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Hardware ( comp.sys.mac.hardware )
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From [email protected] Tue Jan 17 13:33:08 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Brian V. Hughes) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.hardware,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.announce Subject: RFD: comp.sys.mac.hardware reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 17 Jan 1995 13:15:40 -0500 Organization: Dartmouth College Lines: 57 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Disclaimer: Personally, I really don't care who you think I speak for Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:6186 news.groups:130045 comp.sys.mac.hardware:145546 comp.sys.mac.system:82552 comp.sys.mac.misc:90129 comp.sys.mac.announce:698      This is the official Request for Discussion for the breakup/reorg of the newsgroup comp.sys.mac.hardware. This is something that has been talked about for the past couple of months, and now that the new year is upon us, it's time to make things official.      All of the groups in this proposal are unmoderated, discussion groups. Most of them will reside within a new comp.sys.mac.hardware.* sub-hierarchy. One will become a new top-level comp.sys.mac.* group. The groups and their current charters are as follows:  Group: comp.sys.mac.printing Status: unmoderated Charter:     One of the single largest topics of discussion in comp.sys.mac.hardware has always been printers and printing. While much of this discussion is hardware based, there is enough non-hardware specific posts, in groups other than csm.hardware that this topic deserves it's own top level newsgroup. This group is intended to be the new home of all questions and discussions related to printing in the Macintosh world. Topics appropriate for this group include all discussion about printers -personal, workgroup and typesetters, plotters, printing architectures like PostScript and QuickDraw GX, font discussion, and electronic document publishing like QuickDraw GX PDDs and Adobe Acobat.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     A large segment of the comp.sys.mac.hardware discussion is focused hard disk drives and other forms of stage media. From RAID systems, to optical drives, to DAT backup drives and CD-ROM, how data is stored in the Mac world is a very important topic of discussion. SCSI, IDE, and FireWire storage architectures are also important discussion topics. This group is the place where all of this will be posted.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     Video display monitors and video input and output hardware has taken on a much larger role in the past year and that role is only going to increase in the future. Monitors, flatbed and slide scanners, slide makers, projection systems and "video toaster"-style systems and other video production platforms are all topics for discussion in this newsgroup.  Group: comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc Status: unmodertated Charter:     This group is a rename of the current comp.sys.mac.hardware group. It is the place where all other Macintosh hardware related discussion, not covered by the above groups, will go.      Discussion on these groups, as well as their charters will take place in news.groups for a period of at least 21 days. A CFV will be arranged with the UseNet Vote Handlers to take place sometime in the beginning of February.  -Hades  From [email protected] Mon Mar 13 17:00:22 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.hardware,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.announce Subject: CFV: comp.sys.mac.hardware reorganization Followup-To: poster Date: 13 Mar 1995 15:49:40 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 119 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 4 Apr 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6430 news.groups:139136 comp.sys.mac.hardware:157709 comp.sys.mac.system:90204 comp.sys.mac.misc:95864 comp.sys.mac.announce:711                  FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (1st of 2)  Unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.printing Unmoderated group Unmoderated group Rename comp.sys.mac.hardware to unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc  Newsgroups line: comp.sys.mac.printing	All about printing hardware and software on the Mac.	All forms of Mac storage hardware and media.	Video input and output hardware on the Mac. comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc	General Mac hardware topics not already covered.  Votes must be recieved by 23:59 GMT, 3 April 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions should be directed to Ed Bailey ([email protected]).  For questions about the proposed group, contact Brian Hughes <[email protected]>.  CHARTERS  Group: comp.sys.mac.printing Status: unmoderated Charter:     One of the single largest topics of discussion in comp.sys.mac.hardware has always been printers and printing. While much of this discussion is hardware based, there is enough non-hardware specific posts, in groups other than csm.hardware, that this topic deserves it's own top level newsgroup. This group is intended to be the new home of all questions and discussions related to printing in the Macintosh world.  Topics appropriate for this group include all discussion about printers - personal, workgroup and typesetters, plotters, printing architectures like PostScript and QuickDraw GX, font discussion, and electronic document publishing like QuickDraw GX PDDs and Adobe Acobat.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     A large segment of the comp.sys.mac.hardware discussion is focused hard disk drives and other forms of storage media, including RAID systems, optical disk drives and other forms of storage media. From RAID systems, to optical drives, to DAT backup drives and CD-ROM, how data is stored in the Mac world is a very important topic of discussion. SCSI, IDE, and FireWire storage architectures are also important discussion topics. This group is the place where all of this will be posted.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     Video display monitors and video input and output hardware has taken on a much larger role in the past year and that role is only going to increase in the future. Monitors, flatbed and slide scanners, slide makers, projection systems and "video toaster"-style systems and other video production platforms are all topics for discussion in this newsgroup.  Group: comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc Status: unmodertated Charter:     This group is a rename of the current comp.sys.mac.hardware group. It is the place where all other Macintosh hardware related discussion, not covered by the above groups, will go.   HOW TO VOTE  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to 	[email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Posts can not be counted.  You will recieve a reply within a few days after your votes are recieved which indicates how I think you voted - please mail corrections immediately.  PLEASE USE THE FORM AS IT IS.  Please do not delete anything between the "-=-=-=-=-" lines - and most certainly do not monkey with the group names. Votes will be tallied by an automatic program and if it can't determine your vote you will be asked to re-vote.  For each group, simply add your vote in the appropriate space on the same line.  Recognized votes are Yes, No, For, and Against. Yes and For are equivalent, as are No and Against.  Capitalization is not important. If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters ">" that your reply inserts.  You may _NOT_ do a combined vote - i.e., "I vote for all of them" or "I vote against all of them."  Please use the form.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- comp.sys.mac reorganization Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [  YES    ] [  NO     ] oppose [         ]  comp.sys.mac.printing [         ] [         ] [         ]  rename comp.sys.mac.hardware to comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  You may only vote once, regardless of how many accounts you may have.  Only one vote per account, regardless of how many people use that account.  Later votes replace previous ones. Forwarded or proxy votes are invalid.  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  Thank you for taking the time to vote, Ed Bailey --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,ziggy}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  From [email protected] Wed Mar 22 16:19:52 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.hardware,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.misc Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.sys.mac.hardware reorganization Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 22 Mar 1995 15:58:11 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 170 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6488 news.groups:140801 comp.sys.mac.hardware:159565 comp.sys.mac.system:91953 comp.sys.mac.misc:96787                  SECOND AND FINAL CALL FOR VOTES (2nd of 2)  Unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.printing Unmoderated group Unmoderated group Rename comp.sys.mac.hardware to unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc  Newsgroups line: comp.sys.mac.printing	All about printing hardware and software on the Mac	All forms of Mac storage hardware and media	Video input and output hardware on the Mac comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc	General Mac hardware topics not already covered  Votes must be recieved by 23:59 GMT, 3 April 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions should be directed to Ed Bailey ([email protected]).  