leonard Hermens - CS  Lisa Bjarke  MARTIN GUY CORMIER  Marc Moorcroft  Mark Eaton  Mark Sicignano  Matt Nieberger  Matthias Ulrich Neeracher  Mike Fessler  Mike Palmer  Mitch Bayersdorfer  Mutant for Hire  Neil W Rickert  Paul Sears (Sys Admin)  Peter Bell  Petri M Aukia  Quinn  ROB DEWHIRST  Rob Menke  Robert Hinz  Robert K Shull  Samuel S. Tai  Shigeya Suzuki  Steve Kanefsky  Stuart Cheshire  Stuart M Castergine  Stupendous Man  Sven Heinicke  Takeshi Miyazaki  The Dokkalfar  The Quantum Mechanic  Tom Fitzgerald  Tom Karches  Ury Segal  bunck  duke!ACAD.DRAKE.EDU!PK38961 duke!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!reuven duke!CS.UCLA.EDU!lange (Trent Lange) duke!Calvin.EDU!s0067284 (Jeffrey Veen) duke!Cigna.COM!nagel (Mark Nagel) duke!!Ole.Solberg (Ole Solberg) duke!DPW.COM!tmartin duke!ERE.UMontreal.CA!casgrain (Casgrain Philippe) duke!ISI.EDU!jas duke!SCTC.COM!elder (Alex Elder) duke!UC.EDU!Don.Rainwater (Don Rainwater) duke!!dbw (David Winterburn) duke!!pkellma (Peter Kellman) duke!!tony (Tony Poole) duke!!russell (Russell Schulz) duke!!claris!qm!Mike_Steiner (Mike Steiner) duke!!Nick.Wyrdeman duke!!carlton duke!!talcott (Adam R. Talcott) duke!!tron (Tantek Celik) duke!!lindahl (Charlie Lindahl) duke!!root (Angelo Santilli) duke!!brian (Brian TroxeLL) duke!!hcheng (Howard Cheng) duke!!mgfrank (Marc G. Frank) duke!!Bruce.Hoult duke!!m91kgh (Karl-Gunnar Hultland) duke!!emery (Emery Weber) duke!!D.S.W.Tansley duke!!scf (Stephen C. Fenwick  [email protected]) duke!!navsaria duke!castillo.Prime.COM!trupprec (Thomas Rupprecht) duke!!jeanr duke!!magsman (Madeleine Schneider) duke!!jesup (Randell Jesup) duke!!North_TJ duke!!anttipoi (Teemu Antti-Poika) duke!!chip (Chip Rosenthal) duke!!katefans (Chris n Vickie) duke!!frain (Jerry Frain) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!bx341 (Robert E. Winston) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!by303 (Jay L. Cross) duke!!dougm (Doug McNaught) duke!concert!gatech!!Arthur.Davis (Arthur Davis) duke!!murphyjp (Man-with-tail) duke!!owens (Bill Owens) duke!!joshua (Joshua Geller) duke!!abs0 (Kelvin Leung) duke!!hades (Hades) duke!!gousha (Charles Gousha) duke!!dcoster (David Coster) duke!!csus (CS Undergrad-Society) duke!!gaines (Brian Gaines) duke!!tim (Tim F O'Donoghue) duke!!dvan (David Vandeven) duke!!rick (Richard H. Miller) duke!cs.Buffalo.EDU!jmpiazza (Joseph M. Piazza) duke!!rv (rodrigo vanegas) duke!!rpwhite (rpwhite) duke!!mcw (Michael Wirth) duke!!putzolu (David Putzolu) duke!!liberte duke!!christer (Christer Ericson) duke!!ted (Ted Woodward) duke!!hooverb (Bruce Hoover) duke!csdvax.csd.unsw.EDU.AU!U2107158 duke!!umbaugh (David Umbaugh) duke!!James_J_Kowalczyk duke!!AndyJW (Andy J. Williams) duke!!black (David C. Black) duke!!ron (Ron Boerger) duke!!bytebug (Roger L. Long) duke!!pk38961 (Pete Koucis) duke!!reinoud (R. Lamberts) duke!!ajohnson duke!!mphbj639 (Stephen Cristol) duke!!gtephx!patfieldk (Kevin M. Patfield) duke!!tosh!starta (John Starta) duke!!brian (Mr. Big Stuff) duke!!exuhag (James Hague) duke!!eriks (Erik Svensson FOA2) duke!!irwin (Mark Irwin) duke!garnet.cs.Virginia.EDU!spm2d duke!!walton (Sam Walton) duke!!alc (Al Chang) duke!!johnk (John Kalucki) duke!!rich (Richard Harms) duke!greyrock.MSO.ColoState.EDU!gerlach (Scott Gerlach) duke!!peterb (Peter Broadribb) duke!!obi (Kuryan "Obi" Thomas) duke!!rsk (Richard Kulawiec) duke!!hagar (Oliver Fink) duke!!jdurham (Jeff Durham) duke!!kenney (Brian Kenney) duke!!brecher duke!!gandhi3 duke!!john duke!!forbes (Michael S Forbes) [email protected]!root (Peter Purgathofer) duke!!rahat (Rahat Amir) duke!!mawe (Mattias Werner) duke!!diessel (Thomas Diessel) duke!!rfisel duke!!tdslotte (Dave Slotter) duke!!uyyifrah (Y Yifrah [y^2]) duke!!dgemoets (Darren Gemoets-- CSC) duke!!hugh (Hugh Dixson) duke!!conboymj duke!!sigmond duke!!jfelder (James L. Felder) duke!!John duke!!davison duke!!kingj (John King;OO-ALC/LILEC) duke!!dwfraser (Wally) duke!!cpca (Colin Adams) duke!!lvrafael (Rafael Sanabria) duke!!heilmayr (Stephan Heilmayr) duke!!nan (Nan Zou) duke!!mkovacs (Michael Kovacs) duke!!pck (Peter Krupp) duke!!ralph duke!!robert (Robert Munyer) duke!!dsmall (Duane W. Small) duke!!marmoset (Dave Walker) duke!!paul (Paul Maclauchlan) duke!!rob (Rob Vaughn) duke!!maynard duke!!ralph (Ralph Brandi) duke!!dnryan (Damien RYAN) duke!!gleeson (Martin Joseph GLEESON) duke!!d88-jwa duke!!d90-two duke!!kchang (Kenneth Chang) duke!!kc (Dameon D. Welch) duke!!psq (Pascal Belloncle) duke!!stever (Steve Riggins) duke!!dbw (David B. Wollner) duke!!jpb (Joe Block) duke!!sherritp duke!!mwalker (Mel Walker) duke!!ADAMS_GAVIN_A duke!!Charlie.Mingo (Charlie Mingo) duke!!asf (Alan S. Fink) duke!!jsblau (Jonathan Blau) duke!!majnun (Albrecht Hofheinz) duke!!bilver!vicstoy!aphelps (Austin Phelps) duke!phoenix.Princeton.EDU!ejgraves (Eric James Graves) duke!porsche.visix.COM!ken (Ken Mayer) duke!porsche.visix.COM!sean (Sean E. Trowbridge) duke!!ccw duke!!glenm (myers,glen e) duke!!robinson duke!!philip (Philip Craig) duke!!ianh (Ian Hoyle) duke!!jason (Jason Ehrlich) duke!!ebth (Eggert Bjarni Thorlacius) duke!!cfhacc (Christopher Haupt) duke!!murphy (Mark Murphy) duke!!ejbehr (Eric Behr) duke!!tonym (Tony Mulqueen) duke!!puitong (Pui Tong Ho) duke!sdcc3.UCSD.EDU!palvarez (Pablo Alvarez-Royo) duke!!jlkim duke!!davidm (David H. Miller) duke!!meharg (Gersham William Meharg) duke!!dlopez (David Lopez) duke!!magidj (Jonathan Magid) duke!!sandy (Sandy Wise) duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!axolotl duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!nigel duke!!shla (Sheila Wallace) duke!!mhpower duke!!marcogan duke!!lsr (Larry Rosenstein) duke!!peter (Peter da Silva) duke!!bobmcc (Bob McCormick) duke!!jwh (Joe Hughes) duke!!dauter duke!toaster.SFSU.EDU!eps (Eric P. Scott) duke!tso.uc.EDU!usr4818a (Robert E. Winston) duke!!pmagrude (Patrick Magruder) duke!!shawn (shawn) duke!!mstark duke!uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu!macknik duke!!pjb4288 (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay) duke!!ehanson duke!!anielsen (Andrew Nielsen) duke!!spw (Steven P Wilkinson) duke!!dagraham (David Graham) duke!!lalonde (Chris Lalonde) duke!!mike (Mike Jones) duke!!das9674 (Stephenson Daniel A) duke!uunet.UU.NET!edsr!jem (John E. Mendenhall) duke!uunet.UU.NET!gca!taylor (Ken Taylor) duke!!agoodrid duke!!anders duke!virginia.PRPA.Philips.COM!yen (Yen C. Lee) duke!!kevinb (Kevin Brewer) duke!!jhsegal (Akiba Segal) duke!!aml (Andrew M Langmead) duke!!delaney ggw (Gregory G. Woodbury) ianf  jonathan lee wanak  sfw (Sue F. Woodbury)  Total received: 307  (four sets of duplicates reduced)  			Thank You for voting!  From [email protected] Mon Aug 24 22:22:38 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2645 news.groups:55738 comp.sys.mac.misc:32628 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.misc Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury) Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.sys.mac.advocacy Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Summary: 139 received votes Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: The Wolves Den UNIX, Durham NC Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1992 22:20:54 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 366  Below is the "pollbook" of votes received in the comp.sys.mac.advocacy new group poll as of 18:47 EDT 22 August 1992.  I have had a few problems with the autoreply daemon, and some folks may not have received an autoreply, and some folks may have received two.  There are not any votes which have been counted twice.  Summary of Voting Instructions:  	Email votes only to this account:  [email protected]  	Include the word:  YES/Yes/yes  or  NO/No/no  or 			      ABSTAIN/Abstain/abstain 			   in the Subject header of your mail.  	Votes must be unambiguous.  	Poll closes at midnight (local) between Sept 7  and Sept 8  1992  Vote Acknowledgments:  (Sorted From: lines) --------------------- "Alan (A.R.) Quirt"  "Anand C. Patel"  "Apgar, Eric"  "C code. C code run. Run, code, run!  08-Aug-1992 0142"  "Conrad Halton Halling"  "David C. Croson, 3rd Year BusEc"  "Diane M. Wink"  "Erik A. Johnson"  "Hardcore Alaskan"  "Hector I. Moran H."  "IN%[email protected]"  "J. Taggart Gorman"  "John Hausmann"  "Mark Rogowsky"  "Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren"  "Ms. Johanna Wise"  "R. Mark Jones"  "Robert W. Spiker"  "Ronald Pruitt"  "Scott Ziegler"  "Shut up, Grow up, Lighten up!"  "john  cavallino"  Alan Staniforth  Albert Liu  Andreas 'Ideograf' Magnusson  Andrew Henry  Art Nicolaysen  Arthur Wouk  Bengt Larsson  Bill Brideson  Bill Johnston  Bryan Bachmeyer  Bryan Siegfried  CLARK MARK ALAN  COLLIN MCCULLEY  Christopher Davis  Connie Cho  Conor O'Neill  Daryl Biberdorf  David Dickerson  David Roessli  David Sheppard  Duncan Langford  Ed Swierk  Edward John Sabol  Elaine Loomis  Elmer Fudd  Ephraim Vishniac  Eric Aubourg  Erik Naggum  Evan James Torrie  Garance A Drosehn  George Martin  Greg Lindahl  Gregory NOWAK  Helen Trillian Rose  J M Hicks  JOHN FISKIO-LASSETER  Jan Dj{rv  Jim Gaynor  Joel B Levin  Johnny Borders  Jon Cole  Jussi-Pekka Mantere  Kathy A Graff  Kent Paul Dolan  Kevin Junck  Kurt Andersen  L L Campbell  Larry Peck  Leonard Hermens - CS  Lisa Bjarke  MARTIN GUY CORMIER  Magnus Olsson  Marc Moorcroft  Mark Eaton  Mark McKinzie  Mark Sicignano  Matt Nieberger  Matthias Ulrich Neeracher  Michael R Linksvayer  Mike Fessler  Mike Palmer  Mitch Bayersdorfer  Mutant for Hire  Neil W Rickert  Paul Sears (Sys Admin)  Peter Bell  Petri M Aukia  Po Shan Cheah  Quinn  ROB DEWHIRST  Rob Menke  Robert Hinz  Robert K Shull  Ryan Bayne  Samuel S. Tai  Shigeya Suzuki  Steve Kanefsky  Steve Knight  Stuart Cheshire  Stuart M Castergine  Stupendous Man  Sven Heinicke  Takeshi Miyazaki  The Dokkalfar  The Quantum Mechanic  Tom Fitzgerald  Tom Karches  Ury Segal  bunck  dk smith  duke!ACAD.DRAKE.EDU!PK38961 duke!