For questions about the proposed group, contact Brian Hughes <[email protected]>.  CHARTERS  Group: comp.sys.mac.printing Status: unmoderated Charter:     One of the single largest topics of discussion in comp.sys.mac.hardware has always been printers and printing. While much of this discussion is hardware based, there is enough non-hardware specific posts, in groups other than csm.hardware that this topic deserves it's own top level newsgroup. This group is intended to be the new home of all questions and discussions related to printing in the Macintosh world.  Topics appropriate for this group include all discussion about printers -personal, workgroup and typesetters, plotters, printing architectures like PostScript and QuickDraw GX, font discussion, and electronic document publishing like QuickDraw GX PDDs and Adobe Acobat.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     A large segment of the comp.sys.mac.hardware discussion is focused hard disk drives and other forms of stage media. From RAID systems, to optical disk drives and other forms of stage media. From RAID systems, to optical drives, to DAT backup drives and CD-ROM, how data is stored in the Mac world is a very important topic of discussion. SCSI, IDE, and FireWire storage architectures are also important discussion topics. This group is the place where all of this will be posted.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     Video display monitors and video input and output hardware has taken on a much larger role in the past year and that role is only going to increase in the future. Monitors, flatbed and slide scanners, slide makers, projection systems and "video toaster"-style systems and other video production platforms are all topics for discussion in this newsgroup.  Group: comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc Status: unmodertated Charter:     This group is a rename of the current comp.sys.mac.hardware group. It is the place where all other Macintosh hardware related discussion, not covered by the above groups, will go.   HOW TO VOTE  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to 	[email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Posts can not be counted.  You will recieve a reply within a few days after your votes are recieved which indicates how I think you voted - please mail corrections immediately.  PLEASE USE THE FORM AS IT IS.  Please do not delete anything between the "-=-=-=-=-" lines - and most certainly do not monkey with the group names. Votes will be tallied by an automatic program and if it can't determine your vote you will be asked to re-vote.  For each group, simply add your vote in the appropriate space on the same line.  Recognized votes are Yes, No, For, and Against. Yes and For are equivalent, as are No and Against.  Capitalization is not important. If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters ">" that your reply inserts.  You may _NOT_ do a combined vote - i.e., "I vote for all of them" or "I vote against all of them."  Please use the form.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- comp.sys.mac reorganization Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [  YES    ] [  NO     ] oppose [         ]  comp.sys.mac.printing [         ] [         ] [         ]  rename comp.sys.mac.hardware to comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  You may only vote once, regardless of how many accounts you may have.  Only one vote per account, regardless of how many people use that account.  Later votes replace previous ones. Forwarded or proxy votes are invalid.  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  BOUNCED VOTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  All votes received by March 20th, 23:59 GMT have been counted and ACKed. Vote acknowledgements sent to the following addresses have bounced.  These votes *have* been counted, but I have been unable to reply to their mail. If you voted, but you have NOT received an ACK *and* your name is NOT listed below, then your vote was probably lost somewhere in the ether.  Please send another vote to [email protected]  [email protected]                                                 David  Williams [email protected]                                     John T. Linthicum [email protected]                                       Martin H. Booda [email protected]                                                Tim Rushing [email protected]                                                  Fig [email protected]                                              David K. Dean [email protected]                                             Mats Sv{rdsudd  The following people have sent malformed ballots which have not been superceded by a Yes, No, or Abstain vote.  These people should revote.  Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                              Andreas Jaensch    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               Andreas Netzer    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               Andreas Netzer    ! No ballot [email protected]                                              Steven H. A. Axdal    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               Bob Minkus    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                           Gary J LaPointe    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                              Gilles KUNTZ    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                        Yotam Gingold    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                             Jason L. Buberel    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                      Jim Wong    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                   Joung-woo John Kim    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                      Martin Koechy    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               O Soliman    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Craig McFarlane    ! No vote statement in message  Thank you for taking the time to vote, Ed Bailey --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,ziggy}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  From [email protected] Fri Apr  7 14:54:05 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.hardware,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.misc Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.mac.hardware reorganization passes Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 7 Apr 1995 14:03:34 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 837 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6587 news.groups:143888 comp.sys.mac.hardware:163100 comp.sys.mac.system:94465 comp.sys.mac.misc:98405                             VOTE RESULT  Unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.printing passes 675:39 Unmoderated group passes 670:45 Unmoderated group passes 659:50 Rename comp.sys.mac.hardware to unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc passes 637:68  comp.sys.mac reorganization results - 724 valid votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  675   39 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.mac.printing  670   45 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  659   50 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  637   68 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc  Voting for the comp.sys.mac.hardware heirarchy closed 23:59 UTC 3 April 1995.  There were 9 invalid votes.  27 votes were superceded or deleted as duplicates.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, these groups may not be voted on again for six months.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions should be directed to Ed Bailey ([email protected]).  For questions about the proposed group, contact Brian Hughes <[email protected]>.  Newsgroups lines: comp.sys.mac.printing	All about printing hardware and software on the Mac	All forms of Mac storage hardware and media	Video input and output hardware on the Mac comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc	General Mac hardware topics not already covered  CHARTERS  Group: comp.sys.mac.printing Status: unmoderated Charter:     One of the single largest topics of discussion in comp.sys.mac.hardware has always been printers and printing. While much of this discussion is hardware based, there is enough non-hardware specific posts, in groups other than csm.hardware that this topic deserves it's own top level newsgroup. This group is intended to be the new home of all questions and discussions related to printing in the Macintosh world.  Topics appropriate for this group include all discussion about printers -personal, workgroup and typesetters, plotters, printing architectures like PostScript and QuickDraw GX, font discussion, and electronic document publishing like QuickDraw GX PDDs and Adobe Acobat.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     A large segment of the comp.sys.mac.hardware discussion is focused hard disk drives and other forms of stage media. From RAID systems, to optical disk drives and other forms of stage media. From RAID systems, to optical drives, to DAT backup drives and CD-ROM, how data is stored in the Mac world is a very important topic of discussion. SCSI, IDE, and FireWire storage architectures are also important discussion topics. This group is the place where all of this will be posted.  Group: Status: unmoderated Charter:     Video display monitors and video input and output hardware has taken on a much larger role in the past year and that role is only going to increase in the future. Monitors, flatbed and slide scanners, slide makers, projection systems and "video toaster"-style systems and other video production platforms are all topics for discussion in this newsgroup.  Group: comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc Status: unmodertated Charter:     This group is a rename of the current comp.sys.mac.hardware group. It is the place where all other Macintosh hardware related discussion, not covered by the above groups, will go.   comp.sys.mac reorganization Final Vote Ack                                               comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc ------+                                   -----+|                                 ----+||                                                  comp.sys.mac.printing ---+|||                                                                           |||| 7072[email protected]                                        Adam Frix YYYY [email protected]                                     John Jachna YYYY [email protected]                                                Matthew YYYY [email protected]                                      Aaron Schrab YYYY [email protected]                                             abraxas YYYY [email protected]                                     Bob Blackmun YYYY [email protected]                                             Adam C. Engst YYYY [email protected]                                    Adam Calabrese YYYY [email protected]                                           Michael Reed YYYY [email protected]                                       Adrian C Ruigrok YYYY [email protected]                                      Andrew D. Woodard YYYY [email protected]                                          Andrew Treloar YYYY [email protected]                               Anthony Chan YYYY [email protected]                             Carol Conti-Entin NNNN [email protected]                                       Nick Ellison YYYY [email protected]                                          Ainsley YYYN [email protected]                                    Alan K. Thompson YYYY [email protected]                                      Al Varnell YYYY [email protected]                                    Alan Staniforth YYYY [email protected]                                       Alan Danziger YYYY [email protected]                                   Seth Alberts YYYN [email protected]                                      Alexander Gottschalk YYYY [email protected]                                              Ivan Alves YYYY [email protected]                    Andreas Mindt YYYY [email protected]                                               Anne McGuire YYYY [email protected]                                         Alan M. Mathiowetz YYYN [email protected]                                               Anders Ekl|f YYYY [email protected]                                      Robert Spielholz YYYY [email protected]                                  Andrew Templeman YYYY [email protected]                                          Ardiel Soeker YYYY [email protected]                                                     Alex M YYYY [email protected]                                         Adrian Salter YYYY [email protected]                             David Aschkenasy YYYY [email protected]                                        Brian Aslakson YYYY [email protected]                                        Aron S. Spencer NNNN [email protected]                                                  Athas YYY- [email protected]                                          Andrew Laurence YYYY [email protected]                                        Art Treiber YYYY [email protected]                                        Roland Leong YYYY [email protected]                                        Alan X DePietro YYYY [email protected]                        Andrew C. Zmolek YYYY [email protected]                    Katsumi Baba YYYY [email protected]                                   Barry Eynon YYYY [email protected]                                            Barry Nathan YYYY [email protected]                            Barry Tepperman YYYY [email protected]                                                Brian Crum YYYY [email protected]                                      Brian Busch YYYY [email protected]                   Michael Beckmann YYYY [email protected]                                                   Ben Liberman YYYY [email protected]                                             Brian Estes YYYY [email protected]                         Bruce E. Goldstein NNNN [email protected]                                      Birthe Rasmussen Y--- [email protected]                                                 Bill Kaupe YYYN [email protected]                                         Brett L. Kessler YYYY [email protected]                                    Brian K. Jacobsen YYYY [email protected]                                         Brian L. Matthews YYYY [email protected]                      Trevor Blumenau YYYY [email protected]                                 Gregory M. Blumenthal YYYY [email protected]                                Rick Boebel YYYY [email protected]                                   Martin H. Booda YYYY [email protected]                                 William Kevin Bostic YYYY [email protected]                                   david W. dockter YYYY [email protected]                                          Brian Peterson YYYY [email protected]                                         Brian F. Jones YYYY [email protected]                            Brooks Peters YYYY [email protected]                                          David H. Brown YYYN [email protected]                       Kenneth R. Brownsberger YYYY [email protected]                                                             YYYY [email protected]                                             Bob Rudis YYYY [email protected]                                     Bryan Walls YYYY [email protected]                                     Brad Salai YNNN [email protected]                                              Brad Schultz YYYY [email protected]                                  M. Brent Sleeper YYYY [email protected]                                  Brian Stein YYYY [email protected]                                   Bulent Yuceil YYYY [email protected]                          Christian F. Buser YYYY [email protected]                                              Scott Koenig YYYY [email protected]                                     Brendon Smith YYYY [email protected]                                  D. L. Mosher ---N [email protected]                                          Roger L. Long YYYY [email protected]                                       William H. Cabot YYYY [email protected]                                   L. L Campbell YYYY [email protected]                                                John Carr YYYY [email protected]                                             Julio Carrera YYYY catambay#m#[email protected]                   Bill Catambay YYYY [email protected]                                            Bill Catambay YYYY [email protected]                      Charlie Cassidy, Quantum Corp. YYYY [email protected]                                         Rick Spiegel YYYY [email protected]                                        Christopher Jones YYYY [email protected]                                     Carl-Frederic De Celles YYYY [email protected]                                  Charles F Loo -YY- [email protected]                                      Chris Gregory YYYY [email protected]                         Christopher Griggs YYYY [email protected]                             Christopher Houston YYYY [email protected]                                          Mark A. Chaffin YYYY [email protected]                                   Steven Champness YYYY [email protected]                                    Michael C. Cheney YYYN [email protected]                                                         YYYY [email protected]                                     Christian Much NNNY [email protected]                                           Chris Wood YYYY [email protected]                                   Chris Harvey YYYY [email protected]                                         Chuck Conway YYYY [email protected]                                         Chuck Scheffreen YYYY [email protected]                                      Chuck Traylor YYYY [email protected]                                             Chad Jenison YYYY [email protected]                                          Chris Rooney YYYY [email protected]                              