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!reuven duke!Athena.MIT.EDU!pshuang duke!CS.UCLA.EDU!lange (Trent Lange) duke!Calvin.EDU!s0067284 (Jeffrey Veen) duke!Cigna.COM!nagel (Mark Nagel) duke!!Ole.Solberg (Ole Solberg) duke!DPW.COM!tmartin duke!ERE.UMontreal.CA!casgrain (Casgrain Philippe) duke!ISI.EDU!jas duke!SCTC.COM!elder (Alex Elder) duke!UC.EDU!Don.Rainwater (Don Rainwater) duke!!dbw (David Winterburn) duke!!osg (Oliver Giessler) duke!!pkellma (Peter Kellman) duke!!jwasilko (Jeff Wasilko) duke!!tony (Tony Poole) duke!!russell (Russell Schulz) duke!!homebru!smith!dick duke!!claris!qm!Mike_Steiner (Mike Steiner) duke!!Nick.Wyrdeman duke!!carlton duke!!lefty (David "Lefty" Schlesinger) duke!!talcott (Adam R. Talcott) duke!!tron (Tantek Celik) duke!!cowan (D. Cowan (Postmaster)) duke!!lindahl (Charlie Lindahl) duke!!root (Angelo Santilli) duke!!brian (Brian TroxeLL) duke!!hcheng (Howard Cheng) duke!!mgfrank (Marc G. Frank) duke!!Bruce.Hoult duke!!m91kgh (Karl-Gunnar Hultland) duke!!emery (Emery Weber) duke!!D.S.W.Tansley duke!!scf (Stephen C. Fenwick  [email protected]) duke!!navsaria duke!castillo.Prime.COM!trupprec (Thomas Rupprecht) duke!!jeanr duke!!magsman (Madeleine Schneider) duke!!jesup (Randell Jesup) duke!!North_TJ duke!!anttipoi (Teemu Antti-Poika) duke!!swildner (Sascha Wildner) duke!!chip (Chip Rosenthal) duke!!katefans (Chris n Vickie) duke!!durrell (Bryant Durrell) duke!!frain (Jerry Frain) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!bx341 (Robert E. Winston) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!by303 (Jay L. Cross) duke!!dougm (Doug McNaught) duke!concert!gatech!!Arthur.Davis (Arthur Davis) duke!!murphyjp (Man-with-tail) duke!!owens (Bill Owens) duke!!joshua (Joshua Geller) duke!!abs0 (Kelvin Leung) duke!!hades (Hades) duke!!gousha (Charles Gousha) duke!!dcoster (David Coster) duke!!csus (CS Undergrad-Society) duke!!gaines (Brian Gaines) duke!!tim (Tim F O'Donoghue) duke!!dvan (David Vandeven) duke!!rick (Richard H. Miller) duke!cs.Buffalo.EDU!jmpiazza (Joseph M. Piazza) duke!!rv (rodrigo vanegas) duke!!twl (Ted "Theodore" W. Leung) duke!!rpwhite (rpwhite) duke!!mcw (Michael Wirth) duke!!franklin (Paul Franklin) duke!!putzolu (David Putzolu) duke!!liberte duke!!christer (Christer Ericson) duke!!ted (Ted Woodward) duke!!tuc (Brian A. Cole) duke!!hooverb (Bruce Hoover) duke!csdvax.csd.unsw.EDU.AU!U2107158 duke!!umbaugh (David Umbaugh) duke!!James_J_Kowalczyk duke!!AndyJW (Andy J. Williams) duke!!black (David C. Black) duke!!ron (Ron Boerger) duke!!bytebug (Roger L. Long) duke!!jfortt (Joseph Fortt) duke!!pk38961 (Pete Koucis) duke!!reinoud (R. Lamberts) duke!!ajohnson duke!!mphbj639 (Stephen Cristol) duke!!gtephx!patfieldk (Kevin M. Patfield) duke!!tosh!starta (John Starta) duke!!brian (Mr. Big Stuff) duke!!exuhag (James Hague) duke!!eriks (Erik Svensson FOA2) duke!!irwin (Mark Irwin) duke!garnet.cs.Virginia.EDU!spm2d duke!!walton (Sam Walton) duke!!alc (Al Chang) duke!!johnk (John Kalucki) duke!!rich (Richard Harms) duke!greyrock.MSO.ColoState.EDU!gerlach (Scott Gerlach) duke!!peterb (Peter Broadribb) duke!!obi (Kuryan "Obi" Thomas) duke!!rsk (Richard Kulawiec) duke!!hagar (Oliver Fink) duke!!rsnyder (Bob Snyder) duke!!jdurham (Jeff Durham) duke!!kenney (Brian Kenney) duke!!brecher duke!!gandhi3 duke!!john duke!!forbes (Michael S Forbes) [email protected]!root (Peter Purgathofer) duke!!rahat (Rahat Amir) duke!!mawe (Mattias Werner) duke!!diessel (Thomas Diessel) duke!!rfisel duke!!tdslotte (Dave Slotter) duke!!uyyifrah (Y Yifrah [y^2]) duke!!dgemoets (Darren Gemoets-- CSC) duke!!hugh (Hugh Dixson) duke!!conboymj duke!!sigmond duke!!jfelder (James L. Felder) duke!!John duke!!davison duke!!kingj (John King;OO-ALC/LILEC) duke!lorelei.ECE.Drexel.EDU!stuart duke!!dwfraser (Wally) duke!!cpca (Colin Adams) duke!!lvrafael (Rafael Sanabria) duke!!heilmayr (Stephan Heilmayr) duke!!darragh duke!!nan (Nan Zou) duke!!huff (Edward J. Huff) duke!!mkovacs (Michael Kovacs) duke!!pck (Peter Krupp) duke!!ralph duke!!robert (Robert Munyer) duke!!Terry_Palfrey (Terry Palfrey) duke!!dsmall (Duane W. Small) duke!!marmoset (Dave Walker) duke!!paul (Paul Maclauchlan) duke!!rob (Rob Vaughn) duke!!maynard duke!!ralph (Ralph Brandi) duke!!dnryan (Damien RYAN) duke!!gleeson (Martin Joseph GLEESON) duke!!d88-jwa duke!!d90-two duke!!kchang (Kenneth Chang) duke!!kc (Dameon D. Welch) duke!!psq (Pascal Belloncle) duke!!stever (Steve Riggins) duke!!dbw (David B. Wollner) duke!!jpb (Joe Block) duke!!sherritp duke!!mitch (Mitch Silverman) duke!!mwalker (Mel Walker) duke!!ADAMS_GAVIN_A duke!!kellys (Kelly