Chris Kent Copeland YYYY [email protected]                                   Carl LaCombe YYYY [email protected]                                  Chris Lawson YYYY [email protected]                                    Chris Stamper YYYY [email protected]                                  Chris Pohlhammer YYYY [email protected]                                            Colin A. Brady YYYN [email protected]                                      Colin Bay YYYY [email protected]                                    Thierry Faucounau YYYY [email protected]                                                    YYYY [email protected]                                               Cory Myers YYYY [email protected]                                  Craig A. Heilman YYYY [email protected]                                  James Crawford YYYY [email protected]                                     David Croley YYYY [email protected]                                       David L. Crow YYYY [email protected]                              Christopher Rowe YYYY [email protected]                                  Michael Drechsler YYYY [email protected]                                              Christoph Sold YYYY [email protected]                                    Jason B. Carroll YYYY [email protected]                                               Cliff Tuel YYYY [email protected]                                       J. M. Hicks Y--- [email protected]                                          Chris Garrigues YYYY [email protected]                                      Gary T. Czychi YYYY [email protected]                                                David Berk YYYY [email protected]                                      Dave Garaffa YYYY [email protected]                                         Thomas Wolmer YYYY [email protected]                                               Dale J. Clark YYYY [email protected]                                        Dale LaFountain YYYY [email protected]                                                David Allan YYYY [email protected]                                    Daniel Sobirk YYYY [email protected]                                  Daniel Van Den Broeck YYYY [email protected]                                        Daniel Tartaglia YYNY [email protected]                                            Dan Stenger YYYY [email protected]                                         Darren Challis YYYY [email protected]                                          Darryl Smith YYYY [email protected]                                  Daryl Spitzer YYYY [email protected]                                                      YYY- [email protected]                                             Dave Lorand YYYY [email protected]                                        David Stodolsky YYYY [email protected]                                             David Dee YYYY [email protected]                                     David Lingenfelter YYYY [email protected]                                     David O Smith YYYY [email protected]                                       David G. Adams YYYY [email protected]                                      David Bayly YYYY [email protected]                                  David J. Campbell Jr. YYYY [email protected]                                         Dan Flatin YYYY [email protected]                                                  Derek Chee YYYY [email protected]                                      Dorothy Daybell YYYY [email protected]                                          Brett Norris YYYY [email protected]                                     John R. Delaney YYYY [email protected]                                          Dennis Birch YYYY [email protected]                             Daniel Allen Deufel YYYY [email protected]                                             Ann DeVito YYYY [email protected]                                             David  Williams YYY- [email protected]                                              Donna Ekart: YYYY [email protected]                                               Dave Fleck YYYY [email protected]                                    David Gabriel Gaxiola YYYY [email protected]                Thomas Diessel YYYY [email protected]                                     Douglas H. Ihde YYYY [email protected]                                          David K. Dean YYYY [email protected]                                   Kellee Kramer YYYY [email protected]                                 David Leibowitz YYYY [email protected]                                              Ben Trask YYYY [email protected]                                  Brett B. Doehr YYYY [email protected]                                        Don Stuart YYYY [email protected]                                       Charles Dowse YYYY [email protected]                           David Coster YYYY [email protected]                                  R. Lindberg & E. Winnie YYYY [email protected]                                     David Raitt YYYY [email protected]                                               Dan Hyde YYYY [email protected]                                             Daren Tobert YYY- [email protected]                                                 David Duff YYYY [email protected]                                     David W. Vaklyes YYYY [email protected]                                         Mats Sv{rdsudd YYYY [email protected]                                            Darryl Washington YYYY [email protected]                                                Doug Wade NNNN [email protected]                                            Dave Cheeseman YYYY [email protected]                              Anthony Wilkinson YYYY [email protected]                                         Earl Williams YYYY [email protected]                                               David Eater YYYY [email protected]    Mark Eaton ([email protected] YYYN [email protected]                                     Ellen Brewer YYYY [email protected]                                         Erin Dalzell YYYY [email protected]                                Zachary D. Edmundson YYYY [email protected]                            Edward Lloyd Hillman YYYY [email protected]                                             Eiji Hirai YYYY [email protected]                                    Victor Eijkhout YYYY [email protected]                                    Erik Jensen YYYY [email protected]                                       David Ellsworth YYYY [email protected]                         Hans Peter Engelhard YYYY [email protected]                                      RANDY ENGLISH YYYY [email protected]                                           Emmanuel Rayzal YYYY [email protected]                                           Eric Hill YYYY [email protected]                                          Erik Y. Adams YYYY [email protected]                                                Esa Helttula -Y-Y [email protected]                                    Alex Esser YYYY [email protected]                                          Erik Schwiebert YYYY [email protected]                                         Earl Wagner YYYY [email protected]                                          Ed Wilts YYYY [email protected]                                                  Samu Mielonen YYYY [email protected]                           Frank Horowitz NNNN [email protected]                                           Francis Anderson YYYY [email protected]                         Frank Hartenstein YYYY [email protected]                                      Chris Tate YYYY [email protected]                                       Florian Zettelmeyer YYYY [email protected]                                   Anthony Floyd YYYN [email protected]                                     Frank Marder YYYY [email protected]                                                Gary Ford YYYY [email protected]                                    Franco Tommasi YYYY [email protected]                                   Fred Bremmer YYYY [email protected]                                       Fred J. Berg YYYY [email protected]                                          Dave Frelinger YYYY [email protected]                                 Alan R. Fry YYYY [email protected]                                               Francis Uy Y--Y [email protected]                                  Graham Allsopp YYYY [email protected]                                     Eric Garneau YYYY [email protected]                                          Garry Margolis YYYY [email protected]                                         Gautam Guliani YYYY [email protected]                   Gavan Schneider <[email protected]> YYYY [email protected]                                    Geoff Burian YYYY [email protected]                                       Steven W. Riggins YYYY [email protected]                                     George Lindeberg YYYY [email protected]                             Georg Schwarz NNNN [email protected]                                  Gerald Ostheimer YNNN [email protected]                               Garrett Fitzgerald YYYY [email protected]                              Gary Glen Giulian YYYY [email protected]                                  Gilles Karmasyn YYYY [email protected]                                         