Schwarzhoff) duke!!Charlie.Mingo (Charlie Mingo) duke!!asf (Alan S. Fink) duke!!jsblau (Jonathan Blau) duke!!majnun (Albrecht Hofheinz) duke!!bilver!vicstoy!aphelps (Austin Phelps) duke!phoenix.Princeton.EDU!ejgraves (Eric James Graves) duke!porsche.visix.COM!ken (Ken Mayer) duke!porsche.visix.COM!sean (Sean E. Trowbridge) duke!!ccw duke!!glenm (myers,glen e) duke!!robinson duke!!i910387 (P TURPIE) duke!!philip (Philip Craig) duke!!ianh (Ian Hoyle) duke!!jason (Jason Ehrlich) duke!!ebth (Eggert Bjarni Thorlacius) duke!!cfhacc (Christopher Haupt) duke!!murphy (Mark Murphy) duke!!ejbehr (Eric Behr) duke!!tonym (Tony Mulqueen) duke!!puitong (Pui Tong Ho) duke!sdcc3.UCSD.EDU!palvarez (Pablo Alvarez-Royo) duke!!jlkim duke!!davidm (David H. Miller) duke!!meharg (Gersham William Meharg) duke!!dlopez (David Lopez) duke!!magidj (Jonathan Magid) duke!!sandy (Sandy Wise) duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!axolotl duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!nigel duke!!shla (Sheila Wallace) duke!!mhpower duke!!marcogan duke!!lsr (Larry Rosenstein) duke!!peter (Peter da Silva) duke!!bobmcc (Bob McCormick) duke!!jwh (Joe Hughes) duke!!dauter duke!toaster.SFSU.EDU!eps (Eric P. Scott) duke!!junio (Jun Hamano) duke!tso.uc.EDU!usr4818a (Robert E. Winston) duke!!pmagrude (Patrick Magruder) duke!!shawn (shawn) duke!!mstark duke!uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu!macknik duke!!pjb4288 (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay) duke!!ehanson duke!!anielsen (Andrew Nielsen) duke!!spw (Steven P Wilkinson) duke!!dagraham (David Graham) duke!!lalonde (Chris Lalonde) duke!!mike (Mike Jones) duke!!das9674 (Stephenson Daniel A) duke!uunet.UU.NET!edsr!jem (John E. Mendenhall) duke!uunet.UU.NET!gca!taylor (Ken Taylor) duke!!agoodrid duke!!anders duke!virginia.PRPA.Philips.COM!yen (Yen C. Lee) duke!!jbeaudry (James Beaudry) duke!!kevinb (Kevin Brewer) duke!!jhsegal (Akiba Segal) duke!!aml (Andrew M Langmead) duke!!delaney ggw (Gregory G. Woodbury) ianf  jonathan lee wanak  sfw (Sue F. Woodbury)  	339 votes received and counted 	  7 duplicates reduced   	Thank you for voting.  From [email protected] Mon Aug 31 21:21:13 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2668 news.groups:55994 comp.sys.mac.misc:33037 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.misc Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Gregory G Woodbury) Subject: VOTE ACK: comp.sys.mac.advocacy Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Summary: 352 received votes Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: UUNET Technologies, Inc Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1992 00:56:07 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 384  Below is the "pollbook" of votes received in the comp.sys.mac.advocacy new group poll as of 13:10 EDT 31 August 1992.  This is the last VOTE ACK before the close of the survey on the September 7th-8th boundary.  If you have not voted, and wish to express an opinion on  the creation of the newsgroup, please do so soon.  I have had a few problems with the autoreply daemon, and some folks may not have received an autoreply, and some folks may have received two.  There are not any votes which have been counted twice.  Summary of Voting Instructions:  	Email votes only to this account:  [email protected]  	Include the word:  YES/Yes/yes  or  NO/No/no  or 			      ABSTAIN/Abstain/abstain 			   in the Subject header of your mail.  	Votes must be unambiguous.  	Poll closes at midnight (local) between Sept 7  and Sept 8  1992  Vote Acknowledgments:  (Sorted From: lines) --------------------- "Alan (A.R.) Quirt"  "Anand C. Patel"  "Apgar, Eric"  "C code. C code run. Run, code, run!  08-Aug-1992 0142"  "Conrad Halton Halling"  "Dave V. Schaller"  "David C. Croson, 3rd Year BusEc"  "David W. Rankin Jr."  "Diane M. Wink"  "Eric Berdahl"  "Erik A. Johnson"  "Hardcore Alaskan"  "Hector I. Moran H."  "IN%[email protected]"  "J. Taggart Gorman"  "John Hausmann"  "Mark Rogowsky"  "Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren"  "Ms. Johanna Wise"  "R. Mark Jones"  "Robert W. Spiker"  "Ronald Pruitt"  "Scott Ziegler"  "Shut up, Grow up, Lighten up!"  "john  cavallino"  Alan Staniforth  Albert Liu  Andreas 'Ideograf' Magnusson  Andrew Henry  Art Nicolaysen  Arthur Wouk  Bengt Larsson  Bill Brideson  Bill Johnston  Bryan Bachmeyer  Bryan Siegfried  CLARK MARK ALAN  COLLIN MCCULLEY  Christopher Davis  Connie Cho  Conor O'Neill  Daryl Biberdorf  David Dickerson  David Roessli  David Sheppard  Duncan Langford  Ed Swierk  Edward John Sabol  Elaine Loomis  Elmer Fudd  Ephraim Vishniac  Eric Aubourg  Erik Naggum  Evan James Torrie  Garance A Drosehn  George Martin  Greg Lindahl  Gregory NOWAK  Helen Trillian Rose  J M Hicks  JOHN FISKIO-LASSETER  Jan Dj{rv  Jim Gaynor  Joel B Levin  Johnny Borders  Jon Cole  Jussi-Pekka Mantere  Kathy A Graff  Kent Paul Dolan  Kevin Junck  Kurt Andersen  L L Campbell  Larry Peck  Leonard Hermens - CS  Lisa Bjarke  MARTIN GUY CORMIER  Magnus Olsson  Marc Moorcroft  Mark Eaton  Mark McKinzie  Mark Sicignano  Matt Nieberger  Matthias Ulrich Neeracher  Michael R Linksvayer  Mike Fessler  Mike Palmer  Mitch Bayersdorfer  Mutant for Hire  Neil W Rickert  Paul Sears (Sys Admin)  Peter Bell  Petri M Aukia  Po Shan Cheah  Quinn  ROB DEWHIRST  Rob Menke  Robert Hinz  Robert K Shull  Ryan Bayne  Samuel S. Tai  Shigeya Suzuki  Steve Kanefsky  Steve Knight  Stuart Cheshire  Stuart M Castergine  Stupendous Man  Sven Heinicke  Takeshi Miyazaki  The Dokkalfar  The Quantum Mechanic  Tom Fitzgerald  Tom Karches  Tuomas Siren  Ury Segal  bunck  dk smith  duke!ACAD.DRAKE.EDU!PK38961 duke!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!reuven duke!Athena.MIT.EDU!pshuang duke!CS.UCLA.EDU!lange (Trent Lange) duke!Calvin.EDU!s0067284 (Jeffrey Veen) duke!Cigna.COM!nagel (Mark Nagel) duke!!Ole.Solberg (Ole Solberg) duke!DPW.COM!tmartin duke!ERE.UMontreal.CA!casgrain (Casgrain Philippe) duke!ISI.EDU!jas duke!SCTC.COM!elder (Alex Elder) duke!UC.EDU!Don.Rainwater (Don Rainwater) duke!!dbw (David Winterburn) duke!!osg (Oliver Giessler) duke!!pkellma (Peter Kellman) duke!!jwasilko (Jeff Wasilko) duke!!tony (Tony Poole) duke!!russell (Russell Schulz) duke!!homebru!smith!dick duke!!claris!qm!Mike_Steiner (Mike Steiner) duke!!Nick.Wyrdeman duke!!carlton duke!!lefty (David "Lefty" Schlesinger) duke!!talcott (Adam R. Talcott) duke!!tron (Tantek Celik) duke!!cowan (D. Cowan (Postmaster)) duke!!lindahl (Charlie Lindahl) duke!!root (Angelo Santilli) duke!!smithr (Dick Smith) duke!!brian (Brian TroxeLL) duke!!hcheng (Howard Cheng) duke!!mgfrank (Marc G. Frank) duke!!Bruce.Hoult duke!!m91kgh (Karl-Gunnar Hultland) duke!!emery (Emery Weber) duke!!D.S.W.Tansley duke!!scf (Stephen C. Fenwick  [email protected]) duke!!navsaria duke!!pbraun84 (Peter Braunius) duke!!shawn (Shawn Connelly) duke!castillo.Prime.COM!trupprec (Thomas Rupprecht) duke!!jeanr duke!!magsman (Madeleine Schneider) duke!!jesup (Randell Jesup) duke!!North_TJ duke!!anttipoi (Teemu Antti-Poika) duke!!swildner (Sascha Wildner) duke!!chip (Chip Rosenthal) duke!!katefans (Chris n Vickie) duke!!durrell (Bryant Durrell) duke!!frain (Jerry Frain) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!bx341 (Robert E. Winston) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!by303 (Jay L. Cross) duke!!dougm (Doug McNaught) duke!concert!gatech!!Arthur.Davis (Arthur Davis) duke!!murphyjp (Man-with-tail) duke!!owens (Bill Owens) duke!!joshua (Joshua Geller) duke!!abs0 (Kelvin Leung) duke!!hades (Hades) duke!!gousha (Charles Gousha) duke!!dcoster (David Coster) duke!!csus (CS Undergrad-Society) duke!!gaines (Brian Gaines) duke!!tim (Tim F O'Donoghue) duke!!dvan (David Vandeven) duke!!rick (Richard H. Miller) duke!cs.Buffalo.EDU!jmpiazza (Joseph M. Piazza) duke!!rv (rodrigo vanegas) duke!!twl (Ted "Theodore" W. Leung) duke!!rpwhite (rpwhite) duke!!mcw (Michael Wirth) duke!!franklin (Paul Franklin) duke!!putzolu (David Putzolu) duke!!liberte duke!!christer (Christer Ericson) duke!!ted (Ted Woodward) duke!!tuc (Brian A. Cole) duke!!hooverb (Bruce Hoover) duke!csdvax.csd.unsw.EDU.AU!U2107158 duke!!umbaugh (David Umbaugh) duke!!reed (Corp Reed in CompBio - CSHL) duke!!James_J_Kowalczyk duke!!AndyJW (Andy J. Williams) duke!!black (David C. Black) duke!!ron (Ron Boerger) duke!!bytebug (Roger L. Long) duke!!jfortt (Joseph Fortt) duke!drilex!dricejb duke!!pk38961 (Pete Koucis) duke!!reinoud (R. Lamberts) duke!!ajohnson duke!!mphbj639 (Stephen Cristol) duke!!gtephx!patfieldk (Kevin M. Patfield) duke!!tosh!starta (John Starta) duke!!brian (Mr. Big Stuff) duke!!exuhag (James Hague) duke!!eriks (Erik Svensson FOA2) duke!!irwin (Mark Irwin) duke!garnet.cs.Virginia.EDU!spm2d duke!!walton (Sam Walton) duke!!alc (Al Chang) duke!!johnk (John Kalucki) duke!!rich (Richard Harms) duke!greyrock.MSO.ColoState.EDU!gerlach (Scott Gerlach) duke!!peterb (Peter Broadribb) duke!!obi (Kuryan "Obi" Thomas) duke!!rsk (Richard Kulawiec) duke!!hagar (Oliver Fink) duke!!rsnyder (Bob Snyder) duke!!jdurham (Jeff Durham) duke!!kenney (Brian Kenney) duke!!brecher duke!!gandhi3 duke!!john duke!!forbes (Michael S Forbes) [email protected]!root (Peter Purgathofer) duke!!rahat (Rahat Amir) duke!!mawe (Mattias Werner) duke!!diessel (Thomas Diessel) duke!!rfisel duke!!tdslotte (Dave Slotter) duke!!uyyifrah (Y Yifrah [y^2]) duke!!dgemoets (Darren Gemoets-- CSC) duke!!hugh (Hugh Dixson) duke!!conboymj duke!!sigmond duke!!jfelder (James L. Felder) duke!!John duke!!davison duke!!kingj (John King;OO-ALC/LILEC) duke!lorelei.ECE.Drexel.EDU!stuart duke!!dwfraser (Wally) duke!!cpca (Colin Adams) duke!!lvrafael (Rafael Sanabria) duke!!heilmayr (Stephan Heilmayr) duke!!darragh