Gilles Kuntz YYYN [email protected]                              Keith A. Gillette YYYY [email protected]                                          John W Gintell YYYY [email protected]                                     George Katele YYYY [email protected]                                              Gregory Lauer YYYY [email protected]                                  Guillaume Lessard YNYY [email protected]                                          Gary L. Gray YYYY [email protected]                                       Gary M. Glickman NNNN [email protected]                                   chris goedde YYYY [email protected]                                         Brian Stroud YYYY [email protected]                                   Grant Klassen YYYY [email protected]                                              Kiran WWagle YYYY [email protected]                         Gavriel State YYYY [email protected]                                Joseph B. Gurman NNNN [email protected]                                          Brian Hughes YYYY [email protected]                                                Hans Eriksson YYYY [email protected]                                     Michael Hanson YYYY [email protected]                                       Stephen Harlow YYYY [email protected]                                          Herman Krommenhoek -Y-Y [email protected]                                   Doug McPherson YYYY [email protected]                                        Herb Blair YYYY [email protected]                                          Hemang Patel YYYY [email protected]                               Henry C. Schmitt YYYY [email protected]                               Stephan Heilmayr YYYY [email protected]                                            Herb Effron YYYY [email protected]                          Leonard A. Hermens YYYY [email protected]                                            Art Hicks YYYY [email protected]                                       Lon Hildreth YYYY [email protected]                       Mark Hilmantel YYYY [email protected]                      Hector Italo Moran H. YYYY [email protected]                                          Harry Mueller YYYY [email protected]                                 R. Kent Hodson YYYY [email protected]                             Patrick Hoepfner YYYY [email protected]                                            Dan Hoey ---N [email protected]                                     Ned Holbrook YYYY [email protected]                                            Holly A. Wallace YYYY [email protected]                                 Michael Holmes YYYY [email protected]                                      Robert D. Horton NNNN [email protected]                                      Mike Houghton YYYY [email protected]                    Weston Houghton/Unsane YYYY [email protected]                                   Helen Trillian Rose YYYY [email protected]                                        Howard Schein YYYY [email protected]                                     Hugh Johnson YYYY [email protected]                                       Eric Hustvedt YYYY [email protected]                                      John Hutchinson YNNN [email protected]                                    Ross E. Bergman YYYY [email protected]                                          Ian Orchard YYYY [email protected]                                    Kenji Ichige YYYY [email protected]                                              Igor Livshits YYYY [email protected]                                                     Ivan Baird YYYY [email protected]                                                  Ira Lieberman YYYY [email protected]                         Indranil Mookherjee YYYY [email protected]                           Ivan Ordonez YYYY [email protected]                               Mark E. Irwin YYYY [email protected]                                                    YYYY [email protected]                                 Janet Wheeler YYYY [email protected]                                Jack E. Slingerland YYYY [email protected]                                      Jacob Levison YYYN [email protected]                                             Marcus Jager YNNN [email protected]                                James Berriman YYYY [email protected]                                         Jamie Flournoy YYYY [email protected]                                              Jan R. Johnsen YYYN [email protected]                                                Jay Laefer YYYY [email protected]                                 Jim Bone NNYY [email protected]                                        John A. Base YYYY [email protected]                                        Jason L. Buberel YYYY [email protected]                                         Jay Calvert YYYY [email protected]                                     Jerry Cederquist YYYY [email protected]                             Jonathan Chapman YNYY [email protected]                            Jeff Murphy NNNN [email protected]                                Jeffrey David Cohen YYYY [email protected]                                                 Jim Wong NYYY [email protected]                                   James D. Meiss YNNN [email protected]                                  Johann E. Beda YYYY [email protected]                                              Jeff Jungblut YYYY [email protected]                               SHARON R. JENNINGS YYYY [email protected]                                        Jerry Wilcox YYYY [email protected]                                   Jerry Ackerman YYYY [email protected]                                               Jim Miner YYYY [email protected]                                  Jason F. N. Coffer YYYY [email protected]                                        Jeffrey Ganson YYYY [email protected]                                               Jennek H. Geels YYYY [email protected]                                        John N. Grabill YYYY [email protected]                                                 Jake Peters YYYY [email protected]                                                Joseph Stewart YYYY [email protected]                           Jeremy Joel Reichman YYYY [email protected]                                 Jonathan Ploudre YYYY [email protected]                                        Joel Klecker YYYY [email protected]                                           James Knight YYYY [email protected]                   Jeremy "MacMan" Morris YYYY [email protected]                                           John Noble NNNN [email protected]                                            Joar Nilsson YYYY [email protected]                                    Joel Brogniart YYYY [email protected]                                     Joerg Juenger YYYY [email protected]                               Johan Wretborn YYYY [email protected]                               John W. Komp YYYY [email protected]                                                  John Leslie YYYY [email protected]                                 John T. Linthicum YYYY [email protected]                                  John Norris YNNN [email protected]                                             Matthew Cave YYYY [email protected]                                      Jonathan Lin YYYY [email protected]                                    Jonas Blomberg YYYY [email protected]                                       Jonas Wallden YYYY [email protected]                                   Jonathan Cooper YYYY [email protected]                       Jonathan Baumgartner YYYY [email protected]                                              Trevor Tymchuk YYYY [email protected]                                                   Jor Bratko YYYY [email protected]                                         Mario Jori YYYY [email protected]                                               Jim Owens YYYY [email protected]                                               Joseph Block YYYY [email protected]                                  J. Porter Clark YYYY [email protected]                                 Joseph P. Delaney YYYY [email protected]                                John R. MacWilliamson YYYY [email protected]                                                   John Ro YYYY [email protected]                                              Jeroen Scheerder YYYY [email protected]                                       Sam Bushell YYYY [email protected]                                    Jim Schwartz YYYY [email protected]                                            Jon Bell YYYY [email protected]                                 Jonathan M Richardson YYYY [email protected]                                           Judi Brown YY-Y [email protected]                                     Judianne Ganschow YYYY [email protected]                                           Jonathan Vafai YYYY [email protected]                                            John Vogel YYYY [email protected]                                        John M. Wade YYYY [email protected]                                      James W. Baker II YYYY [email protected]                                          John Wells YYYY [email protected]                                    Jeffrey W. Janner YYYY [email