duke!!nan (Nan Zou) duke!!huff (Edward J. Huff) duke!!mkovacs (Michael Kovacs) duke!!pck (Peter Krupp) duke!!ralph duke!!robert (Robert Munyer) duke!!Terry_Palfrey (Terry Palfrey) duke!!dsmall (Duane W. Small) duke!!marmoset (Dave Walker) duke!!paul (Paul Maclauchlan) duke!!rob (Rob Vaughn) duke!!maynard duke!!ralph (Ralph Brandi) duke!!dnryan (Damien RYAN) duke!!gleeson (Martin Joseph GLEESON) duke!!d88-jwa duke!!d90-two duke!!kchang (Kenneth Chang) duke!!kc (Dameon D. Welch) duke!!psq (Pascal Belloncle) duke!!stever (Steve Riggins) duke!!dbw (David B. Wollner) duke!!jpb (Joe Block) duke!!sherritp duke!!mitch (Mitch Silverman) duke!!mwalker (Mel Walker) duke!!ADAMS_GAVIN_A duke!!kellys (Kelly Schwarzhoff) duke!!peirce (Michael Peirce) duke!!Charlie.Mingo (Charlie Mingo) duke!!asf (Alan S. Fink) duke!!jsblau (Jonathan Blau) duke!!majnun (Albrecht Hofheinz) duke!!bilver!vicstoy!aphelps (Austin Phelps) duke!phoenix.Princeton.EDU!ejgraves (Eric James Graves) duke!physics.Berkeley.EDU!robert (Robert Preston) duke!porsche.visix.COM!ken (Ken Mayer) duke!porsche.visix.COM!sean (Sean E. Trowbridge) duke!!plutchak (Joel Plutchak) duke!!ccw duke!!glenm (myers,glen e) duke!!robinson duke!!i910387 (P TURPIE) duke!!philip (Philip Craig) duke!!ianh (Ian Hoyle) duke!!jason (Jason Ehrlich) duke!!ebth (Eggert Bjarni Thorlacius) duke!!cfhacc (Christopher Haupt) duke!!toma (Thomas Arneberg) duke!!murphy (Mark Murphy) duke!!ejbehr (Eric Behr) duke!!tonym (Tony Mulqueen) duke!!puitong (Pui Tong Ho) duke!sdcc3.UCSD.EDU!palvarez (Pablo Alvarez-Royo) duke!!jlkim duke!!davidm (David H. Miller) duke!!meharg (Gersham William Meharg) duke!!dlopez (David Lopez) duke!!magidj (Jonathan Magid) duke!!sandy (Sandy Wise) duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!axolotl duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!nigel duke!!shla (Sheila Wallace) duke!!mhpower duke!!marcogan duke!!lsr (Larry Rosenstein) duke!!peter (Peter da Silva) duke!!bobmcc (Bob McCormick) duke!!jwh (Joe Hughes) duke!!dauter duke!toaster.SFSU.EDU!eps (Eric P. Scott) duke!!junio (Jun Hamano) duke!tso.uc.EDU!usr4818a (Robert E. Winston) duke!!pmagrude (Patrick Magruder) duke!!shawn (shawn) duke!!mstark duke!uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu!macknik duke!!pjb4288 (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay) duke!!ehanson duke!!anielsen (Andrew Nielsen) duke!!spw (Steven P Wilkinson) duke!!dagraham (David Graham) duke!!lalonde (Chris Lalonde) duke!!mike (Mike Jones) duke!!das9674 (Stephenson Daniel A) duke!uunet.UU.NET!edsr!jem (John E. Mendenhall) duke!uunet.UU.NET!gca!taylor (Ken Taylor) duke!!agoodrid duke!!anders duke!virginia.PRPA.Philips.COM!yen (Yen C. Lee) duke!!jbeaudry (James Beaudry) duke!!kevinb (Kevin Brewer) duke!!jhsegal (Akiba Segal) duke!!aml (Andrew M Langmead) duke!!delaney ggw (Gregory G. Woodbury) ianf  jonathan lee wanak  sfw (Sue F. Woodbury)  	352 counted votes  (359 received) 	  7 duplicated reduced to one vote --  				C.S.M.A Vote Taker 				Gregory G. Woodbury 				[email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Sep  8 23:34:32 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2706 news.groups:56314 comp.sys.mac.misc:33511 comp.sys.mac.announce:336 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.announce Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Gregory G Woodbury) Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.mac.advocacy passes 261:106 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: The Wolve's Den UNIX, Durham NC References: <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1992 03:09:11 GMT Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Lines: 418  Below is the "pollbook" of votes received in the comp.sys.mac.advocacy new group poll as of 00:01 EDT  8 August 1992.  Vote Tabulation:  	377 votes received 	  8 simple duplicates reduced to one each  	369 votes counted  	  2 abstains 	106 no 	261 yes 	------------- 	369 total  	261 yes       - 106 no 	------------- 	159 margin  (more than 100 more yes than no!)  	261 / 369 = 0.707 = 70.7%  (more than 2/3 [66%] in favor!)  Having met the declared criteria, it appears that the vote for comp.sys.mac.advocacy has passed.  The list of voters, grouped by how they voted, appears below.  If there are no substantial changes to the recorded votes within the 5 days from the posting of this article, the group creation message will be issued by David Lawrence ([email protected]).  During the vote, two ambiguous ballots were received (with no indication of yes or no in the headers or the message.) Simple email informing the voter that the votes could not be counted because of no information resulted in the voters concerned submitting valid votes (1 each yes and no.)  Thanks to everyone who voted. 				