protected]                                         Jason Yom YYYY [email protected]                             Jay Z. James YYYY [email protected]                        Karl Henrik Sivesind YYYY [email protected]                                 Karl A. Erickson YYYY [email protected]                                    Steven Kahrs YYYY [email protected]                             Seiji Kaneko YYYN [email protected]                                       Keith A Rosenman YYYY [email protected]                            Geoffrey Keating YYYY [email protected]                                              Kees Huyser YYYY [email protected]                                            Drake Winters YYYY [email protected]                                      Ken Griffiths YYYY [email protected]                                                Ken Baker YYYY [email protected]                                                  Ken Hancock NNNN [email protected]                                               Brian Kenney NNNN [email protected]                                  Kerrin J Pine NNNN [email protected]                         Kevin Michael Vail YYYY [email protected]                                          Ken Fredholm YYYY [email protected]                                    Simon Kidd YYYY [email protected]                               Frank Miedreich YYYY [email protected]                                 Martin Koechy YYYY [email protected]                                           Kurt Kohler YYYY [email protected]                                             Lewis Butler YYYY [email protected]                           Kristy Patterson YYYY [email protected]                                         Lord Julian YYYY [email protected]                                              Kurt Tiedtke YYY- [email protected]                                       Illya Kuryakin YYYY [email protected]                                     [email protected] YYYY [email protected]                                   Martin Schr"oder YYYY [email protected]                                         Luis Alcazar-Roman YYNY [email protected]                                      Matt Langford YYYY [email protected]                                      Lanis LeBaron YYYY [email protected]                                           Lantz Rowland YYYY [email protected]                                LARRY HATMAKER YYYY [email protected]                                         Lars Wessels YYYY [email protected]                             Dr. C. Matthias Laucht YYYY [email protected]                                        Lauri Valsta YYYY [email protected]                                    Lowell D. Lacy YYYY [email protected]                                             Bob LeBailly YYYY [email protected]                                             Kurt Lieber YYYY [email protected]                                              Steve Lemke YYYY [email protected]                                   Glenn Carnagey YYYY [email protected]                           Lionel Artom-Ginzburg NYY- [email protected]                                      Larry Gorbet YYYY [email protected]                                          Peter Liden YYYY [email protected]                                        Jay Lieske Jr YYYY [email protected]                                     Lisa Bjarke YYYY [email protected]                              David Liston YYYY [email protected]                                        Alan Liu YYYY [email protected]                                  Lee Larson YYYY [email protected]                                         Jim Loats YYYY [email protected]                                   infinite knowledge ! YYNN [email protected]                                         Louis C. Lam YYYY [email protected]                                        Luis A. Rodriguez YYYY [email protected]                                         Larry Rosenstein YYYY [email protected]                                    Alan Zonderman YYYY [email protected]                                              Jim Lyons YYYY [email protected]                              Michael Probets YYYY [email protected]                                                 Ed Casey YYYY [email protected]                                             Joe Gagnon YYYY [email protected]                                          Mauro Croci YYYY [email protected]                              Andrew G. Malis YYYY [email protected]                            Mark S Gallucci YYYY [email protected]                                       Mark Johnson YYYY [email protected]                                  Mark McIntosh YYYY [email protected]                                          Mark R. Williamson YYYY [email protected]                          Mark A. Wilson-Thomas YYYY [email protected]                                    Martin Jourdan YYYY [email protected]                              Steven R. Costenoble YYYY [email protected]                                             Mike May YY-Y [email protected]                                            Carlo Viviani YYYY [email protected]                                        Swee H. Oon YYYY [email protected]                                              Rob McCleave YYYY [email protected]                                    mark david mcCreary YYYY [email protected]                                      Michael A. McGuire YYYY [email protected]                                         Gary L. McKnight YYYY [email protected]                                      Matthew D. Boxberger YYYY [email protected]                                     Manuel Delafortrie YYYY [email protected]                                      Michael Eckert NNNN [email protected]                                           Andrew Meggs YYNY [email protected]                                                  Ted Lemon YYYY [email protected]                           Stephen Merkowitz YYYY [email protected]                                         Russell Harmon NYYY [email protected]                                                    David Metz YYYY [email protected]                                      Michael E. Zwick NNNN [email protected]                                              Mark Sauder YYYY [email protected]                             Mike Fulmer YYYY [email protected]                             Michael L. Gessler YYYY [email protected]                                             Mike Hatz NNNN [email protected]                                Michael Hooper YYYY [email protected]                                               Mike McCammon NNNN [email protected]                                        Mike Elness YYYY [email protected]                                             Mike Carlson YYY- [email protected]                                     Michael W. Wellman YYYY [email protected]                                        Michael Quinlan NNNN [email protected]                                            Joe Milligan YY-Y [email protected]                                          Charles H. Mingo YYYY [email protected]                                          Miraz Jordan YYYY [email protected]                                         Conan Gorbey YYYY [email protected]                                                  Mike Burnett YYYY [email protected]                                Michael M Johnson YYYY [email protected]                                     Mark Stevens YYYY [email protected]                                    Mark McKean YYYY [email protected]                                            M Mike Taksar ---- [email protected]                                               mark (m.n.) hume YYYY [email protected]                                       Jeff Tupper YYYY [email protected]                                      Morris Green YYYY [email protected]                            Morton G. Butler <[email protected]> YYYY [email protected]                                  Michael Robert Peck YYYY [email protected]                                           Matthew Pritzker YYYY [email protected]                                      Michael Rapp YYYY [email protected]                                            Michael Roman YYYY [email protected]                        Michael Sattler, San Francisco YYYY [email protected]                                        Maria Shugars YYYY [email protected]                            Mike Cutter YYYY [email protected]                                          Karlis Musa YYYY [email protected]                                                        YYYY [email protected]                                      Marc Farnum Rendino YYYY [email protected]                                MEREDITH DENTON-HEDRICK YYYY [email protected]                           Michael M. Frazier YYYY [email protected]                                Michael Thibault NNNN [email protected]                                 Brooks Seymore YYYY!!juergen                Juergen Schroth -YYY [email protected]                             Nathanael Henderson YYYY [email protected]                         Nancy Vandermey YYY- [email protected]                                        Nathan Mehl YYYN [email protected]                                           Noah Bast YYYY [email protected]                                          Ian Neath