Gregory G. Woodbury 				CSMA Vote Taker  Abstain votes (2) ============================================================= Ryan Bayne  duke!!tuc (Brian A. Cole)  No votes (106) ============================================================= "Dave V. Schaller"  "David W. Rankin Jr."  "Diane M. Wink"  "Eric J. Olson"  "Hardcore Alaskan"  "Robert W. Spiker"  "Ronald Pruitt"  "john  cavallino"  Arthur Wouk  Bengt Larsson  Bill Johnston  Bryan Siegfried  Conor O'Neill  Duncan Langford  Edward John Sabol  Eric Aubourg  Erik Naggum  George Martin  Gordon Dohle  Greg Lindahl  Gregory NOWAK  Jan Dj{rv  Jim Gaynor  Joel B Levin  Leonard Hermens - CS  Magnus Olsson  Marc Moorcroft  Mark Eaton  Mark Sicignano  Mike Fessler  Mike Palmer  Neil W Rickert  Paul Sears (Sys Admin)  Peter Bell  Po Shan Cheah  Rob Menke  Sven Heinicke  Tom Fitzgerald  Tom Karches  Ury Segal  bunck  duke!Stars.Reston.Unisys.COM!dmarshal (Dave Marshall) duke!!homebru!smith!dick duke!!cowan (D. Cowan (Postmaster)) duke!!root (Angelo Santilli) duke!!smithr (Dick Smith) duke!!brian (Brian TroxeLL) duke!!hcheng (Howard Cheng) duke!!pbraun84 (Peter Braunius) duke!!chip (Chip Rosenthal) duke!!frain (Jerry Frain) duke!!owens (Bill Owens) duke!!gaines (Brian Gaines) duke!!rpwhite (rpwhite) duke!!hooverb (Bruce Hoover) duke!!ron (Ron Boerger) duke!drilex!dricejb duke!!reinoud (R. Lamberts) duke!!olt (Scott Olt) duke!!tosh!starta (John Starta) duke!!brian (Mr. Big Stuff) duke!!exuhag (James Hague) duke!garnet.cs.Virginia.EDU!spm2d duke!!rsk (Richard Kulawiec) duke!!hagar (Oliver Fink) duke!!rsnyder (Bob Snyder) duke!!kenney (Brian Kenney) duke!!brecher duke!!john duke!!forbes (Michael S Forbes) duke!!rahat (Rahat Amir) duke!!rfisel duke!!dgemoets (Darren Gemoets-- CSC) duke!!hugh (Hugh Dixson) duke!!dwfraser (Wally) duke!!Neklan_Brozensky (Neklan Brozensky) duke!!paul (Paul Maclauchlan) duke!!ralph (Ralph Brandi) duke!!dnryan (Damien RYAN) duke!!gleeson (Martin Joseph GLEESON) duke!!kchang (Kenneth Chang) duke!!dbw (David B. Wollner) duke!!mwalker (Mel Walker) duke!!peirce (Michael Peirce) duke!!Charlie.Mingo (Charlie Mingo) duke!!bilver!vicstoy!aphelps (Austin Phelps) duke!porsche.visix.COM!ken (Ken Mayer) duke!!plutchak (Joel Plutchak) duke!!glenm (myers,glen e) duke!!ianh (Ian Hoyle) duke!!ejbehr (Eric Behr) duke!sdcc3.UCSD.EDU!palvarez (Pablo Alvarez-Royo) duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!axolotl duke!!mhpower duke!!lsr (Larry Rosenstein) duke!!peter (Peter da Silva) duke!!dauter duke!toaster.SFSU.EDU!eps (Eric P. Scott) duke!!junio (Jun Hamano) duke!!claude (Claude Huss) duke!!mike (Mike Jones) duke!uunet.UU.NET!pseudo!mjn (Murray Nesbitt) duke!!anders duke!!jhsegal (Akiba Segal) ianf  jonathan lee wanak   Yes Votes (261) ============================================================== "Alan (A.R.) Quirt"  "Anand C. Patel"  "Apgar, Eric"  "C code. C code run. Run, code, run!  08-Aug-1992 0142"  "Conrad Halton Halling"  "David C. Croson, 3rd Year BusEc"  "Eric Berdahl"  "Erik A. Johnson"  "Hector I. Moran H."  "IN%[email protected]"  "J. Taggart Gorman"  "John Hausmann"  "Mark Rogowsky"  "Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren"  "Ms. Johanna Wise"  "R. Mark Jones"  "Scott Ziegler"  "Sendhil Revuluri"  "Shut up, Grow up, Lighten up!"  Alan Staniforth  Albert Liu  Andreas 'Ideograf' Magnusson  Andrew Henry  Art Nicolaysen  Bill Brideson  Bryan Bachmeyer  CLARK MARK ALAN  COLLIN MCCULLEY  Christopher Davis  Connie Cho  Daryl Biberdorf  David Dickerson  David Roessli  David Sheppard  Ed Swierk  Elaine Loomis  Elmer Fudd  Ephraim Vishniac  Evan James Torrie  Garance A Drosehn  Helen Trillian Rose  J M Hicks  JOHN FISKIO-LASSETER  Johnny Borders  Jon Cole  Jussi-Pekka Mantere  Kathy A Graff  Kent Paul Dolan  Kevin Junck  Kurt Andersen  L L Campbell  Larry Peck  Lisa Bjarke  MARTIN GUY CORMIER  Mark McKinzie  Matt Nieberger  Matthias Ulrich Neeracher  Michael R Linksvayer  Mitch Bayersdorfer  Mutant for Hire  Petri M Aukia  Quinn  ROB DEWHIRST  Robert Hinz  Robert K Shull  Samuel S. Tai  Shigeya Suzuki  Steve Kanefsky  Steve Knight  Steven M Casburn  Stuart Cheshire  Stuart M Castergine  Stupendous Man  Takeshi Miyazaki  The Dokkalfar  The Quantum Mechanic  Tuomas Siren  dk smith  duke!ACAD.DRAKE.EDU!PK38961 duke!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!reuven duke!Athena.MIT.EDU!pshuang duke!CS.UCLA.EDU!lange (Trent Lange) duke!Calvin.EDU!s0067284 (Jeffrey Veen) duke!Cigna.COM!nagel (Mark Nagel) duke!!Ole.Solberg (Ole Solberg) duke!DPW.COM!tmartin duke!ERE.UMontreal.CA!casgrain (Casgrain Philippe) duke!ISI.EDU!jas duke!SCTC.COM!elder (Alex Elder) duke!UC.EDU!Don.Rainwater (Don Rainwater) duke!!dbw (David Winterburn) duke!!osg (Oliver Giessler) duke!!pkellma (Peter Kellman) duke!!jwasilko (Jeff Wasilko) duke!!tony (Tony Poole) duke!!russell (Russell Schulz) duke!!claris!qm!Mike_Steiner (Mike Steiner) duke!!Nick.Wyrdeman duke!!carlton duke!!lefty (David "Lefty" Schlesinger) duke!!talcott (Adam R. Talcott) duke!!tron (Tantek Celik) duke!!lindahl (Charlie Lindahl) duke!!mgfrank (Marc G. Frank) duke!!Bruce.Hoult duke!!m91kgh (Karl-Gunnar Hultland) duke!!emery (Emery Weber) duke!!D.S.W.Tansley duke!!scf (Stephen C. Fenwick  [email protected]) duke!!navsaria duke!!shawn (Shawn Connelly) duke!castillo.Prime.COM!trupprec (Thomas Rupprecht) duke!!jeanr duke!!magsman (Madeleine Schneider) duke!!jesup (Randell Jesup) duke!!North_TJ duke!!anttipoi (Teemu Antti-Poika) duke!!swildner (Sascha Wildner) duke!!draitt (David Raitt) duke!!katefans (Chris n Vickie) duke!!durrell (Bryant Durrell) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!bx341 (Robert E. Winston) duke!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!by303 (Jay L. Cross) duke!!dougm (Doug McNaught) duke!concert!gatech!!Arthur.Davis (Arthur Davis) duke!!murphyjp (Man-with-tail) duke!!joshua (Joshua Geller) duke!!abs0 (Kelvin Leung) duke!!hades (Hades) duke!!gousha (Charles Gousha) duke!!dcoster (David Coster) duke!!csus (CS Undergrad-Society) duke!!tim (Tim F O'Donoghue) duke!!dvan (David Vandeven) duke!!rick (Richard H. Miller) duke!cs.Buffalo.EDU!jmpiazza (Joseph M. Piazza) duke!!rv (rodrigo vanegas) duke!!twl (Ted "Theodore" W. Leung) duke!!mcw (Michael Wirth) duke!!franklin (Paul Franklin) duke!!putzolu (David Putzolu) duke!!liberte duke!!christer (Christer Ericson) duke!!ted (Ted Woodward) duke!csdvax.csd.unsw.EDU.AU!U2107158 duke!!umbaugh (David Umbaugh) duke!!reed (Corp Reed in CompBio - CSHL) duke!!andrews (John Andrews) duke!!James_J_Kowalczyk duke!!AndyJW (Andy J. Williams) duke!!black (David C. Black) duke!!bytebug (Roger L. Long) duke!!jfortt (Joseph Fortt) duke!!pk38961 (Pete Koucis) duke!!ajohnson duke!!mphbj639 (Stephen Cristol) duke!!gtephx!patfieldk (Kevin M. Patfield) duke!!eriks (Erik Svensson FOA2) duke!!irwin (Mark Irwin) duke!!walton (Sam Walton) duke!!alc (Al Chang) duke!!johnk (John Kalucki) duke!!rich (Richard Harms) duke!greyrock.MSO.ColoState.EDU!gerlach (Scott Gerlach) duke!!peterb (Peter Broadribb) duke!!obi (Kuryan "Obi" Thomas) duke!!jdurham (Jeff Durham) duke!!gandhi3 [email protected]!root (Peter Purgathofer) duke!!mawe (Mattias Werner) duke!!diessel (Thomas Diessel) duke!!tdslotte (Dave Slotter) duke!!uyyifrah (Y Yifrah [y^2]) duke!!conboymj duke!!sigmond duke!!jfelder (James L. Felder) duke!!John duke!!davison duke!!kingj (John King;OO-ALC/LILEC) duke!lorelei.ECE.Drexel.EDU!stuart duke!!cpca (Colin Adams) duke!!lvrafael (Rafael Sanabria) duke!!heilmayr (Stephan Heilmayr) duke!!darragh duke!!nan (Nan Zou) duke!!huff (Edward J. Huff) duke!!mkovacs (Michael Kovacs) duke!!pck (Peter Krupp) duke!!ralph duke!!ruman (ruman) duke!!robert (Robert Munyer) duke!!Terry_Palfrey (Terry Palfrey) duke!!dsmall (Duane W. Small) duke!!marmoset (Dave Walker) duke!!rob (Rob Vaughn) duke!!maynard duke!!d88-jwa duke!!d90-two duke!!kc (Dameon D. Welch) duke!!psq (Pascal Belloncle) duke!!stever (Steve Riggins) duke!!jpb (Joe Block) duke!!sherritp duke!!mitch (Mitch Silverman) duke!!ADAMS_GAVIN_A duke!!kellys (Kelly Schwarzhoff) duke!!asf (Alan S. Fink) duke!!jsblau (Jonathan Blau) duke!!majnun (Albrecht Hofheinz) duke!phoenix.Princeton.EDU!ejgraves (Eric James Graves) duke!physics.Berkeley.EDU!robert (Robert Preston) duke!po.CWRU.Edu!fau (Francis A. Uy) duke!porsche.visix.COM!sean (Sean E. Trowbridge) duke!!ccw duke!!robinson duke!!i910387 (P TURPIE) duke!!philip (Philip Craig) duke!!jason (Jason Ehrlich) duke!!ebth (Eggert Bjarni Thorlacius) duke!!cfhacc (Christopher Haupt) duke!!toma (Thomas Arneberg) duke!!murphy (Mark Murphy) duke!!johnsd2 duke!!tonym (Tony Mulqueen) duke!!puitong (Pui Tong Ho) duke!!jlkim duke!!davidm (David H. Miller) duke!!meharg (Gersham William Meharg) duke!!dlopez (David Lopez) duke!!magidj (Jonathan Magid) duke!!sandy (Sandy Wise) duke!socs.uts.EDU.AU!nigel duke!!shla (Sheila Wallace) duke!!marcogan duke!!bobmcc (Bob McCormick) duke!!jwh (Joe Hughes) duke!tso.uc.EDU!usr4818a (Robert E. Winston) duke!!pmagrude (Patrick Magruder) duke!!shawn (shawn) duke!!mstark duke!uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu!macknik duke!!jeffo duke!!pjb4288 (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay) duke!!ehanson duke!!anielsen (Andrew Nielsen) duke!!spw (Steven P Wilkinson) duke!!dagraham (David Graham) duke!!lalonde (Chris Lalonde) duke!!das9674 (Stephenson Daniel A) duke!uunet.UU.NET!ccicpg!conexch!kent duke!uunet.UU.NET!edsr!jem (John E. Mendenhall) duke!uunet.UU.NET!gca!taylor (Ken Taylor) duke!!agoodrid duke!virginia.PRPA.Philips.COM!yen (Yen C. Lee) duke!!fenwick (Stephen Fenwick) duke!!jbeaudry (James Beaudry) duke!!kevinb (Kevin Brewer) duke!!aml (Andrew M Langmead) duke!!delaney ggw (Gregory G. Woodbury) sfw (Sue F. Woodbury)  
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