YYYY [email protected]                                   Matthias Neeracher YYYY [email protected]                                            Neil Brown YYYY [email protected]                                          neil (n.) justusson YYYY [email protected]                                  Nick Perry YYYY [email protected]                                     Nick Ingegneri NNNN [email protected]                                     Nicholas Rosov YYYY [email protected]                                           Noah Iliinsky YYYY [email protected]                                              Fig YYYY [email protected]                                       Tim North YYYY [email protected]                                         Bob Litt YYYY [email protected]                                       Nathan S. Morris YYYY [email protected]                                                   Ed Ochi YYYY [email protected]                                           Bruce Oltman YYYY [email protected]                               John O'Malley YYYY [email protected]                                    Bruce O'Neel YYYY [email protected]                              Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren YYYY [email protected]                                      David Phillip Oster YYYY [email protected]                                 M. "Mac & Me" Otto) ---- [email protected]                                             Owen Watson YYYY [email protected]          =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8yvind_Matheson_Wergeland?= YYYY [email protected]                                         Peter KERR  YYYY [email protected]                                      Bruce Arneson YYYN [email protected]                               Christopher Smith NNNN [email protected]                                       Paul Duckenfield NNNN [email protected]                                             Mike Dewit YYYY [email protected]                                  Bill Paplham YYYY [email protected]                                   Brian T Park NYYY [email protected]                                      John S Parker YYYY [email protected]                                            Puneet Pasrich YYYY [email protected]                                                  Pat Sullivan YYYY [email protected]                                 Scott D. Patlin YYYY [email protected]                                        Paul Westbrook YYYY [email protected]                                     Paul Colquhoun YYYY [email protected]                                            paul spurgeon YYYY [email protected]                                       Harry Payne YYYY [email protected]                                             P Brooks YYYY [email protected]                                                      phil reed YYYY [email protected]                                   Paul Donahue YYYY [email protected]                                       Peter Wemm YYYY [email protected]                                              Uwe Peter YYYY [email protected]                                       Peter Lees YYYY [email protected]                                        Paul A. Godley YYYY [email protected]                                           Bilal A. Bhutta YYYY [email protected]                           Philip Gross YYYY [email protected]                                           Philippe Razac YYYY [email protected]                                          Paul Hoffman YYYY [email protected]                                          Murray Pickard YYYY [email protected]                                              pilgrim YY-- [email protected]                                   Susan Pinochet YYYY [email protected]                                            Pat Kelly YYYY [email protected]                                      Paul L. Suh YYYY [email protected]                                        Patrick Magruder YYYY [email protected]                                            Paul M. Lambert YYYY [email protected]                                   Dave Poindexter YYYY [email protected]                                     Tom Pollard YYYY [email protected]                             Ernst Mulder YYYY [email protected]                                    Roland F. Portman YYYY [email protected]                                   Francois Pottier YYYY [email protected]                                   Peter H. Jergens YYYY [email protected]                                    Steve Hyman YYYY [email protected]                               Michelle Mader YYYY [email protected]                                      Peter Schneider YYYY [email protected]                                   Peter V. Gadjokov -YYY [email protected]                                      Pirawat Watanapongse YYYY [email protected]                                           Peter Kocourek YYYY [email protected]                                         Quentin E. Walker YYYY [email protected]                                            Tim Rushing YNNN [email protected]                                  Raynald Comtois YYYY [email protected]                                         Rebecca Drayer YYYY [email protected]                                          Ralph Brandi YYYY [email protected]                                         Randy Boring YYYY [email protected]                                      Robert Shillner YYYY [email protected]                                                   bob pasker YYY- [email protected]                                  Roger Wiegand YYYY [email protected]                                         Rick Dieringer YYYY [email protected]                                          Roland K. Hall YYYY [email protected]                                 Mark E. Richards YYYY [email protected]                     Richard Frankel YYYY [email protected]                                           Richard Miller YYYY [email protected]                                   Rinus Boone YYYY [email protected]                                         Bob Butera YYYY [email protected]                                  Richard Kunert NNNN [email protected]                               Robert L. Sieber YYYN [email protected]                                      Robert Mark YYYY [email protected]                                             Mark Burgess YYYY [email protected]                                  Robert Macfarlane YYYY [email protected]                                             Robert Cohen YYYY [email protected]                                           ROB REES YYYY [email protected]                                           Robert Ferguson YYYY [email protected]                                        robsmith ---N [email protected]                                         David Romani YYYY [email protected]                                         Tom Phoenix YYYY [email protected]                                     Ross Dickson YYYY [email protected]                                    Randall W. Routt YYNY [email protected]                                        Ronald G. Parsons YYYY [email protected]                                  Reina Pennington YYYY [email protected]                                                  Rob Pluta YYYY [email protected]                                             Ray Sanders YYYY [email protected]                                     K. RICK SCHULTZ YYYY [email protected]                                      Russell S. Finn YYYY [email protected]                                               jens rupp YYYY [email protected]                                             Rus Sheptak YYYY [email protected]                                           R H Bubley Y--- [email protected]                                              Risto Virtanen YYYY [email protected]                                        Chip Ach YYYY [email protected]                                      Robert E. Winston YYYY [email protected]                             Siegfried Gschaider YYYY [email protected]                                 Edward J. Sabol NNNN [email protected]                                 Frank Salleo YYYY [email protected]                               Erick M. Santos YYYY [email protected]                                        Kevin Savetz YYYY [email protected]                                    Brad Sawatzky YYYY [email protected]                                  Aaron Sawdey YYYY [email protected]                                   Scott Plaetzer YYYY [email protected]                           Stuart M. Castergine YYYY [email protected]                                     Bill Stewart-Cole YYYY [email protected]                                       Steve Fenwick YYYY [email protected]                             Thomas Scherer YYYY [email protected]                         Rick Schertz YYYY [email protected]                                         Frank Schima YYYY [email protected]                                           Joshua Tsvi Gamse YYYY [email protected]                                 Geoffrey E. Sanders NNNN [email protected]                                     D. A. Scocca YYYY [email protected]                                            Scott Douglass YYYY [email protected]                                    Scott Darlington YYYY [email protected]                                     Simon Cousins YYYY [email protected]                                Suman Chakrabarti YYYY [email protected]                                      Dave Sell YYYY [email protected]                                 andrew shieh YYYY [email protected]                                    Kimron Shapiro YYYY [email protected]                                                    David SHAW YYYY [email protected]                                             Shawn Connelly YYYY [email protected]                                            John Shultz YYYY [email protected]                                   Morten Sidelmann YYYY [email protected]                                      Simon Brownlee YYYY [email protected]                                    Steven Inglis YYYY [email protected]                                      michael swartzbeck NNNN [email protected]                                              Bienvenu Jay YYYY [email protected]                                                    Steve Lim YYYN [email protected]                                     Sally L. Gewalt YYYY [email protected]                                   Scott Lopez YYYY [email protected]                                        Cyrus Harmon YYYY [email protected]                                                Richard Smith YYYY [email protected]                                   DANIEL RILEY YYYY [email protected]                                          Janne Snabb YYYY [email protected]                                        Mattias Fornander YYYY [email protected]                                    Sol Mumey YYYY [email protected]                                                  Peter Speck YYYY [email protected]                               Simon Plint YYYY [email protected]                                       John Springer YYYY [email protected]                            Stephen &roo Sample YYYY [email protected]                                    st92k7da YYYY [email protected]                                             Dwight Brown NNNN [email protected]                                               Stan Kerr YYYY [email protected]                                            Mel Stanley YYYN [email protected]                                         Stan Witkowski YYYY [email protected]                                     Scott L. Taylor YYYY [email protected]                                     Stefan Strand YYYY [email protected]                                     Steinar Moum YYYY [email protected]                                             Mike Steiner YYYY [email protected]                               STEPHAN ANAGNOSTARAS YYYN [email protected]                           Stephan J.C. Eggermont YYYY [email protected]                                 Stephen Hardy YNNN [email protected]                                             Steve Webert YYYY [email protected]                                      Steven Axdal YYYY [email protected]                             Steve Rogers YYYY [email protected]                                    Tim Sullivan YYYY [email protected]                      David P. Summers YYYY [email protected]                               Steven Whatley YYYY [email protected]                                             Sunil Bhatla YYYY [email protected]                    Cal Mercer - UACN Systems Prgmr. YYYY [email protected]                            Timothy M. Aldrich YYYY [email protected]                                         Thomas P. Bacus YYYY [email protected]                        Lani Teshima-Miller YYYY [email protected]                                             Todd Ferris YYYY [email protected]                                        Tom Gerstel YYYY [email protected]                                  Timothy Gottrich YYYY [email protected]                                            Jacem Tissaoui YYYN [email protected]                                        Topi J=E4rvinen YYNY [email protected]                                         Timmy Km Lau YYNY [email protected]                             Travis Mooney YYYY [email protected]                                     Tracy Nelson YYYY [email protected]                                          Thomas Fairfield YYYY [email protected]                                             Tom Schott YYYY [email protected]                                    Tim Guinn YYYY [email protected]                                     Trevor Williams YYYY [email protected]                                           Chris Trimble NNNN [email protected]                                     Toshihiko Takeuchi YYYY [email protected]                                          Theo Van Riet NYNY [email protected]                                           Thomas P. Tweed YYYY [email protected]                                             Todd W. Johnson YYYY [email protected]                                        Theodore W. Leung YYYY [email protected]                            Harald Felgner YYYY [email protected]                               Roger D. Parish YYYY [email protected]                                     Ole Saalmann YYYY [email protected]                                   Martin Schwarz YYYY [email protected]                                              Dave Umbaugh YYYY [email protected]                                          Jason Untulis YYYY [email protected]                                             Eric Ladner YYY- [email protected]                                          Shannon Smith YYYY [email protected]                                  Albert Van de Paar YYY- [email protected]                                 Yi-Jian Lee YYYY [email protected]                                        Shawn V. Hernan YYYY [email protected]                                              Dave YYYY [email protected]                                         Tim Valus YYYY [email protected]                                                 Andrew YYY- [email protected]                                            VIRGIL FINLEY YYYY [email protected]                                         Victor Orly YYYY [email protected]                               Vincent J. Tedesco III YYYY [email protected]                                                Mehalek YYYN [email protected]                                    Cary R. W. Voss YYYY [email protected]                                             Bob Yountz YYYY [email protected]                                         Robert Wade YNNN [email protected]                                        Walter Quirtmair YYYY [email protected]                                           Wayne Davis YYYY [email protected]                                               Warren Craig YYYY [email protected]                                   William R. Dickson YYYY [email protected]                                       Ken Bosward YYYY [email protected]                                             Weldon Dodd YYYY [email protected]                                               Derrell Wells YYYY [email protected]                         Till Westmann YYYY [email protected]                                               Wes Gaige YYYY [email protected]                                        Will Iverson YYYY [email protected]                         Heidi Wiesenfelder YYYY [email protected]                                        Larry Wink NNNN [email protected]                                              Hanno Wirth YYYY [email protected]                                               Rob Worman YYYY [email protected]                                               W.R. Giacona NNNN [email protected]                                              Ross Honey YYYY [email protected]                                      Billy Harris YYYN [email protected]                                         Andreas Wuertz YYYY [email protected]                                         Chris Barrus YYYY [email protected]                                          Gene McNay YYYY [email protected]                                      Bill Young YYYY [email protected]                                        Michael Zagnoev NNNN [email protected]                                             Eugene Lee YYYN [email protected]                                                   Zeke Koch YYYY [email protected]                                    Scott Ziegler YYYY   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                              Andreas Jaensch    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               Andreas Netzer    ! No ballot [email protected]                                              Steven H. A. Axdal    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               Bob Minkus    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                           Gary J LaPointe    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                        Yotam Gingold    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                   Joung-woo John Kim    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               O Soliman    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Craig McFarlane    ! No vote statement in message  
BIG-8 hierarchies are the 8 traditional top hierarchies of the Usenet. See the following page for more
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